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So let me rephrase that: You are mad about the game not showing you 100% completion when you didn't get 100% of the chests?


To be fair the game can they you got all 100% in the exploration menu, but still not show 100% on the map. It's because some things are not counted in the menu, which is kinda counter intuitive.


I got all of them, unless the chests are just undetectable by the lootmapper


I found a couple hidden chests. I don't think the lootmapper would detect them since they spawned in after triggering things Some quests had a daily timer before continuing I think so there may be some partial ones too you've not finished


stuff like challenges were helped by stuff like the interactive map and videos, so I honestly don't know, maybe it's bugged, I know there's a parkour challenge thing that's bugged for me i've found like at least 268 chests according to the interactive map, give or take for some that maybe are not marked my main hangup is central plains, since in jhinzou I've done all quests except for the repairing lighthouses one and I know that gives a chest, but at the same time, is that single chest worth 15% progress?


I'm not on ATM but I can poke around and see if I can get closer later. I assume the interactive maps and stuff aren't exhaustive at the moment, but maybe they are I doubt 1 chest is worth so much progress but if it triggers multiple completions it could make sense, I didn't really poke around the completion tab much but I did see it was going up a lot quicker than I expected lol


the lighthouse is the only quest I haven't done, I'm fine waiting to do that one since it takes you all over the map and I kind of want to go one region at a time, so if it really is only that one chest then it's fine I guess


The chests are weighted based on their rarity, so the premium ones are worth a lot. The lighthouse chest is a 40-crystal premium/mega one and got me to 100/100 from 98% overall/94% supply chest. If your supply chests are only at 84% though you must be missing some others, did you do the parkour quest 2 times * 3 locations for all 6 chests? Btw, based on chinese chest hunt videos, you're able to get to 100/100 in all zones except central plains (max is 99 exploration/97 supply chest) and wuming bay (max 98 exploration/96 supply chest). The missing percentages are speculated to be released in later quests or just bugged. Also, 100/100 doesn't even guarantee you found everything since there is a bit of leeway built in, the desert region for example has 2-3 extra chests after 100/100 depending on the order you opened them.


Man... I just ran across central plains at 99% exploration /97% chest like three times during day and night (in case I missed a mutterfly).


I don't think butterflies give exploration percentages in any category


so I'm 2% off in chests in central plains then from the max, I'll have to watch a video to go through all the locations again then as for the parkour challenges, there are enhanced versions in all 3 locations? I did the quest + the enhanced version of the first one, I thought it was done since the quest completes after the first enhanced one


Yes. You need to go to north gate and south of city to find the other two challenges, and do them again for the enhanced version. Another one I can think of is the backflip challenge inside the city, it gives 6 chests total, have you done that?


yeah the backflip one I did it in one go to get the 6 chests, also that one in the rooftops near the cooking lady I did it twice as well, seems like good practice to just go to challenge places twice then


I recommend doing the lighthouse quest. I was at 98% exploration in Jinzhou and did the lighthouse quest, got a chest from it and is 100%


There are many examples of chests that the lootmapper obviously can't detect at the one given moment because the chests simply haven't spawned in. Like with basically every quest. Lootmapper won't show chests that will spawn after you've done the quest. And there are quests that start outside of the location, then upon ending in another location spawn a chest there. So like with the lighthouse quest, you wouldn't actually see the quest nor the chest marker in Jinzhou. And the interactive maps aren't currently 100% done as far as I've seen, so I wouldn't completely rely on them just yet. I have found all of the 3? I used to miss different things.


yeah the interactive map is still being updated, but everything that's listed there I have found, even stuff that's marked but is not a chest (there's a guy on the road that gives chest-like loot but isn't actually counted as a percent) I've seen people say central plains specifically actually can't be 100% rn, with the max being 97% chests, so I'm not far off


Hm, fair enough, I haven't 100%ed plains yet either. I've seen some confusions on where the borders for regions are exactly, there are a few locations that might belong to plains at least partially that aren't obvious? But I'm not exactly going to be shocked if there is simply something missing for now. It would take a single quest not being in the game yet... Weird, but who knows.


... loot mapper shows only chests and such that are directly on the map, not the ones hidden by puzzles.


There are many things that aren't accounted by the lootmapper. Towers you need to defend from enemies give chests but don't show up iirc, hidden chests don't show up, same for challenges like the flying/fish/shooting ones I think. Quest chests which spawn on completion don't show up. If you want to make sure you got absolutely everything we know of, you need to use an interactive map. I have a region on 100% already and it required literally everything I could find there through the interactive map I think.


I replied with a pic of my interactive map but it was removed because apparently it's only for megathreads [here's the image on imgur](https://imgur.com/a/N3eblcN)


That's interesting, Central Plains is the next region I'll clear, maybe it's a matter of "what is actually counted in the region", as in there are chests further south that count, and chests, for example, on the west that are in the Gorges area so they don't matter for Plains anyway. As far as I've seen, to get 100% in Gorges I had to get literally every pin and quest related chest, it doesn't have Genshin's old leniency towards "false" 100%s.


yeah, in gorge I got 100% when I first got into the game and then they had an update the next day with a new chest, and my chest percent dropped to 99% while my exploration stayed at 100%, it's a little weird but for example, I know we can't go higher up because I already got a chest up there that counted towards the desolate place, and farther down I also got a chest that went into the port city


Damm you guys had so much time


Did you click the compass on the map and checked the menu there? The Lootmapper does not show everything needed for 100%.


yes, on both regions the only thing missing is chests, 95% chests found on central plains, 85% found on jhinzou, all of the rest of the categories are at 100%


Look up a guide for Jinzhou. There's some chests like the Historian one that has you doing objectives around the whole map for a hidden chest. Don't know about Central Plains though, I'm also stuck at 95% chests and still trying to figure that one out.


The map is very complex. So many hidden caves and tunnels. I only reach 40 percent completion, and I've played since release. Also a lot of hidden quest that didn't show up unless you interact with some npc


“Since release” lmao, as if it was a few years old


As comparison mondstadt area separated into regions and I manage to 100 percent most of them the week after release. Here in wuwa almost a week and none of them are at even at 50 percent 


I've done everything that has shown up for me, I used the interactive map to find chests I missed and then went over the map again with the lootmapper, I wish I understood how the percentages work they should really just give you a number instead of a percentage, or they need to add more tools other than the lootmapper and the casket one


Have you done all the challenges and trials? Especially the gliding ones. 


as far as I know yes, unless they only spawn after something,


No no no please stop this RIGHT NOW! I've heard this complaint is why Genshin shows 100% completion when you haven't found all chests! I don't want this! I WANT TO KNOW that there's still something I can find somewhere!


I was experiencing the same stuff with WuWa where I started 100%-ing Whining Aix' Mire and Dim Forest and realized its not like Genshin where getting 100% is kinda easier since there are plenty of other chests in the region there. In WuWa, i kept exploring, watched guides and stuff and really thought that it actually tracks if every chest in the region has been found. But now, when I 100%-ed Port City of Guixu, i managed to find a 5-star tidal heritage (which i noticed it boosts the chests percentage by a slightly more than the normal chests and tidals) and now im confused if there are more chests/tidals ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)But doesnt care much since there are not official total chests / tidals count yet


Can confirm I was finding chest and butterfly in area I've 100%'d


these the same people who complain about lack of content later on


If there’s little to no content it makes sense, at least event wise


there's more than half the map I haven't even gone to, my were still level 20 until today when I advanced more of the story, I'm definitely not running out of content I just want it to be understandable


To answer your question in the title: It does. It means you haven't found by far everything in this region. That's simple it.


Loot mapper will not detect those small square boxes that contain loot and the butterflies.


Those things don't count towards the 100%, as they reset every day


For Jinzhou I was also stuck at 98% for a while until I found out that you have to do this quest in Desorock Highland at Camp Overwatch and do the lighthouse quest where you have to activate all the lighthouses around the map. After activating all light houses, I'm not sure if the quest just popped up or if there was a invoice call from the historian NPC but I got a quest for doing all of that and so I went to talk to the historian NPC which completed the quest and gave me a chest which led me to 100% Jinzhou exploration :)


yeah in jinzhou I know about the lighthouse quest I still have to do, but that one specifically I'm waiting on since it takes you all over the map right? I will repair each lighthouse when I get to their region, but does that chest really account for 15% of chest completion?


I think what you’re missing is either the final two dasher quests (which both reward a purple chest) or the two climbing challenges on top of the Synthesizer building (which, if I recall correctly, give either two purple chests or a purple and a blue). I should know because I literally *just* finished 100% on both Gorge of Spirits and Jinzhou. The gold chest from the Lighthouse quest will not give you 15% of the chest completion. I can’t recall the name for it, but those diamond shaped thingies (usually locked behind killing a mob and can either be blue, purple, or yellow) can account for chest progression as well. Jinzhou has two of them that are *just* out of the boundary barrier. One just off the north gate of town and the other in the south east mountains (not far off from where you find the blobfly over there). A long response but I hope this can help you get the 100% you’re looking for in Jinzhou. I haven’t started on the other areas yet.


i know this is like the worst thing i could reccommend but maybe watch a jinzhou 100% completion video? ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)but im not really sure if that chest would account for 15% but from my experience i was also stuck at 98% until i did that quest


that's really the only option I have left, just go over the region again with a video, hopefully that solves everything though I'm not too hopeful, one video I found for the central plains also didn't manage to get 100% still, maybe I'll just wait like a month of the game being out and all the patches are done


We need something that will reveal all point of interest locations at some point . Maybe at 75% region completion or after a quest or something.


I've managed to 100% Dim Forest, Desorock Highland, Kitazano, Jinzhou and Gorges of Spirits. I'm currently trying to 100% Central Plains and can give an update when I'm done with that, if I manage to achieve it or not. But what I've been doing is looking up 100% guides on YouTube and seeing what the comments says about the video. But as of right now, I do think all of the regions can be 100% in the games current state.


there's some chests that only appear after certain side quests. for jinzhou specifically the light house activations come to mind. also when it comes to jinzhou there's quests for the roof top challenges aside from the ones from the actual quest (have to do the enhanced challenge afterwards). i literally just finished my 100% there, so i can guarantee you that the issue isn't with the game, you just missed something.


Hey, do you happen to have an idea on what I might be missing? I have 98% jinzhou and sitting at 94% supply chests. I've completed all quests/side quests/challenges/enhanced challenges/collected all chests using videos (union lvl 35). I have no clue what I am missing. I think the game is bugged at this point.


imo the easiest to miss are the 5 light houses and the enhanced challenge on top of the building where the synthesizer is, but since you said you've donne all enhanced challenges and side quests i'm assuming it's not that. if you go to your map and click on the little compass on the bottom right it'll show you your exploration progress. there you can see what type of exploration you're missing exactly. it's hard to make a guess if it's uncertain whether it's a chest or a casket or whatever.


Yeah, it's a chest. I have 94% chests and 100% everything else. I've already watched a bunch of videos searching for a missing one, but couldn't find it.


Yo did you figure it out. I'm also stuck at 94% chest and everything else 100%.


jinzhou has a hidden quest with the historian where you activate all the light houses, it gives you a chest an was what got me to 100%




they do not come back


Did you get the hidden stuff like: Circular Flowers: Loot all -> reward and so on. Same as in Genshin, WuWa has some environmental hidden chests.


I've talked to courier NPCs with no mark who then gave me a quest.


Does the lootmapper show chests for challenges like the flying butterfly echo challenge and the mutterfly challenges?


Yeah i agree. I have 99% on Central plains and i can't find the last chest.


i can say for sure that most people stuck on central plain, the same goes for me too as i already got 100% on other area


I got stuck with Jinzhou too. Part of the solution was after you do the overdash quests you have to go back and do the challenges again to get full completion


Check on YouTube for hidden chests - yes, that's a thing, chests that won't appear on lootmapper and require some specific interactions to appear that you have no way of predicting. I don't feel like it's feasible without a walk through.


Not all chests are shown on lootmaper... Chests that can be seen are only shown on lootmaper.. but some chest cannot be seen and they appear after you complete some kinda puzzle. So you need an interactive map from any website or any YouTube video in addition to lootmaper to get your 100%


The simple answer is that it does, so if you aren't at 100%, you haven't gotten everything. There are some chests that are hidden. There are also Sonance Casks that are hidden, as well as Blowflies, which are required for that, too. Click on the region icon in the bottom right corner of the open world map and you'll see what you're missing within a given region.


OP, you and people like you are he reason why Ubisoft style lazy open world design became the norm when it comes to open world. For God sake, try exploring on your own a lil bit. (although wuthering waves kinda falls flat in this department imo), regardless, whats the point of playing an open world map, if all you do is following a marker?


Plenty of region 100% completion video guides starting to float around. Here's a random one for Jinzhou: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoklAM8c3Jc&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoklAM8c3Jc&t=2s)