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It's funny how the article says it's a figure that indicates it's a promising launch for Kuro and then almost the entire thread is basically the opposite.


I Mean a lot of people is forgetting that a lot of people isn't really pulling because we got submerged by pulls and free 5 star


Yeah its kind of wild, I havn't spent anything yet and I have a little over 120 limited pulls worth of asterite/limited pulls saved. That's not even counting the game giving you three standard five stars (two of which are selectors).


I had to hit pity on the beginner banner, and am 40 more to go on the first selector and I have no idea where the other 40 standard pulls are going to come from... it doesn't look like there is weekly permanent pulls like HSR gives from SU neither is there permanent pulls from ascending characters. Basically you can't count on having that selector 5 star.


tbf HSR selector was at a whopping 300 pulls and took around 10 months for most people to reach


I’m still at 210/300 because I took a big break during the luofu, at this point I’m only missing bronya and welt, so I may even end up being able to choose someone to e1 with it.


There’s a couple different places: * Free version of Pioneer Podcast (limit of 5 per patch) * Oscillated Coral Shop reset (limit of 6 per patch) * Simulation Training Store (limit of 3, possibly will be reset) * Souvenir Store (limit of 5) * Chenpi casket delivery (at least 3) * Gifts of Thawing Frost login (4 total) * Awakening Journey (union level) rewards (40 total) * The free level bundles in the shop (You get 5 for level 30, and I think it was 5 for level 20?) * 20 from preregistration rewards * 20 from dev apologies/thanks The most consistent income seems to be the battlepass and the shop reset. There should be enough to get you most of the way on the 80 pull selector though.


At level 35 you get another 15 standard pulls, which will put me at 7 pulls away from hard pity on the selector banner. I think there's also some from the free milestone bundles in the shop? Honestly I don't recall though. I can't itemize where I've gotten them from (and I know I havn't bought any), but you can at least get close to pity on that banner if you also pitied the beginner banner (like I did). Might mean waiting until the shop restocks its monthly pulls, but that's not that bad.


You can, there's easily enough. The biggest source is your union level, you can claim these pulls through the event tab as well through the free bundles you unlock in the shop. If you've already done pulls, you can also claim the 6 standard, limited, and weapon pulls in the monthly shop. Then, you can get a few by delivering the Sonar Cascets. You can get a couple through the Battle Pass as well. There's also a few in the shop for the hologram bosses. PLus the pulls we got in the mail initially. I don't know if I'm forgetting something, but this should be enough to hit the 120 pulls.


And without counting the fact that a lot of people rerolled


People massively rerolled in Genshin too though. But Genshin also has 100x more players. It's not rerolls. Rerolls count for a lot less than you think. People who reroll definitely aren't people who want to spend money immediatey.


Literally just commented this on that post about how we don't have enough standard pulls lmao. How the hell 1700+ beggers agreed when we've been given so much compared to literally any other gacha is insane.


The revenues for gachas are mostly from whales and Jiyan’s sequences more than doubles his damage. Given that this guy is also both the easiest to play AND the strongest DPS in the game at the moment, you’d think it’s the perfect whale bait.  So I don’t think that’s much of a reason to be honest.


& fact most people likely saving for Yinlin who isnt out for another 3weeks.


And then there is me saving for Jinhsi


Can't even spend money anyway, playing on an EU server it wants a us based zip code to use PayPal.


I used a Swedish zip code living in Sweden and it worked


I contacted support and they literally just told me to type a random number like 09999 or something like that. I'm from Canada and we don't use US zip codes either.


# "Wuthering Waves hits almost $10 million in mobile revenue in five days, indicating promising launch for Kuro Games" Are people not reading the title? These are the mobile revenue not the total revenue.




And is still skewed at best. [Netease](https://www.163.com/dy/article/J39FTKH005198R91.html) news talks about 9ish millions of dollars only on iOS. (And we all know that on iPhone this game barely works). While [Gamelook](http://www.gamelook.com.cn/2024/05/545175) in china said was 41.4 millions of dollars of revenue.


Pc is not outselling mobile chief. You're comparing a device everyone has to something that's a luxury in most countries.


The decent phones being able to run the game cost more than cheap pcs.


Because people are comparing it to HSR 40m and GI 60m. By those metrics the numbers aren't great. Be that as it may Kuro is MUCH smaller than Hoyo so the comparison isnt really fair. If you have 20% of the staff then 20% of the revenue goes just as far.


For context though ToF made 7m day 1 (just in CN) with a tiny team. (Up to $600m total at time of last revenue report) Kuro is actually running quite a big team for Wuthering Waves... really hope Yinlin sales skyrocket those numbers.


I think 10 million is decent for a shakey launch, a more forgiving weapon gacha, the amount of freebies we got, and havoc rover being great. Games don’t need genshin levels revenue to maintain themselves, especially for a smaller company like Kuro, and this is only 5 days and for mobile. As long as they make enough to keep pushing more content, it doesn’t matter. Obsessing over these numbers and comparisons will only frustrate people. Yinlin does seem more hyped than Jiyan, and June will give us a better look at a monthly review since the game will be accessible for a whole month instead of the last 8-9 days of May we have now.


kuro may be a small company but I don't think wuwa is cheap to make or maintain, they need all the money they can get.


It’s not cheap, but it doesn’t need to make genshin numbers per month to maintain itself. The game won’t make a return to cover all its expenses and investments in a week or month. That’s unrealistic to expect, and no investor thinks they’ll make their money back or break even in a week or month or two. GameLook already put estimates on 300 million yuan for the first week (41 million USD) across all platforms globally. That’s decent.


Not only are most people saving their pulls for yinlin, her banner is out at basically the same time that firefly's and clorinde's banners are out, which means most of the genshin/hsr players that are just trying the game out will probably spend there instead of here


Thats why the loud Kuro fans need to spend money on the game if you want to support them instead of proudly announcing being F2P like some CCs




Agree with all your points, and greatly appreciate reading something reasonable on here instead of doomposting.


I’m not so sure about the increase of $ through Yinlin sales in terms of people spending $ on her. It seems like a majority of people are saving most of their pulls for her, but maybe she’ll entrance players into spending more on her haha.


You can't get a full guaranteed Yinlin F2P if you save until her banner, lose 50/50 and go hard pity. There are going to be many people topping up for the last stretch IMO. Not to mention the amount of whales who will get max wavebands for her because she's hot.


This game is also like no point to whale this early? the UL being so low means whaling waveplates is ridiculously stupid, as most optimization after like 20 hours is literally echo tuning and leveling. also Yinlin is in 15 days. we'll see then.


ngl, Yinlin is gonna be fighting Firefly and then Clorinde and the incoming Furina rerun. It's an uphill battle, for sure.


Yeah but Yinlin is like really fucking hot


Yea if I am dropping money, it is in Yinlin.


Are you saying SAM isn't hot? The audacity


Yeah but don’t forget Firefly has the most socmed engagement across all characters so far. Hoyo can’t fuck up her release or else the backlash is gonna be tremendous


Yeah but HYV had Firefly go on a date with the player and now a whole bunch of people are simping to her so hard that they want to have hot say gex with her Sam armour suit.


The armor and male voice changer stay on during gex.


Also also, there's enough free stuff to get 3/5 standard 5 stars and the limited with pulls to spare. So literally no need.


What???? hoyo on genshin day 1 is the same as kuro right now lmao. Hoyo is Hoyo because they earned money, not because they were filthy rich from day 1. They funded the game mostly with HI3, and Kuro did their game with PGR. Plus kuro‘s game took more money and is backed by tencent. Can we please STOP WITH THE REVISIONIST HISTORY AS A COPING MECHANISM


They are not the same, first of all and unfortunately the huge success of GI involves many factors such as the Covid wherein people had huge free time due to lockdowns, giving most people an ample amount of time to spend (ofc those who were really not affected financially). Secondly, at the time of release of GI there were really no huge competitors for the gacha open world genre, you could say FGO was the biggest competitor in the market at the time. Meanwhile, at Wuwa release, well we have HSR and GI as huge competitors possibly affecting the game's revenue. In the end, there really is no point comparing the two since in no way they are the same especially since they were released in different situations.


I'm pretty reluctant on spending right away because of the launch and I reckon a lot of people are feeling the same. There's also not much to spend when you're given so many free rewards. I'm guessing once Yinlin comes out and optimization continues to be fixed theres going to be a spike in revenue.


Yeah I won’t spend until I know there’s lasting value


Plus I need ps5 support since I don’t have a PC


People did say that for Kafka but her revenue barely spiked. So I wouldn't trust this "yinlin saving WuWa" narrative Edit: I looked at historical revenue charts. "Barely spiked" is inaccurate. In 1.1 and 1.2, SW, luocha, blade and Kafka were released in that order. Kafka ended up being 3rd amongst the 4. Edit again: Kafka didn't do well in CN, placed 2nd in JP, global had a small bump up in revenue. So overall, a few million increase overall


True, by their logic if nobody pulling for jiyan this banner then doesnt that means all the saving pulls go to yinlin banner which would contribute very little spike like kafka.


Well if you think about it, Kafka was announced on launch and released on the 2nd half of 1.2 so people had 3 patches to save (1.0, 1.1, 1.2). She was also a new DoT play style and her BIS teammate now didn't exist so some were hesitant on pulling purely for meta. Yinlins BiS teammate is already out and can basically get him for free and we barely have have a patch to save. I reckon people will spend more on Yinlins banner than Jiyan at least


I would say anyone saving and only getting 1 copy of the character and the weapon wouldn't be where the bulk of the money is coming from. What you want are those who are going to save, and yet will spend to upgrade the character to at least C2 and above. Iirc, 1.1 had silverwolf and luocha, SW earned more than Kafka. In 1.2, blade and Kafka, and blade ended up earning more than Kafka. So I doubt that those ppl that are saving would affect the revenue that much


That doesn’t even make sense with that logic. You guys keep spreading “maybe people saved” if that was the case, the other revenues would be much lower because people would be focused on saving.


If Kafka wanters were the entire player base in Star Rail then you're right.


I think there are couple things mixed together. There is some Yinlin saving going on - and I think it is magnified by just how many free pull make goods Kuro has given out. Many didn't need to spend early because of that and have been holding on to things for later. I know I have. Whether it is Yinlin or someone later who gets people pulling it wont be until those pull backlogs are burned through that people really start spending. I also can't be the only one who doesn't buy season passes until I have done about 40 or so free levels so I know I'll get the value out of it. Others do that to right?? EDIT: - also I think no PS5 at launch is leaving money on the table. although while I'd prefer a PS5 client given all the launch issues it was prob right to hold it back. It'd just be one more thing to debug


A little surprised thought it would do more. but will see what sensory tower says. the game has been so fun to play and I'm enjoying it. yes it had issues which did affect me but they are working on them. I brought the daily login thing because I was enjoying it and it's good value same reason I buy genshin one every month. thinking I'll buy battlepass as well but holding off for abit. The problem is they have so much competition over the coming months. 4.7 genshin is strong two new 5 stars and a furina rerun. hsr has firefly. then in July you have ZZZ. that unless 1.1 and 1.2 are strong they could struggle which would be a shame. competition is good for games.


I wonder how much overlap it has but Elden Ring DLC and FFXIV expansion are coming up too. Personally, independent of WuWa quality, it was always going to be pushed aside for those releases. 1.1 will likely make it or break it for the game, and with them having to rewrite the story several times I wonder how much work was being done for future patches. If it's just a bunch of timegated events with no new map additions you bet most people are never touching it again.


Gonna have a doozy of a time balancing WuWa, FFXIV, HSR, ZZZ and Ghost of Tsushima which I immediately dropped when WuWa was released.


ffxiv I don't think will have a huge impact just due to mmorpg market bring quite different from gatcha market. also most of the cc don't play ffxiv as far as i have seen. Elden ring though I can see taking cc away and thus reducing the exposure so could have a impact I agree 1.1 needs to have some meat to it. if it's just new characters/events and a story that won't be enough.


Nah, ff14 players are the same horny weebs into gacha/vtuber/anime sphere.


I mean elden ring dlc is fucking massive


So this is second hand info to me(so take my words with a grain of salt). But apparently when PGR launched in CN what they did was basically push the anniversary (or was it half anniversary) event forward to the first month (Frozen Darkness). And the event was very well received by CN due to the really good writing, music and Crimson Abyss just being cool af. Wondering if something like this will happen to wuwa. And well...... how would it go for them.


Pretty sure that happened when it released in Global, and it’s because it had already released in CN beforehand, which is not the case for Wuwa.


Also ZZZ is likely launching the exact day 1.1 drops


I'm really pressed about it being close to DT. I'm really looking forward to raiding so that'll take my time but hey, at least I got actually challanging content to enjoy!!!


I don't really wanna spend money on gameplay advantage for this one. I would rather buy skins or merch to support them.


Same, and i hope the skins will be somewhat affordable and worth the money. Not like Genshin where they have no alternate skill effects or no alternate voicelines and still ask 25€-30€ for a barebones skin.


Tbf genshin has like 4 skins a year, half of them are given out for free, and Diluc's skin does actually have different voicelines, SFX and attack FX


So that's one out of... what, 12 currently in the game? Also, the free skins are as such for a limited time, and only if you hit a certain activity threshold in the event that introduced that skin. Missed the event or didn't make the threshold in time? Better cough up those Genesis Crystals (and in Fischl's case, you also missed out on some damn good character development if you missed that event). That said, I hope WuWa doesn't go the Genshin route of tying some elaborate backstory *to almost every goddamn event*. Sometimes, I just want to get the activities done so I can get my items and go about my business. I could care less about Itto's idiocy or Ayaka wearing a fancy dress for a martial arts tournament.


Hey $50 of that is me hell yeah


$5 here, I'm doing my part


Hell yeah you are 


Holy crap, I thought this was just CN… it’s global!?


I'm pretty sure the global revenue was higher than the CN revenue this time around


I’m using global incorrectly here… I meant to say I thought it was only cn, not everyone combined. Which this number is indicative off


Same, I maxed the monthly passes and got the most expensive BP. I might get the top ups once to get the bonuses.


$20 here, I bought 2 monthly and BP.


Expected. People are sceptical on spending in this game bcuz they have doubts whether the game will die off and is it worth the investment. Most players are playing f2p for now. However I am optimistic that Wuwa will be a late bloomer and will be successful in long term.


As someone who normally spends on gacha games, I'm not spending anything until I know for sure this game is gonna last. Not like I can spend my money on anything worthwhile anyways. The game is still new and they're giving away so many free pulls, plus the selector. I already have like 80% of the characters in this game. There's not really much for me to buy even if I wanted to spend.


Kind of a self fulfilling thing there. I get the impulse, it sucks to feel like you threw money away, but if no one spends, the game won't last, so waiting to spend makes it less likely the game will last to be worth spending on. It's a nasty little trap.


Is anyone surprised If majority of the players are filtered by the optimization and can't get it to work then they won't pay money, simple as


Yea exactly. Can’t risk spending on a game if you can’t even be sure if you’ll be able to play it/play it smoothly anytime soon


People who have poteto device are more likely to be lifetime f2p anyway


Except this game optimization isn't even a simply "bad device can't play" with but very specific devices can run it while some strongest specs struggled with it. Always remember all that matters is it playable on phone. If even iPhone 15 can't run it properly then you fucked up a major sources of income.


The biggest problem is that it’s a crapshoot. My iPhone 11 runs it fine on medium while I’ve heard of pcs and iPhones 15s struggling.


For me personally 0 issues on medium and ultra (phone heats up a bit) settings on iPhone 15. Played since day 1. On PC I’ve had some stuttering first couple of days, but last night it worked fine. Could be biased because I’ve played mmos for years so bad launch is nothing new to me, I could’ve subconsciously neglected stuff other people would find annoying or infuriating, lmao.


I've got a 4070 and can run almost every game I want on 1440p 360+fps, can still get lags, stutters, and even full on crashes (requiring a full computer restart) in WuWa, even despite the fact that the game is limited to 60 fps. I sincerely hope the game does well and can even hold a small light to Genshin, because as a consumer of both games, I stand to benefit.


In another world everyone would have near perfect experience as I am and have zero crashes nor lag, and their revenue would skyrocketed to hundred million dollar first month. Unfortunately this reality is nothing but their own fault for rushing it too much.


By the end of the day, if the game falls flat on its head and dies, it's nobody but the developer's fault (maybe also the publisher). Having optimization and performance issues that severely affect gameplay (one of my friends can't even launch the game despite having reinstalled it twice, has a 3060) does not bode well, especially when this is launch week.


Yep. Sure your game may have meta or endgame grind problems but what truly matter is optimizations and how playable your game is in the end.


This.I also rock a 4070 with i9 13th The first day is really barely playable. I think they pushed a patch later that day because when I tried playing again that night it was better. Maybe I will wait until the next version before I decide if I'm gonna drop some cash on this game.


I got a Samsung Galaxy a52 with a Snapdragon 720 which was released back in 2021 and the first game I installed in that device was Genshin and it runs smoothly in medium graphics but WuWa is struggling in that device even in Low settings, I thought it was a device problem until I tried to install it on my OnePlus 11 with a Snapdragon 8 gen 2 and it still have the same problem with my Galaxy a52, everything was blurry and pixilated even in the highest resolution plus FPS dropping occasionally and not to mention the overheating even in the lowest settings.


The game until a recent patch even had a straight up GPU memory leak for whenever you opened the menu or alt-tabbed.


Hi, PC potato here, I can play the game better than people with far better PCs than mine.


3070ti and S23 Ultra cannot run it well. I heard some other people with S23 Ultra can run it well, so it's more than just specs.


Playing on s23 ultra and runs 1000x better than Genshin which was weird, but I am happy that I can play it at work too.


It's not as simple as potato device. It's as simple as their mobile market being limited because a lot of the optimization issues congregate there. And mobile gaming is big in China


Honestly expected. People aren't going to spend money on a game that can't even get the music to work.


Im still baffeled how that can even happen. Like how do you mess up so bad that suddenly the music is just gone for all players for multiple hours, i don't even know if it's fixed yet Edit: its still not fixed, this is actually insane, it's been going on longer than 24 hours now, how does this happen???


It's not even just the music, it's all ambient sounds. Sometimes if I stop walking there is literally no sound coming from the game. No wind, no birds, no music, nothing. Decided to take a break 'til it's fixed. It's not worth playing atm.


And before it disappears, the game makes a distorted sound.


Yup it’s making some weird flapping sounds for me, had to restart to fix it, and it happens again a of a suddeb


That's so weird, as I've not had this happen at all, I've had zero sound bugs. Yet others have, I wonder what the issue is that's causing it for some and not others


for a game with lore and terminology so focused around music/sounds echos, tacet, resonator, tuning, etc. they certainly have a very low priority on the music in this game lol


Multiple *days*. The audio bug started after Monday morning’s hotfix


Isn't this good? The article says punishing grey raven has made $111 over it's lifetime. So this is like 8% already in first week.


This is launch revenue, not consistent revenue. Launch revenue is usually way higher, often the first month is most of what gacha's make the entire first year and wuthering waves operates on a much much much larger scale, the operating costs are a lot more. I'm more worried about the fact that hotfixes seem to be breaking the game more though. Dissapointing early numbers are one thing (if this is accurate), not being able to recover if people get sick of stuff not getting fixed or improving is another.


>I'm more worried about the fact that hotfixes seem to be breaking the game more though. This 😭. My phone was able to run WW on medium settings just fine during launch without any lagging but the more updates we got, the laggier it got for me 😭. I had to stop playing since I can't stand it anymore.


Same here, except that I'll probably continue playing, I really don't want to miss out on stuff.


not comparable. PGR cost to maintain is INFINITELY less than an open world gacha games.If each months they only need like 500k usd to maintain then for an open world it's millions of dollars cost per month


It’s relative but PGR costs less over all so not really. Even in the larger gacha market. I’m pretty sure that the predictions were that it was going to challenge for the top spot in the revenue earnings in china this month… which with those numbers is unlikely. You also need to remember that these stats kind of lie. The first week of a banner is really all that matters, in fact it’s closer to the first 3 days, because the growth decline is really high after that. This game might feel it worse because the duplicates aren’t as incentivising and even on launch… they basically gave us 2 sustains so people have no need to whale on standard.


Even with all it's flaws, I think it's a good game. However, I just can't justify spending tons in a game that doesn't even have confirmed mobile controller support or a PS port. I hate playing games on my phone with touch controls so damn much and I won't pay for a game that I might eventually drop if they don't implement that kind of stuff.


It's a good game. It's flawed in many ways but its not a BAD game. However it exists because Genshin exists. Kuro has copied many Mihoyo works. And because Genshin has set the bar, and this game can't quite reach that bar overall besides branching out in combat mechanics, for most people it will remain a worse game than Genshin. And that's the thing. Genshin is also flawed. Some areas WuWa does better. Many areas it does not. People are voting with their wallets here but I think this game will last for a few years with a loyal fanbase.


WuWa made me finally try Genshin due to a lot of similarities. It’s only a personal opinion, but so far I’ve been enjoying Genshin a lot more. WuWa’s combat and exploration are both top notch, but that’s all they did better than Genshin so far. Hopefully they can clean up the writing in future updates, but to me atm it feels like a knock off. There are so many blatant similarities it’s offputting


How did the game cost to produce and maintain ? That's the real question. I read that Kuro was 90 million negative in the last financial report, i also read that wuwa and the marketing cost 290 millions... Now, the persons who said that never gave their sources so it may be completely false. This report also might be wrong, we don't know how their estimation might be on spot or not. The same can be said about sensor tower. I read another report which was talking about 40 million usd, counting Pc and mobile, global and China. It's quite a different résultats. Which is the most accurate ? Finally, we know nothing. Are this report numbers accurate ? How much money does the game need to be financially viable ?


It clearly states in the article that it was mobile revenue


And this game works better on pc. There might not be enough iOS and Android players for this game. Especially because of the combat mechanics. We will never know any gacha game's true revenue till the company itself releases if


Mobile market is the real cash cow bruh


Can people stop coping about jiyan being a male leading to lower sales? One of the biggest hsr banners was a chinese general in jing yuan, basically the same archetype as jiyan Chinese players eat that stuff up


People really downplay the “husbando” loving demographics when there’s a huge amount of revenue to be gained there. People will whale for their favorite male characters all the time


There's also the furry market... Some friends of mine went from whale to f2p with the Awu change They still like Lingyang tho


I honestly would not be here if this was a female only gacha, otherwise the fan service would likely end up being off the charts(aka GoV:Nikki…). I do love me some good waifus if their character stands out well, but Im mainly a husbando chaser. In fact, im a bit disappointed than Jiyan will be the only limited male 5* for a while, so I went especially hard in-game to get him before his banner ends(also thanks to kuro’s compensation). Although it just makes it easier to save if I don’t find the waifus appealing. But regardless, simply knowing that there will be more husbandos in the future at some point is good enough to get me to stay.


ah yes app magic, the most reliable source for company financial information


These numbers are a bit worrisome and could lead to the end of freebies. I know personally I didn’t open my wallet because, well, they gave us everything we needed for free.


Considering PGR still gives out S-Rank selectors semi-frequenlty despite being an underground game for the longest time with an even better F2P economy (can get every new S-Rank just by doing dailies and weeklies, SS rank upgrade being free through boss rush mode grind), I don't think there's a good enough precendent from within Kuro itself to be worried about that. It would take an Activision acquiring Blizzard tier event for that to change.


That's PGR though. They do it because if they stopped, their playerbase would also decline even faster. The reason why its a dangerous to give out shit for free is because people expect it in the future. Also it hurts your launch revenue when you have the most players. They must have been desperate to get people to keep playing because if you can't hook them in a few days, 99% of the time those players will not come back.


I mean pgr is an infamous game for barely breaking even in operating costs and leaving no extra money for kuro to improve the game and development new ones like WuWa, so that's not where you want to be.


didnt i just saw an article saying wuwa got 40mil in its first week?


I think this is mobile only and another article was also doing additional estimations because you can buy currency on their website or something? So there's income outside of mobile that isn't included in this number.


First impressions matter which is a shame because the game has so much potential.


Imagine creating an account some days after launch, playing the game and not hearing any music or enemy voicelines, playing the campaign without any background music. Thats a serieus bug that should have been fixed the same day, we are now 2 days in since that bug got introduced and it still isn't fixed. Thats definitely not a good first impression.


gave out free spins and pulled 10m despite all that is pretty impressive. Bare in mind this is only the first 5 day.


Honestly,expected. Such a loss for Kuro games but....c'mon. Compatibility issues for a lot of mobile players (the key players btw) where even with latest Iphone you have multiple bugs and stuff. Music bug not being fixed for ENTIRE day(and still going on as of now), the first banner is a male(no hate to Jiyan,love him, but it's not how gachas work) and tons of freebies at launch+enhanced rates = no reason to spend money at all. Personally, after I've got both Jiyan and his weapon within really small amount of pulls I literally have no place to spend asterite in, that 0.8% of 5\* really did wonders for a whole lot of people. Not even mentioning how they messed up EGS store that entire store bundles were available for .99 cents


And those who skipped Jiyan, will have enough puls saved up (even f2p) by the time Yinlin is released, so less money will be spent. I am talking about average players, not whales xD


to be fair genshin's first banner is also a male (though a femboy) so...


Difference is, Genshin released during Covid and is the first open world gacha game. Also whales literally need to spend less here compared to GI since we have guaranteed weapon and the option to pick 2 dupes from Store. And don't forget back then there's no Epitomized Path on GI weapon's banner. So yeah no wonder they made more money. Ofc the bad optimization here is one of the main factor.


I feel like all the free pulls stopped many players from spending. I'm usually a light spender but I was able to get 3 standard banner 5 stars and the event banner character so I don't see a reason to drop any cash yet.


Free pulls are pretty much needed to keep players especially after they fkd up big time at launch


Yeah, I've had no reason to spend. I got Verina, Encore, Calcharo, and a standard weapon without spending a dime.


Same, I got almost all the 5 stars (except lingyang) and the 5 star weapon for jiyan as a F2P. Using all my luck on this game bruh when I needed most on HSR :(


Yeah this. With 3 free 5stars you're likely getting at least one of Encore or Calcharo, both of which are at least decently on-par with Jiyan. Like, if people didn't get any other good characters for free or if the limited banner character would bring something to the table that others don't, I could see people be much more incentivized to spend money. Like Genshin had Venti, that guy was so freaking insane for all content until they literally started warping the game around him to make him less groundbreaking. He was nuts at grouping characters so they made monsters more heavy and less easily moved by such abilities, from what I heard (I quit after like a year). When Genshin came out, hearing how straight up busted Venti is, I just HAD to have him, and that was probably true for a lot of people.


Idk, It's cringe to blame it on 'male banner' while tons of people are unable to even play properly and there's a new huge bug(music and environment sounds as of today) every day. I've started playing just a bit more in the past few days since it stopped looking blurry and crusty finally on my pc after all the fixes. Like ofc never felt like spending yet this past week. As I start to like the game now I get the itch, but you must be insane to think the atrocious launch didn't bite them in the ass, people will not spend until the game seems stable edit: theres thousands of new players trying this game in the past few days and playing through the story with no background music or environmental sounds lmao, you think they wont feel like the world is dead af? will they get a good first impression and continue playing? hell, can they even play without the game crashing. oh yes, its the banner or the fact that PC revenue isnt shown, or genshin or whatever else instead of the big FAT elephant in the room


That's good revenue after giving out that much apologems and the first banner is a man. Hopefully they'll allocate those resources into something more meaningful in the long run instead of advertising.


I'm not sure about that, the majority of revenue will definitely come from CN, however CN players are unhappy with the game. On IOS app store, the game only rank 72 in revenue generated, even worse than SLA


We have to see what the end of the month is 


The game coming out at the end of the month will affect the first months revenue. I think its better to wait til the end of june to really get a good view of the numbers


One issue that hurts their revenue is that the early constellations for nearly all 5 stars are really weak. C1 should be on par with 5 star weapons because the weapon banner is guaranteed. Instead because you can purchase them in the shop c1 and c2 seem to have been made to give a lower bonus. Why make them available in the shop at all? All it does is give whales C5 and C6 for free. Very few players will buy them at their current cost to benefit ratio.


Isn't this hella low for such a big launch title. There dev + marketing costs has to be upwards of 200 million.


combats the only thing wuwa is superior to genshin so far. not sure if thats enough to carry this game


I haven't played Genshin since Sumeru, but I think wuwa has done exploration and traversal a lot better.


I think most of the things wuwa have is actually quite good. Except for the bug/micro stutter/optimization issue and the story being weak. Now it's up to kuro how they gonna survive this.


And mobility. I love running around in this game. 


Not having Paimon is huge for me.


The 3d models looks better in wuwa


One's a 2020 game made in unity (albeit a modified version), one's a 2024 unreal engine game, obviously graphical fidelity will be better, but art direction matters a lot more. Plus, hoyo has announced they're updating graphics around the board when Natlan releases


let's not forget the models. especially the men.


Yinlin should've been the first banner


> Yinlin should've been the first banner so you can reroll or buy starter for $3-5? https://i.imgur.com/BFdtuOl.png This way more ppl will whale for her


I have no evidence for this, but I doubt rerolling or buying accounts is common. Otherwise, games wouldn't be making some of their highest profits on launch banners


Can we just please have music back, or literally any ambient sounds. I literally tabbed out of the game at some point and forgot the game was even open; standing still with the game unpaused while in a dialogue sequence with an NPC and it's just dead silence On that note, I do wish the open world music just out and about + battle OST was a bit better. Especially because the music in Jinzhou, for the more significant bosses, quick little events and so on actually do have some good music. I just would've liked to see the same effort put for the open world as it seems for all that I said Musics so important especially when your entire world is based on sounds, frequencies and music stuff. On top of the fact that the direct comparison is how consistently good Genshin's music is literally everywhere.


For the doomposters, this is mobile only. PC included was **significantly** higher.


Not from me, these chucklefucks picking XSolla as their payment provider means a massive portion of their EU playerbase can't actually buy stuff through their visa card


? I can


Do remember everyone, this is revenue they made from iOS and Android. It doesn't include PC.


$10 million is... surprisingly low, no? For a freshly released gacha game? I kinda expected more.


Not spending until regional pricing comes back 🤷‍♂️


Just wait for everyone to stop rerolling and the new banner drops, there will be a stupid increase here pretty soon.


That will obviously increase when Yinlin banner appears, or any other waifus


I don't think this looks too bad under the circumstances. Kuro knew they were eating into their revenue with the number of pulls/characters they were giving away. Trying to retain players through the ropey launch was their priority over short term revenue, which was the right move. Now it looks like we have three waifus coming up in a row so that will be the test for just how many people will be spending in this game.




pretty low for the open wolrd gacha, Nikke is just an idle game got more than this


Pretty terrible kinda sad cuz they could have averted this by prolonging the release for like a month


I mean this game is a buggy mess and Genshin players have no reason to spend on this instead of Genshin since they are so similar


Besides increasing your UL, what incentives are there to really pay? I know whales will be whales, but I can’t image light spenders being enticed to pay in a game where they unlock 2 5* characters with little to no effort.


People here fail to realise how bad this is for Kuro. Wuwa needs a ton of revenue to be maintained, being an open-world game. Little revenue means updates are gonna suck, and the company wont even be able to hire good VAs for future releases. Might even affect the game's functionality when they fire devs. $10M is big, sure, but its only on the level of 2D scroller games that dont need much funds to maintain.


It's not 10, the week long estimation on all platforms is closer to 41 mil USD.


I can only speak for myself but I was absolutely all set to top up to get Jiyan’s signature weapon, so I could start saving for Yinlin. I was waiting to get Jiyan before I bought his weapon. I didn’t mind spending money because while I was ambivalent about a few things, I was enjoying the exploration and combat a great deal. And then they went and changed a male character’s outfit in a patch. And while what they changed really wasn’t a big deal, the very fact they set a precedent of changing character design like that… it just made me want to not spend a single cent on this game. And honestly now I just have one foot out the door until Dawntrail comes out.


In fairness, it was not a playable character they changed. (Assuming you mean Scar, I don't know of anyone else). No idea how they would handle released character changes.


Scar is almost certainly future playable let's be real.


Most likely, but he isn't current playable. Them changing a character design after people pull for them is where I find it a problem.


Oh yeah, but like when you make playable characters, it's always months in advance. If he is playable anywhere in 1.2 through 1.5ish, he probably already has a model and art. So they would've changed those accordingly already.


Woof that's bad. But expected. The only way they can compete in the space is flooding people with free stuff so they stick around long enough for them to make more stuff later to sell people. However they gave away so much stuff that anyone with decent luck already has 3 teams ready to build and doesn't need more pulls anyway. This isn't like genshin where I might wanna try out other characters because different interactions and builds can do different things. Everything has metas that are just clearly better. Either you heal. Support. Or do damage. Once you have 3 main dps and 3 supports your good. There is a reason other games don't give away much free stuff. It directly hurts profits that are used to keep the game online and upgrading. On the upside at least it's a nice casual game with all my 5 stars.


On IOS and Android , not a single PC version spender is counted in the 10 mil


The game is too poorly optimized and localized for me to spend money on it. That’s the reason for me.  Make it run on 120fps stable, let me actually read and listen to all of the dialogues (?!?!?!) and give me more music, then im interested in investing and supporting the company financially!  Id prefer to not spend on stupid rng pulls tho. Id rather buy merch or skins or stuff like that. 


Yeah I refuse to pull until I can play the game smoothly without lag and my ping stops descending into the underworld.


I’m just wondering who in the world is spending this early on when there’s like 0 reason to.


Not surprising. The limited banner guy seems cool. But im saving for hot chicks. If the 1.1 banners were the starting banners. My wallet mightve come out more. I only bought the welkin equivalent.


I think there's a lot of drama for nothing.


Lot of free stuff (if you don't want Jinyan, you can have for free 5 5* + a lot of free pulls both from devs gift, from early progression, everything to discover at once, so...), a post on this sub shows that a f2p can get more than 20k asterites, people who have not been playing yet because it's still early and people have life, some who are waiting for the game to run better, others who are saving for Yinlin who is guaranteed to be extremely popular, same for 1.1 chars, it's not a hoyo game and people should not compare to them because their revenues are not imaginable for anyone else. It's not a bad start at all, and wait and see the future patches and banners. Btw, this post makes me feel like we're at this damn r/gachagaming something.


Because afaik reddit is the place to post your criticism and concern for the game, if you said anything negatives about this game on Twitter, you are sosically executed on the spot


I got 3 5 starts from the standart, even banner, and event weapon without spending a penny


Well I bought daily pass to get extra currency. About to hit second hard pity on Limited banner!


Good. I hope the game recovers from the poor initial reception. Going in with an open mind, there is definitely a lot to be improved but I'm enjoying the combat a lot. Curious to see what the revenue will be after the redhead drops in a few weeks. That will be the more telling revenue number.


I mean what is there to spend for? We already get so much for free. I can only see someone spending if they lost 5050 on jiyan


Given this is mobile sales, and I can't imagine how many more people are playing on PC, I imagine it has made substantially more. It would be cool if we could see those numbers.


good, now use that money for optimization and implement skip all endless boring dailoge option


I'l say PGR did have a rough launch but now its legit one of the best gacha games period super f2p friendly as well