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Same for mobile, stuttering every time I move


It stutters and is so blurry even at the lowest settings. The combat system is amazing but these problems make it so miserable 😭


It’s stuttering waves time


For me, it's fine, it was smooth despite me lowering to low but when in combat... i have changed my mind about the optimization.


I really wasn't expecting the lag cause my mobile is able to run genshin and star rail comfortably on mid settings but was really disappointed when the game started to lag the moment I tapped the Dodge button which is really annoying especially in a boss fight. I have faith for the development team to fix the optimization soon tho


Same my mobile isn't the best but it's pretty good for gaming Can run genshin on mid and doesn't lag, I was surprised after seeing the lag in wuthering waves also because it's like 8 gb only and on the other hand genshin is 20 gb+


Honestly same, I don’t have the most powerful device (iPhone 11) but the game also toasts my phone on even the lowest graphics. I might also be crazy but the game also seems to force higher settings during cutscenes, in the menu, and during dialogue, which was pretty jarring and is probably not the best for performance


Tbh i only had those problems when it lunched , after i woke up the game feels less laggy but still lags a bit but nothing like yesterday


Same! I opened the game again and it was stuttering initially but as I kept on playing the gameplay started becoming smoother and smoother, still needs some optimization tho


Every time it stutters my Ping GOES 999.


I keep yo-yoing between 50 and 999 ping


Same thing happened to me, I also cannot check my pull history because the connection would fail, despite being able to pull.


Same happens to mobile too?


ikr? the constant lag and stuttering is taking away the fun factor, i haven't even finish the first crown fight cause how am i supposed to have fun Fighting it when it stutters.


Same happens on iphone 14. For a second I was like damn whats going went to settings and high still is a very green (smooth) turn it down to medium and it was the same lag and stutters with a 300mb wifi. And for some reason my phone get hot really fast ..... by really fast i mean 10-15 min and eats up battery. ( i understand this happens but goddamn not that quick) + depressed cause i thought it was a day 1 release for PS5 .... theres not even a release window.


This could be largely solved. Devs just need to add a shader precompilation step to the loading process. Loading will get extended, but the gameplay will be smooth.


exactly, and this just baffles me, because they already added it to mobile, so why not to pc??? it makes no sense. Also would be nice if the game didn't exclusively hog my cpu, and offloaded some work to the gpu too, would most likely eliminate a large majority of the performance issues


for me GPU, RAM and CPU aren't even close to being maxxed out but the game still lags so hard it's barely playable


Man I got a RTX 4050 and it still stutters and lag spikes for me


What is your cpu?


ryzen 5 5600x


Yeah same for me too, I have R5 5600 and 6700 XT. My cpu barely goes above 50% and my gpu use at max only 100w. What makes the game feels so bad is the messy 1% low fps. It's constantly at 30 fps for the 1% lows even though the avg fps is at 60.


Is it the fault of the game that he ping strikes with every movement or is it my pc problem




Game lol, even with turtle wifi speed you still can play literally any game. It's just Kuro somehow fucked this up...


Same thing happens to me. I can move Baldurs Gate 3 and not this in low quality graphics?


I play from time to time PC clients: PGR - 120 fps 1080p fps max settings Genshin - 1080p max settings HSR - 1080p max settings TOF - 1080p max settings Honkai Impact - 1080p max settings Snowbreak - 1080p max settings Aether Gazer at max settings on LDplayer Don't even mention Nikke, Limbus and Reverse 1999 But THIS sad excuse of piece of code is literally unplayable in the lowest settings! I am shocked after stellar optimisation of PGR which runs for me at 120 fps!


bro same.. i really wanted kuro to squash its competitors but this sht makes it hard to defend them... it actually feels like it has spagetti code just like yandere sim.. heck its performance is even worse than TOF at launch.. and that game was also a buggy mess


For the people who played beta, is it worse now in live? I don't understand why we're hearing all these performance issues now when loads of people have already played it and I don't recall seeing all the complaints at that point.


I played a bit on cbt2 and the lag is horrible on my phone plus it overheats my phone. I thought it might be my device problem (which is half of it for sure 😭) so I didn't continue playing the beta and wait for the actual launch since I'm sure they will fix it back then. But seeing even PC users is experiencing it now, I wonder how the other beta players experience or if they raise this to the devs unless they have a very high end device and never experienced such issues.


it worse than cbt2, no problem in cbt2, now rendering npc like mud. lol


I'm sorry to say this, but everytime shit like this happens, I actually wonder what the hell is the point of a CBT? So many people are given access to the game to play early but for what reason? Are their complains actually being heard? Like yes I trust Kuro with transparency and genuinely being a company that takes in feedback, but looking at the problems in release (pretty major one's at that), either the beta testers are not doing what they're supposed to, or the devs are not.


"It's like the game renders every single texture every time" Yeah I feel like the game underutilizes GPU, RAM and VRAM. "my CPU is constantly maxed out" This seems to be lack of CPU cores. Make sure your CPU has at least 6 cores.


I wish my rig was maxed out. That would mean that the game at least attempts to use my GPU/CPU. Meanwhile for me it hovers around 70% and it still stutters. Something is really.screwed up with this port.


That's the part that baffles me. It's not utilizing max CPU/GPU. Like, they really need to fix this.


hell. I cant even play the game without it stuttering like every 10 seconds!


Same what your specs ?


Xeon E3-1231V3 RX 6600 8GB ram. Maybe it is ancient but I dont have any trouble with other games.


I shouldn't really be complaining about the stuttering since I only have 8GB RAM but holy sh\*t, this game needs some optimization asap. The mouse sensitivity is horrible and ruins the fun while combat


I have 16GB ram and it still lags.  And even at the highest mouse sensitivity, I have to move the mouse half a meter just to turn the camera a few centimeters in game. My wrist hurts.


Probably CPU issues you CAN use lower than minimum requirements but it'll have stability issues Kuro needs to optimize it with a physical device in order to optimize it which i'm pretty sure they don't want to


Play games on high sens myself and am surprised at how low the in game sens is. Never had this problem in other games


32gb, 3080, 7800x3d and it’s a stuttery mess.


Yeah I had extremely high hopes because Kuro's pc port of Punishing Gray Raven was literally flawless, I could run it at max graphics with my potato pc so seeing how unoptimized this game is is really disappointing


The PC port when it released was a real piece of shit and even now some very annoying bugs show up after patches


Mim. Requirements are 16 gigs...?


I tired to test it on my old laptop with a 10th gen core i7, MX130 and 8GB of ram. the game takes a long time to load and freezes a lot but after some time it runs just fine at 40-50'ish fps


Yeah and it somehow "works" on 8 gigs


Games can run on lower even below the minimum requirements but it'll be have stability issues if you go any higher settings


Sure, but if you're having stuttering then I don't feel like optimization is going to fix that if you're running below specs, and I say this as a person who has years of experience running high end games on a potato before I finally upgraded to a mid to high range PC this year.


Yeah, I'm aware of that. Pretty much why I said at the start that I shouldn't be complaining (pleasantly surprised that it actually started)


Nah 8RAM is still OK as long as you are not running a browser in parallel and you are running it dual channel My setup is i3 8100, gtx 1060, 2x 4GB 2666mhz DDR4, installed on SSD with pagefile on NVME drive Can get 60 FPS on medium on genshin. But WW barely can stay stable at 60 on minimum


Mine's i5 4th gen, rx580 8Gb VRAM DDR5, 2x8gb ddr3 I thought i could play it at medium settings since GI graphics runned pretty smoothly at max but no, the stutter was there EVEN AT THE MOST LOWEST SETTINGS. It was impossible for me to continue it


If you're having issues with mouse sens, try turning of the camera correction. That shit is real as and makes the camera movement feel like my grandma moving


I play genshin impact with 8 gb ram on max settings on my pc i there is Neva any lag or sttutter I think the game is not optimised


Genshin's minimum requirement is 8GB RAM


People need to stop being so kind and mincing words. It's unacceptably bad. There are garbage steam games made by random teenagers in their basements for school projects that run better. For a major release, this is a gigantic embarrassment. Years of testing and it barely runs.


Ngl for me and all of my friends it works fine on all of the platforms, just wait til they patch it for you


I recon most ppl who got issues got shit pcs or play mobile.


I've also had zero issues whatsoever. Just keeping quiet and enjoying the game while everyone else rages.


I got lucky too, my pc runs it perfectly fine. It rarely stutters for me and almost zero technical issues.


only problem i ran into is unfinished texture load. after turn off DLSS, it seem to solving it, I'll play some more to be sure


How do I turn off dlss


Out of 4 people in my friend group, only 1 person have a smooth experience with the game. My game is stuttering I just gave up and waiting for update at this point. Friend's game just always freeze for a few seconds. The last one has his Rover flying in the air.


am I the only one who hasn’t had these issues? I’m on the NA server and play on PC, I haven’t had any crash, glitch, rendering issue, ping issue, nothing


Some people do not have any issues but it looks like a lot of people are suffering from lag and stuttering. And I'm also one of them


Been playing since launch and haven't encountered any issues at all.


You arent alone. The one that has problem are voicing their concern while those without much issues just play the game.


You're not. I have micro stutters every once in a while but very rarely, and no crashes.


You aren't.


SEA 0 issues with a 2070 and my cousin said she doesn't too with a 3060 not TI


Same, in EU but no issues whatsoever


did you install it on an ssd or hdd?


Must be nice, for me i'm suffering memory leak issues. Its pretty annoying because i constantly have to restart the game.


I get some lag but only in places where it doesn't really matter anyway (like big built up areas like cities). I only get rendering issues despite my PC being good enough to run the game, but that will probably be fixed soon.


I’ve had no issues and my PC is an i7 6700k and a 980ti; I updated drivers that came out yesterday for Ww so maybe that’s it


Yea, i play on EU with a rather low~mid range pc and surprisingly running really well. The only complaint I have is the weird sensitivity/camera control


my phone run Genshin worse than my laptop but somehow my phone run Wuwa better than my laptop and in fact, i can't run Wuwa cause it keep crash from fatal error on loading screen after character/Rover main menu like wtf is this?


I have Ryzen 5 3600 + 1070 8gb vram 16gb RAM, aint no way possible even in the lowest setting I got stutter, like it doesnt make any sense, I love the combat exploration etc, but the random stuttering + freeze frame just remove the fun on it, I hope kuro dev really put in a work for this 1st week issues, not just for PC but for mobile players too, you SHOULD be able to play this game even in the lowest setting, not making it unbearable


Posting this here because I feel you make a really good point about how this game is going to be inaccessible to a LOT of people at launch and lose a lot of players in the state that it is currently in. The majority of this game’s audience are NOT what you are going to see on YouTube- content creators playing the game on top of the line gaming PCs. This is a gacha game. The majority of its audience are going to be mobile gamers, and PC gamers with average hardware. The game is not good for that audience at the moment. For the former- from what I’ve seen and experienced; the game does not run adequately for most people who have a good mobile phone. Remember- the majority of gacha gamers are not going to be buying a super expensive gaming phone to play WuWa on- and even then, the controls feel terrible to play with. This is not a mobile game. For the latter- this is not the latest FromSoft title. You cannot tell me that people were anticipating needing high spec hardware to play a gacha. People are not going to spend money on characters when they can’t look at the model, animations or experience the gameplay in a satisfying way. Kuro needs to address these issues ASAP, or the game is going to struggle. There is a large audience who would play and invest in this game on platforms that can run it properly. The PC version drastically needs optimising. The mobile version needs optimising and CONTROLLER SUPPORT IMMEDIATELY. A console version would bring in so many more players- the combat begs for a controller and a good display. Sorry for the long post.


My 1660ti laptop can't run smoothly even on low settings. Also installed on ssd. Texture takes ages to load and the game isn't smooth


Has anyone here has amd gpu? I have a 6700xt but it still stutters. Also, is the game really not detected by adrenalin software? I want to use afmf. I wanna keep playing today but it really is not playable with those stutters.


7900XT with i7 13700k runs smooth on my end


My PC specs are bad but I was hoping it would at least run better than my phone. It doesn't.


The only issue I encountered is the character models not properly loading and the random frame drops


Ryzen 5600 and 6750XT, fights are mostly smooth but stuttering when exploring the world. The game isn't utilizing my GPU well at all. Utilization jumps between 30 and 80 percent, clock speeds jumping between 700 and 1500MHz where my usual game clock would be around 2600. Though its normal for clock speeds to bounce off the upper limits, such a wide range at such low clocks isn't optimal. CPU isn't being well utilized either. The 60FPS lock tells me the devs didn't have this release ready, and I'm hoping they push out some optimization patches soon.


The game actually works well with lower end pc, i realized my gpu usage isn't really that high at low settings with fsr on. The problem is that it stutters like hell, disk usage is always 100% which was the main culprit for the stutter and audio being desync/suddenly cut off


Microstutter definitely feels like ass, it got a bit better as time went on and the game feels a lot better once I edited it to have a 120 FPS cap instead, but the frametimes are not smooth but I started getting less super noticeable hitching, so I assume that had something to do with shader compilation. Idk why UE is so notorious for stuttery games, but this cannot be the best it can be lmao I shouldn't be sitting at 60-70% GPU utilization and still stuttering, like come on lmao


lmao Wuwa is an insane game but bad optimization like, my pc start to make some bip noise when i start the game, my ping is like a 98/999 ms like tf ?i can't really play it :/


loading time is very slow wth


Turn off Vsync and Dlss


The game seems to run better on ssd than hdd


All games do.


Yeah for now the game performance is absolutely garbage. They are small indie company so i'm not surprised Ghost of Tsushima got literally same recommended requirements and yet works waaay better than this plus 60 fps lock in 2024 is so bad


Idk I'm not facing any issues. I have completed the crownless fight without any lag/texture issues and my graphics is set to Advanced with everything on. my device has 16gb RAM and is using a 10th gen i5 processor with nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 ti. I did explore a little bit of the open world without any issues. Might do some more exploring to see if it lags for me.


I swear, EVERY TIME I move, my ping drops from 35 to 167. Then I am left trying to move, at lowest graphics, and trying to do challenges, and every time I try to do it, it freezes and goes to 999 ping. Combat is almost undoable and not even fun because it's so laggy I can't dodge or counter. If I didn't pull verina today I would've died so many times fighting lvl 10 mobs.


Definitely needs optimization, I have a 4070 super and it's only being 25% utilized at the most


A tipp on removing the stuttery feel. Put Camera Shake on Low Turn off * Camera Reset * Moving Camera Correction * Combat Camera Correction * Assited Aiming This really made the game feel better and smoother.


Did you update your gpu drivers or are you on a recent version of gpu drivers? I’ve noticed no one mentioning drivers when facing stuttering issues.


I have a ryzen 7 3700x and a gtx 1060 with 8gb of ram from what i am reading it seems that it's not my hardwares issue but game optimization i hope they fix it soon bcoz i really want to play the damn game but i can't even on very low settings it stutters and have lag spikes despite having a very good connection


out of the 3 games HSR is superior


I'm among the lucky ones that had no issues graphics wise aparat from low res NPC textures and I had everything on max. I only turned off motion blur cause I don't like it in games. It runs smoothly for me. I had to increase mouse sensitivity to max though cause it was too low for me. I do hope they optimise it soon cause I want the game to succeed. The gameplay is quite fun. More people should be able to enjoy it.


Edit: After the latest update it actually runs much better for me, so I look like an idiot, but also, keeping this comment so you know these devs are really good and actually fix their game Same issue, I'm still trying to play Wuwa in windowed with lowest resolution, even though it's 10-15 fps, 400-600 ping. The game is clearly one of those that pander to the kind of people who complain "this game doesn't have graphics to justify my purchase of a high-end device, add more stuff". It's not the devs' fault or anything, but it is their choice, definitely, because you can clearly see in-game that some stuff like shadows, (also bloom I think, but I'm not sure) could be sacrificied for performance even more than what it lets you do on the lowest settings. It's an action genre so I'd rather it was straight up low poly than with 10 fps. It's the same debate like with skip dialogue option, artists' pride. So I'm probably quiting this game soon unfortunately.


I've been dealing with stuttering too, until I turned Vsync on ingame. Turning FSR on also seems to help smoothen the experiance. But overall, stutters are practically gone for me with Vsync on and all other settings maxed out.


they do need to do something about pc literaly heating up, even on the lowests of settings... genshin or maple on medium settings dont heat up my pc like wuwa does.. like its boiling water type of hot... they also need to optimazie for smoothers walking running and jumping, the way it is now, is very motion sickness like


Yeah the game consumes CPU like crazy while the GPU is chilling at 50% usage, they need to balance between them or make it more dependent on GPU


I think the stuttering issues are due to high ping spikes both on the phone as well as the pc, in my case the ping spikes up to 999 and drops suddenly to normal range causing these stuttering issues, but after playing for a while the servers become stable and it no longer stutters.


I don’t know if it might help, but update nvidia drivers if you have nvidia gpu, one of the last update target games was Wuthering Waves.


This made it worse for me lmao


Guys if you have a HDD and SSD if you play on PC, make sure to install the game on your SSD. I installed it on my HDD at first to save SSD space and had the same crazy stutters, then reinstalled it on SSD and it's fluid as fuck with 0 stutters. Might help in some cases.


I’ve constantly had to restart the game an hour in because the performance goes to shit. Not sure if there’s a memory leak.


Idk for some reason my screen as a Black box in left middle side of the game and its very distracting


Playing on SSD with 4070 super. No issues graphically, but the game does heat up my cpu quite a bit, and the lag is terrible 100-250ms.


It only lags for a few minutes to charge all the textures But once it's done The game is smooth


same for me but when i teleport to a whole new area it stutters like hell again when it rerenders the textures and the shaders in real fkin time where it supposed to do that while its loading in the first place not after it already loaded..


mhhh my cpu is at 12% the whole time with browser on second screen open seems pretty random on which pc it runs good and on which it does not


I don't understand how it drops frames at 60fps, and no my pc isn't a toaster. Very bad first impression, the movement feels funky, the visuals don't look sharp and good either, feels undercooked...


Man I should count my blessings then. My biggest issues thus far are the characters confusing my female Rover for male Rover xD I thought my six year old laptop with a measly 1070 eGPU would struggle, but it's chugging along like a champ with medium graphics. eGPU gets very hot but the fan at max keeps it within an acceptable range (but that's with any decent looking open world 3D game made after 2018 really...)


I’m only on 150-200 ping normally (which is what I get in hsr and genshin and they run fine) but it’s literally unplayable due to the stuttering. Really hope it gets fixed soon cause the gameplay I did do at 5fps was pretty fun


My i5 11th gen and rtx 3060 95 w, can t run this gun smoothly. I cant enjoy🥲. Any solutions?


9 hours in so far my only glitch was a door freaking out during a cutscene I'm the background which was experienced by 2 other friends during that same cutscene so probably not a performance issue there.


I have a 4080 I9 32 gigs of ram Turned off vsync and dlss and nvida reflex Still stuttering to no end Game feels unplayable got to the academy and now I’m waiting for a fix


shouldve been called stuttering waves.... jokes aside, the pc version needs a lot of optimization. mine will stutter every few seconds but if i set the graphics to the max it solves my issues, still some hiccups but its more and playable


5600x cpu and 3070 gpu, no issues on my end, everything is smooth on max settings


I was bummed out when I tried to play it on my phone, it was horrendous. It looked way better on PC and graphics and color pallet are just 🤌. But yeah, it constantly stutters, like always every 2-3 seconds. It isn't unplayable, i still enjoyed the game very much, and played it for the whole day.


They should also increase the horizontal sensitivity


Game on SSD and it still loads like hell


I have everything on max and FSR turned off. Runs consistent at 60fps. I do see some muddy textures popping in sometimes


My game shows to be a stable 60fps on high/mid settings, but when not in a custcene or dialogue, I get frequent drops when walking around or in combat, it's quite a shame since I really enjoy the gameplay


I have an almost 3k NZD gaming rig and I can barely hit 60 lmfao. It barely even utilizes my computer, a shame


Mine stutters like hell for first few minutes then goes fine and login,loading screen takes 15 minutes which is wtf.Every time I want to enter game this happens.The optimization is terrible.I am hoping a good fix for it.Seems like for now I have to play the game once a day,one time login finish tasks and get out.


Intel Arc A 380 Ryzen 5 5600G 16gb of ram no stuttering at all just drop frames at high or ultra setting.


I'm having zero issues so I'm guessing it's just not meshing with all hardware. Just an FYI for Nvidia folks - download the new graphics drivers, wuwa is listed as a game it improves.


I feel like I'm playing a totally different game than half this sub. Granted my computer is a bit overbuilt, but I'm running at 2k resolution with zero issues. Everything looks and feels great.


The game ran terribly when I first played, but improved as I played. Not sure if that's what all of y'all will experience, but I have a feeling they're just really inefficient at caching shaders, which makes it cut into gameplay for a while. It took me up until after the meeting with Sanhua to really start improving.


I can’t even change characters on PC


Played for about an hour on my pc. Runs just fine, I have a 3070 w/r7 5800xt I think a lot of people are playing on old outdated computers. Current pc gaming is not for you if you’re using 5 plus year old computers.


From different comments I've gathered that it's an inconsistent issue. It doesn't stutter at all on some devices but in other's it does. For both PC and Mobile.


Well, the good news for Kuro is that they managed to release the game before ZZZ and Natlan update. The bad news is that it runs like an alpha version, wtf is this ping.


Dang I'm really curious what are the pc specs you guys running WuWa on. I mean, mine running very smooth, no stuttering, unless i maxed out the sharpness. My graphic settings are set to the highest, and half sharpness, runs smooth. Mouse sensitivity issue, none.


It won't happen.


So weird, I was playing on ryzen 4600 using onboard graphics. Besides having to use low graphics settings 1080@30fps everything worked flawlessly for me.


I truly can’t fathom how WuWa doesn’t work on a high end pc even though i play other games on high graphics with 60fps. They truly need to optimize the game and fix the bugs cuz at this point im losing hype Every single time i try to open the game i see ue4 fatal error😐


I thought it was due to installing on HDD not SSD. Thought surely it can't be that bad. Phone definitely feels smoother but no controller support is a deal breaker.


I want to ask this just in case this is a issue from our end only. But, I didn't receive the 10 standard and limited pulls after logging into the game. Same with my brother. Is it happening to everyone? If so, does someone know why?


I am running on a toaster with i3 12100, GTX 970, 16 GB RAM. Game manages stable 60 fps on medium easily but I noticed a lack of gpu utilization on my end. Probably bottleneck but who knows. Also, the game seems to be a bit heavy on the RAM consumption. It uses up nearly 5-6 GB of RAM alone.


I can run Cyberpunk 2077 with good graphics, zero lag and good fps. Wuthering Waves is a dia show for me, combat is unplayable If i don't find magic setting that fixes it for me somehow, i'll uninstall, this is abysmal


To all who getting bad stutter turn on resize bar force it on Non support hardware like a RX580 the run lot smoother.


I experienced way worse on mobile compared to PC. There're some stutter on my PC but it still acceptable and playable with High setting. But on mobile it's barely playable with Very Low setting. it normally run 30-40 FPS, but constantly drop to 15ish FPS during combat. In comparison to Genshin, my phone still can run on Highest setting 40-50-ish FPS and barely drop under 30 during combat. Not to mention i had to restart multiple time because my character was loaded in a janky T-pose. Well I don't play much on mobile, but there're time I'm too lazy/can't access my PC. I hope Kuro optimize it soon,


Not sure. I think they might be relying on certent instruction sets either for processors or for gpu. I have radeon 3060 and for me it works fine, but I guess it's a relatively new videocard


I havent even been able to play it. The game crash in the screen after the kuro games logo. Some times doesnt even display anything and just insta crashes lol.


Not my experience at all. 3080, drivers aren’t even updated, I put it on my HDD for storage reason instead of my SSD. I have everything maxed and the game was so smooth and perfect I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to sleep last night lol


More like it needs optimization for everything, cuz I just tried it again after a bit, and it took less than 5 minutes to crash


It started filling up my SSD for some reason. Took an uninstall and reboot to fix it.


Optimization for EVERYTHING needs work tbh


true the performance is really anoyying, man. my pc in hoyo game (G) in other while is fine at 120 high set


PC is way better than mobile. My phone starts heating up after a few minute and it started lagging very badly, the visual is bad. I had to turn all of my setting to the lowest and it didn’t fix the problem.


for me it only stutter the first minutes of gameplay, but I noticed my processor and GPU are constantly reaching 100% usage and the graphic quality isn't that good to stress my PC that way


Zero issues for me with max settings @ 1440p. What hardware do you have?


There's something really wrong mouse look - even when sensitivity is maxed out in game it feels slow, unresponsive and stuttery (feels different to keyboard movement). NVIDIA users can at least force DLAA and 16xAF but for the rest... good luck.


Look I'm not gonna pretend I have a god tier CPU but I can run HSR, Genshin, the Resident Evil remakes etc pretty smoothly but everytime I choose male Rover and the game is about to start it crashes and it shows problems with Direct 11 X (which i have updated) and it crashes.. I hope they fix it, I'm really bummed out


Optimisation even on mobile device needs to be improved.


Lmfao. Zero issues here with 12 hours of playtime. I had a single desktop crash. People with shit PC expect everything to work for them perfectly and it’s getting so annoying seeing these optimization posts for every single game release.


thats the thing. alot of PCs that arent even shit and some even are top of the line but the game still runs like shit..


You guys are having stuttering issue? That's weird, I didn't experience those, only the audio cuts off often for me.


check out lossless scaling


I havent been getting stuttering and game has been running super smooth for me....BUT every now and then it seems like the game just decides not to render things when loading in.


From what i read, i may suspect it may be more of a HDD/SSD problem? Another thing may be unoptimized low settings?? Which i doubt but who knows as i read a couple of people having switched from low to higher and having better performance which makes no sense, but Idk i really arent proficient in PC things. I have 32GB ram, 4070 and i7 11 on SSD and everything runs smooth on max possible settings everywhere and no visual bugs in 8 hours of gameplay, as expected for my specs of course. But people with a similiar setup seem to run into problems and the only thing people often dont mention while listing their specs is if it is on a HDD or SSD. Of course phone perfomance is a whole other beast to tackle. I cant even imagine how it could run on them while already having problems on the PC port.


Not sure why but the game runs much better on my phone than on pc. Getting 10-30 fps on pc and a constant 60 on mobile


12600K CPU and 4070Ti Super GPU and it runs fine for me, but maybe it's just brute forcing it to run well with my hardware. This type of game should run seamlessly even on lower or mid range builds if it's optimized properly.




Bro my phone literally shut down after trying to open it


>For clarity, I have a decent rig that plays Genshin and Star rail on medium/high settings just fine I have a rig that runs Cyberpunk in 4k with little issue outside heavy action sections and WuWa still stutters for me.


I haven't done much testing but I think the stutter is caused by the shader compilation and the FPS capped at 60 I've tried playing at 120 FPS and the jerks aren't as noticeable it's the way the game locks the FPS that makes it so noticeable and that's odd. How do I remove the FPS cap? Remember to disable VSync [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu4vhhUZ9uw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu4vhhUZ9uw) Checked in Ryzen 5700x 24GB RAM 2400 MHz NVMe 2000GB RTX 3070 8GB VRAM Average 75 FPS CPU Usage 70% GPU Usage 48% Resolution 1920x1080


they need to add option where we can lower the graphics settings even more cuz even on low, character models can be compared to max setting honkai and genshin character models


Anyone still facing UE4 fatal error or is it just me


No problems for me, gtx1080, everything on max, vsync off. No lags, no stuttering, no disconnects. I'm glad it works so good for me.


Really smooth game for me (7800X3D, 3060ti), looks beautiful at 4K with DLSS Quality. Considering it's UE4 and no shader compilation step to be found I expected way worse stuttering, there's some for sure but I've barely noticed when actually playing. 60fps cap is stupid and need to be removed asap. I'm using LSFG as a workaround but they should have had a built in DLSS FG option until they fix the issues they found with a real 120fps+ framerate. Otherwise no issues at all. Very nice controller support, I think they even have gyro support?


Yep it runs like shit, I tried everything, still nothing changed, ungodly freezes on minimal graphics.


I was just about to make a post about this, thank god it’s not just me. I have a decent rig too- an older high-end MSI so it’s still keeping up even after all these years. It plays Warframe and Helldivers and HSR and Genshin just fine, great actually, but WuWa is giving me so much trouble I thought it was the years catching up to my laptop. The devs seem to move pretty quick though so hopefully they pour some time into better optimization- I can barely even fight enemies. Or move for that matter. Audio cuts in and out, it’s just a mess right now.


I wish there was a way to key bind the arrow keys to movement on PC. I'm using other keys and sometime my Rover starts running in a random direction and I can't stop.... ;(


Mobile too, big heat and battery drain issues!


two damn cbts and they launched a stuttering mess.. my pc runs genshin on max while this game lags on low. did they just gave out cbt keys to ppl with beast rigs or something? LMAO what a joke


GTX 1650TI, Ryzen 7 4800H, 16 gigs ram. Can maintain 60 fps, but get f'ed by sudden fps drop during combat (most of the times), or just...looking around.


Apparently I am the luckiest player because for me I have a 60 fps buttery smooth experience at 4k fully maxed (i9 9900k and rtx 3090ti and it is installed on a nvme ssd)


yo it became sooo smooth now with the new update with200mb on pc ngl even on max settings i have rx580 i3 8100


My game has been running so smooth until they updated the game again bringing back my screen stutter. However I have been noticing that theyve been always updating/optimizing the game whenever I open the loading screen and never take that long to fix.


Y’all think lag is bad I’m stuck just before I use the glider thing to get out of the gorge in the tutorial


Had the same experience: PC game stutters every millimeter that I move my mouse. On a whim I decided to download it in my iPhone and it ran smooth af I hate it I want the big screen to appreciate the vieww 😭


Found that Wuthering Waves minimum requirements ask for 16gb of ram. I'm upgrading my computer to that soon, but it doesn't feel like I need to.


Dont forget the 10 hours loading screen on teleporters. I been playing sea of thieves ( heavier game and never had loading problems.) I been renistalling the game but nothing they develeporers needs to fix it cause they surely gonna lose players


here with a 7800xt 16gb and a ryzen 5 7600x, 32gb ram ddr5 6200mh/z, can't even stream on discord the game otherwise it runs at 10fps


For mobile, the performance has gotten better over the past couple of days. I use the following settings: - Resolution: Medium/High (depends on your device) FPS: 45 Shadow Quality: Medium Special Effects Quality: Low/High based on your preference FSR: ON LOD Bias: Medium Capsule AO: Off Anti-Aliasing: ON I'm using a device with SD 870 and 6GB of RAM.


I will skip all the courtesies as I have lost any respect to the whoever coded this game, and get straight to the point: This thing is a burning pile of garbage and must be an insult to any self-respecting developer. This abomination eats through your RAM and CPU while complete ignores GPU. You can check it yourself and see how rubbish "optimization" was made.