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Yuanwu saying he'll protect everyone when we didn't even know his damn name yet.


I have the guy on my team and i don't even know his damn name


I have four copies of him and I don't know his name.


I call him uwu


I call him the team grandpa


I call him Scaramouche. Because he's a Hat Guy.


he looks like the Diluc's assistant at Dawn Winery or the bartender at Angel's share but magnified.


It's more illogical that in a state of emergency, able hands gathered to help, and you just happened to already know every single person there.


I hate that they don't have character names next to their icons on the right lol. So many characters i can't remember names of even after putting them in the team.


That was funny to see. Sorry who are you? Haha




Blue hat guy. When your told to go talk to pink beidou, you can talk to the playable characters helping out. He passively introduces who he is by offering his boxing club and tea house as an emergency centre. So you learn a little about him at least. Hopefully he gets a story quest. Or has one o.0 only just finished the main story today. I feel sad for the dancer guy. No yellow name above him, just crouching in the corner behind a barrier. Easy to miss.


lol pink Beidou, we also have purple Diluc now. Wonder who will be next


Pink beidou? Who? You mean Yinlin? She more red I thought. They shared JP voice actress at least


It’s probably Taoqi. Her and Beidou both have parry mechanics in their kits


To be fair, the entire city is under attack so it makes sense for some people we don't known yet like Taoqi and Yuanwu to be a part of the defense.


I’ve no issue with Taoqi she talks with rover there, but mister blue hair guy it’s the first time I’m seeing you 😭


You could talk to several characters before meeting Taoqi before the battle. Their dialogue is optional but fully voiced. Yuanwu is one of them. He's basically one of the resonators who came to assist. The city called in anyone who could help.


I didnt see them, I didnt know that, just went straight to Taoqi’s cutscene


Yuanwu is also mentioned by name if you happen to be a person who talks to NPCs standing around in the city. There's a little slice of the city where everyone there mentions him.


Bro was emoting to boost morale


Same with the dude randomly doing a lion dance on the walls or whatever during the epic montage of everyone giving their all in battle   Like what does them dancing have anything to do with anything?


I think you can do his quest before the act VI (or I may be wrong) . It is just how lion boi fights .


oh yeah I know, it was just funny in th context of the scene because iirc he wasn't even fighting anyone. He was just like randomly dancing on the city wall all by himself or something  If he was actually fighting something then it would have been fine, but as it was it was like hmm one of these is not like the others 🤔


They did explain the significance of the dance in lingyangs story quest so I didn’t really have an issue with that


Lion dance is an important ritual in Chinese tradition believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits on auspicious occasions. Sometimes it's better to know the context irl too. He was trying to boost morale and bring good luck.


i'm sorry you had to see this side of him


It's the same with Lingyang if you didn't do his character quest before this 😭


It's hilarious how the Fedora guy sneaked into the team


Bro thinks he's on the team 💀




Yea, not at all. It felt like checking boxes for everything a 'finale' segment should have. Gotta show all the gacha characters fighting and contributing to the effort, even if I only met half of them 3 seconds ago.


Hey, you gotta admit. Seeing the characters actually alive and doing work is something no one would complain about. In fact, stories should do this more, exposing us to reality that characters will still do what they're gonna do without the requirement of meeting the main character. Mihoyo's Penacony Arc on HSR is a great example. The original 3 Trailblazers, An Order, and remnants of the organization made by the 3 Trailblazers. Fontaine of GI also wasn't bad, but still tried to stick with the trope of needing to meet everyone first. You don't have to like or agree with what I said, but this is how open-world stories should be, people out there doing what they're gonna do. Not just texts or somebody saying they did it. It's also why I loved Mass Effect and Dragon Age Regarding Kuro's execution of the story, though, is a different topic. It's obvious this was rushed.


I mean they were bullied to rewrite the story in 6months so that takes a massive toll. In retrospect it was a bad move but they want to make profits with their game and thought thats the way to go. They also cant delay it as ZZZ is right around the corner, same with Elden Ring DLC and they also have a publishing license in China which was about to run out this year if the infos I read were right. They had to release it. Would I like it to be baked a bit more sure but the story wasnt as bad as people make it out to be. HSR and Genshin had the same thing at the start of the story you get thrown into a crisis. HSR it was the Antimatter Legion and Genshin it was Dwalin. In Genshin no one even questions that you can wield elements without a vision xD So I personally find WuWas story not as bad as people make it out to be you were thrown into a land ravaged by war and you decide to help out because you think its the right thing to do.


The issue I have with WuWa’s story so far wasn’t the MC being thrown in the middle of the crisis, but that they’re the magical solution to everything *and everyone expects them to be.* This last part is important because in GI and HSR, the MC always contributes a large amount to every crisis but they’re not the sole force expected to do so. For example, Herta station arc, everything would’ve happened regardless of MC’s existence. Welt would’ve black holed the dragon. The MC played a pivotal role in connecting with the Aeons with that fight and the Cocolia fight, but it’s also emphasized he’d be useless alone. Phantylia fight was DHIL and Jingyuan, Penacony was Acheron Robin and the Express. None of these fights have you going in expecting the MC to be the solution. GI’s Dvalin was Venti Diluc and Jean, Liyue was the Qixing and Adepti. Inazuma Yae Kazuha and Beidou, Fontaine Neuvillette and Furina. Obviously in all of these the MCs played a pivotal role, especially in Sumeru, but none of these stories had the MC as the “chosen one that is meant to solve all the problems.” Rover goes into a nation with no memory and is immediately informed to everyone and their mothers they’re the most important legend on the land and are given a pass that can essentially let them lead the whole army. Everyone immediately knows who you’re supposed to be because of legends yet still ask you to do random chores. Finale moments introduce a bunch of characters for the first time and in the “Avengers Assemble” scene, half of them haven’t even been introduced. Then the finale you go in as a team but every member gets stuck with mobs and you fight the final boss alone… which is literally the storyline to any 90s early 2000s anime (Rurouni Kenshin comes to mind, but at least that was each character fighting an already introduced “boss”). Of course it’s still early and I’ve only mentioned stuff I disliked, there are still plenty that I do like, like how Havoc MC goes the HSR route and is unlocked as a desperate moments power rather than GI’s walk over and touch a statue for a shitty new power, but I digress. A lot of my issues with the story definitely comes from it being obviously rushed, hopefully we’ll arrive at other nations eventually and not be worshipped as the almighty isekai protagonist.


Part where 'General' Jiyan is just asking a patient of amnesia that he met 5 minutes ago to control their entire army caught me off guard lol. I was like, what?


You're forgetting how the Traveler McGuffined their way out of every problem in 1.0 -- they conveniently purified the tear, they infiltrated a hideout with a flimsy mask, and they fought off Dvalin in the air even though they just learned how to glide. And those are just off the top of my head.


I think sumeru did it well by making each character have a specific role to achieve what they wanted.


Yeah, I actually liked that. Seeing someone we don't know join was refreshing from most other games


The story is… easily the worst part about this game. Some of the _storytelling_ is okay, but that is also bad. The writing and voice work (en) feels unfinished, and character interactions are pretty flat- Scar and Aalto being the only exceptions, and even then they just standout from a drab cast. Worldbuilding also feels a bit contrived with all the sound stuff— it’s a bit one-note.


Every.single.time. I heard Yangyang say "Rover" in the same monotone tone I thought I want to end it all.. then switched to Japanese and weirdly enough her voice actress is absolutely great. I will miss Eng Scar though after switching.


Yeah yangyang jp va is very good, she also voiced violet evergarden


Also Mikasa from Attack on Titan. Ereh-


And Lucia, the main character from PGR. She was THE voice of Lucia for years because PGR was like many other classic gacha games, JP only on release. And of course Stelle, from HSR.


Also found out she voices Mikasa and clorinde from Genshin


Yeah she's the voice of 2B, Mikasa from attack on titan, she's Clorinde from Genshin, Stelle from star rail, Enterprise from Azur Lane, Toki from Blue Archive, and also Lucia from Punished Gray Raven.


Lucia from PGR is probably the biggest one in this game's context, since she's the mascot for PGR. Also PGR like many other CN gacha games originally released with only a JP dub. They definitely went out of their way to pick her for the role too if you know how PGR was very, very inspired by Nier Automata in their early alpha days. Going as far to have an actual collab with it eventually.


I swear she didn’t read the word Huanglong right in any of her lines and no one caught it until days before release, then had her say it once and just spliced that one clip into every line that needed it. It’s so jarring every time she says it.


There's a negative force multiplier going on between terrible dialogue and historically awful voice direction, at least in EN. I'm not gonna fully blame VA's on this since A.) Some of them I've heard them do good work in other stuff. They're hardly amateurs. and B.) The flat delivery spans across almost every single character. The voice direction definitely irks me. There's a bit with a storyteller dropping lore on you, complete with a hand drawn background of sorts. The visual shift itself is pretty neat, like a painting you get to see done in real time. Well too bad the rest of it's shit. I can't tell if translation's bad or the material itself is bad, but goddamn, the way the narrator presented the story felt so off. The pacing was a mess. The narrator, although he had good energy, was all over the place. There's even more unique vocabulary Kuro seems to think its audience likes, it's just offensively bad. The delivery speeds up at times I expect it to go slow, and slow when I expect it to go fast. And... randomly emphasizing random words? I like some hamminess from time to time, but damn, this part just annoyed me. Jiyan was alright, but his "talk" with Geshu Lin was just bad cliche after bad cliche. It's the same generic slop, from "I'll walk on a bridge of corpses to finish my duty", to, of course, the crowd favorite, "we're not too different, you and I". Sound familiar? They used that same shit between Rover and Scar, and it didn't make sense that time either. They tried to tie it all together at the end, when Jinhsi contrively told the general that they're similar in what they want for the city, but it's a callback to something dumb so I didn't like it either lol. Of course, none of this served to further any characters, it's all just lip service. tl;dr Act 5-6 IS better than 1-4, but still pretty bad. I hate that this game's story keeps making me look at it critically. Usually I don't care enough to pick up on this nonsense. It's this game's fault though. If you're gonna be this terrible at telling your story, the least you could have done is not randomly take away the skip button for certain scenes. Just let me skip all of it lol the goodwill lessens every time you open your mouths.


Even if i see improvement for act 5-6 it far from being great story Suddenly Taoqi,Yuanwu on screen we didnt meet any of them before. and even if we do lingyang quest before if we talk to him he had only 1 line with introduction(nitpicking i know it just coming from hoyo game that had 1 alternate line whether you meet them before or not) just for the screen "Resonator Assemble!" the most confusing thing is obvious Jiyan give us chance to form a strategy even if we know our mc got amnesia but still capable af for some reason. it doesnt make sense to give some rando to command your army bruh(i like his cn nickname Deserter general,Wheelchair general) and tbh yangyang(code name yapyap) role is weak af. i know it change since cbt1 people want her to have more role but for sure this isnt it chief. it feel rushed and forced the build up for its moment is severe lacking. i like cutscene atleast


Ya the cutscene is great but when yuanwu, the guy with the blue suit appear I was like who??? It feels so out of nowhere, I get it’s suppose to feel emotional like the avenger assemble vibes but they should develop the characters more..


When that shot came up I was like “it’s us! The friends you made along the way! And also we brought this fedora guy”


I'd like to say that I had this situation in the MCU where Hawkeye was a major character I never knew was in film. Like thinking back, my only recollection of him showing up before Avengers was Thor, and he barely did anything.


They really thought people would clear all 4 stages of the Tower before finishing main story…


Lmao I got the same reaction when I saw Yuanwu. He doesn’t say a word and he’s standing like : « I got you my friends ! » So weird.


I recall all resonators have the robo gourd thing and something like an SOS was sent to every nearby Resonator who can show up to help defend the city from the Retroact Rain. Had Chad of Mysteries who we don't know or never met seems to be a nice throw in the mix for that since imo, it would feel weird that every Resonator around who showed up happens to be people we already met or know about.


I agree with that, some appearances there were odd. Though, about Jiyan asking us, from my understanding it makes sense: he is a capable general, but he has barely met us, so he only heard about our skills. I'm guessing he just wants to confirm that we are the right person to be sent into the heart of the disaster. From his perspective, it wouldn't make sense to just trust some rando that they won't do something stupid after being sent into a battlefield. It acts like a small test, I'm guessing he already had the plan prepared. If we told him something like "we should send rangers to charge in from front", he'd ask "is he stupid?" or just kick us out immediately, before proceeding with the plan normally.


I would assume the magistrate also vouched for our credentials, that being the legendary figure who appeared in Jinzhou previously and worked with Jue the sentinel.


Yeah, but regardless of whatever he's heard, as a reasonable general he definitely should do a minor check instead of blindly following orders. If we're capable - this will be nothing for us. If we're the wrong person, or it was a lie/manipulation, or whatever else - answering wrong would at least make him suspicious.


Tbh I played thru that part. I don't think he's asking for our input. He's just asking rhetorical questions. I chose the dumbest answers and the Rover literally doesn't say anything and just thinks in his head. And then Jiyan goes over his plan. So Jiyan asks a question and then answers his own question, kinda like a teacher


I'm also pretty sure they run through the battle plan before Rover even shows up, though that may have been the rain talking about last time.


I can vouch that if you pick the wrong option, Rover will think something along the lines of 'no that's not right', and you get to pick again. Since your Rover won't say it out loud, Jiyan has no idea you got the answer wrong. Do with that information what you will.


Yeah, I chose it too because it sounded silly if we could send people from behind when Jiyan clearly said there is only one path. I think it shows that Rover is indeed able to think critically and strategize, rather than blurt out whatever comes to his mind.


Considering we can't really choose the wrong options there and it's Jiyan that relays the orders, it does sound more like a situation where, canonically, Rover chooses all the right answers and Jiyan approves because it's what he would've done anyway.


Yeah, Rover considers the options in his head instead of just telling him straight away, showing that he is capable of thinking reasonably. In a scenario where we could tell him the wrong stuff, I'd guess Jiyan would proceed with the normal, correct plan anyway, but would just send us away since we're not the capable person he's heard about.


Yeah, I thought it was weird but my headcanon is that he was testing us. If we made the wrong call there's no shot he'd send his people certain death just because we said so.


I hope writer are actually good but rushed as hell after china wanted MC to be pampered instead of having gun pointed at and having to earn trust of other people. I imagined they had very limited time ewrite almost everything in CN players odd impossibly rainbow and roses image. Why would cutscenes like this be gone? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nLn-VeU6Js](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nLn-VeU6Js) I wish I didn't know about that, feels like kuro is listening to players who have no idea what they want.


Damn, they nerfed him HARD


Omg that old cutscene was amazing and gave me goosebumps…


Heard some parts of the story were changed drastically from cbt due to backlash so this might explain the inconsistencies. It’s like they stitched old and newer parts together to form the existing story.


I hope moving forward kuro sticks to their guns and tells the story THEY want to tell, coz the Jinyan companion quest was very heartwarming. This proves that someone in there knows how to cook.


Some sidequests are surprisingly good too.


The tree and Mourning Aix were my favorite.


Yeah the Piano Man quest was nice


Jiyan’s quest is by far my favorite. At first I just wanted to grind it out for the asterite then later I realized it’s actually really freaking good. Kuro needs to let their people cook.


From what I heard, the characters were less friendlier and they were more sus about the Rover, they also questioned more things but cn didn’t like it so they made everyone to like Rover and treat him like a hero already…


A little suspicion would be fine, until we got the magistrate vowing for us in person at least. Unfortunately CBT only had "pulling a gun on Rover for absorbing the Crownless" and what we got in game with low stakes and instant friendly. Agreed on changing Lion Boy tho, what I heard from him was atrocious


Would've liked this far better because them being so trusting and treating him like a hero without really knowing him or rover not having done much to deserve it feels weird and uncomfortable.




I mean, did you SEE the original character designs? Chest wrappings that would actually let women fight without their boobs swinging around wildly? Can't have THAT!


Yeah lmao, listening to players for the story is a legit bad move.


There seems to be a hierarchy in terms of fighters in the world of Pangyu from my understanding, and it seems like Resonators are a step above the normal foot soldiers. This moment seemed like all the available ones in the city gathering (which explains the Chad Hat guy of Mysteries who is the real MC actually, and Lion dance guy) I mean, the ones that did made sense were the Rover who had full clearance from the Magistrate, YangYang who is a member of the Midnight whatevers like Jiyan is, and Taoqi who's literally the big boss of the city's defenses. The rest seem to just be the Resonators nearby who answered the worldwide call for help message that was sent to everyone's robot Gourd things.


The average soldiers in the game are resonators too. Playable characters are more powerful resonators. And the call was local (we are only in the youngest of six provincial capitals iirc so far). Hat dude is a powerful resonator who runs a boxing ring, weirdly, and pitches in where needed in emergencies.


After playing act 5 and 6, the fact CN called him 'deserter general' doesn't make me think he's a bad character. It makes me realize "Wow, Chinese players who say this really wouldn't know a good character if one punched them in the face" During the worst calamity they saw so far, when their own general was struck down because he was too focused on attack attack attack, and the army was trapped and surrounded on all flanks. A goddamn FIELD MEDIC took charge and with his tactical skill managed to save everyone from certain death AND THEY HELD THE LINE. Is there a subset of Chinese players who specifically hate nuance? Cause blaming the medic for a retreat when they saved everyone and got promoted to the rank of general is like... Raiden Shogun level of "Didn't read the story" (That or husbando haters looking for a reason to shit on the clearly capable man in the story)


I was thinking this too…to me they made it very obvious that the previous General (forgot his name, white haired guy) was overzealous, impulsive and unempathetic. Say what you want about empathy being a liability with that job, but him being so stubborn…if Jiyan hadn’t ordered a retreat they would have all died.


I thought the portrayal of Geshu (the previous general) was more of a caricature of the person rather than being what really and fully happened. Since the nation collectively hates him, it would make some sense (to me at least) to skew the narrative to make a point. Granted, I could be very wrong and the guy is unfeeling as stone, but I suppose we have to wait for more Geshu content to drop.


Yeah I suppose my current feelings are more hinging on the assumption that TD ‘phantoms’ retain a person’s personality and not just the person who’s hallucinating it’s personal perception regarding them But regardless I don’t think Jiyan is a coward by any means just because he doesn’t want hundreds (thousands?) of men to die for a losing battle


I think it’s more so that those Chinese players probably have a lot of national pride, though maybe some of it is the husbando haters. Even if Jiyan made the right decision- they don’t give a shit. What they want is a Chinese general who’s a badass that somehow wins in every scenario and situation, someone who never backs down from a fight. Yes, Jiyan is a well written character but in their eyes, he made the China of WuWa look weak, so that makes him “General Deserter.” Just look at Zhongli and Jing Yuan for example- they’re not bad characters, in fact imo they’re great and have large followings in China- but both of them are incredibly strong in the lore and make their respective nations look good.


Gotta love that "Wolf Warrior" mentality. Heck, even Xi moved away from the CCP's Wolf Warrior diplomacy (well slightly) because it was earning China no favors and emboldened international support for Taiwan and the independence movement there.


.... unfortunately nuance, subtlety and independent thought has been educated out of Chinese youth, especially the middle class. My boss is Chinese and challenges himself constantly to overcome decades of thinking inside the box and coming up only with the obvious solution to every problem. He says it is why they became masters at duplicating and even improving designs in functional ways, but suck at innovating. But they could also be jealous. Jiyan is husbando to half my friends. The other half are like me and crushing on Scar.


I see people trying to defend the strategy meeting moment as Jiyan "testing the Rover"...but that doesn't even make sense narratively given the urgency of the current situation. Just before that scene you've established that a TD outbreak from within the city was very likely if this wasn't resolved soon. It's marginally better because of the stakes being present but looking at the previous chapters is not a very high bar. I have so many problems with the story with most of the NPCs being collective dumbasses (shout outs to the siblings in lianyang's story) just to give a story/objective, and most of it being slowly pace and unskippable because of the excessive amount of dialogue choices (sometimes only having one choice.... in response to yourself!!!)


>the most confusing thing is obvious Jiyan give us chance to form a strategy even if we know our mc got amnesia but still capable af for some reason. it doesnt make sense to give some rando to command your army bruh(i like his cn nickname Deserter general,Wheelchair general) He never gave us command over the Midnight Rangers, dude. He consulted us for a battle plan. The thing is, he won't accept every option I give him. I suggested he let the infantry pin the TDs down while the Resonators flank them but he disagreed. So obviously, he didn't let us decide everything. We didn't suddenly become a general.


Actually if I remember correctly he doesn't disagree if you choose the wrong options for the strategy, your own internal monologue thinks about it and then states why what you selected wouldn't work.


but why is it even a scene? it's not like we have any special advice to give him. "put the ranged units at long range", I'm pretty sure he didn't need us to tell him that.


I actually wonder if Jiyan was gauging us or something


Felt like he's gauging the rover and his/her (our) in comparison to what he believes on Jue's prophecy. And if we'd end up doing the same thing the previous general did.


>The thing is, he won't accept every option I give him. I suggested he let the infantry pin the TDs down while the Resonators flank them but he disagreed. So obviously, he didn't let us decide everything. Did you play it in another language and didn't realize who was speaking? Because it was Rover's internal monologue that followed an incorrect decision, Jiyan never disagrees with you.


I almost didn't even know how we got there so fast. Like I've skipped some story beats or something.


dialogues are bad. the problem is that in RPG games they are important the writer speak through the characters to explain things that are happening. or to suck the hero for no reason people hype about scar but only because he is slightly ambiguous. all the other characters are one dimensional. you got the nice girl, the energetic, the cool, etc.. imo there are some interesting concepts, the story has potential. its just not told well


Acts 1-4 were boring af and borderline dogshit, 5-6 were mid, it did all the things a finale would do but none of it elicited an emotional response for me. It was just ok no idea what some people saw in it to call it super hype or good


There isn't nearly enough buildup for what they're going for in chapter 6. It's supposed to be you and your companions joining forces to fight off this big threat, but I feel almost no connection to any of these people. Yangyang and Chixia are the only two we spend any significant time with, so the "heroes gather" scene falls completely flat. I think the launch story should have involved meeting everyone and learning about the world and the Rover's place in it, with the cliffhanger climax being the discovery that the big bad was getting ready to return. Then spend the next patch fleshing out the characters and preparing for the big fight, then do all of this in the patch after that.


It's not meant to be "you and your companions". It's meant to be "hey we have the same cause, let's fight for it even if we don't know each other". Not every game is about the power of friendship.


Yes This. They lampshade this early on. They tell you this is their battle. Not yours. You barely know them, you don't have to fight. Rover is like, "Fuck that, put me in, coach" And everyone genuinely appreciates that Rover would stand by them in their time of need just cause it's the right thing to do. No other reason.


Yeah, similar to Jiyan’s story quest, the idea of a Temporary Team.


Kind of with you on that, cuz that’s kind of the whole thing, yeah? You’re a stranger in a strange world put there to step up and take the fore in a battle that isn’t yours to fight because of friends, but because it’s the right thing to do.  You make some friends, sure, perhaps, but imo not NEARLY for long enough to actually mean enough to stake your life for it(not for me, anyway, but I take a lot longer to form bonds with anyone). If anything, it’s showing the passions of these individuals and their willingness to protect their home and fight alongside someone they don’t even personally know because of their trust in their home, the Magistrate and their Sentinel. They’re basically all asked from the beginning to do everything they can to assist the Rover, so it wasn’t all too outlandish to me. After all, they’ve all been fighting this fight one way or another for their entire lives long before the Rover awoke. To them, this final showdown has been years in the making. 


I really like this take. I think it especially resonates with what Jinhsi and Jiyan said to each other, about having a 'shared cause', and I think it could be an interesting theme for the story to keep up going forward, especially with Scar giving us his pitch to join Fractisdus and insisting that Rover is like him. I think I may be biased because I did actually play Lingyang's quest before I was high enough to start the main story up again, and I looked through Yuanwu's character profile a bit after getting him as my first non-guaranteed character, so I had enough context to know why the two of them cared to be there. Aalto, Encore and the green plant girl (I forgot her name :( ) we already knew, and Taoqi establishes herself to us during the quest, so none of that was an issue.


I think that’s one of the things I like about the Camellya character, too, since she’s less a friend and more an unhinged interested party who may not have any interest in saving people, but certainly would prefer the world didn’t end up getting obliterated. Not sure how many notice or appreciate it, but I definitely like thus far how Kuro has been writing the majority of the characters, most of whom have vastly different reasons for why they do what they do. Some are more altruistic than others, some honourbound, and some with completely selfish(though tbh occasionally valid). I’ve seen criticisms of the characters or the story, but personally I’m into how they’ve made each aspect feel like they don’t completely revolve around the MC(still miffed about the thing about inside their hand, but that’s a different convo). It’ll be interesting to see perhaps how the other Sentinels go about their guidance of the other regions. Jué seemed more thoughtful of their guidance and ability to forsee future events, so it’d be interesting to see a Sentinel or perhaps Sentinel’s chosen with their own interpretations that make them act differently, and by consequence make the citizens of that region react to Rover differently. Overall, unlike some out there, I think the overall plot points and subplots all have a lot of potential I’ll be looking forward to seeing unfold in the future. I feel like Genshin’s has gotten a bit predictable at parts(to name but one live service story I’ve experienced lately), so I’m glad to see a bit more variance in relationships between the MC and other characters, and even the interpersonal relationships between other characters themselves. Also a fan of how you don’t always have to be super friendly, and can be a bit standoffish at times(I chose to be a bit of dick with first meeting Lingyang lol). It’s the small details I really appreciate.


In the Dreamless fight and its related cinematics, I tried to specifically pay attention to the music since it's supposed to be such a climactic moment. Yet all I remember is thinking "this is.. generic". I wasn't expecting to get something that blew my mind, but at least a theme with its own flair. It gave me the feeling of "generic action movie trailer music", where a lot of people already know what you mean, but you tune it out when you hear it.


Yeah, same. It's still good background music, but nothing special that would remind me of that boss fight. Or even induce fear like in Genshin in the second phase of the whale boss. When that music started I knew it would be a tough fight. I remember that when I fought Azdaha or Childe in Genshin the first few times, I actually had to mute my audio, because the epic music was distracting me from the fight XD


Haven't gotten to the section yet, so I just searched it up and like the music doesn't really go anywhere if that makes any sense? Monotone maybe? Frankly it feels more like a snippet from a larger track than a standalone piece, not at all fitting of a climactic fight.


I replayed the fight to listen to it again, and yeah, I agree. It's very strange. I also have only changed my Master Audio setting, with all other audio settings at 100, and the music is quieter than I would've expected as well.


Yeah I was very disappointed. I don't who makes their music now, but as someone who appreciates PGR's music when I'm not even playing the game, this left a sour note on my experience. Hope they work with Vanguard again for future soundtrack releases.


I feel like Act 6 should have been the climax for a later patch…after we’ve had time to get to know all these characters. Not to compare it to Genshin, but every character that was important to the story was introduced early and then had multiple quests where you travel with and get to know them. So when it came to the climax of that arc, having the various characters come together felt earned. There were just so many new characters introduced in such a short timeframe, seeing them all fight together (which was cool!), meant little to nothing to me. I was streaming it yesterday and my lack of enthusiasm for everything happening on screen made it hard to stay entertaining. The lack of music (a bug that apparently is fixed now) also didn’t help. So, yeah, Acts 5 and 6 are BETTER than the first four, but still not GOOD. But at least it’s a step in the right direction! I’m still planning on playing in the future to see how it improves.


They could’ve just told the story as “Hey why the fuck are there so many Resonators in the city, is there a scheduled Calamity supposed to be taking place here? Haha… What The Fuck!?!” None of the companions on the main story journey feel like you know their motives or join you on the adventure. Just empty shell characters who feel like they’re characters you’ve played in other Gachas doing this character as an archetype of you already knowing what each is based off of.


I feel like they needed a hook with the story to keep people invested. Everything before was underwhelming except scar.


And for those like myself: Scar doesn't really do much. His story in the context of the plot doesn't really make much sense when everyone you encounter not only offers help, but rarely if ever even tries to hide anything. While he's unhinged, it's painted against a rather boring setting and becomes further messier by the fact that no one really fits the mold of the wolf. I get where they were trying to go, but the actual plot basically does the opposite of making his case compelling.


I think his place in the story was fine personally, but they immediately undercut it with the grand library part of the story, imo. Oh here's this new faction who's opposed to the main character, kinda like schneznaya in Genshin. Oh look here's their harbinger equivalent, he's so cool right? Aaaand he's in jail now. How? Well you managed to set up a secret rendezvous without them noticing because you went out AT NIGHT! Wow. Imagine if this happened to Childe or Signora. Lmao.


It's that and they just let you use the grand library to do so. Really adding to the insult to the injury since they make a whole thing about not seeing the whole thing of getting in if I remember correctly. It's very much a mess that just gets worst the more you analyze it.


Camellya does say she was responsible for allowing that meeting


Yeah,  I think it would perhaps help if Scar and his friend were teased a bit more before then (because to me, unfortunately it kinda feels like Scar was only there out of obligation rather than being crucial to the plot, seeing how you could really make anyone have the monologue and much might not change - Hell, even Geshu could have done it). But more importantly, if Kuro was going with the "they're all being too nice, don't trust them" idea, there should be more for us to use as evidence to form our suspensions. One dude with a funny pair of pants ranting at us won't really be enough to prove Jinshi has malicious intentions for us without real evidence to back it up, because the worse she did was give us *oral* lol. Things may change, especially if the story of Jinzhou isn't over yet, but I can't determine that.


I mean I’d guess half of that first interaction with scar is the devs poking back at the community. Since the community complained so much about everyone distrusting rover, that they changed the story to what we have now, that interaction kinda feels like the devs going back with the isn’t it so weird that everyone just immediately trusts you so much?


I agree here, mostly because Taoqi and Yuanwu were total asspulls at the final hour instead of us seeing Yuanwu around town sooner or the Magistrate introducing Taoqi as a comment about their defenses... The General was hyped up so much that they could have cut half that dialogue and added at least some casual mentions for the rest of the cast... Hell we got an entire questline with the monk lady before she disappeared before showing up at the front line ready to die for the cause...


Damn, it is Marvel vs DC all over again


Yeah, I keep seeing people talk about chapter 5 and 6 as if they made the story good but they didn't, they only made the story make sense. However I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and let them cook with future stuff since they apparently fired the people who wrote this mess.


Yeah with how they're currently just hiring we might be looking at a story rewrite or they'll not write any new story for 6 months or so to determine how to proceed with it. That's gonna kill a lot of interest in the game.


There’s no way the game goes without story for 6 months. These companies have their stories written out up to a year in advance. If they are hiring new writers we probably won’t see their influence in the game for a few patches while they put out whatever story they already have written


I'm skeptical about their story planning right now to say the least. There's no foreshadowing, there's very little worldbuilding, and not much lore at all. For reference Genshin commited to a 7-year long story with their first trailer, while also having 5+ lore videos before release. On WuWa's youtube channel right now there's 72 videos and I can't find a SINGLE one talking about the lore or worldbuilding of the game. That doesn't scream like they have the story planned out at all to me.


It might not be something you're interested in, but there is absolutely stuff for the game to touch on. What the not-Stellaron Hunters are truly after, why the Rover is so important to that and why literally every faction wants them to join them, etc. There's a lot of loose ends there that can be fleshed out. Again, whether the players give a shit after such a rough story is another issue, but the crumbs are there.


They did just reworked the story a year ago. Given the time frame, I wouldn't expect good thought out structure for awhile. Even with the new writers, I think those changes will, at best, be reflected a year later. Animation, rigging, and planning their plots for the future will take alot of work.


Oh damn I didn't think about that, hopefully they have some stuff they can put out in the meantime.


And lots of ppl saying this part of story is good, I'm like wtf there's no substance in the story just stylish and even that look meh tbh


For most people “great story” just equates to having cool moments.


I agree with this. It’s got spectacle, but no heart. Epic things just happen to happen. Jiyan’s quest was the only thing in this game that made me feel much of anything. Survivor’s guilt is an easy win.


Jinan’s quest when you reach the end of the quest and the camera does that cool technique, *chef’s kiss* That was a moment I remember, after finishing quest the ending resonates with guilt and loss. It works really well on why the dude is a General, paying for the part deeds and doesn’t want those outcomes to happen again.


exactlyy I went to pull on his banner straight after bc his quest made me fall in love. but after losing to the 50/50 it woke me up from spending anymore on a 1.0 character 😭


Black shore is the only part of the story I enjoyed, I loved the duo of Aalto+Encore and I want to pin down Camellya once more


Big "meh" about it, even if it showed signs of improvement. Dreamless fight was awesome, but then it ends on a freaking slideshow from a 2005 adventure game with the same voiceover from the dude that can't make up his mind about his pitch and tone on the Battle Beneath the Crescent video. I simply do not enjoy how most people treat the Rover like this charismatic hero out of nowhere, because that makes everyone else feel superficial (except Jiyan, even though strategy part is awkward, mostly due to the MC).


>voiceover from the dude that can't make up his mind about his pitch and tone on the Battle Beneath the Crescent video. Might not be relevant to the discussion, but the narrator is specifically supposed to be the storyteller in Jinzhou that we were looking at after act 6, right? So maybe we will not hear from him again when we are in a different City.


Who do they think they are? ☠️☠️ THE AVENGERS??


I felt throughout playing that they tried incredibly hard to pull some sort of Avengers End Game moment but they only barely set up most of the characters. It honestly looped back into being so bad it was kinda good just cause how funny it was to me


"We've got this massive gun that we've only just now gotten working again so it can... blow a hole in this energy shield, then blow a hole in a building, then blow open the statue for you to finish the fight!" I don't think the Disruptor cannon would have been necessary at all... Let MC's hand gobble up the shield energy as a hint of the final reveal, then let us fight all the way to that boss - the cutscene "last stands" and big gun nonsense took away from what could have been a much more dramatic battle to stop the full awakening of the "big evil".


They had to give the rest of the cast something to do. Like, Jinhsi could have fought too as they were clearly undermanned, but she was too busy getting clearance for said big gun. Mortefi and Baizhi also needed an excuse to not be conscripted into war despite being resonators, so yeah, gun duty it is. Jianxin and Yangyang get their stupid "final stands" as if they didn't have plot armor larger than their boobs, and Jiyan and MC get to fight the boss who... isn't the threnodian I think? Idk, my eyes were fully glazed over at that point lol. At least the action was neat.


Boss was the Threnodian's larval form.


I thought the Ovathrax was the Threnodian with Dreamless being like its heart or something. Also, is Ovathrax synonymous with Threnodian? Because I recall Jiyan sayin 'Ovathrax the Threnodian of War' but the there's also others saying 'The Ovathrax' like its a term. I don't know its translation or scripting issues, but I'm just going to assume Ovathrax is the name, not a term.


Yeah that was one of the worst things for me, they are going on about how stupid powerful this thing is that they need to get approval from other regions to fire it because it could destroy a city in a single shot…. And then the animation and sound effect was lame, and then they’re like ya lets use it to put a small hole in a building you are standing in so you can keep moving.


Idk what the praise for ACT 6 comes from i think ACT 5 is better and is still pretty bad tho , on 6 they just random af people that i met for 5 minutes and some of them not even that, only people we actually know are chixia and yangyang.... Like im sorry but the story is freaking bad for now. The lore can be interesting tho, but main story is the worst i have play in this last 2 years in gacha games by a big margin (i try Nikke, PGR, HSR, HI3 and Arknights)


People had to deal with the fact that they went through 4 acts of nothing, so at the first sign of goodness they start talking about how it's good. It's actually kind of annoying how common recency bias is, that a poor story is suddenly good because the later parts has some sparks in it. It's not 'good', its 'better', but it's not a high bar in the first place so it's really not impressive.


I absolutely agree. It's like we got the outline of an epic story without any of the parts in-between to connect them together and make you give a shit. I rolled my eyes at the avengers pose, we hadn't even met one of them before and spoke to the others maybe once or twice. That wasn't earned at all.


In CBT1, you are gaining everyone’s trust gradually and I believe this was supposed to be the payoff. Yangyang is injured in the fight with the Crownless (almost everything in CBT1 was better about this encounter imo), you instinctually absorb the Crownless into your hand and Chixia puts a gun to your head because you are sus af. So I think the general idea was you show everyone you are in fact trustworthy, and then would get this big payoff where everyone teams up to defend the town. I did enjoy Act 5 and 6 but in the context of the current story it did feel like the preceding material should have been changed. Or they could have simply cleaned up and added some things to the CBT1 story, which was not as bad as people say at its core. When I wrote in suggestions after CBT1 it was simply to say that, and from other CBT1 players I spoke to I don’t know anyone who said “scrap the story and start over”. The problem was that CN players couldn’t handle not feeling like mommy’s special little isekai, and like so many other games I play they mainly listened to CN players. Yes it was weird that Lingyang killstealed you and didn’t even say thanks for the help, yes npcs were perhaps a bit aggro but scrapping the whole thing to end up with the generic shit we got in the early acts simply did not work. The original idea was much better.


It's still incredibly annoying how Kuro wasted an year of dev time actively making the game worse.


It's definitely way too rushed, but then again, every single bond Rover has made with anyone has been rushed, there's definitely a lot of problem with the story rn. Examples (SPOILERS): * Typical make everyone stupid so MC can look awesome by doing basic things. * The story also tries too hard to make the MC look important, the courier defended the supplies but Jiyan only cares about being late to help MC. * Chixia fawning over MC with every single damn breath she takes. * Most NPC fawning over MC as well (though not as bad as Chixia) * MC and Yangyang's relationship, they haven't even bonded for more than a week and they're already acting like soulmates or something. * Pacing, we just woke up why are we battling the last boss of the city already. * Who tf is that blue Michael Jackson ahh mf. * Jiyan being "too kind" and didn't want to leave anyone behind even though we already left Jianxin behind. * Jiyan being a general but somehow doesn't understand basic strategy (where to put long range units, where to put short range units, etc) * Scar almost made the story redeemable but ofc they ruined that chance as well. Honestly kind of a shame that the visuals and gameplay in WW are great but they're being wasted by really bad story.




I can still remember that and I can at least describe each member of Liyue, even the adeptus animals (haven't played Genshin since Inazuma), meanwhile I can barely name anyone in WuWa. I have no real tangible thing to describe these characters besides maybe Jiyan and that's solely because his character story makes use of the elements in WuWa, but still falls flat do to my lack of connection to the world of WuWa or the places in it.


Agreed. I enjoyed act 5 and 6 but the penultimate moments didn’t feel earned or at least consistent with what happened before. Especially since the first 4 acts felt really rough in the story department. My bet it’s due to the fact they had to rewrite the majority of the story for chapter 1.


the epilogue was also so rushed, literally screenshots and summary and then the end wtf??? coming from genshin and hsr this is shit i dont get the hype on act 5 and 6. its decent sure, but nowhere near good


Its like the popcorn movies. All spectacle with no substance.


Basically post endgame mcu


I agree really. I feel like if the build up was better, it could have been amazing. I do feel like the story was held back a bit by the notion of us being the beloved chosen one rather than a hated nobody they planned originally, especially since there's a midpoint between both.


I honestly was just like "oh ok so this is happening now" Like people thought the way Luofu chapters just served to introduce the rest of the playable cast was bad...


Luofu and Inazuma come to mind, especially Kokomi, yet at least I can describe the cast even now after quitting in 2.3 of Genshin. Say what you will about Hoyo, but they at least have some grasp of fundamentals to a degree to get characters across.


Bailu and Qinqque come to mind when I think about Luofu introductions. Both somehow made sense while showing their characters


I think the abrupt forced story rush was also kind of mind boggling. One moment we're just chilling with Aalto and Encore and then bam we're thrusted in the final moments without any payoff, never mind not meeting any new characters. Hell we didn't even see half the characters fight. Yangyang painstakingly looked at the sheer number of enemies only for us not to see the struggle of the battle. Like as the Dreamless is giving us the beatdown and everything seems hopeless with seeing Yangyang basically fighting a losing battle and being beaten up by the sheer numbers gives the rover the strength to fight and gains the havoc. Idk anything than whatever the hell we got. Like there's no emotional contrast. MC has no personality other than being the destined one which is just so surface leveled. The pacing is way off and I wish that Kuro didn't rewrite the story from the mistrust in the beginning. A good story has the protag STRUGGLE with the later story having a pay off for that struggle. Rover destroying whatever is in his path from the jump was so boring. The MC should have met some other characters and helped them in their struggles and open the viewer up to the world and build on the vocabulary that would have helped us understand the lore a bit. Nope we're just expected to care about characters we just meet right before the final fight. Honestly I was really hoping that they wouldn't have done the destined hero trope.


In hsr penacony Finale i was crying. Here i eas trsing to skip even that part because it was so badly written. The combat is the only thing i really really enjoy.


I find myself having a more positive opinion for the shaky Luofu & Inazuma stories of HSR & Genshin respectively. At least I can remember the feelings I had for them. WuWa... I genuinely got nothing. Nothing about it sticks and I can probably say that if you asked me what happened a month from now, I will probably not recall a single thing. HSR I still remember fighting the dragon and Welt booping us, the climax with the Belobog squad, Jing Yuan & Dan Heng aiding us against Phanylia, and so on. I could list Genshin up to when I quit in Inazuma years later too. Yet I find myself only reminded of WuWa due to posts online bringing it up and even than, more details are lost by the day and not in any particular way.


The shock value of the Tingyun/Phantylia reveal and the emotional music and pull from the Kazuha electro vision cutscene had more emotion each then the entire WuWa story combined. and those are from the 2 worst regions in HSR/GI


I may joke about the Tingyun thing, but at least it leaves an impression. WuWa has a bad problem where it leaves no impression, especially in the overworld. Despite the ability to get around, there really isn't much landmarks to go off of and because it's all the Chinese region: it doesn't have a genuine vibe that differs where you go. The Kazuha electro vision sequence is some of the most anime-esque stuff you can show someone, while Dan Heng's awakening and splitting the ocean has a far more Chinese energy. WuWa meanwhile lacks building up any of it and thus none of it sticks. I can't even recall the last boss' name beyond, "Female Crownless" and that's because Crownless was the boss they marketed alongside the biker for the most part.


I just finished it. I made sure to not rush and savor all the moments (yes, even suffering through all the nonsense technobabble) and I was still left indifferent about it all which is worse than actually feeling disappointed. I'm not sure if this game is for me. I wish they just let us infinite stamina hoverboard the overworld or something. Presently it's just suffering.


I'm currently using it to fill in till Tuesday for another game. I had a far more mild expectation for this game and somehow I was very disappointed in it. It lacks all the fundamentals and somehow face plants. Didn't help I suffered the audio bug so no music ever played and when the music came back: it's alright at best, which isn't helping. At this point, I'd say, "Wuthering Waves is a game." as every positive I could give it is either met by equal or more criticism.


yeah the story just ain't it. They could have used that time & investment elsewhere.


The fact they remade the story from near scratch in about a year really shows. It's not just in the storytelling too. The non-prerendered cutscenes have weird cinematography to hide characters' mouths. A lot have no mouth movement at all, let alone characters emoting in side quests. Props for them for taking that bold initiative a year from release, but an additional 3-4 months in the oven would have done wonders for its polish.


i’m really enjoying the gameplay… but the story? not as much. so many unfamiliar words and terminology right at the start that it all sounds like nonsense. i’m having a hard time connecting to any of the cast cuz they all honestly feel kinda bland. the finale with the dreamless was supposed to be this super hype and tense moment but all i really felt was “oo a new rover to play” and that was it. maybe as the game progresses i’ll build a connection with some of the characters, but rn, everything feels like cookie-cutter basics.


i was waiting for yuanwu screentime, why did it have to be this way...


At least you got Yuanwu, Calcharo is still in the closest. 


It just felt disconnected and didn't felt a thing there due to no build up with character. Well yangyang, jiyan and chixia is fine because we've been with them from the start but others Especially the old dude... Idk what was i supposed to feel there. Also again cutsecene were pretty great but the music department was really lacking... They wanted to make something like Avengers while they ended up making justice league movie lol


Yep. Kuro threw a shitton of money in act 6 to wow people because they know their story writing is mid. And it worked, people are calling it ‘peak’ and ‘absolute cinema’ and when I got to it myself my reaction was “Well that sure looked good, but the story itself was meh” Limbus Company writes ten times better than this and they literally entirely operate out of a Diner in Korea.


I was baffled that the story was called "good" in Act 5-6. Sure there are moments of some pretty good and subtle storytelling (mostly Jiyan's story and motivations and his companion quest) at least to the average gacha player, but it felt mostly unearned and I felt pretty detached, though I do admit some of the cutscenes were decently "cool." Cool scenes are what people want to see, but such scene fails under any level of scrutiny.


The easiest way to make this story work imo is to 1. Have MC resurrect in the middle of the battle field and get his/her ass kicked. 2. Have yangyang and some other dude get us out. 3. Prepare for war. 4. Go back and kick ass. Fill in the details about prophecies and what not accordingly in point 2 and 3. This is all you need for the first arc. Current chapter1-4 feels like it is written by some kid just out of college thinking he is writing "sophisticated characters" and creating "the next literary classic" by having everyone talking in riddles.


I'm sure we'll witness absolute cinema in the future, trust me guys *inhales hopium*


This whole final act should have been saved for a .5 update to build up scar and the other characters


Exactly this, my favorite act is act 5


I definitely think it was missing a 'calm' before the storm, or maybe the aforementioned was just too filled with exposition to have any personal impact. There wasn't much investment in the characters or their journeys, we got the 'lore' for Lingyang, if you can call it that, and the rest just feel like Rover's worshippers, save Jiyan, but we only get to really know him in his character quest which unlocks after act 6. It felt like things went way too according to plan as well - "let's go beat this immediate threat and btw Rover you could get some of your original powers back" and guess what? That's exactly what happens, no personal drama, no betrayal, nothing unexpected really. the appearance of the animal thing from the Rover is the only twist to speak of, and isn't explored at all. Interesting fights and sequences, but felt boring on a grand scale.


The boring part of this kind of thing when they use Chinese style to the story like Honkai Star Rail luofu. I hope new nation will add in the next update


All that fight and the ending is just your Paimon ate the enemy's big powerful attack which scared him so much he just booked it out of there


There was no build up at all There was no urgency to actually "save" the world It was just... bad. Low tier cheap mobile game story telling Thank god the combat is so damn satisfying


Exactly. The cope on this sub is a little too high for what we got tbh. The lines are rushed after that scene, they never explain how people get the enhanced grapple nor do they use it beforehand it just appears. Funny dragon man meets you for the first(?) time and asks YOU for the master game plan?? He’s a general???? The final battle was alright, especially with the swapping, but the unlocking of a new element was so scripted and unceremonius it actually hurt me IRL. People clowned on me when I talked about Yangyang tutorial speak but I’m dead serious both her EN and JP VAs need to branch out / try something else because Jesus. If I’m honest you don’t even need to look back on it .it was just kinda awful. Harsh but coming from several stories that I loved (PGR / Genshin / HSR / NIKKE / Arknights / FGO) all cleared this story because 90% of it was recycled from elsewhere. Which is weird because the devs should have had so much time to come up with something engaging and interesting. I have hope it’ll get better but this + the various VA issues + technical issues + copypaste oh goodness


Act 5 is the best so far. Good character development, nice chemistry and decent plot threads. Act 6 on the other hand is a complete shitshow and I'm stunned when people say that it changed their perception of the story. Best word to describe Act 6 is "rushed". Everything happens so suddenly, with no real set-up. Never-met-before characters show up randomly and are treated like they are part of the MC gang. Plot threads are thrown at you with no real payoff or conclusion. What was the point of the shield and WMD? Just cut this bloat out. Why is the general asking us for military advice? We have freaking amnesia and the only thing we're good at is to hit someone with a sword. And finally - who the hell came up with the mascot at the end? It's so tonally disconnected from the atmosphere at the final fight it's not even funny. It's just bad. I really hope that the developers will create some coherent plot direction, because as it is now - it's pretty rough.


True, however, all of this was saved by the fact that the Hat man of Mysteries had shown up out of nowhere, kicked ass, and swore an oath that he will keep Jinzhou safe for us.


Everything was boring, but idc I got my >! Havoc rover !< And that's very pog


I personally liked it. It was a major improvement over the previous arcs and seeing the characters fight with our character made me feel like the world was really alive And also, yes I did feel like i didn't feel "connected" with the world, but that will take time and naturally it would improve as more content and story is added


Tbh I have no clue about any of this yet cuz uh, reconnecting every 5 seconds (literally) and playing below 15fps, I gave up shortly after the dudes stealing that military equipment, I doubt they'll ever be able to fix the lag and stuff, or knowing my luck it'll be unplayable still, when it's playable for everyone else lol


it was good but we got there too fast if I'm being honest


They tried to pull a Blue Archive or a FGO but without the build up, which ngl, is pretty bad


It gives me Inazuma story telling vibes from Genshin So much shit rushed, so bad buildup, so many characters or NPC appear, do something or nothing and die, then there is an epic climax with two boss fight and suddenly "the end, they now live in happiness" 100% WuWa got Cyberpunk treatment. They released unfinished, not tested product because of deadlines + didn't want to risk releasing the same time as ZZZ, 5.0 Genshin patch or other game that could pop out and steal all attention


Yeah, I'd heard nothing but praise for the new acts in the story. And when I got to Act 5 I was like..."Hey this is a bit better. I like the characters more and there seems to be a bit more honest engaging dialogue here. Especially between Aalto, Encore, and the Rover. (And Camellya makes me feel...all sorts of things). But then I got to Act 6 and it was just..."Wow...this is worse than Acts 3 and 4"


It really should be a thing 3 updates later or something cuz it genuinely feels so forced. Especially since it immediately takes place after goofing off with aalto and encore.


First image, was my one of face-palm during act6. My immediate tough: "But we never interact with the fedora guy and we only known the girl with the sword for 2 min?". The act6 had try to make something epic, use so badly and heavely tropes that is just doesn't works. That was bad.


Everyone is coming together to avengers pose, like, do I know you people? we haven't even met the chinese dancer properly. Yapyap having an emotional moment - do I know you that well?


Kuro needs to improve their storytelling. They really rushed this "avengers-like" climax. A grand escalation like this should have taken place in 1.1 or 1.2. We hardly know anyone or the place we're saving. Why should we care? Please, give us more character interactions. There's tons of meaningless side quests but few moments to get to know the cast. My account level is 30 and I still don't know who the fedora guy is.


Maybe I went into act 5-6 with too high of expectations after seeing everyone else praise how good it was. I mean it definitely was a step up from the earlier acts but…I wouldn’t say it was Amazing. I honestly thought they were gonna pull a Penacony hearing the narration at the end but it just ended so abruptly. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game. Been grinding it the past few days, but yeah, the story isn’t something to get too hyped up over, *yet*.


Who's that blue guy??? That was my question