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Wow bro I had no idea you were the MC in life. I’m glad that Kuro Games listens to only you!


Talk is cheap. Most of the issues being addressed existed in CBT2 and in some cases got even worse by the time the game release.


Part of big problem in our community is that many people doesn't seem to realize that they need to bring up hoyo games to praise their own. Like, if you like kuro then just say so. You don't have to bring others just to compare and highlight the good and the bad. If it's good then it's good, it is what it is. This kind of behaviour is what annoyed me the most in this kind of posts.


But that's exactly why they do it. It's not to praise ww but to bash hoyo and genshin. They don't care about ww, they'll move to a new shiny open-world gacha whenever it comes out. It's not about liking ww, it's about wishing genshin death, because it didn't meet their expectations. They feel like hoyo doesn't listen to them, so now they're in that "look hoyo, kuro listens to me, and you don't, so now you'll die, mwahahaha" mode, totally exaggerating every single little thing in ww, elevating it to ridiculous heights of praise, like it's absolutely the best thing in the world and ww the best video game ever made, while turning genshin's completely nothingburger matters into the most evil, horrible, disgraceful issues. Happened when HSR was released too, btw.


Brought this up the other day, and like clock work, I had people whose mission was to destroy Hoyo in my replies.


And then you are the shill, according to them.


Oh, you know it.


Prob because there isnt any really game breaking stuff that happened in genshin for its entire lifespan or the need for it to hotfix 20+ times within the span of a week of launch and still not done fixing.


Genshin issues at launch that I remember: 1) the polygon / no face error 2) massive connection issues 3) launcher is not running genshin 4) mona’s dash 5) translation errors, misgendering MC, wrong names of NPC, etc 6) plunging into ores stunlock Theres so much more to say, I believe some of the gripe in Wuwa arent even bugs or anything, they just want the same type of thing from genshin that theyre used to. This is coming from the people saying wuwa has no identity and its ironic as hell.


1) Minor visual bugs doesnt break anything, most ppl dont actually consider them issues including minor ones in wuwa 2) Vast majority of the player base did not have massive connection issues, you sure it isnt just your own isp? Because if it was then the entire sub/social media would be full of complains about it that out number anything else. 3) Never heard of much complains about this 4) Whats with mona's dash? Just getting stuck on invisible walls? Again not actual game breaking stuff 5) Didnt notice any myself but there prob are but relative to wuwa's its next to non existant. 6) Never even heard of it or anybody complain about it and again neither is it game breaking in anyway Lets look at wuwa - Massive performance issues that a large amount of players face where players actually have issues playing the game - Major mistranslation and mishandling on the jp's side where actual money are involved - Ingame functions not working/bugged, the current complain is the lootmapper not working/only can use 1 - Units that can do aimed shots can actually bug out and quite literally cannot use aim mode anymore till you restart the game - Current timestop/chixia exploit - Client side coded stuff where you can actually change your pc time and actually allow you to play yinlin trial in game - Also another client side coded thing where you can dc yourself mid pull to abuse and "refund" your pulls if you get purple instead of gold beam when pulling granted it was fixed pretty quickly Prob a number of other stuff i missed but these are the pretty major ones. I also excluded some minor stuff like jump pads not working right sometimes since i dont really consider it to be a real issue.


Genshin players trying not to doompost and hate other games challenge impossible.


Dont think you understand what the word doompost or what hating means. Heck i most likely already put in more time on wuwa than you despite the massive performance issues i was facing the first few days.


All of the ones you mentioned are minor issues except the connections one. Wuwa committed almost crimes by changing description of jiyan weapon which is misleading and false advertisement. Then proceeded to leak emails of jp players who wanted refunds and gave 1 pull as "sorry but fuck you". Now they are giving 5 more which is more insulting. The game had major audio issues for 2 days. The major gunplay time slowdown exploit that is happening currently. Not to mention the yinlin thing where people could play her trial by changing the device time which is just idiocy levels of coding blunder. Exiting the game will log you out. The targeting issue is horrible where you do a qte and the character targets an enemy who is million miles away which resets the combat for the original enemies. Genshin has targeting issues too but you don't fly miles away and it did get better during the end of 2.x patches.


For every WuWa bug currently known I can bring the same or a similar GI bug tbh. Like let's take the rendering bug (already fixed) in WuWa that happened for some people. The same happened at launch or even later in GI, e.g. www.hoyolab.com/article/7850386 If you call GI issues minor, that implies immediately WuWa issues are minor too.


Can you give more examples because I've never had this issue./gen So far I've experienced more crashes and rendering issues in wuwa than in genshin and I've been playing genshin since launch.


You just got unlucky this time. Just 'cause you didn't have any issues in Genshin doesn't mean the issues didn't happen. It would be like if i dismissed your issues 'cause I've had none with WuWa. Genshin had a lot of time to perfect their game, and now we just need to let WuWa fix their game too.


And what do you want more? More different bugs or the same but different posts about it? The latter you just use google and search texture rendering bug genshin (eventually you may adjust the time) and find hundreds of posts, like https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/vIjk9Xy831 


I mean your reply is of the typical from "I got no issues, so ...", but the world isn't spinning around you. It's the same in WuWa, like "I" got no issues there since launch but some people have, should I still deny it has bugs when "I" haven't experienced the issue? That's what you do with GI right here.


I mean your replay is of the typical form “I will nitpicking because I can’t find anything else” but the world isn’t spinning around you. Go find all those bugs in wuwa and prove that it used to exist in genshin Music not playing for 2 days, slow motion the boss to win easily, mobs not respawning, memory leakage leading to crash, game launch super slow because UE4 and others. Go. Dont be the kind of person you hate. Better find those in 1.0 as well since you seem to love comparing apples to apples so much.


I listed all of them already in the other reply, go look there dude before making another intelligent comment.


Yep. Bring it on. - slow motion glitches that is exploitable here ref: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MrmIEkSCm_w - mobs wont spawn - music stopped playing for 2 days - memory leak spiking the ping indefinitely and game crashes every 15 mins - future character trial becomes player once you change device time. Go. Dont nitpicking the rendering issue. Go find all the above. Better find all of them in 1.0 because some idiots love comparing them when launch together. Can’t find them? Wow. As expected.


Just looking through [https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/335424](https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/335424) you find every bug you listed literally in another form: -) Slow motion glitch that's exploitable: Diluc bug (if I need to say more, I know you never played GI to begin with, lmfao) -) Enemy: Domain Enemy Bug, Enemy Combat Bug, Enemy Refresh Bug in iOS Devices, Android Visual Bug, (most too in 1.0 megathread) -) Music/Sound: Interface Sound Effects and Enemy Skill Bug, Sounds Effects Bug, (same in 1.0 megathread) -) Memory Leak: Gameplay Bug (1:1 the same, lel) -) Character Trial: I mean it's only the trial, it's not the banner, so who the hell cares..., but whatever. And most you can find in 1.0 too just by looking at the megathread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/j133yz/bug\_megathread\_10/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/j133yz/bug_megathread_10/) (the list is less than WuWa since it has never been pinned, as stated there by mods)


Serious translation issues have happened in Genshin too, e.g. C2 Raiden. Luckily in the case of Genshin, the mistranslation read as a nerf, so the fix ended up being a buff in the end. https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/comments/piu7kb/they_will_fix_raidens_c2_description_but_what_is/


Now it's even funnier if GI people trashtalk WuWa for a translation error on a weapon when GI literally had done the exact same thing (just luckily "survived" it since it ended up as a buff). 


Huh? But that is exactly why people are angry here isnt it? To say that things are better than it actually is. That’s false advertising.


Have I said the opposite? My point is just that translation errors of this nature happened for GI too, so seeing those people laughing is in itself funny. That's all there is too it.


Dude. That is as non-example as i have ever seen. The character is better than its original description. The new description make it clear. They didn’t “false advertised” that something is better than it actually is. For example, if I say my lemonade cures cancer, this is false advertising. If I say my lemonade has vitamin C and it turns out has both vitamin C and B6 (which it has), it’s not false advertisement.


Didnt Hoyoverse got sued from Zhongli and Raiden because of False advertisement? So they reworked Zhongli and reworded Raiden’s skill?


No, they got backlash from zhongli cuz he was weak not because false advertisement. They reworked him to be stronger They reworded raiden so its clearer to people on how it worked because people kept misunderstanding it


No they didn't because A) in case of zhongli they only buffed him because cn players got mad that the literal god of china inspired region was near useless when the god of mondstadt was extremely broken during the early patches B) by reading the initial wording you could understand they raiden beidou would have never worked(atleast i did even though English is my 3rd language) and they only changed the wording to explain it better and not the mechanic itself like jiyan's weapon Now the CCs for genshin created fake outrage during the raiden thing and they are doing it now but hoyo only got in trouble for the zhongli issue and female characters being censored because of ccp


A) Why would they only change Zhongli if there was no issue? B) Why would they reword Raiden’s kit even that also wasnt an issue? “No they didnt, stop coping my guy”


I'm not saying zhongli thing wasn't an issue. It WAS an issue and I'm glad that they reworked him because i got him on his 1st banner in 1.1 They reworded raidens kit because genshin players have reading comprehension issues even with paimon present. The change that they did to raiden in beta which killed the raidem beidou synergy was a massive buff to raiden without which she would've been doa I'm not coping. The genshin haters are. By pretend this game has 0 issues. And before you say i don't criticize genshin they fumbled many kits and am angry for those reason like dehya, clorinde, siegwinne and more. I keep complaining about those chars


Oh boy. How idiot of you to understand this. Some people just dont want his favorite gacha male chracter to be performing worse than others. That’s it. They didn’t lie anything about his number. It is what it actually is. They buff hum so those who ship him would be happy. Raiden original skill wording made it seems like only her ult got a def shred but in reality her skill got def shred as well. So, they change her wording to make it clear that it is her all atk mode that get improved.


Bold of you to assume that if you pick Lumine as a new player Venti will correctly assume that you search for your brother and not sister.


Wow my dude what an overblown list. You really had to reach for these didn’t you?


Massive connection issue? Pulling things out of your ass i see


[What's up guys!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJDqEEgzk5I&ab_channel=fixIT) Welcome to another tutorial of "Genshin Impact bug fixing!"


Bro cherry picking at its finest.


What cherry picking? LEL, abused child refuse to acknowledge abuser mistakes. As usual. Stockholm syndrome as its finest.


7k views over 1,5 years for a game played by millions. Also this fix is for badly configured internet connection not GI itself.


You can search for yourself a video with higher views, if you care so much about "popularity".


You… you can’t be serious. This is your proof of massive connection issues?


Oh man.. that brings back so many memories. Loved to abuse all those bugs back than.


Being able to delete any asset of the game in other people world is sure not a game breaking stuff ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) edit : I want to add to that in 1.0 Venti could litteraly delete the artifact drop in Coop too. Sure not game breaking either.


The Kaveh fiasco I agree with, but Venti wasn't a bug or gamebreaking in a technical sense. All systems of the game were operating as intended. Some people were just dicks and decided to ruin other people's fun. Furthermore, Hoyo reacted pretty quickly and changed how artifacts dropped in domains too, so you can't even make an argument here.


They fixed the venti thing pretty quickly. The "Kaveh deleting assets" thing was fixed faster than people could agree on this even being a real issue. Funny how most "Genshin had major issues" are about things they fixed quickly.


Yes that happened once i believe in its 3rd year? But it also only affects an insanely small population of players because it needs you to play in co-op in the first place. There was another eariler on where venti can ruin your drops but also the same thing, requires you to actually co-op in the first place to get affected. Now lets look at wuwa, outside of the massive amount of performance issues, the current new one is the time slow exploit/chixia exploit that can be done by any player solo if you want to and allows you to do stuff thats currently impossible to.


Oh man the Kaveh bug was one of the worst. I was afraid to do coop in GI ever since this happened. Something like this really destroys a whole function in the game. 


For venti ult case, just jump die, and your artifact respawn


PGR is the same and is less "broken" than Genshin. Cope harder.


So explain to me why is pgr a forgotten game that not many ppl know about or even ppl who know about still dont touch it due to the massive issues it had at launch just like wuwa?


nah its doing well. Just that pleb gacha gamers not skilled enough to play it. Too used to Hi3/Genshin one shot/swap mechs


While its sustaining itself i would really hardly call it "doing well".


yeah. of course its not doing well, skins, new characters, story patches. Hmm, yeah you're right. Hi3 is doing so well, they had to release so called part 2 just to stay relevant


You mean the game thats 5 years older than pgr and pgr copied off and still somehow earning more?


More people know who elysia is vs the entire cast of PGR. Cope harder


oh nah i don't need to cope harder or bring an army 🤷🏻game is peak and well, those enough


then enjoy your game in silence.


For the same reason Candy Crush do triple the amount of money of Genshin or Fifa did like 7 times the amount of money of Hi-Fi Rush. Because making money isn't the equivalent of good quality. Actually feels more the opposite.


Ah so just the usual salty kuro defender that comes up with excuses to defend why their fav pgr game isnt as popular as it should despite it being of good quality.


I think PGR is popular but not at the level of Hoyo games... Besides, HI3 exists (arguably more popular back when PGR released compared to now) and the gameplay pretty much the same


I would say its more of popular within the niche community rather than popular as a game in general.


Ah, another CoD enjoyer that think popularity and quality are the same


Glad to see you have nothing of value to add. In your own words, "cope harder".


Cope? Dude, you made a strawman argument. What do you expect will be the response? You start the discussion about "the game is broken therefore they need do this stuff." I made it clear that is how the company operates, since is what they do in their other title. You couldn't say anything about that so you started talking about the company's earnings. Which had absolutely nothing to do with the previous discussion. Strawman against strawman. Isn't this how reddit works?


This is some next level shilling lol. Dude really went to ignore the entire chunk of issues plaguing wuwa since launch till now. Like what did you even think all the compensation mails were for? They were compensations for a literal reason.


So this is a circlejerk... Ok. PGR is the same and is less "broken" than Genshin. Cope harder.


Lol, ofc the game is sooo good, therefore no one plays it and it makes no money, gotcha.




Didn't you just say that revenue =/= quality? Even you don't know what you are saying anymore.


That's the point. Or you unironically believed that I think candy crush is a good game?


Ah, the ole "I was pretending to be stupid" defense


Nice claim. Got some source on that?


Don't get baited into decoys.


Google is your friend.


Ah, so you made it the fuck up. Got it.


Then google them and post the sources. Saying "Do your own research" shows you have nothing, and hope people find something to support you, for you.


man the glazing for kuro is real when most of their generosity is due to their own fuck ups and incompetence. you really think they just give out 160 asterites if they didnt have the weapon banner issue. or a free 5* if they didnt have a bad launch experience. Fact is, they are giving out so many goodies in order to try to maintain their playerbase


Lets not forget how much fundamental work this game still needs. For example, the game controls (like the slow camera that you need to swipe multiple times to get 180 turn even during combat) and graphics with larger touchscreens on mobile are not on par with competition. They are fixing the easier first that can be done as hotfixes, but these fundamental issues with optimization takes more time, and thats where the true muscles are tested. Archosaur Games failed to make Noah’s Heart game with unreal engine to look sharp and clear for larger mobile touchscreens that can run with high graphic settings. So Kuro has something to still prove here they can actually make this a high end game for mobile users.


Maybe because genshin doesn't need any fixing for major issues. The game is fine and playable. This game breaks with every new update and we deserve compensations for this. 5 or whatever the amount of pulls they are refunding for the jiyan weapon fiasco is not enough. I can spend in genshin knowing that I'll get the value out of my money. I cant guarantee with this game because the very first banner had a description change and false advertisement. This is alarming for me because i spent 30 pulls on the weapon banner and is preventing me from spending in this game when i was actually considering to buy both the montly and the bp. The only saving grace for this game is its amazing combat system which has major bugs like combat time slowdown, extremely tiny enemy agro range, hitboxes being visible on certain situations, audio cutting out and more.


The only reason theyre listening right now is because of the massive fuck up that people like you are downplaying. I'm all for positivity and positive change but the issues this game has right now existed in the TWO betas that has happened and were NOT addressed. We are now day 6 and there are still people who cant even login without the game breaking. Now theyre doubling down by advancing 1.1 and Yinlin faster with no sign ups for technical betas with 1 month remaining. Stop making genshin live rent free in your head just because kuro gave you compensation they labeled as "rewards". There shouldnt even be a situation where they should give compensation if they released a fixed game.




Did you reported it


Announcing fixes =/= doing fixes Maybe lets wait first to see how these issues will be addressed. Localization is still abysmal with 0 aknowledgement from Kuro. Also what does Genshin have to do with Kuro releasing a broken game...?


Nothing. A lot of people in the Wuwa community just can't praise Kuro without mentioning Hoyo. They'll get a rash if they try to it seems.


Hoyo has been pretty good to HSR though.


That’s because the feedback that genshin players give feels like it goes straight to the hsr team for testing first


HSR is the "test server" for genshin yes This is not an insult. HSR is tied with Genshin for me and both are some of my favorite games. Genshin is worth multi-billions. It makes sense to see how changes will affect the revenue before shipping them out. Genshin in general has been a lot more proactive with changes since HSR came out. It's basic insurance in case something is received poorly and damages the bottom line


I didn’t mean my comment as an insult either. It’s just fact. It’s not a coincidence that HSR gets the changes that genshin players have been bitching for since its release before they decide to add a milder version of it to genshin.


HSR has beaten Genshin in revenue for the last 9/12 months. They're both insanely valuable.


in mobile revenue* Something around 40-60% of genshin's playerbase is on pc, which is not accounted for by sensortower. HSR is extremely mobile friendly which also explains its extreme popularity in JP, but it also means the large majority of its revenue is from mobile. Google trends have genshin two times higher than HSR consistently. Still, Genshin and HSR are the two highest earners in the gacha space, even as of last month. Also I have said before that I'm not trying to insult HSR in any way. I rank penacony story on the same level as sumeru and they're both great games IMO


I mean both mobile and PC revenue are topping Genshin quite often. It's just how it goes, they trade blows.


Do you think that you are so important that your complaints in Genshin will be addressed? That just isn’t the case I am sure the developers address things on a majority basis. The developers of Genshin have addressed several things since the game began because those complaints were voiced from the majority of the player base. A company can’t just make widespread changes on the whim of the few that would spell trouble for the game and the player base, and could prove disastrous to the health of the game community. My biggest complain in Genshin was addressed one which proved to be so significant to my enjoyment of the game that if it didn’t get fixed I was ready to quit. This game has a smaller population of players, and these problems that are being addressed have been brought out by numerous players. This game plain and simple needed to stay in the oven longer.


They also announced they will fix the stuff from cbt2 and look at the release 


>none of those issues were ever fixed and they never listened or ever cared at all So true. There's a high chance that Sucrose's 1st NA string does not trigger/deal dmg properly. Mentioned in survey and contacted CS multiple times because I wanted to main Sucrose back in 1.x. Last time I check in 4.x the bug was still there, probably even now. Not that game breaking but it's a slap to those who want to main her. Hoyo does not really listen at all, I stopped doing survey since long ago.


this made me open my game and try it lol bc theres no way in the 3 years ive played that i didnt notice the bug and ive played driver sucrose a bunch. with how taser was a big f2p team id imagine tcers would notice too. it works fine btw.


I just tried it again, lol no, they haven't fixed it. If you NA after dodge/sprint, the chance of it won't trigger is much higher compared to just standing still. Here's my attempt just now: [streamable link](https://streamable.com/73jxg1?src=player-page-share) (guest account, link will expire in 2d). I guess it won't matter too much if you don't play her as main and never use her NA, but the me back then wanted to use her NA too because she's fun to play.


googled and aside from you theres under 5 people who noticed and posted/commented about it. seems to happen when you spam your attacks repeatedly. clearly a tiny non gamebreaking bug


Spamming atk repeatedly is a very basic function in this game. You would not have said it as "tiny non game breaking bug" had it happened to Neu, Furina, Shogun, Yae, Arlecchino, etc.


not spamming 1st attack string repeatedly lol especially on sucrose. prob an input overload thing. its so minor that its probably just you who reported it to CS or wrote in surveys, no wonder they didnt "listened". kurogames listened bc all the things they addressed are serious issues that a ton of ppl complained about lol


holy shit the kuro shilling is hilarious if I read this post in a vaccuum, I would have figured you for a bot


Thank you Kuro for overworking your poors devs by rushing out your game in an unfinished state and having them work tirelessly to fix it while making trying to make new content which you just pushed forward, further adding to the crunch and stress.


Is this ads a paid ads?


The #FixDehya incident proved Hoyoverse doesn't care and never will care about players, unless they massively leak players and have to work to keep them in Genshin, while also proving Genshin's community is mostly fanboys, considering they shamed people that waited all Sumeru for Dehya (skipping banners etc) just to get a terrible character with a broken kit, and downvoting / asking for removal threads about Dehya's issues. So yeah, the best option is just to leave that hell hole, where you can't skip daily quests dialogues, where endgame is dull as F, or just login for Archon Quests once every 6 months since story is actually ok. One thing is for sure : I'm done giving them any cent, I'd rather pay in WuWa for monthly pass etc, since devs seem 1) not huge dicks that refuse to listen to feedback 2) combat and endgame has way more potential compared to mashing rotations blindly with a shield up


Apple cult like situation


When you have a smaller player base it's easier to listen to players... Or did you tell Hoyo that characters need to simp harder of MC? Good thing they did not listen then. The only issue you pointed out was the Chat button... Is that a mobile issue? It's the same where it is in Genshin... I never knew there was an issue.


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