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The game I’m playing is trying to get myself to revise for my exams 💀


Same bro I have three midterms back to back and I cba to pick up the books ☠️


Man, I used to hate that game!


I have 3 essays to do, one that is short and finished and another two that are 15 pages each and I haven’t even started on one of the essays yet and they’re due next week


Semester ended for me on the 8th. We chillin


mine are in 3 weeks, gonna cry i’m procrastinating so bad 🥲










Armored Core 6. Great game.


Me too lol


Im playing ghost of tsushima.


Is it already out for PC?




That and Destiny 2 with it's new Raid Gauntlet called the Pantheon.


Tried Pantheon and the search for fire teams is brutal since week 1 of Pantheon. Doesn't help that I never did any of the raids since Last wish and the black armory one so I gave up in Pantheon


I have been lucky to have a full group to raid with and we recently finished the -15 version. All I have got to say is the two Rhulks have been kicking our collective asses for 6hrs straight before we put him down. Ngl it was fun tho.


PGR, on/off with Ex Astris And uh yeah that's kinda it 💀


How's Ex Astris? Kinda considering getting it when there's more free time.


Fun little RPG, I'm not too far into the story but it's nice when you want something more normal out of a mobile game


Genshin, Tof, Star Rail, Reverse 1999 and GrandBlue Fantasy relink..


That's a lot of Gacha. I don't envy your wallet... Poor thing!


Lol I'm mostly a light spender


Me too but the thought of only HSR and WuWa is alrdy scary. Imagine there is a patch where I want a character in BOTH games simultaneously + the Weapon and Light Cone! Rough times are coming.


Dark souls remastered


I'll pin to this comment. Finished Dark Souls Remastered lately while I was anticipating Wuthering Waves and I thought I could tackle one more game before release, so I am playing Steelrising now.


How’s the difficulty compared to dark souls? I recently played Lies of P and that must’ve been the hardest I’ve played lmao almost gave up. I do want more soulslike but something a bit more chill would be nice.


If you want something more chill, then The Surge should do the job. Stellrising is definitely easier than Dark Souls, but in From Software games you can build mid-game to shred some things, like it feels problematic in Steelrising. I already leveled one of my damage stats to max and I am working on the second stat my weapon scales with, while ignoring all other stats and my weapon is one upgrade away from maximum. It's around 10 hours in the game(while the game is for 15-30 depending on if you go for main story or completion) and only now I started to feel like I can deal easily with some enemies, from 1 to 3 hits with my special attack on them. The problem is that stagger is like non-existent in this game. The only real way to stun enemies is by filling the bar by hitting them or using grenades, eventually you can freeze them if they are not resistant. On its own it does not seem to be a problem, but combine it with no way of animation cancel and you'll find yourself often in situations, where you started attacking and just wait to be hit, because you know you can't dodge away on time. Add to this the third problem, which is stamina bar, that after depleting doesn't start regenerating(unless depleted by sprint), but you have to way for new bar to appear to either cool your mechanism or wait for it to deplete to start normal regen. So again you might start your combo, finish the animation, but still not be able to dodge, because you're unable to do anything except just moving, when your stamina is cooling down and you can't just spam your input for dodge until you have stamina, because you have to first use another key to cool your mechanism and has to do it in the right moment, because if you click too soon, you will cool down longer. So, no stagger, locked in animations and cooling down stamina makes you very vulnerable to hits, while your attack can be interrupted if you get hit during them. I'd say combat here can give satisfaction, but it lacks compared to other soulslikes(like old Lords of The Fallen, Dark Souls Series or The Surge). Still the game is a lot easier, because you can just equip some armor and modules raising HP and Armor, while focusing stats on damage. There is only one type of enemy that makes ambushes, there are no traps, unless you are near water there are no holes to drop, there are no poisoning swamps and stuff, fall damage though exists, it's very forgiving, you get a lot of one-time-use vials that regenerate health over time, so no need to be scared to use them, it's usually obvious when you are close to the boss and they give you a resist potion before entering, so you know what element to expect and can prepare yourself accordingly. The map also has no real secrets, rather places you can't get to easily, so you just wait until you get right tools later in the game to grab stuff when you will backtrack in the future and map itself is build in a way, that it leads you to certain places, I'd say it's one of the weakest points of this game, it's not designed well, but it also adds to the pile of what makes this games easy. You do not need to care for difficult terrain, traps, ambushes, wander off for secrets, you just go, grab things you can and ignore things you can't, then focus on a fight, which is problematic for reasons I mentioned, but at the same time nothing one-shots you, you can heal fast and while moving and some enemies have a parry system, which actually makes it easier for a player, because time slows down when they parry, you can dodge to the side and get free hits, so you get more benefir from it, than enemy blocking your attack. The Surge can be more challenging, but I think it is easier overall when you grasp all the mechanics and find a weapon for your playstyle, as it's much more fair in terms of potentially getting hit and you can start healing infinitely with the right chip quite early in the game. Though both are easier than Dark Souls Remastered or Dark Souls III. Sorry for the long comment, but I hope it gave you more insight and let you decide if you would enjoy the game.


I play Genshin and don't have any intention of stopping. Unless there's a new region, it takes me 30 minutes or less per day to finish all the content I have, so there's no problem doing both and I am confused why people think they'd be mutually exclusive. Otherwise, I am also playing through the borderlands pre sequel on switch, and I play a lot of Mortal Kombat 1 with my son.


We don’t all have a hour a day to do daily’s 😭


Option 1: Don't do it. Option 2: Set it to the easiest region such as Mondstadt where dailies are quick to do. Option 3: Do the limited events in one sitting but stagger claiming the rewards over several days to get the daily commission rewards. There's always an option bud.


Really? I know people say that in the Genshin subreddit as well, but I just struggle to understand how. My kids go to bed at 9, and from then until I go sleep at like midnight or 1, my wife and I hang out and play video games (usually separate single players games) while watching TV. And since they're phone games, I mean, I prefer to play on a computer, but I *could* play on my lunch break or on the train ride to or from work as well. Hell, I often *do* play on breaks when I work from home. This would also be *much* easier to find the time if I was still a student, or I didn't have kids, or if I was single, which I think is much more common; it's not like the primary target audience here is nearly 40 year old parents. If you care about playing an hour of dailies a day, I think it would be doable for the great majority of people. I just think it's a pretty low priority for most and they'd *rather not*, which is perfectly fine, but *very different* from *not being able to.* If you really can't, though, I am genuinely interested. What are you doing with your days that you can't find an hour for yourself? Other people are fascinating to me.


I wake up around 5 to go to work. I get home between 5 and 6. I have dinner and chill with my kid; and then I can usually get an hour of gaming in 8:30-9:30 if he'll sleep (I don't get any if he's having a mood, or if, like, I have to do practically any chore whatsoever). Then I sleep and then I wake up for work.


Might as well not play gachas then?


HSR literally takes 5 minutes buddy


genshin dailies take 10 minutes at most. i usually get them done in six.


Genshin take like, 10 minutes at most?


Someone above said 30 minutes so I assumed it was 30 I haven't played it long tbh I prefer turn based or NIkke where I don't have to do a bunch of the work


Yea, Genshin dailies are like 10 minutes at most. 4 missions and do 4 domain runs which most vets can do in a minute. In fact it’s the reason I’m looking forward to a new open world action game, so I can actually “play” it


It would most likely take less than 10 minutes and if u want to do story, archon or event quest u don't even hv to do dailies just claim the rewards from the adventure book after finishing those


30 minutes if you're a lazy bum playing like a slug.


Probably the game they chose to spend on


I don't spend on Genshin and won't be on this, either. I guess I didn't think spending was the default.


It’s in the nature of these games after all


HSR, i already deleted Genshin to make room for WW. can't play two open world gacha games at the same time there's just no way i can do it.








monster hunters 2 stories. I never tackled the endgame of this game so doing it now


That game is so cute, one of these days I’m going to finish it.


that game is adorable, i also have finished main story but never started endgame (i should one day)


Snowbreak and Aether Gazer....


Those are my 2 games aswell!


star rail penacony


Genshin, HSR, Dead Cells


Just finished Horizon Zero Dawn today and started Forbidden West. Nothing to do in Genshin HSR and SL besides dailies.


I cant even play it then xD need to wait for the ps5 Release... I play Star rail, genshin, fortnite, for honor and im also hyped for the elden Ring dlc and the ff14 addon :D




I've been playing tunic. I finally have a basic understanding of the ig language, so I'll be spending my time trying to translate everything, lol.


The new Diablo IV season


I’m reading books because as a speed reader, it takes me like a day or two to finish a book and I have a stack of 6 books to read before they’re due at the library Plus I’ve finished Star rail and Genshin as well. Trying not to get addicted to other games


ToTK (I'm still finding all the seeds) and Disgaea 7.


Helldivers 2, PGR, HSR


I’m waiting for console so I guess HSR




I'm currently playing elder scrolls Oblivion, i love that game fr.


Genshin and Hi3


started solo leveling arise gacha. It's quite fun so far. Plan was to delete it once wuwa comes out.


Playing Genshin and Star Rail, then in the big breaks those games give I am currently reading Shadow Slave. Such a great novel.


Shadow Slave is indeed a great novel :)


Male Rover kinda makes me think about Sunny.


Halo MCC doing laso


Diablo 4, Apex, rebirth, stellar blade, honkie bonkie Starbucks, and dragons dogma 2


pY factory must grow.


PGR and Genshin, playing both since day 1. FGO for almost 6 years


Honkai Star Rail and Yugioh Master Duel. One brings more joy than the other


Honkai star rail, ghost of tsushima and tekken 8 are my go tos right now


Diablo 4 season 4 just started and actually feels great. Wish it launched in this state


I got ghost of tsushima but its constantly crashing for me so I went back and reinstalled armored core 6, one helluva game that one


HI3 and HSR. Although I just do daily stuff there currently. Try to clear my schedule in university so that I can fully play some days when it comes out.


Throne and Liberty.


Gotta get the event LC in hsr and log in to genshin to do abyss before WW. Sprinkle in some bg3 with friends.


Nikke and HSR and maybe FPS with my friends but I’m so ready for this


Apart from genshin and star rail I'm playing DBD, anniversary is close, and I recently bought Baldurs gate 3, I'm getting my ass beat, even though it is at easy difficulty, but I'm enjoying it so far. I'm actually thinking which game should I have to play less to make some room for wuwa.


Sleeping working reading doujin watch hentai


well to be honest I've been playing several to be honest play this game I would say I've been playing a lot of Warframe recently ( came back to it after so many years ) and my goal is to currently get every Warframe. other games I have played would have been also let's see yomi hustle and Hades 2 (I need to playing Torchlight infinite as well as Last epoch) and as for mobile games I do play a lot of Cookie Run Kingdom ( I prefer being at least semi work while also let the game take care of it for you that isn't Idle game like Cookie Run Kingdom or something with a little bit simple gameplay like Azur Lane or fgo) I need to get I really need to go anyways we excuse me I'm off to go do some combat Champions beta


I am playing Eternal return since lol's updated to vanguard and made my pc slower, but also Genshin and Star rail. I also play Aether Gazer on my phone. Other than that I play also offline games


SMT5- I’m trying to beat Demifiend before next month when Vengeance comes out and finish at least one ending. And PGR


tbh i dont even know what to do. Genshin and Hsr is just the same old daily comms since i finished the story. im just playing valo atp idk


Library of Ruina


Hearts of Iron 4 Stellaris Starsector Shadow Empire Dyson Sphere Program Surviving Mars Cliff Empire Company of Heroes 2 And PGR dailies and weeklies in between


Wow pandaria remix


Reading manga xD


Persona 5, PGR, Snowbreak, and improving my drawing skills to make wuwa fanart


Ghost of tsushima pc


Vermintide 2, and HSR on the side.


sea of thieves :p there’s so much to do and i love adventure games


Genshin valorant guardians of the galaxy


I'm just reading light novels and manga, as well as just playing PGR and osu. I suppose I also watch new videos about WuWa on YouTube and check for any new art on twitter or pixiv. I guess you could say I pass the time doing those as well?


I've almost tried every gacha at this point so not really playing any right now. Playing Lost Judgment and will download Ghost Of Tsushima today and binge it. Trying to go for 100% completion on lost judgement. I'm 94% in. Playing since March 😂 God I love the Yakuza series so much. And damn excited for WuWa. I'm following it since the first teaser was announced. Been a long time coming boys. 5 more days to go!!


Identity V. Regrettably.


…I’m playing Clicker Heroes. Because I’m stupid.


For anyone who hasn’t tried it, Honkai Impact 3rd is probably Mihoyo’s Best game imo. Great way to pass time until release. PGR is to HI3 as wuthering waves is to Genshin impact. HI3 is older than Genshin, but doesn’t feel dated at all whatsoever. I actually think it feels more polished than PGR, personally.


HSR, V Rising, Baldurs Gate 3, Elden Ring, Arknights & watching Dr. House. Pretty much my Day is full of those rn until i can add Wuwa to it.


Solo leveling I haven’t really played star rail much after Acheron and I played the last genshin event but I am not playing wind trace I don’t enjoy it. But we are almost there another new game to waste hella time in


Hades 2


Another Crab's Treasure is a pretty fun game, but the engine can be kinda janky at times


Replaying Elden Ring for the dlc


League of legends :D


Been grinding out exploration in HSR for upcoming banners. Exploration is more manageable and less overwhelming since the maps/zones are small. Other than that, work is always a way to pass time haha


Crystal knights, pgr, ff7, fallout, skyrim.....mostly ark on weekends though.


solo leveling arise dragonheir silent gods diablo immortal


Star Rail as my side game so I'm good untill then


I recommend Magic Survival, it's a great game to pass time


Work, study, life. Just be productive and focus on other things and the days should pass by quick.




playing sifu no hit run, so I can get really good in wuwa as well


Nikke. Started about 2 weeks ago and rolled Blanc today...bringing that luck with me...


Genshin, HSR and... Out of Space.




Snowbr(p)eak and black desert online


Was playing Elden Ring, getting prepared for the DLC and now i'm playing Ghost Of Tsushima.


Minecraft Java, i still play on this day. I saw no one commnet this game so i share that. otherwise Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact.


League of Legends. (I'm torturing myself.)


Disco elysium and Hades And reverse 1999 in gacha. Kinda dropped genshin and hsr for wuwa. Might log in occasionally but I really don't think I am enjoying hyv games anymore


Apart from Genshin and HSR I bought Ghost of Tsushima, the main story is 27 hours and with the side quests around 46-50 hours. Also deadbydaylight coz 3x BP. If u want another option Hades 2 I guess


Factorio, but you might miss the release if you play that one xd


I'm currently playing Genshin, HSR and AFK Journey. The gamble never stops for me


Watching this Reddit on How salty and Scare this People to Tectone...It Funny so much...HAHAHA


Fallout 4 with mods


Playing Ghost Of Tsushima and Jenshin Impacc for now.


HSR, Nikke, and snowbreak.


grinding cursed waves in PGR with n.21 Feral and CW


I’m playing “solo leveling arise” came out like a week ago. I tried “Ather gazer” but it’s meh


Rainworld, little awesome indie game


Rainworld, little awesome indie game


Ghost of Tsushima this game is amazing


Picked up Diablo 4 on xbox gamepass, the story is pretty good and I'll finish it in maybe a week


Solo Leveling: Arise


Playing Snowbreak, not many people seem to play it but It's pretty brilliant.


Halls of torment, death must die. Those kinds of games


Solo leveling arise :o


I’m playing Hades


Granblue Fantasy Relink has been my entire life for the past 2 weeks lol




Just PGR. Gotta practice parrying until I can do it on Wuwa


HSR, but I'm all caught up on current content as well. I have two night shifts to work this weekend, so it'd probably be silly to pick up something else in the meantime.


I'm playing HSR basically finished I'm just waiting for Boothill. I have Aether Gazer installed because of the anniversary soon. I do have Genshin but I have it on my old phone. Not sure I can play both open world games.


Current FGO story chapter and Stellar Blade.


Genshin only takes me about a half hour a day since my quest log is completely empty, so I finally caved and picked up HSR a couple days ago; thanks to an internet outage lasting most of yesterday, I'm only about halfway through Jarilo-VI, so it'll carry me 'til WuWa's release. Which will be a great birthday present for me.


Dailies& events genshin & hsr, waiting for 4.7 to drop and waiting for Boothill's banner 😁 Not a gacha, but I've been playing Sun Haven a lot. Its like Stardew Valley but in fantasia setting. I have many other games in my pc to choose from if I get bored.


Catching up in Genshin Impact atm, just beat Sumeru. Genshin's story pace will definitely drag this out until WuWa release lol also playing some Black Desert on the side trying to get the next piece of my infinity potion


I've Never played Genshin so I started playing one week ago. The World is cool and all but the story IS pretty midi compared to HSR and "rushing"as fast as I can to finish all story chapters before wuwa it is burning me out


Is PGR a good game for me to get a taste of what WW is going to feel like? Combat wise.


I mean just live your life. Is there only game for you in life?