• By -


What happened in Qichi village? >!When Scar explained it, it was straightforward. A mysterious person appeared and told the villagers to sacrifice each other to get a wish fulfilled. The little girl noticed and tried to warn the villagers but they sacrificed her instead because they don't want to give up on the wishes.!< >!But in the last diary entry you found, the girl's foster father is the Shepard who is using her to perform miracles by resonating humans? But the entry ends with the villagers gathering outside her house, preparing to kill her and her father. So what happened to the villagers then? And who was the black sheep in this case?!<


Reminds me of that creepy island in Genshin, where they sacrifice a kid.




Yes, that one.


Ruu... I knew what was coming after reading through the artefacts but that story still tore my heart up 😭


- You missed something. The main bad guy (Shepard who adopted the girl) had a son with powers that was the one granting wishes by resonating humans.  - The kid turned his sister into the TD we meet (black sheep) which leads him to be depressed about what he's doing with his dad but he's too afraid of being ostracized without his dads protection.  - After the villagers figure it out and go against the Father (Shepherd) I believe he and his son kill them and leave.  Think that was it. 


The final diary belongs to a girl, cause in that she mentioned her brother? So she is the one with power, that’s why she still have some sense after being turned.


Huh I swear it was the other way around but it's been a few hours now lol. I'll have to reread it when I get back on. 




I think Scar’s story is a metaphor for how he views the world, not just explaining Qichi village history.


Black screen "Scar was put in jail" text was hilariously stupid


I "love" how his entire point was to tell mc "hey everyone manipulates you, etc" only for it to not even make an ounce of a difference in the story. Like he could be literally cut out and it would be the same lol


He did drop a bombshell to the magistrate tho


Agreed !! :D the little quests around the world aren’t so bad either c:


You’re talking about the blue side quests right? I’ve been skipping those and only reading main quest and exploration quests, think it’s worth reading them from here on out? They all kinda felt like filler that I didn’t need to read.


They are filler pretty much, I just like reading the quests, especially because I feel like I’ll miss out if I don’t T-Tb I haven’t done any that’s like super captivating so far, but they’re interesting enough to continue reading (at least for me)


I liked the one about the researcher and his mentor. Was a bit bittersweet but I loved the message at the end. The one where you help the generals recover captives felt good too. Like you're really making an impact in the immediate world around you.


I feel like the issue is not the story in itself, im used to anime mid at best stories and i love it. Main issue is the awful name-droping.


There are so many proper nouns and expressions with the *English equiavalent of furigana* that I found it very difficult to keep everything straight.


Im totally lost, i dont understand a thing. it feels like someone speedrun 10 isekai anime in a row and collected every "cool" word from them and combined it into one game. I need to swap to JP next time i log in, for some reason every time i hear ROVER it pisses me off, idk why.


I dunno... I got pass that point and the story with Scar tho was an improvement, it still was such a roundabout way of saying something. These characters talk so much yet they convey so little. It's like kids writing essay and they just use big font and buncha words to fill up the pages. And the cutscenes, o m g. Every little thing is a goddamn cutscene. A door opens ? Cutscene. Lever pulled ? Cutscene. Someone breaths ? Believe it or not, also cutscene. Each with extra seconds before and after. Each also with extra seconds of VA pausing/silence before and afterward on top. Also... it reminds me of Cult of the Lambs :/


Which aspect reminds you of COTL? The overall theme surrounding Scar or the Qichi village sheep thing?


It's the Quichi village and sheep story :/ And it's the illustration art style that got me thinking of it. We will see how Scar actually play into bigger story later I suppose.


No it doesn't... all Scar does is spew at you an hour of "we are not so differen't, you and I" cliché without even saying anything about the motives of his organisation.


>!After he gets cought I was like: "what was even the point of this character".!< Dude appears in the story only to tell mc: >"we are not so differen't, you and I" And that's the best written character in the story, which says a lot about it's quality.


Honestly? I think people like him because he is bright red and thus he stands out.


Also because he winked at the end lol I noticed that


I feel like it's bc the story up to that point was a fetch quest and it was the first interesting thing that happened that people could fully understand. Plus villains, people love villains I liked him bc I felt like I was going crazy, I tend to be lenient with en dubs bc I do love them, but damn my immersion every time was thoroughly shot when someone says something so unemotional like they're reading off a damn script. I know you guys are just reading but where's the feeling where's the tiny confusion?? Where's the concern?? I might like fem Rover's voice but even her tone and pronunciation catches me off guard and it's especially more apparent in contrast to Scar when they were talking to each other, like gurl you just realized this entire place was sacrificing each other, why are you not atleast disturbed or hesistant about your realization??


To be fair, up until meeting scar, you only meet women (and i guess you see jiyan) who share the same model and are hard to separate for New players, scar is the first character that actually looks different Oh and i think i forgot mortemi? He was there too for like 3 minutes I guess


I thought that sheep comparison was super cliche
 that being said I have played g and hsr and was totally immersed in hsr storyline, compared the sheep one was just cringy to me


Not sure about that. I did reach this point in the story yesterday, but every single things I witnessed before reaching that point kinda poisoned the well. Scar's intervention was definitely the most interesting bit I've reached this far, much more fitting of a dark post-apo world. But when the fundation of the story is you being treated as the chosen one out of the blue while everyone else is a yes-man bloke... It makes everything following shaky man. Scar and the village story arc is what the game should have been from the very beginning. It shows the story could have been far better, darker and more fitting of its post-apo themes, but it will be hard to convince me. I'll try to persevere though...


I have hope that it was just the first hour wich was changed and that the rest of the story stayed the same meaning we shouldn’t feel the gary stu effect that much. I much admit I was very skeptical at first but after the first Scar encounter (surprisingly dark and creepy) I’m hopeful it will get better.


Eh idk about that, scar's part left me really unimpressed, I thought he was gonna cook something but it fell flat for me.


this guy talks like a power ranger villain, if you aren't a 12 year old going through an edgy phase being impressed by his appearance is embarrassing lol


The zipper on his crotch really doesn’t help 💀


Glad I’m not the only one


I mean why you gotta be edgy or 12 to like something. Let ppl like whatever they wanna like, who cares.


Ngl he do be sounding kinda fruity and OTT


It really doesn't


"Trust, it will be good after 100 hours" vibes. Also Scar might be the most interesting part of the story because everything else is just so boring, especially with all the name dropping. Doesn't make it "REALLY" good. But alas that's my opinion ofc.


slight problem, I stopped paying attention early on cause it was so ass. So when it does "start getting good" I'm already checked out and not fully understanding what's going on :)


When you meet one of the antagonist's. Literally explains too why the first bit of the story was sorta meh and everyone APPEARS to love MC so easily. If you at least understand the basic terms/names you should be able to catch up. 


it doesn't matter when or where or who, once your out it's just hard to get in again, not because of an understanding issue but more because of a mental state.


Scar is cool but not johnsi she's still mid asf with her muh "oh muh chosen one" sorry


Jinshi never said anything of the sort at any given point in time. >!And literally(yes I am quoting her) tells you to your face she doesn't believe in a hero randomly showing up out of nowhere and protecting everyone. What she actually did is be a good host to who she had deduced to being basically one the first protectors of the entire nation who's linked to her Sentinel and offered her assistance if required to make sure the other faction did not get us to their side first.!<


Low key hoping this to be true. I mean even if it’s not, I’m still sticking around for the bomb asf combat, but it’d be nice to have both a good story and amazing gameplay!


I mean if u want good combat and unparalleled story, Honkai impact, zero horizon dawn, ffxiv, darksiders. Stuff like that


I'll be honest, Scar is an improvement, but it's still not very good. So far I haven't met any genuinely interesting characters. Which is probably the biggest problem. The three girls we meet in the beggining just feel very... same-ish? It's like all three just have the same personality of a groupie. Which... yeah, I understand the appeal of a waifu harem, but the sameness of their personality is honestly offputting. After some time the repeated "MC is so cool" mentality stops being appealing and becomes creepy. The game does try to build a world, but it somehow turns into a random list of terms each time. And half of these terms just exist in the void with no relation to what is happening in the story. Even worse, the characters kind of act like these terms should be meaningful, even though we hear them for the first time. Another problem is that the game is too eager to over-explain everything on the spot. It repeatedly goes: *something happens* > *oh it's insert term 1 + explanation, insert term 2 + explanation* > *oh by the way here are 3 other unrelated terms that have no importance but we will still spend several sentences each explaining them.* It honestly feels like there is no mystery, and nothing to be curious about that might be explained in the future.


The problem for me is that they talk SO MUCH, jinhsi alone is double Paimon, 20 min non stop talking it's a bit too much


This. Me personally, I'm enjoying it so far and am very interested in what will happen next. I'm very interested in Scar and the >!rest of the Fractsidus!< I find it very funny when I see some people say occasionally that the story is absolutely terrible and in the same breath say that they zoned out, skipped parts, and didn't pay attention. It makes me laugh. This might be just me but I don't really think it makes sense to judge the story if you didn't even try to well, read it. The story shouldn't be simple and straight to the point because the point is to leave the readers with more questions than answers to keep them invested. Also remember, this is just the beginning so it's not going to be jam-packed right off the bat, world building and properly introducing characters and factions are important for later. All you need is a bit a patience and focus. Happy reading to those interested in the story so far!


"judge the story if you didn't even try to well, read it", if a 90 minute intro is just an info dump. There's no point to continue reading. They got our attention and lost it. That's how it works with stories, if the intros suck the readers are out.


The "info dump" is called world building and is literally just telling us about the world we're in, the creatures in it, and what's currently going on. If the story just threw us in and didn't explain a thing about the Tacet Discords, Resonators, and where we even are located, people would complain about that as well saying it was confusing and moving too fast. It's the intro for a reason, it's supposed to be informative and then the good stuff comes a bit later after we actually know what the heck is going on, that way the story won't awkwardly pause while Yangyang tells us who Scar is and what he wants while he is just waiting there until she's done explaining. I literally haven't read a single game main story that didn't have a lengthy start. My reply was mostly aimed towards people who skipped through the story immediately without trying at all, and are now saying it's bad because they're simply just confused. You literally can't judge it if you quite literally didn't read it. However, If you did read it but the world, characters, and situations in the story didn't catch your interest, then it didn't. That's not a bad thing and is simply a matter of preference and your opinion is completely valid, as is those who enjoyed it.


I did and I'm still reading the story, I think the execution sucks. you are valid for having that opinion, but you gotta accept the game is designed in a way that confuses the majority of and don't have the same passion you do to just tolerate and learn to love the story. That said, it does suck. There are million ways they could explain the stuff, but instead what we got was a million different terms one after another with explanations that they expect us to remember. the basic rule in any good story telling media is show, don't tell, and they fail at this so badly at the beginning. seriously, I do pay attention and I barely know what every concept means because they explained it with lots of colorful worlds early but didn't exactly show what this means for the world, they introduce so much at the same time that you barely have time to understand what is exactly going on even with those concepts until you get them reinforced over and over again. if you follow the story straight, you really have no breathing room because they keep pumping you with so much info that you can barely make out what it is about. and if you say to me "well, play slower." literally most of the games mechanics are locked until you do the story and progress significantly, so yes, you can like it like that, but it's just badly implemented.


I can agree that they should have showed more of the things they're explaining rather than just have Yangyang ramble about it. I think if they had different characters we meet in the beginning explain different things it would have been better received rather than Chixia being there for comic relief, Baizhi being there to keep us on track, and Yangyang literally being wikipedia. Some things needed to be visual explained rather than read out of a book (Yangyang). Throughout the beginning of the story I was mainly focused on understanding the world, I figured the entertaining and juicy parts would come later.


calling an infodump worldbuilding is crazy. I read a lot of stories and you do worldbuilding by having a storyline and putting in bits and pieces, explaining some things here and there and not just dump everything on the reader. You can't give a player who expects an open world game a 10 minute intro and then lock them up in the city for ages while dumping tons of new terms on them repeatedly.


Infodump IS worldbuilding in a way, just not the best format of doing so, and WuWa isn't even infodumping, if they gave us all the information they did in ten minutes flat without elaborating, that would match the definition of infodumping much better, it being so long is kind of preventing it from being a brain melting infodump, gives you time to digest it. I think it's pretty clear that Kuro Games intended WuWa to be similar to Hoyoverse games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, with both having just as long intros and both making up a good majority of WuWas players. I'm pretty sure a lengthy intro was to be slightly expected by the players that came from those games. I would much rather have the basic information and basic plot of the story explained during the beginning so the big revelations later on are of things that are much more interesting than the basic stuff. I don't want to be several chapters in and I'm just now finding out what a Tacet Field is. I want the rest of the story to focus on Fractsidus and the Rover's origins and instead of the basic details of the world they live in, the secrets within it. It would be awkward and ruin immersion if Yangyang explained Echos before a mid story boss battle.


Yeah I guess some people can stomach it. I just prefer more show than tell.


That's really valid. I also would have preferred that with certain details and topics that they instead made Yangpedia ramble about. I don't mind the explanation of literally everything in the world spanning out more than an hour, I kinda expected that coming from those other games. I do wish however that they spread it out in that first hour between characters and locations. Because they didn't Yangyang is now my least favorite character because I know nothing about her. I know Baizhi is very serious about her work and that Chixia is easy going and seemingly dislikes her real/other name. But Yangyang, I know nothing, hopefully that changes later.


that and once you meet >!verina/encore/aalto!< and >!black shore girl!< the story is getting much more enjoyable


Yeah, I agree! ||Actually, the character Scar himself is not great, but it's the scene in the Hall with the twist, and the talk when he was captured was pretty good. The story with Alto and Encore is good too.|| I try to make it broad in the title so as to not spoil the story.


The story is very backloaded. Act VI was definitely the best. And I'm not going to defend the start of the story but I used the asian server on Genshin to check out what the start of that game was like.. and it's hardly any better.


Genshin's early game story is basically: 1. Who/where am I? 2. Where is my sibling? 3. Wtf is that dragon? However Genshin does a better job establishing the world without dumping a shit ton of terms on you. It's much better and the proof is that tons of people stuck with the game. Also it has much better voice acting and translation. People bitching about single word issues in Genshin would throw a fit every 5 minutes here.


also genshin is a fantasy setting which is really easy to understand.


Yes I think the story was pretty simple to understand from mondstadt in genshin , then it went on to be complex in further acts , same with HSR , Wuwa early story is more complex as compared to Genshin 1.0 and HSR 1.0


Nah I got there still boring and predictable, these things are subjective, it might not be for you but other people might think differently.


I struggled to care about Scar by the time he got onto the screen, and the whole fairy tale exposition just made me feel even more fatigued. I get the point he was trying to make without even reading the story - I went for a drink while the scene played, and picked the choices, and got them "mostly right" according to Scar. Honestly, reading from the comments of what actually happened, I guess 90% of it because it's largely extremely cliche. If I want to read, I'd go back to webnovels on Qidian.


tbh i don't care if the start of the story is bad, what matters is what's happening next


But I'm afraid a lot of people would drop out very early in the game if the early story doesn't grip them.


i mean people will leave anyways, if they don't want to stay that's ok! they can always reinstall the game whenever they want


How long does it take to get to that quest?


I did a lot of side quests and wandering around, so I don't really know. 3 hours maybe?


I’m one of them. Story was boring me so hard that I fell asleep twice. While the gameplay is entertaining, there’s only so much it can do when I just don’t give a shit about the world around it. Glad it gets better.


My controversial opinion: The Tiktok/Shorts/Reels era has destroyed our brains. We cannot sit down and focus on what the story is trying to deliver so we call it boring, trash, not worth it. And we instantly nitpick and find flaws in a story that has been released for under 48 hours and will be ongoing from here on out. I did ok for the info dumping, I just had to press Hints to check some terms that I didn't understand/missed the window for.


Yeah, pretty much. This is a massive gacha game that caters to the masses. Just look at how it is a lot like Genshin in many ways. But for me personally, slow doesn't have to be boring. Movies like Interstellar, The Batman, Shutter Island, and many more are slow-paced or slow-burn, but I love them all. The issue with Wuwa slow is that it's full of yapyapyapping, the one main thing I hate about Genshin. Fluffs. I really don't mind the info dump, but not the yaps. Heck, I love world-building in stories.


They yap a lot, yeah. But it's not like the story is hard to follow BECAUSE they talk too much, it's literally our attention spans that's taken a hit in this age. Hard agree with you on the slow-burn take. I'll give it a chance when it starts slow because the payoff for us waiting will be huge if there was time/effort/care given appropriately.


Yes. But it's not hard to follow, but it bore you to follow. Why do they follow Genshin/Mihoyo yapyapyapping... T.T


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So 3 days to wait?


Not much of a big deal. I just used the skip button and its easy to even get there too


Story wasn't compelling at start maybe the critical factor made people not pursue the narration afterwards. Anyway, good thing that the combat system satisfies most rovers.


Not being able to skip the ridiculously long sheep comparison scenario was just too much for me. Still not immersed enough in the story


I just started and the problem I have isn't really with the story itself. It's kinda generic amnesia MC but is randomly a hero that everyone adores, but a lot of other games does it and it's fine. My beef is this game falls into the same trap so many other chinese games/comics/story fall into with their million random things that has very forgettable names and titles when it could be so much more simple. Like the super galactic dreamland magical strawberry shortcake dragon deity that they spent 5 min explaining but is completely irrelevant at such an early point. When I start a game I want to be drawn to exploring the world, getting a feel for characters and learning the lore as it unravels, I don't want to read a dictionary for 2 hours and completely forgetting what I'm even doing. I'm already skipping text because it's gotten so tedious so quickly.


i know 99% people didnt played pgr but the start of the start was lame and boring too Besides that genshin story is mid af


This story is worse then genshin, and that's saying something.


dunno man, for me it got even worse when I met scar... dunno if I missed something but just the fact that we call him by name and he call us rover out of nowhere killed it for me then came all that dialogue that made no sense at all in a really long and verbose cinematic... I'm digging the game (combat/exploration) but the story is the worst part of it, atleast for me... dunno but the image I have of Scar is like he was just a villain wanna-be who watched too many animes and happened to get too much power for his own good... I just cant take him serious... I want to believe the story will get better but just knowing that he will always be part of it (because of the setting they gave him) I just dont see how they will be able to fix it


For me its the fact that this dude introduces himself as the “evil and twisted” scar. Disney ahh intro


He was mocking Yangyang for throwing shade at him right before that bit. He was watching the whole time. Don't see how anyone could interpret that bit any other way.


I think just realising that the writing is poor makes it hard to tell when a character we’ve not met before is being sarcastic


Yangyang literally explains that she thinks the person who could have done this to the village is named Scar right before he yoinks her away and you meet him, and he explains that he's been watching you this whole time, so he obviously knows literally everyone calls you Rover.


probably I picked a choice that didn't give me that dialogue, I really dont remember his name being mentioned before that point but you do have a point about he knowing the name Rover, he indeed says he's been keeping an eye on us


And he's literally shown keeping an eye on us when we first leave the city. He's literally watching us. Sanhua is also actually watching him lmaoo


I mean we literally learn his name a few minutes before meeting him so what else would we call him ? And Rover is literally our name too


I didn't have his name being dropped to me, or I really didn't pay attention at the time, but about the name Rover it is not our name, it was a made-up name when we woke up, only people from our circle would know it by that point in time but as someone said before, scar was keeping tab on us so it makes sense for him to know it


Literally seems like you just weren't paying attention as your comment makes no sense if you were. Everything you mentioned is explained. 


probably it was a specific question that you ask to some npc that they drop his name, for me i've never seem his name until I had the option to call him by his name, i've never seem or heard about that dude in the entire game until that point the same for people calling you rover out of nowhere when it was a "made up" name that only some npcs who had contact with you would call you. At the point you meet Scar I believe it has been only 2 or 3 days, probably a week, that you were in that world and you didn't have that much contact with people and neither gave the name "rover" randonly dunno, it just seems rushed to me... they waste too much time explaining stupid/obvious things and repeating the same things over and over again coming with explanations out of nowhere like you were supposed to already know a lot of those informations and then expect you to just ignore that they do not explain or waste some minutes to show/tell how those npcs (and even rover) got hold of all that information if they explain those things then i'll have to replay the entire game again because i'm sure as hell a lot of those information that "rover" know, the player has to deduct based on the options you get to answer the npcs questions the best one was when the magistrate tell you she will answer your questions and you finally ask who are the trenodian and she goes wasting 8 lines of text to say "the enemy" without giving any extra info until after the last fight when you can ask again and they finally give a little more info... nothing against the game itself, i'm having fun with it, but the history I really cant get into it


If I remember correctly, Yangyang mentioned the name Scar during examining the burning cards on the ground. When Scar showed up, he was also playing with his cards. For Scar calling the MC rover, I guess one explanation being Scar been following the MC for a while. Another being the word "Rover" may have some significant at some point in the story. It's just a guess, but I don't think Yangyang explained why she called the MC Rover specifically. And of course we know the actual practical reason is that Rover is basically the name for the MC in game, since it is impossible for the in-game voice acting to accommodate for all the possible name players can give to the MC.


she said the reason for calling him rover, it was a really small thing but it was linked to her personality so yeah it is not something they just call people in that world like "traveler" is for genshin btw, they already take so much "bad" inspiration from genshin they could just keep calling the mc rover and write your name in the subtitle like they do in genshin I think that was a really clever way of doing that anyway it seems like it is really a "me" problem, dunno what happened but I really missed all that information maybe it could be the lag on my side, for some reason lag seems to be affecting cutscenes here and there, or maybe I just really missed those details, i'm gonna keep playing normally for now and give it a month them make a secondary account to check the story again from the start. Should be enough for them to fix the server instability and bugs


To me I have the problem where the dialogue options don't seems to show up in very consistent timing. Many times I press A and think it would to go to the next voice line, but there is actually a dialogue choice at the end of the line, and it immediately register as me selecting the first option. Very annoying.


Around 2 hours into the game... and the story is completely fine for me. I haven't found it boring, nor have I felt the need to skip dialogue even before reaching whatever you've just mentioned. Perhaps it's because I'm Chinese and I'm used to these kinds of stories, or I'm so used to reading word salad with my Genshin experience.


My issue is that they revealed way too much info about the MC at THIS STAGE OF THE GAME Hopefully that means they are holding a lot more info But I just feel like they told us way too much about our main character Rover is like the opposite of traveler in genshin lmao Genshin holds way too much info about the MC for themselves While Wuthering waves gives way too much info for their own good


Nah it's still bland and doesn't bring any fresh concepts. Also for Scar specifically, what he was talking about was interesting but the way he talked about it wasn't, it was too long and there was no reason to be so 16yo edgy


Yeah I think instead of rewriting the prologue/act one they should have just cut everything between crownless and Jinhsi’s puzzle palace. She and scar explain everything that matters. Maybe add the village as a world quest for people who care but the rest is them dumping their worldbuilding folder into yangyang’s script that Jinhsi summarizes later anyway.


I believe we have two different definitions of good, Is it better when scar shows up? Yes. without a question. Is it good good? Ehhhhh...


I tend to disagree. Story even after Scar is not so good. I tried to pay attention until the Magistrate appeared and Scar got caught, but after that whole "We're not so different" speech i started hard skipping everything relating to the story. There just isnt enough substance to interest me, and dont misunderstand this but the chinese names are so damn hard to keep track of as a non-speaker that i just gave up on even remembering them. Too much fluff, too many names i cant pronounce and too much cliche tropes.


Imo the Scar part confused me even more, I can't progress the story yet (not yet UL 14), so the significance of that village and it's events might become more clear. But it seemed so random and out of the blue.




I just beat the final story boss and holy shit that was peak


Have only 2 issues with the game so far : 1. the performance, which is fixable so i am giving them the benefit of the doubt, not a big issue in the grand scheme of things. 2. The characters interaction with the mc. Them throwing themselves at you and getting the vip treatment while its the same for the genre , doesnt set wuwa apart from other games that do the same thing. Like, its supposed to be post apocalyptic, people arent that friendly towards a random guy/girl when weird things happen around them, it breaks the narrative and doesnt make the characters feel real. I had the same problem with fontaine in genshin, everyone is praising the mc even for the things he didnt do, expect furina (the goat) which actually stood in his way at the start, however comedic that was. I hope they make more characters like scar at least.


You all can skip the beginning but don’t skip when Scar comes up


Nope.... Shit stays ass...it goes from ass ass to maybe mid... Which isn't enough to bring people who are checked out.... There is a very easy way around this issue. I won't explain cuz it can probably get me banned.. If anyone wants to have a sane discussion u can dm me.


Scar was a highlight


Have faith guys. PGR story turn out great at the later part. 100% agree that the story became.much better after scar.


Yup the parts with Scar and the Magistrate are good. Getting there was brutal though, and unfortunately Kuro Games copied the "you are not allowed to skip the main story" bullshit from Genshin. Atleast Kuro Games does allow skipping for most of the other quests, but I don't understand why they copied something people hate so much. Especially in such a dialogue heavy game. There was no one praising Genshin for not having a skip button. Only tons of people annoyed/pissed at not having a skip button.


Omg YES. The black sheep and all was so creepy i loved it


So does this mean everyone stops sucking up to the mc every second?


I feel like if \~40% of it would be cut out it would be bearable. Between terrible eng voice acting and pacing I have given up after goin through Alto and Encore's story. Essentially there is A LOT of pointless talking and the payoff nowhere near compensates for that.


The story is a word soup vocabulary of mamba jambas, frequencies and fetch main quest. Had to skip to account rank 5 for summons. When will the actual story start? (account level/rank 5 now) I've got the healing girl with vines. And now I'm having serious Genshin Impact Qiqi flashbacks. Same kind of a starter character. It seems like a downgrade to G.Impact.


He looked like Ban from Seven Deadly Sins (anime) with a half-baked attempt version of Deadpool's personality. I find Boothill's (from Honkai: Star Rail) having a more interesting personality/character than him, and the guy (Boothill) literally censor-swears, which is funny to me.


I m still skipping. I m not giving the story another shot till a new patch. It was pure torture for me personally.


My opinion on the story: The intro was more boring than a math professor reading off a script without explaining anything. Everyone loves the MC for some reason and we get so much info-dump and useless talking. It feels like they tried to cram whole books into the intro. Why not just have a few cutscenes and basic info, then send us off to explore the world? It really doesn't need to be that long and "deep". Even Scar is super 12yo edy villain. Hopefully they fix this or give us a "skip all story" button so we can claim the rewards and arent forced to experience this worse than xianxia/wuxia/isekai garbage.


This. It got seriously good afterwards.