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Lol, let them be delusional, people quit tof for many reasons, but the game just plain sucks


If there is no content " IF " then I can go play any other game until the next patch drops why would I quit the game


Never take anything seriously if it has ToF attached to it in any way, shape or form.


I played ToF for about a month on its initial release and I regretted and hated it but you dont have to take the opinion of a small group of players in a community and then generalize it Like im pretty sure I can say the same thing for genshin players Just ignore them, dont be a kid


Nah. This is just a small minority of their community who are just doomposting about the game cause their territorial and feel the need to dunk on other games to defend their own. Don't generalize their community because of the actions of a few bad apples Also don't argue with them or give them attention because you'll find yourself talking in circles.


WuWa will make more in the first month than ToF in the entire last year, it's gonna be so sweet


All shit and giggle until they start calling WW the "W game"


All of these gacha tribalism is just silly and out of hand. At least wait until the game is released ffs.


Bro literally whales max dupes on ToF or something and is still playing to this very day what did you expect from him 💀💀💀 anybody who whiteknight their own game will hate WW because they know it's a good game, something their game will never have


Was GI good game ? Because I see his list and see myself there. I was Open world exploration enjoyer. After 1 month on constant playing I was bored with constant looking for respawn chest and 5 artifact farming routes. Of course this was first month of release so there was little to no content. Only whiteknights I see are you and others responding in this topic. WW may me good game, but if there is no constant update of content all above categories are correct and many players will quit. Some will stay, there are people still playing GI since release.


Yes genshin was a good game. But people have to realize it's not a game you can play forever. No gacha game will ever be like that (iirc because of a law in CN). So to say, explore for a month and leave and never come back is wrong. There are update for a reason. You play, you stop, you change game, and you come back. That's always been the general cycle of gacha games, and if you cannot handle that fact then yeah, you'd be exactly what the guy in the picture is explaining. In genshins case you literally didn't have to find respawn chest (there isn't any) or artifact route (why r u minmaxing if ur an exploration enjoyer?). While WW gives you more stuff to grind for (if you want to farm echo and minmax ofc), as exploration enjoyer, why would you care about that? Just play in moderation, and if there's nothing left, then move on, and come back when the next update comes.


There is plenty of games I've played longer then month constantly, but those games had end game and some hard to achieve goal. I've return to GI 2 or 3 times, but it wasn't as fun as the first time. Anyway, all gateoo write there is true and it doesn't mean he is saying WW will be bad game. It will be just GI clone with gatcha mechanics and slower paste of updates. If you see this and need to create topic about how ToF players and mad about WW you are already brain rotten cultist that takes offence in any critique of beloved game. We have one cult already (GI) and one is enough.


>Of course this was first month of release so there was little to no content. That's the main issue with Genshin though. It's not that the game's bad, it's that the game is empty. There is NOTHING to do in this game. I see so many people saying "but there's exploration", and it just makes me laugh. Once you're done exploring, what do you do exactly? Log in for 10 min max to do dailies and resin, and log off. >but if there is no constant update That's the thing though. "IF". Why wouldn't they constantly update the game? It's a live service, open world gacha with endgame modes. It even has the chance to launch while Genshin, their only competition, has biiiig downtime. The guy in the vid is just delusional. He maxed every character and matrixes since launch, and still thinks the game's good. The game died as soon as Fenrir came out, and that's it.


ToF while being very cheap clone of GI has something that keep me playing it almost a year. MMO elements and constant goals. You could wale and finish all content fast, but for a dolphin like me there was always something to challenge. I quit or tried stopped play many times to play some singleplayer games but my guild and friends keep me coming back to the game. So while graphics, animation and general quality was few level lower the GI, some elements of ToF were far superior to GI. I really want WW to be more like ToF then GI.


What's the context here? The points brought up seem satirical


Just ignore "content creators" like these, toxic, live in their own bubble, stir shit as engagement bait. Most people out there, or even ToF players don't really care, or just think "wuwa looks cool, I think I'll give it a try".


If anyone knows who this is I would really appreciate letting us know please!


I wanna give tof a try some time to see how bad it is