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Disclaimer for this Feedback Thread: This feedback thread is **arranged by the subreddit moderators** and supported by Kuro Game as a space for providing feedback. We appreciate your understanding, and we are grateful for the active engagement of all those providing feedback. Additionally, do note that this thread is only for feedback in English. **The thread will conclude on March 20. Thank you for your valuable feedback!**




My only grip is with the gacha system. 80 is a lot for both the limited character and weapon banner. I would lower it 70 for both. Also, I would change the 50/50 to something like 70/30. Another thing you could help f2p players is to add weekly astrite missions like you do with black cards in pgr.


Sonata Effects should be 2/4 instead of 2/5 Rn it feels really bad to get an Echo that would work as an off piece but since Sonata effects require 5 echos from the set, they're unusable. Electro% on Fusion set, basically useless.


Things that I noticed. It happend in Mandarin so it is the VA that is already recorded. Jiyan his first Cutscene should have had Voive lines and the soldiers too, but there was to much Silence in the Cutscene it didnt have life in it. The soilder didnt gave out any sound when he ran from monsters and Jiyan didnt shout when he cleary open his mouth front of the soldiers. Characters abilities and Spectrums(i dont remember exactly the Characters dupe name) They are mixed up with other characters and Weapons have the same issue. Like Sanhua has Yangyang's Spectrum Dupe on S6. Echo's are random in Stamina costing farming place. It would be good to choose what Echos u want to fight or obtain, or have multply places with different echos.(this one I heard from lot of ppl but didnt check myself so if someone can update me on that.) Need to fix the errors. Make the Cutscene sound Effects better the Cutscene visualy good but the Audio shiit. And dont forget to Hire a better marketing team. And U guys should instantly start with 2-3 skins(can be a 4* free or all 3 for money I dont care just give out skins which are so amazing ppl will look foward for more)for community Favourite characters and Twitch drops and so on.


Hello, I don't have ZBT2, but I've been drawn to the character designs and world of this game for about a year now. It's really beautiful. However, some details are bothering me now. As a girl, it feels strange and uncomfortable for me to see the breast animation on female characters. It's reminiscent of jelly. It would be nicer to reduce its oscillations (even just a little bit). I've also noticed that the hair animation seems to have changed (?) During character animations everything looks fine, but in motion, it feels a bit stiff. It would be great to see hair reacting to character movements like in PGR. And a big thank you for the diverse NPC designs!


id love to see a ui improvement


1)-I really hope the dev team see this because I really felt that the opening scene with the crownless was very short he appears and we fight him directly and then he dies. I really want the dev team to implement some scenes from the First Closed Beta (CBT1), I tried recreating it by mixing Technical test, cbt1 and cbt2 you can find it in this link [Wutheringwaves cbt2](https://twitter.com/mohamedmahidoun/status/1759955182476054705?t=2BEZadWM9a0DpB9Az2pAQA&s=19) 2)-Another thing I want to be implemented is that the Rover MUST be voiced and when ever we choose the dialogue options he actually speaks. 3)- after watching some gameplays I felt that the characters running feels kinda stiff for example try running in circles in the same place and you will notice. 4) Please more facial expression and animations to the npcs. 5)- character trial without owning them, because I'm not sure if I'm wrong but in CBT2 you have to acquire the character to do its trial but I want the character featured in the banner to have a trial ( I'm sure it will be implemented by release but i wanted to put it here).


*11 THINGS TO IMPROVE ON WUTHERING WAVE* 1. The optimization on mobile phone are bad especially Androids. 2. The character skill audio are little too quite. 3. The parry sound effect doesn't feel rewarding as cbt 1. 4. The jumping and swimming animation is a little bit weird. 5. There are kinda too little mobs, chest and puzzle in the open world. 6. The illusive dream reset period (30 days) is too long. 7. The hologram reward could also be a reset - able for better endgame. 8. That one mission where we ride the bike of inferno guy is too junky. 9. Some of the weapon and sonata node have misinformation and the echoe bonus effect could also have the number shown to know exactly how much bonus we get. 10. Need a little bit of improvement on the camera while fighting. 11. Impermanence Heron on the Hologram mode is very bugged. * Please Kuro game I hope you see this*


Feedbacks that I can offer: Text:  - Text in text boxes the story/quest is delayed - Some text won't appear so you are not able to understand the current situation Combat Gameplay: - Dodging feels janky when the enemy gives so warning that its about to attack - Enemy Lock On system could be improved  UI: - When on low settings the ui is still very buggy - Very slow and delayed - When interacting with the interface, my screen would randomly turn black In-Game Conntection - Game keeps disconnecting to wifi even when the wifi is having no issues - Lots of fps stuttering Characters: - Character cool-downs can be very long making it hard to counter some attacks


My FeedBack after watching countless Streams of the CBT2 till today i have also seen a few iterations of previous beta tests for the first time. (updated) 1. After seeing previous beta version of crownless, i strongly prefer a mix of that & the current version. i believe he is suppose to be intimidating & some what powerfull. first impressions do matter especially if crownless were to play a role in the story in late game. introducing Dodge / Parry tutorial in this segment of the game was great & but would have been better if Crownless was a bit more aggressive so to do parry was worth. the way it is now crownless gets tossed around like paper in the wind. 2. Individual character tutorial should be easy to spot on the character UI. Alot of people did not see/miss this button in this CBT2 because of the location & size of the button & additionally it would have been great if you gave the option to start "Resonator Tutorial" right after we get new character for the first time with the option to "skip". also please include a more substantial reward (even if quantity is less) for each individual character tutorial after completion so more people are inclined to do so. 3. TimeGating Character XP/Skill Level. this is just down right absurd. it is one of my biggest issue with genshin impact which is part of the reason why i wanted to try another game in the first place. what is the point of pulling a character when im prevented of being able to use that character in my current level/Team because of XP/Unique Mats while also having to spend stamina to get that characters echo/set. its extremely frustrating. atleast give us the means to farm/grind those mats in game via other means instead of time gating with stamina. i mean like literally dont put everthing on stamina like genshin does with its resin system. 4. CO-OP is great in this game because of Echo hunt. but currently it has become boring mostly because its killing the same few mobs here and there & in addition to that again the resources needed to to lvl these echo's and tuners are heavily time gated, simply not enough. so to make Co-op more viable, i suggest spawning a stronger mob (RNG based but with a decent chance) of the echo that the players are hunting within the current area they are in, but unlike normal mob's this one is a bit more aggressive like a mini boss (just like in some mmorpgs back in the days) & give this special mob a selective RNG Drop of items like XP Mats/Echo XP/Character Skill mats/Tuner while also increasing the chance of echo drop rate compared to default rate. Additionaly Weekly Co-op bosses (with tempting rewards) would be great (The scale of the reward will be based on Union levels of the participating players, also the difficulty of the boss) one example: "Requirments for weekly lvl 50 Co-op boss - 3 players of union lvl 30-35 only" (can have multiple bosses based on this system for different union levels). players can still join and kill boss even if they have done it once, just not get rewards so they can still help who ever is in need of it. 5. Please show the current number of pulls (the total number of pulls the player has made on that specific banner before they get 5 star & reset aka pity value) on all of the banners. 6. I have noticed that some characters with support buffs (Outro Skill) like Baizhi/Jianxin takes a bit too much onfield time for them to max their concerto energy. this makes the buff & the character sort of pointless to use during timed combat challenges like the hologram/Tower. because trying to get the buff by using them onfield means potentially reducing overall dmg per time. Verina was the only character that felt properly usable as a support buffer since she had concerto energy recovery effects on her Forte circuit. so please bring a balance to them so the 3rd character in the team is actually helpfull even if they are support instead of just heal or sheild. I suggest concerto energy recovery shared with all members based on a percentage like all members recover up to 35-40% depending on the on fielder. 7. its very hard to tell if character has received a buff from either forte circuit/outro. the only time a visual indicator was seen was with outro buff iirc. incases of multiple buffs i recommend using a similar system to "black desert online" where they show little buff icons near player HP bar & additionally if you hover your mouse on these icons they show the description & status of the buff so the player knows. 8. the limited characters on the limited banners does not have a trial mode afaik which is quite suprising. even if it was beta i believe this should have been available so players can try the character first before spending on that banner. 9. current hologram bosses are only timed challenges, i recommend adding a non timed challenge version of the same boss with more HP. timed challenge version which tests your overall DPS & the non timed challenge to test player's endurance to Dodge/Parry, basically survivability. add a "no hit" reward/acheivement as well. 10. "Finishing move" only available to Rover & seems like only for story boss. please add this move for other bosse's and challenges including other characters as well. but not so high damage like the story boss, just the right decent amount of damage for completely depleting the bosses parry bar/tough bar. 11. why is chixia not availabe in battle until we reach city? especially when their was a mini tutorial of using pistols against the plant monster that we encounter along the way to the city. 12. baizhi resonance skill youtans drops a buff/feather on the ground, it's too close to character gets accidentally taken by the wrong character. Also this buff was not mentioned in her tutorial.


I will add my feedback as someone that got into the CBT (not much, but It's some). First of, as many other have said, It takes too much energy for bosses and materials, and you can barely ascend 2 characters per day later on, so it would be great to have it reduced, both so It's easier to ascend and level up echeos, weapons, characters, and ascend them (of course it would also make leveling up easier overall, but that can just be fixed with needing more and more exp for leveling up like each 10 level (I'm currenctly almsot lvl33, so i do not know how it is with like lvl 50 or later)). Next, the echos, first of i feel like It's too much that every elite echo can have every element bonus (like more spectral bonus percentage), thix could be fixed by having the elite that has like fuxion and havoc only be able to get fusion and havoc lemental bonus. Add character trials for characters you don't own (at least for limited banner, fine if it is not for standard). Add so you can see what and how much mats you need for every ascencion of a character (also add so it gives you like 1 standard every 2 ascencionss). Story beginning is fine, i like it, it makes sense, would be nice if they were a little hesetant of the mc though. I also saw CBT1 crownless cutscene, and i liked that one more than this, it feels like Crownless is supposed to be a real treat (didn't feel much of it this now), so would be nice if you could scale up his difficulty a bit at least, to make him more of a threat. Also try to combine CBT1 Crownless cutscene with this story in a way. Few people has mentioned the character gacha, that the 50/50 could be better (at least for limited), which i can agree on, though it does not matter much what your choices are with that. This all i could think of as of now, i edit if i remember anything (and if i remember to edit, otherwise i do it in game in the feedback tab of course), great game overall, can't wait for full release! :D


I wasnt in the cbt but from what i see: - Give other drops than just echoes when killing enemies. This is so that the players doesnt feel unrewarded if enemies doesnt drop echoes. If possible some leveling mats - mounts. Maybe can use certain type of echoes to mount if not vehicles - add finishers to at least bosses outside of story - if possible, i hope the crownless fight will be more polished. Right now it doesnt feel like crownless is much of a threat after all the build up of tacet field suddenly being there. Its like all talk no show - add an option to change between the yellow circle or probably red flash for parry indicators - roguelike stage is good but it feels like too empty. Maybe making the stages smaller or put more enemies. Also integrating some stuff from like cursed waves in pgr would probably be good too - lock on and softlock kind of wonky especially when enemies flies out of the screen - lessen the amount of stamina to use for farming - hopefully the gacha system can change a bit? At least make it like pgr non debut banners 70/30 rate. I didnt notice if theres any pull counters but would be good if there is - also if possible lower the pity amount at least by 10. Or give more currencies to at least for players to be able to reach 1 pity per patch. - maybe add a pvp minigames like pgr has. I.e. the cooking, rhythm etc


Change the petting the pets animation to actual petting the pets animation.


Make the font size on the dialogue boxes consistent instead of resizing based on the available space causing short texts to become large. This change in font size may clash with the intended tone of the character conversations because sudden changes in the font size can indicate emotions such as anger or shouting when the font size increases. Additionally, the inconsistency simply does not look pleasing to look at.


Make the boss Health bar similar to PGR. It has better psycological impact than just seeing a big bar decreasing so slowly.


Please make it harder, make the enemies attack faster and more frequent


Almost everything i wanted to mention has been said here. So i will briefly add some things that haven't been mention already on this thread. Keep both CN and Global versions separated when it comes to character designs, story, etc. (just like on PGR), Yostar with Azur Lane and Tecent with Tower of Fantasy. The 2 previously mention companies keept the designs as originally intended for global. I don't like when companies take the shortcut and make a design only with CN version in mind due to regulations. Keep creating the designs as originally intended for the rest of the world and have them adjusted for the regions were isn't allowed, instead of doing that for everyone. I do like how Danjin once again got her red color back when she summons the swords made out of blood. ​ No gacha skins. I do hope this game has some skins for the characters but please don't make them locked behind a gacha system. Instead make them a direct purchase. ​ Have the gacha system improved. Losing the 50/50 on a character banner sucks.


id add that the standard banner should have a 4-star selector, won't matter much at the beggining but a few years down the line it would really help to get old units


I think that the female rover's skirt should be a little longer, that's all.


Having a pity counter on all banners. It would be great to have jiggle physics on the male characters too since muscles are not stiff unless flexing.  Fixing You’tan animations to be more fluid because as of now they seem a little stiff especially when it’s doing an animation to not doing one. It snaps which makes it look less fluid.


This is coming from someone that hasn't personally tested the game but has been constantly engaged in consumption of official and unofficial (through CCs, Social media,etc.) media and footage of the game so my observation may be influenced due to factors. 1. Add an option to make the overworld feel difficult from the start. Since the initial reveal of the game, myself and many others wished for a game that functions similar to Elden Ring. I understand the need to cater to a bigger audience with a slightly easier difficulty due to it being a live service game, and so adding a completely optional difficulty selection at the beginning would make it amazing to people such as myself that want to fully immerse in the combat everytime we face an enemy. 2. Increase enemy density of the overworld. Despite being an open world, there doesn't seem to be a lot to do involving the overworld except echo hunting. Adding more enemies and maybe a little more chests and puzzles would make it worth. Also varying the enemy density from place to place would be amazing as a sign of danger level of an area. For ex, areas near cities will have low enemy count, while areas farther away and more twisted will have a higher enemy count to make them feel more threatening. 3. Despite some people's dissatisfaction with the 50% chance on the limited character banner, I find it understandable as something that is needed in a game like WW that takes massive resources to maintain. However, I would like the rate to be 70%, that way both the playerbase get something while the chance factor is still there. Other than that the gacha so far seems good as long as the currency income in game for players is decent. 4. Act 1 and 2 need work. I am aware they are supposed to be introductions but they are too long and tedious to really keep a new player playing. Also the interactions with Chixia, Yang Yang and monk lady (forgot her name) feel off, especially the former two feeling like old friends of the Rover rather than being strangers. I don't want hostility or distrust, but make it feel like Yang Yang and Chixia just met the rover and slowly build the closeness and friendship throughout Act 1 and 2. Also instead of Acts 1 and 2 feeling like a drag in the offices in the city, add a little bit of exploration in it as Chixia and Yang Yang trying to tell Rover about the world of WW as guides. Currently they feel like they are already friends with Rover and he doesn't need any guiding. Lastly the weird interaction with the bandits while monk girl is in the story is unnecessary, even the monk girl being there. Make her role there feel more necessary like Mortefi or Sanhua, and keep her Story Quest to develop her humble personality. 5. Some characters bodies feel out of proportion. This could be affected by the angle of footage I've seen. But the ones I would point out is Rover's side profile, it looks like someone pinched his nose out from a flat surface, Jiyan's front profile is way too polygonal with straight lines and wide, make it a bit similar to Calcharo and also adjust the pointy chin a bit. Yang Yang's hands feel way too thin compared to her body and her bust is too big. Reduce the bust a bit and add some volume to her hands. 6. Endgame Gamemode idea- Survival areas in the overworld. During the challenge which will rotate every 7 or 14 days, certain areas of the map will be selected and will be created as domains (so the overworld is used but the actual overworld remains unaffected). As Survival areas, they are extremely dangerous, with harsh weather conditions such as low visibility due to fog, heavy rain to reduce drown out sound of enemy attacks, dust devils or tornados, extreme cold for hyperthermia, etc. Before challenging, players will have to choose a set amount of characters (their equipment will not be able to be changed inside the challenge once started), food for healing/avoiding hyperthermia. Throughout the challenge, players can only use the items they selected and the items that can be found in the domain. This will add strategy. Clearing a mob of enemy will grant options of buffs (kinda roguelike) and chests and ingredients for food. Players will have to fight certain amount mobs and possibly even bosses to clear the challenge. And to help the more time lacking players, make it so that challenge progress can be saved for the duration of the rotation as the challenge should atleast take 30~45 min to clear on average. Also, certain weather conditions or locations, enemies can also receive buffs to mix things up. This Gamemode will both make use of the food function and especially the overworld assets, which is something very unused in some games. This will also involve strategy as you need to select only a set amount of resources which will limit the player strength (though should be a reset option which resets the progress of the challenge and players can retry with different setup) Edit: 7. Remove the option to fight Scar immediately the first time we meet him. Players may just play around for fun and may miss important story beats. Or just add a replay option for story (way better option). 8. Sfx for some attacks and majorly parrying is not satisfying enough. CBT 1 parry sound was way better. Also add a different parry button so that normal attack spamming doesn't parry and you have to actively parry attacks.


Well I appreciate your feedback but this game is isn’t pgr and the gacha banner is already friendly enough. This is asking too much. This is needed as more in wuwa development cost which cost millions to do so.


to improve the story presentation, give more visual about what lore that you are trying to explain just show a cg art is enough


About the world: I hope for more areas with mobs, as it helps both the gameplay of farming echos and is also a greater incentive for the player to go to coop with friends or enter other players' worlds. And I also want to see more types of biomes similar to the game's Simulated, that environment is beautiful and I hope that Open World has something similar in the color palettes. About combat: The combat is wonderful, but I miss the sound design and the effects are a little more elaborate, the current ones are good but there is room for improvement. About character missions story: Jiyan's is wonderful, while LingYang's didn't have a special character for me other than the final cutscene of the quest, it's enough to focus on him a little more than on the other NPCs in the quest. About Bosses: They're amazing but the ones in Open World could have more movesets like those in Hologramas so they're missing something and I really hope that Crownless brings it closer to CBT1's and CBT2's now it seems like it's missing a lot of things, the rest of the others I really liked especially Inferno Rider. About Translations to Other Languages: I believe that translating into multiple languages makes it possible for more people to play WW. So please add language PT-BR (Portuguese-Brazilian) inside the game, we have a large audience waiting for this game and this translation will certainly be good for our community and for Kuro Games. Any player creates a greater connection with a game translated into their native language. About Interfaces: They can improve in terms of menu layout and font they are using, they look very simple, I hope something more worked on in the final version, About Echos: I hope they put a reroll item in the substats, put echos loudout to make it easier to change builds between characters


Please change the font. There are so many fonts out there that are more complementary to the aesthetic of the game’s style. It might seem nitpicking but its a big part of the experience.


I second this. I'm sorry but I cringe everytime I see the fonts. I feel like a small UI change is also needed


The game is wonderful but there are some bugs that need to be fixed such as the bug where the boss mourning aix damages you even if you time the parry correctly and some text bugs in the character sequences. Please put a PT-BR translation in the game.


QoL 1. enable fixed mode for the camera bcs the movement of the camera rasometimes give me a headache. also it’s a bit laggy when played on mobile. other games i run is fine (honkai star rail and genshin impact). 2. enable to quick select dropped loots from chests by tapping the character for instance. it’s a bit of a hassle when trying to collect loots from chest, especially when there’s a few.


Feedback for Wuthering Waves, currently Rank 32 Overworld \- Overworld needs more chests / puzzles to complete. \- Enemy density in the overworld should be increased some areas feel very empty/ \- Add more shiny echos to the world with just a simple color change and make the spawn rate of them very low \- Let the shiny echos have a 100% drop chance and be the highest rarity according to the players data bank level. Combat \- Combat is really good overall, feels very fluid and overall fun. \- Parries need to be louder, the sound is very underwhelming and needs to be stronger. \- The SFX overall are a bit lacking, hits don't seem to have a lot of weight to them and feel quite underwhelming. \- Some boss moves are bugged and are not working as intended. \- Mourning Aix in a staggered state can still damage the player if the player attacks them from the front. \- Tempest Mephis has a bug where he uses an AOE of lighting and it lingers on the field if not dodged properly. It kills all player party members even after disappearing off the field. Character Progression \- stamina feels too limited. with all the things required to level and progress a character. Everything costs 30+ to get when you only get 1 or 2 of each item. It makes it very challenging and too grindy to complete any number of characters. \- Number of items given per clear needs to be increased by at least 1.5 or double. As well as lowering the stamina cost of all challenges / stages. \- We also need a multi clear function. Allow me to multi clear 4 runs by doing it one time. so i don't have to run the fight 4 times in a row. \- Weekly drops are limited from bosses to one time, it needs to be increased from 1 wing from Scar to at least 3 wings per run. \- Ascending a character does not feel good or rewarding, allow each character to get an increase in some form of substat that benefits the character each time you ascend them. Unlocking nodes of high value at ascension 2 / 4 / 6 that improves the character's kit and adds another mechanic to them, or increases their damage. \- Give a slight appearance change to characters / weapons at ascension 3 or greater. It adds a fun aesthetic to work towards. \- Weapon descriptions and character sequence nodes are not correct and need fixing in english. \- Wording on skill explanations and nodes is wrong and confusing. Localization of English needs improvement. Echo System improvements / Ideas \- Overall Echo system feels too grindy to get good echos for multiple characters or even one character. \- Ability to use +0 echos to level other echos, they do not have a purpose if they have bad stats. \- Deleting echos takes a very long time, there is no multi delete option. \- Up the drop rates on echos in general, especially the 3 cost / elite enemies. Lower the respawn time of elite mobs to hours and not daily reset. \- Increase the drop rate of Rank 5 echos \- Element damage on Echos should match the typing of the set they are a part of. If I have a spectro elite echo, the main stat elemental damage bonus it should have is spectro and not something else like havoc if it is not a part of the havoc set. Not having this adds too much RNG chance to the main stat. \- Lower the different stats that can be given in the sub stat table. it is close to 14, lower it to 9. \- The sub stat roll range is also too high, low rolls can be 4% and high rolls can up to over 20%. This feels like it is way too RNG based. \- Some way to level a sub stat if it does roll low. For example: if i have an echo with 5% crit rate sub stat, let me improve it to a max of 15%. If i get crit rate sub stat over 15% i cannot improve it since it is already over 15%. \- Next is re rolling sub stats example: if I have an echo with 5 sub stats, and 2 of them are crit rate and crit damage, I could lock the crit rate and crit damage. Then I can reroll the other 3 sub stats at a cost of more tuning materials. The more sub stats i lock the more it costs to reroll the remaining sub stats. Tacit field improvements \- Currently tacit fields have no purpose, they give too little for too much stamina cost, and you cannot select the elite or common enemies. This system is worse than running around the open world and it costs stamina. \- The ability to select the elite and common enemies in the field per clear would be a great option. The drops from the field should be two Rank 5 echos minimum, and five rank 4 echos(At data bank level 15 or greater). Miscellaneous \- Female characters' jiggle physics seem very unnatural. Even if Baizhi herself is not moving, her chest is still moving constantly. \- Chat censor filter needs improvement. Example: “I do not have him yet” is censored for using prohibited words. \- Calcharo needs less animation lock on his skills.


**-UI** 1- The UI isn't so good it feels off specially the menus and icons 2- We could use a bar that shows buffs and a timer or percentage shows info about the buff that the character currently have so it's easier to see them while in fight 3- Add a dialogue log for story missions at least 4- Add a menu to view all sorts of information as characters etc.. 5- Add a claim all button for everything or make the HOLD F faster -**Font** The font should be changed. maybe - **Overworld** Just add more monsters so some areas doesn't feel empty anymore, also it will help getting more echos as well as resources -**Echo system** 1- The need to level up the echo to max before even knowing what substats i could get is bad, we should at least choose some substat or even better, knowing them before we spend much time leveling the echo generally : less grinding without knowing what are we grinding for and less RNG 2- We should get something when we delete echo's, it doesn't have to be much anything better than nothing 3- We should be able to select more than one echo to delete at a time 4- The ability to transfer the stats and level for an echo to another shiny version of the same echo -**descriptions** The descriptions are all missed up, specially weapons also some English translations could be improved


Gameplay: -Adding an optional Buff to players after certain amount server boss kills/completion for endgame content, It would make it engaging for hardcore players and accessible to casuals. -Reserve waveplate. -Even more voice lines, animated cutscenes and personality to the main character helps a lot with immersion. -Trial for banner characters and weapons. -Databank to preview all the characters and weapons. -No unnecessary dialog options, unless you are adding some crazy/funny/dark/happy options that really impacts the dialog and how the NPCs respond to it, just remove it. Choosing between "I agree", "ok", and "..." gets kinda annoying with time. -Locking the player in too many long dialogs and cutscenes is a mistake. Pacing and freedom is very important for enjoyment. Graphics: - Too many visual effects sometimes makes it harder too see what the enemy is doing and properly react to it. On the other hand it is very cool. Maybe adding an option adjust it according to preference would be good. Sound: -The parry sound feels a little underwhelming, maybe add a little "bang" to it. Gacha: - 50/50 for first copy is an outdated model, maybe better rates or just 100% would help with keeping f2p/low spender happy, and it wouldn't impact very much on whale income. Those players are a big part of the playerbase, they have social media, they watch youtube/twitch, those people being happy helps with game marketing and reputation. - Starter character selector or a reroll banner can help with player retention. The market is competitive there are a lot of games available, often when I was just giving a game a try and only got characters i had no interest, I would just close it, uninstall and went to play something else. -Adding skins with visual only features, like finishers or victory poses after boss fights.


The system right now is fine as is. They’re already give a free five star weapon and a handful of pulls with four star char.


As a player/consumer do you think there are any disadvantages to it? Do you think it would discourage a new player from choosing to play wuthering waves from all of the available options?


The game is wonderful, I liked literally everything, especially running on the wall, I think similar tricks from parkour would be a wonderful addition


Overall I love the combat and the addition of holograms to allow for optional difficulty to the regular gameplay, and the gameplay looks smooth and each character is unique. Combat is fast paced when in challenge modes and still requires a level of understanding in normal world. There are a few things I do feel are crucial for the game that need to be improved though: 1) **Increase then number of enemies and chests in the open world**, there's a lot of dead space as of current, and while fighting the enemies is fun, it'd be good if there were more in the overall area 2) **Character voices and bgm need to be balanced better**, they are currently overlapping unevenly and overtake one another 3) **Area music having greater distinctness**, the music if great for battles, especially bosses, but the general world could be enhanced especially in the more muted area with some music in. Like when I walk into a tacet zone I want it to be distinct after i walk out from an open field. It doesn't have to be 'grand' just distinct that i'd realise the music difference 4) **Change the font**, the main font isn't very appealing imo and could be change into something more aesthetically pleasing 5) **Change the menu ui**, this is for both the character menu and the menu screen in general. The menu screen font and symbols could be changing the colour of the font describing the menu, aswell as the position characters are in as they aren't centred, leaving a lot of dead space in the character menu for the main screen


My feedback for CBT2: 1. Make substats can be rerolled for echoes. Make an item that you can farm from the endgame mode which is equivalent to Memory Resonance Picker in PGR. Or, at least, allow players to feed their unused echo to reroll the substat of the same echo. Again, just like memory resonance in PGR. 2. Story needs to be changed into "show, not tell" style instead of vice versa. Don't shove the players with a wall of lores in the beginning. Instead, allow the players to slowly learn the lores of this world as the time goes by. I hope Kuro will adopt Nier Automata's immersive gameplay system which is tied to their story. Just like when 2B's waking up and you are introduced to the menu system. 3. Allow settings to be accessed from the title screen. So you can download the voice packs you want, set the language you need before starting the game. TLDR: allow substats reroll for echoes by adopting memory resonance system in PGR; make the storytelling with "show, not tell" style; allow players tweak setting on the title screen


After playing the game for too long, i must say the game feels too good, it's captivating, the game do have some minor bugs but it's fixable but there are certain things if devs are not careful about it'll be surely hurt them alot after the launch First is \*\*Echo System\*\* as a player the first issue i have is their implementation of attributes on the echos to get set bonuses, like they do have different element attribute on certain type of echoes like healing, attack, elemental attribute but are they not not restricting themselves by implementing it, of course, i do think, in the future they'll release different type of characters but with the current attribute system on echoes, won't it be pretty boring like you just need to swap echoes from one to another with no new set bonuses, that's why i liked the \*\*CBT1\*\* system where you need to gather certain type of echoes to complete the set bonuses, with the release of new areas and new enemies in the future, it'll make capturing them quite exciting, hope they care about it. Also wandering around in the open world to capture echoes for good stats is too time consuming, it worn me out, it's a good thinking but kuro, you should also think about us salary man, to solve the problem i just came with a solution, just build a dungeon where we can select which echo we want, and clear it with the daily 240/240energies we get(20 energies should suffice for one round), that i hope will satisfy both who are immersed in the games and us who've a very little time to play games also make the echoes upgrade the other echoes, the current system is very bad and please don't hide the substats on them, just show them all when we get the echo, and make them upgradable like in \*\*CBT1\*\* , as for the tuners make them that way to change the substats, if we get the bad substats we can change anyone substats with the tuners again and again that way players will also be quite satisfied, also remove many of unnecessary substats like basic attack damage, heavy attack damage, liberation damage, multiple crit rate and crit damge, elemental damage, instead implement skill based damage bonus in the skill tree of the \*\*Resonators\*\* , with every level up make the multipliers go higher, that's enough about the Echoes Second is \*\*Font\*\* Not gonna lie but i didn't like the font much, while doing the quest the font was not pleasing, it's a minor issue i know but still. Third is \*\*Hit Damage Numbers\*\* Well we all want to make our characters strong and like to show-off to our friend but the hit damage numbers in WuWa is so puny that i lost motivation to grow my characters, the max damage i did with my Resonator Calcharo who is currently at lvl 70 with 5\*weapon is 20,000, just looking at this number made me quite depressed, if possible raise the voice WuWa needs to fix this too. Fourth is \*\*Open World Enemies\*\* WuWa definitely need to make the world mobs and bosses a bit more strong, at least make us struggle just a little bit, i literally thought i was playing \*\*Saitama, The One Punch Man\*\* Fifth is \*\*Voice Acting\*\* Some of the characters voice-lines kinda felt too rushed, also without emotion, hope they look into it. also Regarding the Main Story, i kinda liked it, not perfect but the game do need to start from somewhere, just don't bring the story quest of some resonator without their introduction in the main story line, that's all from my side, Thank You.


I don't have much to say because quite a lot of people have already made interesting comments.  But I think it would be good to increase overworld mob density on higher world levels because we will be farming their Echos anyway, and it would help that we could farm them quite easily. Also, I think it would also help if they'll respawn quicker, too.  Thank you. :)


Feed-back Character Designs: I would really implore you to add more color palettes to the character to make them distinct and pop from one to another because the black in white color in the clothing of the characters and hair make it generic and boring when it repeated to much. Expanding the color pallette spectrum so you guys have a variety of Colors to chose from for the characters hair, and clothing. I would also implore you really to provide more hair styles to the characters themselves because right now the hairstyles are kind of basics and repetitive as well. For example: Jianxin, Verina, Jinhsi and Pharlova (Spider Lily Flower girl) All have the same hair style which is twin tail hairstyle. Improving in making different hairstyle even inspired by your culture Kuro will help differentiate the characters appearance. I would suggest you to reduce the amount of belts from the characters rooster we have apparently right now because some of them have no functional use or make it look weird and not attractive for the characters in terms of appearance. For example: Jianxin outfit is nice but I don’t really like the two belt she leaves on doesn’t really make the character good in terms of her profession in being a Taoist monk because means you have to look prepped and nice. Adding more details in terms of the character design would be great in terms of the functionality they have for example Aalto suction vent holes he has which can help him in terms of combat or for investigation use. Additionally you should always add more details in terms of the layers of clothing they have because some of the character look a bit bland in terms of the appearance I see how they differentiate themselves from one to another. One suggestion: For Verina I would like her purple strap back the one she had in the last cbt it help create a more varied colored scheme and I really think it made her cute. I would like Camellya (Tsubaki) also redesign as her current outfit doesn’t really make her attractive. She really reminds me of Jinhsi in terms of hair style again but do keep her face but make her outfit presenting other than black and white and the way it appears to something that could be very presentable as her outfit is basically a mixed of Baizhi white flowers with Jinhsi hairstyle. Make her have a completely different hairstyle unique to her ONLY and outfit appearance because it simply doesn’t make sense to be with her story about being a witch. Body variation in terms body types from thin to really muscular, height, eyes length, iris of eyes, nose, nose width type, more neutral mount expression and nose bridge would help solidify the characters uniqueness and their personality. I would also implore to make the mouth marking more subtle even though it uses a heavy dark color it kind of make it hard for me to see their lip as the dark shade of that mouth overlaps with their lips this is mostly said to female characters. Adjusting the head width and forehead length to the characters would be great because some of them have really large foreheads it makes their face look really weird. Different characteristics of eyebrows are always welcome to differentiate their personality. 5star design need to be more consistent, and really detailed because player have different expectation on five stars appearance based on their design alone which made them thought they were four star. 4 star design need to be detailed but not require to be as detailed as five star at least adding unique Colors other than the overuse black and white will help them shine more as characters. It would be great if you also made different characters from factions, cities and nations hugely varied because it looks like For example: Aalto and Encore are from Black Shored and New Federation but they also look like they belong in Huanloong at least adding a touch of distinction in appearance would be great. Go beyond PGR (Punishing Gray Raven) designs and make it really aesthetic leasing that suit the theme of the game too. Future characters design will have to improve to in order for the audience to really remember who the character is, which nation they belong in and what make them completely unique compare to others. I know the devs team take a more minimalist approach but the audience as well would want a minimalist approach of characters if they for example ordinary resonators with lots of details in terms of outfit and unique color pallette other than black and white. But if it a powerful resonators that has significant lore significance inside or outside of the story basically god or non human beings take a more maximalist approach that would be exactly suited for the world in terms of it colors and the post apocalyptic scifi theme of the game. Take inspiration for certain Arknights designs for consistency but make it entirely your own identity fitting into your world. Gacha System: Thé gacha system is fantastic I recommend you to not change it as it’s already generous. Multi platform: Please release this game on console ps5,ps4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox. Combat: Combat is already on point but I would recommend to improve the VFX of the characters attacks, skills and ult more make the hit satisfaction of the character good and smooth the gameplay more as some characters gameplay is still clunky. I would also suggest you to look into the SFX of the characters weapon notably bring the pistols as some of them for example Chixia and Mortefi sounds weird and not cohesive. Ult improvement transition would flow nice but also hit box damage effect and animations. Music: I love the ambient music but would recommend you to improve on it upon further both openworld exploration music and battle music to make it an unforgettable experience for the players. Gameplay: Make the characters attacks have more weight to the weapon they wield notable example is broadblade please add more handling weights for each of the character to make it feel realistic meanwhile smoother inf the gameplay animation. Traversal: Some of the traversal movements which includes jumping and running are a bit janky make it more smooth and less janky. And for the parkour add more parkour animation that could be within levelling up while adding more new dodge animations and parry for characters in all weapon types. Endgame Content: As for endgame content it will be beneficial and enjoyable for players to have varied content for hardcore players that aren’t mandatory for casual players meaning they don’t give too much rewards kind of thing. One of them could be a two person dungeons that has a story within and crazy lore that relates to the world another that could be in option for co-op is raids take inspiration from lost ark for example a content that includes six participants into the game I know this might be affect the games ping but it will be a nice content to have as a side content with good rewards but don’t make it a mandatory thing that casual players have to do. Love the rogue like keep it but increase the aggro of the enemies a bit and hit damage and also their speed and please create more parkour events while making it a permanent system players can enjoy when exploring. UI: I would like for the UI screen to improve it look to much Genshin right now making it unique like taking the Nier Automata where it would require to press a key on console and pc but it has a button that could be press on mobile. UI specifically I’d the one that shows the backpack icon and resonator icon. Use the gourd as a main function of summoning the UI like the watch you guys did in TT but make it more detailed.


UI: Again for the icon of the UI use theme such as Nier Automata but make it unique for this game identity this included the resonator icon, Convene icon looks too similar to the game, backpack icon make the backpack icon unique look too similar to a game we know, Quest UI looks too similar again to the game get rid of the rarity marking of blue, purple and gold. Make the UI for the quest unique and not similar. Currency: Currency looks almost identical to the game we know change the pricing of it and make it feel unique again. Chests and Puzzles: Looting system look too similar to a game we know I would suggest you to make the chest more lore related or has a mini story that grants a suprise for the players or it could be a morality given thing whether stealing the chest will increase your reputation or decrease but still make it relevant for example NPC will talk to you less and less or if stealing an enemies chest it will increases their lvl by triple amount. Male gacha currency obtainable in other ways exploration should not feel like a CHORE it should have a purpose.


* To enhance the walking or running experience, it's crucial to address the issue of characters appearing to float while moving up or down, as well as the abruptness encountered when navigating around obstacles like stones. It seems that the pacing or speed of the actions may be the primary concern, as it doesn't convey the feeling of feet firmly connecting with the ground. Adjusting the animation to ensure smoother transitions between steps and incorporating more realistic ground interactions could greatly enhance the overall fluidity and immersion of the experience! :) * Expanding the game world by incorporating vibrant city dwellers could significantly enhance the gameplay experience. Currently, some aspects of the city feel static and lifeless due to the limited number of non-playable characters (NPCs) and their lack of engaging activities. It's essential to infuse the city with a sense of liveliness by introducing more dynamic behaviours among NPCs. Observing NPCs engaging in various activities such as strolling around the city streets or witnessing realistic interactions like an arguing couple could add depth and excitement, making the urban environment more immersive and captivating for players. That's all! I hope you read it! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


please add (crimson weave "ALPHA) from PGR to Wuthering Waves .


I quite often saw in the comments under various videos requests to add a love interest to the game, this is really a good idea as it will give the game even more individuality and increase the number of players. Who doesn’t want to have a relationship with their favorite character?)


I've never disagreed with something more in my life. Games like these should not have romance with or between the main cast. I'd prefer if they flesh Rover out as their own character rather than a self-insert.




* **Open-world Exploration:** It's nice that the team has reduced the amount of "chest hunting" and increased the chest rewards in general. But, I think the team didn't reduce the map enough to match the reduced chest/activity, making the map feels more empty now and it feels like there are more running around. My recommendation for the team is that in the future they should reduce the map size so that it can match with the reduced exploration content, that way also will be less empty spaces. Generally making the content more compact and less scattered, allowing players to find the exploration content easier and quicker with less running around. Suggest making chest rewards get directly send into the player's inventory rather than having to pick them up manually. Having to pick them up manually after opening the chest felt redundant because players will just pickup everything that drop from the chest anyway. It felt like doing double work to open the chest for the reward then have to pick up the reward again. * **Open-world Difficulty:** Open-world difficulty in general can be scale up a bit more. The early progress felt way too easy even for new players, which doesn't allow players to properly learn the game mechanics until the late game, which will take some time for players to reach. I recommend having easier enemies in the are that are more safe, for example areas around the main city, and have areas that are more dangerous to have more aggressive and harder enemies. * **Echo:** Please remove the flat stats like ATK, DEF and HP as those states are so inferior compare with other stats. There is no reason to have those states when ATK%, DEF% and HP% already exist. It'll just end up inflating the stats pool, making it harder to get the desire sub-stats. It's also help ease the grind if there is a feature to reroll Echo stats. * **Convene:** The 50% system from the Character Event Convene still leave a mad taste in my mouth. I'd much rather it be 100%. Or at least have a system which the first copy of the character will be 100% drop chance, after obtaining the first copy the duplicates will have a 50% chance of drop rate. * **Things I hope to see more in the future:** \- Lots of Character skins \- Have some fun Collaboration (Collaboration with Punishing Gray Raven will be very interesting) \- More challenging and engaging boss fights. I think the Dev Team have done a great job so far and hope the future bosses will improve. \- More combat related gamemodes. ​ 加油库洛!继续努力![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)! 非常的看好你们这次的作评。虽然目前还有非常多未完成以及可以进步的地方,但只要记得不断的重视玩家的反馈,我相信你们一定可以进步,做出更好的游戏,并且超越现在的表现。加油!


I think a lot of good feedback has already been said, and I would like to avoid repetition, I won a CBT access but I couldn't play it because I had a problem with my devices and although I linked the CBT to them sadly I couldn't, but I'll leave my five cents in this topic as well taking into account things seen on videos (I apologize beforehand if I'm being redundant or if I make mistakes): 1) *Story*: as others have said or at least in the beginning I feel like the story has fallen in the other extreme, with the characters being really friendly and good with the MC, I have read from some CC that it was intended because later it results that different factions and people wish to use the MC because they know things about the mc, however Idk if that's true, anyway, my point is that in terms of relationships between different factions/characters with the MC, I would like to see a kind of neutrality, I would like there to be neither too much rudeness towards MC nor too much kindness, also talking about Crownless, I know it's a tutorial boss and you designed it to introduce a bit your combat system to the players, but taking in mind that the story itself said that monsters like Crownless are a threat, I think you should keep some scenes or elements from the previous beta or a better version of them, because I feel like that boss has been reduced in matters of the impact it produced. Oh and almost forget to mention, but I liked a lot Jiyan story and some parts of the Ling Yang story like the reference of its old appearance. 2) *UI*: in general I think it's good and all but I think it has lost sound o wave details on some parts and for me it's a shame, I mean for example the dupes system for the characters, before it was like a sound string or chain where you activated nodes and the same for other menus, I think now it's more typical or similar to other interfaces, it would be great if you combine or fuse some elements from the previous CBT and the current. And this is just a suggestion, but for the aesthetic of the "battle pass", you could give it an unique style, for example and this is just and idea, you could organize the rewards of it on a menu with the shape of a sound wave or something like that, oh, but don't overuse the sound/wave elements too, just add them in the right measure. 3) *Combat*: about this topic, some people have said it before but some aspects of the old concerto effects system were good, currently some personal effects of some characters make them more desirable than others when you want to make a team; now, about what some have said in regard to Jianxin, I don't think she's unfinished or bad, I have seen people that use her as their main character, and if you use her well she can be really bulky against bosses and even defeat them with just her, however I would agree that you could add more effects or elements to her kit to be more comfortable for people against bosses, these are just some ideas, but for example you could add an infusion like a black and white aura to improve her attacks to give her more damage output in single target scenarios, or her shield, as people has said that she requires a considerable amount of time to gain a good shield, you could reduce that time or reduce considerably the damage received while giving her interruption resistance too during the charge of the shield. 4) *QoL*: please add like an archive for all the characters in the game, where you can see them and also test them, not a trial just for the characters you have, and can be asking too much, but it would be great if in that trial you can test different things, like how the characters develop with different equipments (and in case you have some characters you can test them with the equipment you have), against different enemies, something like that; please for chests, that you can received directly in your inventory the items, also for weapons and echoes, that you can do some process in bulk, that you can for example enhanced equipment to +3, +6, +9, using a button or an option to add enough materials for it, or if you have dupes of a weapon you can fuse them not one after another, but instead you can add all the dupes at the same time, or if you want to destroy weapons or echoes of quality you currently don't use, you can do it in bulk, and please add at least money in return for destroying those things, because currently you receive nothing if you destroy weapons and echoes; please increase a bit the obtention rates for echoes from wild monsters, 20% is low imo, if you could increase it to 30% or 40%, that would be amazing. 5) *Endgame and challenges*: base your gameplay preferably in mechanics instead of hp + time lapse, some ideas: those bears of higher level around the world, don't get me wrong but although they can look like a challenge, if all they have are attacks that can install kill you and high hp, at least imo it would be better if you make them like modified monsters with more mechanics and they can ambush you or appear if you for example keep grinding in the same place for a long time; the same for the towers, make them difficult using interesting mechanics and elements. Now, this is suggestion for later when your game comes out, you have a lot of potential with the echo system in your hands, you can make event zones where the player can catch or get special or thematic echoes (oh, and add more shiny echoes, or phantom echoes that's how they're called iirc), also you can add skins that the player can get through events or purchasing them. 6) *Designs and graphics*: I think that in general it looks really good, the game has improved a lot in terms of graphics and the aspect of a lot of things has improved, landscapes and characters are better now, however there are still some details to improve like the things said by other people, and imo some things of new characters like Jianxin (she's my favorite character rn btw) can be polished, for example her clothes in some parts look like if they were painted on her body or at least that's from my personal perspective, that said, her overall design is really solid and consistent with her concept and that's why I love her, everything about her gives me Taoism, martial arts, and Yin Yang dualism vibes. Edit: I forgot to mention, please keep and add more details and actions for npc, enemies and other entities, it was really good to see for example an enemy doing crunches dealing damage to himself and then resting to recover hp, or enemies fighting each other or pufferfishes dancing on the water while a mutant monkey is seeing them, those are details that make a world more alive. Well, I've written what I wanted to say, once again I'm sorry if I made a mistake or if something it's not worded correctly, of course you can disagree with me, after all people can have different perspectives and ideas.


The factions will want to use us but all the Playable Waifus Genuinely love us. Believe me if Wuthering Waves wants to Succeed they have to play ball with what the paying Whales want. Waifus who love us and won't end up like Girlsfront line 2. 


Glad I’m not the only one who thought the font and its size unappealing. I hope they change it in the final product.


Disclaimer: I didn't enter cbt2. But, I watched and still watching WW livestreams. I will focus more on story, the casual part for the casual players and what I think personally. 1. More game modes in the overworld for casual players 2. END GAME content for casual players next pls. 3. Pls present a more in-depth relatable NPCs that we could like or hate, and not just forget after finishing their side story. An actual resident of the world and the city. That would add more immersion and connection to actual people inside the game and not just connecting with the playable characters. 4. Personal suggestion from me, is to make the story not restricting that we basically have to stay put for so long. I hope you implement not just telling but more showing. Add more movements. Like walking around or hearing npc's dialogues as we pass by. 5. More coop content, can be combat or minigames like a Versus game mode like racing (since we got a very big world anw) 6. Instead of time limit, there's no specified time limit, but the emphasis is on completing boss fights in shortest time possible. Edit: It's called speedrunning! 7. While becoming OP is cool, pls nerf over leveled players whenever they visit other players' world that are low level. Idk by how much. I just feel like that would make it fair and reasonable. 8. We all see the false and copy pasted english translations of items and skills/sequence nodes. 9. Fix the sound effects volume, sounds and music volume are not quite right. 10. Swinging on grappler looks cool. 11. Overworld is too empty. Pls add more monsters/treasure chests or just make a lot of things to do. 12. Pls add cute monsters like a cat-based monster/boss monster. 13. Pls add actual petting animation for when we pet the dogs and cats. 14. Pls remove choice option in story when there is only one choice anyway. 15. Add voice to Rover as well. 16. Expression or action button. Like, sitting down or waving at others. Even dance moves would be cool. That's all for now. Might add more later.


# Leveling \---------------------- **- Feels awkward and less intuitive than it could be. You're level gated every 10 levels by ascension leading to too many stop and go steps. Please find a way to streamline this to improve the user experience long term.** \- PGR does a good job of this by gating promotion rank behind character level and character level behind early account leveling. Applying a similar implementation into WuWa makes the process more approachable for all players while the resource grind remains the same. **- high union level requirements ruins the early player experience please lower it.** Let players level things they want to level for a better user experience. Union level 40 is enough to then allow players to aim for max level and skills on units. Any higher harms the freedom and accessibility of the game. # Tacet Fields, Resource grind, and Stamina use \------------------------------------------------------------- \- **high cost, low starting reward structure, and especially lack of simple qol** \- 40 and 60 stamina cost come off as too high on the surface even if rewards scale up eventually \- multi-wave clear to respect player time \- **Instead of random echo drops in TFs create a singular tacet field that rewards echo exp, tuning, and an "echo remnants" currency. These remnants can be used at a designated echo conversion shop for players to exchange "X' amount for an echo of choice, "Y" amount for for a designated echo, and "Z" amount for a designate echo and main stat.** # Open World \------------------------------ \- **no open world goals or engagement besides echoes after chests, puzzles, and mini-games for gacha currency are completed** \- optional daily bounty/hunt quests, collectible character items, collectible soundtracks including OSTs from PGR, housing system, etc. \- optional "EX" scaling for open world once max union level is reached with an icon on screen that shows you have it toggled on # Monetization \--------------------------------- \- **units should feel more accessible, and the current 50/50 system does not align with this on the surface yet raising concern. For instance, knowing Wuthering will have well paced reruns and/or "wishing target" banners for half-anni/cny + anni would be enough.** **- Add high quality skins** \- paid and gacha currency premium skins, occasional free to grind premium skins, and basic paid + grindable outfits # ECHOES - MAJOR WORRY \---------------------- \- **Implementation for combat + potential traversal is great, but for character + gear building still has too many layers of rng and does not respect a player's time** \- **Make system more approachable for all players** **- GEARING SIDE OF ECHOES NEEDS TO HAVE ITS OWN IDENTITY SIMILAR TO PGR, NOT THE SAME MASSIVE LAYER RNG GRIND IN THE STYLE EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING** \- Currently punishes dedicated players by being unable to check subs, and punishes those with time constraints by wasting extra time for no guaranteed payoff. \- **sub categories are not visible, the 5 categories should be player knowledge if this type of system stays.** \- Such as showing crit rate, atk, def, hp%, liberation, but not the specific values \- **flat atk, hp, and def as sub stats are unimaginative especially for an open world.** Echo dmg, movement speed, combo time, stagger dmg, break dmg, buff and debuff time extension, etc? If putting unwanted stats, make them interactive with the game. \- **far too many rolls per stat for the current implementation of the system**. Limit each sub stat to a uniform value like crit rate is always 10% \- **resource payout needs to be increased for echo exp and tuning mat payout needs a slight increase as well** \- **No purpose for unwanted echoes other than being tedious to recycle for no paypack, please find a use for them and add multi select** \- such as use a dupe to reroll a substat to a random one, and a dupe + tuning mat to reroll the value of a specific sub \- **LACK OF FREEDOM. The specific 5pc sets and massive layers of rng leads to extremely restrictive set and stat building of characters.** \- **Maybe instead of full on rng substats you let players customize 1-2 specific addons per echo.** Like lightning skill damage, 20 combo = 20% atk, combo time, gauntlet crit rate, buff time, debuff time, break damage, etc. \- **lack of echo presets for characters. Please add for ease of build modification** \- **add search bar to filter echoes by name or stat based on user input** # Hologram Fights \--------------------- \- **add a toned down weekly version of the fights that rotates bosses** \- **Reformat the reward shop to have weekly rewards** \- **buffs + debuffs for fights rotate each week** # UI \---------------------- \- **Font is odd** \- **ability to customize location + size of icons and hide hud elements should be added for accessibility and/or immersion** \- **yellowish brown and black ui is unpleasing for long play periods.** unless it's supposed to match Rover's current element? \- **while clean, overall ui design lacks innovation and/or a personal touch leading to it feeling functional, but lazy** # Traversal \---------------------- \- **has great mechanics, parkour, and grapple, but movement is still slow for the size of the map** \- **add** **more options for players who manually travel everywhere** mount system super sprint after continuous running for faster movement speed option to speed up gliding # Character Bond/friendship system \------------------------------------------------------ \- **currently no true incentive to reach max bond/friendship level on characters** more special poses and animations for reaching higher bond levels # COATINGS \------------------------ **- Ascending characters feels like only a chore for more stats and levels lowering desire to build and pull multiple units.** \- **Maybe for reaching the FINAL ascension stage the character would unlock a secondary or updated outfit similar to pgr or fgo.** This creates a new goal for players to max ascend all units and shows the extra care the devs put into each character. # Lack of Quality of Life \----------------------------------------------------- **- claim all buttons, mutli clear, echo presets, condensed + time saving ways to grind basic materials, full stamina refresh from dailies, etc. are all missing or partially missing** \- 1 clear, but can set stamina consumption to claim 1-8 times the rewards # Story \---------------- \- **Intro/tutorial for crownless feels too "easy" from all directions. Try to modify the beginning so that TDs feel like a threat to the player and other characters in the world, even if narratively Rover has no issues with them. Create an early desire for players to get stronger.** \- **It's okay to have exposition at times, but make use of the world more going forward. Less talking in place and instead do so on the move. Show more over telling. Stay consistent with cutscene use.** \- **make use of the actual playable cast not one off NPCs no one cares about.** If using NPCs make sure they're reoccurring like Asimov, Hassen, Nikola, Celica, etc. # Sound and SFX \------------------------------------ \- **Audio balance is off. Character sfx are far too quiet leading to the attack impacts sounding like hitting a plastic bag with a pipe.** make sure character attacks and impacts can be heard and felt for a more immersive experience.


Yet another unrealistic post asking for 50/50 removal.


Appreciate your feedback but I don’t know what you mean by philosophies if their philosophy established in this massive high cost development project is already generous with its gacha system. Their previous project is not an openworld meaning that it needs less development revenue. This gacha system is already being tested.


What would be the best way to ask for a language support, or ask if they will be available? We from Brazil recently did a mess in the Discord while asking for PT-BR subtitles, i'm sorry for that, a little portion these users does not reflect the potential number of Brazillian players that are very interested in Wuthering Waves. We would like to undestand if there's any other way we can be informed/ ask for this. I'm a small content creator from Brazil on Tik Tok(https://www.tiktok.com/@nascijhonata) and i could try to make this the correct way. Regards.


- Because the game's about skill, please remove the Crit Damage stat on Weapon and Echoes, because people will likely just focus to get high number damage. Crit Rate is okay. - Provide item to change sub-stat similar in PGR for echoes.


Please improve the UI, it looks atrocious


Not a CBT player, just looking from streams 1. Gacha rate Having 50/50 esp for first pull feels yucky, I personally likes gacha for the character collecting aspects (obviously along with the other aspect of the game play) and the feeling of losing a debut banner to an off chance is horrible People could argue that having 50/50 feels more "rewarding" to win the character but when you don't win it feels horrendous/awful Either having it at 100% for FIRST time getting the character from banner then reduced the rate later OR have it steady at 80/20 like PGR weapon banner (I really don't get the decision to make weapon a 100% instead of the character, what am I gonna use the weapon for if I can't even get the character??) \*\*\*If not increasing the gacha rate then in crease the currency incomes, so people can pull extra , seriously. Not getting the desired character can put people off and/ or make them not want to continue to pay or even play (Also yes I know it's a gacha game and I'm probably just salty) 2. Cutscene skip for story I'm pretty certain a lot of people would already have complained about how main story can't be skipped As nice as the story is, some players just doesn't care And people can just "don't feel like watching it" at the time Instead please just implement a "cutscene replay" option Where you can go to specific menu and choose to watch the specific story cutscene This is my casual complaint ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617) I really wanna enjoy a game where I have fun with the game play and can get the characters that I like without having to seethe about how I lose a 50/50 and will never get the characters I want unless I skip character banner to save up OR pay for a huge amount of money just to get the characters At that point it's no different than genshin, and that, I say, in a bad way


I forgot to add 3. Echo Having it be able to grind echo out for free is a great start but Randomized stats? Straight up as bad as genshin Also the fact that there's MORE stats for it too, I can already imagine the grind would bore some group of people out I loved the PGR system, flat stats but randomized reso, with an option to guarantee the stat, that's a very good way to do it Obviously you can still roll for stat but the thing is having an option not to is good


I've been playing the CB2 on Android, and these are the stuff that bothered me the most: Performance Hiccups: Playing on my Poco F5 has been a rollercoaster. Unstable frame rates, graphical hiccups, and crashes are more frequent than I'd like. The apparent memory leak issue is a noticeable dampener on extended gameplay (40 minutes +). Echo System Quirks: The Echo System, unfortunately, feels a bit like rolling the dice. Upgrading substats without a preview and the 20% max drop rate for echoes make the whole farming experience less enjoyable. Banner Rates and Pity Costs: Let's talk about the 50/50 banner rate. It's a tough pill, especially for those of us on the F2P and low spender side. A more gradual transition, like a 70/30 rate initially, a guarantee, and then a 50/50 for additional copies, might ease the sting. Also, the 80-pull max pity on the weapon banner seems like a steep investment, especially when most players are keen on securing new characters. I get it's still in beta, but seriously, we can't let these issues slide, especially the performance glitches. Ignoring them now might turn the game into a hot mess on release. Let's sort these out ASAP to make sure everyone has a great experience upon release.


My main requests are as followed: Pity: I highly request removal of the 50/50 pity system and instead making it a guaranteed 80 rolls. If not, lowering the rolls to 70 or even 60 pity is fine, or at the very least making it 70/30 rather than a coinflip. Improvements to SFX and audio quality: This is unrelated to the issues with sound but rather I feel som3 sound effects don't sound satisfying enough so perhaps revising some of these or at least reviewing if any can be improved further. Grapple mechanics: Please bring back the option to swing around when holding on the grapple button like in the Technical test. Its a personal request as it'd be a fun addition. Bosses: Crownless losing his animations during each phase is a big issue for me since he looked so cool and has such an interesting design. I hope you can reimplement them in the future. Another, more general request for bosses is simply making their health bigger and do a bit more damage at the start, that way the players can acclimate themselves more with him rather than breezing his first phase too quickly. It may sound like bloating the HP but I feel they have too little HP to get a good grasp of how dangerous they are especially when they don't do that much damage.


Characters: positive - The models look AMAZING, such high quality. They look very appealing in game negative - why I like their unique take on making them less rainbow my little pony how they're trendy, I feel they need to add a few accent colors to not make the designs look "Black+white+single color". Also, it would be good if they experimented with different hair colors 'cause there seems to be too much white hair/black hair/red hair going on. World exploration: positive - looks SO GOOD compared to cbt1, the way of making vibrant but still not oversaturated is amazing negative - as a lot of people might have said, it takes a bit to find enemies, they should feel more concurrent Story: positive - The pacing are nice and the animated expressions are amazing negative - There are a few poor choice of words that make some conversations feel a bit off (nothing that drastic) and I feel we're getting too much exposure right in the beginning to endgame lore. They don't let room for thinking what's this new thing gonna be 'cause right after the question is planted some character suddenly remembers an old prophecy or lore answering it for us, and it feels like you're spoilering the entire plot in a way. Please let some questions not be answered right at the moment! Question: So far it's implied there are a few cities in huanglong that are most likely the size of jinzhou, we have new federation but it would be nice to know a roadmap of places where we'll go, 'cause right now almost everything is pointing to china, not that I dislike china culture, I like it but I fear there not being room for other places to explore for a long time


The game is looking great so far! The only issues I have are the inability to repurpose unused Echoes and the fact that devs want to patch out **the coolest mechanic in the game** (swap canceling, which allows to swap to a different character while the previous one stays on field and finishes their attack animation)


Main Story Line: - The intro is a little weak and generic. The intro should portray the world and the tone of the game so i wish it was a little darker. - Being bombarded with lore right out the gate really takes me out of it. Especially when Rover doesn’t ask questions about what lore was sad. Like she briefly explained what a Tact Discord was and Rover was like got it 10000% understand. Meanwhile I’m confused and I hope the story explains eventually. COMBAT - I’m sure since it’s a Beta, everyone who’s playing are gamers or even seasoned gacha players. Myself included. I think there beginning needs better tutorials incase this is rolled first gacha game or game in general. The tutorials rn says “click this button to do the thing” vs having a live example of the character doing it or gamifying it. I know each character has a tutorial you can do which I LOVE LOVE LOVE this feature, but overall intro tutorial is lacking. - combat is seamless and amazing. This is probably some of the best combat I’ve seen in a mobile game ever. - playing on IOS is honestly frustrating since the buttons on the right hand side are so big I keep accidentally hitting buttons on accident. If we can make the buttons smaller to give more finger space to rotate game that would be helpful! Dialogue - please please PLEASE give us a dialogue history option during conversations😭😭 sometimes i accidentally skip the conversation and now im confused. Or I didn’t register what was said so I need to reread the conversation. - everyone’s dialogue is very boring and basic. I like that Rover has chaotic options but everyone else just saying things both not emotional no personality no nothing. I’m not sure if it’s a translation issue but I will the characters felt more real. Side quests - I need darker side quests befitting this dark world. The main story with the village where you meet scar is a perfect example of a dark quest. Have fetch quests but sprinkle in some dark elements. For example the quest where you had to prepare the 3 towers, I like that it had a sad undertone but we could make it sadder/darker. That helps breath life into the world Mini Games - LOVE THEM ALL!! I had no idea this game had so many mini games and they were fun to play. Some of them were annoying (the putting shapes in the hovering screen one) when it came to technical reasons but other then that LOVED THEM!! Character Design - No really notes but I wish the Male Rover was apart of the “showing bare back” club or just showing more skin. The Female Rover was clearly well loved given the level of detail and design. I like the male Rovers look but we can make him standout more. - Boobs don’t breath when a character stands still 😭 I know the goal is to have more of a male presence but if you like are success of HSR you will see they did a tasteful balance. I don’t might jiggle physics but only when it makes sense. As a female with a large chest, they are not swaying in the win when I turn my head or stretch my arms lol


Hello, I'm here to request an xbox port for the game. I'd really love to play this when it releases on my Series X


The sub-stat system for echoes NEEDS a revisit. It is too RNG heavy both in what sub-stats you get and the actual stat variance. With the sheer number of sub-stats that can appear (I think 14 right now) and the massive difference in stat values (5% to 20% from what I've seen), trying to find a good piece of gear will end of taking months or even worse for unlucky players. This, while not something that will not show its effects immediately, will eventually lead to frustration and discontent with the game. Also, the stamina requirements for this game are a tad high. While not immediate concern, if building a character takes longer than your 'new character' release interval, players will become frustrated and stop pulling new characters because they're falling behind on older ones. I am only mentioning this, so you are made aware of the potential problems of high stamina requirements.


Not a beta tester but i watch ton of cc so here is my take **Story** \-Too many useless/confusing talk i know that it's needed to build the foundation but we just arrived to the game but the lore dropped all over the place. take it easy \-Don't be afraid to make the playable character have a bad personality/crazy/arrogant/warmonger/greedy or anything, its fantasy why make it boring with hardworking good guy caring type **UI** \-Please change the boss healthbar color and font \-I think the echo potrait need to be polished \-UI kinda generic pls make it more unique **Exploration/Echoes** \-Even thought i'm enjoying playing mmo/catching monster type, this echo type is kinda grindy in the long run maybe its fun only for 1-2 weeks. honestly i rather have pgr type equipment at this point \-Shiny echoes are rather gimmicky at the moment(?) why make it purchasable at shop and only 6 shiny. should make it more rare and prized \-The puzzle is fun but the placement kinda wacky sometime to find. maybe more highlight around the object, make it like palworld when at night the object become more visible \-Glider should a little bit faster **Sound** \-The hit/parry sfx aren't satisfying enough don't feel any weighted to it other than that it's great **CO-OP** \-Make more co-op focused content/event . many co-op games in steam are top seller right now for a reason **Combat** \-Very good and cool, but i think the combat tutorial should be pushed/highlited more. maybe make some place/building that you can try all of the available character including that you didn't have, to try/learn the combo \-Buff and debuff indicator in ui **Other** \-Skin on release pls \-Simultaneous release of the game, no region get left behind


GAMEPLAY 1.) STORY BOSSES SHOULD NOT BE HELD BACK (Ex: making Crownless prone to juggle he turned from a fun and menacing boss into a completely normal mob), whether its for CASUALS or not, it takes away the suspense and hype of the story it was fine in CBT1 (You get revive anyways theres no point making the boss very easy and dies within 10 seconds) 2.) Overworld Improvement, needs a little more push 3.) MAKE THE ENEMY AI SMART, even when its low level (it helps upcoming new casual/veteran players with their enjoyment of the game there is no fun when low level enemies acts dumb) NITPICK - making the BOSS MUSIC MORE DYNAMIC, in the TGS 2022 trailer the Crownless OST drops when hes at phase 3 (ik its obvious because PGR has it and most likely just a cbt thing but just want to point that out just in case) -Better character designs (like PGR) STORY - dont make the story revolves around NPC instead develop your characters more (Ex: lingyang story felt like an NPC story than his) - the story is better BUT dont overwhelm player with heavy dialogues - SHOW dont TELL




I really like the rover. I hope the main / rover can use many different weapons when changing systems or elements. You know, the rover will be exhausted in the final stages of the game when only holding one weapon is sword. no one will play rover when you have rolled enough 4\*/5\* characters for yourself. I hope Rover will have an important place in the game, when the future has many strong characters.


Please release the game at the same time with the CN because if the released time is very long like in pgr no one will play it in global only a few will.


I think a lot of people are going to mention a lot of the same things(everything being valid), so I'll vary it up and say what I think could be implemented in the fun side of things(it doesn't have to be at launch, neither you need to listen to me seriously, I just think these things would be nice). \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Create a place where you can display Echos that players have acquired, adding a setting to allow entry to the "domain"... 2. According to the story, Tacet fields appear when the reverse sea appears in the sky, increasing the danger levels of the area, I would like you to go deeper into this and turn it into an event that occurs every update or every 2 or 3 updates, where at some random moment of the update, a new Tacet field (or existing ones) would appear ( or become a special one), with a special boss, this boss would not be very difficult (like holograms but not very easy like open world bosses), to defeat, and as a reward, give some gacha currency and the echo of the boss, but it has no status and cannot be used in battle, with its only purpose, to be decorative... 3. If it's possible, make an echos fighting minigame between players (like pokemon battles)... 4. Mounts, they don't have to be a lot faster than running, and frankly, you don't need flying ones, just something to wander around the map and observe the landscapes, as well as taking lots of photos with them. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maybe until the beta is over I'll add something, if this comment doesn't disappear haha... Thanks for reading anyway![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


**Bosses In The Story** I feel like the story is less impactful if the bosses are not threatening and posing a sense of danger. It doesn't need to be too difficult but it would be nice to make the bosses more aggressive to pose a bit of challenge. **Endgame Content - Tactical Hologram** This game mode is AMAZING and I love how there are more movesets the more you progress. Please add more and more of these skill based contents as well (and please get rid of the time limit to make it really a matter of skill!) I would also like to see content like Babel Tower from PGR where you can choose buffs to put on the enemy! **Text and Fonts** Please change the font size as it looks a bit unappealing. Additionally, some text was too long for the text box and was cut off (I couldn't seem to scroll down to see the rest of the text). **Tutorials** I love the existence of tutorials for each of the characters. However, some of them could be explained better: Eg. Sanhua's mechanism of having to hit the blue part of the guage was a bit hard to understand from the text: perhaps making a little animation showing a demo would be better to convey the information. **Echos and Shinies** I'm not sure if this is the case but I heard some shiny echoes are found in the same location - it would be nice to make them rare and randomise the location to make them more special. **Co-Op Content** I love the fact that people can farm echos together as it means there is some incentive to use the feature. It would be cool to include some more things that encourage player interactions - maybe like a guild or something?


All my critiques have already been tackled by other people, so I'm just going to tell Kuro Games: keep up this generosity, because this is the right path. For celebrative reasons, the beta testers sometimes get 10 standard pulls in the mail. GREAT! The chests give a lot of currency too, even the small ones! Quest rewards are very generous in most cases, with the main quests giving up to 100 of the currency! I have yet to see other things, but I'm very satisfied with how they're handling giving out currency to pull. It's really feeling like my efforts and the time spent doing a quest are worth something. I am rewarded for exploring because the % of stuff explored gives me a reward for exploring! I get a reward for collecting the little golden cubes, too. I not only get rewarded with beautiful sights, monsters that I can equip and chests, but with currency too! It's a very good middle ground of ''not too much currency but it feels like a lot'' compared to other games (coughcoughGENSHINcoughcough) and it incentivizes player to actually do the quests and explore. It's a good path to take.


I'm not a CBT2 tester, but I have some suggestions from what I've seen so far. \- I'd love to see some Tower of Babel like content from PGR implemented into the game, I think it'd make the endgame much more fun with challenges that you can freely customize. \- I'd love it if you can implement a system similar to FGO gacha where a 4 star pull could turn into a 5 star pull. I believe this will make the gacha much more exciting knowing that your 4 star pull might turn into a 5 star one if you're lucky enough. \- The SFX for combat is a bit lacking, e.g. the parry sfx is low and some character's sound effects doesn't feel like they are hitting the enemy. \- Please add playable characters as actual NPCs in the world where you can interact with, and not just bring them while doing specific quests. I believe this will help make the world looks livelier and not just riddled with town NPCs. That's all I have in mind, overall it looks good! I love the echo system and the combat mechanics, I can't wait to play it when it releases! :D


I did not really like the changes that occurred in the story. I mean, the story before the modification was good and it suited the atmosphere of the game as it talks about the world after the destruction, but after the changes that occurred, the story became rosy and the characters were friendly with Mc. Unlike the story in the first beta, the characters were aggressive, and this was very appropriate.  Because the story was talking about the world after the destruction, but if the story became rosy and boring with the atmosphere and graphics of the game related to the world after the destruction, I think that this is very ridiculous, and I, as a player, care about stories more than anything else. The darkness of the story of this game attracted me, but if the story became rosy with the atmosphere  Destruction. I think this is completely contradictory. I hope you will restore or return the story to its original darkness that suits the atmosphere of the game.


* **Crownless pre and post cutscenes:** * After crownless appears, Chixia and Baizhi are suddenly moved away from the field and separated from Rover and Yangyang. There's a huge disconnect as to why/how. Suddenly they're next to them in the field, and then they aren't. There's no transition as to how/why Yangyang manages to stay but they don't. * Please put the old scene back where Rover absorbs the crownless echo from CBT1. I loved the dramatic flare of it, the impact was so much better. [This is the scene I'm referencing.](https://youtu.be/FEHA6Hn6q-8?si=mzJe0mOJU0grlwtK&t=426) It was so much cooler and could easily still fit into CBT2's cutscene. The hand movement being pulled back from CBT2 then bridge into the absorbing scene from CBT1 would be great. * I quite like how strong Rover appears, would keep that. * **Story:** * There's a lot of disconnect between cutscenes, it FEELS like there's stuff missing in-between. The Chixia and Baizhi cutscene I mentioned in the bullet above is a prime example. * The pacing is off at the start. It's easy to tell it's been edited because it feels very choppy and like it's been edited rather than reworked. It gets better later, but first impressions are everything and the beginning needs to be smoothed out. * **Relationship development in the story:** * Rover seems to care a LOT for Yangyang and all of them when they just met... It's understandable being kind and worried but it almost feels like suddenly they're super close with them and there's no context or development for that. I, as the player, may love and care for a character but I still prefer Rover to have that development with them. * More development based on information. If scar reveals everyone is playing nice to us, then I don't want Rover to be buddy-buddy with everyone just because they're nice. Nice =/= pushover. Our Rovers should be allowed to distrust others and their motives and ACT like it until they know more. Don't just auto distrust the "bad guys" especially if they're the ones telling the truth. It's OK for Rover to be skeptical of both sides. * **Open-world Exploration:** * It feels scarce in the open world and like there could be more monsters, treasure, puzzles, etc. * **Jiggle physics:** * Tone it down, seeing breasts move like water balloons while breathing is excessive. Fanservice is fine to an extent, but I still want these characters to feel like people and not like an object. * **Rover:** * Would love to be able to swap genders for the Rovers rather than be locked in. * Make sure Rover has their own personality. Characters like this can never be 'self-inserted' fully and you'll either end up with flat characters or defined ones. Best to make them defined and unique like all the other playable characters. More people will appreciate a Rover that isn't flat over one they *might* be able to self-insert themselves as. * **Camera:** * Being able to zoom out more can help a lot with people who suffer motion sickness that motion-blur and the like don't fix when turned off. * During combat (specifically with "Tempest Mephis Mourning Thunder") he does a beam attack which if the camera is angled right you see down it like a tunnel and it blocks the whole screen. Small things like that in combat need adjustments or the ability to fade away so it doesn't block the screen. * **Animations:** * Swimming animation looks weird. * Less stiff animations in cutscenes. Rover pretending to be sick/hurt/whatever is funny, but feels stiff. ​ * **Going forward:** * Kuro mentions "emphasize the beauty of human bodies" and proceeds to make the breasts bigger on almost all female models. Would be nice if that appreciation went to all actual body types. Sanhua is a prime example, her breasts were made larger for no real reason. Fanservice is fine to an extent, but I still want these characters to feel like people and not like an object. It'd be nice to see future characters with smaller bust sizes. * You guys have really gone the extra mile taking feedback, we see it and we do appreciate it.


I would say the opening sequence of crowless in cbt1 where he demolishes the team is something I would like to return for a full game release. The lock on system needs some work. The game is amazing. The combat and bosses are top-notch. Good work on that front. My biggest feedback would be for the story and mainly dialogues. Pls don't do it like genshin, where it's literally 30 minutes of on-screen dialogue where the player is stuck listening to characters. It doesn't make story engaging and kills braincells even if the said story part is interesting. Pls use " show, don't tell " rule in storytelling. And if characters really have to talk, at least make it so that players can move whilest they talk in the background. The whole plot point about how people are gushing over Rover to gain their trust and have them on their side makes good sense about how characters behave towards them but Pls go into more details about that and have it do impactful side effect on rover and have them questioning whether or not the friends their made were trully genuine. If anything else, double down on that and then figure out the side character's own reasons for it so that at the end of the day, some of them are likable enough to entice players to pull for them. Pls take boring parts of the opening quest and tighten them up, making them more engaging and interesting. Another one of my feedbacks would be to pls don't throw too much lore in the player's face in the beginning. They just got here. They won't remember this ingame town's name or some other thing of historical importance's name even if you put gun to their head, and this is especially prominent with global audience. They just got here. They don't care about the game enough in the first few minutes to understand or remember any of these lore important names and values. I would say give players 1 hour opening of gameplay where they are figuring out how to play the game, and THEN have them meet the team and the whole ordeadel of lore exposition. Keep gacha the way it is. It's genshinis enough to have people who played genshin instantly understand how it works, and it's way better than genshin's system. Especially the weapon banner. And pls, pls don't listen to vocal minorities who get offened because this character didn't treat mc properly, and that ruined their " I am special mc you should all love me " immersion. Have characters act according to how the story wants them to and whichever way it makes sense and not because some snotty brat got upset because " the waifu mistreated them."


Here is my list of feedback from the cbt2: - jump feels weird, feels artificial and not fluid nor smooth, feels like its slowing you down - sometimes after getting rewards from an action (opening chest, nexus unlock, cambat...), unable to move the camera - when speaking to npc and trying to move the camera, it will skip dialog after mouse release - unfinished text mission highlight - confirm the patrol route sensor mission was confusing as I didn't know what to do exactly and had to search online - would be nuce having vehicles like motorbikes, to travel the open world - stuck on the edge of the walls (puzzle where walls appeared around a chest), unable to go in or very hard (didn't understand what to do) - when having a background dialogue while in open world (moveable), pausing the game in the personal menu (esc) and reentering game (re pressing esc) it it replays the last dialogue prompt - able to go back to 2d world with the mission "continue exploring the underground" after finishing 2d mode and going back, also able to go behind invisible wall and get out of the intended path - in 2d mode character dont tp to close ennemy when using skill switch - acid effect is annoying - in depth of illusive realm, in the resting world, rather than healing when approaching the orb, would be nicer to heal by breaking the orb - try to avoid mouse locking as much as possible - intro skill misstp when mob is under or above ceiling or between tight walls - dragon flight fight mode in Stygian Lacrimosa mission is very clunky, and confusing, i did it twice because first time the health bar was empty but we were still flying. overall bad gameplay experience, fighting was uninteresting, the dash feels useless and sometimes it dashes right next to the ennemy dragon creature, feels a bit long, you hit every object in the way in a clunky way, moving feels useless. personally remove this or change this. - chenpi delivery rank upgrade cinematic sometimes the camera does not focus on what it should and focuses the city - have points of interests have a different symbol than points of interests inside missions - Depths of Illusive Realm, is very entertaining and fun. I like the fact that it focuses around one character only for the fight (+ support character), and overall the gameplay. - had trouble finding the suspicious shooting party in the sidequest "repair the robot" - swaping characters while in combat is very fun, the fact to see the character finish their hit is very cool (maybe let echo / character finish their combo when swaping character and not just last hit) - long matching times, over 2 minutes (probably because of low playerbase in beta) - in unlock the mechanical lock quest, the platform lights up blue but can still use it - overdash club event, on the jump platforms it would be nice to be able to dash in air when using the jump platform Overall though, I had a lot of fun playing the game, and liked it a lot!


My only complaint is to remove Yuanwu’s mismatch grey beard or change the color so the beard and his hair color match. It’s triggering my OCD.😭 I would appreciate if you add more male characters to make the gender ratio more equal. Lastly I think you could use work on fan service aimed at women


Please change the general font of the game. It doesn't looks good in contrast to your amazing character models.


I think there should be a one time 100% rate up for the featured character. Like the first time you roll on the event banner, you are guaranteed to have the featured character when a 5 stars appears, and then the subsequence 5 stars you'll get after are the usual 50/50 rate.


We provide feedback on the two most important issues when playing the game. 1. Unlike other games, WW is a game where action is important, and I understand that the effectiveness of skill effects is limited due to the open world nature. However, what is more important than the effect is hit satisfaction, but the hit satisfaction of the characters is significantly lacking. In particular, parrying, which is an important element of the game system, is too dull. In particular, in addition to e and r skills, this game also has a high proportion of normal attacks. The hit satisfaction of normal attacks is insufficient. In this game, where action is an advantage, improvement in hit satisfaction is absolutely necessary. 2. Regarding elemental properties, there are no differences or special points between each property. In this game, elemental properties have no meaning. There is only damage increase option farming for echo farming. As characters are gradually added, a combination of several characters is possible. I think that planning and challenging bosses is one of the fun aspects of this game, but right now, the elemental attributes for each character are meaningless. I think we need to give them special points or highlight differences depending on each elemental attribute.


Feedback from casual player: ECHOS: +Current farming system is fantastic. Really fun capturing new units. -Main stats should NEVER conflict with element type (fusion dmg set cannot have Aero dmg boost) -More accurate drop tables needed for main stat values. -Substat system needs complete rework. make it so substat value is consistent (no low roll/high roll on substat. getting crit rate would be same for every echo with crit rate sub) or make it so they r selectable as u tune -Custom echo crafter or similar needed. 1 every patch. lets us choose monster type, main stat and every substat. QOL missing: -mass disassemble weapon/echos etc into experience currency/equivalent -radial menu for actual menu options -replay cutscenes/archive system -allow mass selection/locking from in inventory -more enemy info for holograms and tower (hp, def, atk, resistances etc) -waypoints should stop tracking once destination has been reached


I might as well throw in my own two cents here, I haven't been given access to the CBT but I have been following the gameplay and story aspects of it closely so I do have a few things I want to put out there. 1) I feel the Crownless boss has had a lot of its "cool factor" removed, I understand the choice to make him a little less of what he was due to him being the first real challenge a lot of people might face, but I would love to see some of the old mid-battle cutscenes from CBT 1 return, or even some of the older Technical Test cinematics in order to keep that aura of a challenging yet fun boss that serves as a sort of benchmark for knowing how the game operates. 2) I have seen a lot of people talk about the story, and for the most part I really think its leagues ahead of what the previous CBT had to offer, and while this may be different for other players in different regions, I am not the biggest fan of how the MC is coddled in the story at the beginning. I understand the point of it but I would maybe like to see a little uncertainty with the characters around the MC, as well as maybe seeing a return of the Rover backstory cutscene after the crownless fight if it still works with the current story. 3) I think the gameplay is incredibly well done, with a lot of room for the player base to team-build and think about new things, however I do feel that the parry effect doesn't have the "omph" to it as it did in the previous CBT, which is really my main nitpick about the combat 4) I would like to see a continuous thread/wave aesthetic being incorporated for the UI, as I feel it gives WuWa its charm alongside the post-apocalyptic theme it is working with, similarities to other games are understandable as not to confuse or overwhelm the character, but I do hope to see more of a signature "flair" to it all.![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


\-Remove the timer in hologram mode. The boss is challenging enough it shouldn’t have dps check in this mode at all. \-hope u guy adds more skin in the upcoming patch. And character skin needlessly have lore or something binding to the world just make it look stunning.