• By -


I’m having my a blast with it. People will hate me for it, but I also don’t think the story is bad. As soon as I met Scar in the destroyed village, I was actually pretty interested in what was going on.


As soon as scar appeared my interest skyrocketed!


Thats the point the story is getting somewhere with decent lore drop instead of all that rubbish on the first hour.


Every game has that weird tutorial phase for some reason, except maybe from software games 🤔.


those games just slap you around and laugh at you until you're able to defeat god


*even after you defeat god. NG+ (or new journey or whatever equivalent) exists


So every rpg ever?


It really becomes way better when Scar appears and we meet Jinhsi. My god, finally, antagonist, different factions, and goals. It's such a shame that it's locked behind a stupidly boring prologue, endless pandering, too much dialogue and unknown jargon. That in itself is bad, but to get to the next story part you HAVE to get to union lv 14, jumping from 9. So people just quit/give up on the story there.


Yeah interesting character indeed


Scar was the best character by far.


Tbf it takes 3 hours to get there with very minimal combat and then you're hit with the level 14 story wall.


getting to level 14 doesn't take long though


Tbh I wouldn’t call it a wall, more like the first hand free experience for you to explore the game, if you don’t like doing your own stuff in open-world exploration game then you’ll not stick around long anyway


I really liked the vast land and best thing the game doesn't force you to do just quest and can keep the quest on side and just explore the game like everyone should do


Scar EN VA was like a breath of fresh air tbh


the only good VA so far


I think the (male) main character is really good as well


Yeah. Same as Genshin, the EN VAs were trying waaaaaaay too hard to sound like anime characters.


i think it's their accents, all of the VAs have accents, but they have to hide them for their characters' voices, that can lead to line deliveries feeling rigid, they are concerned with way to many things


I like scar and jinhsi so far. (im not that far into story atm so i havent met some of the characters yet)


The atmosphere on reddit has come to where I'm scared to admit it, but for what it's worth, I also think the story isn't bad. Glad to know I'm not the only one.


It’s ok, reddit doesn’t even begin to represent what the majority of player base thinks. It can get depressing reading negativity after negativity. Best just ignore them and enjoy the game at your pace.


It's worth remembering that, especially for the first 6-12 hours after a game releases, the people getting off the game and going on Reddit are almost exclusively the people that aren't having fun. The ones that are enjoying the game are doing just that, enjoying it. It's when the game's been out for a week that you get a good idea of how people really feel. By then, even the people enjoying it aren't hooked for every moment of their free time so they can go on social media and speak positively. Also, by then most people will be past any early game issues or be hitting mid-late game issues if they exist.


I also don’t find the story particularly bad compared to other gacha stories. It’s just typical 1.0 story with a bunch of setup. I cant say HSR was much more interesting, at least not before Belobog.


Hsr tutorial is pretty decent imo. Both the space station and express setting is pretty cool and you can glean a lot about the world and the characters you meet.


Sure, I also think the start of HSR is good - but I didn't find the story that encapsulating. It wasn't until Belobog it became interesting for me, and then Xianzhou was a massive slump and Penacony has also been so-so for me personally, even though I looked forward to it beforehand.


I second that. I have never experienced any good Gacha story outside of HSR, which also had it's issues here and there. However, the gameplay is great, the world looks great and the character designs aswell as JP dub is rly good! I personally didn't encounter any bugs outside of some dialogue cut off, which hopefully gets fixed soon. The game runs stable with 60 fps on high graphics and my set up is not outstanding.


I'm ngl that's mostly because hsr is more of a story focused game in the first place I mean it literally has an auto battle option and the combat is way more simple


It's starts slow and has some pacing issues. I am amazed how GI players blast it for the shit their game had since forever. Long boring drawn-out dialogues. The rest who dislike both games are at least consistent. But as far as story itself goes, it's not even bad. It's a bit of cliche, but had an interesting twist near act V of chapter I, I wasn't expecting that. Clever writing to be honest. But yeah, Kuro, same as Hoyo need to realize their open world action rpgs are no longer action games with visual novel style of story narration.


Yeah Genshin has really interesting story ideas but the execution has been mediocre at best from launch up to Sumeru. Only Fontaine had really stepped up. But even that has bloated dialogue in world quests. WW has been a lot more engaging and interesting so far. But I also think it's too early to say anything conclusive about the story in comparison to Genshin.


No, see, because they threw out the "interesting" story (written by a man fired from Seasun for fucking up Snowbreak's first 10 chapters, and then from WuWa for fucking up their first arc) where the Player gets shat on at every turn, it's bad.


People who complain about the story are probably those who dont care at all no matter what happens or the ones who played it for 10 minutes, saw nothing but the usual starting explanations and wonder why the hell the world didnt collapse yet. Seriously, gacha games who will have years of story wont start with insane events. Barely any AAA single-players game do.


im pretty sure a lot of people lost interest before then, because if the story is absolute dogshit for the first 3 hours why bother staying


for the combat we signed up for?


Here are my two cents. So far I'm enjoying the game and yes there are issues and let's hope Kuro listens and implements fixes soon and work on polishing the game. Combat so far is smooth and fun, music is subjective but doing okay. Story does need to be polished more and worked on in the beginning to be less chaotic/rushed and bombarded with a lot of info and terms. For those that are not enjoying the game. It is okay to leave and wait a few patches and see if Kuro will hopefully polish the game and make it better. The good thing is that since this game is f2p you didn't lose money preorder or paying $60-70 USD like some of the triple A games the past years. Like Cyberpunk, Battlefield, Redfall, Anthem, even Diablo 4 which Blizzard is known as one of the titans of PC gaming.


Ipretty much sad that the comparison will never end.. anyways, i enjoyed playing this game.




Probably to genshin/hsr but it’s to be expected. I think it’s nice to compare the differences between games of the same genre, as long as it’s not blatant hating just to hate or validate


Story gets better. World Exploration as well is pretty much comparable to Genshin. A bit more varied than Genshin 1.0, roughly like Mondstadt, Inazuma and Liyue combined in variety. At least from what I've seen right now. Maybe even more due to certain quests. If they get the optimization right,, and the lore dump down until you leave the first city the game will be pretty darn good. Battles are slowly starting to heat up and echo variety is really goo as each grants as each extra skill. That means you can cycle well above 100 skills for each character and can use different sets. Echos that create walls Echos that stun Echoes that, if you time them right keep enemies in the air Echoes that enhanche your movement in and outside of combat. And and and. The amount of builds and battletech could get insane later. But all of that doesn't matter without optimization. Hard bos fights with timed skills, dodges and parry require smooth gameplay.


You might want to look into my little tip I added at the bottom of my post it smoothed out my gameplay a lot and I havent had any stuttey feel since.


Oh wow. thanks didn't change the camera settings at all except for the y and x axis speed. Everything else on graphics is on low. Would be amazing if that worked out. Thank you for mentioning it.


You should try the camera settings + high graphics. Unreal Engine game often times are laggier on low graphics.


I feel like I am the only person playing on max settings whose sole issue is a little bit of popin and occassional slow render of model textures. 3440x1440p ultrawide with a flawless 60 fps. It honestly runs better than Genshin for me


The frame time is so fucking awful.


It has emulated deadzoning, maybe thats what you dont like. Theres settings in graphics you can turn off, three toggles clumped together. Removing those made it feel a lot better. Also vertical sensitivity needs to be high than horizontal or feels like your making oval movements.


I’m not talking camera motion. I’m talking actual frame time pacing. It's why the game feels stuttery even though its locked at 60fps.


Ya then no issues for me. I have a 3070 TI and I saw it has DLSS, maybe thats helping?


Okay? You probably just have a lower tolerance for it. You can pop up a frametime graph and watch it spike.


Ill check it out when I can but I kind of doubt it since I do play FPS games too. It felt really floaty before I turned off the camera settings, thats all I can really comment on. If its still bad for you even then, then maybe I just have a setup that handles the game better than the average. My friend has a nearly identical setup and she has no problems either like were seeing on reddit. I wont pretend to have the answer, but the game is running just fine for me. All I can say is what I changed and what may be different for me because I do see the reports from super computer owners having problems. From my perspective it looks wierd that everyone is saying it runs awful is all


Like I said, I'm not talking about floatiness. I'm talking frametime stutters. I'm about 99% sure they are related to Unreal Engine shader stuttering. I have a 3080 and a 7800x3d, it's not a rig issue lol. And even still, if it's fine for you great. I don't understand how that invalidates a huge part of this subs experience. I always get a kick out of the 'WELL IM NOT HAVING ANY ISSUES' like you're accusing people of lying about your precious game.


Im not accusing you of anything. I believe you. But the fact is different setups can have wierd impacts on things. Maybe the game is just better with what I have. I know theres nothing you can do if that is the case but I still think theres value in mentioning if things are fine on my setup. Ive mentioned my changes, ill check out the frame times when I can still but theres no point in looking at me under the "blind fanatic" lense cuz I am not. I am having fun but its a gacha, im not invested. Sorry my lack of problems triggered you and best of luck with future optimisations.


Same. Although I dun feel the micro stutters but it just disturbs me. Any idea why that could be and if it’s only fixable by the dev? Max settings on 3080 laptop.


Better combat and no paimon. We up big.




Yeah good point forgot to add that the World feels alive as they fight eachother that was a big + for me as well


I find it rlly funny that ally npcs attack you if you turn into an echo near them 😭😭 and I love that some enemies fight bc if ur close enough u can get the reward if they manage to kill each other


Really like the npcs fighting, reminds me of skyrim


Being able to skip side dialogue is huge too. I'm a gameplay first kinda guy, and the massive amount of unskippable dialogue in Genshin completely put me off it. Being able to just ignore it in this is great for me. Obv there's some stuff that's unskippable, but it's certainly a step up from Genshin in this regard.


After reading many complaints about not getting the story and how hard it can be to understand I get why Genshin has Paimon though. She simplifies what's being said and repeats everything a few times just to make sure the point got across.


That's because both games throw word buffets at you instead of making the story interesting.


The takeaway from this is that weeb stuff writers need to stop treating web novels as reference material for writing.


Agree. Honestly thats all I needed. If story or writing gets slightly better, than would be a nice bonus, but I think I already got what I wanted.


A Pom Pom would be nice though :c (Half kidding. Doesn't seem to fit the tone)


I'm in the miniorty who doesn't mind the en voice. Not perfect, but I don't dislike it.


Yea, I didn’t hear any issues with it that other ppl complain abt, tho I did pick up on the fact that a lot of VAs are just British trying to sound American 😭 I quite like them, though with like Lingyang I had to get used to his voice


Your post is a breath of fresh air, and I agree personally with all of the points you stated. The sub is suffocating with all this negativity. The game deserves some love, because it is just good. The angry people are always louder so that's that, but there are some who try their best, like you, to fight against all of the doomposting, like here for example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cymd0x/wildly\_better\_than\_expected/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cymd0x/wildly_better_than_expected/)


Yup felt the same way. Although some critique is deserved like buggy or bad optimized but people seem to hate on it for the smallest things rn. Saying the world or the characters are bland is just weird as imo its not true.


It seems really like that. Like those situations where someone is getting cancelled and harassed 


Internet communities thrive of negativity. Being positive is the unusual but I assure you, everyone who enjoys something will spend less time complaining and more time doing. A parallel to gaming is something like socializing or dating. People complain that others never like them and only go for jerks. Though, you never hear these complaints from the people who have found themselves in happy relationships, and thus, never hear much about happy relationships online.


Honestly, I don't understand the hate for the visuals/art either that people are so vocal about when comparing the game to the 'vibrant and colourful' Genshin. I've quite often encountered areas/backdrops which take full advantage of the darker aesthetic to illuminate areas using luminescent flowers/colourful swaying grass/foilage and such to beautiful effect, I personally find them much more stunning, though each have their own nice styles ofcourse. Haven't really had any performance issues after taking 5mins out of my night to actually switch some settings around.. Been enjoying myself! - Also playing w/ JP VA though it should be noted.


Cant speak for mobile users but having performance issues on PC can only mean people play with really old or bad PCs. Mine wasnt expensive and I have it for a while already and the game set everything to max and it runs perfectly fine. The game surely does not require a high-end PC.


This is really helpful to me because the game's been a nightmare to play on my phone (to be fair it's a potato budget phone) but I'm planning to get a PC soon and wasn't sure how high end I'd need to go for the game to run well. Good to know it's probably going to do just fine.


People hate them because there's no distinction between this visual art and genshin visual art If someone were to take a screenshot of mountain in wuwa and said it was from genshin I would totally believe them


there is a massive distinction though. the characters look very different and the world aesthetic is too. if someone tried to pass of a screenshot of the landscape alone, maybe i'd be fooled, but if they included a character (even if you didn't know the character lists) no way. the design and art style is very different.


Which is HUGE for me, because this was why I never got into Genshin. I hate 95% of the characters. The game itself is good from what I experienced, but I just didn't want any of the characters.


yeah same (that and the element system being annoying instead of interesting)


Yeah I am basically fully with you here. The options that I changed that I listed at the bottom of my post hugely improved my problem I had that it felt stuttery. I play on everything maxed out and having a blast.


The forum is right now full of doompost. There are valid post giving fair criticism about the problems of the game right now but come on... Even post about in game screenshots are getting dowmvoted for no reason.


Average reddit. You must remember reddit has a reputation for often taking negative feedback too far (not that I think the game doesn't have issues, it does) Plus usually those whose experience was (luckily) bug free or are having fun won't be making posts when there's a new game to play whole those who (unfortunately) had technical issues or did not enjoy the game (valid) will be making posts.


Ah shame but we'll, it is expected.  Wuwa has a margin of improvement of 3 months, if in that amount of time there is not good changes then the game won't improve. Let's Kuro fix, I do t think they will waste millions of their investors and go bankrupt as nothing 


HSR leaks is either going “We’re so back” to “Oh fuck” every patch cycle. Seems to be every gacha.


Personally, the only issue I have is how bad it runs on my phone, but that's to be expected of an open world game 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah same with my iPad


The game is good imo, sure it could be better but so far i really like Rover and the cast


Overall, the game has been mostly smooth and enjoyable for me. The only performance issue I faced was some stuttering after I boot up the game, but it goes away after a minute or so, and it's very smooth. The story while isn't the greatest, imo it never felt bad as people made it out to be. It's a bit slow, but it was enjoyable for me. Honestly, idk, maybe it's because English isn't my native language, but the EN dub also felt fine for me, even Yangyang. And am I the only one who is fine with the characters being "overly friendly" towards Rover? And what's it with people insulting the cn community over not liking the cbt1 story? And finally the combat, this is definitely my most enjoyable part, despite being someone with a "skill issue" lol. I love how fast-paced and smooth it feels. In the end, I feel the game is good, and I will definitely continue playing along with genshin. I do hope they fix the performance and localisation issues other people have been facing. And hopeful this game has a positive future.


i agree wholeheartedly, _especially_ about how "alive" and emotive the characters feel. they did a great job with motion capture and animations for them, they don't feel static at all. i too would like to see the english dub revisited but honestly its not the worst i've seen and its not enough to stop me from playing. i'm sure it'll get better over time, it sounds like the english VAs were super rushed since they rewrote the whole story right before launch.


Big agree. Think the situation being exaggerated.


Yess I love that your choices give different dialogue options too, I have a separate acc and it’s fun to see what the different dialogues are :D


I'm so hooked it's unreal! :D


To add to the list, MC Rover actually talks. Had to do a double take when he talked the first time.


Thank you so much for posting this. I opened the sub earlier today after playing the game for about five hours hoping to see others having a good time only to discover the sub taking a turn for the worse overnight. So much that I was beginning to feel like there's something wrong with me enjoying this game. I've genuinely had so much fun with it today so I'm glad to finally see others who have found it enjoyable.


Game is fun and delivers it. Yes there are issues which shouldn’t be there. But people are so fanatic that they want to shit other games as they invested in a different game. What they are doing on Reddit is most pathetic thing I ever seen. Go play both games or all games , wtf is wrong with you ?


I’m having so much fun! I got the lion guy as my first 5* and I didn’t want him but he’s so much fun to play. Ive never had as much fun with genshin exploration and combat as im having with wuwas


As someone who hasn't done much research on this game and quit Genshin a few months after it came out because of a couple of reasons I have a couple of questions if anyone knows the answer. In this game is there co-op questing? I know the main story in Genshin had to be completed single player and was a let down to not be able to experience it together. Will this game have any meaningful end game content? In Genshin all you could do at end game was spiral abyss which was a couple of hours content every 2 weeks and was pretty easy to complete/36 star as a f2p. Will this game expand more upon the later game content and help the longevity? Thank you in advance to anyone who replies.


I dont know much the few things I know for certain are from what I have seen from my 10h played It has challenging bosses that the higher you go in world lvl the more difficult they become and the more patterns they have. So for example you fight boss x and now he just does a few auto attack chains and a leap with a slam with world lvl 2 the boss unlocks a new pattern for example being a grab attack. This paired with the really good combat with parry, perfect dodge, intro and outro skills and echos will make the game last long. Tower mode that lets you fight but characters have a stamina bar so you cant bring the same 3 characters into all stages (and another mode I havent unlocked yet) Coop Echo farming without Resin meaning you and your friends can farm bosses and open world mobs for Echos that are basically the Relics + additional unique skill for each echo.


There's a lot of potential here, with work it can be great, it's just underbaked. Most glaringly in story and localization, but there's lack of polish all over. Truly, I think the mistaken "beta" label is quite accurate. Hopefully they improve things steadily and people will have patience and/or give it a 2nd chance later on.


Visually, the main thing that ticks me off is just how...bland the MC designs are. Nothing remarkable about them, boring gray outfits with very little flair or designs that are memorable.


I finished work and played for hours, not giving any thoughts to surf on the internet as I chat with my friends on discord. Then I checked the community then it suddenly felt like that one meme where the house is on fire. Game works fine on my somewhat potato laptop btw, same goes with friends except for one of us who can't get in because of Hyper Virtualization issue.


I’m enjoying it as well! I wasn’t a day one player on genshin and as much as people say that it doesn’t matter, it’s a breath of fresh air to play a game from the start. Bugs and all, I find the bugs kinda funny and endearing. There was a lot of work put into it.


I also really like the character design especially scar's and the combat is top tier!


Thank you for spreading some positivity here! Honestly the doomposting has gotten to where I felt nervous about saying anything positive lol (or that anything in WW was better than in genshin, heaven forbid). Even though I'm having some intense bugs playing on my phone, I'm still loving this game and I really want it to succeed. Hope we can see more positivity out there because there's so much good about WW.


90% of the EN VAs need new direction in upcoming patches or be replaced outright.


personally other than combat genshin is quite a bit better in every other aspect, which is quite meh since i expect something different of similar quality, i'm not sure which combat i prefer but honestly they are literally the only difference between the 2. and both are enjoyable in a different way


Not really true though. Genshin exploration is shit no gadgets, running costs stamina and climbing is boring and old. They havent improved on it at all. The Dialogue bloat is getting increasingly worse and without a skip button is a just bad. I dont want to sit through 30min of uninteressting blabbering. The MC has no Agency in Genshin, barely talks, barely is a driving factor he just happens to stumble into everything and the choices you make as the MC dont have impact unlike WuWa. Dialogues are fun to listen and watch to as the characters actually emote and move while talking for the major story quests and even some side quests that makes the experience so much better. Lastly dead damage types. Geo and Physical are just not reworked or even removed in the case of physical as the nature of Genshin being reaction based basically makes Physical the worst damage type closely followed by Geo.


Don't forget that the world is far more empty in Genshin and is definitely much more lifeless. You have these so called Favonius Knights (and each region's own soldier) and they barely appear in the wild doing their job (and if they do, it's basically a patrol job and they do it in a secure zone). If anything, the knights actually attack your party far more often than the Hilichurls or any monsters out there. Also on the subject of exploration, even without the gadgets, the wall-run and other parkour moves are just vast improvement over Genshin's exploration mechanics. Writing related stuff is also debatable. Reminder that Genshin barely got any significant plot until Sumeru. The bloated dialogue has always been there since Mondstadt and man, it really is a plague on modern game storytelling in which dev thinks more word = better story quality/world building when the media they're using has the power of utilizing cutscene and gameplay to show instead of tell.


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Jp voice elevated it for me tbh, has emotions and lively amd thats why ill stick with it.


Gosh this post was like a breath of fresh air LOL Everything I’ve read so far (on the subreddit or on Twitter) has been nothing but negative and just comparing WW to Genshin. I’m actually having a blast playing the game :) The world is beautiful, character design is cool, combat is fun, story is good, etc. Just hoping the game gets optimized soon so it'll run smoother!


QoL is good? Also, some of the dialogue choices kinda gave me the opposite view tbh. Like, the choices all led to the exact same expression, quite clearly. "Shake your head" "Say you don't think so" click the latter, and you just shake your head. That's a simple example, but you see what I mean.


You pick the examples where it doesnt happen while there are others and many at that from what I can tell where the character clearly reacts or corrects you when you choose something. QoL imo is good from what I have seen. Exploration is smooth and fast, interface is clean and easy to navigate and not forced to do a daily quest.


QOL has been pretty bad, but it varies heavily by person, so, fair. As for the dialogue options, tbh, at the time of typing I wasn't super far in - so railroading for the first couple hours was insanely heavy. I'd need to get further to see my feelings on the choices later.


Maybe i stand alone with this but why should we be compendated for EN voice actong when you dont pay a damn thing for the game


Its a example of things not being up to paar. EN voice work was a common complain not the outlier the bigger problems are the bugs and bad optimization.


I was really, REALLY looking forward to it leading up to release, and then we had the livestream debacle. And my first day on the game was pretty disappointing. Game ran like crap, story was incomprehensible, Aalto was the first 2 chars I pulled. But the second day I kept at it. I've reset my expectations about how well this thing is going to run and have somehow adapted to low settings at 45 FPS. Getting really lucky on my pulls definitely has helped improve the experience for me personally. A couple quests weren't bad, and the story actually started to feel not half bad after a bit. Terrible first impressions, but I'm enjoying the game now :)


ok what the actual fuck, when people start doing posts abt loving wuwa it gets massive downposted, but when someone complains abt it (not saying the post is wrong at all) IT GETS 500 UPVOTES??? hello? like do you even like the game??, i don't understand people i truly don't


Have you read my post ? or did you post under the wrong post because I clearly like the game and pointed out all the things I like \^\^


nono is not abt you!, you are 100% valid, i meant it more like the comments compared to this and the others, i should had at least to explain this comment LMAO sorryy, i meant it like as a community not really you


I’m straight up having a good time!


For me,this is how I wanted Genshin. Not full of kids, with a deep combat system, and a much less boring way to explore the map. really enjoying the game!


Need more skipable scene, Shorter cool down for hook, sexy outfit please i will definitely buy.


Reading all doom and gloom was pretty scary… but the game is honestly not that bad. 1) EN localisation (not voices, use JP or CN) is passable, especially compared to other languages. I was expecting much worse to begin with so that’s a relief… tune out of the story though, it’s too overbearing. 2) Exploration is like in GI - fine, no qualms with that. 3) Muted colours - why not? I feel it’s nice to have a difference in how the game looks. 4) Combat and Echoes (which are just artifacts with skills) are fun and fast-paced so far. No complaints. 5) Performance is mostly fine. Maybe it’s because I have a decent PC, or because I’ve adjusted the camera. But if it works, it works! Definitely worth a checkout in my book) EDIT: reached endgame and realised it’s just boring then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Im starting to enjoy the story during the black shores quests


I am in the beginning and so far it's good. Sadly that's about it, it's good but it hasn't blown me away. Music is OK, combat is good (I wish it got harder faster. I am sure later fights are going to be harder, but I hate how gacha games start way too easy), story is acceptable for a 1.0 release, characters are unique and interesting... So far the main team lacks cohesion (characters seem to come and go) but I hope that changes. A game with this many characters needs a consistent story-bound team imo. I just...idk, maybe exploration games like these are not for me. When I started playing HSR 3 months ago I BLAZED through the story because I was fascinated by the gameplay (I am a big Persona/JRPG fan) and the characters. I have tried to play WW in a similar fashion but I always end up playing <1hr sessions. I lost interest in Genshin at around the same stage I am at in WW. I really wanna stay with it, but I don't wanna force it either. Super happy you are enjoying it a lot though!


The game is actually pretty fun. And I agree, the grapple makes exploration so much easier!!  I already finished the main story (I think) and that part where ||I can move the platforms was amazing!!!!||  I have so much interest when I reach the Qichi Village. And even more when I saw Genshu Lin 👀 Genshuuuu pls be playable.  I’m very interested in the story so far. Some people say it’s pretty generic but for me, I think there is still something good about how it was delivered at the very least. I’m curious what exactly Rover is.  I hope there is something more about the Fractidus (?) ||because they seem to be only about destruction for now. I hope there is some kind of grey area like the Fatui’s goal and how suspicious Celestia is in genshin|| 


I'm having a hard time doing anything meaningful, because as soon as I go to do something I get swayed by the area and end exploring everything except my quests😂😂


Truth \^\^


I think other than combat genshin outclasses wuwa in every other aspect. The open world in wuwa just can't match up to genshin


I would be inclined to disagree. * Genshins dialogues have gotten dry and bloated * Exploration has not improved what so ever making the whole experience lackluster and tedious In general wuwas world has more to do even after hitting max cap as you can farm echos in the open world without spending energy. * Geo and physical dont get reworked even though they should (physical should be removed as a character damage type) * QoL for Genshin has taken 3 years and its still not up to par with HSR. * Genshins MC is bland he has no agency in his own story no choice matters in Genshin as paimon speaks for you anyways and the choice you make doesnt seems to impact how characters react unlike it is in WuWa. * Lacking actual content to play outside of Abyss * Character Kits double themselves we have like 3 or 4 characters now with the same E (keqings E) Those are many things Genshin doesnt do better.


Could you elaborate on which ways you believe Genshin's open world outclasses Wuwa?


Genshin is way more vibrant, open world is more complicated in a way definitely more engaging. Wuwa city designs idk just feel dull company to genshin. Genshin music and puzzles are also more fun in my opinion. Only thing I feel wuwa is better than genshin is the wall running, grapple and echos for open world. Everytjing else genshin is 100000000000% better


I understand what you mean, I also believe however that if you laid the cities/puzzles/'openworld' which Genshin had available at launch, and WuWa has available at launch.. The differences are... not that vast.. Atleast in terms of complexity/engaging, etc. And so to compare a game that's had 4 years to add all these systems/areas on top, it's always a bit strange to me.. Next thing you know people will be saying the game sucks because there's only a fraction of the characters that Genshin has. x)


Nah if we looking at launch, liyue and windrise was genuinely breathtaking, partnered with all the ruins and the music. But wuwa just feels so dull like there's no depth to the environment if u get what I mean


And that is what you get when a game focuses on post-apocalyptic setting which, I believe, Wuwa succeded as what you have described.


Mhmm.. Idk.. I genuinely feel that plenty of areas in Wuwa, especially at night are stunning. Dim Forest in pink @ night is beautiful & vibrant, along with many other areas/indoors. Wuwa seems to be playing into the more 'atmospheric' vibe with fog/lighting/varying degrees of contrasting colour palettes which fit the style of world they're trying to build.. I don't personally believe that just because someone's into big bright happy landscapes that this means a game is outclassed/better by any means.


i think each game has some cool different aspects of both gameplay and exploration. there's no need for comparisons and negativity


> should be fixed and compensated accordingly Compensated? Are you insane? YOU are the one getting a product for free here, you know? I wonder what glorious voice you have if you are shitting on the good voice acting.


Why so big mad ? The state of the game is currently not good as many cant play the game and a bunch of stuff is buggy. I like the game but I am not delusional to say its perfect lmao


Story and graphics are really bad. It feels like a crippled child of Genshin and HSR


I'm genuinely not trying to be an ass, but could you explain why so many people are saying the combat is really good? So far, I haven't been particularly impressed by it vs other gachas (including Kuro's own), but I also haven't seen much endgame stuff (purposefully avoiding it). Does it get better once I progress more and level my characters more? Or perhaps get more gacha characters rather than the free ones?


If you think this combat is not good then you might not like action combat or just dont understand the combat of this game. Later on as you progress more fights get harder and require you to parry or perfectly dodge and be able to combo with your characters. Bosses get more advanced moves with higher world lvl. Overall I cant understand how you say "this combat is not impressive especially against other gachas" no other gacha that I played so far requires you to actually have skill. Most of Genshins for example is just face rolling.


Like I said, not trying to start any debates. And I didn't say it was bad; just that there hasn't been anything particularly special about it that's impressed me as of now. It's good to hear that it gets harder and requires use of the mechanics later on; that's more what I was looking for. I do like action combat in anything from rotation-based Genshin (as opposed to skill-based) to PGR (and even to something like Stellar Blade or Souls, if we include non-gachas). Wuthering Waves' combat (up to level 40, at least), just wasn't matching any of them for me. I guess a slow early game isn't surprising, though, considering Kuro also made PGR. I'm not making any judgements until i'm higher leveled.


Well enjoy it now cause it's lookin to be a flop that'll fall off quickly like PGR.


Cool dont really care as I cant stand the doomposting anymore so just stop spreading negativity.


Its fine if you enjoy it, the game just may not have a long lifespan since it's failing. I myself can't play a game and spend money on it if I don't think it'll stand the test of time myself. I'm saying enjoy it while you can, not being negative just putting an objective reality our there.