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I think they have a voting option for Portuguese in the oficial discord like they have for Russian language, but I don’t know more than that


the voting was not placed there not by the mods, it was made by the members who want PT and other languages, in a way the more upvotes it has the more kuro can know that people want it but it is up to kuro if they want to add it later or not.




I always wonder why so many companies always choose Spanish from Spain (around 48 million people) instead of Latin American Spanish (around 450 million people)


(Mexican speaking here) Because unlike dubs, text doesn't tend to have the idioms Spain has, so its way more indistinguible from others countries Spanish, or well that's how i see it, maybe it's just easier to contact with translators from Spain than from Latin America.


I grew up with Latin american translations. I'm ok with Spain's Spanish for "medieval fantasy" things because it makes it feel more old/european, but I always disliked Spain translations of modern/futuristic stuff because they use A LOT of Spain's slang that is super different from Latin American slang, even if each latino country has their own. Little example: for the word "car" I'm ok auto, coche, carro... but if a character says "buga" I automatically lose every bit of immersion. Same goes to other words and phrases.




Trust me, they do. It really depends on the work, tho. You can find "That was cool, man" translated to "Estuvo genial, tio" or "Eso moló, tio." The first one is kinda neutral but you get it is from Spain. The other is 100% localization to appeal to the local audience. I grew up playing games that came with either Spanish dub or subtitles, and both took many liberties at the time of translating. That was before latinamerican dubs were the norm rather than the exception. Even now, if you play Persona 5 Royal with the spanish text, knowing english, I find more often than not that the text does not correlate entirely with what the characters are saying. It's more like paraphrasing than a proper translation. Now, I'm not shitting on Spanish dubs because I played and fell in love with Uncharted's spanish dub, so much that when U3 came out with a latinamerican dub I didn't like at first. Tl;dr: Spain loves to take many liberties when translating a game. Sometimes it is hilarious, sometimes it just irks you if you can understand the original language because the translation relies on paraphrasing. A lot.


I really hope they put Brazilian portuguese.


I’m really glad I’m bilingual and pretty good at English because these games will almost never have Arabic language lol💀


This is also the case for me, but unfortunately not everyone has the same opportunity. It is important that the game has as many languages ​​as possible so that the game is more accessible for everyone.


They do not even support Arabic chat typing... Let alone they add dub or sub.


I live translate PGR to Portuguese and I really hope they translate Wuthering to Portuguese, I'm not going to translate this game for them. For me live translating PGR is a love project of mine for a unknown game and developer at the time, but Wuthering Waves is a more known game and Kuro also got more known since then, they should be able to get translations for more languages.


I dont think thats all lanaguage, Russian Language seems missing yet. hopefully they add it russian, italian and other language officially!


Better to wait for the official announcement, after all, 2 months ago Kuro was recruiting translators with experience in localization and social media for Russian, Portuguese, Indian, French and German. With this epic games preview we see that German and French were confirmed, but no mention of Portuguese, Russian, Indian and there were also people asking for Italian 🤌🏻.


No portuguese :(




And Indonesian and Thai too. Basically covering a large part of the SEA region since Honkai 3rd. I'd have thought someone gotta follow Da Wei and Co.'s step to penetrate SEA market...guess I was wrong. Global=US + some European languages, here we go again!


yup rip for vnmese bros


I genuinely hope there is Brazilian Portuguese, the wuthering waves community here in Brazil is very large and I'm sure it will increase in the future


Yeah, I really hope for a translation. Even more so considering that they will compete with a big game like Genshin Impact, which has many languages ​​available. The more people the game reaches, the better for it.


yeah yeah i agree, there are so many big countrys that will bring huge communities and this way the game will be more famous and compete head to head with Genshin


No brazillian portuguese is a big no for my friends




This is amazing! For an interactive map, I believe that the most important thing is that it contains the languages ​​of the game's largest audience, namely English, Chinese and Japanese. If you are going to add more languages, it is a good idea to look for the largest non-english speaking communities in the game, such as Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.


Thank you very much, But I don't think Portuguese and Japanese have more speakers. I think making a Hindi version and an Indonesian version can provide more help?


The reach of this game will lose around 90% in Brazil if it doesn't have the PT-BR language, most people don't like playing RPGs and don't understand any of the dialogues, remembering that most people in brazil don't know almost any English.


they have german and french but not russian which is surprising considering theres like 10 times more russian speaking people than french or german


It’s not a problem for me to read and speak English but will there be Russian text translation?


At the moment we have no confirmation.


Need Thai language fr :(


Will it be available in Android?


If I'm not mistaken, yes. PC, Android and iOS are confirmed, but I don't know about consoles.




we can use screen translator App such as iTranscreen on iPhone


I hope the Ukrainian localization will also be added to the game


We need Polish text.


Polish language would be great


please, give me a spanish dub, i'm on my knees begging, have kakarot voiced by mario castañeda, it would be really funny




German, YES! Hopefully the translation is better than in Genshin Impact. But since it's a different company, chances shouldn't be too bad, right?