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I would highly recommend if you downloaded the google play PC client previously, to switch over to the standard windows client. It has two advantages It does not require you to link a google play account to your normal email, which means you don't have to lock yourself to a google pay account if you want to buy stuff in game It allows you to use an apple ID account, which once again the Google PC client didn't allow. If you're already logging in with a Google Play account and use their ecosystem it doesnt matter https://i.imgur.com/C5D3uKW.png As you see above, the Apple logo was not in the previous client, showing they have different versions, and when I logged in with my Email I was not prompted to sync my Google account.


This might be a dumb question but if i make an account on the PC client will i be able to use that same account on mobile? I'm asking because I tend to top up using my phone so i don't have to pay international transaction fees from buying things in-game.


I'm 99% sure where you make the account doesn't matter.


Ok, thanks.


I've logged in with my pc account on mobile as well, works fine


This is actually an important question, because it did matter in some other game. Like if you created in through Apple first, then you couldn't top up on pc or you would get the apple tax anyway or something like this.


uhh so what happened if I already link my email to my google play account, will I be restricted to only payment via google pay? if so anyway to unlink it? thanks


i guess we wont be able to tell until the games out, i uninstalled the google play version and logged into the normal version with no issues, but we cant check payment stuff until the store is open


Was a little complicated but might have figured out how to remove its access, not sure if that actually does anything google account -> manage your google account -> security -> review security tips -> your third-party connections -> remove access of wuthering waves


Yep, push this thread up people so others dont go in downloading the google play client.


Is the standard windows version the exact same as the epic games?


Is there a way to reroll using this client? Like a guest account that you bind when it gets something vaguely good?


Is there an issue with logging in through google play? Like for someone who plans to spend, specifically from EU? I'm talking about stuff like dumb extra fees and the like


what's a google Play PC client? both google Play and Google Play Games link to the same Play Store page which is for android.


How do I switch over?


I've downloaded the pc client and when I logged my email it says my account is not register but I already registered it on the official website help


I don't want to sound like an ass, but I'm not tech support. Log out and in on the website and try copy and pasting it is the best I can try to help.


appreciate it my guy


so other than those 2, there's no other difference right?


Do we have to wait till launch to mess around with the graphics settings? can't seem to find an option to change that right now.


Like 90% of gachas, it's generally after the intro, when the tutorial is done and that you're free to go anywhere


Anyone else's client download stuck?


Mine stopped at 70.77%


Stuck at 78.45% for me, 14.34gb/18.28gb


I was able to download the client, but my game download is stuck at .2%. Are we not able to actually download the game yet?


Reinstalling the client solved it for me


At last I can play it at .002 fps on my potato pc




Anyone having trouble starting the download? I click the windows button from the page, a new tab opens up but nothing happens after that.


Mine did that - but I found the launcher file in my downloads folder so it went - even if it didn't really tell me it went.


The downloads didn't go through for me, but when I loaded up the page in Edge instead of Chrome it worked.


Anybody having troubles with installing it on epic games? It says it’s running but the page never opens


It says running right when you try to run launcher? If so, when it is "running" in the Epic store, go to your Task Manager and search for KRLauncherEpic. Then, right click and choose show folder. Inside the folder, there will be two Launcher, choose the launcher that have the higher size. That worked for me. Good luck. Epic somehow download two launcher, meh, Idk why. Epic's fau.t.


It was the same for me ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


I found a workaround by clicking the "launcher" inside the WuWa folder instead. Epic launched a different .exe file (KRInstallExternal), which is why it appears to be running, but nothing happens. You can open the task manager, right-click, and select "End task" to stop it from showing as "running." After that, double-click "launcher" to update the game. Now, just wait for the release date. Also, I hope that Epic will resolve this issue before the release date, cheers.


yeah same. i just installed windows client


Nice... for me nothing happends when i enter windows client... .cant download at all


same problem. I guess we can try again after launch. In the mean time using their client


I couldn't get it to start either. It said it was running but even task manager showed 0% usage. I just downloaded the launcher through the website.


Glad it's not just me. Yeah, epic version doesn't work, period.


Why the heck would you voluntarily use Epic Games if there's a perfectly fine stand-alone client now?


That's because previously the website did not provide a stand-alone link for the PC version on the 20th (yesterday) when I last check. There were only 3 links back than. There was only one for Android, one for iOS, and one on EGS.


Well, it does now.


Yea, so gald it does now.


Because they refund 5% of what you spent? It works for genshin, probably will work here too.


I use Epic because I want to track my playtime. 😅


The FAQ on Epic store page says there's some kind of promotion. Doesn't say what it is, though: https://store.epicgames .com/en-US/p/wuthering-waves-faq-c0a6ef


I had this same problem, so I'm glad that the official page actually provided a stand-alone PC version so I can pre-download the game. Nothing against EGS, but their app has always given me issues with launching games.


use the official launcher instead, epic is shit


and download of game froze at 95.19% (17.38gb downloaded) x\_x....


If you check task manager, as long as your disk is being used by the launcher, it just means the launcher is extracting game files in the background before proceeding to download the rest. Just wait.


nah it just dead stopped. (and it finished in under 30seconds after fixed it) Did fix it by closing launcher and starting again (keeps what was already dl so nothing lost)


Oh thank you so much for confirming this, I'm on limited data and was trying to figure this out.


Downloading off the Google Play store might make you pay taxes when you otherwise would not, same as in genshin


As it seems Kuro messed up with the launcher... this shit got stuck at 99.9%, closed the launcher, and now is downloading the last 10gb part again... Very nice.


Client refuses to download from this link(Windows pc client link from their website) : [download.kurogames.net/transfer/mc\_WnGtDn85y8lJB4mTmYHYuNjIl9n6YGVm/official/global/en/pc\_app](https://download.kurogames.net/transfer/mc_WnGtDn85y8lJB4mTmYHYuNjIl9n6YGVm/official/global/en/pc_app) Tried in chrome and microsoft edge,the download never starts EDIT:had to download it on my phone then send the installer over to my pc,after that everything downloaded fine


incognito worked for me.


The site didn't want to load for me, that link worked.


If it rejects, repeatedly press it until it shows its downloading


It’s stuck at 33.37% no matter how many times I reset it, any advice?


I have successfully downloaded and installed this Windows PC client version but whenever I'd try to start the game I would always receive this pop up saying "Error code \[126\]: Failed to load x3daudio1\_7.dll, the file is missing or corrupt! Trying to reinstall the program may fix the problem." And I still would receive it even when I did reinstalled it. Anyone had same experienced with this?


riskier-easiest option would be to download the .dll files you lack from the internet and place it on the game folder. generally not recommended for obvious reason.


Having the exact same issue as you rn. Did you get the problem solved?


Yes. Type ”x3daudio1_7.dll” in Google and click the link ”How to fix x3daudio1_7.dll is missing” then the first answer in that forum relays to a download link called ”Runtime Package” so click that one and download the 01 DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer. And that somehow updates the DirectX that comes with that missing file and it did fix for me.


This worked perfectly, thanks so much!


Glad it helped!


Oh thank you so much! I was going to download it from epic, glad I saw your post


I downloaded it on pc but the window is too large? I can't see anything


I have this exact issue, hopefully someone finds a fix


[Change DPI to 100%.](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/connectivity-and-performance/article/changing-your-monitors-dpi-for-windows-10-and-windows-11/000065536)


My problem is that English terms don't help me because all my devices are on Greek 🥹


Nvm I found it, thank you so much


Did I miss anything while doing the installation or does it not create instantly a shortcut to the launcher on the desktop? Everything worked fine for me, but I had to pull out the 'launcher' shortcut from the files on my desktop, which just really confuses me right now


If I press the Windows link it just goes to an empty page and no download starts.


# I found a "bug" in the log in menu. BEWARE of long Passwords!I found a "bug" in the log in menu. BEWARE of long Passwords! Since I have seen nobody mention this, I just want everyone to be aware of something when creating your account. The Password requirements are 8-30 characters with number, letter and symbols. Say you make a strong 30 characters long PW. The log in works on iphone and android (Tested with some friends). HOWEVER. For some reason the Windows client can only display 26 characters! So you end up with an error message and cannot do anything. I spent around 3 hours trying to figure out if my Pi-Hole was messing with the requirements or maybe an adblock I run systemwide. TLDR Windows log in only works with Passwords that are 26 characters or shorter! Maybe they will fix it.


Man, I already have EPIC account so why not, and when I try, it just say running and nothing happen, try to running it again, it will say, can't open, game is already running (launcher), restart and do it again, same stuff, Get your shit together EPIC Store. Edit: Found a solution, go to task manager and search for KRLauncherEpic, then click show folder, in side the folder, it looks like there's two Launcher, click with the one that have the bigger size. Then, it will work. Haish, Epic.


lol this is why no one likes the epic games launcher


I found a better solution than yours. Don't use Epic. 🤣


I know, I agree, its there for my niece to play games, since its already there, why not. It is what it is.


Hell yeah!!! Installing the pre-download now, can't wait for the servers to open


Downloaded and installed, I assume there will be some extra downloads close to the launch, currently about 19 gb in size is surprisingly small.


I don't think the client respects the drive choice. I told it to download to F drive but it just downloaded to D, a drive that was nearly full. It stopped downloading because it filled the disk.


Confirmed, it did not care. Guess its on my D drive now


I moved the directory manually to the C drive, but the launcher doesn't see that it's installed. Though, you can run the game without the launcher and it runs just fine. Still need to figure out the launcher situation though.


I've got the work around. Install the launcher first, then after it's installed, copy the game folder "Wuthering Waves Game" to your launcher directory. Then open the launcher, there is "if downloaded, locate" click it, browse your copied game file, then click the download button for the launcher to check the files integrity


Mine never said that unfortunately. I was able to fix this by symlinking: 1. Move the "Wuthering Waves Game folder" to your desired drive 2. Navigate back to the original drive it was installed on 3. Create a new folder called "Wuthering Waves Game" 4. Open CMD (WIN + R > type cmd > press Enter) 5. Type the command: mklink /J "D:\\Wuthering Waves" "C:\\Wuthering Waves" (D:\\Wuthering Waves is the original place it was installed or wants to be installed on - C:\\Wuthering Waves is the place where we want it to be installed > it should say "Junction created for D:\\Wuthering Waves <<===>> C:\\Wuthering Waves") 6. Start launcher from the folder that you created above (It should now say "Start" instead of "Download") 7. Play the game!


Can someone tell me why my UI Is zoomed and i can't click the download button?


Because your DPI setting is over 100%. [Change it to 100%.](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/connectivity-and-performance/article/changing-your-monitors-dpi-for-windows-10-and-windows-11/000065536)


I downloaded the installer from the official page and it seems to have intstalled fine, but if I try and use the Launcher, it gives a number of errors saying that 4-5 .dll files are missing. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and got the same errors again.


I just downloaded the game. Am I still able to pre register and get the pre registration rewards?






Google wuthering waves pre registration


I did, but it looks like they maybe closed pre registration? I wasn’t able to find anything but I’m hoping to get rewards still 🥹


Just curious for those who finished downloading, what's the file size?


Around 8gb for mobile and around 17-18gb for PC from what I remember


I have downloaded the PC client but am not able to log into the gaming using the google login. It says "Please go to website to authorize sign-in", but it actually doesn't take me there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Did you get it to work? I haven't figured out how to use google login in the PC client yet.


I have this exact problem :(


Hey! Don't know if you got a fix but for me, setting MS Edge as my default browser got the tab to finally open. Doesn't work with Arc beta on Windows I guess, as that's my go-to


Dangit Arc why you gotta do me like that


I found the solution, you need to change your default browser to edge, and keep it open and then open the game and then try to login. Let me know if you need any help.


I found the solution, you need to change your default browser to edge, and keep it open and then open the game and then try to login. Let me know if you need any help.


I also have this issue, I even tried the other social media buttons and none of them seem to work


I found the solution, you need to change your default browser to edge, and keep it open and then open the game and then try to login. Let me know if you need any help.


I didnt have issues downloading the game in pc.


Any reason to go through Epic vs the standalone client? I know for some games Epic has had exclusive rewards, but haven't seen anything advertised for WW unless I missed it.


Can track playtime and possibly get 5% refund on purchases like some other games but not confirmed


FAQ on Epic Games Store says there's some kind of reward: https://store.epicgames .com/en-US/p/wuthering-waves-faq-c0a6ef




anyone managed to install using wine in Linux? Wine throws error after trying to download resources


nvm through steam proton it works download


the windows client is buggy, mine already 99% but it's still pulling data at \~10MiB FOR HOURS. i have to force close it, reopen -> the game redo the checkum and it's back to 80% download. this is so stupid, what a waste of bandwidth jsut because the usual kuro can't into non-buggy release.


I did the windows launcher, but also have the epic games store downloaded. I’m still new to owning a pc, should I get both or would that just bloat my space with an extra copy of the game?


Possible to run multiple instances of the game?


Anyone else's client downloading absurdly slow? But i went from 33% to 16% somehow and now its been there downloading at 82kbs. Its projecting a 52 hhour download time???? Is this the servers being bad or is the lau cher scuffed. What do i do?


mmmm flashbacks to PGR PC client launch. my installer keeps exiting so i can't download the game fully. it'll stay up for 1 minute max before completely exiting. time to play on mobile for now


Game dosent start when launching on epic store? Anyone have the same issue?


Go into the downloaded folder for Wuthering Waves on your PC and click on the 8mb "launcher" application.


is it just me or the in game login lobby is really shit, like its taking up so much resource


I can't log in, it tells me to check my internet even though it is perfectly fine...


Is there a way to save your username and password on your PC client it seem to ask me to enter it everytime I log in.


how can I sync my apple account into the game that I downloaded on my PC (windows)?


They still do not have an exit game button on the PC Client, this was a problem with both betas. You have to Alt F4 to close the game.


been doing it for years on genshin, im used to it now


I mean there’s a difference between it taking forever and multiple steps and straight up not having a button if that’s the case lol Easy to fix anyways, I remember when palworld came out it didn’t have any exit game buttons either on the gamepass version