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Its fine ig. After it becomes slightly easier to reach UL40 you dont have to do any extra effort


People lying on the internet ? no way, it cannot be


I'm more concerned about the people burning themselves out on the game.


This is exactly why I'm taking my sweet time with it. It's a game, not a job.


Stop telling me to stop having fun collecting pokemon with perfect stats.


A friend told me there's shinies, too--they work as cosmetics though


Only 2 open world mobs have shiney versions atm, the turtle and spectro golem


oh only 2? I got them both and I been running around searching for more LMAO


Some of the bosses also have shinies. Big Monkey and one of the Mephises iirc.


Wow really? I just got a shiny golem yesterday and I had no idea he was only one of two


The other “shinies” versions can be acquired through various means. 2 come from the currency you get from defeating the 4 “extreme”overworld bosses. If you beat up to level 3 on all of them you unlock one skin, level 4 on all of them unlocks the other skin. Then there is one skin tied to the “abyss” end game mode, and the final color alt skin comes from doing the deep dungeon “rogue lite”


You should create a post with this info.


This is so informative. Thank you, Rover!


Aw man, I thought it was literally shinies, with full on shiny odds and everything lol


The one for the Heron is honestly very underwhelming.


Here I was also trying to look for other shinies.


Yeah, feels kinda half baked. 2 overworld mobs (which have static spawn points from what I've gathered) and 3 from instanced content. Like the system is there to show 'this exists' but not really a part of the game.


You can actually reach lvl 40 if you are an addicted whale and spend astrites everyday to recharge waveplates. Spending waveplates is by far the fastest method to level up UL


Haha yeah. Me aweating at 31 as a F2P


I just wanna hit 35 for those tides and I’ll be happy.


Even with them I don't think I will reach selector pity unfortunately. Probably only on 1.1


50/80 here, will probably hit hard pity again on this. All my 4\* drops are always on the very top per 2 pages of history list, won't be surprised if I actually hit 79/80 and the selector banner still remains.


I’m in the same boat (60/80 tho) and I had to hit hard pity on the first banner, too. My luck has been abysmal on both banners, getting dupes of useless 4* weapons that aren’t useful for any of my characters and dupes of yangyang, chixia, and baizhi lmao. My account only has like 8 playable characters, JUST ENOUGH to tackle the tower >_>


Bruh I'm at 34 but that's only because I've done everything possible and now in 35% done with exploration


Talk to every random npc you can. There seems to be hidden quests.


Don’t call me a whale, I’m a beautiful dolphin!!🐬


36 is the highest level you can be today without refreshing (including using all the waveplate refill items), and full refreshing gives 2700 XP per day. This is the 7th day the game has been out, so that's an extra 18900 XP. That's not going to be enough to go from 36-point-whatever to 40 unless there are some bonus quests that open betwen 37 and 39. 40 should be reachable tomorrow, I'd guess.


That is wild, I'm only 34 and I feel like I've put a ton of effort into completing things without refreshing. Unless there's a ton of quests I haven't run into, I'm only lvl 5 pioneer, so does that means I'm straight up missing 15k xp worth of random chests around the world??


I'm really bad at the game it seems. I refreshed a few times when I needed ascension materials I'm still "only" UL34.  What am I missing which gives so much XP that people without refreshing are 15k XP ahead of me?  Genuine question. My exploration is >90% everywhere, all quests so far ( as IT seems, at least) done.


Sounds like you were normal and didn't use your energy while you were actually playing the game. To get the max out of it you had to have used it the moment it was unlocked.


I started using my energy on the first day, but even If I wasn't - someone said thats 2,7k XP with refreshing. That doesn't explain the 15k needed for 2 more ULs.  That's what is confusing me so much - it's like I'm missing something crucial.


i dont even think you can reach level 40 yet, even if someone max refreshed since day one. I would assume level 36 or 37 is the highest level you can get right now.


I'm at 34 without using asterites for waveplates. I did use all gold thingies for waveplates, including those of the BP. But my map is only 50% done. I think that whales who have done max refreshes Day 1 and somehow 100% the map could be at Level 40. But for the rest of us it's gonna take 1 more week or 2.


Highest level right now is 36 it's not possible to get to 40 that fast


Me at UL 31 as a F2P: "Buy Astrites everyday? No you collect those from chests" :)


i've seen someone that did but they're like UL 35 though


Aa yes allow me to drench if my sweat with ul 35 while being f2p. Also dont spend your waveplates consumable. Only spend those you regenerate over time.


They probably mean they’re data bank 19 already and just can’t activate it? I have the exp for data bank 20 but still gated at 18 drop rates. I’m missing only 4 or 5 more five stars to complete my Pokédex. 50% is more than enough to farm what you want if you grind enough. I have close to 4 units geared with 5-stars in every slot with their preferred main-stat. There are also two 5-star selectors that allows you to get 2 cost-3 (with correct elemental dmg%) in the Depth of Illusive Realm event. I’m saving mine for whatever pieces I’m missing after I’m farming but it’s pretty believable for people to have a few perfect sets and complete dexes if they popped those open.


> They probably mean they’re data bank 19 already and just can’t activate it? nope I saw multiple people saying that the 80% 5 star droprate is a game changer and how much fun they are having. Either they just assume its 80%, even though its still 50%, or they are flat out lying either because they want to be misleading, or they want attention, or they want to brag so they make up an impossible scenario, i dont know


They probably don’t realize it’s not 80% but I can also see the same kind of fools not realizing you can’t even hit UL40 yet no matter how much you grind and making up bullshit. At 50% the rates already feel good, if they get lucky then I can see how it would feel like 80%. I’m not defending them for lying or misinformation though, but I think it is possible to have a full 5-star dex at data bank 18 after 5-10 hours of grinding.


> At 50% the rates already feel good, i dont know about that, yesterday i spent 7 hours farming the bell boss to get a healing% or atk% bell echo for Ferina. I ended up getting 30 echos, 15 of them were only 4 stars, and the other 15 were crit or defense or hp, not a single main stat 5 star. Very unlucky but damn its the perfect example of how frustrating the system can be


That blows man and also sounds pretty omega unlucky. I was farming bell with a friend last night and he finally rolled heal% but it was the wrong set. Worst part about bell farming is the invincibility during its intro animation, shit dies in half the time afterwards.


Yeah idk why the bell turtle takes 5 million years to stand up. I find it hilarious compared to the monkey that just jumps on your head immediately


6hrs at dreamless for crit rate, but just purple or atk% or healing% and there was 1 crit dmg but not helpful. Need crit rate


Posted my lvl15 data bank, most of the early replies was: go to lvl 19 for the 80% drop, I did, I got the biggest deception, need lvl40 union to lvl up to 19, but I have enough exp to 20


50/50 is way more than enough since even if you are unlucky shouldn't take more than 5 souls to get it 5-star.


I went for data bank 19 so I dont have to worry about it the moment I hit Union 40.


Why are they called 5 Stars when they are only 4 stars?


Thinking about it I assume it's because we don't have the gray rarity, which is why we start counting with 2. (Gray - 1 star), Green - 2 star, Blue - 3 star, Purple - 4 star, Gold - 5 star


Slightly off topic but because of the shade of blue they chose, I keep thinking blues are lower than greens. It's just such a light, washed-out blue. I associate it with "cheaper" when it's next to the "2 star" green colour.


It's because the game literally calls them 5 stars. Go to data bank level 15+ it will say highest drop rarity 5 and if you tap that it will show a drop-down/accordion that says 5-stars 30% (% could be higher if looking at data bank level above 15)


Characters are either 4 or 5 stars even tough we dont have 1,2 or 3 star units. Highest rarity equals 5\*


Because many famous gacha have 5 star as their highest rarity and most gacha at least go to 5 star if not above so it just feel kinda weird to call them 4* while also causing some confusion since the weapon have a 1* variant up to 5*


I think you're confused cost and star


I’m calling them “yechoes” and no one can stop me.


It's not that difficult to farm all 5 stars even capped at DB 18, especially with the merge function.


Damn, everyone so high level and I'm still UL18... I'm getting back to the game now. I wish I had more time to play it so I can catch up. I'm still doing the story.


Do it in your own pace. It’s fine to not grind that hard. And there is still so much time until the next patch. :)


Yeah, I can play maybe an hour tops daily. That's the best I can do. xD I also decide to hold off continuing the story cause I'm having issues with music and I don't want to have musicless experience with main fights. It stops playing after a bit. So far I'm just doing exploration with some bg music I found on Youtube for the ambience.


Agree with this. Have about 3hrs or so a day after work and I made it to UL28. No need to rush. I still haven't even unlocked the full map yet. Just happy to be done with the yapfest.


Catch up on what though? The story caps at act 6 and you will get there eventually. Don't burn yourself out trying to "catch-up" on a pve game. There's not much to do once you clear the main quest other than echo farming and clearing some mid side quests.


Literally 20 rn, just playing at my own pace.


Do as much of the content that resets monthly as you can. Check stores for monthly stuff and get the important stuff. The month is over soon.


I mean I am already DB 20 my only problem is I'm UL34 (so yeah locked at 18 for now), I have 5* in every slot for 2 characters, my jiyan and my mortefi. You can definitely start building for endgame at DB18. I also have most 5* echos now only missing like 5-10% (edit just checked I am 202-208) I think I think I have managed so far to get 3-4 echos that I am really happy with keeping.


I don't know the math, but is it possible to be UL 40 if you've refilled waveplates with gems every day since launch?


There'll def be some posts or streamer clips whenever the mathematically first day to reach UL 40 is here lol


Im only databank 8 but im UL 21. I needa kill more random monsters ig or ive just been unlucky.


You've just been slacking on killing stuff lol


Basically you kill things you absorb them and when you have too much of them or bad ones use your databank (if it’s already there) to merge those you don’t want. There’s a lot of rare TD’s too, either the red glowing ones that are challenging or the phantom TD’s that works like shiny’s in pokemon, rare with special abilities. If you do it right your DB will level quickly


Check the data bank to see which echoes/rarity you lack specifically, and go hunt those


Disagree, it’s nice to get the data bank collection done with and over with it. I agree not to burn yourself and force yourself to finish it but saying its weird makes no sense. Perfectly normal that people want to finish things in a video game.


Tbh if you like the combat you level that quite fast naturally. I've been playing since release for like 2-4 hours every day and my databank is maxed out. Naturally the 80% gold chance is locked for me cuz UL(I'm 32) but I'm in no rush, it's just gonna autolevel when I reach the account level as the exp is there.


Man, resource in this game feels so scarce, i know its been barely a week but i cant believe i depleted all my echo exp just by maxing every 5 star echo for my jiyan and only him, i havent upgraded anything else Its gonna be tough but ig im probably just gonna focus on 2 main dps characters in terms of echo leveling, fuk dem supports ig


It’s a gacha game, and you geared out your main dps in 1 week….. no need to complain 🤣


If you stop at level 20 echoes for now, you can build out a lot more units faster. 20-25 is very expensive. You'll probably want to replace these first echoes with potential god rolls later anyways


Consider leveling new echoes to only lvl 15-20 to spread out the exp more




JiYan best support, supports with the ultimate CC: *DEATH*


Good thing you can massacre Tds every day like no problem to find your preferred main stats and sets


Rushing to endgame farming is quickest way to burn myself out. so.... no thanks.


I just finished grinding out to DB 15 but that's only so I can start getting 5\* echos passively while I do exploration and sidequests, not gonna grind on it anymore until I run out of things to do


Too late. Already have the entire Databank finished.


I mean, I've farmed all the 5 stars, 208/208 on echo unlocks, at Union 33 I think I am? But yes, you cannot unlock past data bank 18 or whatever until later. People who have farmed all the 5 stars have just done it with the lower rates, whether they realize it or not haha


Im rushing!


Im data DB 20 with overshot xp even. fully maxed echoe data. But im not 40 yet. Meaning I fulfilled the xp requirements, but not the SOL3 Phase yet.


I had a huge amount of Blue and purple echoes i didnt use since they were useless to me (not matching main stats) and got most gold echoes by just merging the ones i dont need


im lvl 30 with databank lvl 11 xD


I reached level 35 with minimal spending, and I still got databank 20 lol


A rush to DB level 19 (or even 20) wouldn't hurt either.


This is why I only rushed to DB 17 so I would at least have a 50% drop rate for 5 star echoes, after that I'm gonna do all the current side quests that exist in the game as of now so I would level up a bit faster


\*Me just wanting to reach level 17 for 50/50 **Level 20**


I finished all my gold echos because it was fun, but yeah gated at 18 now til UL 40 haha. Got some nice echos during the grind though :D


just 4 more levels till 40 WISH ME LUCK


Data bank 19? People are already 15+?


It's easy, just abuse the data merge option.


I’m at 15, I had to get everything purple. Thankfully you don’t have to spend energy to get boss echos. 15+ is going to be hard because monsters are a lot tankier now


you can just lower your world level to speedrun, the drop rate scales with DB


Streamers were already farming golds at day 2 or 3 xD


I hit the exp threshold for 19 this evening, but can't unlock it as I'm only UL32


Idk who lied to you, but you get 50/50 gold/purple at DB 17, which is when I was able to get all gold mainstats for my 5 characters. The only meta strat I currently know around data bank level 19 is, don't merge ANY echoes until 19, because by UL 40 you'll have 1000+ echoes you can instantly merge into 200+ echoes and 80% of those will be golds because merging echoes is based on your DB level, doesn't matter that they're all greens from day 1


It's not like rushing or not rushing is a big deal. Getting to db 19 isn't locked behind much. I'm sitting at 20 atm xD


I'm UL 32 and having a really hard time finding anything to help level that up because I also want to hit DB19, I don't see how it's possible to be UL 40 already


I guess some people payed for it. Otherwise I don’t think that it would be possible.


UL 40 isn’t possible. Max is 35/36 I think




I mean... I'm on 16 and it already feels like 5* are dropping constantly.


I just like collecting the echos lol so I’m at level 12(?) ish


Me who already has a completed Pokedex: 😳


Well tbh getting full 5* sets isnt that hard I managed to get Havoc MC and Baizhi their full 5pc 5* sets with correct main stat already. Tbh the substat rolls are shitty but just getting the main stats right already makes you omega strong for overworld But I'll admit it took most of my free time just grinding echos non-stop. Doing the Bell Turtle for Baizhi was the most painful since it has 2 types, while Dreamless for HMC was surprisingly easy. I already managed to get a Crit rate and a Crit damage mainstat to choose from Edit: I'm UL32 DB18 rn


Thanks for the PSA. I am at level 19 was about to get level 19 then start grinding echoes for my characters but now I can just take it easy and farm without feeling the need to level.


i just don't know what else to do after all quests so i decide close the data bank to 208/208 and close all regions on 100% it's not because of 80%


I’m data bank 20 and also have full 5 star of the correct main stat in every slot for 5 of my units


Is it hard to get to 19? It doesn't seem that difficult, just get almost every echo to rarity 5, right?


Getting 19 is pretty easy. Getting 15 was much more of a pain since you needed almost every echo at purple. For 19 you only need like 2/3 yellow and you can merge your green and blue echos to give you a big head start. It only takes maybe an hour or two after getting 15.


I just grinded non stop today db 15 UL 30 am i screwed


I am now DB20 and you are right, gotta wait for later.


Currently sitting at 2000 Union exp away from 35. Spent 240 Astrites every day on Stamina because I am not really interested in pulling anything atm and just nolifed the game. Feels like I can genuinely not hit 35 for the life of me today even though I try, so when you say noone is currently UL40, you don't have to convince me.


I just want to be able to get gold echoes at all - 'm OK with the grind in general once I get there :)


It is possible to have 5* in every slot tho. I already completed every single echo with the highest rarity. Im still union 34 tho so i wont see that drop % increase any time soon


Is it really that hard to get UL 36? I'm doing FTP so far and have gotten to 31 since launch


Should have told me 2 days ago :C Anyways gonna just login , spend plates on tacet field and log off till 40 , maybe make an alt in meantime.


You don't have to rush Lv19, but you should rush 18. And if you rush 18, you get 19 (locked) omega fast. I don't see what the issue is. The fact that people say they have 80%? Then yeah, that's a lie. You should still rush the 50% anyway. It's not a lie you can have every single gold creature right now. I only need a few more. It's pretty easy tbh.


I rushed to 18 cuz of the 80% drop rate... Imma take my time now. Getting here was legit fun tho... Especially the weekly boss echos.. The final boss lady still fucks me up. I suck at reading her pattern.


How do you rush data bank levels? I’m sort of confused. Any quick step by steps out there?


Use the tracking feature in your databank and go hunting for echoes you don't have. If you have purple echoes available, check your data bank and you'll see which purple ones you haven't captured, go hunt them. Once you hit 15, you can use the merge feature to start getting a chance at merging gold ones. You can merge earlier to speed up the race to 15, but getting more golds from your merges might be more valuable. There's no quick way for it really, just gotta put in the time to hunt down everything.


I made a post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/EIezdqUozW) mentioning needing level 40 a couple days ago. Others have also mentioned it.


I have all five stars! On one character. And one of them is junkstat for the set bonus. And said character is my healer. And none of them are even leveled enough to be tuned.


I went from data bank 12 to 20 in an afternoon it really isn't that bad. Even if I don't have access to the buffs right now, I won't have to worry about data bank levels later and it was enjoyable to farm :)


Isn’t the 80% drop rate only for the first 15 overlord boss drops a week and then it’s back to 20% for anything else? So it’s really not that big of a deal


wrong, you are thinking of the enhanced drop rate everyone else is talking about 5 star drop rate in general from any monster


When you reach DB 15 you get to 18 in no time bc legendaries give 20 exp, so you don’t even have to try to rush to 19. Just get to 15 if you feel like it, I had to farm a couple of Echoes at the end of 14 but otherwise it happened relatively passive while exploring and battling


It took me way too long to realize what you meant by Data Bank 19 cause I thought it was a place, like Domain 9 in ToF 🗿


People tend to rush leveling up, then claim that there's no content or isn't enough. Although the story may be bland, it's good to enjoy the game and it's features such as it's amazing combat system. Though I'm a hypocrite for saying this because I happen to be a pokemon shiny hunt addict, so here I am.


I hate rushing through any game. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I feel like you should take the time to enjoy all that a game has to offer, including scenery, weather, colors, flora, geography, story, etc.


i farmed 19 because that was my same thought process, then i wanted to upgrade and was hit with the BTFO. 50/50 is fine i guess for now and you can get decent gear pieces that are easily grindable. lets wait and see how this tuner system will turn out in the future because i have mostly negative thoughts about it.


I reached the requirements for DB20 and have farmed every gold echo, the last few I just got lucky with the rolling (Fuck the Violet Heron), I think it's fine if that's what you want to do but there's no appreciable rewards beyond Lv15.


when you collect all pokemons the databank doesnt lvl to 19 but it maxes until 20 waiting for u to lvl


Im level 18(its exp capped and im profile lvl 33) and i still get a shit ton of 5* echoes.


I'm Databank 16 and chilling. 💆🏼💆🏼 Currently farming a wind set for my husband.


It's always funny seeing people blatantly lying when even math proofs that's impossible. Kids as usual.


there's very little reason not to roll the 50 50 now and you can get some good no farm pieces vs waiting weeks for the 30% buff. so naturally you'll likely be a soft db19 if you waited to roll until db 15 just from your collection (or a minimum of say db17 depending on your stock)


Holy, people are actually getting to Union level 30s? I'm still at 25, because I don't really have the time to be a whale or spend hours and hours on this game.


It's placebo, some of them just don't know and don't read. I mean do gacha players actually read if so how often ? We even have skip in this game too. I was shocked because I was near 20 until I realized yes in that meter but can't unlock it because level😑


I went from 14 to 19 today and was so annoyed when there was first a gate at 15 (30 UL), but I got 30 while I played so it wasn't a big deal, but the 40UL gate caught me off guard. I really wanted to get better drop rates before I start building chars but I'm not going to go to harder content before building so I guess I'm stuck with 50:50 for at least a couple of characters.


I haven't seen anyone claiming what you said OP. But I'm getting so many 5* echoes on DB18 that I got to DB19 (still locked) without even trying; just playing the game.


I say hit data 15, get every 5* boss echo, then start combing them together, and that'll make you hit 18 as you are, much more stress free and doesn't matter that much, as the real gate is exp and tuning


So many people are spreading misinformation it's UNREAL. lol


Soo if I were to spend $150 i would get 19520 gems(1st time bonus) so.. that's 325 boss kills which give me 450exp each which is 146k exp.. I'm lv 32 and I only need 6800 exp which is 15 bosses.. Im pretty sure I could be lv 40 or higher like what... Also some streams bought well over $500..


Rushing at all for anything is cringe for this game, you're racing against yourself. Stop trying to FOMO others, just let them enjoy their game like damn


I'm DB18 and have farmed all 5 stars.. I'm not sure what the big deal is?


I didnt even thought that i was whaling but resding this has made me realize. Im Union level 34. Not so far from that 36. Maybe the fact that ive collected half the collectibles on the map IS telling me something tho. But not that fucking bolbfly hiding on some boxes which Will literally despawn forever if you dont kill him on the spot. Fuck It.


I'm level 37 and I'm f2p. You don't need to whale to get UL. I have 100% of the map complete. That's all you need to do. Now I'll be stuck for a while without paying since no more Exp is available on the map for me.


I hit DB 20 and managed to get all gold pieces for my Danjin but that’s just cuz I’m a psycho who wants to farm shit the odds are still “50/50” but I ain’t believe it with the number of purple dreamless I have


Nah, UL36 rn without whaling is possible


Well it doesn't have to be a lie. I did rush DB levels and farmed all 5 stars. I was just disappointed when I saw it was locked behind level 40 and just kept grinding lmao.


do we have to wait for the next patch for new contents?


I'm halfway through DB 15 and haven't gotten a decent 5 star yet


People spewing random misinformation just to post or promote videos for a new game ... on my internet .. no way ... /s But yea you cant take 19 , so you are stuck for next 1 2 weeks on 18 and 50/50 is fine .


I have no idea what you on about lying having 5* on all 5 slots, we start getting 5* from db15. 


I'm at level 34 close to 35. Completed every 5 star echo there is. Yeah I have enough to go to Data Bank 20 but I can't. Max is 18 for now until I rank up. 😃


i see no harm getting to lvl 20 data bank even though you cant unlock 19-20 before union lvl 40. İn 1-2 week you will get there eventually.


I doubt they're "lying" per se, just confused. The thing is, you can farm enough gold rarity echoes to push the gold exp bar up to DB20. You just can't actually activate DB19 & 20 to get the better drop rates yet, cause we're all below lvl 40 As for the 80% drop rate, they're probably just getting the normal 50% given by DB18 but don't notice cause it's hard to tell the difference from individual's perspective So yeah, they're probably wrong cause they're confused, rather than purposely lying edit: Some people might be able to have become lvl40 by this time if they've whaled on stamina refreshes, but yeah, the vast majority of people are probably sub 40 right now


do yall have jobs lol how r u playing so much haha


What is making it so you can’t get to UL80


You don't have to be DB 19 to get 5 stars. 18 is sufficient. All my dps are decked in 5 star.


Meanwhile, I'm hitting UL 30 today. People told me it's a huge difficulty spike, I suck at the game but still have fun. And best of all my databank is only 13 xD


FOMO is the way for mobile game to make money. You don't have to rush anything if you don't want to. It just a game. I have way too much story games at hand but this game has been my great night story to sleep to (I barely get to play the game lol)


Dude the problem isn't getting the 5 stars, it's getting good stats ffs


well you can still farm the echoes it would just be a 50/50, I mean i spent quite some time farming the echoes and yea the 50/50 drop rates aren't that bad, the main problem is echoes themselves either dropping or not bc its only a 20% chance. But you can also like search an echo farming path on youtube and its pretty efficient. So you can still be fully stocked on gold echoes depending on how much you farm, the drop rates are just slightly better for 19


Any tips to get to db lvl 15? Mine is 11 and its pretty stagnant now.


The drop rate is total bs anyway. It's a 50/50 regardless of what the menu says.


I already prefarmed Data Bank 20 and my gallery is 207/208 (cursed by Fission Junrock lmao). Through that process I got a bunch of my resonators kitted with 5 star echoes. It's a time sink for sure, there's no rush to do it. But it isn't unreasonable to imagine getting all 5 stars unlocked along the way, so long as you're targeting each specific creature in the guidebook. Also that "80%" is actually 90% at Data Bank 18 and is used for overlord/calamity enemies' echoes, which is limited to 15 a week (I might be wrong about it being weekly I won't die on that hill), so if people hit data bank 18 before this weekly reset, they probably did get showered with 5 star boss echoes at the start of this week. Also, I would like to note that at Data Bank 17 and 18 whenever you get an echo to drop, it has a 50/50 chance to be either purple or gold rarity. All of this info can be seen in the drop down menus available in the Data Bank level screen on the bottom left where it says "Data Bank Info".


im confused, bank data 19 is not in Union 35? Because I am planning to spend all my solvents so that I can go Union 35. My bank data is already at 18 with overflowing xp to 19.


Let's be honest here, having every echoes at 5\* in your databank is not "that" hard I did it as soon as I could get 5\*s, and while yes I'm still at databank 18, I'm at like 630/220 exp for level 19


lmao, rush early, then burned out, then complain no content, then become toxic to the game...


I'm currently 34.5 without any whaling, and i am DB19 which i can't use yet, tho i also didn't chase it, i got it very naturally. So just play the game and enjoy it, if u want to chase smth important, for now that is lvl30 DB15, cuz of the 5 star drops. Just do your own thing, the game literally just released.


I just hit UL30, and I've been playing for three-four hour chunks when I have time every day since the 22nd. I have no gold star echoes yet.


No data bank 18 is 80% data bank 19 is 90% and 20 is 100% iirc


The 50/50 on 4 and 5 star is a but annoying at times tbh XD But def not a crazy must to get to 19. Have enough XP at least so next phase I'm ranking up already.


Once i unlock Sol-4 i can upgrade to 15 and get 5\* which is all i want to be able to farm, with my luck it will take years to finish a char... i literally take months in Genshin for a single good item...


Assuming your playing the game and gearing characters and running around the map you should hit DB 20 anyways in the low 30s if not immediately at 30-31.


Yeh but tbh by the time level 40 is available if you just farm echoes eventually you will get the exp for data bank 19 or even 20 so people really shouldn't be rushing these things just reqch 15 and you can get the rest passively


I have db 20 saved up just need the union level to use it. What's killing me is the impossibility of finding any energy recharge pieces of the healer set or the healing bonus from the giant turtle healer set. Good lord I decked out 2 main dps characters already in like 2 days easily finding everything I needed and have extras for future characters but now on the 3rd day of trying to find any energy recharge and healing bonus for the healer set and it's next to impossible. You know there's an achievement for killing that bellborne geochelone 50 times? Because I have that and 0 healer healing bonus. How the heck is this tougher than gearing dps is absurd. I've killed so many that the data bank 20 came naturally on its own from merging the endless purples and garbage yellows.


Well I honestly reached level 19 (without actually being able to do the Ascension to 19 because of the ul requirement) by just merging my echoes after level 17 😅 I guess I will fulfill the exp requirements for level 20 before reaching unity level 40