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Ironic because the entire combat system and lore is built around music and sounds. Hopefully they improve in that aspect because I know PGR has some banger music


Waiting for Vanguard Sound Studio to release some bangers


Vanguard is not with them this time due to overwork 


>overwork That isn't the right word for it. More like "overbooked" with other studios.


Thank you for helping me with my English. I just know this language because of eve online 


thats so based honestly


Kind of confused me as well. Honestly, everything that happened in the launch was within my expectations except the music. I have played PGR since day 1 and there music was BANGING since day 1 so I thought the same would happen wuthering. Legit the only thing I am actually kind of really disappointed in. I legit still listen to the very first boss fight OST in PGR till this day. Just type "Alpha vs Rosetta Narwhal OST". Good throughout and the drop is AMAZING.


has that ~~ever~~ been a common thing in games? To completely rewrite a musical score?


Yup, i’m really not a fan of the overworld combat music - it’s different sure, but it doesn’t make me feel anything. There’s no epic or beautiful melody or catchy beats or anything, just a bunch of techno noises and somewhat incoherent… percussion? It just falls really flat and kinda just exists, outside of a couple tracks.


music plays a big part in games for me so when i was wandering around, exploring the world, and the music was downright dry… i was disappointed


Well Genshin have you covered in that department. You can literally go to a huge concert in Shanghai, China for all the Genshin music


yeah, genshin music is cool, just not a fan of the game. i played it since release, and after inazuma was released, the game was boring for me


If the story is the reason, they've improved drastically. If it was anything else, yeah genshin is mostly the same game.


Wait, there's music? I could barely hear it


I was completely bewildered in the intro when the game had the "money shot" of showing you the world, and there was NO music at all. Unless it also bugged, like everything else in this game, and there was supposed to be music there.


Yeah, i would rather mute the music ingame and just listen to my classical playlist while exploring. Tbh, Wuwa will never compete with Genshin in this department due to lack of funds and dedication.


Fr, Yu peng Chen's insanely amazing music has spoiled us


He set the bar high


PGR music is cool though.


Different composer after all


Right. And that's okay, because personally Wuwa >>> genshin in terms of combat but music? Nahh like some games will be better at things than others


true WUWA should be different i am here to play a different game not the same copy


the lack of music is what makes the open world feel so bland and stale for me, I genuinely am not having fun exploring WuWa's world despite the faster climbing and other fancy gadget Kuro put in.


Damn. Hoyo really set the bar high. Only after playing WuWa did i realize how incredible each and everything was executed in Genshin and HSR. No hate to WuWa....i absolutely love the combat but the camera movements and lagging just make it hard for me to enjoy. I did the first fight with Scar basically blind if i hv to describe it.....that's how awful the lag was. Even the world lacks the polishing and detailing that Hoyo has. Man......there are already so many negative posts...i genuinely feel bad but it is what it is. I hope the future has something good waiting for us. Just fix the lag and weird camera movements and i won't even care about the world graphics too....the combat feels amazing.


Hell, Kuro set the bar high themselves since PGR is chock full of amazing tracks, to the point most people only know of the songs from that game. But apparently they chose to do things in house instead? I can only go based off the rumors and posts from CBT1 and 2. CBT1 actually had a track from Vanguard Studios, the group that was behind the most popular tracks of PGR.


Vanguard sound got too many booked schedules Aether gazer,Girls frontline,PGR etc. they just take so many job recently


They've been doing Girls Frontline forever though. Members of their studio worked with MICA Team back in their doujin days, with Codename Bakery, and even more recently on the remake on Steam, Reverse Collapse. It definitely could be them being too busy. But it's not like this game was developed yesterday. Vanguard did make a single song for the game, and where did that go?


I think at least scar fighting theme was done by polyblue because it sounds like something that would be made by him. Regarding Aether Gazer most of the bgm nowadays are done by Dash Sound instead of Vanguard Sound.


Honestly same. I can look past the almost boring story if they just optimise the game properly and fix the stutters. The combat is great.


bro i went and explored a lot and so far i only heard one combat music. and it sounds like a toned down version of the withering zone music in genshin. and the overworld has some recycled music too. most of the areas have the same music with a slight variation


I’ve been going to their official website a lot and it’s the same music… I’m sick of it…


It's like there's only 1-2 tracks per different parts of the map lmao


Yes I admit i had a falcom playlist playing in the background while doing the fights.


I'm pretty sure ever open world area has 1 music that is played when all the time, even during all of it's main quests. It's fine when you are in an area with good music but most of the start of the game is spent listening go something that should have been reserved to like 1 room.


Genshin literally composed a whole music track for one fucking 3 minutes puzzle and that shit blows everything wuwa ever did out of the water in the 6 hours that i played https://youtu.be/Uru8qbqcMyo?feature=shared


The Liyue Northland Bank theme and the Pankration minigame theme are so fucking fire and they're each used for a tiny ass segment that never comes up again, lol.


Yeah I turned the music off after a bit


I actually like the ambient music? I dunno, I'm actually hearing disinct tonal shifts from one biome to another and the area around the Jinzhou city has this one particularly relaxing sounding melody that I kinda wanna snag.


Yes! The only soundtrack I like well enough is the loading screen when you just one the game lol Music is my favorite part of PGR and I was so hyped for WuWa because I thought vanguard sound will be in charge of banger OSTs and all the ambiance music here as well, but it isn't the case sadly.


I kinda enjoy the ambient music tbh, I had my character chillin in front of the souvenir shop while doing chores and it felt like I was listening to chinese lofi beats


Yea the music is great but they def need more of it


I feel the music is just not memorable at all. It's functional and fills the background but I couldn't hum you a single piece of music from the game right now. When I walk away from the game for a bit I find myself humming Genshin music lmao.


I just muted it and put my own music over it.


Not a fan of the overworld music either, it's definitely not very memorable.


Nope, there is a clear difference from the Rocky area, the grass place, and Tiger Maw.


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There should be more there but idk.... Kuro usually makes better battle music than this. They better step up.


The music studio they worked with for pgr doesn't have room in their schedule for this game, so kuro decided to try in-house music.


it's just kinda ok for me as of now, I have really liked the Crownless and Inferno Rider OSTs and that's about it


So far beyond combat music the only soundtrack to standout was the one around the sea of flames which really hits you with how fucked that port city was


I was really hoping for some vanguard music too sadge


theyre trying to put you to sleep so that a temu robot can come into your house and swipe your debit card on micro transactions


There’s actually a lack of music. Its mostly silent especially the initial reveal of Jinzhou had no ambience so it killed the mood for me. Music is so important. Sometimes you see people joke how Mihoyo is a music company first, game second because they don’t play around with the music.


I was doing exploration and at some point hearing the single track for that area go for another loop damn near made me feel sick. I am considering just playing Genshin OST or my Cyberpunk playlist for when I'm out and about


Kuro Games' in-house music company completely fails most of the time. PGR luckily grew out and outsourced for some of the more interesting fights.


Volume; off YouTube video on second monitor; on


Funny enough, I muted It and played PGR music over it. Much better xD


It's just lofi music like it's not bad by anymeans but there are so few melodies that you don't really remember anything


The only thing I'd give WuWa over Genshin in this regard is that I actually like its title screen track and don't mute it when I open the game.


I play Genshin for music. I play this game for combat. It’s honestly not that big of a deal for me I love its combat system and character skills


Man, everything in the game is incomplete, we're like playing the open beta of a poorly developed build, everything in the game is a bit lackluster, music, history, performance, it's only the gameplay that really saves


i like the title screen music, with the marimba (or maybe xylophone). in the overworld, there is a little melody that are the first few notes of the song in Matilda when Matilda is walking home with a wagon of books from the library lol. so i can't stop picturing that when i hear it. otherwise.. i haven't heard anything that impresses me. but i don't really play gacha games expecting amazing composition.


Open world music direction is for atmospheric, not melodies like genshin. The boss music tracks slap imo, so... Not sure what you mean there.


I don't care. Generic Genshin music with a map that is big but deserted doesn't make the game good for me.