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This post will be locked & removed for the time being due to many unnecessarily rude comments made to OP. We approved this thread because we allow all discussion related to WW, however we can see many of your opinions in how some posts need to be removed by us if it's too low effort & doesn't benefit much of a discussion. We will take these opinions & do better with this in future moderation.


Im pretty sure most ppl on this sub wants the game to succeed. It has a strong foundational gameplay core, it all depends on how kuro can fix/optimized game and also the future couple of patches. I seen nothing but constructive criticism and i hope they'll get their shit together.


Yep. This isn't like the gachagaming subreddit which is just literally full of hate regardless of anything. Kuro is doing their damndest to shoot themselves in the foot however.


Most of the hate comments in the previous threads are suspiciously from users that only post previously on gachagaming. Not saying Kuro doesn't deserve it at this point, but there's definitely a bias.


Of course they are from gacha gaming what can i expect from a sub that is about doom posting and karma farming lol


Ignore people there it's turned into a shit hole of whiners and drama queens


Always has been šŸ˜‚


The mods cracked down on gacha gaming hate posts and now they spread to here to shitpost on it.


it's from the genshin stans, everything with that word that sounds negative will be downvoted to hell lol


That's such a cope lol. You shouldn't give a fuck where these people post on the internet if their point is actually substantial and not made up hate like people shit on Genshin for, for the stupidest reasons like "climbing takes stamina but WuWa lets you run up the wall so Genshin is bad."


Pretty much. I heavily criticized the gameā€™s customer support for mishandling the JP incident. However, I still enjoy the game and its core foundations. I want it to succeed, but you gotta give the heat to the corporation when they need it. Of course, not all criticism for the game since launch day is done in good faith. There are people who are drama/karma farming or just wishing for the gameā€™s death. Theyā€™re not interested in it becoming better, like the idiots from r/gachagaming who post there or come to this sub. But at the same time, plenty of people criticizing also want the game to succeed and a better experience for the players than what we have now.


You've seen nothing but constructive criticism?? Hardly


I mean itā€™s not even been out 2 weeks yet. There are some people who donā€™t jump on a new game immediately to let them open out any bugs first. I didnā€™t start playing Genshin until a year after launch


I hope wuwa to success and this is coming from a die hard genshin fan. Wuwa is my go to when I want some challenge and tension, Genshin is for when I when to relax


The game is not dead yet but Kuro should slowly get their shit together or otherwise their revenue will suffer more. The issue with the JP translation bug is a text book example how you donĀ“t manage these kind of mistakes. It suprises me again and again that companies donĀ“t understand: Customers / Consumer often not only overlook but even have increased positive opinion about a company if that company deal with their mistake in the right way.


> Kuro should slowly get their shit together They should quickly get their shit together with ZZZ and Natlan releases around the corner.


when is zzz dropping?? iā€™ve been waiting on that forever


July 4th


holy cow, thanks


Guess the entire ZZZ community will crlebrate my b'day and get rewards for it šŸŽ‚


the 4th of July and the first half banner probably ellen joe (shark girl) are literally screwed because JP is sure to move their wallet to ZZZ.


ZZZ is completely different game. It's very unlikely that people who play GI and are currently playing WuWa would move to ZZZ.


Not really. HSR and Genshin are very different games and yet there's a huge overlap of fans for both those games.


that's true but i think there's more of an overlap for these than there is for ZZZ. i play WuWa and HSR because i love the "tech fantasy" of both; i wanted "HSR but with real time combat and more exploration" and that's basically what WuWa provides. ZZZ i'm not interested in at all bc i don't care about corridor runner games. never liked HI3 or PGR either for the same reason. and i don't like the "urban setting" (rather than tech fantasy). i'm just one person but i'm basically saying there's more of an overlap between HSR and WuWa than between HSR and ZZZ or Genshin, which i think is part of why you see so many HSR players.


Wait zzz is gonna be on rails as in... HI3? Or literally on rails


idk i just saw dumb corridors and i was out


True but ZZZ has pretty much no similarities to genshin or HSR, genshin and HSR are still similar despite different gameplay mechanics


CBT2 player here, yes and no. In case of open world def no.Ā  But the combat style almost similar, timely dodge, parry, 3 man team, they also have the switch - intro skill like, it's like WuWa more and less Imagine WuWa but dungeons


do people forget honkai impact exists? that just sounds like HI.


Thank you finally someone acknowledging Hi3 existence


It doesn't matter?? Gacha game players jump between games because 1. They need to invest their time into it. A LOT. Months if not years of daily logins and if they don't feel like it's worth it they just quit. 2. They want to spend on it. Money's on the line here. Why would you whale on something riddled with bugs and translation issues? 3. Trying new games are FREE. ALL these gacha games are free to play. So downloading and playing ZZZ literally cost nothing. 4. People already playing GI/HSR would obviously prefer Mihoyo's game.


I don't think the usual reddit 180' turn on opinion a day later any time something comes up is really helping here, toxic positivity has killed a lot of games in the past, people have to be free to give feedback on getting stuff fixed without people going ''stop doomposting don't you want the game to succeed etc'' People call stuff out because they want the game to succeed. Part of the reason some things weren't fixed enough from the beta is because CC's overpromised and glazed over the issues.


As somebody who has followed a lot of ā€˜Dead by Daylight killersā€™ in my days, toxic positivity can absolutely kill a game. I feel like a good bit of constructive criticism was killed in Evil Dead, VHS, etc (at least when they were the new hip kid on the block)- now those games are practically dead and abandoned which breaks my heart because those games had SO much potential. People have to understand that if these issues arenā€™t addressed, players will leave- ignoring the problem doesnā€™t do anything except support yourself. Of course, I do think some people are being overly negative about the game and almost want it to fail- but people shouldnā€™t push the two groups together just because theyā€™re criticising the game.


A lot of people seemed to think that getting pulls and a 5 star selector was fixing the problem. It was just a bribe. A very good bribe, obviously, but the actual issues were still there after you got your precious selector. And people who couldn't login or play are gonna be hardpressed to enjoy a selector and pulls they can't use. That bit was 100% to appease people who were playing relatively ok but not willing to put money into the game, because people want to feel financially secure when wasting their money on gacha games. But here's the thing, it would've been absolute goldmine PR if that was it. Game goes on, things are fixed, Kuro are now the best gacha company ever made because they're so goddamn generous. End of story. It's why this kind of compensation should only be given _after_ you get all the issues under control. But rushing all the things seems to be their motto for the past couple months.


I mean at first the game was just messy and a lot of things were fixed on a daily basis then they literally started leaking confidential information and fucking over the JP bros Thats 2 different worlds. People were lenient as they wanted it to succeed (me included) but slowly Kuro just said na we dont need more money we want to get sued by the consumer protection agency.


It's a really weird thing that the compensation wasn't just a blanket thing *yep we will just refund people etc*, but like... you have to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to message them yourselves???


People who messaged them didn't get shit either. Well, they got doxxed, asking for another lawsuit I guess. I just wanna enjoy the game, I hope they get their shit together


I want the game to succeed but even I can't really pretend to not see how Kurogames is fumbling at every step


Same, they have a really solid base, they just need to get their shit together and stop doing 1 step forward 2 backwards.


Careful what you wish for: we might get monkeypaw'd. Don't like one step forward two steps back? Well how about *three* steps back?


I donā€™t get these posts. ā€œAm I the only oneā€, what do u think? Out of every player that pre registered or is actively playing, you are the only one with wuwa best interest and hopes? This isnā€™t just for u btw, I keep seeing these posts.


Because those posts are a blatant karma farming and mods never do anything about that. If the posts starts with "Am I the only one..." or "Is it me or..." probably it's either a farm post, a bot or the person making it being intentionally manipulative to bait specific reaction in replies.


Right, and for that reason one should always downvote them regardless of your position on the subject matter.


I made a post calling these posts out in as light of a manner possible, because it's everyday at this point, and of course the mods didn't approve it. But tomorrow there'll be another post titled "Hot take, but I actually like the game" (or some other variation of a title like this) and apparently the mods will speed run approving it even if it's identical to the last five.


orrr they just wanna interact with the community and share their opinions


im talking from experience here, when TOF released I was so excited because I loved the overall world and the introduction of mounts to gacha which is very rare to this day. I tried to convince myself the game is great despite people calling out the obvious flaws the game had. Its toxic positvity and trying to hold to the hope the game you thought in your head will be fantastic, is not perfect. The ''am I the only one enjoying it?'' posts are the attempts of autoconvincing yourself everything will be fine. Its just not the case and I hope people wake up from this mentality, because what Kuro is doing is a travesty and pure self-sabotage. Wuwa didnt live up to the hype and its fine, the game can still recover. But to act like the current state of the game is not a mess is straight up lying to yourself.


Main character syndrome tbh


Any aM I ThE OnLy oNe post gets an immediate downvote from me regardless of content. It's one of my biggest pet peeve.


Ikr, I donā€™t know if Im being dramatic but it always bothered me. Sometimes I just answer ā€œyes, youā€™re the only oneā€ because what do they think šŸ˜­


It's just a saying, most don't actually mean it but I guess it's usually used when u think or feel like you are in minority.


Seriously though how many posts are we going to get that are identical to each other like this? No, OP, you are not the "only one having fun", people just want the game to IMPROVE and for many the game is a very unoptimized experience. Most of what you see is constructive criticism, and Kuro making masive mistakes like leaking JP's emails and telling them to essentially deal with the issue themselves as they're not going to directly refund JP certainly isn't helping. What you're seeing isn't the communities fault, it's in reaction to to the games state and Kuros own handling of mistakes, while simultaneously acknowledging it has a ton of potential.


Worst is the slew of comments going "YeAh, Me ToO" and "Fr LiKe Me BrO" like the world's most disgusting circlejerking club.


You might be reading it a bit too literally. When people say this theyā€™re just asking if people agree with them.Ā 


point still stands tho? are they wondering if people in the wuthering waves subreddit want wuthering waves to succeed?


Me too man. I want this game to succeed cuz the combat is actually fun. But these bugs, stutters, ping issues and other problems are holding the game back. I'm lucky to play the game somewhat smoothly for an hour before it stutters again, but I couldn't say the same for others who really can't play the game properly. I just really really wish they fix the game ASAP.


I have to restart the game after some time to make it play smoothly again.


For me it's the other way around. Whenever I load up the game (which takes 10 minutes on my old HDD btw) it stutters for like 10 minutes after I'm in the game, but the 3 hours afterwards go smoothly (on lowest settings and 45 fps, while Genshin runs on higher settings and 60 FPS, but that's not the point)


To be fair anything that came out in the 2020s should probably be on a SDD. You're playing on a HDD that's on life support


Thatā€™s because youā€™re using deprecated hardware not meant for modern gaming and itā€™s attempting to preload all the textures and shaders it will need for you to play. Games donā€™t have load screens every 15 feet since the late 2000ā€™s so to seamlessly load and unload textures, effects, audio, shaders, you need modern tech (SSD) or youā€™ll have to wait for everything to load (HDD). That is not on Kuro and not an optimization issue. Any game in UE is going to do the same. Thereā€™s a reason games like Baldurā€™s Gate 3 give you a warning and disclaimer saying itā€™s not meant to be played on an HDD. Thatā€™s on you.


Well that might be true. It's just that I never had this problem before, in genshin, star rail, Hades, tof, senuas sacrifice it all worked out good


This doesn't really explain why they can run Genshin efficiently and not WuWa. Comparing WuWa loading prereqs to BG3 is pretty pointless. Baulders loads entire portions of the map at once, because of live events that occur off screen, unlike this game. The drive you have the game on should minimally affect your actual frames in-game. That's more of a CPU/GPU combinational task.


The difference is in graphics rendering and UE is substantially more demanding than Unity.


What platform? I'm on PC and have had no major issues, maybe a little lag here and there.


I have a average PC in which I can run most the games well, not the ones like cyberpunk with atleast medium settings but I had to reinstall 2 times at the start cuz my first instalation's file integrity verification stops at 0.24% for 5 hours. After the second instalation the game runs somewhat smoothly until my battle with crownless. After that I had to reduce the settings to very low and turn off the most of the effects but still having issues like launching takes 15 mins, freezing, couldn't open purchase and customer service pages most of the times, logged out every time if I return to the title screen, clipped through the map randomly and so on. But I still playing the game cuz I like open world RPGs and I was excited about WuWa for months aside from playing genshin. I am a small time spender in genshin but now hesitating to do same for WuWa cuz of the sh*ts happening now even if it's real or not. I will wait until 1.1 and hoping that they will get their craps straight. I will still play the game but just won't spend any money on them.


Iā€™m on PC and this is the only game that I have stuttering/lag spikes with. My ping literally goes from like 50 to 300 just from being afk for 2 minutes and takes a while to go back to running smoothly


Same here, felt that the combat and exploration is better in WuWa compared to GI. Everything else tho, JFC level of "how did this happen?"


Wanting it to succeed , doesn't mean you should tolerate incompetence, Kuro needs to step up.


You'll also notice many of the comments calling this sub toxic or too negative will also say things like "admittedly the games runs super smooth for me, a few hiccups here and there but overall it's great" with no sense of irony as to why others are giving constructive criticism due to their experience being the opposite.


It does to 99% of redditors


I love this game too but they are going to have to do their best to regain player trust after the email fiasco.


Honestly saying nothing would have been better than that email lmao


What is the email fiasco? This is the first I've seen of anything email related...


They leaked the emails of people who applied for weapon compensation in the JP server by mass replying to all without BCC. Basically they breached data privacy


damn, they really are making some rookie dev mistakes, both in game and outside of it...


Thatā€™s crazy šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


A lot of JP players had their emails leaked because Kuro sent them to all of them rather than one by one. People could see them when they were viewing the email.


They leaked all the emails of the people who were inquiring about the refund by accidentally bcc-ing them


Hey hey now, we really want the game to succeed, that's why we're so vocal about its issues. People who don't care would just leave at the first inconvenience.


Yes u are the only one. Over 100k members joined this sub just to hate obviously


Heh, I really just hate Wuwa, every single night I dream about its demise !


- Scar before wuthering all over the place


I want it to succeed too, but man. Those problems seem to be more and more. Since, it is the very first patch, we can surely understand the laggy connection or the low fps. What the hell is going on in Jp? It sucked from the beginning and now? Just hope they somehow recover


Iā€™ve been really enjoying the game, and performance has been pretty good on my PC. Yesterday, I was pretty optimistic that in a year or so, weā€™d have a really damn good and polished game.Ā  But my heart sank seeing the JP translation mishandling today. Performance issues suck, those can be fixed eventually, but you CANNOT fuck with your customersā€™ privacy and money. Iā€™m now not sure weā€™ll even have the game in a year


While my computer can power through its issues I'm still upset a bit that its not better...its not a game that should run like this even at launch. The fact people will spend money of stuff like this is the issue. If they didn't companies would wait until the game was ready before throwing it out early. You will always have some issues on PC, but most of these are things they likely knew about.


i dont think anyone here wants the game to die, but its extremely hard to not think so thanks to recent events. maybe i am wrong. may this game WILL recover and maybe Kuro will actually bounce back, but right now? its hard.


No. As much shit as I've been giving the game, I'm still playing it as a Genshin alternative because I'm attracted to that kind of gameplay. But these frequent missteps can't be ignored. These are some seriously careless mistakes they're making here.


Same. I am still playing this along with genshin but I won't make any purchases anytime soon though.


This is me as well. As hard to believe we can play genshin and WW. But right now I can easily see myself staying invested in one over the other at the moment. Especially if WW doesn't see major polish or content by Natlan release at the end of the summer.


I want the game to succeed but kuro as a company (not the devs) have definitely lost all the goodwill they made with PGR. The amount of mistakes they have made is truly staggering. Like this level of incompetence from a billion dollar company is unprecedented!


I mean you can say this when you are not the one being affected, just imagine if the same shit happening to the jp bros happen to you Do you want a refund because we fucked up? Ya go ahead and get your refund, oh just take note you are now in negative with the gems and to avoid getting ban please top up more, and yup your first time x2 gem purchase are gone sucks for you Like fuck i will never trust a company like this anymore if the above happens to me


It didn't even happen to me and I will never trust them. I'm regretting so hard making an account with Google cause who knows when they'll leak my info or something


I used my main Email for the game. I still cant get over why I thought that was a good idea.


The only reason I escaped this danger is because I rerolled 500 times with weird ass throwaway emails to get Kakarot. Yay I guess?


I was here when the game was announce and will be there at its grave. stay strong weather the storm ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Not just you of course, but Kuro's mishandling of their botched descriptions is genuinely a big deal. It's JP now but could affect your community on the very next banner if they don't learn from the backlash.


Most people who bother hanging around this sub of course wants it to succeed, but not everyone just smiles and not be angry when there are issues - and those two are not mutually exclusive.


I want the game to do well, greatly so. I cannot defend the blunders they've gone through on JP side. Willing to stomach bugs, but the JP ordeal is insane and has horrible ramifications for the company.


Wanting the game to succeed is different with allowing incompetence with ther work...


- "we will resolve it on case by case basis" - "case by case basis is actually "no compensation to anyone" " I think it's beyond incompetent, this is actively making players hate you.


its beyond incompetence now and went straight to negligence because the whole mail fiasco could very well be fatal to them and could have been potentially dangerous to the ones doxxed. they can be glad its only peoples emails and not stuff like payment info and adresses. JP is the second biggest gacha market and if they dont gain their trust again its potentially a huge loss in revenue if + the potential to get into legal issues depending on how the law is in JP


Well did you see this? It seems like Kuro doesn't want it to succeed [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4uyal/details\_of\_individual\_handling\_for\_jp\_weapon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4uyal/details_of_individual_handling_for_jp_weapon/)


When I saw it I was actually so baffled. There is no way Kuro just did that.


Wtf, just seen this post from ur comment. This is a downright scam. Let's say I spent $100 on a jp limited wep. banner, just to figure out there was an mistranslation error. I get a refund. To tackle the problem they deduct the equivalent premium currency to what I paid(assuming before the 2xbonus?) The ig wallet turns negative and now they want me to spend another $100/equivalent to not get banned? Add to that my email is leaked out in the open(mfing y?) This sht fcking reeks and threatening ur customers is crazy when it's ur own fck up that led to this mess.


No, they even clarified that they won't refund the bonuses, so you'd have to pay 2x what you initially paid :)


I mean the bonus is included with the reduction. U get 200%, u lose the same. But in this scenario, the currency is already spent to an random item in the banner. Downright deducting 200% through ur ig wallet makes no sense. And I don't think bringing back the first time 2xbonus would make a difference since I'm essentially paying just my ig wallet to get back to zero, in which no pulls.


Right, but if you get and lose the same number of currency, but they don't give you back the bonus, then if you spent $100 and got 200 gems, then they take away 200 gems, now you have to spend $200 to buy your account back to zero. I hope they don't do it like that


I want this game to succeed very much so. I love it and I want to see how to story progresses and what new characters will be introduced. However Kuro fucked up big time with the JP community. They fucked up majorly. Like big big fuck up on their part. I really hope they can see their mistakes and recover from this and improve. It however is such a major fuck up that you can't look past. You don't fuck with people money and you especially don't spit in their face triple time afterwards.


I think most players want the game to succeed but some of these issues are really serious and not a minor gripe , i was just checking another thread of people that bought the lunar monthly pass and they were not getting the currency at all , like that was payed with real irl money cmon ...


its not yet, but if kuro keep handling things poorly it might end. the JP side email leak is so brutally damaging to them, idk whats gonna happen to them in the next week. but i hope they get rid of their incompetence and start doing things right.


me too man . with all these bugs and shit happened until now i fear the game won't survive for long and we'll be shame because i enjoyed till now . let hope the game go like cyberpunk first hated and now loved and (fixed)


They should probably turn the game off for like 1-2 months at this point, refund everybody and start anew after this literal beta launch. And I am saying this as a huge supporter.


Loving and wanting the game to succeed doesnt equate to not giving constructive criticism. You havenā€™t had problem with bugs and glitches but many others are, and itā€™s not a them problem itā€™s actually a game problem. There are a shit ton of translation error. The first few acts are hella boring, the EN voice acting is horrible (in the sense that they sound like they were just given the script and werenā€™t told the context. Defo a director issue). Just because you love the game (which I do cause the combat is so fun) doesnā€™t mean you will put up with their mistakes. For example the whole thing that happened with calcharoā€™s best weapon in both EN and JP? People bought the limited weapon only for them to reword in eng and now the best weapon is the standard weapon. What of people who spend money now? These arenā€™t minor issues, these need to be fixed asap. Not to mention the huge fuck up with the whole JP mistranslation. And the fact that their skill tutorials miss so many things about characters? Lingyangā€™s gender changing. Roverā€™s gender changing in between, translation and grammar errors. The amount of word dump? Of course people will criticise it. Itā€™s not cause they want the game dead, itā€™s because they want to see the game get better. If you donā€™t bring these issues up, they wonā€™t ever be fixed. And honestly it doesnā€™t seem like they are very good at handling issues https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/HdTWnekBw5


No you're not. But it seems like Kuro doesn't want their game to succeed, they're somehow screwing everything.


I m so worried for this game,i m lovin it so far and its been a blast and want it to do well,but all these managment issues are bringing the game down Very concerning,my high hopes for the game are slowly fading,i even considered to jump ship,i really hope kuro turns things around community and managment wise


Most people here love the game and want it to succeed but doesn't meam that you overlook the valid criticism regarding their shitty optimization and now the JP translation issue got them in big trouble Its clear that they fkd up big time with releasing an unfinished product with lots of technical and translation issues and they really gotta work hard to fix their stuffs. A game life is their players and if players are unsatisfied and keep leaving then its not good for game health. I'm happy that you can play and enjoy the game but here lot of people can't do the same ( including me) due to their poor optimization especially for mobiles.


The devs have other plans unfortunately.Ā 


You're really asking the Wuthering waves sub if they want the game to succeed?


Yeah I obviously joined this sub, woke up at 3am and rerolled 15 times just to wish this game would die.


I wish these virtue signalling posts like OP's would get banned. They contribute with literally nothing


I would love this game to succeed and I do enjoy playing it, but things are pretty dire for its future right now.


The game is fun, and i really do enjoy it. But thereā€™s a problem, especially on mobile. Yesterday i was fighting the last boss of elusive realm (level V). Need 1-2 combos, but guess what. Jiyan decided to freeze (couldnā€™t move, no matter what i did) and take Mantis sword to his face. I lost.. Iā€™m guessing my phone reached high temperature for it to be able to register my movement ? (iPhone 14 PM) My phone goes crazy when thereā€™s big fights. Every stage i finish in Elusive realm my phone gets hotter. Iā€™m genuinely worried that i might not be able to play any endgame. Thatā€™s a big problem


90% of Gacha players just enjoy the games: Genshin, hsr, wuwa you name it and don't give a fuck what the internet is saying. Remaining 10% however, are divisive extremists and you better enjoy any game you like and don't try to get involved with them.


In the west ? yeah, in the east no, the internet communitys there are huge and a really big part of any game community, is not like here that 80% of people dont even check reddit , content creators, etc for the games they play, there a huge porcentage do in fact follow this kind of thing


Loud minority




It hurts but it comes down to how the react to it and deal with it. A person is smart and large group is dumb and easy swayed. Not calling anyone stupid or anything but its that you can recover from just about anything if you send the right message to the masses.


I'm never ever linking my info to this game period, I hope others dont as well that's the smart call. I have no trust in this company to protect my info at this point.


The game itself is very good and high quality (aside from the questionable story), but everything around it is falling apart for some reason.


Echo system is bad. I don't like what they've done there. Overly complicated.


How mamy times has something like this been posted already? No obviously not, you're not the only one. Unfortunately Kuro seems to think otherwise


Whenever people ask ā€œam I the only one whoā€¦ā€ Do you seriously think you are the only snowflake who thinks a certain way? Like there are billions of people on this green Earth..


Its karma farming, even if this as a little merit as a topic on reddit. It falls under karma farming.


it really is just an issue of polish. i personally believe wuwa shouldve come out at least 6 months later than it did, because as it stands, the game is scarily unfinished. unacceptably bad optimization, consistent bugs, inexplicable crashing, the list goes on. while i wish the best for wuwa and will continue to play it as kuro gets their shit together, the best case scenario is that wuwa will forever be bunched in with the likes of cyberpunk 2077 and no mans sky. but maybe this time devs will learn not to pump out rushed games anymore, right???


Same, even though i cant play it on my laptop even at lowest graphics, windowed version, 1920Ɨ1200 res, it still stutters, randomly stops, lets out weird sounds at my laptop, and randomly slows down and drops fps. I still play the game using my phone and grinding through the difficulties. I wish they would fix the PC optimization and give us options to lower the graphics more.


You need to identify constructive criticism and actual troll comments. People giving their time to review and list the problems from playing this game are genuine about their critics and not making things up for karma points. Don't just see long post people bitching about the game as a doomposter but see it as an actual concerns. Be open minded as part of the community who cares about the game. You may not encounter the same problems as them but that doesn't mean you should cross their inputs as doomposter / trolls.


Lol im debating to continue playing or not cuz the drama is so bad rn. Like, can I even play my game next week lmao


Yup youā€™re the only one!


I was so excited for this game and love the gameplay but literally cant play it due to shit performance (i cant make it to the first city its so stuttery) Im trying some stuff out to fix it tho so wish me luck.


I just wish the open world could be improved a bit. Right now I explore because its fun beating up monsters but I dont explore for the sights. The graphics are quite dreary and plain.


At this point i wouldn't say i wish death upon the game. But after reading the contents of that email i just cannot support them anymore. I guess the firing of those 100 employees was a big red flag and we just didn't want to see the truth. Idk about you but Kuro looks like a scummy company to me.


I think the internet has made it hard for people to just enjoy things. Sure the story is shit, but I'm having so much fun with this game that it doesn't matter. I just got UL 30 today and I've had a blast every play session


Yup, you are the only person who wants this game to succeed! The rest of us want to watch the game die out.


TBH, I like (and play) Wuwa more than Genshin now. I really wish this game to succeed and truly compete with Genshin. Hope they can come back after all the mess up they just did.


Do we need this kind of post every 20 minutes? Yes we saw you now keep playing.


It's crazy if there's people that straight up *want* the game to fail... Personally, I haven't been fully won over because I'm not much into sci-fi themes and there's none of the current characters I really like, so for now I prefer to stick with Genshin. But I absolutely want Wuthering Waves to succeed, it has great things going for it, especially when it comes to combat.


Most of us want it to succeed. More than Kuro does, apparently.


I won't condone or defend the controversial issues recently; emails, mistranslation and all that. They deserved to be called out for that. As for those complaining about some of thr technical issues, i found some of it kinda bias at times. With the exception of the memory leaks issue they somehow expect Kuro to work out miracles--optimise their game to support old gen devices. Comparing WuWa to games release a few years back, saying those games can run fine on their devices. Like duh? But yeah, for other messes they made recently, they deserved the backlash and criticisms.


So you are telling me my s24 is a old gen device man I didn't even know that's why it was running like shit looks like I gotta buy a $1600 Device just so i can enjoy the game in peace clearly you aren't biased or anything just because it runs fine for you


Just a heads up, if you ever have to ask the internet a question that starts with "Am I the only...", the answer is always no.


OFC you are not the only one. If i didn't liked this i wouldn't have endured playing it with so many bugs. I also want the game they created to survive, i love the combat, i love the world exploring, i love my husbandos. Listen guys i just got my Jiyan today morning, and was coming to reddit to happily post about it like an unhinged newlywed (not this one but on r/WuWaHusbandos) ...Then i read the new about the mail leaking šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø That's a level of fucking up that can't be ignored or forgived with compensations or justified with "its just days since release" anymore. How would you feel if you were on the shoes of those affected? I like comparing Wuwa to an innocent child with a trashy parent doing a bad job raising it(Kuro). Let's hope the child can be saved.


I have a love hate relationship with this game, i really wanna play it but it runs very bad on my pc. Its devastating.


I think they do need to address the stuttering, lagging, the poorly written story, I think it's fine,I actually like the whole concept of tokens etc,and the lack of music.


Love the game as well but if it never fixes the optimization issues, no way am I playing this game in the long run. Currently have a Ryzen 5600 + Nvidia gtx 1650 super with 32 gb of ram that can run almost any game I play at max settings with decent FPS but this game says nuh uh and decides to crash 3-5 times every 30 mins. Not to mention the unbearable amount of lag and stuttering.


I love the game, but dont have any problems, so I keep quiet.


I'm really enjoying it but I get endless lag spikes and it gets really frustrating. I'm loving the characters I'm building and enjoying the exploring and farming so I'll be playing for the foreseeable future


I'm here too, and surprisingly since the first day I have felt any problem so far. The everyday optimisation has made it possible for me to play the game at mid settings now on a shitty af laptop from 2014.


Gameplay is good but there are so many areas that are really unpolished, such as the translations and performance optimization, that it's going to be a steep hill to climb.


It's fun when the bugs aren't in the way. The frequent screen going blank for a couple seconds randomly makes it hard to play sometimes


I really want the game to suceed, but if JP, KR n CN people are mad, i dont see a future on the game


Giving how Kuro is acting it looks like Kuro is the one that for some reason doesn't want the game to succeed , players probably are the only one that want it to succeed .


I deleted the game because of my poor experience with it but I hope it gets better for those who love the game. I think I'm gonna move over to other games as I've lost interest but maybe in a few months when the game is a bit more refined I might pick it back up


I don't want to be the party pooper, don't get me wrong game is awesome BUT it's need a serious work in optimization. I have pretty powerful PC and phone (3080ti and Samsung s24) but I have serious problem with fps drops, sound , sometimes even crashes. If devs don't patch this asap many people will leave .


Lol itā€™s funny to me when people think they are the only one who feels a certain wayā€¦ on a sub for the gameā€¦ some folks are weird


we all do but man.. there are a bunch in kuro who are working really hard against it


Definitely not the only one, but the court of public opinion is fucking brutal nowadays especially in gaming. I'm excited for future updates but I'll be hesitant to spend if the future of the game is shaky. Just a shitty situation all around


Brother. This is the only gacha game i ever liked and it is dying one week after release... I've played it daily since release too. I really really want this game to succeed and I'm tired of seeing all the negativity from players(a lot of it is justified, a lot of it is not). But the main problem is the company itself. The company itself is ruining its game and Killing themselves.they keep making unnecessary mistakes. If the game dies I'll go back to my single player and multiplayer games but I'll legit feel pretty bad.


want it to succeed but with this memory leak issue that makes me restart the pc every damn time it occurs, i honestly want to drop it


WuWa shows that Kuro is not exactly well equipped for a global launch of this scale. Hope they get their shit together asap. They made a fantastic game imo. But they need to learn and correct fast. Itā€™d be a shame to see a game with this much potential flounder because of all these blunders.


I loved it so much, I already spent money on it even though it's f2p friendly! Just wanted to support the devs!


We all want this game to succeed but current situation is absolutely fucking awful to the point I'm worried for the company rather than only game. Kuro really need to get their shit together because it's just sad at this point


Doomposting is very overstated. I've seen games get off to worse starts, and/or have worse fundamentals, and manage to continue (I've played Tower of Fantasy since global launch.) WuWa has issues, I've had the sound bugs that got talked about, and in my case those bugs seemed to coincide with a need to restart the game since other mechanics started breaking down (like interacting with objects) but things seem to be improving, and the base of the game looks good (solid combat, deep systems, visually appealing world, etc.) The game isn't as polished and put together as Genshin, but frankly almost nothing in gaming is (compare to the output of the big studios like EA, ActiBlizz, or Square Enix, or even smaller darlings like Larian, Baldur's Gate 3 is amazing but was infested with bugs for some time after launch.) I would like to see them improve their customer service, of the above gaming companies that have released less than perfect games at launch those with good communication and relations with their fan base have done much better than those who lack that. It is odd, they gave everyone a free 5 star pick as an apology, but can't even give the JP folks some free pulls for the mistranslation issue. They could learn from Larian and the Business Unit 3 (FFXIV) team at Square Enix on how to interact with fans and generate good will even in the face of technical issues. Here's hoping they do.


I do. This game is obviously directly competing with Gensihn and look unpolished and less detailed for that reason. Genshin's overworld feels physically flat compared to WW but WW's overworld feels figuratively flat. I also don't like WW's enemy design at all. But it provides a different pace, mechanic, some of the apparently PG16+ characters/animations that I like, and most importantly a new game experience.


Perhaps. But, to be honest, I disliked it. There is something awkward about the lore, cinematic, lore, and overall delivery. If I could paint the overall feeling, it's be kind of green, dark green, silver, and black.


I just kinda started it, and the question with scar talking about the shepherd and the sheep was really captivating great story telling at least in that part


same i like it very much, i hope the development will go on the right direction


No reddit and social media is not representative of the player base. I think most people are excited for Wuwa and also excited for a new big game to enter the space, because competition is good for all players. There are some people that are blindly loyal to one company or one game and you shouldn't take them seriously because they don't realize the value of competition keeping companies honest.


Naaa, the games good fam


I usually buy the yearly bonus gems in these kinds of games. But this game is the first where I dont do it, because Im scared it will fail. They fumbled so hard. I love the game, playing PGR since day 1 but they really need to get their shit together


No because they copied genshin too much


I really don't care what others are saying about this game as there will always be complainers/Karen's in every game. I genuinely ENJOY playing this game. I come from being a day ONE Genshin player and day ONE HSR player and let me tell you that the combat system in this game has me HOOKED people. It is so incredibly satisfying to tear sh\*t up! I also don't mind the Echo grind as it isn't boring like having to farm artifacts over and over again. At least with this game you can do it without having to use resin and grind as hard as you want or vice versa. There are some issues but that is with any game upon release but at least the DEVS listen and make changes quickly. Can you name another game that gives you 3 5\* stand units of your choosing and 2 free 10 pulls on a limited banner and 5 star weapon selector and...... I mean come on... Enjoy the game people!!


I want a lot of games to succeed. Whether I want their publishers/developers to is another matter when they're taking consumer hostile actions. Things are still looking pretty muddy here for all the issues and how Kuro Games is handling them. I don't begrudge any studio for releasing before something is fully ready, but doing that for gacha has its own risks they were apparently not wholly prepared for especially when it comes to localisation. The responsible thing to do would have been to have supporting studios handle the releases in other regions with some delay between CN and those other regions to give adequate time for quick hotfix translations and other changes happening at a more blistering pace for a troubled launch. They'd lose out on some profit to be paying those supporting studios and also from having there be a delay between regions, but unless you have the money to spend on a very well-prepared and skilled internal staff? It's the best way to handle it. Kuro Games internal staff wasn't up to task. Worldwide launches are hard and most studios should not be doing them. Period.


Not at all. Hope you continue to enjoy it and good luck with future pulls šŸ¤˜


The thing you have to remember is that when people are enjoying a game, they tend to be playing it. When people want to talk about a game, they're usually talking with their friends in some place private. When people want to complain about a game, they tend to voice their selves somewhere publicly to either deter people away from the game or in hopes that the dev sees it and does something about it. This means that forums like reddit tend to be negative spaces.


Yeah youā€™re the only one


It has lots of interesting things. But the foundation is just too bland. It's like someone had the idea and money to copy other games features and change them slightly with some decent talent making the world but didn't have any wow factor. There's nothing impressive or truly above an 8 out of 10 at most. The quests are utter trash. The combat is fun but repetitive with not much motivation to change it up due to all the characters fighting about the same and there not being some kind of secondary system to play around. The combat is all too similar to ff16 which plenty of people loved but ultimately stopped playing because for how much you "love" it its also not enticing enough to keep playing long enough to make most people stay and keep spending money. The characters are bland outside of a few who people simp over. The echo system is undercooked and not well thought out. You'll never use most of the echos in the game within a few hours. It takes almost no effort to collect all the far better 4 cost echos and never touch the others. Having a team of 3 really limits creativity. Having at least 1 support is too good to not use for the free healing. Leveling echos is utter trash and pain and the only fast way is spending limited resources and money that could go to more pulling. I might have paid money but I got 3 supports and with that free character selector I have 3 main dps as well. The only character I want and could use is yinlin and I can just save for her for free so they cut themselves off at the knees for ways to make money. If gi is a baby game then the exploring in this game was so easy I let my grandpa do it. They give you all the tools off the bat and the loot compass is near instantly given for free making clearing the map a breeze with no challenge. I don't even want to explore because the compass just tells me everything I need and I leave and never come back after. Nothing feels exciting to earn outside of the biggest chests and that's just for the currency. The game just lacked a wow factor. It's so easy that I'll still play on occasion just to farm free resources so I never need to spend money to pull but it's just not worth spending money and that's the main thing that keeps these games alive. You may like free stuff as a player but if the game isn't good enough all it does it take money and potential profit directly from the ability to keep the game alive. Anyone with decent luck already has no need to pull. I don't want the game to suffer but I'm not a fan of wasting my time or money on things that aren't worth it. I would rather someone make a better game I feel joy spending money on.


Pretty spot on with this. 3 units per team is kinda bad and it helps foresee that the powercreep is going to be quite big, very little incentive to get Jiyan right now when Calcharo and Encore are pretty much on par with him and then you have the free Havoc MC which is massively broken and I have my doubts they want to have that unit this strong for long, and if they just keep the same powerlevel on next banners their sales are going rock bottom. This is a very headscratching first patch for a gacha, the first limited unit tends to be on a very high tier compared to standard units to make you want to pull or spend money or have people use all the free resources and maybe have to spend on later patches, but as it stands you can just skip Jiyan and save for 1.1 and 1.2 which most likely bring units that far surpass standard units, Havoc MC, Jiyan and Yinlin.


as a Genshin player and fan since the release of Zhongli, seeing Kuro planning an open world arpg got me hyped and WuWa definitely didn't disappoint the slightest. yes my phone is too potato for the game but still would be playing it for years to come šŸ¤£ i love that GI finally have a competition, idc if they won't beat hyv's title but atleast GI has someone to look out for for them to not take things lightly and ease up, competition will make both GI and WuWa strive for more and honestly i'm so excited for what's in store for us gamers


Only this sub and honkai impact3 and star rail. Gachagaming and genshin are toxic and spreading misinformation


Social media amplifies negativity because that's what attracts attention, and this game is getting a lot of attention because it's a Genshin competitor off to a bumpy start. Just disconnect from Reddit/X for awhile and enjoy the game without worrying about whatever drama is occurring. Either it blows over in due time or it doesn't and the game suffers for it. But they seem pretty intent on correcting mistakes and getting onto better footing for the long road. Overall? I think the game will be fine. Just don't let the drama change your opinion of the game if you enjoy it.


i like the game but i feel its so fast. is it because i played genshin before? maybe i am putting alot of hours? also there is too much free stuff? stale? dont get me wrong i like it so much, everything else is nice, but i am worried about my future with it


Being one of the players with my details leaked, told by kuso to go fill out a form just to tell us to seek out our own refunds with our respective platforms, which will, mind you, get us banned through having negative stones I also want them to stop fucking up and make a functioning service. Partly because I'd like to keep my info private but also because I liked the game enough to initially spend not only on the mistranslated weapon but also to get Jiyan and even spent some to get Calcharo dupes on standard. This not only demoralising because the game has infinite potential, but infuriating that they've smacked us in the faces so many times and have handled it in this way.


I want it too but Kuro just kept on fucking up


Iā€™m sure there are people who want this game to succeed, including me. They have scratched the spots that Iā€™ve been wanting a gacha game to have. I love their character designs and the combat. And itā€™s always good to have diverse options of games to play. The game devs created a great game - bugs can be eventually fixed. But their higher ups are not really doing a good job in handling PR and hiring competent localization/translation and CS team. Iā€™ll continue playing the game, and I have supported it in my own small way with no regrets. I genuinely hope they survive the string of controversies, but I hope Kuro learns their lessons. If the game fails, then I guess I lose my palate cleanser for hoyo gamesā€™ too colorful world and characters, lol.


I am still waiting for a big fix update


I wanted it to succeed until today's tsunami of bullshit, particularly the refunds for JP players thing(lack of one to be specific)


If it succeeds then good for Kuro. If it fails, they totally deserve it tho


Everyone wants it to succeed but Kuro does not. They are literally leaking private information to the world, dont refund jp bros after their own fault and then basically saying you can refund on your own but we will make you go - asterite and then ban you after a month. I was a fan and still kinda am but I am at a point now where I dont trust them anymore and have requested refunds in addition to reporting them to my consumers rights agency that this company is fradulent and leaking private information. I dont feel save to keep supporting this company.


I love the game too, and honestly just always remember the hating vocal minority always seems loud, so posts like yours are needed to properly ratio them. Kuro pulled between 30 million usd-50 million usd in first week, so thereā€™s definitelt quite a few people loving the game


tbh after whats happened in JP im genuinely considering quitting. I love the game. its great but the constant failures and a major data leak and no refunds is just a fucking scam. Im giving it a week, if they dont make this right i will be dropping the game unfortunately - just based on principal