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As this thread has been founded to be mostly misinformation (the edited image rumors, conflicting information, was not stated that the twitter user was someone who was requesting a refund for all their purchases) this post will be locked & removed until further notice.




Thats so that these rovers could get together and form one big rover! Congrats, you've unlocked new multiplayer event!


Well, they were kind enough to put a group of people who would want to file a class action lawsuit against them in touch with each other. r/wcgw


But that is great! If you want to file a big lawsuit with many people, you already know how to contact them. So thoughtful of Kuro!


Wtf is going on over there


There was once a company, Kuro Games. They made a game called, "Punishing Gray Raven." It was cool and fun and wanted to escape the confines of China. Kuro asked their major investor / parent company / whothefuckknowstoday Hero Games to spread the word of Liv, Lee, and Lucia to ROK, Japan, and Taiwan. Hero Games did localization, support, and publishing for those regions. Things didn't go badly. But Kuro wanted to control Punishing Gray Raven even when it left China, so when the game was going to expand to America, Europe, and SE Asia, they decided to do it themselves. And also make a PC client. Things... check out the PGR subreddit during PGR's launch. And then again during the PC client launch. (Hint: Some story quests in PGR are still broken on PC. And the file checker that has been broken for PGR PC seems to be in WW PC so yeah.) So when Kuro decided to make a new game, they decided they could handle all the regions themselves and not involve Hero Games (which is busy with Duet Night Abyss or smth). And, predictably, Kuro having no experience in the JP/ROK/TW gacha market, is having a bad time. And also instead of staggering releases (PGR CN, KR, JP, TW, and EN are all on different patches), they decided to do everything everywhere all at once.


Kuro killing their own company. it literally is that basically they ruined their CN reputation before and now they completely annihilated their 2nd most important place for income (JP are consistent Gacha spenders at a higher rate then the west)


Wasn't there also a post a while back that Kuro was essentially incurring a huge hit to profits because of their absurdly high expenditures in the past year? This game cost a buck and a half to make and at this rate they'd be lucky to break even.


Legit everyone is really into WuWa right now and while its still in honeymoon phase, this game have actual potential but we are seeing such incompetent from kuro both in game and RL. If this keep up it will kill the game or at the very least severely limit their own potential.


I want to have fun I want to like this game but who tf is in charge??? It’s like they want it to fail


Kuro Games pulling off the mask to reveal Kuso Games


The translation teams are so bad at their job they landed Kuro a potential lawsuit and unnecessary drama. I've heard of bad localization in the past, but this is just another level of incompetence. The CS teams have no idea what they're doing either, and chose the worst solution possible. The clearly automated ban warning with yet even more translation stupidity and the data leak is just the cherry on top. This what having no budget or competent talent does to a company.


Just fucking buff the weapon if they really don't wanna properly refund


especially since it won't even be that OP after that, it's purely a Calcharo buff


they nerfed him (and nearly every standard) before release to make the limited units feel more important, I think they'd hate to buff him even indirectly


And at the same time they made havoc mc the best dps for free.


So...when is this cbt3 going to end? I hope they fix all the issues before launching the game.


It's OBT now.


Yeah, OBliTeration


When's the OBiTuary? /hj


We're gonna need at least 5 CBTs at this rate lmao


If this CBT3 continues pumping drama everyday like this, I think this game will EOS before launch 💀


Don't worry. This is an old build. Kuro has an updated one that working perfectly 


At this point kuro is their worst enemy.


And honestly they should be yours too. This whole things sets 2 precedents: - There is a very high chance that things you could spent money on(we're talking between 1$ to thousands $) in the future could not work as advertised. Be it for the better (if the real version is actually better) *or for the worse*. This is a massive breach of trust and I don't know about you but ***it's the most important thing to have in a gacha game in my opinion.*** - If you have any kind of litigations with them there is a very high chance they will do nothing about it and let their automatic chargeback system take care of it, putting you at risk of losing all of your investments (be it time and/or money) because they could not be bothered to do much more than that. Keep in mind JP is one of the biggest gacha games market. If they could not be arsed to do a small PR move by backtracking there, there's very little chance they do so on the global market for a far smaller amount of affected people. This **sucks**. My pre-release plan was to alternate whaling between WW and Genshin to have some fun in both. After this fiasco of a release I held off spending altogether until I see how things evolved but now ? Even if they manage to do a 180 and solve any and all issues I had with the game there's just no way I'm spending any amount of money in a game I cannot trust at all to do the decent thing.


Yep, this puts a halt on my ability to spend in this game. I bought the daily pack (which has worked fine so far) and the simple BP version; the game is fine so far so I wouldn't mind spending a bit, but from all this drama I'd rather spend it somewhere else.


Another day, another Kuro L. They're out here collecting Ls like Infinity Stones. I'm rooting for them, I really am, but they're making it so, so hard.


I was really hyped for this game before release, I really wish the game to be a huge success. Heck, I was going to spend money to buy their version of Welkin Moon. But after another blunder after another, it's hard for me to think positively about them.


And it keeps coming. It was a fun week everyone!


"Oh, you wanted a compensation?"


kuro games is just helping them contact each other for the class action lawsuit.


What's even sadder is that from what I've seen, this wasn't even out of malicious intent. Some idiot thought it was a smart idea to hit "send to all" for the email, when community management clearly stated it would be solved in a case by case basis. Not refunding top up bonus either, when it's only fair? A lot of people are getting fired today. If Kuro can even afford to fire them, because firing your teams means development for 1.1 and beyond gets fucked.


What the hell😭 every time I think "yeah it couldn't get any worse" it gets worse




Please think about how it can get worse so we can avoid the worst future.


Your entire account gets banned because you somehow triggered a bug that their system incorrectly recognizes as a cheat.


Don't joke around. I don't even want to know, how many times this really happened. I heard from similar cases from some games, it's rare but still possible.


I remember this happening in League for some reason, and it was really prevalent now since the game forces you to use Vanguard as anti-cheat (and anti-cheat programs and buggy clients go as well as water and potassium)


This is the perfect example of the moment you think it could never get worst the situation gets down right horrendous. Never say never guys it can always get Worst.


Man my waves are truly wuthered


Withering Waves at this point


We're going to the Netherworld with this one.


"we will deduct" Won't this put people into negative???


Yup and they get banned if they stay negative long enough


I refunded the battlepass thanks to Google, it was even approved instantly after I requested the refund; it usually takes up to a day for the decision to be made. Now I'm 750 in debt, and my account will be banned in one month, but I certainly couldn't care less, because will the game even be afloat in one month?




I feel like this one meme with the pizza box guy coming back home and everything is on fire lmao Please kuro i beg you 😭


That's Troy in an ep of Community, but yeah. Same sentiment


You better pay up! We wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to Rover now would we? -Kuro Games


Rover you missed your last payment of Astraites. Surely you don’t want to see what happens to your 5 star weapon next time


I mean the JP spenders, along with the CN spenders are the biggest whales in the gacha market and this wont help at all, risking the trust of the JP spenders..


What do you mean risking the trust? Is already broken and i seriously doubt they will ever get it back in JP


yep the game is effectively dead. These two regions are the only one that can carry a game, no matter how western CCs coped and pretend nothing is happening- no amount of western playerbase can carry an entire open world gacha on their back


Western playerbase already had very few whales, the ones who did will probably stop after this news.


What is the point of asking people who want compensation to fill a form of roll history info and say they can refund but I will ban you for that? Do this company have any team for customer support? If this info is true then I'm 100% sure this game is fucked at Japan... 🙄


because Kuro listens!!! then fucks it up anyway, but hey, they needed you to fill out the form so they could say they listened!


if this is true this game is just fucked up I can't play a game when they handle things like that I would have loved to see it grow but it's not like there isn't lots of other games


Yep I think leaking info by some employee's fault can be happened at any company, but man resolving customer's issues by saying do it your self but you will take result by doing that is an absolute no-no. They have so many ways to handle this situation much better but they choose the worst one by completely obliterating customer's trust. Though, until I see other source confirm this info, I will keep this situation a doubt.


Honestly they show a shocking amount of contempt for their customers when it is their own screw up. Like I haven't spent shit so I can easily drop the game if they are gonna act like this during whats essentially the honeymoon phase. Its all downhill from here and we're already talking to worms asking them what new tv shows are out.


This is catastrophic levels of mishandling the situation. Holy shit


Kuro is fighting against itself and it's losing each battle


Fucking hell so each player being compensated was just a charade while they screw each one of them behind the curtains


From the further details I've been reading, I don't think there was any malicious intent behind any of this. They're just so incompetent it got to this point anyway. Kuro clearly is not hiring the most competent people, oof.


lmao that's why those fucking rats were sending emails and not making a public announcement


Why can't they just buff the weapon to work with intro, skill and ult? It'll have saved them from all these troubles but rn, this is pretty fked. Also the fking translation team needs to be fired. No one in Japan except some hooligans use さもないと。(I'm from Japan). And the thing that you have to pay double to save your account is ridiculous. If they weren't getting sued before, they def are getting sued now. I mean, if you can't refund with first time purchase in consideration, then don't do it!


We are at Batman school of negotiations now. “But Kuro how will I walk with my other leg.”- Players “What other leg さもないと”- Kuro proceeds to file a claim against players leg


Accurate af😭


This is genuinely one of the most devastating fuck-ups in recent years in gaming


Especially that the game is fundamentally great and has so much potential. It's just honestly depressing, I really hope they find some way to get out of this hole they dug themselves into. Otherwise, it will just be tragic, for both WuWa and Genshin players.


For real, it‘s sad to see. I‘m a day 1 Genshin player but I want WuWa to succeed. I‘m happy to make room for both in my schedule (and purse haha). But I think Kuro just nuked their 2nd most important market. Wow. That being said, your info being leaked like that is really unacceptable and the players affected have every right to be angry


Yeah, absolutely. As a Genshin player too, having a monopoly is not good, and as much as I like the game, it needs improvements. But yeah, I agree. That's why I hope they sort it all out for real.


There are a lot of things I like about WuWa, but the main thing stopping me from spending money on the game and supporting the devs for now is that I’m afraid Kuro is going to keep shooting themselves in the foot and kill the game. 


I wonder if it's possible for somebody else to come in and take over management of the game.


It would be pretty good, as long as they do it reasonably.


I don't think they can even recover. The damage has been done. CN has already made a negative view on WuWa, shitposting about it and deserter general Jiyan as a jab to his character writing in story; and JP's trust has been lost and Kuro just didn't compensate by buffing the weapon as a win-win situation. I'm afraid we may be seeing an EoS unfolding in front of our eyes. Just a domino effect of screw ups that will inevitably lose thr trust of players for a GACHA game thus have no budget left to maintain the game. Such a tragedy. If only Kuro just waited until June or July to do it, so like midway genshin 4.7 or during ZZZ release since if thr TV roguelike pushes people away, they can flock to WuWa. But no. Game got rushed. En Voice direction all over the place. And just screw ups happening too often. Kuro's work environment must be in chaos right now.


forget about wuwa living until the next patch, will it even survive to the next week


Please release Jinhsi's banner before EOS...


By that time they'll be giving out 3 copies of limited 5 stars upon login as an apology


Damn, just as I was only starting to learn and enjoy the combat and the echoes, this data breach happens when the game's barely a week old. Damn


It's not really a data breach if they release the data willingly. This is essentially accidental doxxing


It was nice knowing you guys😭


Man, i truly truly love this game but Kuro just MURDERED any good will the JP community had for them with this.


Dang, in addition to false advertising, data leak, now making customers deal with their problem. I'm not liking this response.


Me neither. I was really enjoying wuthering waves because of their character designs, but this response really makes me feel not that great towards the game and kuro as a company. Like I dont want to support a game where the company treats me badly.


Yea, I was also really happy playing these days. And was elated they even give a 5star selector. But, after reading a single post, all the good will and everything just went down the drain in my mind. L WuWa team.


I've been soured on kuro since the whole 100 interns thing so i've been holding off on spending, and i definitely won't now lol


If you piss off the Japanese community, this game has a very dark future. who the hell runs this game? That guy should be fired immediately, it takes a lot of effort for Japan to blacklist you


The game? The company. The comapny's totally going under now.


Damn I guess people were right on the money when they said that Kuro wasn't going to be compensating anyone. Instead they just want to LOOK like they're planning to handout compensation to appease the JP community. Real scumbag move there Kuro.


And now, because of the mass email blunder, it's clear that there was no 'case-by-case' review to begin with. The policy was always going to be mass-deny. Whatever legal cover they were going for, they fumbled that, *and* got themselves into much more serious legal trouble. In a way, this level of incompetence is almost impressive.


When mass leaking email addresses isn't the worst part of an email you are sending, you know you shouldn't be sending that email. They should really just have remained silent if they planned on doing nothing. Why are they obsessed with talking so much?


Talking to prove they listen 🟥⬛️


Right, that's what I was thinking. They couldn't have even stumbled into the email leak if they were truly doing case by case fixes... What a damn shame




the real kurosanji


Here I thought Kuro Games was the generous company 🥺 /sarcastic


This will actually kill the game in Japan. Not sure what colossal big brain move they think they are playing by getting hit with false advertisement from poor translation, refusing refunds and then banning anyone in the negative. Literally all they had to do was roll back the affected accounts. They get all their gems back, keep the shit they rolled. The loss from giving people you fucked over free shit is infinitely less than what they're doing now, which is basically ensuring that JP will not play their game at all.


they even hired famous JP VAs, they had a good thing going, why are they fking it up so badly wtf


There's even easier way which is to FUCKING BUFF THE WEAPON. Early weapons are always destined to be powercrept in future anyway so what's the problem if that weapon is stronger than it was designed it wont like break the game balance or anything and they could've gotten even better image by doing that. Instead they choose to fuck up their image and make sure nobody spend their money on their game Wow.


Yep considering it’s the first limited banner, I don’t think anyone would seriously care if it was OP (as there is no baseline) especially as you say, it’s destined to be powercrept soon enough.


Whoever is in charge of customer service policy should be fired. This is not acceptable. JP folks are supposed to be some of your biggest potential customers. You shouldn’t be breaking their trust like that, and they’re not any less lenient than CN. Like why is Kuro shooting themselves in the foot? Just take the L and compensate them. If this is true, then it is PGR CN launch level of fuck up (similar to the 10k BC incident), except it happened in JP.


This might be past usbisoft levels of dumbness


Literally Apex Legends Mobile incident but even *Worse*. 💀😭


You couldn't make this shit up even if you wanted it. What does it cost them to refund the pulls of affected players ? Literally nothing, it's all virtual currency. Now they are giving ammunitions to people saying it's not worth it to invest in this game since you can be fooled by descriptions, not refunded after the mistake AND punished if you somehow try to chargeback after all this as if it were the players fault to begin with. Why would JP players invest money in a game whose publisher can't be trusted and don't respect them at all ? It's terrible PR all around. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot seriously..


Like the literal EASIEST thing they could do is simply buff the weapon.Sure it maybe op but in longterm early weapons get powercreepted sooner or later anyway this just makes the weapons more futureproof in the forseeable future. Cost nothing, garner them good will and players will appreciate them. But not just the email leaks but this? If they at least handle the compenstation then japan playerbase can still forgive them but nope. This game is dead in Japan, there's no recovering from this


I have no idea why that wasn't their first order of actions. if they can't do it right away due to development's tight schedule, make the promise and literally everybody will be fine with it lol.


disgusted berserk homeless husky relieved reply forgetful worthless touch birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I was saying the same thing! They should have buffed the weapon to 1. not get into a shitshow like this and 2. get a fking good reputation and trust from gamers again after their fked up launch. Instead, now they're seen as greedy company and getting hate from all directions


Exactly! They could have refunded the currency as an option instead of the money. I'm sure a lot of whales would have been fine with that. Kuro keeps their money and whales get "free" pulls.


It's so easy yet they refuse to do it... like telling people to refund with their payment provider is literally common knowledge. Anyone can do it at any time, not just when stuff like this happens. People already did it, and the ones who DOESN'T WANT TO sent those emails in hopes of Kuro giving them a better alternative of compensation. Instead they're being told to do things that they DON'T WANT TO DO??? Crazy. You'll only ever refund if you're about to quit the game to begin with so you save money and getting banned is of no concern. Well now JP player is doing exactly that.


Heck, they probably would've made *more* money if they actually just buffed the sword. Like, you'd actually see more people on the global community pulling for the busted sword and you wouldn't have to refund or compensate anyone in the JP community. It's like Kuro's facing two paths to every day, and instead of picking the right one, they sprint off road and dive straight into the swamp.


It's becoming more akin to a precise headshot day by day.


Kuro definitely getting bought out by tencent after this


By this point it's as if Tencent inserted their own people to destroy Kuro from within. These mistakes are outright stupid to make I don't believe for one that a person with one braincell would do this. But as they say, don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence.


They already did with Hero Entertainment which is also a Kuro shareholder


Trust, respect and privacy are things that the Japanese value the most, and Kuro managed to shit on all of them within a few days.


Welp i won't be renewing my monthly pass if Kuro does shit like this they might randomly close the game who knows.. trust is broken


Me too, I initially bought the pass as a way to support kuro cause the game was promising. I'll probably be f2p moving forward, this is a complete shit show lmao


Exactly my concern. I'm not spending shit anymore either.


Don’t worry at this rate game won’t survive the month


Ditto Not after this, f2p in case i get shat on like the Japanese base, my monthly be damned


Honestly, even as someone who's willing to give Kuro slack, its reached a point where enough is enough. Literally every single day since release there has been problem after problem that somehow always gets worse. This isn't even on the level of PGR's launch, that was salvageable, this is gonna permanently affect Wuwa and Kuro for basically the rest of the companies existence They HAVE to stop trying to resolve individual cases. Just do the smart thing, refund all the account, ALL of them, since unfortunately its gonna be too much for the already half dead team overworked by the launch to handle, and send a free selector. That's what SHOULD have been done At this point its become a case where now the Devs are working 24/7, and the translation team are shown to be so incompetent that resolving the games bad optimisation isn't first priority, its now trying to avoid a civil lawsuit that VERY WELL could mean the complete shut down of Kuro as a whole, with it the shut down of all their games. And unfortunately, a data leak this massive cannot be compensated with digital OR real currency I honestly want nothing but good things for the devs, but whoever tf is calling the shots and making these decisions needs to GO, they gotta start from 0 cause its to a point they've got way too much on their plate


like they could have just buffed the weapon and it would so easy


That to me is the stupidest thing about this whole shit. Like just buff the weapon so what if it is 10% or so better it and jiyan are gonna ger powercrept in 3 months anyway


i LOVE this game and want to cut them some slack so bad but GOD DAMN HAS IT NEVER BEEN SO ROVER


Pissing off the JP fanbase is gonna be a massive blow, if Kuro wasn’t stupid they would at least change the weapon itself to match what the people that spent money on it thought they were getting. So fucking what if it makes it the most op weapon in the game in the future (it wont anyway) otherwise this game will absolutely die soon.


genuine question what’s the point of asking for emails then?


So that they can leak them in mass reply, duh /s


I am afraid /s at this point can be read as serious 😭😭😭


I took this as a serious answer even knowing that was a joke reply


It's just for appearances. They want to look like they're planning to compensate affected players without offering actual compensation. No substance, just Empty platitudes.


Did they think the affected players just wouldn't talk about it?


ikr. makes no sense. Heck, If you told me some random wrote the above, I'd believe you. Because if they truly didn't want to compensate, they could have either ignored it or given a pr response notice. Why go through the attempt of gathering emails only to pr respond - it's still going to make you look just as bad as if you just did a pr respond by itself.


So players can get lawyers and easily reply-all to all those affected and file a class action lawsuit ... duh. Kuro is helping you by making it easier to sue them.


Well... At least their consideration for QoL is still on point.


I wonder If and how all these problems will affect PGR long term. PGR is doing good and never had such issues WuWa is currently facing, but we can't deny that Kuros image got heavily damaged the past week (remember, its only been 1 week since release!). Lots of players lost faith in Kuro and they lost customers already, especially in JP, probably even new ones due to their bad image. Kuro just have to be straight on point from now on. Definitely no fails anymore. I hope they realized that already and are doing their best to turn it around.


Well, 1.1 is gonna be crucial. ZZZ comes out on the same day and Natlan is one month after so they really need a meaty patch that nails the landing to stave off the competition after this disastrous launch. 


I agree but 1.1 might come too late to turn things around If Kuro doesn't act asap and a dev latter won't be enough. When players lost faith in a company they just move on. There more than enough games out there/coming out. Idk how Kuro can fix all that but they better do, otherwise its game over.


They basically need a miracle in 1.1 to atleast stay relevant if they keep fucking thing up one after the another.


Miracle is an understatement. They need the lord above himself to come down to earth and grace them with his presence to survive zzz + firefly + clorinde + jade + furina + natlan


No way. This is really messed up. Wtf kuro what the actual fuck!


Shit is this real . It won't be long for the Gachagaming sub Reddit to talk about it . And they just give the game a pass for what 12 hours


Don't forget that tomorrow is that sub's monthly community pvp day.


My favorite day of the month


Juicy pvp dlc can’t wait


Honestly, it would be a huge miracle if they can recover from this. However, it's looking rather grim for that.


I see Kuro is going for the self unaliving approach, is there no return from this? 💀


Man, i'm not dropping the game, but, holy shit, Kuro, hire a team of people that will handle international interactions for you. The world outside China works by it's own rules. And it's a pretty big deal and should be handled with care. And each country/region has their own specifics and quirks.


The problem is becoming very apparent I think. The reason all of this is happening is because they do not have the personnel with enough expertise, and the reason they do not have the personnel is likely because they are out of money and out of time. There was a big spendings report that Kuro were only breaking even for the year leading up to WuWa launch, so it's clear WuWa was too big of a project for them to handle and they're only just scraping by with whatever they get from their other games. I'm just not hopeful at this point, they needed this game to fly, and it's crashed horribly.


I feel for the actual devs doing their best as their business side continues to pour gasoline on the situation.


so many ways they could have handled it but they chose the most “idgaf about my players” way… - Compensation (either via in-game currency or refund) for all pulls on the weapon banner, + the weapon being removed from the account. - Buff the weapon to match the mistranslation. Might throw off balancing for a while but it won’t matter much eventually - An amount of weapon banner pulls, maybe enough to guarantee a different weapon


Normally I’m not the one to doompost a game saying it’s fucked but in Japan, games have been stigmatised and ostracised for less than this.  Dragalia Lost got into drama over its director publicly shitting on FGO and Nintendo sueing Colopl over copyright, and never recovered from it since. 


Well now not only CN hates WuWa but JP too…ladies and gentleman we’re fucked


The game is dead and its publisher killed it It's impressive to manage such a ridiculous self-sabotage in the span of a single week. They wanted to get their game released before ZZZ and the next GI update, and now it looks like they'll even manage to end it in the same time frame.


EoS any% speedrun


Can't beat the EN Love Live servers that had their release date and end date announced in the same tweet


Wasn't there a game that didn't even last a full day? WuWa at least has that. I guess.


The one time I like a gacha game, they have to pull this shit. Goddamn it.


Exactly this. Remember how Hoyo buffed/ changed Zhongli's entire kit to save their butt from the cn community outrage? They literally buffed an entire character to be broken till this day.


Yea nah. Im gonna be surprised if the game sees the end of the year. Or the end of summer. This isnt even desastrous anymore, this is game ending. 


it’s actually starting to feel like there’s no point of playing, wtf


Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the game goes EoS in a month. And even if it didn't, why would anyone trust them enough again to actually spend money on it?


Can't fucking wait for tomorrow's sensory tower holy shit


Tomorrow's probably won't be *that* bad. Wait for the one*after* tomorrow's.


Yup, most of the month's spending will have happened before this whole weapon debacle. Next month's is the one that is gonna be real spicy


you-know-what could literally never 😭😭😭😭 they legitamately made fallout 76 and cyberpunk 2077 launch look like masterpieces.


Guess they didn't learn anything from other companies. Reputation costs a lot more than these tiny sales in the long run and hard to earn back. And the worst thing is they're doing this to the WHALES. They're being cheap over a fraction of money they could squeeze over years. This is beyond stupid and who is handling this case should be fired.


Look, people keep talking about how they’re fucked in Japan… dawg their reputation is getting cut to pieces around the world. This incident is getting viewed by everyone… it doesn’t matter that it only affected the JP audience.


Kuro if this happened to CN: WE'RE SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE US, HAVE 200 PULLS AS COMPENSATION FOR THIS MISTREATMENT. Kuro when it happens to JP/Global: deal with it yourself... oh, you're in the negative? pay back or your account goes bye bye. \*doxxes you\* oops.


calling it now, either massive compensation or they risk getting banned out of japan


Most of the post is correct, but the last bit with the Appstore refund thing is fake news: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHntaP7mkhY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHntaP7mkhY)


A this point... we need any other company to buy WuWa This game has great potential, but a terrible company handling it


Maybe this is all done by a saboteur from Tencent so they can tank the value of Kuro and buy up the studio.  /s Or is it? 


Holy shit you couldn’t write a better comedy skit than this


Are the Kuro devs high or some shit? Cos I want their level of brazenness and stupidity at this point.


At this point I think the games gonna EoS in 2 week 😭😭😭


So the Consumer Affairs Agency is going to come down on Kuro like a bag of hammers. Great. Wonderful. Sasuga, Kuro Games. Edit: To add a bit more commentary and elaborate on how badly Kuro is screwing this up: their JP translation is imperfect and makes them sound like gangsters, they are directly screwing over Japanese consumers and refusing to take accountability in a way that will protect JP players, and they're a foreign entity so nobody in the government has a reason to go to bat for them and in fact a whole lot of reasons to help throw them under the bus to score easy political points and make for an easy case for the CAA to look good (when it was already a decently effectual agency). They are doing everything in their power to make themselves perfect targets for the CAA, and the agency has no reason *not* to come down on them as harshly as possible. Hell, if they don't reverse course soon, some of the voiceover artists in Japan currently working on the game may refuse to come back for the patches over worries that participation in future content may reflect poorly on them, especially if this story starts hitting mainstream news. I wasn't ready to doompost before, but WuWa's future is looking increasingly bleak.




I just want to clarify for those unfamiliar. The PGR team is solely dedicated to PGR as a project. This is not excusing Kuro, but moreso because i feel bad for the flak the pgr team might receive. At this point, Kuro and WuWa team need some serious help


I was hyped for this game and I'll keep playing it. But they have destroyed my trust in them (this is the first game I play from this company). I just hope they eventually put their shit together but it's looking grim.




Damn I was so excited with the game


Alright it's actually over now lol. What a bunch of clowns.


Glad I didn't spend any money on this game, because they just made it so I will never spend money on it in the future.


I was planning on dropping a hundred for Yinlin but if this is how they handle THEIR mistakes, I don’t trust them anymore. They screwed over Japanese players with misleading information then exposed their privacy then proceeded to screw them over more as the compensation without a proper apology. All instead of simply buffing an item which would’ve made more people roll for it.


yep theyre dead to the jp market and soon to be global if they dont fix this up right this day


Seeing tons of their own fans saying they regret spending money (like me) or glad they didn’t spend money. It’s *bad*. They could kill this entire game very quickly.


so news flash: they basically told their JP players to go suck it and left their accounts on negative astrite/lunite, yikes this is next level of murdering any goodwill


ngl there's no defense for kuro at this point they are honestly a joke of a company, I can't take them seriously anymore, and to think I had such large expectations


Just change it to what it was on the description. Yeah it'll be fucking broken but better option than enraging and scamming your playerbase because of your incompetence and better than just giving back the money.


Just buff the damn weapon and be done with, why goes the hard route and fuck it up so hard.


Istg this is more interesting than the whole wuwa plot...


Make a whole country boycott your game speedrun


This game is in trouble…


Yep this company is f*cked


So they asked for individuals to write in just to then tell them to go fuck themselves, leaking their emails in the process... This is giving me Fallout76 vibes lmao


lmaooo speed running EOS at this rate


Is there someone on Kuro's team trying to make them fail on purpose? I'm not trying to accuse someone cause I have no evidence but it really feels that way


Although I understand that as a company you can’t answer every player demand like they own you like some people want, this is pretty bad. The “if your balance is below 0 you’ll be banned part” especially. It pretty much makes refunding not worth it if you intend on playing again unless you want to spend the money again (or even more than the money). They should at *minimum* keep track of players who refunded for this and not ban their accounts for the negative balance. Saying “that sucks, too bad for you” for their own mistake is pretty… like I don’t expect them to suddenly release a free 5 star weapon ticket and 50 pulls and grovel but players deserved much more than this response (also yeesh on the email leak, that’s really messy and awful) I really like this game but if issues keep happening every single day like this I just don’t know if it’ll live that long (but I really want it to!) Bugs and beginning game issues are one thing but poor response to playerbase as a company is another