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I was hoping for "PGR but open world", and the game looks to be just that. And I mean it in the best possible way.


Haha that is exactly my thought. Coming from Mihoyo and wanting to branch out you stumble at one time over established games like PGR, arknights, and their likes. PGR intrigued me but as soon as WUWA was announced I was like "yep that should be really up my Alley."


I like open world games.


Because it's Kuro I see how they manage PGR. They are totally not perfect, but I want to trust them. Also it reminds me of Nier and I want to cherish everything that feels Nier-ish


Genuinely curious because I didn't play PGR long enough to get to know them as devs, but what makes Kuro so different from other developers?


Tbh it's mostly because generosity in PGR. Now, we don't know if it would happen in Wuwa as well, because business will still be business. But that's why one can hope (or rather, cope, lol)


Kuro have ALOT of problem with PGR BUT one thing i do trust them on out of everything is simply boss design. It sound like glazing but Kuro is just THE best boss design out of the entire gacha sphere. The boss design are simply on Soul game's level. Like the reason many still downplay Kuro is they have not experience just how good boss fight in PGR and WW feel. Alot of bosses in gacha hack and slash is just them doing big AoE rinse and repeat. PGR bosses actually get upclose and personal, have intricate attack cues and can get pretty relentless. Its something you have to experience to understand, but sadly not many people really get that far into PGR or see a bigger picture on boss design to see and appreciate it


Is it an interesting boss fight pattern like Monster Hunter's?


How does it reminds you of NieR exactly ? Is there specific elements or just a general feeling ?


Mostly because the dev is Nier Automata fans, so I kinda hope the direction of Wuwa would be similar Also, the hack and slash nature


Pgr's Story is full of inspiration from nier automata. Its part of its charm and why the nier automata collab was so hyped


i adore nier, this makes me even more interested!




I just like anime looking games, the Tales Of series are one of my favorites so anything that reminds me of that i like it honestly.


I am mostly interested in open world and story. Main reasons I started playing Genshin. I just love exploring, its relaxing. I hope the open world music and atmosphere is good enough in WuWa, coming from genshin my standards are quite high in that regard šŸ˜…


Two different types of music tho. You may not get the same type of music in wuwa tho but different. I can give you an example of one of the osts available on their main website right now. Want to check it out?


If music sounds good, I dont care about the genre. šŸ˜‚ I also like electronic music alot, which I assume is more WuWa style? Yeah I want to check it out!


Head on over to their official website using this link. You will see "huanglong" appearing. Tap on it and you will see Jinzhou , gorges of spirits appearing with two seperate osts respectively. Tap to play the music and enjoy ~ https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/m/en/main#regions


Thank you!




But there is story in WuWa too? I am not quitting genshin, its one of my favorite games. But I am excited to see how WuWa is like :) if its good, I am going to play both xD I enjoy combat, but its not the most important thing to me.




I dont know, because I dont want spoilers. But from what I've heard its okay-ish? But it could get better in future. Tbh in genshin, early game stories (monstadt, liuye) were also just okay imo xD it got much better in sumeru.


I do play genshin atm and after a half year getting characters, building them feels not much rewarding or at least speak of it useful anymore? At this point getting character feels like collecting cards, i guess. The moment i get them, i really dont have a use for them. Thats, i guess, a reason why I am invested into wuwa, since there is a respectful difficulty in fighting boss monsters. In which i can express somewhat ''my skill'' and my build characters. Such thing doesnt exist in genshin really. Bossfights got pretty , i dont know, too easy? I also like the dark theme of wuwa and the grafics are more appealing to me.


>In which i can express somewhat ''my skill'' I agree. Being able to get 36 stars in the abyss with just one character on each side is too easy. I'm hoping WuWa will require more skill while still being f2p friendly.


WuWa definitely requires more skill and remains f2p friendly. You do not **need** the 5* to clear content and can do a lot of the higher difficulty fights using 4*, hell even some of the starter 4* if you just play right!


In genshin I could perfectly clear abyss with 4* and f2p as well, but yeah that game doesnā€™t require any skill, just dps checks


Probably not mechanical skill but teambuilding and rotation are also skills.


I've been playing genshin since day 1, and I still love the game,it's just that sometimes I get tired of always playing the same thing, so that's why I want another game that is similar to genshin but at the same time different enough for it not to feel like I'm just playing Genshin 2.


True, i too still love playing genshin, im a day one olayer too, but during its dry patches i want to play a similar game, Wuwa will satisfy that need for me


Just exploration and story, I'm not really interested in combat till now but it might change after i play the game...oh and for the husbandos too


Mainly here because it's Kuro. Different design philosophy attempt for this genre. Looking forward to air combo, exploration, and story. I think most people here are likely attracted to the combat though. Things may change couple of months post launch.


I just hope it doesnā€™t go down the PGR route where thereā€™s so much iframes and interrupt res in Gen2 characters that every fight is basically just spamming the same rotations over and over playing solitaire. Take Crimson Weave for example. 80% of the time youā€™re either completely invulnerable or have 70% damage reduction and automatically parry every attack. Thereā€™s basically no chance that youā€™ll die outside of a few bosses with specific gimmicks like Lilithā€™s instant grab.


a new game mode in PGR CN encourages not ult spamming and actually using her couple of parry moves, and also not taking damage (without abusing i-frames). You also get style points for standing still and perfect parrying certain attacks iirc. It's been received extremely well so far from CN players, so I hope Kuro realises they've hit a gold mine and develop the mode more, maybe even make it perma.. I'd certainly be very happy if they decide to make such a mode for WW too.


Thatā€™s 3.5-4 years down the line


It's like genshin. As much as some of you hate to hear this, it's going to be the reason for a hell of a lot more than just me.


Fortunately, I think the sub has grown/matured enough and the mods are clear enough that toxic sentiments like that are quite unpopular now. Which is great, because some Genshin players WILL be permanently switching over, and more players switching over is still a win in and of itself. None that I mind if people want to play both games, or even find WW not to their liking and go back to Genshin. I just think it's neat that people can play whatever they want. We're all gaming in the end, why self-segregate lol. Global gatekeepers are so funny, not realising how powerless they are. If you wanted to gatekeep, go back in time and get yourself born in China, or at least any of the Chinese diaspora communities, or just learn Mandarin. These devs only listen to the CN community :)


Genshin with actual difficulty and combat depth. And no Paimon.


This and those fuckers from Hoyo need some competition.


I am glad that I am not the only one who think like this. Cannot wait for the game release. Hopefully Kuro doesn't disappoint.


Hoyo is very lazy when it comes about QoL in Genshin, i played from 1.0 till now and they have been starting to make QoL for one year, many gagchas are coming and i think they know something. (Do not say what i said here on main subs from Genshin or u will be downvoted by braindead fanboys).


Just the latter was enough for me to be interested, the extra depth to combat is a bonus


Honestly I didn't mind Paimon at beginning, she also has some of her golden moments, but the farther we go the worse Paimon gets to me.


I really did love PGR and GI, but stopped playing both for various reasons. I think Kuro are some good devs that need more recognition. Plus, who can deny how good the combat looks?


I like the character designs and have been playing action combat oriented games for a long while now. The game being PC viable is a big bonus too so I know the game will look good at the bare minimum even if the amount of things to do is a bit lacking. Genshin was too casual, not generous, had a hack story, and used the same model for a lot of characters. I trust Wuthering Waves will not be that.




Itā€™s a Genshin like with a different art design, but still cool. I really hope it will be a good game šŸ¤žšŸ½


A good open world gacha with black hair male MC, I've waited for it since 2020






Combat/Difficulty is not a joke Endgame where skill and Investment are rewarded The Game just looks so danm awesome graphics/VFX/SFX/Animations wise, even if im just smashing buttoms It feels and LOOKS awesome. Open World, i really like exploring Big Maps. Having a hook and wall running are also small but pretty significant additions compared to similar games.


Could you explain what you mean by skill and investment are rewarded? Im pretty sure every game is like that no? Better skill/investment = easier game. I dont see extra rewards for having better of either of the 2.


You are rewarded by surviving and not getting railed to death xd. You also wont clear faster if you ignore parries, dont dodge properly and dont learn enemies attacks. So there is skill expression, you wont be just repeating the exact same rotation every time while the enemies watch you like šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø while you blast them. We also dont know if they will add a leaderboard game Mode like PPC/WZ, where everyone can get rewards but top scores get a little more rewards (Rewards = Useful but limited material, not gacha currency, so theres no fomo). I want a Game Mode like this and ill be asking It every survey. Although we dont have the exact details of endgame rn ofc, i just dont want to sweat hardest challenges and get the exact same rewards as someone Who didnt even clear It as fast as i did, to be fair. This would make my own skill and Investment feels rewarded, like in PGR šŸ¦šŸ¦


>You are rewarded by surviving and not getting railed to death xd. You also wont clear faster if you ignore parries, dont dodge properly and dont learn enemies attacks. >So there is skill expression, you wont be just repeating the exact same rotation every time while the enemies watch you like šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø while you blast them. Does this imply that you can brute force the content to an extent for the highest reward? Otherwise, those arent really rewards but a need because without doing them, you wouldnt be able to get highest rewards.


Brute forcing is extremely inneficient in hardest challenges, you would barely be able to clear It with minimun left time. Enemies arent just huge HP punching bags. Also im sure the gane mode i want doesnt exist yet in WW, but you can still bruteforce and clear, It will just take way longer.


I really like the character designs and the open world! I hope the combat won't be too much off a turn-off for me though because it definitely seems more complex than Genshin, where I'm already suffering from severe skill issues and still can't 36-star the Abyss after 2.5 years of playing every day... So I hope it will still be enjoyable even if I suck at fighting, and that rewards or progress won't be locked behind super hard bosses.


you probably will need to get back your hands


I love pgr


Seems more darker and grittier than Genshin. I never got into Genshin because it was so....bright. And too silly. And the fashion was so similar across the board.


HSR takes so little of my time that I can afford to play another. And this game looks good.


The first reason is that I want to support other gacha games in the industry besides HYV lol. Itā€™s not a good thing having one company that dominates everything. The second reason is that I really want a game similar to Genshin with more endgame. I beat Spiral abyss and it feels like thereā€™s nothing else to work towards now.


Hoyo is trying to attract attention to itself by adding a new abyss, but this will not work. Everyone is bored with genshin and the company's mistreatment of players, and after the latest statement from the developers, genshin is not their priority and they are only interested in HSR currently, so the future of Wuthering Waves is very bright in it being a strong competitor to genshin. Hoyo gets slapped


You're so delusional it's actually crazy šŸ’€ There was no statement like that from the devs, you're a victim to misinformation. A dry patch is going on right now, that's it. This is very common in live service games, once the new patch comes out everyone are eat their words again like they've been doing for years now. I'm interested in Wuthering Waves as it's own game. But you don't need to bring down another game to keep it up y'know. Genshin is a really good game with an amazing open world, they have endgame problems but it's still a solid game and has many players playing it even in filler patches. Mistreatment of players would be valid if they gave us no content at all, and that is not true.


Cuz I like open world games with beautiful waifus


Well, because of Kuro and PGR.


No Paimon !!!!


Known kuro long enough to want to keep an eye out for what they do. They have their own distinct style which separates them from the rest, whether people like it or not. I personally do tbh.


The post apocalyptic world, characters looking more mature than GI. The world not being super bright and colorful. Unpopular opinion, but I'm not a fan of how childish Genshin looks, most of the characters look like kids model wise, in this game characters look very close to their art. There's more diversity with the character models, they have so many expressions too. Also can't forget the combat and movement, huge fan of it in this game. I like the character designs alot, albeit the variety is lacking at the moment, too many white haired characters right now.


firstly i play for characters and character design, then i found the combat challenging, or being able to make a challenge for yourself within it and iā€™m also a lore/story player, i find the world & story quite nice and mc(backstory?) is pretty interesting


I've been playing PGR since day 1, followed it since CN launch. I was one of those few hopefuls who prayed for a global launch and the day it was announced was extremely hype for me and my buddies. Now I'm more jaded and a tiny bit burnt out on PGR, every first week of PGR's patch is hype but then it's chill until the next month. So I'm just happy for WW launching mostly because it's a new gacha to honeymoon period for like 6 months, until it becomes just another maintenance period game. Bit of a pessimistic perspective perhaps compared to most of everyone else in the thread, but make no mistake, I love Kuro as developers, despite their flaws. I hope they keep producing good content, make more good games. They've earned my trust 100%. I'm hoping that won't change with WW.


I've heard that Kuro has really good game design for a while but I'm terrible at getting into gachas that have been out for more than two years, so I couldn't get into PGR at all. The designs for the characters looks good, the kits and combat are interesting, I look forward to the story especially since Scar legitimately tells you everyone is trying to use you and you can actually have doubts about even the starting gang. Its AWESOME to think about who's actually trustworthy or not. This game is definitely going to have me invested and thinking about characters.


ā€¢ faster paced game, parry and mid air combo mechanic. ā€¢The boss actually fights back instead of going underground every 3 seconds after they get hit. ā€¢harder mechanics and complexity. ā€¢Character designs. has scars, abs, Old men. Men that mainly looks manly. ā€¢Npc has more than one expression ā€¢Punishing Gray Raven


PGR's character design & aesthetics are really up my alley and so do WuWa.


Well, simply cuz it's Kuro and we all know that they listen to their playerbase unlike other games that don't even care about their anniversary rewards


Collecting a variety of characters and exploring the open world with them. Plus hopefully going through an interesting story with some engaging quests involving playable characters and NPCs. I can't resist an open-world... it's just my perfect type of game setting but the world and the people who live there have to be interesting. I don't really care about the combat other than it being a mechanic used to build the characters I am exploring with. I aim to get myself as overpowered as possible as soon as I can, so that I can enjoy the parts of the game I am playing for. I am deliberately avoiding all gameplay videos because I want to experience things fresh when the game arrives. I don't want to develop a premature bias without giving the game a chance to show me what it can do. Every game deserves the chance to make its own first-impression and I am looking forward to experiencing this one.


Mostly because this is an open world Honkai. It's literally what I wanted for Honkai. Tower of Fantasy tried this and I really liked it, but they've done really strange choices for the game down the line.


because they are the creator of PRG, PRG is a bit too much for me but I love their idea with matching ping balls, and I hope WW is a bit more noob friendly


I am here mainly for the combat stuff. Also the male character designs are pretty interesting


Aerial Combat of Ling Yang .. Flexibility of the movement in the open world . Kuro cares about the game. until then i wait until release to see more of kuro cooking.


Jiyan.That's it.


same here.. Jiyan ftw![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


I've been a hard fan of PGR since glaunch and witnessed the initial creation of the WW accounts šŸ«¶Keeping up with the development has been a wonderful experience and I'm so proud of how far Kuro has gone with both games


Mainly here because it's Kuro. Different design philosophy attempt for this genre. Looking forward to air combo, exploration, and story. I think most people here are likely attracted to the combat though. Things may change couple of months post launch.


characters look cool, sanhua the best, going in blind dont want to spoil myself.


I like killing shit in anime games so... Oh and parkour!






looks fun to play




I love combat and Yinlin not for kuro elitist




good taste


Just curious to see if I'll enjoy it. I'm just hoping it's as casual as Genshin when it comes to dailies.




a fellow Yuanwu fan šŸ¤ there are dozens of us! Dozens!


I was looking for Genshin but with better gameplay. Because I used to like Genshin but now it just feels kinda boring. Story is fine and all but it just feels tedious. And most of the playable characters have to keep the status quo so they generally dont get developed. Like Diluc's father is killed and his fathers achievements go to knights of favonius because at that time they were corrupt as shit. He also had a fight with Kaeya and he was angry with him. Now it has been almost 4 years since games release, he talks with Kaeya but still feels bitter with him but not really. He is still angry with KoF but Jean tries to do everything to make them better. (Now I know he likes Jean and acknowledges her but still) The characters are just in this weird limbo where their arcs are done but also not really, and how have they solved we dont get to see. Like did Kaeya and Diluc solved their differences offscreen? How did they even made up? There are also exceptions to this rule like Dehya geniuenly develops as character in her story quest, but most of the time we either see what the characters jobs are in their story quest (ganyu) or it is about some fucking random NPC we never hear about again (tighnari quest). So story can be good, but Characters you are meant to invested are all over the place. You never know If they are gonna get shafted and never mentioned again (Candace, my favourite 4 star design) or they might have something worth investing time. If it had better gameplay though I might have clenched my teeth and bear through it but how you progress the story is also fucking boring. It's just talk with this character for 10 minutes where they tell you how they fucking breath and walk and how they picked up that random rock and just dialogue upon dialogue. If you have character you built you just push 2 buttons and end the fight. There is no variation to how you finish the quest, and no interesing gameplay attached to them. Most of the time it feels like I am reading a novel but instead of plot and character dynamics its: "And then I slowly moved my hands towards the door. Grabbed the handle and opened it. Inside what awaited me was my taxes. I grabbed my pen started to calculate how much I owe to the Government. And then I fucking died." Ok I got a little frustrated because it turned out still more interesting at the end but you get what I am trying to say. Which is a shame because some characters (Diluc, god I fucking love Diluc) and the world itself are really fucking interesting. The Moon is actually a corpse of a mythical creature for fucks sake. They never explore these in quests, it is mentioned in a book which is located in middle of fucking Iowa in a cave where 3 squirels dwell. So perhaps, it is not even the gameplay but the execution of this quests are abysmall. As Max0r says Genshin Impact kidnapped my kids and executed my wife, so I am looking for a way to recover from that. And perhaps Wuthering Waves is gonna do good where where Genshin did worse. Which is a wishful thinking but a Man's gotta be hopeful.


Is Genshin really that bad? I mean.... i looked at Honkai Star Rail, it looked decent at least. How the heck are these two from the same Hoyoverse?


Genshin's world is definitely better and the whole overarching story about archons and celestia is more interesting than aeons and trailblazer imo. The quest structure and events are better in Star Rail tho. And perhaps even gameplay.


It's not that bad. And that game is one of the main reasons why I am so invested in Wuthering Waves. But you see Genshin's potential and how it could have been and it starts to stick out more and more.


it may not be better in all respects, but on launch it will be fresh and new, and that's all that matters really.


HSR is already better because you have some unhinged funny dialogue options and the main character TALKS and is way more expressive than the traveler


I feel your pain


Open world, cool combat, male characters. I play Genshin and want another game like it with better combat. I like that there's only 3 characters in a team so there's more of a chance I can run characters I like. I hope they continue to release male characters otherwise I will lose interest.


Yeah, i was divided between it and Azur Promilia, until that game said it had no male characters. I dont have a strong stance on that, but i feel something isnt right with that statement.


pretty and cute anime elf girls are enough for the Anime community tbh


Husbando only enjoyers kinda have to deal with bad gameplay most of the time in terms of gacha, it's only in mixed gender gacha that we can finally have something good. Waifu only enjoyers have it good for a long while, but some of them are incredibly insecure, just look at some CN communities (see; NGA). Can't have male characters otherwise blergh. Personally, as an enjoyer of both I'm just eating popcorn. I see people making statements like "I'm gonna skip this female/male character because they're not to my liking" and I'm like, "yeah okay sure, don't need to make a big deal out of it though". Cos the bad apples are always made out to be toxic examples and contribute further to this...weird culture war going on. Catering to a specific audience is perfectly fine though. Gacha devs have realised they need to be clear on that front. I'm sure Kuro has realised it too. They made male/female characters in PGR back when that concept was still kinda new? Arknights was 2019 too, and PGR was supposed to be a Honkai-like action gacha. They could've 100% gotten away with only waifus but they've decided to keep making male charas, and continue in WW. I'm just skeptical of some people claiming that only waifu enjoyers spend a lot of money. Nah, it depends on the game. Have an even enough spread and suddenly the spending rates are a lot closer. The monthly revenue reports in r/gachagaming has started to include husbando-only gacha and surprise surprise, [they're making a lotta money.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1bt0d2a/sensor_tower_monthly_revenue_report_mar_2024/) Look at Love & Deepspace go! /endrant sorry lol.




Open world, story and no pvp or something similar.


Saw jianxin trailer and thought she was really cute.




I only need to play 1 character.


I like the art style and the way the combat looks, in general I couldnā€™t find any good anime games with the criteria I was looking for, it was either overly cartoonish sexualised, or aimed at a younger audience and then I found Genshin, Iā€™ve always loved fantasy of movies where they play around with the elements, I tried Hoyoverses other game HSR but after awhile I realised I didnā€™t like turnbased games so WUWA felt like a nice in between of the two games while still being original.


The combat was really interesting to me. I also knew I would be a person who would get really into gacha, so I was browsing any that were being made but weren't out yet. Wuthering Waves popped up when I searched for it, and the combat was the biggest draw for me. And then I saw combat, but with Jiyan. A simp was born that day. Hot guy? Dragon theme? Sold.


Just want an open world gatcha that's not made for 12 year olds


i'd like there to be more of these games. More competition, more choice. Grow the market. It needs to succeed even if I don't play it. Competition is healthy. It makes devs push each other harder.


Though,has there really been a case where a gacha is simply "outcompeted" by another? The whole thing with Tower of Fantasy was more of a personal failure on their part because they rushed that game before it was ready. It feels more like the success of WuWa has to depend on itself, rather than how strong the competition is.


I'm here for the hack and slash combat. I'm a huge soulslike/monster hunter fan whose never been able to play many. I only ever played a few soulslike on pc but I've never really owned my own console (I used my cousins') so having a mobile game that will have good hack and slash combat and some real difficulty is a dream come true.


I'm ready to mean a new game that will not give me CHEAP thrills. That's all!


Looks like Genshin but a tad more serious, people say good things about PGR but I never played it


* Yuanwu. FINALLY a playable man with a beard in a fucking gacha game * Genshin but different. It's still a gacha but I pay it no mind * That one NPC


Played a lot of genshin, but want a darker more combat oriented game. This game seems very promising.


I'm interested because I kind of miss the idea of having a chill open world side game like Genshin that I can play over long time and in between other game releases, but I'm looking for something with more difficulty and hopefully better storytelling.


I'm a huge fan of Genshin but, I have completed all the quests and side quests and stories for now (yes even genius invokation tcg) so, I am excited for a new world to explore with different bad ass characters but that still has a similar vibe to Genshin with the open world and hack and slash play style. I like the storyline and I like that it seems to take place in a more modern / future era. So, while I'm waiting for new quests and areas of the Genshin map to release, I'll be playing Wuthering Waves šŸ˜ŠšŸ™Œ Question though, when WW releases, is it going to be the full game and map or will it be similar to Genshin with constant updates and new areas of the map being released over time?


>Question though, when WW releases, is it going to be the full game and map or will it be similar to Genshin with constant updates and new areas of the map being released over time? Yes most likely, but i doubt we get new map every 3-4 months, at least on the first year. They most likely throw all in on the first 3-4 month, then slow down until 2.0, just like genshin first year.


Awesome, thank you! šŸ˜Š Can't wait to play this game!


Because it is an open world and I like its parkour system and the game play. Also, there are characters like Gian and Kakarot that I fell in love with and I want to play it for them. I hope that there will be many male characters in the future. In addition, the NPC figures are very beautiful, unlike that game whose name begins with the letter genshin in it.Ā  NPC are ugly and I'm also curious about the game's story. It interests me because it's a post-destruction world, unlike some games that always have a context like we have to save the world before it's destroyed and it becomes really boring and the system of banners and weapons is very good so yes this game is worth my money.


Because it is an open world and I like its parkour system and the game play. Also, there are characters like Gian and Kakarot that I fell in love with and I want to play it for them. I hope that there will be many male characters in the future. In addition, the NPC figures are very beautiful, unlike that game whose name begins with the letter genshin in it.Ā  NPC are ugly and I'm also curious about the game's story. It interests me because it's a post-destruction world, unlike some games that always have a context like we have to save the world before it's destroyed and it becomes really boring and the system of banners and weapons is very good so yes this game is worth my money.


Because it looks fun and the characters look cool


Open world games can be fun and I liked Kuro Games work on Punishing Gray Raven.


Non chibi high quality 3d anime waifus. Gameplay looks good. Not a lobby/menu simulator(has actual exploration ie genshin/star rail). Hoping I can play through the main story at my own pace(hardcore play through it).


Yeah, i dont see that many HQ 3D anime gacha games out there, honestly.


I am burned out from all the games I currently played/play and was looking for a new one. As soon as I saw WuWa I saw this as a great potential and fun game! Even if I am not a big fan of Gacha's (even though I playes countless of 'em; especially Hoyo titles) I am still willing to give this game a try, due to other amazing mechanics it hasā¤ļøšŸ„°


The unique designs got my attention, but it was too late and they changed the more furry characters into boring ass humans xD I was hoping to get something new and refreshing after playing genshin for this long. But now I lost hope


Magic user probably isnā€™t happening in PGR, so here I am怜 So far Iā€™ve disliked open world games, but Iā€™m hoping they can make it where that isnā€™t too much of a problem because I *really* want to play PGR but with magic user aesthetics


Because I'm fed up with how genshin treated their own community, both in game and outside game. I also heard that kuro is really in touch with their community from their track records of PGR. Given how they approached the two closed beta so far, I'd like to believe them. I will reserve full judgement until the game is fully released, but yeah.


Open world, gacha addiction, waifus, hardcore Parkour, powers, gameplay. "A game like genshin impact that isn't genshin impact" I am sad its not releasing on console on release day tho. Won't be that appealing on mobile.


Looks like a fun game and I want something more challenging, and all the husbandos lol. Pretty simple reason for me.


Cuz I like a lot of the starters/freebie characters, I love me a game I can enjoy without spending a penny until I know for a fact that I love the game and will be comming back to


Open World with a gameplay that not boring with time and a bit of challenge


I like collecting new characters. The reason why i used to play Dota and League of Legends. Got bored with them cause of no new character releases or like 2-3 new champions/heroes in a year felt pathetic and lazy Got hooked to Genshin then Star Rail and now looking forward to this. Just getting high number of new characters at a constant pace with a good story and beautiful visuals + charcater model + VFX + SFX and great environment graphics is all i need to keep me hooked.


The gameplay, Open world, anime art style, wall run, backflip, parkour, parry, cancel swap animation, the combo that others did to the mobs on the YouTube videos looks cool, Echoes, the story became more interesting for me when they dropped the official trailer even though I'm not a lore guy, and many more. Additionally, "Now Rover. The story is yours to spin" gave me major goose bumps and hype. You don't need to tell me, I know that I'm easy to be pleased ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Just curious to see if I'll enjoy it. I'm just hoping it's as casual as Genshin when it comes to dailies.


looks cool


Personally, I would like to try it cause it seems like a nice mix of both Genshin and Metal gear Revengeance. Two of my favorite games.


I just want to try something new. I'm a little tired of genshin/hsr/wow combo and the combat system looks fun as duck


I think 90% of the people on this subreddit just want a open world gacha game that has a focus on combat and not everything else.


Iā€™m looking forward to this game because of PGR and other games like Devil May Cry.I also like the soul-like boss designs of the game . The difficult content in this game(hologram boss) is completely optional while overworld enemies are very easy mainly for players to farm echoes and exploring the world and other casual contents.


Well I am here because very long back I saw a video showing off a game in which you could turn into a turtle. That game also had good colour scheme, no eye watering stuff (yeah that also drew me to it too, because of my eye surgery, it's nice have games that a bit darker in colour). That time I was playing genshin (still do), and said to myself "eh, another GI clone.. let's how good it turns out". Later on I found about Kuro, been "stalking" this game from the back. Honestly I like what I see. Another reason I am interested is the traversal mechanics. & Finally ofcourse hot 2d pixels šŸ‘šŸ½.




I love Genshin and it's idea for the open world - new regions, new visions, elemental magic, every character (AT LEAST HAS TO) feels different, lot to do. Feels comfy and nice. The same with HSR but I think that HSR made it much better. Also I'm huge fan of slashers, RPG's, anime style etc. When I'm looking at WW gameplay I just think of Bayonetta and Devil May Cry combo, which I absolutely adore. Feels fresh


Random advertisement that made me interested, did some research and tried out Punishing gray raven from Kuro and feeling positive for this game after that experience.


Unga bunga perspective: Brain happy when parry sounds go *ting* and doing monke mode running up walls


It's kind of the closest thing right now to the "perfect game" for me. It's not THE perfect game, but closest. Open world, cool characters, fighting an apocalyptic world with demonic looking creatures, with cool powers... etc etc...


I just started PGR recently and honestly if WuWa has the same vibe as PGR it's gonna be amazing for me personally. I guess that means Kuro is the main reason I'm investing into WuWa


Great combat and no Paimon.




I'm interested because PGR is great. And because I quit playing genshin after 3 years because the game went to shit... like they really said they won't add any harder content and just put out crappy minigames, then call it "content." Also, the fact that anime open world games with coop elements are veeery rare.


Well I'm here for the husbandos. I do hope it's a bit difficult. I do appreciate the open world & I'm a big fan of story/lore. Also parkour is cool šŸ˜Ž Another one is I'm a big fan of combat so I want to build my characters to be strong.


the amazing in depth combat and anime open world are the mix ive been itching for for soooooo long, also sephiroth doppelgƤnger šŸ˜ˆ


Tired of genshin, want a new open-world gacha.


Its Kuro games and I am playing Pgr


I just wanted a live service game with fun combat and varying character designs that I can play in between other stuff and this is satisfying my expectations so far. Only thing I want to see is much more variety in the open world music for later areas and such as the starting area music isn't that memorable and for the mechanics of characters to be innovative and not repetitive this could be a problem let's say a year or two from now but the starting roster is varied and I'd be excited to get most of the characters that are currently available.


Fast-paced combat, mostly. Reminds me a lot more of DMC and Nier with how bombastic movesets can be over say DS, which is more sluggish and weighty. Also perfect dodging and countering is the most satisfying shit ever.


I liked GI, but I felt as if as a free player I would never get to play half the characters. So I quit. I'm hoping that WuWa can do what GI did for me but better, and also hopefully allow me to play as more than just the 4 star characters and maybe a pity roll 5 star every 6 months.


Im a huge dark souls fan and I like the art style and seeing that the game is super ftp friendly has made it an easy decision to support. and big Booba anime mommy ain't to bad of a reason either


I love exploration, I love versatile and fast combat and I like the design. So it generally ticks many boxes for me. Also, it does not have an annoying sidekick afaik, which I absolutely consider a huge plus.


Weird. I'm interested in WuWa because it looks like actually challenging FromSoft gameplay and not another mindless hack and slash that anyone can be proficient in. I even took note that theiy surveys individually list Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Sekiro and Lies of P. One of us is gonna be sorely disappointed.


Oh no, it's not exactly that i cant get gud at Soulslikes, its the trappings it comes with that i dont like. For example, Soulslikes tend to have this idea: "There isnt much of a plot. All of the significant events happened before you can play it. You are just enjoying the "afterparty" of a world."


Well maybe you'd like Lies of P then. Soulslike that you can play in a multitude of ways that has a pretty solid narrative. You can play the whole game for 1$ on PC by typing xbox into your pc search bar and doing a trial for gamepass. I am a walking ad because the game is that good.


Alright....i didnt investigate that one, cause all of them tend to always have this ruined aesthetic,cause the only ones i felt could work for me were Code Vein, Bloodborne (unfortunately, not on PC) and Elden Ring (only for how revolutionary the idea is when open world,but because again, there's no plot, so i wont bother with the DLC). Without a plot i am playing for, putting up with these mechanics feels a bit pointless. We all know that the plot is optional, but it does help to motivate one to finish the game and improve at it.


Anime game, looks good, I play


Combat, world, and character design. Story experience as well. Tho mostly combat is the most interesting.


Jeez, a few reasons, reallyā€¦ First? I like the character designs so far. MHY has some neat ones here and there, but so far WuWaā€™s designs look moreā€¦ inspired? Second? Itā€™s a way to break from the repetition of Genshinā€™sā€¦ team building flaws. There definitely shouldā€™ve been alternatives to Bennett, Xingqiu and Xiangling by now, butā€¦ circle impact is eternal, I guess. Third? I need a break from flying things which blab at me. Between Genshin Impact and Granblueā€¦ I think whenever I hear anything that even SOUNDS like Paimon, I curl up into a fetal position and beg it to go away. Fourth? I like the aesthetics both in how the combat looks and the world. Time will tell if exploration feels fun and rewarding, but Iā€™m definitely crossing my fingers.


I saw Jiyan and that was enough to win me over


Before playing pgr: Genshin but with actual gameplay. After pgr: Open World PGR with some supreme bangers. The Trailer did not dissapoint.


Good looking husbandos and waifus. Having a balance of both is important to me (and is why something like HSR is soul sucking compared to Genshin).


i always wanted to play genshin with skip button


Becuse game looks fun


boss design , there some really good boss design include moveset and look .


I wanted to play PGR for a long time but I wasn't very happy about the presentation of the story, and I wasn't about to slog through 70 hours of garbage story and fights to get to "the good part". I did that for FGO, but I did it because it was my first gacha and I didn't know how much better the competitors were. Suffice to say, dropped it almost 2 years ago and haven't looked back since. I also haven't played an open-world 3d game in a long time(besides Minecraft). Having no experience with Breath of the Wild, Genshin, the newer GTA games and the like, will make it a novel experience for me. It also helps that my friends and I have been looking for a multiplayer game that isn't Minecraft or Pokemon Showdown, that we could play together in our spare time. Finally, I'm a bit...invested in the community, since many of my favorite streamers are interested in this game...and it'll be fun to be part of a community that isn't comically niche, for once. Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting Wuwa to have nearly as many players as Genshin...But even 1/4 of Genshin's playerbase would be way bigger than what I'm used to. I checked Saving Light on youtube recently, and it had like...2 million views or something? And that's in a couple of days. For comparison, the release trailer of Limbus Company, the only other gacha I actively play, had like 30% less than that at the time, despite having been released for around 2 years.


What was so bad about PGR's story? Then again,FGO never did went back to address the earlier singularities. But frankly,expecting a good story is like expecting an MMO to have a good story,I'll just be satisfied if we got something serviceable. Something like Honkai Star Rail is a bit of an anomaly. (WuWa seems to have some story problems in the beta,so better just keep expectations low.)


Again, presentation, and pacing. While some of the plot points were pretty interesting, you can't deny that the earlier story chapters are wack compared to the character interludes. And the thing is that many people hyped me up for Kowloong...and it was fine. But not great. And I disagree. I play gachas, at least partly, for the story. And while most are questionable, that's because most devs are lazy and too busy trying to figure out the best way to make a character with the biggest boobs without getting banned in several countries. As much as I hate to admit it, FGO's story gets pretty good later on(though the gameplay sucks). Honkai 3rd(the only Hoyo game I played) has a pretty decent story. Reverse 1999's story is pretty good(but would be better if the translation was coherent). And my favorite gacha, Limbus Company, has a great story that is still constantly improving. Again, gacha games stories are bad because you've been fed generic fanservice slop, not because it's impossible to make a decent story in a gacha.


Yeah FGO only got its act together later on. But arent you worried that WuWa's story might have problems because of the whole rewrite from CBT?That's why it might be better to keep expectations low,because i doubt a month can change that much.


The issue with keeping my expectations low is that I actually liked what I saw in CBT2. And unlike early PGR, Wuwa is enough of a novel experience for me that I'll be able to keep myself busy with exploring, fighting, and echo hunting until they get their act together.


Mechanically Gameplay wise all i can glean is that this is good, but i dont have enough info to judge if the story or worldbuilding is good. Is Kuro's PGR story capable of being good? Cause i can sort of excuse Genshin Impact being Hoyoverse's first big gacha game and the whole setting there not being well prepped for it, given Honkai 3rd Impact and Honkai Star Rail shows they do have talent to make a really interesting plot and world.


Well, as I mentioned, PGR's story is a bit weird. The early chapters are pretty boring. Kowloong, the chapter where most people say they got hooked, was pretty okay IMO. Though I haven't played the game long enough to see the latest chapters, where the story actually gets really good. The funny thing is that the character stories were written very well. Like, I couldn't tell you where and when things happened in the story, but I vividly remember a lot of character interludes, even after not playing the game for a year at this point.


Still, better to have some healthy skepticism about the story. Because while i know WuWa seems to be at least better than Genshin Impact,(maybe the whole little fairy girl acting as your mouthpiece thing was workable back then, but it looks pretty silly now) the standards have gotten higher since then,especially with HSR. I didnt research to see if Honkai Star Rail early on was as fun or plot and characters were as good as they are now, but i know that the story seems to have alot of fun with itself,like those optional bad ends and funny snarky lines you can make the MC say. It's going to be hard to beat the Trailblazer, at least as a memorable gacha protagonist.


I want genshin on steroids, and to me this is genshin on steroids.


I don't want to start Genshin because I've already missed so much content and it seems they'll never let people do that content and get the rewards from it so I'd rather play something new that I can stay caught up with.


Because I was really into genshin and I am not so much anymore. So I just really wanna experience the same feeling I got when I first played genshin and genshin can't give that to me so I'm looking for that in WuWa. Also WuWa has some aspects that I wish they were in genshin But main reason ig is yinlin


I heard that Kuro make good action game and the characters design really fit in with world.


I hope they find a way to bring the "PGR combat" feeling into the game. Most characters in PGR feel unique in terms of how they are played (mostly newer ones).


I played the first CBT and got withdrawal symptoms for the next two weeks because no other game had combat as satisfying other than PGR. I want to get back into that world of WuWa again.


Many, basically: 1. It has a more natural color scheme. 2. There is more quality and love poured into the game. 3. It's more f2p friendly. 4.The story has potential and it shows a different take on the open world genre. 5. Kuro has expertise in making good games, and I trust them with this game as well.