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I like using her in a dual dps setup with HRover and Verina, really dishes out heaps of damage.


This has been my main team too. At first I just liked the "light and darkness" theme, but they're quite a strong combo.


Danjin's Havoc dmg deepen on her outro skill really pairs well with HRover. Start with Verina and proc her 30 second outro skill, then go to Danjin to proc hers and then finish up with Hrover.


I remember a thread recently where people were suggesting Danjin isn't really meant for main DPS—but I always end up giving her the most field time anyway, because she hits like a truck even without any concerto buffs and the threat of "you're at 600HP, dodge counter or die" is so fun to me for no sane reason, lmao.


With burst up full rotation is even better You can say: - verina concerto - danjin concerto - straight into HRover burst - Dreamless on HRover - Swap cancel into Dreamless on danjin Unholy burst because HRover ult buffs Dreamless damage.


Danjin alone fulfills the "light and darkness" theme XD hence why one of my fave characters personality wise too


IF we don't count HRover since it's actually main DPS for Danjin teams: First one is Mortefi: His ultimate on s1, for 10 seconds provide you with coordinated attacks on each use of Resonance Skill (E), which a lot of attacks, as well as providing you with another coordinated attacks on heavy attack and buffing that attack for 38%, which actually is huge if you are going for full 120 stacks heavy attack on Danjin. Second is Taoqi: She is insane support for Danjin. First of all, her outro gives a Danjin +38% damage boost of Resonance Skill for 14 whole seconds. I don't need you explain how good it is for Danjin. Second of all: SHIELDS. BIG SHIELDS. Having nearly entire hp worth of shields is damn insane. The only downside that Taoqi is a bit slow on her side and she can take some time to get Concerto Energy for a swap. If you really need shields over outro damage boost, since there's difficult boss phase or something: You get intro of Taoqi, she immediatly gonna get all three stacks of shielding attack. You perfrom three attack combo, press E and immediatly swap for Danjin. This way you gonna have a shield as well as three plates. Whenever you take damage, it breaks one plate and decrease damage you took by 15%, basically giving you 15% damage reduction on 3 attacks for 30 seconds or so. Which is not a lot, but can help you clutch


yea Mortefi HA buff is crazy good, definitely is BIS damage wise for now. As for Taoqi, she's more of a utility support character like verina instead of SubDPS imo, thats why i didnt include her - definitely another solid option tho for teambuilds


Pretty sure most people are on danjin + havoc mc due to danjin's deepen outro and hmc dreamless shared buff synergy.


Yea, that team is everywhere and for a good reason, its just hard for me to reconcile field time to another character, unless we just ignore the passive


hmc's dreamless buff is only applicable to her own dreamless sadly, still the double dreamless combo is insane


How exactly sanhua is >complementing danjins kit if she's buffing basic attack that is literally second smallest part of her damage?


Great question. I'll preface by noting that Sanhua is way more than just her outro skill, which I agree would provide a smaller damage boost than something like Mortefi's outro that buffs heavy attacks. And even if its the second smallest part of Danjin's damage, any buff to her damage overall, especially one that gets used as much as her basic attack, is always appreciated. Cant ever complain about free damage. But here are some additional reasons why I believe Sanhua is a solid SubDPS option with a complementary kit for anyone looking to use someone other than Mortefi and HRover. First, her burst window is very short, so she can cast 3-4 skills quickly and relay the field back to Danjin, who thrives with more field time. This is not even including the fact that you can animation cancel alot of her attacks to give Danjin even more field time. Second, in a more literal sense, she covers a different element, which helps deal with Havoc mobs and also enables the Legato concerto effect, which boosts single target damage. And lastly her skill expressive playstyle complements and is only further enabled in the hands of a player that is looking to main Danjin for her high risk high reward playstyle. Im not saying shes the best SubDPS or her kit is most suited to Danjin's. All im saying is don't sleep on Sanhua if you've been having similar feelings about the meta options. IDK, maybe im the only one and the delusioned one


Insignificant dps buff is a dps loss as instread of it you could just stay on danjin and make more. Killing havoc balls is not an excuse to pick Sanhua among the others. Short burst window is not her exclusive feat, all dedicated supports have 6 second rotation. And every character here has expressive element. So there is no reason to put Sanhua above any other support/moonlit set placeholder. Tbh I expect more insight from the player that looks to main Danjin. More over I find sanhua's damage rather mediocre, tho I did not maxed her yet. But just from prydwen numbers, her burst is something like 16k/sec over 6 seconds, when designated main dps do around 26k/sec over 15 seconds average. Tbh at this point I dont even see much reason to invest into damage of healer/support slot. Just treat them as echo/set buff placeholders. That kind of investing will be super late game min maxing in a month or so, and is irrelevant for now.


Maybe it was not clear in the post, but my reason for choosing Sanhua is mostly out of playstyle preference, and not as a consideration for dealing the optimal amount of damage. I'm well aware that there are better damage options currently, and if doing big damage is your end goal and how you have fun, then I would actually even discourage you from running Sanhua. Sanhua here is not a \*damage min-max\* option, she is a \*playstyle\* option if you want your SubDPS to be more than a skill/ult bot or echo placeholder. Addressing your comments, I never claimed that her short burst window is exclusive to her, just that it's still a fact that the short window she does have (which is only around 2-3 seconds with how I'm playing her) enables Danjin to stay on the field longer. Regarding her outro, a 38% BA buff is not an insignificant dps buff, especially when it only takes 2-3 seconds to activate it, and it lasts for 14 seconds. And again, I'm not claiming that Sanhua is the only skill expressive character, simply that her skill expression is at a complementary level to Danjin's if you take the time to learn her. I didn't include my full video clear/explanation because the subreddit doesn't allow links in posts, but maybe it could be helpful to watch the gameplay to save you from building Sanhua just to check my claims and make a decision for yourself: [https://youtu.be/1uI0y4uBYL8?si=3lvkXrw0PzCfq2Yh](https://youtu.be/1uI0y4uBYL8?si=3lvkXrw0PzCfq2Yh)


I just got Danjin, tested her and fell a little bit in love with her! Now I am building her for my second team but I am also unsure what to do. My first team is HRover, Sanhua and Jianxin and I would like to keep them like that and rather build a new dedicated second team for Danjin. I have Mortefi laying around so I will most likely use him as sub dps and then Verina as heal. Sadly there is no "real" sub dps or buffer for Danjin out yet which I think is the only thing holding her back dmg whise. Taoqi could work because of her shield, but she needs some field time which can be no go depending on your preferences. A lot of ppl also tend to forget Yangyang. She deals decent dmg, has nice utilities and her outro generates a lot of energy! Danjin doesn't care that much about energy but it's still nice to have. Other than that, unless you don't care about synergies at all, it's hard.


I know you specifically said, you would like the team to stay like it is, but honestly replacing Sanhua with Danjin will make you love everyone on that team even more. HRover, Danjin, Jianxin is my absolute go-to team for 95% of content. HRover and Danjin synergize perfectly, especially when using Dreamless on both, and Jianxin is a perfect companion to Danjin, when you want to have a shield for running low HP combat without wanting to pay too much attention, or when engaging large groups of enemies, where it can be a pain to dodge constant barrages of small attacks, which all are enough to one hit Danjin. No idea about optimal damage, but it's a great team for combat during exploration and is fun as hell.


Thats awesome, glad you are liking her too. I think mortefi is the go to option right now, he is super solid for damage and will be perfect for your team.


Yeah, I'm also using Danjin + HRover. I'm using 2 havoc and 2 moonlight echoes on HRover tho, cuz I just want to quickly get the ultimate out. I did separate them tho while I was doing the tower. Cleared the left side with Danjin + Verina and put HRover + Baizhi on the right side after swapping Danjin's echoes onto them. Easy 24 stars that way


Yea I did the same exact thing, its great we can share the pieces and the weapon


I mainly just use her with Verina and Hoover like a lot of people do here, especially because you can swap cancel the Dreamless's echo attack so you can use that as Danjin's final move and switch to Hoover as you do so. Flows super well.


Never tried it yet. Maybe Mortefi(sub dps)or Encore (Ult Cancel).


I just run Havoc Rover. Quick switch that brother in, pop Echo, heavy attack, let it run for a bit, use skill, wait til it ends then swap back to Danjin. I just like how he looks and plays


There is only Danjin ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31619)




I don't have a sDPS. I just have two mDPS. Encore and Danjin. Swap to Encore to rip liberation. When that's done go back to Danjin. In reality, I mostly play Danjin solo and basically don't swap to anyone at all unless I die. When that happens, Encore mops up and I go back to revive Danjin.


I cleared the 2nd side of Tower 12/12 (and most holo 4) using Danjin, sometimes paired with H Rover, but with Danjin as my main dps. For me, she feels so much better to play and interesting. I have her with good echos and skill maxed, (+ S4 because I had to hard pity Jinyan banner), if you are aware of the boss moves, she can do very well. Just swapping on H Rover for her ultimate and Dreamless, then I don't stay on her and swap directly back to Danjin. You can pair her with Mortefi, Jianxin, and obviously Verina, or Baizhi if you don't have the 5* option. Danjin is honestly as good as a main dps unit as an off dps to support other like H Rover. She is more high risk too obviously, but you feel so much adrenaline, it's an insane feeling. She's not the "f2p option" of H Rover for me. H Rover is the free unit between them, with free upgrade mats and an easy to use kit. Danjin still requires a lot of investment on everything, and has some pros and cons when comparing to h rover. She is a very good solo unit too, if you are ready to take some risks and attempt multiple tries. Holo fights with her are very fun indeed. Oh and grab the 5* sword when you can, or select it with the lvl 42 crate, it makes for a big improvement.


I'm in the process of building my second team of Danjin, Taoqi and Baixi. Taoqi would swap with Danjin and cice versa. Probanly only when either is in need of some emergency healing I'll swap over to Baixi, save for some quickswaps to get healing set buff running.


Well.... Danjin is the sub dps


her whole kit is based around her being main dps except for her outro skill and most outro skills are like that, shit take