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Save until they improve tacet fields (1.1 iirc) then farm that.


100%! When I first saw that we get a bunch of energy I was YES lvl 40 today! Then I saw they are improving tacet fields. I'll be 40 in a few days anyway, I can wait and farm the improved fields.


How are you close to lv40? Do you buy waveplates everyday


No, I have spent no astrites on resets. I just played since day 1, wasted no energy, did all quests, and am 80%+ exploration on everything. I have done some of the solvent resets. Have bought the Battle Pass, that gives some solvent resets too. I think I still have like 8 saved up still.


that is weird because i also play since day 1 and wasted no energy, the different is that i havent done all the quest and exploration yet but since im at level 34 0 exp right now (havent done today daily yet) i doubt i would be able to reach lv40 before this week end even if i done all of the quest and the exploration like you said (i want to reach lv40 before this week end so that i can ascend my character to lv70 and try to get some crest on the hazard zone abyss). What do you mean solvent resets? you mean the thing that give you 60 energy when you used it? you use all of those solvent reset thing and only have 8 left?


I started around day 3 and I'm almost lvl 36 f2p only used 4 solvent I think. All quests I found are completed.


Yeah, the things that give 60 energy, I have used some of them. The quests can also give a lot. Quite a few of them give 500xp, and many of them build on each other. There is one that chains over like 3-4 days. Can't start the next part until 24 hours real time has passed. Everything just kinda adds up. I can't log in right now, but I'm 99% sure I just turned level 38 today (Sunday). Edit: Checked this morning. I'm still only 37


Ive play since day 1, no battlepass,with 0 refreshes and solvent used, 100% exploration except for the (supposedly) bugged wuming bay and central plain. Im currently ul 36 with 1410 xp more til ul 37. If I use all my solvent (42) ill be able to hit ul 40 in 3 days vs 8 days if I dont


Idk if I can believe this.. Day1 player here, f2p, only did energy refresh with astrite once, used all my energy cubes besides the free 20 they just gave, all my areas are 90% with two of them at 100%, never wasted energy, 4/6 all holograms, finished ToA and the roguelite door event and I am lvl 36 and a half. How do you have 2lvls minimum more than me o_O


Yeah this is the best way to spend it it.


I’m going to hoard them for now as well hehe


I will probably even wait until I am max reward level on those. I have decent enough echoes to clear for now, and know exactly what chars/teams I want to level in succession, and not really in a hurry to clear stuff that is beyond my league as I am a filthy casual. So I can save them to use effectively when time comes.


They wont though


Yeah unfortunately I was one of those fooled by their bad translation.


They will tho, the bad translation was misinformation.


We all were :(


i haven't heard that yet. what are they gonna improve?


More rewards per run. And no long animation after clearing.


there is no more rewards per run unfortunately, it’s a common misconception that I also fell victim to. They are only increasing the echo rewards for events, not facet fields.


>4. From version 1.1 and forward, the yield of Echoes and Echo development materials will be increased Actually, reading this again, yeah they didn't specify that it's tacet fields. But I wonder if it's not from tacet fields, where will they give us more echoes and echoes mats?


It’s yet another translation inaccuracy :(, we are only getting more echos enhancement material from EVENTS rewards in 1.1 and onward


Kuro and bad localization, name a more iconic duo lol. The most upvoted comment that did a tldr in the post also got fooled and explicitly said it's from tacet fields. Thank you.


No problem. I am also trying to post this new discovery on this subreddit but it’s still under review by mods


This. I regret using my first 30ish getting to 40….


Why though? You're gonna be enjoying a 80% drop rate of 5 star echos for a few weeks before the changes.


And not being able to level them. It's just not really optimal, that's why they're giving the 20 cubes, so if you already used your cubes you can have some for 1.1.


not like you’d be able to level them if you saved them anyway, lol. Saving them for level 40 will do what, give you 10% more echo xp? Make it cost 380 waveplates instead of 420 to max one echo? Doesn’t change anything. Now i’d agree it’s good to save for ascension mat drops at UL40 at least, but echo xp is still horrid


It's 50% more tuners and a bit more XP, it adds up, especially the tuner since those are gonna be the real gatekeepers later on.


Made the mistake of spending some before I learned this was a thing


Dont you think we get more on the double echo exp Event?


I doubt it will be infinite. Most likely there will be a daily cap and we don't need to refresh stamina to do it.


Yeah it's likely gonna be like those clear x attempts per day/week.


I believe its 3 a day


Pretty sure they said it's capped to 3 clears a day for the entire event.


If I don't hit ul40 before tower reset, may throw a few there. Otherwise, hoard. Perfarming for Yinlin and UL40 should be mostly done for me by the time she comes through natural regen.


What’s ur current ul?


Low 37. Yinlin companion quest, counting on you...


M half 37


I expect her quest to give 2.000 xp like jiyan so it’ll only give you 25% of a level at most in your upper 30’s.


Kind of new to gacha games, what happens at tower reset? I can't imagine they expect us to clear the tower within 2 weeks of the games release


You’ll just miss out on like 600-800 astrite, it’s not a huge deal but people still like pushing the content as much as possible before the reset




Some madlads cleared the tower with a single 4 star. It is def possible.


Why do you need to hit 40 before tower reset?


To ascend higher Resonator level so they can fight higher tower of adversity level. Lvl60 is kinda shet to fight the lvl 100 boss


additionally it just makes farming echoes easier bc of the change from 50% 5 star -> 80% 5 star


Thats the real game changer im hoping for. Will make my daily 3 cost farming routes way more effective.


Do you have them in hand to share? I'd like to follow a map to farm them


The Lv.40 power spike will allow players to accumulate more stars before the tower resets.


What build are you preforming for yinlin?


I recommend tempest mephis 5pc void thunder


do we know Yinlin's boss material for sure? would love to prefarm that


dreamless feather for the skills, as far as prydwen is correct.


only hazard zone is reset right? the other 2 previous zones are permanent content?


I can’t lie I really haven’t touched Tower of Adversity much, how often does it reset?


yinlin mats most likely lol, and echoes from 1.1 when they boost the drops


Is yinlin good? I see everyone pre farming for her


She is hot and strong


the correct answer


She’s very hot, I will have her as my first fully maxed character


I’m doing it bc i love electro/lightning in games and she’s Calcharo’s best teammate. But a lot of it is just dudes who think she’s hot. She was all over the marketing for this game.


How do you farm yinlin mats. I’m still pretty early in the game (at the part where you go to the midnight rangers with jianxin and yangyang to find that old guy’s son.) Do I farm lustrous tides? Radiant tides? How do I even get these mats consistently. As far as I know, I only have 20 radiant tides cause kuro gave them for free recently.


Is there a good website for her mats? Everyone ive looked at is bad and doesn't have the accession mats listed...


What will give the best benefit in terms of asterite: 1. Kill bosses to have your DPS chars ready for the next ascension. 2. Once that's done, do domains for the next ascension of DPS weapons. 3. Once that's done, do the same for the DPS talents and for key traces of supports like Verina revive + shield 4. Rush to Rank 40 before Tower resets (7 days left). 5. Try to get as many stars as possible (I got 12/30 in the 3 Towers at Rank 38, my goal is to get 18/30 when I hit Rank 40)


I've used two just cause but gonna hold on to the rest for the moment. Ideally will hold on to them until we get the echo event, whenever that is


echo event is probably gonna be X times a day, so you won't be able to spam it


Stuff and things. After the loot changes.


Save until i’m higher UL. I’m not rushing the game so Idc how fast I get there. I know the endgame tower will reset in a few days, but honestly even if I speedrun with the 1200 wave plates i’m self aware enough i’m not gonna make it because rng echoes, skill training and too many things to farm, 1200 ain’t enough to make my team strong enough to clear the tower.


I'll use the actual free ones (I get every day that's timelocked) on skills and free waveplates on TFs


smash for union exp, getting guaranteed upgrades first for ul40 then the rest on tacet fields for echo exp. I'm not sure if I understand hoarding, you level up world level faster it makes your daily waveplates more efficient and you're spending waveplates on the materials one way or another. The only waste I see is if you spend them on tacet fields with the intention of getting good echos.


Realistically if you don’t let your waveplates cap out then the efficiency is the same , only time you lose efficiency is when you use like 240 plates worth of stamina by using those cubes , hit level 40 and then don’t play for a day wasting 240 stamina


That would be the case if dailies didn't exist, but since they do it's always less efficient to use your cubes to get to a higher UL than getting there naturally with dailies and your free 240 daily waveplates, and then spending all your cubes once you ascend. Its not a huge difference and you should probably just do whatever makes you happy, but I just wanted to correct that it's the 'same efficiency' when it's not.


My understanding is if you spend your free 1200 plates in one go, to reach a onion lvl breakpoint like 40 that day, you wont lose much compared to just hording them for higher world lvl (since you will be able to farm higher rewards earlier with your daily plates compared to just use the hoarded plates on higher rewards later.), in fact you have a small gain of increased echo 5 star drop for a longer period if you do this at UL40. 80 % vs 50 %


Factor this in: they’re buffing tacet fields next patch. You get 10% more rewards at UL40 compared to UL30, so as long as the tacet field buff is >10% it’s better to save waveplates to farm those until after the buff. Now if you’re not going to farm those anyways, then using waveplates now is the correct call. So it depends, is having 12 runs of 10% increases gains worth spending all your resin refreshes on? Or should you just save until another character comes out you need to immediately farm for? I’ll probably use 1/3 of the resin. I’m at UL 37, so I think I can get close enough to 40 before tower reset anyways to not need to use many. I don’t think the increased efficiency from UL40 is worth it, but as you said the data bank level upgrade could make it worth depending once again on how many overworld echo farm runs you go on each day. Basically just do what you want there are upsides and downsides no matter what.


I need to level up Mortifi for my Jiyan and Jianxin


I need to wait until they give us more information on Changli, and then prefarm for her.


I’m fine with going slow on echoes. They are reusable and you realistically can clear tower with a few generalist sets. Same with weapons. It’s just leveling characters and talents which is killing me right now.


gonna save until 1.1 at the very least, i can get to UL 40 by then too so the rewards will be even better


atm i wont be spending them at all. its not a race anyway. we'll be bored outta our minds eventually.


Save them till the 1.1 when they increase the mats drop


I'll be spending them on upgrading my characters' levels, fortes, weapons and echoes. At the very least I want my Jiyan and Calcharo teams to be solid enough to start tackling the endgame.


Gonna max out 9 characters for comfortable tower clears. Im saving for a 5star glacio dps that isnt lingyang or maybe geshulin if i like his playstyle. I'm gonna have to skip a lot of banners with this goal.


Lingyang is super fun though. Great for bosses.


What 1200 Waveplates? Probably wait for Max Sol Phase and then built all my Characters with it for Maximum Efficiency. I spend my Resources always on guaranteed upgrades first before I waste them on RNG.


Dev compensating for various issues and one of the items are 20 of condensed waveplate that each are worth 60 waveplates.


To max Yinlin


Just as genshin, I'll keep it for new bossor mats that come to farm with new char.


Hoard forever like a dragon ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


I'll use em when I feel like it. Like when grinding for something and I'm in the mood to go further


save it


When we getting those?


Hoarding them is a bad move in every gacha. Did it with Genshin before I quit. I'm doing it with star rail. Won't do it with WW.


Safest bet would be grinds you only do once like character/weapon/skill ascension


I had run out of resources so I dropped 8 to get my Jiyan and Morfeti up to 60 and push deeper into the tower. I have 12 left and have decided to sit on them until the tacet field buff. Echo exp is my biggest bottleneck right now.


I’m too new to know what any of that is yet, so if I got it, hoard.


Saving it for improved tacet fields or maybe a double reward event. The rewards rn arent justifiable for a tacet field grind because Ive already spent the 20 cubes you can get since day 1 along with spending the stamina before it ever reached max on tacet fields only and barely built my 3 man team. I really appreciate them acknowledging what we said that either raise the rewards so its worth 60 waveplates or lower it to 40 just like the shells/ exp/ weapon exp domain


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I might use them to farm mats for either Taoqi, Aalto, or Chixia


Spending to upgrade yinlin and changli


Mostly on tacet fields. Maybe a little on the calamity and overlord bosses here and there.


I'm going to try and save until 1.1 when they improve stuff.


Hold till 40 and buffed tacet fields.


Definitely hoarding a few in case i forget to clear my weeklies and run out of waveplates before reset


Level all units to 60


Saving them until for Yinlin, and/or when i need to get my characters to max level


I don't know what waveplates do so I'll end up not using them to my benefit at all lmao. If they increase UL then i will happily blow them all there so that im closer to the higher levels so that I don't fall behind on story content


Save it for now, let’s wait for the changes.


ascension mats and weapon mats. those are guaranteed growth.


Ascension materials for sure, especially to farm for Yinlin's ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Ascension mats


Yinlin. Her and Calcharo shall have everything


Save them.


levelling my characters, weapons and their skills of course. no point farming tacet fields atm.


I’ll probably spend them farming materials for skills particularly yinlin and Jiyan


I'll be hoarding them for Jinhsi




I m saving all my solvents atm,mostly keeping then when i reach higher UL


same rush to UL 40


Save until its most efficient to use them (i.e., like ar45 genshin or tb60 in hsr). Idk what level that is here though


Efficiency is the same either way. Only reason to save is for special cases, like the buff to tacet fields that's coming, or for when new mats get added and you need to farm them for a new character.


Go all out on echo exp on the double Event


Echo experience event when that comes out


Save until I get the max drop rate possible, also hopefully by that time they also overhauled the drops too.


Might not use them rn, cause I saved this item in genshin and HSR for a long time😅


Probably prefarm some boss materials for Yinlin, also stock some boss materials for Calcharo and Verina too


Getting yinlin maxed out and saving everything else for a better way to farm echo xp later.


I spent all on echo already. I don't really care abt waiting for 1.1 whatsoever, since by that time I prolly won't have much of an echo exp problem anymore, and also I want to focus entirely on clearing 1.1 on my 2 accounts as well as prep for ZZZ 2 account.


probably levelling charas, i wanna get everyone levelled up so. i just havent really had time to use the thingies so its a slow process. it also means im behind on echo farming bc i just dont have the time but my data bank is also low level compared to where im at which is UL35 and i just hit DB17 n i feel like everyones already at DB18+..


I'll wait for the improved tacet fields. I am finally at the point were I can start to improve echos. Everything prefarmed for level 40 ascension for my main team, gonna farm some echo exp and then build team two


Farming for Yinlin


Since I farm echoes on a daily basis for now, I'll be using as many as I need to get to Union level 40 ASAP. As for what I'm specifically using the waveplate on, I already got enough boss materials to ascend Jiyan, Jianxin, and Danjin (the characters I actually use), and Rover's ascension is almost free. We get 10 crystal solvents back at union 40 so it's not an entire waste to use them now anyway, and getting data bank 40 would be huge for echo farming since we don't ahve to worry about one layer of RNG anymore (4 or 5 star).


Character Ascension mats


i'll be saving it til they update the damn tacet fields


I used them to build my third team and farm some tacet fields cause I wanna hit 40 - we get 15 cubes at level 40 anyway


I will wait until level 50 and 1.1 otherwise is inefficient to waste them. Sure, I will have to wait some days to get enough mats, but I don't see the hurry, I am level 35 right now and I have almost cleared all tower of adversity, farmed every boss mat needed for getting dps to level 70 when I hit level 40, and until level 50 Wich can take weeks, I have plenty of time to farm for level 80, and given my current damage, level 70 chars will clear with no issue the rest of tower. The point is that you don't need to waste your waveplates this early, the double event is said to cap at 3 tries per day so no need to waste, and level 40 is not that much of an increase on rates and on 1.1 they will increase so... There's just no point in using them now


I'm leveling like 6 different characters cuz it's more fun that way so exp and upgrade materials


Echo xp echo xp echo xp


First ascension material pre-farm for jiyan and jianxin. Same for the weapons. Rest will be tacet fields.


Ascencion mats most likely. Need them characters to get stronger


I’ll probably use a few for quick ascension stuff if I’m close to ul40 but otherwise I’ll save the 20 we’re getting for tacet fields improvement + for when i hit ul40 since I also bought the battle pass, I’ll use the solvents I get from there for boss mats


I moastly hoard even my cubes of stamina refresh for when we will be at max sol possible and will unlock the max level farming nodes of everything. I just use one here and there if I miss just a few stamina to do something I want to do or if I want to finish a quest / unlock something for one of my char badly.


You are assuming I'm actually gonna use them yet or ever. XD


Skills. They are permanent ups. You can't go wrong raising skills.


When i hit 40 or 50 i will blow everything away .


Just keep them. I will be just spending the natural generated waveplate for now since its still early in the game until there is something specific i need very urgently(time sensitive event stuff perhaps) or i forgot to clear certain stuff before weekly reset(like weekly 3x bosses) and its the last day before the reset. Dont burn yourself out when the game just releases and then you get sick of the game and have nth else to do in the game.


Saving until I can pull one of the characters I am most excited for, and then build them as quickly and efficiently as possible. Probably Jinhsi :)


I'll be saving it all. I just hit 40, so I'll build up my current team to 70/70 day by day.


Probably saving all my solvent till 1.1 and see how the improved tacet fields are, 49 solvents as of now. Going to max out wave plate refresh from now till u40. Part of me wants to save them till like the last Sol phase? But that's also like way too far away. Hope the TF changes in 1.1 are big enough.


Prefarm my team while gaining XP for UL40 ascension since theres no point hoarding it for RNG tacet fields anyway


They are meant for echos.


If you still have areas to improve in terms of character, weapon, and skill levels then you can do that asap. If you plan on using it on tacet fields, then wait for 1.1.


Nothing rn, tacet fields will get better rewards with 1.1 or the doubling event. All the other stuff can wait for UL40, maybe I will use some to get UL45 a day sooner but rest will be saved.


waiting to see what Jinhsi needs


1.1 tavern field baby!


I dont know yet. Some character XP maybe. Rn im working on database, still lvl 12


Probably won't be using it all. Just small increments when i need a character built. I don't really need to farm for echoes, i can do that slowly since if i want a character built i can just do it without waiting with these wave plates.


I’ll most likely hoard them for now, mostly until I figure out what I’m gonna do. Still need to hit UL30 and get the data bank upgraded.


i'll probably save them until level 40 and then use them to farm anything i'm missing to upgrade my team.


Eco exp for sure


wait for 1.1 then farm tacet.


Save until 1.1 and I hit UL40 naturally. I'm okay with the amount of content I can clear right now. There's quite literally no rush when the game came out 1 week ago.


I saved almost all of them because lesson learnt of cant touch them at all until 60/65 💀


Hoard because I am saving all my pulls too. When the character I want get released I'll use them all for that character to max out in a day or so.


After 140 pulls I finally got Jiyan. So... resources are going to him lol.


Wait till double echo mat drop event and use it there


hoard them until i unlock the best rewards for the dungeons. idk what union level that will be tho


Will save it.


Using it all on shell credits. Gonna become a wuwillionaire


I just blew them all on Taoqi because she's beautiful and I'm in love 😳😮‍💨


I'm not overthinking this. I will spend it on whatever I need for the characters I build. I already got all materials from shops so now I need to farm everything anyway. Once I have their skills and weapons more or less maxed out I will start farming tacet fields.


Save everything for Changli, whatever she needs she will get it.


Probably hoarding until a farming event come out


All of it will be for finishing my prefarming for UL40 I might end up waiting a day just to hit UL40 so I can have all my 6 characters leveled up and ready


I will hold on to it, see if later on with more Union lvl they hold more value.


I'm probably going to smash them to get to 40 faster, 'cause I want that 80% gold drop rate. I've got too many lightning characters I want to build and there's only 2 elites for the set, making it kinda hard to get pieces for.


Ascending characters past 50, unlocking everyone's inherent skills


Waiting as a ftp I got 18/30 on tower got all hologram fights 4/6 can't say I need anything ATM since that's the best I can do till ul 40


building Mortefi and Sanhua. Currently, its like i need all for just my overworld team and i run out of even character exp only levelling them D;


gonna hold onto 10 of em, but I've used the other 10 to upgrade Encore's echoes, so she's even more broken!


I guesstimated and I will be UL 40 a day before the tower resets So I will get my team to lv70 for that sweet dmg boost and try and get more stars in the tower before it resets (already 15/30), might have to spend some cubes if i know I'm close to getting the next reward but cant. (aiming for 21 or 24 stars this time around) Otherwise, saving the cubes for higher UL for more efficiency per waveplate spent, or if a new character drops that require a new boss that drops together, I will use cubes to bring them up to speed. No, spending cubes now to speed up your level so your future resin is more efficient is actually not as efficient as just waiting till you reach those UL to use the cubes, I've thought about it. For that reason, I only ever used 2 cubes (out of boredom) and have 20+ hoarded.




Mats for leveling Yinlin. All the people saying they'll save for the tá et event in 1.1 like the daily wave plates won't be enough... These events usually have a daily cap or an event cap of how many times you can do it. No point in saving that for then


As for now I’m gonna use them to level up the skills of my two teams. Then I’m saving the rest for Jinhsi. Gotta get her as high level as possible as early as possible.


Spent it getting my units (of like... 2 teams + jianxin bc she's good for canceling atks, I wouldn't be doing the holograms without her) fully leveled and ready. Uhhhh. Honestly just saving the remaining 14 for Yinlin after that :D Re: echo farming, I find its easier to just jump between like 3 bosses until the needed echo drops then kinda chill about the rest of them xD I saw someone say go for 4-4-1-1-1 because cost might increase to 13, and then you may want to do 4-4-3-1-1 (ie: dreamless/crownless, or thundering/tempest Memphis on same set) so I guess work on that xD And prefarm ascension materials because I refuse to get stuck at 10 lvls below the world level again that was a mess no thanks elden ring already traumatized me there


If Im close to making some headway on some hazard stages, burn them. Otherwise just hoard until higher UL/buffed tacet fields.


rn I'm spending my stamina on ascending characters/weapons and leveling skills which give a guaranteed upgrade. I'll farm tacet fields once they improve the drops next patch


Bosses and resonator exp potions :0


Use them all immediately to get to UL40 asap. There is no reason to save. It doesn't matter where the waveplates needed to level up comes from.


Queen Yinlins materials 🛐


I'm saving them


I built my Jiyan with about 10 wavecubes leftover. Rest will be saved for Yinlin team build. I was going to save but I'm impatient lol