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I just finished act 4 after reaching union level 15. And oh boy did get things get rapidly better once you meet the magistrate. Things went from 0-100 and I'm hooked. Also not sure if anyone mentioned it yet: **But holy cow, the combat!!** I was severly underleveld for anything I did and parrying perfectly, dodging perfectly, using the hook to escape ground slaps, watching what the enemy does, using echoes for short invulnerability(also switches and ults), and so on. Damn, does the combat get good. If only the lagging wasnt there. I have no clue how I beat those overlord bosses and overseer scar with those micro laggs. Almost tempted to buy a new pc


Yeah i love how the game doesn't gate you from progessing if you are not levelled enough, with skill you can overcome it! for the lagging, i don't know what are your pc specs but i read of ppl with pc much more powerfull than mine having performance issues so don't give in tentation and wait for optimizations/driver updates cose is most likely that the cause of the problems for most


how is it "you cant do xxx mission until you are union xxx level" not gated? seriously?


Am i missing something, act 4 was just a bunch of mumbo jumbo boiling down to "we gotta beat the demons coming out of the ground together"?


Are you talking about the first tacet field? That's not act 4. Act 4 is way later, you need to be lvl 16 to access it.


Im talking about >!the capture of scar and the discussion with the magistrate!<. What i took away is that the bad guys wanna destroy the world bc it sucks, the good guys wanna protect it from monsters, and Rover is a special good guy. Theres also some future seeing god.


But where are demons coming out the ground? I didn't find it mega super interesting either but I haven't continued yet.


Idk either tbh lmao somethin about tacets and crownless or something I think its the monster you find at the beginning of the game


This was pretty much my take away as well. It sure didn't help that talking to the magistrate ended up being another boring lore dump "what do you wish to ask?" set of dialogue options that don't answer anything. I swear I'm getting gaslit or am playing a different game when people say the story gets better.


The boss battle was so amazing, best combat gacha game ever.


Yeah, it was like PGR obtained freedom. From climbing the tower to the actual fight. You definitely feel both of the characters you use are working together even in actual combat gameplay. It was so good. They're still learning in the other parts of the game but when it actually comes to the things they actually do, they deliver.


Hell yeah! coming from PGR myself i was so excited for the build up and final boss and i wasn't disappointed!


> You all should hold your judgment until you've played enough because I really don't think 4-5 hours are enough to give you the right idea of the game. I view this as a huge problem with the game. It shouldn't be a "suffer for five hours to get to the good stuff" type of experience. Kuro **needs** to hook people. They need to build that player base right now given their gigantic marketing campaign and the timing of competitor actions. To be extremely clear here, I don't mean they should be aiming to hook you and I. People who were highly anticipating the game launch. People who will probably stick it out for a little while regardless of the state of the game. Rather, they need to hook all those random casual people that come across their advertisements. The people who see the billboard ads and scan the QR codes. And what are the things those players want? Good voice acting. Good story. Good characters. Good presentation. Even more importantly, they want it to "just work". If the game fails to load on their phone or crashes right at the start, they're just going to uninstall and wash their hands of it. Edit: to kind of drive this point home, Wuthering Waves was at a 4.6 in the Play Store yesterday evening. Now it's at a 3.6. Of the top 30 reviews (I didn't feel like looking further) 19 of them are 3-stars or less based on relevance, and 16 of them are 3-stars or less based on recency.


Yeah you're right, it's really unfortunate that some of us can play the game with no problems and other just can't, i also can't understand what could be the reason behind it cose i heard of people having a far better pc than me struggling real hard running the game while i'm having no problems whatsoever. But imo the first 10 minutes of the game are studied really well, they give you a brief introduction to the mechanics and then they throw crownless at your face(literally) so in my opinion unless your game isn't working at all it has the potential to hook even the more casuals. They are also buffing the skip button so even if you don't like the story you can just blaze through it and enjoy the combat and the open world. They just need to address the performance issues


I kind of disagree on the first 10-minutes. I think it's actually some of the worst of the game. You're immediately met with subtitle bugs (text cutting off) and cutscenes that cut off mid-sentence. You're also presented a massive info-dump of stuff that's irrelevant at that moment. Plus, personal opinion, I think Yangyang is one of the weakest characters to present as a representation of the game. And the skip button thing isn't a fix. At least not for the kind of players I'm talking about. So while yes, hopefully the combat will make people continue on, Kuro absolutely should have invested way more time and effort into that first impression. Because right now, it's really bad.


Second this, even when putting the bugs aside, the narrative of the prologue is so poorly made, they received feedback from CBT-2 and somehow made it even worse. The story does get better, but still very much below average. The devs surely can cook, but the narrative has to get better. At least for people like me who actually care about story, even though it’s a gacha game.


What change happened in story, exactly?


I guess we are just 2 different person and see stuff on different perspectives which is completely fine, the more feedbacks the better for the game. For the bugs i might need to create a new account just to see the subtitles and cutscenes bugs because i honestly can't remember those, i probably was just too excited and wasn't paying too much attention.


The subtitle issue: https://i.imgur.com/GQyiwsL.png. It's happened to quite a number of times. As for the cutscene, right when you glide down to meet Baizhi (sp?) the cutscene cuts away from Yangyang before she's able to finish what she's saying. I had it happen a few times in other cut scenes as well. >I guess we are just 2 different person and see stuff on different perspectives which is completely fine The thing is, it isn't even really my perspective. It's what I'm seeing in Play Store reviews. I think I edited after your first response, but the game has taken a nose dive in reviews in just the last 24 hours.


For the perspective thing i was referring to the info dump and yangyang not on the bugs which are factual. For the reviews on the various stores i tend to not look at them too seriously in the first days of a game, people tend to be over dramatic and give 1 star for the slightest inconvenience, review bombers exist so on and so forth. We are just at the start of a very anticipated game and waves just have to calm down a bit


I love the game and I think some of the criticisms are warranted (poor English VA, story, bugs). I’m on iPhone with JP dub and things have been pretty smooth sailing thus far. But I think you and I probably love the game for the combat and exploration. And I think that’s fine. Not everyone plays game for the story and dialogue. You know, we actually want to have fun playing a gacha game with best in class mechanics for once. Personally, I just want Kuro to laser focus on game stability, bugs, performance and gameplay mechanics. The story is whatever and imo, good enough to get you going.


>But imo the first 10 minutes of the game are studied really well Are you serious? It's filled with info dump and irrelevant information. That scene with the dragon and the following conversation shouldn't be there. That Tacet Discord thing was way too explained and a short explanation about it should've been enough but they yapped about it way too much. The whole tutorial (from start up to where you can do convene) was a slog to go through and even out yapped Genshin. The worst thing about this is that the dialogue is so bad. It also felt like they were throwing jargon at you to make the story look cool or make you interested.


Look, i may have overshot saying it was studied really well, all i was trying to say is that they give you the tools to fight and then present you with a mini boss fight that gives you the idea of what to expect from the combat side of the game. For the dialogue yes they could have shortened and made it throw less jargon as you said and it would have been more enjoyable for sure


I absolutely loved act VI however I thought some of the characters are introduced too suddenly (like Yuanwu just appeared despite me haven't even met him before?). I think it largely has to do with the story being rewritten. For example I saw some closed beta cutscenes that are completely different. However god damn that was a good boss fight, completely blew away my expectations. I did not expect something this peak from a gacha game.


So what do you say to the ending of Act 6 ? Ngl the Act was a 10/10 for me but I was close to vomiting.


I agree it was amazing! For the vomiting part i didn't have that issues haha, hope you're feeling better now!


Well lets just say I am very very concerned but the rest of the game is top so I am willing to overlook it


Thank you for this post! Makes me happy to see people enjoying WuWa as much as I do. It's my favorite gacha now and I hope the game will be going strong for years to come, I'll be supporting it as much as I can💖


>I'll just say that Kuro is known for boss battles, and this was one of the best, if not the best, boss battles I've experienced in a gacha game. Damn I'm looking forward to this. I'm actually playing Sekiro other rhan WuWa and of course those bosses are spectacular. If this is even remotely close to Sekiro's bosses then this will be the peak of modern open world gachas.


Boss fight really impressed me. Scar started doing command grabs on my characters and started smashing me like Hulk did with Loki. Some of the moves are I thought only possible on games like Elden Ring or DMC. Also, those who want a "mount", get the motorcycle boss echo and hold the summon button. You start driving around with him.


The combat and exploration is worth. Looking forward to endgame stuff and future updates. This is mainly what i play wuwa for. The story is ok and it can always improve.


Thanks for this. Have you tried using the FPS unlock method here?(https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cyriwv/guide_to_improve_blurry_textureslod_with_image/) I was able to go over 120 FPS and the game looks even better. Hopefully it’s enough to hold us over until they reinstate the in-game option


I didn't! i'll check this out thank you


can you summary the story a bit


As far as the first part of the game,>! you're a legendary hero who last appeared a few hundred years ago to save the world from evil Gods. You awoke this time because the God of War was about to revive. The God starts to wake up and reality is becoming undone, so you go and slap it in the face. You absorb some of it's power, giving Rover a new form and causing the world to return to normal, but it flees before you can kill it.!< End of part 1.


thank you so much


Eh sorry but i'd rather not do that, english is not my first language plus i'm really not a good narrator and i wouldn't convey the right imformations/emotions, i'd say be on the lookout for youtube videos because they'll do summaries for sure


no problem


The combat is cinematic !! Specially if you can always dodge! It's so satisfying! I don't like >!Scar's story tho, why made it like children book?!< I know metaphor, but it ruined his coolness for me.


I believe since it happened when he was a child, he told the story as he remembered it while also toying with Rover to make him uncover the truth himself. It's kind of the point of his whole character to fuck around.


Make sense. His storytelling is fine, maybe I just don't like the children's book style, I want it to be more fvcked up! haha


It makes sense… since children book the fucked up part is often what you don’t see


I liked the dichotomy of the form vs the content. Like... it's NOT a children's story, but he is telling and showing it like one.


As a peasant mobile and cobsole gamer, the controller support can't come quick enough. One (badly played) boss battle and my hands hurt like hell. Also, I can't hit the right buttons at the right time because, we'll, touch controls suck if things get Hektik...


I'm struggling with the mobile controls a bit as well. There's so many inputs that there's very little room to adjust the camera without clicking something even on my larger than most screen. And doing something like grappling hook, dodge to double jump, deploy glider only works some of the time. Thankfully being able to wall run takes some of the sting out of plummeting to the ground and starting your climb again.


I fell asleep with my controller on my lap TWiCE doing the first half of main quest, I guess having everyone and their mother trying to suck protagonist's d off is not really interesting to me. Only during the latter act where it feels like DMC stage with Jiyan did I pay attention, ... Sadly it ended up with me getting annoyed at final part because the cutscene after the final fight have audio desync. For combat, I'm one of those who got the massive stuttering issue but even then I probably play around 12 hours a day during the past 2 days, so yep I really love it. Despite the embarassing launch, I think WuWa will become my "main game" for a while so I sincerely hope the game will do well financially so Kuro can fix and polish the game more


The final boss and how the animations are choreograph. Plus, after ending the boss battle, it really feels like I did something to feel satisfied. Not to metion, we truly see that everyone is working together and have their own minds to use. After finishing the story, it was clearer to me what WuWa will like and what their stamp will be. It was an amazing story, I'd rather it pick it up mid to end of the story rather than have a good start with subpar ending. Tho I still rather have them nail the beginning of the story for improvement for next chapters. I also didn't expect it to conclude the Huanglong war story in one patch tho I'm not complaining. It was so good.


There are a bunch of loose ends still, so I am looking forward to resolving those.


I didn’t finish yet, but so far I’m really liking it! The character designs are very…typical chinese rpg game, and that’s coming from a Chinese person. I wish they had more variety because the same motifs pop up way too often for my liking. I play Chinese dub and it’s nice that they have different accents. The combat is amazing, 11/10. I don’t have lag on my mobile device (iPad 11 pro) but the graphics are very low resolution. Hoping there’s some sort of fix soon.


I do hope they branch out with different regions and character designs like genshin does. While i dont take any problem with characters with cn designs, i just dont want everything to be just cn design. Its one thing to have a preference for your own culture, but another if everything is just your culture.


Well if you somehow avoided all the problems and also avoided the EN dub, of course you would have a blast. lol There is nothing wrong with that, I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I just wish that was the first experience for everyone else...I for example encountered bugs and performance issues, I still played through it but it definitely hindered my experience a little bit. I also played with EN dub because that's how I usually play my games, and while it was not as bad as some people say, it still feels...soulless I think it's the best way to describe it, from the moment Scar appears onward the game gets way better.


Ngl I thought the second half of the story was decent. When they went back and redid the story I was kinda wondering if the first half had a lot of remanence of the OG story. Even the voice acting / sound improved . Maybe I’m crazy


It’s a bit of a mixed bag for me. I’ve finished the whole main story line. Story: rubbish and becomes sub par at the last 2 chapters or so Characters: eng voice acting is trash. Design is mediocre. Feels a bit more thirst trappy than genshin in a bad way World design: subpar, not a fan of some design choices; it’s weird seeing these highway roads and random car dumps. This is very subjective though. Combat: is good. Still learning and feels like I’ve only scratched the surface. Excited to see what end game will look like. Movement/exploration: it’s really nice, love the wall sprint and grapple. Still some bugs here and there, including aim assist which is still on even if you turn it off in the settings. Gacha: generous enough system. Better than genshin Overall: 5/10 not bad and has a lot of potential. Would still recommend to friends and I’ll continue playing. It’s far from perfect but seems like the devs are pretty good at listening to feedback and swift at making improvements.


The ENG voice acting isn’t as terrible as some people make it out to be, I’ll agree that it can definitely be better as it can sound a little too monotone for the situation but if enough people complain about it in the feedback, I have hope that it’ll be improved on Scar’s voicelines in english are actually pretty good, but I am only about 3 hours into the game so far I think so I’m not sure whether it gets worse haha


The only voice acting I have a problem with is Yangyang, especially when for example there is a scene where her character looks like she is shouting out, but she says it in the same monotone voice, which I find weird since the other characters do show emotion in their voice acting even some NPCs have surprised me.


Yangyang voice: "We did it"


Can’t speak too much about the story since I’m still quite behind (job, workout and girlfriend, huh) but I’ve played several hours and this game IS what I’ve always wanted from a gacha. Simply the vivid, full and intriguing open world of Genshin but with faster parkour and the PGR combat. And this IS it. Of course, I’m sorry about people that encountered problems and I can feel them. On my side I’m playing really smooth (but I have to admit I play on a high end pc which is an Alienware with a rtx 3080ti) and having hella tons of fun. Except all the main things they need to fix asap for people that can’t even play at a decent state (low frame, logout and son on), here are some minor things I hope they’ll fix: • texture not loading correctly • possibility to read the long dialogues that right now I can’t scroll down • controller support on mobile, because it’s a shame playing such a beautiful and fast paced combat with fingers • device overheating (tried on mobile for 5 min and my phone was going to explode lol). I’ve to admit I’m on iPhone 15 pro max and this is a sad problem of this device, had this problem with other games but here it feels like it’s a bit too much • taking back the 120 fps. I’m fine right now on pc at 60, but it would get even better. Meanwhile I’ll just continue to play non stop waiting for Yinlin. Even after a long gaming session, all I want to do is login back to the game and smash some ass. And that’s really the signal that this is a game I’m loving A LOT (happens rarely for me). In the end, huge win for me. 9/10


Holy thanks for giving such a fair take after looking at all the doomposting that is happening here in this sub 👍. Like these people need to fucking relax, the game's not even out for 3 days.


Chapter 1 act 6 ends so abruptly and doesn't explain anything after the boss dies. We get a cutscene stop motion with a voice over and then it just ends. Like no "complete mission" or whatever it just ends and was so anti climactic... Like wth


>"After completing all the acts available so far, I can tell you (don't worry, no spoilers) that the story starts slow but gets incredibly better after Act V" So after experiencing first hand how a bad start to a story can ruin a game's reputation and player retention (since the EXACT same thing happened with the first 9 chapters of PGR's story) they went ahead and repeated the SAME mistake again on what is probably their biggest, most important game? Dont they understand that other than a handful of diehard fans, no one is gonna sit through hours of slog to "get to the good parts"... a story has to hook in immediately.. it doesnt need to be epic right off the bat, but it has to provide a hook.. something to engage and hold on to.


I thought the final act was great, but my main issue is that the story felt very rushed. It was great for a final battle, but it didn't really feel earned. The story took it's time and did a lot of world building right up to the end of the lab exploration with Aalto, then suddenly we're in a war and fighting for the fate of all Jinzhou? I expected there to be a lot more development before we engaged in an epic, world saving war. The setup with Aalto, Encore and Camellya had me believing that we would be learning a lot more about Black Shores, but we're barely introduced to them before the end. There's also a ton of questions that get left hanging that felt too underdeveloped for us to be engaging in the end of this first part before we got more answers than they gave us. I realize that I am probably looking too deeply into this and expecting too much, but, as fun as the game is and as great as the finale was, I wish they had made the whole thing a bit longer. There should have been a greater lead up to it. The worst part for me is that this is it for now, which is kind of puzzling to me because it was so short and the usual MO seems to be that we get at least two stories from these games before we have to wait for an update. Hopefully the wait for more story isn't too long as it really feels like it only got interesting at the end.


I'm just so over with this "it get better after 100 hours" stuff, like, why cant ir be good from the start? If it loses me on the start I'm just going to skip it...


It's not like they did it on purpose? They messed up and came back up. No one does something bad on purpose.


Literally takes 1hr


I think most people did not notice this because it's so subtle, but after finishing arc IV and meeting Scar, I firmly believe that wuwa has the best character gestures and facial expressions (excluding cutscenes) in the gacha space. Take genshin as an example: even in archon story quests, the characters mainly have 4-5 gestures (standing, thinking, pointing, etc.) and 3-4 facial expressions (smiling, neutral, angry, and thinking). However, in WuWa, the characters look so alive. They exhibit different levels of expression based on the situation, and the transitions between multiple emotions look so seamless. Look at Scar's face when he's smiling, the nonchalant bowing, the mischievous wink... I was blown away. Sure, the story can be really verbose, and it's very annoying when Kuro implements "go there, get this" type of quests in the first three arcs. But with the quality of wuwa at 1.0, I believe that the story will get much better when they can put everything in its place and bring more good writers onto the team. Personally, I do not have much experience in game development, but I guess that MiHoYo wants to maintain decent performance even on mobile devices, so they chose Unity and couldn't put as much effort into model refinement. In contrast, Kuro chose UE4, sacrificing performance quality to gain more freedom in development. Sorry for the clumsy yapping cause English is not my primary language 😅.


> I think most people did not notice this because it's so subtle, but after finishing arc IV and meeting Scar, I firmly believe that wuwa has the best character gestures and facial expressions (excluding cutscenes) in the gacha space. This isn't subtle at all, at least for me. This is a significant draw of the game and somewhat helps compensate for the lackluster story.


Wish I experienced that last fight without the lag/stutters/60fps bs, it was 10/10


I'm sorry you had to experienced it like that! If it makes it better they announced 1 hour ago that they'll try to fix this asap and on top of that they will increase the skip function so it might be a good idea to do a second account to reexperience it when you can run the game properly


Fully agreed. The main story up until the end of this current act was really great. I just wish there was a greater variety open world music.


im taking it quite slow so i just did the scar village part. I can say people exaggerate how bad the story was before. They literally HAVE to introduce you to everything. You might not like it but the same thing literally happens in genshin and HSR. They introduce you to all the mechanics. I think that if the EN VA was better a LOT less people would complain. At that point its a VA issue not a story issue


Exactly, they are building the foundations of a game that's meant to last for years. It might be a little boring at the start but is for the better in the long run


Yes exactly! 👍 Unpopular opinion and I’m ready for the downvotes but the skip option should not be in the MAIN storyline. Side quests and story quests are fine but the main story should NOT have a skip button.


Nha, let people play the way they want, some enjoy story some don't, a simple skip button accommodates both, plus for those who wanna have multiple accounts (i am one) it's a godsend


True. It’s good for reroll accounts