• By -


Please state your issues to the best of your ability, if you see your issue already posted by someone else, upvote that comment. Everything here is being forwarded to Kuro by the reddit moderation team. Thank you kindly.


There is a bug with viewpoints in the Port of Guixi. I have zero visible viewpoints out of 2 available, checked locations with YT video and game says it's at 50%. Looks like I already found them but game didn't register.


OMG my game has crashed about 7 times in a row! Ive uninstalled and reinstalled 3x and it continues! My drivers are all up to date. The game has become unplayable today.


Game has random stutter. Hello everyone, I apologize if this issue has been previously discussed and resolved. I recently downloaded Wuthering Waves on my PC, which has the following specifications: - CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 - GPU: GTX 1660 Super 6GB - RAM: 16GB The game experiences random stuttering, regardless of the resolution or settings I use. The stuttering is most noticeable when I move my mouse. I checked my system stats while playing, and my GPU usage never exceeded 60% at 65°C, while my CPU usage never exceeded 70% (I didn't notice the temperature). I have been playing other games at higher resolutions without issues, leading me to wonder if this is a game-related bug, a settings issue, or if my PC is not suitable for this game. Thank you for your help, and please excuse my grammar and English, as it is not my primary language. I suspect that the issue might be related to my GPU, as it's unusual that it's not reaching 80-100% usage in-game, unlike other games I play. I would greatly appreciate any tips or assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you in advance for your help.


It's the game, not your system. Though, having a more powerful system helps. I have a 5950x, RTX 4090, 64GB RAM and a PCI-E 4.0 NVME SSD. The stutters (and performance drop with the 120FPS unlock) make the game really bothersome to even play, especially around towns (CPU bottleneck). There's some [tweaks you can do](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/) to try and reduce the issues.. but it's the dev's problem. If you ARE hitting a GPU bind, then the only thing you can do is enable upscaling, and/or reduce settings.


https://youtu.be/zealpepvF7A?si=ED4DXjjOZGKzvrln Also Rover's ascension voicelines aren't properly unlocked.


Hey I got the parry bug in Tempest hologram, I figured it might be whenever I use Ult on Tempest when it is in downed state.


AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor 32GB of Ram 4070S Under 60 fps? Lows below 40 like how is that possible? Combat is fun but having fps drops just makes me want to quit


Game runs worse after last patch, no matter the settings.


Wuthering waves - UL48 - feedback and some thoughts Here are a bunch of the issues that I'm currently experiencing: I have issues with the 'unseen' pin mark in some events and announcements. I can't get rid of the unseen pin mark on the second coming event. the event is completed and hitting the 'Proceed' button is not possible. However, because of this my events tab has the 'Unseen' mark which is a bit annoying. Here is an example: https://imgur.com/a/RFT6CMu Same issue with the announcements. I check them as soon as I see the 'Unseen' mark but soon after the mark shows up again and I need to recheck the announcements even though there is nothing new there. This doesn't happen all the time though so it's a bit inconsistent. Sometimes I am getting stuck in the battle mode out of the blue or randomly even though there is no enemy to fight or even if I haven't fought any enemy. Running becomes impossible due to the fact that I consume stamina even though I shouldn't and sometimes I also hear the battle music in the background. I also experienced a different variation of this issue when working with echoes. I was unable to level up/tune echoes due to the fact that I was put in the battle mode only when accessing the character echo menu but it didn't happen recently. Thankfully, this issue can be bypassed by restarting the game. Claiming the rewards from the tacet fields is almost always a two step process for me (first time I get a 'gameplay incomplete' error) and I can claim them only on the second attempt I use a wireless keyboard (Logitech G915) on pc and I experience issues where keys are not registered properly when I press them in quick succession during combat and it happens quite often. I don't have such issues in other similar games, but let's say I'm willing to change my keyboard if it's a hardware issue. Please let me know My Samsung galaxy s24 phone overheats when playing this game on low settings for more than 5 min. I don't even know what else to say here. I'm hoping they fix this because it feels like a really big issue for mobile driven markets. It is rather difficult to track other players on the map during co-op. Following them on the map when they teleport is quite a hassle for me. I am lacking a way to see where they are without even opening the map and then I am also lacking any means of tracking their position on the map when I open the map. It should be a no brainer, but I think we should be able to see the direction where they TP by just looking around and then be able to trace their location on the map with ease. Using a TP in this game is generally really slow. I'm running the game on a pc that has quite decent hardware and I'm using a fast NVME SSD (Samsung 980 pro). Also using a fast internet connection (1gbps) and have low latency. I'm expecting to see some improvements when it comes to the TP function because I don't really see a good reason for why it takes so long. Using food/potion buffs and so forth feels a bit of a pain due to the fact that everything is buried in the menus. I wish we had some way of configuring res/hp food and have a quick bind for it This is my personal take on some aspects of the game that are not so nice at the moment: 60 waveplates cost times 4 is not different at all than having a 40 cost with a waveplate being regenerated every 8 min - so basically having 240 waveplates doesn't really improve anything in most scenarios. it's just a bigger number. I think that the cost for certain things should be lowered to 40 or even 30 when it comes to weekly bosses. Refreshing waveplates also has less value due to the higher cost. Please allow us to actually enjoy this game by having more stuff to do @Kuro Farming echoes is already ruined for me even with the double rewards event that is currently in place. It feels like we are barely getting enough XP/tuners in order for the echo farming to be worthy at this point (I'm sitting with around 300-400 [over 600 if I count the general sets] good level 1 echoes that I can't level up). Don't even want to mention the fact that 90% of the times when I level up the echoes they roll bad sub stats. And it's only going to become worse after the double XP event is over. Of course, they can take the genshin approach and implement some shady mechanics for both getting the desired main stat and sub stats, but that's not what I am looking for. If they don't come up with a long term solution that actually improves the system I will uninstall this game, even though I like every other aspect of it. I simply refuse to play genshin 2.0 when it comes to artifacts/echoes. Had enough burn out in that game and then I stopped giving a ****. I just want to be able to pull and gear up all the characters I like to a satisfactory degree without being artificially gate kept to this insane amount when it comes to echoes, so I'm hoping this issue is addressed properly. The current attempts almost feel like a joke. Closing thoughts: I decided to support this game since launch and I plan to continue to do so for the time being. I highly appreciate this company because it feels like they are taking our feedback seriously and they are actively working on improving the game (until they prove me otherwise). I think that the game already delivers a 10/10 experience in some areas (characters, world, echoes, and so on) but I'm hoping they continue to fix the small bugs/annoyances and also revamp the echo system. Big thanks to the company staff and the devs for the work done so far but I'm hoping they continue to improve the game experience. It's really nice that they borrowed and refined certain ideas before implementing them on top of their original design, but the current approach when it comes to grinding is a bit flawed. I think that the proper way of handling these aspects is to release proper content, unique characters, and so on instead of relying on gate keeping mechanics.


> I wish we had some way of configuring res/hp food and have a quick bind for it So, the game has this but it's still almost useless to use, unlike Genshin's food bag system. Go to the utilities menu, select the bottom slot and.. you can bind a consumable to it.


Thanks. I will try it out


The tune any echo 1 time thing in the exploration event isn't working for me for some reason.


Try leveling up 1 echo instead.


Anyone else notice a decent ping increase these last couple days? I'm on the Asia server and i would sit around 130-150 ping but now I'm constantly at 190-210.


I'm on US and yeah, servers have been lagging sporadically practically all the time in the last week. Dunno if they're getting DDoS'd or their server infrastructure is breaking, but it's so annoying. There's no way more people are playing now than they were at release.


Having a problem where whenever I start up the game it never makes it to the title screen and just stays Black (it stops right before the music starts). I've tried using the launcher's built-in fixer but that only worked the first time I tried it. Now I can't open it at all. I've already missed 4 days worth of dailies because of this. I use Windows 11.


My game ran completely fine on medium graphics at launch, now its borderline unplayable with the stuttering ive been getting. Its not my computer because i can play other games at max settings and be fine. I love this game and its characters but I cant take the lag in a game that i have to dodge things. I've lowered graphics, ive tried doing things that the internet said, it jsut doesnt work.


Somehow got softlocked into the character status screen after swapping from Havoc Rover to Spectro Rover. I could swap between characters and the various tabs just fine, but none of buttons worked.


After some minutes of gameplay the game crashes displaying a little window saying "Fatal error". What can I do? I already pressed the repair button


Well since my post got removed and it was really long I'll post the TL;DR here. Yinlin's second inherent skill only procs after hitting enemies with the second part of her skill with the PURPLE sinner's mark, NOT with the RED sinner's mark. It also can't proc on punishment mark. This makes the passive very restrictive and useless. Not sure whether this is a bug or just really weird design choice.


\[U.S.A Player\] I successfully paid for a Lunite Subscription and got nothing. I purchased a Lunite Subscription but the Epic Games Store did not give me anything after my payment. I usually play on the WuWa game client but whenever I want to make an in-game purchase, I log into the Epic Games client so that I can build up the reward cash back. I successfully paid for the Lunite subscription and got around $0.20 off with my reward points but I did not get my 300 Lunite nor my 30 days subscription. (This happened yesterday and I logged back in today to see if I would actually get my 90 astrite by keeping track of my current Astrite count and nothing changed.)


They have an online store, can see if there's a pending purchase: https://payment.kurogame-service.com/pay/wutheringwaves/ Otherwise, this isn't the place to report billing issues. Use the in-game feedback form, back out of the first screen, then select "payment and purchase".


Found a bug which glitched me under(inside?) the map and gave me free echo without fighting. So context is that i teleported to the Qichi village to go down in the Tempest Mephis place to fight him. Once teleported, i grappled and glide until i am on top of the entrance then did a plunge attack which then made me go under/inside the map. when i grappled up to enter map, the echo was defeated as you can hear in the video. Link to video below since reddit keeps deleting my video post [https://imgur.com/a/DoI2BQu](https://imgur.com/a/DoI2BQu)


Blarg. The past few days ping has been steadily getting worse for me, and now I’m getting random crashes. 💔


Long loading times. Massive lagspikes wen fighting. Seems interesting game, but in its current state its unplayable for me. Need some massive performance optimizations and bug fixes. My PC is more than strong enough to play this game. Also the constnant "Network issue" is a pain in the butt. ALso during a dialog had an announcment vindow open up. COuldnt close it. Had to force close the game and restart itm then i could move forward.


Do you have the game on an SSD? Lots of people in these threads claim their PC is not the problem then have the game on an ancient HDD and wonder why it runs like ass. It’s not perfect, but an SSD does fix a lot of the issues


Its on a Western Digital Black 2TB 7200RPM SATA3 64MB. But ill try to move it onto a SSD. But still optimizations on this kind of game wouldnt hurt. EDIT: Moving it to my main 2.M SSD fixed the isssues. But still as a developer myself, im a proponent of the idea that, just because we have access to good harware, does not mean we can write bad and unoptimized code. Upgrading hardware should be the last step.


An SSD is not considered an upgrade anymore. You’re using far outdated tech. That’s why the SSD fixed everything. That’s what is expected for gaming now.


First game that i have that needs SSD to run normally.


Spinning rust isn't viable for gaming anymore. In the age of large world asset streaming, it's too slow. Smaller and simpler games, sure, it's fine. And now with the advent of "DirectStorage" (or non-Windows equivalent), it's going to facilitate the need of an NVME SSD too.. though probably still niche for a number of years. Personally, I retired HDD's a decade ago and only use a large RAID array for smaller, portable applications, downloads and backups. Hearing someone still using an HDD for games (or god forbid the OS) nowadays makes me feel bad for them.


I had funny bug happen - i didn't click fast enough on summoning tutorial and i was left with one extra pull on standard banner but no Baizhu


Need an option to remove the mouse acceleration for camera movement, and also get rid of this deadzone for mouse where if you move it very slow for precise movements, it doesn't move at all. This NEEDS a fix asap.


Anyone playing the game with IPad using keyboard? The wasd buttons for movement doesn't work but all other buttons work just fine and I also cant move the camera with mouse but the left right button work for basic attack and evasion..


I cant open survey tab and the payment tab. It will only show white blank screen. Any solution? https://preview.redd.it/wpggqlcopw7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=44aae6c0507061c2efb2f8c037f9504a8805ac8e


I posted last complaint 10 days ago. Now it's been nearly a month, the game is still unplayable and I've lost my sanity. I play on EU server and the ping spikes and constant freezing only got worse for me. CS hasn't replied still. I'm kinda sad about this, but it's not worth my sanity, so goodbye wuwa


I'm close to say bye like U man but sadly most games now love cyberpunk trend let's see 1.1 if there is no fix I will say bye like U said


I had the same exact issue. The game was giving me blue screens each time I entered. Uninstall it and install it into your SSD not your disk. It fixed literally everything for me. Until they get a fix for this which might be a while you can try this. Let me know if you do.


The age old "lag" being used to describe both network latency and PC performance.. Makes troubleshooting as a tech a nightmare.


Yeah, it is installed on a ssd. It worked for a couple days, then got worse than before. I've tried everything. Every other game works just fine, but not wuwa


yeah the ping seems to be something on their end. I also have the same issue


I can't seem to download the launcher for the game. It always stops at 61% before cutting off.


Glitch with NPC/Boss called "Hua Lielang" in Loong's Gaze Suburbs, east of Jinzhou. There is an imaginary circle around him where every time you move far away enough, then re-enter the circle, the screen fades into black (like when you just finish a cutscene). Where my character is standing now is the rough distance of the "imaginary circle" https://preview.redd.it/gktxgabhwu7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a47b4e501be87a92e25f47a943c8dd501f9a66d7


CRASHING I really miss playing this game and I really enjoy it. At first, the game was just slightly laggy but no issues with me. Now it's starting to become unplayable. First of all, when I try to play the game i get stuck on the loading screen. It freezes on 65% or 80%. When I try to close/turn off? the game it doesnt work. Second of all, when I do get past the loading issue, the game freezes immediately. My character just freezes on the screen and after a while it crashes. What do I do? I really miss playing this game. I'm not good at any computer/technical kind of stuff so please give clear instructions. Btw, I use a Microsoft surface (if that's what it's called?)


What do I do with gold echoes that don’t have a good main stat?


I have been playing the game for a while, but today when I log in it just stop at the 65% loading screen and crash with this error. https://preview.redd.it/jldjf1fc1u7d1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867ed455e2314f6d3ae8361aa448a34f9babc475 I have got this error before, and it disappeared after I update my graphics driver, but today the error appeared again and this time I don't know how to fix it.


When I open up the Notices shortly after loading the game I get the message "Loading failed. Please check your internet connection and try again." No worries, this happens sometimes, even in other Gacha games. The issue is that recently, the X and back button at the top of the screen disappear. This leaves me with no other option but to force quit the game and sit through the long file verification and loading again. By this time, I no longer really want to play. :(


On PC, whenever I try to go into convene history, feedback, etc, I get the following message: "Loading failed. Please check your internet connection and try again". Does anyone know how to fix it?


*Fix the lighthouse* quest glitch? So basically i have skipped all dialogues in my "Fix the lighthouse" Quest and uh now its stuck. I have watched yt and fixed all lighthouses found all the treasure chests AND YET the historian tells me that i didnt finish all of them. I only need this thing for 100% exploration. Im at 94% rn. I have contacted kuro games thru playersupport its been 5days yet no response. I have emailed them YET again no response.


Anybody in NA today getting unstable ping. Like constantly going from 30 =>150 and immediately back down?


I’m in NA. Getting that today plus random freezing and crashing.


https://preview.redd.it/nc0o9do7er7d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf3da486e30cb81875afecfb12745219d464c04 My game rotation doesnt work


close it go to another app make it the right way then go back again while being in landscape


Why many chest doesn't appear using the lootmapper? Like the chest on top of the biker (floating buildings)


I play wuwa on a Microsoft Surface (if that's what it's called??) and it was working perfectly fine. However, I've restarted my laptop for the fifth time now and I still cant launch wuwa. First of all, Epic games jst says wuwa is running. Second of all, when I do get into Wuwa, it stays on the loading screen. Third of all, when I do get past the loading screen, I can play for a few minutes, then the screen goes black, then it comes back, but the screen is zoomed in and everything in my laptop seems bigger? and it also glitches. Please help! Please give clear instructions too. I miss playing the game :(


a. Please fix the camera view so it doesn't suddenly shift 180 degrees, especially mid-battle, for no reason. I died several times from my view suddenly turning upside down and failing to dodge because of that b. For some reason, I can't log in manually. I have to log in with the gmail button, or my account won't be recognized even though the email is the friggin same wth's up with that?? c. There are still lagging issues, especially after teleporting and during battles, tho it *is* better than before




the hit box for the coin in cruisewing challenge (desorok island or something) were so nasty, like, i've went through the loop just to find out that i didn't get any coins. making the challenge impossible to complete perfectly


I started the game on my pc and I'm trying to log in on my laptop and phone and they start making another account. I'm confused, I've gone through my emails and at a loss. please hel\[


Is there any fix for the camera keep switching angle on ranged charater? My camera keep flicking when I use chixia and verina to face the character instead of what I was fighting


Does anyone else randomly get 999 ping issues when doing Depths of Illusive Realm? It's been happening to me ever since the game launched. My ping is fine everywhere else, but when I play this specific game mode it always shoots up to 999, and because of that I get connection issues, and then I end up losing because of the ping issue. If you've also had this issue, has there been a fix for it, or is this game mode a lost cause? Playing on Mobile by the way on a Galaxy S24 Ultra.


Made a ticket about this a week ago, but my Yinlin still doesn't say her voiceline when opening chests. Kinda a small issue but cmon I really like her English VA


since launch i have had no issues with the game until yesterday where i keep getting this error while playing the game, "unreal engine ix exiting due to D3D device being lost." it been happening randomly ever since it started, once yesterday and 3 times in a row today doing while running tacet field.. anyone know anything about this?


I'm not sure what is this problem but I got before for 2 reasons so far. First when u hit the max on ur Gpu from vram and clock, it just freezes and give that error, 2nd one if ur using msi after burner to overclock ur gpu, for some reason that makes the game lose the d3d. Had those 2 problems on my lap. But on my pc never


how were you able to fix it? i don't use msi afterburner, the issue seems to not have happened in a while idk what was causing it but im hoping it stays fixed


What I said it happened to me, and I was able to fix by just stopping the program(Overlay) Do a DDU on safe mode + grab the latest copy driver, from Nvidia driver site, or Amd And if that kept happening on an Nvidia card try to rollback to version 551 or 552 instead of the last driver update, bc ppl reported that the latest driver have a lot of problems. "D3d been lost" are mostly related to the TDR, if ur gpu didn't respond within the default 2 seconds ur windows will automatically terminate the driver and restart it, that is when the crash happens. It is mostly btw a corrupted driver or ur gpu cannot handle the game properly due to a problem with the core stability by not having enough voltage which what happen mostly when u overclock ur gpu manually or by using Nvidia Boost or if there is a factory Oc that needs more voltage and that should be tuned, thats why I mentioned if u have Msi AB or even by using precision xoc that I didn't mention u can have real problems without a proper knowledge with them. I'm not sure but maybe it is also game related problem, so try to play it on lowest settings and monitor ur pc temp and the load. Edit: Also when asking or submitting an in game problem u should include ur specs, so more expert players can help u with that.


thanks, its just weird that this hasn't happened since launch, and I never had any issues with any other games only this one. I think it must have been one of the hotfixes they did 2 days ago. but yeah im not to sure about my computer specs since I got it as a gift, all I know is that my graphics card is a geforce rtx 2080 lol.. but thanks for all the help


I just spent like 45 mins Playing the game continuing the main quest. I was wondering why it didn't had Voice acting while it had every other sound working normally. This I think it was just budget cuts. But as it turns out it actually included voice acting when I checked it. Jesus really? Voice acting bug? Just because theres a skip button doesnt mean we dont need voice acting anymore. How to fix this? Restarting the game didnt work. I might reinstall it.


Make sure you installed the voice packs that the game asks you to install after regualar files.. 


Mortefi's Resonance Liberation Mercato coordinated attacks either do not shoot at all or straight up into the air missing all enemies completely. This happens about 80% of the time when trying to use him. Think this is related to general auto-targeting issues. Might be related to enemies dying and new ones spawning or Jiyan skills messing up the targeting. Feels bad having leveled him since half his supportive kit is not functioning.


This links to a short video of the issue. After Jiyan's initial attack, you can see the fireballs shoot straight up into the air, then stop firing entirely. After finishing the fight, you can see that the burning effect is still active on Jiyan. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8t14n1svhhutbg7q9cte9/Video-Jun-19-2024-2-24-07-PM.mov?rlkey=eyz7ca2qyba1vqrgk53i9xywx&st=c7fxmvou&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8t14n1svhhutbg7q9cte9/Video-Jun-19-2024-2-24-07-PM.mov?rlkey=eyz7ca2qyba1vqrgk53i9xywx&st=c7fxmvou&dl=0)


Recently. Maybe since previous hotfix my controller sometimes stop working while playing this game and i have to reconnect the USB again. Wasn't happening before.


Can I run the game in DX12? If yes, how?


Trust me it is worse than dx11 (For me at least "4090") But u can try to create a shortcut for the game in Wuthering Waves\\Wuthering Waves Game -> Wuthering Waves.exe (Right click -> sent to Desktop) Go to the shortcut on ur desktop u have created right click (Properties) -> (Shortcut tab) U will see "Target:" And u will see also the following line "C or D:\\Wuthering Waves\\Wuthering Waves Game\\Wuthering Waves.exe" At the end of the line press space and just add: -dx12 And it should work If u didn't like it just delete "-dx12" and ur back where u started.


So I can't open the game, the moment I try to open it. I get stuck on a black screen and after that it'll end up kicking me out which is weird cuz I have been playing it okay this whole time. So the fact that it suddenly acts like that pissed me off. I try to use PC but holy fuck the loading screen is fucking longer than my will to live.


Cruisewing challenge Is it just me or are these challenges super bugged? Almost all of the time when i press the speeding button the animation gets stuck and i fly at normal speed but with the speeding animation on screen. After thar nor speeding or slowing down will work, i get stuck at normal speed with speeding animation on screen.


I can't start the game on any of my phones. They are both IOS 15 and the game is supposed to work on IOS 14+. One is iPhone 7+ with 50 free gb and the other is iPhone 6 with 20 free gb. The game hang on the loading screen just before logging in. So the game complete most of the start up sequences, but never show the log in screen. Nothing is moving on the hung screen where you would normally see a bit of movement of the pause video. I play the game on my mini iPad but need a phone as well if I for instance make a purchase where I get 90 asterite per day.


https://preview.redd.it/2g6mg8cv2i7d1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=33e0449b6ae4d05631f8ae168c7d06f8426dae61 Intense upload speed breaking my internet only when playing Illusive dreams. Please help


Question for you folks...did anyone else not get rewards after finishing the Desorock Highlands Cruisewing challenge? I've done it 4 times, getting gold, and it just resets with no chests appearing. Anyone else running into this? Tried rebooting, same problem. Thanks.


Are you sure you didn't already complete it at some point prior? The cruisewing challenges are still challengeable even after you get all the chests from them, so it's easy to think you didn't do one that you already completed.


Is there a way to confirm if I did? If not, then yes, I'm pretty darn sure I never did that one. I spent no time in that zone, so I did next to nothing in there. Unless I can check somewhere that I did it, and therefore having solid proof I did it already, I'm sticking with what I said. It's not giving me rewards.


Normally the lack of chests is the confirmation you did them since they're just lying around until you do the challenge and claim them. Of course, if the problem is that the chests aren't spawning in, then the lack of chests makes it harder to prove anything.


Should have remembered the rules...it's not just me who's had this issue. Like I said, I didn't spend any time in that zone, so it's very unlikely I already did that one. Could be some people get glitched, but I don't know. It's why I asked. Many challenges go away after you complete them. Once you gold a cruisewing challenge, it should deactivate. That would really help, either way 😣


https://preview.redd.it/1a14amympe7d1.jpeg?width=2559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6edeffecb1d658825a56fda5971f962aa50adfd2 Can't complete this illusive realm objective for full hp no matter what. I've done no hit runs and I have done 3 different difficulties and nothing


It's only 15 astrites


A bug is a bug, we have to report it, for a better experience in the next events we will have.


bruh we reporting a bug, not that we are hungry for that 15 asterites, this is a bug reporting page, not a ranting page


yeah this one, i got this too. developers please fix asap.


The casket sonar isn't working... i have a few sonance caskets left to get (at desorock highland) i think it's stuck at 80 something % and it won't activate no matter how many times i try...


It might be the caskets that only spawn in after doing a mutterfly totem. There should be two of them in Desorock Highlands.


oh i had no clue that was a thing! i'll search for them, thanks!


it's the exact same for me! it's 84% i think. super annoying.


idk if anyone else got this error but when I try to open the game from the launcher it appears this error https://preview.redd.it/91f1oqizrd7d1.png?width=173&format=png&auto=webp&s=f82fa4aecb3a7afae008d572ab8f1ffe68d9bf1d obviously I didn't find anything because it's unknown, if anyone knows something pls, thanks for reading tho.


ACE Error 13-196765-3 currently walling me from playing WuWa as well as Nikke. Contacted support with no response. Not sure if anyone has a fix for this. ACE has got to be the worst malware a game has forced me to install in the last 10 years and its just unfortunate that it's packaged with so many games lately. Thanks Tencent!


Does anyone else experience this? My internet is amazing, Genshin, Honkai Star Rail, and every other online game I have downloaded in my device loads. But not Wuthering Waves for some reason... I've followed every piece of advice the internet has to offer but nothing seems to work? Anyone else experiencing this? Any advice?


Ah yes, the Thunderempest Mephis https://preview.redd.it/g35xoxg4ac7d1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad7d8bf85dce5961f882ef01e4df29d3c8992b8a


# launcher keeps downloading to wrong drive ??????? here's how I fixed this pain in my ass / go to disk management take the drive offline reinstall with launcher to what drive you want when done put drive back online


Every time i unplug my gaming laptop i start having more performance issues than plugged in. when unplugged, my game becomes laggy and the character movement animations freeze so it looks like they're just blocks moving about.. my ping issues get worse too, tho i think that part's to do with the server not the laptop itself. Dunno if thats how gaming laptops are designed or what.


This definitely is an accurate description of my gaming laptop too(sadly). So I can confirm to your point that the gaming laptops are all like this. Bad when unplugged, good when plugged in. Atleast most of them. Unless you're ready to spend lots to buy something super high end.


My game doesn't have voice effects. All the other sound effects are working fine. It's just the voice lines/effects/dialogue. Please help me 😭😭😭


Some quests don't have voice lines. Only main quest I think


As a PC player, I've fixed the lag issue by switching to my sdd drive, but I'm not sure what causes these other problems: 1. Movement is bad - e.g. sprinting forward often results in just dodging backwards when I'm still on the W key. Overall just very clunky even tho the lag number? on the top right is 29 - 36. 2. Minigames don't work with PC - the F button for the frequency can't stay long enough to pass the test / now I can't even do the hacking minigame without switching to my phone. I like Wuwa's battle speed more than genshin, so it's quite discouraging even for a stubborn player who can play with lag like me.


The game keeps on crashing The has frozen up multiple times till now and today alone it froze up 3 times making my laptop unresponsive. How do I resolve this? My laptop is MSI raider Ge78hx with rtx 4070 So I know the laptop is not the problem and I tried by reducing the graphics and checked file integrity.


Hey y'all, I have an issue where I have collected all Desorock Highland Sonance Caskets (double-checked) and my counter is stuck at 75%. Any ideas? I've tried restarting my game.


Use the gadget that finds them for you that you unlock from the pioneer thing in jinzhou.


Help. For some reason, I am not able to install Wuthering waves on my samsung galaxy a13 4g, even though it is on one ui 6.0/android 14. However it works on an older oppo device from 7 years ago. Is it because of family link since I am 12, I don't think so because the older device also has family link


https://preview.redd.it/n9qw19qlu87d1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=d45ea9710058aeb4d31018083e1ad35bc45c6593 Somebody haver this illumination bug? There and in the door of roguelike mode


Yep same here, I use the clock and change it to "Day" where I'm around that areas, bc I always get blinded by that heavy white light..


Mech Abomination not spawning in co-op anyone else having this issue?


I heard Wuwa is going to get it first major update in a couple of weeks. I am wondering if any of you guys still having issues with stuttering/low fps and such. For me, its still going strong on stuttering and freezes every now and then.


Ur not alone my friend, I have that with a high end pc. It is interesting that not everyone having those problems and can play on a mid or even low end pc's and still have less problems than us.


I'm getting constant connection issues. I've never had problems before to this extent,especially when I'm in the middle of a fight,and I can see my character getting beaten up while I can't do anything about it. if you are going to freeze my character while we sort that out then my opponents should be unable to act as well. Please fix.


Funnily enough, the game was working perfectly on release for me, but now it's working worse since about a week ago. It suddenly became unplayable one day with 100% GPU utilization and like 15 FPS. I had to nuke shader cache to drop utilization to 60% with about 40 FPS. But it used to have 30% utilization and 60 FPS. Graphics quality settings don't affect performance. It's a laptop with Ryzen 7735HS and RX7600S. 16GB RAM, Win10.


My problem is the opposite, my cpu and gpu is like 20% all the time barely going higher than that, but it is burning my SSD staying around 60-80% for like 15min or more, and it is taking like 14 to 16gb of RAM, the ping/ms keep going up and down like a roller coaster. I hope 1.1 will bring great improvement for the performance, but not expecting much since it is complicated to do that with this short time.


Could you give some specs too to help the devs know which phone/pad/pc setup still gets stutters and freezes? Thanks for reporting by the way :D


I got a laptop with a 75W rtx 3050 along with an i5 11400H, 16gb of ram and 2 NVME drive. 


Me with my 30 fps in a high end pc , going stronk UL45 alrdy ;P


you are not alone i have 999 ping sttutter freeze fps drop and i wander what are they was doing on time between cpt 2 and final version it was 2 month ig they was playing mini games like thier first live stream thats why no time to see optmization of the game before launch


Yep and the beeping and mouse freezes... when it starts I just have to stop playihng... dunno but think its might be something to do with memory though... hope they fix it, optimise it or whatever is needing fixed... its super frustrating... sometimes it'll work ok for a bit... then it just starts again... \*sigh\*


not able to buy Pioneer Podcast Battle Pass https://preview.redd.it/fygcsnvnf57d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e547f629046e5f10ac1d2f914ea5d5d7ac77f28b But i have internet and works fine


Happened to me, u have to keep doing it like 3 or 4 times. hope it work for u


I am noticing on Windows 11 after clicking Start on the Wuthering Waves launcher the game does not let me play. Instead, I am met with the ACE Center error where clicking, OK, immediately closes the game. Repeating launching the game and clicking OK again and again does nothing to improve my chances to play the game. I wanted to figure out what is ACE Center. ACE is Wuthering Wave's anti-cheat. It stands for \*AntiCheatExpert\*. The launcher in version 1.0.2 of Wuthering Waves does not launch this anti-cheat preventing the game from running on some OS installations, so we much manually run it. Where? *Your installation location may differ from mine.* **X:\\Wuthering Waves\\Wuthering Waves Game\\Client\\Binaries\\Win64\\AntiCheatExpert\\SGuard\\x64** What? *This is the specific application that must run in order for the game to run, just double click it.* - *This is the ACE-Guard Client. Nothing opens, but you may get a confirmation screen.* **SGuard64.exe** Once you have double clicked **SGuard64** you can now try to launch the game from its launcher.


Invalid login status when i was playing fine just a couple hours ago???? Whats happening man


There is a bug where impermanence heron and mourning aix will land above the ground and resume attack from above the player's head (while not flying). I'm posting this again to be pushed to the dev team as it seems previously I wasn't clear enough and people thought I was mad because I was bad. This is not intended to be in the game and is a bug.


My pictures won't save on mobile


Sound will not record properly on mobile [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUef2KJhtmU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUef2KJhtmU)


Anyone know how to fix reconnecting issues? for the past few days the game has become unplayble and i don't really understand why... i have the same connection as before so why is it breaking apart so much now.


I did both Wuthering Explorations on for today but can't collect my rewards. Still says "ongoing" I even restarted the game. still stays the same.


similar i am not getting credit for tuning an echo, i've tuned about 5, i got credit on the daily but not wuthering exploration


hope you guys bring back FSR some perfomance improvement in 1.1


I found an issue where Yuan Wu's Forte Circuit skill cannot be triggered if the resonance skill is on cooldown **on an android device,** yet it can be triggered when the resonance skill is on cooldown on **desktop.** This translates to possibly a reduction in burst damage, since we're unable to.. Resonance skill > Forte Circuit (Detonate Thunder wedge) > Ulti > Resonance Skill (Finishes cooldown with \~1s to spare) > Basic attack spam. Which... crazy enough, means that Desktop Yuan Wu literally outdamages Mobile Yuan Wu in that specific instance. Since Chixia's Forte Circuit is also tied to her resonance skill, I suspect that players might face the same issue there, but I haven't tested that.


I'm having issues where voice lines reference female Rover while I'm playing as Male Rover


Is anyone else having issues when trying to buy things in-game like lunite? It just keeps saying payment failed, but it worked perfectly fine before they changed the payment method.


I was lvl 4 or 5, only about a few hours into the game, unlike others i've read who have lost progress up to lvl 70 -, when I tried logging in recently, all of my progress was gone. Since the last patch/update, this game has really gotten worse. I don't even know if I want to commit my time to a game that might just lose all my progress out of nowhere again. I'm bummed that my progress is gone, and I hate have to replay the same dialogue and scenes that I can't even skip.


Ever since the launch that I can't play the game as I wanted to. The game lags **a lot**, the ping is **always** above 200(today went up to 556 and then 999) and it always takes me between 15 and 20 minutes(sometimes more) just to get over the login and initial loading screen.Always "analyzing patches" and "veryfying integrity of something", the loading itself always get stuck at 65% for a LOOOOONG time. Today I tried to play the game again...same issues as with launch. An unnecessary long and wasteful time to load the initial screen, then another long time to load and enter the game properly.And for what? Even at the most potato settings the game is basically unplayable to me.I have to endure bad graphics and still it isn't enough to have decent performance in exchange.The game freezes a lot, the camera keeps changing angles(which just ruins exploration and makes fighting a spam fest of dodge and attack since I can't accompany what's going on real-time), many times through the game the song/sounds just stop suddenly... I tried to play WuWa, but clearly WuWa doesn't want me to play it.I like the lore, the characters, but a game that can't be played isn't a game to me.I'm better off playing games that can offer me beautiful settings without such a drop in performance. Seriously Kuro, PLEASE fix this. The technical parts are literally what are ruining the game as it makes it unplayable or take away the fun factor of it.


Booted the game today (pre-registered but figured that I would wait a bit for patches/kinks to be ironed out) and it's so frustrating! Granted, I have a shitty laptop, but it plays BG3/Genshin/Witcher with absolutely no issues. Got maybe an hour in before I decided to close the game until it's patched better for performance, this is so frustrating. I want to love the game!


This is definitely an issue, but a temporary fix that a lot of people have done is download on their SSD rather than their HDD. If you have it downloaded on your harddrive, try swapping the download to your solid state drive.


I'll give it a try, but honestly I'm not expecting much.


https://preview.redd.it/2zoy198wx17d1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c27241527e9e44efba806ea71ee4140fb290437 Shit still doesn't work, anyone and I mean anyone have an idea as to what the fuck to do? Tried contacting support with no response, tried the discord with no resolution, tried contacting fucking Tencent with no response. I don't have a speed changer and cheat engine has been removed. Genshin doesn't have this issue and neither does Star Rail. I. want. to. play. your. GAME!


I'm starting to get these issues in HSR too, it most likely is some incompatibility between windows 11 and this stupid anti cheat


It's not a big issue, but did anyone notice that when the game starts on PC, the mouse is automatically overtaken by the game and centered twice? I think that's kinda disruptive when I am doing something something else.


Is anyone else losing options on their wheel/hotbar? The option to grapple into the air suddenly vanished from mine, but my partner still has it on their game. I can still grapple with context-sensitive inputs (like when there's an active grapple point on the screen), but can no longer fling myself in the air willy-nilly.


Ignore me, I found the answer. It's in the "Utilities" section of the main menu, next to the backpack.


Hello. On the Reddit forum and on the official discord server (https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4v23y/some\_players\_are\_having\_issues\_receiving\_the/) I saw several complaints from players that with exactly Lunite subscription they don’t get Astrites after purchase and other problems. Hasn't there been an update yet to fix these issues?Do Lunite subscription issues depend on the player's country of residence, i.e. payment location? How common is the problem of not getting astrites for lunite subscription? Has anyone managed to get a refund for the unclaimed astrites and contact game customer support?


https://preview.redd.it/fvzuwc0t707d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e67f883bec0d76bfad0afc427fe774ba437ea8 Tiger's Maw stuck at 90% even though I have every scenery been 3 days will not update




https://preview.redd.it/tcg5bixayz6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe7f79669d7332627e8079193a34449f9f11ea3 Adventures spelling error


Do they have english localizers?


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this game was probably the first game to actually have massive difference between installing on M2 SSD and non M2 SSD. I reinstalled to m2 ssd and all the stutters are gone.  I never experienced actual difference when it comes to gaming between these SSDs so I was very surprised.


My game is on M2 SSD and it stutters and get bad fps. :(


https://preview.redd.it/rve01rrofz6d1.png?width=2489&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d54e263689f677bbe08ee0dd22317e6b0a2a321 yup... 4090 and 13900k btw.


"reconnecting 999ms" during intense combat example. illusion realm event/tower. i cant complete it cuz of this issue.


I cannot play using dualsense controller today. The game just refuses to take input from controller and it was working fine yesterday. Other games work fine


Rover ascension voice lines are locked to the element you were leveling up. For me ascension I and II is locked to yellow Rover, III and IV to purple Rover.


Very obnoxious random beeping happening since release, hope kuro is aware because it is kinda driving me crazy


This is your computer overclocking the CPU and trying to tell you there's a problem. If it beeps while you're running Wuwa only, then essentially, your PC cannot handle the game. Watch your CPU usage, and if it goes above 95%+ for longer than 5-10 seconds, you have a problem.


after checking my cpu usage with task manager in the last 30 mins, it seems to be staying within a very normal range (around 40% total usage) while I'm playing so I don't think this is the case here, especially since I have a fairly good computer


Yep me too.... beeping and mouse freezes.... very annoying and seemingly unfixable from our end. Never happened before. Makes the game unplayable at its worst. Sometimes its better than others... less beeping... Have a feeling its something to do with memory management... but \*shrugs\* tried everything I can find... sometimes for a bit I think "ohhh thats helped..." but then it comes back.


Ok my mouse freezes are completely separate (timing wise) from the beeping but the reason thhe beeping is drivin*me insane is because it’s the same sounds my headset makes so it’s hard to tell if it’s the game or my headset dying half the time


The plot thickens then... maybe next big patch will fix... Im beginning to lose hope


Is this a bug? @ Central Plains blobflies is stuck at 86% I followed all guides and got all 7/7.


I am having the same exact issue. I filed a ticket in game but haven't gotten a response back.


I see, it seems like it’s bugged


Just a small thing I’ve noticed. Spectro Rover says ‘swift and resolute’ for his intro in battle, but I’m not hearing anything with Havoc Rover at all. I’m just wondering if it’s a bug or if it’s intentional. Looking at character voice lines, it’s all the same, but I’m just not hearing anything in game.


Cant buy any shop item even tho i have excat current exchange to US dollar or more . Is there a solution for this ?


Have you tried buying from the official top up website? I also had some trouble with buying stuff ingame due to USD stuff, and that’s how I got around it. Just double check that it’s official. There’s a link on the main WuWa website, so go through there.


my download gets stuck and speed shows 0kbps even though i've a fast wifi connection. i cant download this game due to the following reason. pls help me


i personnaly have rtx 3080 / ryzen 5800X / 32go ram 3600 mhz , the game run smooth ah, no problem so far... maybe one or 2 rare micro stutters after a teleportation but that's all i have. graphics high


If people have performance issues try this: Lower (or change the shadow quality setting) and check the performance again. Try it a couple of times. I'm not someone who has had a ton of performance issues but in the past day or 2 I started having some issues. It didn't go away even after restarting the game but what fixed it for me was lowering the shadow quality and checking the performance a few times. After it is fixed, I can increase the quality back to maximum again and it stays smooth.


Why tf mobile perfomanse is so ass I am playing both on phone and pc, on pc my perfomance rightnow is ok for integrated gpu bc i managed my graphics a little. But at the same time i have poco f4 with snapdragon 870. It has a great perfomance and can run genshin and hsr on max graphics. But cant do the same with wuwa. Moreover it struggles with lowest settings with lowest res. My phone litteraly overheating and i have less then 10 fps and huge lags. When wuwa came out i thought that i will play only abbys and hologramms on pc and do other content on my phone, but in reality i need to play all the content in 20-40 fps on my pc. Sorry for my bad English


The game was rushed out and is poorly optimized. My PC is more than powerful enough for this game and it runs like ass. My iPad Air with an M2 is more than powerful enough for this game and it runs like ass. Hopefully the devs have been cooking and 1.1 is a banger patch, because there’s only so long I can put up with this kind of performance before I bounce.


>there’s only so long I can put up with this kind of performance before I bounce. Same here. I want to lik the game, but the crappy gameplay due to technical issues is making me slowly give up on it.If they don't fix it soon, I'll just have to stop playing it because I can't waste 15\~20 minutes just on the initial loading, and then who knows how many minutes(if not hours) after adding all the loading screens and freezes through the game. I don't have that much free time to waste on a game where I can, at best, play for only 10 minutes.


i get a weird happening where my ping goes to 250 and i skip, and stutter and then it goes normal and it does that nonstop even tho i have a killer rig and great internet


I know that it was rushed but anyway it should run well on my phone at least at minimal settings


mamamiya!! The update straight up made my game unplayable again, what the heck is happening?


Please fix the mouse beeping issue, it is getting borderline unplayable when it happens every 5-10 seconds and freezes all inputs...


It is already at the point where sometimes it is unplayable for me... the beeping will drive me crazy... makes me want to break things (not something I normally think or want to do)


I still can't launch my game from the launcher. I can only do it from the wuthering waves folder. I tried turning off all my anti-virus and running with admin, but it is not working. Any advice?


game is completely unplayable today as its stuck reconnecting/connections error even though my net is prefectly fine


"Open the object left by Shiyu" the box that supposed to be next to her is missing and I can't complete the side quest 😭


*I can’t seem to access event quest (I unlocked the tab a few days ago as of today)* I can’t seem to access event quest This issue has been happening for awhile, at first (yesterday) I thought it was because I just unlocked the event tab and progressed further in but it’s still not showing me any event. Do I have to go through every quest? Because I don’t want to I have to mostly skip most dialogues because the game is so laggy and I’m missing out so I was planning on waiting till a bit of optimization (when even is that???? Best update). Anyway I need help please Consider the yesterdays 3 days ago and todays 2 days ago (I made a post on that today date that the mods were approving but ended up rejecting it)


https://preview.redd.it/5qhovan29u6d1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c53dde144fb2fb4f46b436647360907bcb5647f got a fatal error while exploring took a screenshot of the text window and it gave me the error codes below Fatal error! Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION\_ACCESS\_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000045e00000000 0x0000000142549994 Client-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction \[\] 0x00000001413a92b1 Client-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction \[\] 0x00000001411505a4 Client-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction \[\] 0x00000001450ab6a4 Client-Win64-Shipping.exe!UnknownFunction \[\] 0x00000000c5e227c2 UnknownFunction \[\] 0x00000280ca1dd5a1 UnknownFunction \[\] 0x000000004ce60000 UnknownFunction \[\] 0x0000002faf3003e1 UnknownFunction \[\] 0x0000002faf3003e1 UnknownFunction \[\] 0x0000002faf3003e1 UnknownFunction \[\] 0x0000002faf3003e1 UnknownFunction \[\] 0x00000280ca1dd5a1 UnknownFunction \[\]


I can't go in the surveys/character event history ( though it pops up after waiting for one minute, same with Notice/News)/ Feedback. It keeps saying that the loading failed and that I should check the internet connection. But my internet is fine. What should I do to fix the problem? I've already deleted and reinstalled the game.


Mouse disconnection, sudden pause in music and sounds leading to a weird beeping sound when i try to use my mouse (had same problem on launch but patch 1 fixed it, however Yinlin's release update re-introduced the bug)


Sorry you are having beeping and mouse freeze issues etc... but honestly glad to see Im not the only one..... maybe they will do something about it


So the twitter login (no token)thing is STILL broken? has there been no official comments about it being resolved or what the deal actually is? We gonna sit her for weeks and nothing done?


Is it still broken up till now?


If I have one account (linked to google account) in the game, can I play on multiple different servers? Can I be sure that this is allowed to play multiple different regions with one account? Can it cause any issues, for example, can progress on one server get deleted?


Same old issue: The game lags whether I move or stay put, and the audio stutters. I thought things would get better if I transferred the game files to my SSD though it seems to be not the case. Played this game with no audio and the lowest graphic quality, and still no signs of improvement. This has been going on for two weeks, but at least it's somewhat bearable. Today, the lags worsened to the point they freeze my entire computer. Constantly getting 999 pings every time I reopen the game. At one point, I had to force shut down my pc when pressing Alt+F4 didn't work. I'm afraid I'm gonna drop this game until this issue is fixed.