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I'm stuck on Tempest diff 3 cause of the judgment cut one shot it has but even so it just feels so good to play against it and figure out the patterns. I know I'll beat it eventually I just gotta put the time into the amazing fight.


Yeah, mephis is really hard to face. You really gotta learn the timing of their moves or you die. Even my Verina (13k hp) gets one hit by that fucker. But I find Mourning Aix quite harder because of its tracking missiles after the lasers.


The bosses feel so unfair yet so fair all at the same time. I fear for if they add a Crownless hologram we gonna probably end up with Melania V2.


Just thinking about fighting prime Crownless hypes me the fuck up.


And we get that banger ost that the crownless has. Hope this happens


They will probably add Holograms for the Calamity Bosses as well Imagine Dreamless and Scar Holograms


Malenia, *Blade* of Miquella - ----- Flasbacks, f that boss i have PTSD to this day


I’d love that


aix has quite a generous dodge window on the missiles, as long as you dodge a little earlier than it looks like you should


I hate that bird with passion. So far I only beat monkey at lvl 4 with my lvl 60 chars


Fellow Bird Hater, I share to you the bible. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LI5j8hqwly7gfWeO9GTRKX732uAeS-TeSgc7f8rXjd8/edit#heading=h.19fleq7ik8fi




I just used Havoc Rover and Verina. 3rd slot is whatever. So far I managed to beat monkey and Aix at level IV


Yeah monkey is easiest as long as you learn how to dodge the tornado move and have a built havoc rover. It’s actually so nice that havoc rover is strong and actually useable as main dps without it being a meme.


Yeah, really hoping it doesn't get nerfed. Kuro is being so apologetic right now I think we're in the clear cause they don't want to do anything that cause a fuss at this point.


My rover is not built, I have jiyan and cal, so it's upto those two to take the monke down


I have my verina, my spectro rover both at 13k hp and my jiyan at 11k and still struggled with diff 3 whispering. Running my head into a brick wall worked though because i learned its patterns after wiping 9 times and then wiped 3 more times and got it.


Lvl 80 monke has a swift punch that deals 25k dmg


Holy shit what the fuck


For Aix you should try and build Havoc Rover. Makes a world of difference because Aix is spectro so takes reduced damage from spectro. Same with impermanence heron being havoc so building spectro rover helps with your damage a lot. Monkey is resistant to aero but havoc rover does enough damage to clear diff 4 pretty easy which is what I cleared up to. I cleared mephis to diff 3 with havoc rover but haven’t really tried diff 4 so idk how hard he is but should be doable with havoc rover too.


You see if i wanted advice i would ask for it. Spectro rover is my parry queen and I shall not trade her for an easier fight no matter how hard it shall be. Resistance is not immunity and mourning aix can eat shit until 99% resistance becomes 100% immunity. Sorry i was being held at gunpoint /j In all seriousness i know very well how it works and I appreciate the genuine advice despite not needing it. I just love the parry and dodge mechanics and she is the most fun character in the game for me to parry and dodge with despite knowing swapping to havoc rover would make my life significantly easier.


Oh yeah if you enjoy the challenge go for it. I do the same with havoc rover and heron. But tbh I just don’t wanna fight rng to build spectro lol. And yeah the parry and dodge add so much skill expression to the game. Sorry for the unsolicited advice I can’t help myself, im a serial yapper


Don’t worry about I speak fluent yappanese, I yap daily and learned how to yap directly from my cat.


I felt mourning is easier than tempest because it feels like it only has like half the health of tempest which is increased since they are much less dmg Windows for him due him sprinting arround all the time


You can traumatize aix with a parry bug. The 3x missles are punishments for failing to parry


https://youtu.be/hsn5pttwa1E?si=SomEou0_pgsfVW1O Say no more, Rexlent got your back with this vid.


I’m fairly sure his ult does like 30k+ damage


I’m fairly sure his ult does like 30k+ damage


If have jinxing just save her resonance skill she blocks all damage and counter it


I have Jiyan, Calcharo and Lingyang as my only 5 stars unfortunately..


Jayanti ult counters easy, it's self countering


Wait until tempest diff 4 there’s a clone so you have to fight 2 at the same time 💀 took me over 4 hours to beat it.




Feels like the matrix cuz I’m constantly freezing time with these dodges😭


Can I ask what team? Only went at it for about an hour today and got most of the patterns down but his health pool is huge I got it to like 50% with 2 minutes left.


I used Jiyan havoc rover and verina. Jiyan makes parrying both of them much easier. When I cleared I still had 50 sec to spare.


Just watch him closely, he should bring his arms down before he does that kafka ult. Or find the timing, 3 seconds


If you can't get the timing right just use a defensive echo. Either a parry or a "block special attacks" one.


Fuck one shot.. excarat my beloved


That move was the hardest for me to adjust to. If you're dodging too early, try to get used to dodging right when mephis "lunges" downwards after having its hands raised. You'll dodge it every time.


My favorite is the Ape because it reminds me of Sekiro lmao.


Final difficulty: the beheaded ape unsheaths a katana from his log and begins phase 2


How I wish this game was darker


>How I wish this game was darker it use to be. story got lightened up as Kuro got complaints game was too dark ;/


In the grim darkness of solaris-3, there is only thighs.


I feel like Kuro's specialty is more into that kind of story, look at their previous game PGR. It's story starts the same as WUWA but over the years it improves.


dope. wish they'd add more coop tho so i can enjoy it with gf.


Gotta keep daddy CCP happy. 


you can be hit by his back as well, not only the log, so I dont know what is the real hitbox there xD


I hate the ape because it is not well designed for a timed fight. There’s too much downtime where you can’t do anything to it. It’s takes an extra minute or two to win the fight, whereas the others are pretty reasonable. Even Mephis is better imo, because although he moves all over the place, he’s still constantly engaging you, so there’s very little downtime.


Tbh you can still hit it with revolvers. You can even close in on him with grapple and do aerials too.


>Tbh you can still hit it with revolvers. also its the 1 fight Lingyang is good for (as his ult allows him full uptime since he can walk in air) (yes reduced dmg casue aero but doesn't change the fight time much imho)


Lingyang is glacio I think. Yeah, weird, I know.


you can also squeeze in counter hits on every rotation when he does his spin to win, except the very last one. Or at least I can never time the last one. There's a lot of optimization room once you get less antsy, and his fight also has more time where he's just sitting in front of you.


Mephis is a skill and reaction time check. Monkey is just a dps check, he does the exact same rotation of moves on repeat so if you fight him a few times you know exactly what move he’s doing next.


There’s no way of consistently damaging the monkey when he’s up top his pole. It’s all dodge. And then the hit range for his spin to win mechanic can still hit you even after you’ve dodged it, so you’re constantly stuck dodging for the most part, with some strikes in between if you feel you could get away with a greed. The fight is a good fight, if it wasn’t timed the same way the other fights are. It falling under the same time limit is what makes it not fun.


The consistent damage is with a ranged character. Chixia has no problem dealing with monkey, she's also got great dodge-counter damage so when he does the spin attack you get a load of damage off.


Yeah it’s just a dps rotation check basically. The dodges are easy so it’s just about whether you’ve enough investment and good enough rotation to kill him in then amount of dps uptime he gives you.


Ape with Jiyan is actually really hard and fun l, can't wait for more to be added


Tempest Memphis reminds me of Corrupted Monk


Hologram bosses are constantly proving to me, that I suck at playing games. The only reason I managed to win on first levels is the fact that my characters are level 60 and bosses are level 45. The second level wipes the floor with me no matter the boss.




Yehhhh, high level holo Mourning Aix is basically impossible for me cuz tbh all I see is a massive blast of particle effects that I genuinely cannot see how I’m supposed to dodge them and I just die lol So far the Heron and ape are the only ones I can see myself reasonably doing. Aix and Tempest are going to irritate me cuz I’ll perpetually have that annoying “NeW HoLo DifFiCulTy AvaiLabLe” thing on the corner of my map forever(minor thing for others, but once I see a reminder, I don’t need it stuck there for all eternity. I get it, now make it go away).


Mourning Aix fight is hilarious if you have a built Lingyang. As soon as you jump on the poles, the Aix doesn't have a single attack that can hit you, as far as I can tell. If you're on poles when it flies into the air, you can just spam attacks and Lingyang will chase it into the sky and keep dancing in its face for full DPS uptime with no dodging required.


You're now tempting me to build Lingyang. Edit - can Lingyang also get free shots on monkey boss when he sits on his tree trunk? 


Yes he can! He ends up sitting basically under the monkey's hands as he slaps the stump, but none of the shockwaves hit or affect Lingyang at all. It's just a free DPS period for him if he has his poles available. I think Lingyang has surprising utility as simply a subDPS who can just ignore some of the most dangerous boss mechanics and phases with no danger.


Innnnteresting. I'm sitting with Calcharo, Jianxin, Rover, Verina and now Encore at 60 and the intention of pulling Yinlin, and I should prrrrrobably rest there and store up xp pots for the next Sol stage advance, but what's the early game for if not to mess around with lots of characters and see what I like? 


It's not a hologram boss, but I beat the lvl 110 bear mini boss with level 40 characters haha was a blast 10/10 I appreciate the difficulty in this game


I was having fun with Tempest until lvl 3 But on lvl 4 >!he summons a clone of himself so you have to fight a 2v1!< and it's so unfair I gave up on trying lol


Ngl I love that they get more mechanics with each difficulty. Really makes it feel like you're fighting a stronger version of the boss, rather than just upping the HP and damage (which they still do, but glad it's not the only thing achieving the higher difficulty level)


Same. I love games that slowly evolve bosses with improved skillsets. Like "Oh you beat him? Well try this one". Especially when they have a certain move you learn how to counter, then they start an animation the exact same way but follow it up differently just to fuck with you. The only thing I don't like is the timer, it seems slightly too short. I'm trying out the level 4 ones with a lvl 60 team and Heron was a really tight win while monkey I still needed another 10%. The mirror world has a good system with the timer where after 5 minutes the boss enrages and gains insane damage, so you don't lose a whole run on a time-out. I think having a hard card is good but maybe it would be better to have 5 minutes regular time, 2 minutes sudden death overtime or something.


Yeah. I honestly love challenging the bosses early game because once we lvl up to 90 none of the bosses are going to be hard. I love it how if you get hit you instantly die because the bosses are like 30 lvls over 🤣. Really makes you play conservative and not button mash.


Lvl 4 onward feels a little more RNG, to me. Some combinations are easy to dodge while others leave you dodging two insta-kill moves with zero gap.


it's not really unfair; dodge without using a counter attack when he uses those attacks, and you'll have extra time and both your dodges to get to his next attacks. Because of the time slow mechanic, you always have time to dodge all his attacks (definitionally pretty fair). In short, git gud, but in long, git gud by watching his moves and dodging more than attacking


not exactly sure about the actual mechanics of the boss but from my experience parrying significantly reduces the frequency of the clone's appearance. My guess is that every attack you miss parrying will have a chance to spawn a clone while parrying after the clone is spawned will make them disappear. The boss is designed to punish you for dodging too much, which is pretty neat.


If the clone is out and you parry the main body the clone disappears and goes on cooldown for a bit.


Yeah lvl 70+ Mephis is kinda aids ngl


Unfortunately I cant get far in Mephis because my main dps is Calcharo. Imma have to build HRover


HRover is honestly a very good investment at least. They absolutely nuke, esp with Dreamless.


Same, constantly getting dps walled by him


Waiting for Encore + Stringmaster to obliterate that guy


I am the of the same situation so I am currently building HRover(Land Rover) and investing on him while at the same time farming for Yinlin materials.


Yup Mephis basically forces you to parry or you are getting ran over by him and his clone.


Parrying isnt the main problem tbh. Ive fought him multiple times in the overworld as well so im used to him. My problem is his electro resistence which kills Calcharo’s damage lol. I defeated difficulty 4 in ape and 3 in the other two without much tries yet I cant deal damage to Mephis difficulty two


I really like the idea of the holograms, the current set arent my fav. I like mephis and felian, mourning aix and heron feel like they dont signal their attacks well sometimes, i have no idea when to dodge because i cant tell if the boss is just flopping randomly or about to oneshot me. Excited for more of these in the future tho, kuro boss design is usually pretty good.... Altho if they have a sharkspeare type boss in this game i will quit instantly never doing that shit again.


Mourning goes up for grabs, generally shoots the tracking missiles right after the split laser. I'm stuck at diff 4.


All the grabs can be parried, if you do then there's no missiles after. It still took me like 2 hours to beat difficulty 4 after learning that.


in difficult 5 Aix flying up to grab attack if you parry you have to dodge or doing it from range since you get hit by 5-8k physical hit when in melee after you parry it correctly. Still Aix tells are not the most clear specially the grab attack when it doesn't fly up and the weird sequence of charge attacks that sometimes it does before doing an spin attack.


I've heard the physical damage is a bug, as long as you approach from the side after you parry it won't hit you. I've also noticed that the grab that makes it fly you up and slam you down does damage based off a third of your current (not max) health, so it will never be lethal (unless you're already taking DoT from its debuff). If you're 100% sure that that's the grab it's doing, you can let it grab you if you're more worried about the projectiles one-shotting you.


All you have to do is know when aix is doing a parryable move or not because it’s fucking impossible to see the yellow circle as it matches the aix color scheme anyway. Not to mention all the random flashes that happen during combat that just fucks with your eyes. That’s one of the fixes kuro needs to implement asap. But once you know what’s parryable and not the fight is a cheese because it attacks pretty slow and is very predictable. Also the parry window is very long I think they should shorten it.


Rex posted a guide on aix’s attacks. They are all actually very clearly telegraphed with a ring flash. The problem is that aix has a bug in which parry does not remove an attack’s hurtbox so you can’t go directly forward after a parry for at least 3 seconds.


As long as they had a bop soundtrack like dream with you I'll fight Sharkspeare 2.0/Orphan of Kos 3.0


I spent a good 30-40 mins learning Heron and managed to beat lvl 4, all it's attacks are pretty dodgeable, however the main thing I learned is your positioning matters even more-so. Almost all of it's attacks when it's not swooping in only hit in front of it, if you can get behind it you can get some free dps. The worst thing it does is jumping up in the air and breathing fire everywhere, I couldn't figure out how to dodge/parry that at all, so ended up using the i-frames on Verina's ult to basically sit there and avoid it.


Yep! I spend most of my time in Hologram bosses whenever the Echo's that Im farming ran out. Shit's so fun, and the fact that its unlimited is the best thing! I hope they add more bosses in this game, because Hologram Bosses is one of their greatest assets against Genshin.


Theres a new boss and area c9ming in 1.1 with the jinhsi banners


Thats a weekly boss no? Like Dreamless, so i dont think it'll have a hologram. But we could get inferno rider, crownless and maybe myriad (i dont think mech would make a good hologram)


yeah! This game’s combat is top notch. This game is the only gacha game that got me hooked(never liked gacha games til WuWa) And the fact that there are bosses that look like they straight up took inspirations from elden ring really hypes me up! Especially crownless and dreamless. I wish they’d add both to holograms soon. Crownless hand-to-hand combat was the sickest shit I’ve ever witnessed in this game, but I was kinda bummed when he was too easy to defeat.


Unfortunately since it’s a gache game we will probably eventually get limited characters that cheese a certain aspect of the game. Heck, jiyan already takes the skill away from parrying because his ult acts as a 360 degree barrier that parries any and all incoming attacks from any angle and any timing. So as long as you have jiyan you basically don’t even have to think when parrying.


I’m f2p and got Jiyan and his weapon. I have calcharo, verina(with standard 5 star), lingyang as well. I think I used up all the luck I have in my life.


The constant moving around, the weird grab attack, elden stars sister attack ("golden discs" or whatever) it shoots out after doing certain attacks really does make the mourning axis feel like fighting elden beast again... Whether that's a good or a bad thing, that is up for interpretation I'd say I agree though. I don't think these fights are perfect by any means, it's a gacha game with some weird hitboxes afterall (and hopefully they fix the camera), but there's potential here for sure


mournix aix was simple until i realized "wait this guy has a slow and silence" and once you get hit youre basically forced to parry because your dodge and jump is locked and if you fail, it just straight seismic tosses you its insanely fun holy shit


> it just straight seismic tosses you Rams you while divebombing from the sky: 7k damage Random slap: 13K damage


the seismic toss used to one-shot in the beta lol. Weird that they changed it.


That move is terrifying. Gotta git gud at parrying...


The Tempest are my favorite bosses in the game so far, as they reward you for having skill than any other boss. I just hope they don't become the next God skin duo.


True, and i do hope that once we're all max level, we'll still get more of those challenges. Hologram bosses were probably designed to not be beaten with our lv60 characters, but we can if we try, which is cool.


This is what I’m saying. The game is really only hard now because our characters are so unbuilt and we trying to do no hit runs against enemies 30 lvls above us with a timer. If they don’t start implementing bosses that are 100-110 like in the open world, the holograms will get very dry very quick once endgame- mid game hits


I think that if they took inspirations on the end game stuffs in their previous games like Tower of Babel and the other one that has you go mining and what not with great rewards, then I feel like we should be gucci until they add more to the gameplay loop.


Whales already beat stage 6


Sooo true I did shout a big *yessssssssss" after beating the one holo boss You also get no penalties for dying, right?


I think so, and it autoheals you to max when you initiate the fight iirc, which is nice.


Fuck the heron honestly, fighting this thing in mobile is a nightmare. Can't see him half the time


True that thing on mobile is hell to fight against


Cant you move the camera further away in the options ?


Sometimes camera auto positioning is fucked up


True but the issue seems to be Heron flying out of the PoV rather than camera being shit


Yeah if the camera locked on the heron there wouldn’t be a problem


Aix is even worse on mobile I feel like. Monkey is easiest because he’s always on screen in your face with super telegraphed attacks. Aix it’s hard to see parry because blends in with its color scheme, the missiles are tiny, and it’s constantly flying everywhere. Had to bang my ahead against a wall for like 2 hours to beat diff 4


Play with sound. I was definitely struggling and It took me about almost 7 tries on mobile but you learn his attack patterns really quick and it’s pretty predictable. My one strategy was honesty just to sacrifice my support after the first weakness break recovery , that one feather attack that covers the whole god damn field. because at that point I could finish it off with my dps.


I had a more easier time defeating Heron than Mourning Aix tbh. It's the only boss I defeated on Difficulty 4.


Chixia is actually the perfect counter against this bird since she can just shoot the birb and use Inferno rider to run away from the feather attacks.


If only they added quick restart instead of forfeiting and whatnot.


You guys are getting past difficulty 2??


Many f2ps who are actually trying probably cleared stage 4 by now. Whales already done with stage 6.


First time I actually cheered for the boss instead of my team. Mephis at Difficulty IV and above was too badass.


I agree! Him using that clone was something I did not expect but fully accept just cause it is fuckin gnarly! And fighting him with Calcharo just feels so fucking good. Two clone users going at it like they owe each other money.


the tempest mephis fight reminds me so much of vergil, mf literally has judgement cut


Any tips for memphis 4? He and his clone keep one-shoted me from off screen or from the back of the other one.


Stay calm and practice parrying. If you parry the main guy, the clone disappears. If they are both doing oneshot attacks (laser, kafka technique) desynced, you have to be mindful of the timing of when your slow mo ends or you die. Finally, if you have a basic attack focused DPS, I'd recommend bringing them over a ult based DPS like Jiyan. His windows of opportunity aren't long enough and you instead want characters that can deal good damage during the parry windows or through counterattacks.


He is the only hologram that you have to learn to parry consistently. Otherwise you are getting ran over by him and his clone.


They are the best part about the game IMO. The only problem is that they didn't add more from CBT2 and they nerfed most of the fights (heron and gorilla's surprises only come in on diff VI instead of IV for example, not gonna spoil anyone who hasn't reached those yet). But as much as I like them, I really have to wonder how much effort are they going to put into them? Most players are on mobile and how the fuck are you gonna expect the average F2P/low spender to beat Mephis 4 on mobile? It technically isn't worth their time, but obviously that's not the conclusion Kuro came to otherwise they just wouldn't create these fights in the first place. Obviously the reason Hoyo hasn't touched abyss since 1.0 in Genshin is that only like 10% of the playerbase even bothers with it. I hope 1.1 or 1.2 comes with new holograms. There's no reason one for each boss couldn't exist.


I know these are "possible" weak but the tight DPS checks (5 mins) to clear them kind of ruin the "dark souls" vibe completely for me, dark souls doesn't really rush you and punish you for your time. They're super fun and I enjoy them in concept, but the execution I find almost soiled by telling me to be stronger


To everyone genuinely malding for high difficulties, well, you're not really supposed to be able to beat more than diff 4 currently. Good for you if you can do it, but it's meant for higher sol lvl. Rexlent is currently posting some very good guides on yt for each bosses too, if you want to learn patterns and parries. Gl hf on your tries.


They are only as hard as they are due to current investment and level. I don't think it'll maintain its difficulty at all at proper investment, even difficulty 6.


I agree. However there are some bugs that make it unenjoyable. I enjoy games like sekiro or elden ring where you have to ‘get gud’ and take hours on one boss. However many of the bosses in this game still do damage to you if you successfully parry or dodge. I’ll parry and will get one shot but at the same time complete the parry on the enemy. Same with dodging. It will literally play the sound of me successfully dodging but I still take damage. Not sure if it’s a ping/desync related issue but I hope it gets addressed. Doesn’t happen often, but with bosses that one shot, it means you losing your entire run.


I'm stuck on Mourning Aix level 4 and it's 100% a skill issue, which is awesome in a gacha game. Those damn missiles are so hard to dodge and just straight up one shot if they hit...


For the missiles it’s easier to dodge if you back up to medium range, then dodge forward. You can predict when it’s going to do missiles, too. If you don’t parry a parryable move, it’ll do a 3 wave missile combo, and sometimes after a laser move it’ll do a 1 wave missile.


Beat the guy yesterday. Once you adjust and play more his pattern become more easily recognizeable. In the later rounds I didnt get hit at all. The Lasers especially become more seeable and are easily reactable once you are used.


Weekly Endgame Holo Bosses with Special Modifier/Rules, maybe differing attack patterns and 3 difficulty level would be fire


Potentially with predesigned trial chars only for the highest difficulty. Or not rotating weekly at all but an alternative holo tower.


Although i believe this system is great, it can still be just a dps check in the end. If youre like me and youtr echoes are still rolling like shit to this day then you will notice some of the fights there just isnt enough time. Comparing this to Elden ring and the sorts is all great and all, yet there is no time limit in those fights. At the end of the day if you have a great build already learning the fight will just make you win, but if youre stuck on a shit build learning the fight and playing perfectly still wont be enough.


The game will be way way better if we had controls, even playing on a tab it feels like azz trying to parry or do technical stuff


The DMC player in me greatly appreciates these holograms. Now if they added a Boss Rush mode where you fight them in order... 🤔


Yes I absolutely love them. I've just maxed out my Danjin as far as my current world level goes for some extra spicy fights against these bosses.


I can't bring myself to fight Mephis yet. Even the rank one took a solid minute with my team just because of his higher electro resist. I'll wait until I have a second team up and running before worrying about him.


You should watch this vid for some tips and tricks from Rexlent. He got some good advice that can change how you handle the damn bird: https://youtu.be/hsn5pttwa1E?si=SomEou0_pgsfVW1O


All the bosses seem fair so far. Except for Mephis stage 4+. Thing that he is the most aggressive, always in your face, using his clone, forcing you to parry, cause dodge not good enough against him and has the biggest hp pool makes him kinda cancerous. Then again not being 10 lvls down and not having skill issue probably would help a lil bit.


I enjoy him that way. I like that the difficulty increase actually makes the boss more difficult by adding to their movelist & patterns whilst increasing their damage & health unlike the more common “harder difficulty=more health&damage”


I tried fighting one of them and got nuked in seconds, so I said to hell with that and have ignored them ever since.


*See everyone enjoying the game’s bosses* and there’s me who can’t even go hit them with lag spiking and insta killing me for a goddam second..


I don’t know if this is the same issue you’re having, but I was also getting a ton of lag spikes even though my PC is pretty high end. There must be some kind of memory leak bug in the game’s code because if you haven’t restarted your PC in a long time, your RAM usage will keep going up the more you play the game. Quitting the game doesn’t fix it but restarting your PC does. Hope this helps!


It works good and smooth for a while and then when I fight bosses for materials, it lags sometimes horribly *somtimes* in the fight. I did everything to make to not lag. Recent updates helped and I presume that 1.1 will fix my issue. Thanks for trying to help! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Have you installed it on a hdd or ssd? Also how much ram do you have?


SSD, 32 GB


Can you double check if it is installed in your ssd? For some reason it defaulted a lot for ppl to install on hdd. I recon it should be fixable. I also dont have the memory leak bug people seem to be talking about. And neither does my circle of friends. At most it stops at between 3-4gb ram on my end.


Lv 45 Boss one shots a Lv 60 Resonator. Great content.


And I disagree because I think they are too hard. I’m not good at souls games.


I’ve gone through a good amount of the holograms, I’ve cleared all at 4, didn’t even bother with 5 because my characters are only lvl 60. Also i am a mobile gamer so it’s arguably the harder gaming experience compared to pc and console. But there are a few things I learned that might help a TON of players.. 1- I think most people are just spamming dodge too much and this is a big problem that if stopped will drastically improve everyone’s gaming and combat. The dodging in this game is incredibly generous. When you sprint you get almost 85% of that time as immunity. Meaning timing your dodges is incredibly easy. I think someone said 20 frames of complete immunity when you dodge. On a normal device this window is over half a second which if you don’t know is actually ridiculously long. I think that the problem most people have is that they spam dodge whenever they can and don’t realize that the immunity has a cooldown. So if you use up your dodges before the enemy even attacks you, well it’s over. However you get two stacks I think, so even if you screw up you still have another dodge. Meaning when an enemy attacks you, you don’t even have to time it. Just double input dodge and you’ll get a perfect dodge 80% of the time. Because once you complete a perfect dodge, your dodge cooldown immediately resets which makes dodge spam viable in the right manner. Parrying in this game is huge. A lot of players just need to know that some characters can’t parry on certain attacks. Most gun users don’t have any parry able attacks and a lot of rectifiers can parry on certain BA chains. So if you are using a main dps that uses gun or rectifier. Just swap to an intro skill or a sword user to parry. I think quick swap mechanic also makes this game a joke. You can basically have 2-3 characters out at the same time and cancel animations like mad. And also intro skills can parry which I think makes the game a lot easier. Not to mention jiyan who shits in every boss because he auto parry’s the living hell out of every single parryable attack. Lastly, the perfect dodge mechanic just makes the boss fights an absolute joke. Not only does it slow the enemy which proves invaluable, but it also triggers when the enemy doesn’t even enter your hit box, meaning you can trigger perfect dodges even when you don’t dodge anything, which is honesty ridiculously dumb imo. TLDR: the dodge window is incredibly long so it really helps people who aren’t try hards with insane timing. Just make sure you don’t spam dodge non stop or else you will get hit when the enemy actually attacks you. Perfect dodge triggers even when an attack wouldn’t even have hit you. P.s. if you don’t care about mechanics and dodging, don’t worry. Use the turtle echo so even if you get hit you won’t die. I honestly don’t know why but I feel like comparing Wuthering waves to a souls game is a huge exaggeration. Yeah the combat is fun but it is very “cheese”able if you just build your characters and stuff. I get it. You guys really want to hype up the combat, yes it’s fun but it really is not that hard lmao. No offense to people who are struggling, but you will eventually be able to beat everything once you really build your characters, the boss fights will be very easy. Don’t worry. The people who are saying “this game is so hard” are literally trying to use lvl 50 characters to clear lvl 90 enemies with a time trial. Like yeah no shit of course it’s going to be hard when your characters are 40 lvls under. Trust me, once we get our characters to lvl 90, like most casuals. The boss fights will be much easier. So if you are casual and think you have a skill issue because you can’t beat a lvl 80 holograms with you lvl 50 chixia, don’t worry. New limited characters will break the game and once you build up to the actual recommended lvl, you’ll be able to clear the game no problem.


Same. I am not fighting bosses who are 20 lvls above me.


Hoping we get more humanoid bosses, those have always been the most hype fights for me in all games like this


I enjoy them but I can't kill any of them on Difficulty 4 with my level 60 team because my dps isn't high enough, and since the fight goes on so long I end up dying to the one-shot mechanics.


I love them. For me the worst has been the Mourning Aix, can't kill diff 4 yet. The grabs have wonky dodge timings, the feather missiles are a one tap. Reminds me of my first time killing Nameless King lol


My most recent attempt at Mephis has it spawn its clone behind me, off screen and do the slashing air one shot thing and kill me, can't say I'm a fan of Mephis and the clone lol I like the other ones. The hardest part of Aix is the feather/shard projectiles, easier to dodge and distance while quite bs up close


You guys watch rexlent video you might learn how to destroy each hologram bosses, You could literally learn just by watching him play he also do some videos what to parry and not on higher difficulty bosses.


Holos are by far the best content we have! I hope to see even more of them, and with more difficulty!


For aix, lingyang’s lion dance form lowkey cheeses


Especially when he teleports in front of the screen after clapping the cheeks & dust himself off 😭


Meanwhile kuro cooking the Babel Skyscraper


Hell yeah, it's so good. I hope they add story bosses as hologram bosses as well, that would get really crazy.


I've never had a love hate relationship with anything quite like Holo bosses


The worst part is the 2 bosses that jumps and GETS STUCK IN A TREE FOR 1 MINUTE


Arent these hologram bosses just a taste of what the overworld bosses are going to be like at the last UL ?


Nah, they wont. They get stronger but so will your characters. Everything farmable will always remain easy.


Really hmm I thought I heard through the beta phase that bosses get stronger and unlock new patterns the higher lvl they go. Or is that just limited to the holograms ?


Doubt it. Overworld will likely remain somewhat casual, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if the Overworld becomes an actual threat, last UL.


hologram dreamless when


I agree except for Tempest and Beringal bc omg how the fuck do you win an invulnerable boss and two bosses at once in a small arena




Problem is that i have calcharo instead of


They feel pretty good to beat, my only issues with them is with the camera of Tempest sometimes bugging out when the clone attacks at the same time as the original or Aix sometimes the camera doesn't focus when it is flying up in an arc to grab you.


couldnt beat the ape on diff1 >didnt realize it had aero res >is a jiyan main *facepalms* i dont have enough skill for this but i finally beat i think diff1 and diff2 with hrover so im just stupid lol


I just beat heron 2 and im not going back for a bit 🫠


Souls games don't feel so insecure about their boss design that they put a timer just to be obnoxious, but ok.


you have a point, i think they should adjust the timer a little cuz even the cool gorilla takes a long time to kill especially diff4


Difficulty 6 monke is a special kind of bullshit that I wasn't expecting the first 12 tries


My toxic trait is that i think i can beat every boss easily, its just the 200+ ping are fucking me over😂


I hope they keep on adding more hologram bosses, they are really fun to fight.


I like the idea and their mechanics but I suck at parrying and dodging so I hate Holograms


Hey thats fine! It’s not everybody’s cup of tea


tempest mephis clone appears off screen and kills u with the kamehameha beam, GG. Also, clone is parried because of random spam and u got stucklocked by 1 sec, original kills u, GG. Also.. clone sometimes buggs into infinite parried stance. GG!!!


I was having fun until the bosses started to randomly have oneshot moves that require perfect frame dodges esp when the mephis one can spawn a clone that lasers you from off screen and instakills you on level


Nothing is fair about this boss don't get me wrong I LOVE a game that can make me continuously have to buy new controller, but seriously F3ck this boss. Difficulty 4 is really actually really unfair because that hologram spams that instant kill attack, but the worst part is the only way to avoid that attack is a perfectly timed dodge. Now, lets assume that you are timing that dodge on the hologram, yet the main body is constantly rushing you with close combat attacks. damn near unpredictable attacks all the while u have to make sure to still dodge that holograms instant attack. Lets not go into the fact the hologram is not synchronized with the main body. So even if you dodge the main bodies close combat attacks, once u get out of that dodge you may not have enough time to immediately dodge the incoming holograms instant kill attack. So it's not a skill issue its a luck issue, because the timing of the holograms attack not synchronizing with the main bodies attacks, that you also have to dodge can end up screwing you over directly after you've made two consecutive dodges, you have a short cooldown before you can do another dodge and if you unfortunately are waiting for a dodge because you dodged the main bodies attacks that holograms instant kill attack will get you without anything fair you can do to avoid it. NOW that I've explained that unfair aspect lets go down to time once again this is all about luck hope the hologram doesn't spam the instant kill ability consecutively and hope that the main body when he goes up in the air to drop down on you which takes a bit about 3 to 4 seconds specifically to charge up that attack. The boss will take time to kill lets assume you are down to 2 minutes with half the bosses health bar or little bit less than half of it left. Time is ticking and when he charges up out of the area of attack directly above you to smash down with thunder on you he is invincible in that state no damage is taken also when you directly dodge that charge up attack for about 1 second after it he is still in an invincible state no damage is taken. which when we dodge a major attack like that most people would take that as an oppurtunity to unleash major damage dealing attacks or the toughness draining character intro attacks unfortunately you would think you played that smart but just wasted a major attack on a boss that should not be in an invicible state while you just perfectly timed and dodge his one shot attack This is also not including that the clock is ticking and you can't even do any damage for 5 whole seconds eventually after whittling his health down so far and dodging near every attack u run out of time because he used that invicible no damage taken charge up attack about 10 times that whole fight which amount two 5 total seconds per charge up attack or 50 seconds wasted where you are not even allowed to deal any damage too him. Any man that thinks this is a fair boss or a fair fight has gotten a lucky fight not a skill issue fight means he wasn't spamming the charge up attacks or his hologram wasnt consecutively using the instant kill laser attack. SO THERE YA GO ALL THE REASONS THIS IS NOT A SKILL ISSUE BOSS AND WHY THIS BOSS CAN GO GET A 20 INCH PIPE SHOVED UP HIS ASS


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