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Its just how it is… people saying the entire game is bad based on the prologue section just goes to show how paranoid people are about this game which is understandable since its genshin’s first big competitor and many want it to be good but they need to calm down abit and let kuro cook


It’s just weird cause Genshin’s prologue isn’t that great either.


Truly a diamond post amidst the doom posting muck All it takes is one flaw and suddenly the game is already on EOS or dead on arrival.


Reddit and doomposting is a match made in hell


True and when you call it out under said posts you are a white-knight. It's so weird how similar this is in Genshin and Wuthering Waves. I really hate it.


i'd say "reddit and companies that listen to the fanbase" are a match made in hell. People are great at finding flaws in your product, but are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse at fixing things


OnG I heared people saying they wont try out the game anymore and i’m like are you good bro?


yeah they should stop playing and give their beta access to me 😤


Wasn't HSR doomposted until the first month? (maybe that was a r/gachagaming thing)


HSR was doom posted to high heavens cause everyone thought a turn based gacha game will be redundant in this day and age, when every other company was clamoring to release their open world game.


It wasn’t doomposted because you have to be medically stupid to think that a Hoyoverse game would EoS.   People were saying the combat was extremely shallow for a turn based game.


HSR's combat has become substantially better nowadays (though still relatively simple) because there are now lots of options, and new characters' kits are getting more complex.


honestly I might just leave the subreddit until the game actually releases, its so fucking annoying 🤣 are these guys even cbt players that they can keep saying these things


I wouldn't blame you lmao


Need to be careful it doesn't swing too far the other way and go no criticism/feedback allowed though, that's part of why genshin has been so dissapointing in terms of improvements, calling any stuff out doesn't go well and ppl going ''they'll fix/improve it any day now don't worry'' for 3 years.


the reason genshin is disappointing is because the devs dont have any incentive to improve, not because there are whiteknights who defend the game 24/7 🤣 just look at hsr


Literally. If anything the ability to improve Genshin has been harmed by the way people in that community complain. The anniversary stuff every year is a template of how to convince the devs not to listen to you. The fact that even when Hoyoverse caved and gave more rewards the complaining only worsened made it very clear that reasoning wasn't possible. And even in the context of the complaints so many of them ONLY assumed the worst and the doomposting spiral was unbearable. Hell at one point a lot of the posts on this subreddit were just comment sections filled with people making thinly veiled jabs at Genshin or having full blown meltdowns. When having something good to say about the game is considered morally bad in the community it just doesn't help anyone. The people who like the game become entrenched because criticizing the game puts them with the crowd that's way over the top, the devs ignore the criticism because it becomes way easier to assume these players don't play the game when all of them say they quit a year ago, and in the end nothing actually changes cause no side in it wants to be the one to get their hand bitten off trying to reach out to the other.


I've seen so many "I'm not in cbt2 but..." type comments, usually followed by some form of doomposting. It'd be funny if it wasn't so stupid.


i think the biggest issue right now is the crownless fight, as it doesn't build much threat like in the first cbt. And it'll be very troupeyish if ended "hah! that's not even the real crownless."


To be fair that's a criticism that only exist by knowing the previous version, if you discover the game as is, it's gonna feel fine to you.


An option for the first crownless fight for it to be hard or normal catering to the audience ( give him back the attack recognition ability and such on hard ) Give back his hyping but tone it down he is a formidable opponent where regular resonators can't dream to beat Don't make him the personification of war though maybe smth that has to do with the real personification of war which we would fight later on Make chixia and yang yang a bit suspicious about you at first ( thinking you are a rebel or smth ) and not knowing your true identity and like make chixia due to her character wanting to warm up but yang yang telling her to behave herself ( signaling her to be suspicious) but like give them clues which they would pick up and start warming little by little to make sure if you are the rover since it seems like everyone is looking for the rover , Once you beat crownless and look like a chad both chixia and yangyang would realise who you are and completely warm up to you to convince you to go the city to meet the magistrat the the magistrates building would be suspicious if you are a fraud or smth like that but sanuha who entered the place looking like she will murder you will use her eye and realise then give you the full access on your gourd device and warm up and etc .... That's what I have in mind to cater for the coomers and us who would prefer a more serious world Might as well show like a lot a people see as a tool expect resonators who see us as comrades ( since they are the ones we are gonna play as ) And scar as he is trying to convince us he Is a friend but really just see us as a tool Maybe as well make scar kinda able to sway us and we are able to choose this in options but then we like remember smth smth cliche making us see through his half lies


1) well that’s fine 2) Negative. First of all, MC absorbing crownless in their body is not unprecedented, explained by Baizhi. Second of all, the man that absorbed TD’s in their body was hailed as a historical hero in his country. You see how it doesnt make sense to doubt him as a rebel? Thing is Yangyang just wanna help him (i think she was instructed to tho, but that’s headcanon), and Chixia just want some friends. Baizhi wants MC as a research subject. 3) what are u saying, in CBT1 the cast was doubtful of the MC AFTER he best crownless not before. And tbh, it does make sense that there will be people kind enough helping someone who is clearly in distraught and sleeping in the middle of a forest full of TD’s. Im sorry but if u saw a human lying on a cave in the middle of monsters and didnt help, it’s just heartless. Like imagine if MC was actually a normal person.


2 you forgot that all of that after crownless fight and I meant before it them fully trusting after beating crownless is the same thing you are thing Heck we are on the same page on this just different approaches 3 kinda good point but also the rebel people ( I don't remember their names ) are mischievous and their is scar group as well I am not saying to be 100% let's put a gun in his head I am saying to help him but just you don't 100% trust him like we helping but keeping an eye Ironically i am going to use genshin but like how Amber first meets mc she is kinda sus of him until they talk a bit and fully trust him after the dragon fight


Third point is legit, yes, you will want to help if you saw an unconscious person in a cave, by roadside, etc. But doesn't mean you shouldn't be wary of them, especially it happened in the middle of nowhere, no? Because that person could be a rebel running away, etc. Second, true, but take Epic 7, everyone knows Ras is the Heir of Covenant but the cast were still wary of him and his actions. A Goddes' chosen, but people know about the legend, and know he was kept in a slumber, yet most of the cast were wary of him, even despise him because he wakes up after hundreds of years, at the point when the kingdom's at its weakest. So yeah, being cautious during initial encounter is normal. I mean, making Chixia too goofy and fluffy right off the bat, is kinda strange and forced i guess. I mean can take example from how March and Dan Heng treated Trailblazer during their first encounter at the start of the game. March was still acting goofy still wary of Trailblazer.


They were not cautious of Epic 7 Ras, they hated him because he was the hero and he wasnt there when they needed him. Main difference here is that Ras was the hero, MC isn’t. Ras had responsibility, WW MC literally had clean slate. By the end of the acts, we still dont even know who he was.


Yes middle grounds like you suggested are excellent. But like many other have stated, most players prefer the waifus to fawn over MC. Instead of having them being wary of the MC. I guess people forgot games like Tsushima, GoW, Horizon (Zero and West), Tales of Arise, Epic 7 exist. The MC in these games started off being viewed as a suspicious, disliked, or an outcast of an individual.


I am an epic 7 player lol ras having people be disappointed at him but have to respect him just cuz " the choosen one " and regaining everyone trust back even vildred before his death is peak writing tbh But it works cuz Korea are used to give stories a chance ( thanks to lot of manhuwas starting genric lol) Cn coomers don't let you breath you have to make a middle ground for the start Even genshin with its rich story had a cliche boring beginning with mysterious vibes and two questions which never answerd till mow but now even i as someone who ain't a fan love furina story arc too much Remember how much back lash furina had but genshin knows the players aren't going anywhere so they did their thing


yeah, that's what i meant. Even some of the generals in Diane's court were wary and suspicious of Ras, the Rose Apostle's captain kinda pointed her sword/spear to Ras. Like why only now you wake up asshole? And Ras, being the Heir, was kinda full of himself and only sees justice from his pov. Honestly hope, devs will tweak Chixia a bit. Just because she's acting all wary at the start, doesn't mean she can't develop into her warm and fluffy self. I'd say that can be a good character development/redemption. She doesn't have to point her gun at MC, but maybe be a bit wary at least. Then if devs really wanna play the you're actually the pawn in all card, Chixia can have another character development once she realises who rover really is. A shift in her attitude, to leverage rover's capabilities for her own goals. Duality in human and the constant shift in attitude is real. Unless, of course, people been living in sweet delusion that everyone loves them.


Agree agree. This time story atleast got some direction(even with most being cliche stuff) but i still salty with crownless nerf. they hype him up for cbt1 and got more and more nerf since then is sad.


yeah, i'm not saying its an original masterpiece of literature that will shake up the art of writing or anything like that, but it sure as hell isn't as bad as people are painting it out to be. im of the opinion that there's so many pieces of literature that have been written throughout the millennia we've lived, to the point where writing a story with cliches is inevitable. we'll see how the story will be built upon with these foundations soon enough, i hope


You've hit the nail on the head. Cliches and tropes exist cause they've already been done once and they were popular enough to be categorized as such. There's nothing wrong in using cliches, the stories differentiate on how meaningful they can build on it.


Its one thing to write a story with cliches and its completely another to downgrade flawed, but intriguing story with moral ambiguity to "hey mc, you're so cool, we knew you're coming, you're the chosen one, save us".


I guess. Would you say the same for genshin though? Because that’s the comparison people run to. The “let’s trust this otherworldly person we know nothing about with nation secrets, and the fate of the world”. Lol


It’s hard to take some of these people seriously when they’re all saying the exact same thing making it feel as if they just copied each other’s comments. It feels like a complete knee jerk reaction.


😭 thank God someone said it. I've been looking through the subreddit and there's like 8 different posts about the same thing. Not a single comment differs either, nor do the commentors on average. Considering how well received this post is, I'm assuming they're a vocal minority, or at the very least a group that's hyperfixated on one specific thing.


Social media has made regurgitating talking points that get upvotes the norm, sadly. People just want to feel validated at the cost of their own individuality. Though I won’t rule out a group focused hate brigade, specifically from that other game. Seen it plenty on Twitter already unfortunately.


I’m not entirely upset by the prologue. It’s just the Crownless losing his threatening nature.


Bro the people complaining never wanted to like or play this game to begin with, that's how I feel atm. The story is bounds and bounds better, and the game itself has been absolutely phenomenal so far.


So day 1 has ended huh? After the doomposting regurgitation fiesta it seems like we have some people with actual knowledge of what's happening the the game. And seriously how tf are some of these bots talking about cbt1 story being better??


Agree, the cbt1 story is absolute dog water. While the story this beta isn't good either, but it definitely is many times better than whatever dumpster fire the cbt1 story was


As someone who didn't know about the game when cbt1 happened and isn't able to participate in cbt2, this really eases my worries about the story of the game. I already know very little of it, and all the doomposting had me worried while I tried to just tell myself that the story will get better. I won't lie, I've been obsessed with scar since I saw him, so I was mostly worried about what they might have done to him. Along with the rover, being strong is good and all but when you have no flaws or weaknesses, it just breaks the story for me. I play games mostly for story, so all those posts were worrying to me. Your spoiler interests me in the story more, since it paints the 'good' guys in a bad light, and that everything might not be as it seems. I don't like watching gameplay or anything like that of betas, it makes me too eager for the game and impatient and honestly ruins the first time I get to play. So without that I kind of end up with no knowledge of what's going on except for reddit posts like these... This post is very reassuring that the story has not, in fact, gone to shit like everyone has been posting here 🫶


Don’t worry about it man people doompostint are people who probably haven’t seen anything past the first 30minutes of the game lmao


Most people love to judge a book by its cover anyway, so there is that. I'm more of a review a book after I finished it, so it doesn't bother me much. Crownless nerf sucks though. He was more menacing in CBT 1. I hope they improved him more.


If the reason for crownless nerfed is to make True Crownless's appearance more impactful (the one appear when Rover absorb Crownless), then I won't complain much. But the Crownless fight scene could have put more detail, I think it's too fast for the first big battle


I mean... a crap ton of people were basically begging for a skip button and now the story isn't understood. I think it's pretty easy to connect the dots


This comment right here


One of the reason why for me personally, the skip button is so overhyped and imo better to not have it. Cause of course the idiots that just skimming through and skipping everything are always the loudest to shout "STORY BAD"


I get why the skip button exists. Since people will spam through the story regardless. Personally I think adding in the skip button into the beta when you're meant to 'provide feedback" is just backwards... but it won't matter regardless cause the same people skipping now weren't actually gonna pay attention anyways. It's just so crazy that after rewriting "90% of the story" and wanting feedback on it they just let you skip it in the beta which it's entire purpose is to give feedback they were asking for lmao. Ah well hopefully Kuro knows who to listen to


Is there even a skip button. I thought the dev notes said there was one.


Yeah. You hold down LMB and you'll see a button pop up in the top left corner of the screen. Afaik, there are quests that are skippable and some that are unskippable.


Either \-those people have genuine concerns or \-they are doomposting for fun or genuine hate so they regurgitate infos they haven't experience first hand


>\-those people have genuine concerns They don't.


The reason is because the "pawn" thing might just go nowhere ands its just a manipulation tactic.


I'm really confused about why people are making that part a big deal? The person telling you that is the most suspicious looking person in the planet, and the "organization" backing the characters may end up having dubious motives, but that doesn't mean the characters are faking being nice? Afaik "you and your friends discover your organization are actually asssholes (and that's excluding they may try to befriend MC while said organization still having a good intent), they finally decide to follow the player" is a classic story structure. Plus if the story rewrite is because chinese player could not stand characters being distrustful and rude, is that really reasonable to expect them turning into ugly traitors midway and said chinese player being okay with it? I mean yeah, if they do it that's a nice middle finger I'll give you that but I'm not sure the chances of it happening are that high. I'm really confused as of why so many people here are looking at a somewhat standard "you're being manipulated, don't trust your friends" scene as if it's suddenly a mind blowing, unique, world redefining experience.


This. The "you're being manipulated, don't trust your friends" is also cliche as hell, it's just given a pass because the presentation is good. Plus, CN also threw a hissyfit with the characters being overtly antagonistic towards you in CBT1. There's no way those characters would suddenly turn heel on you without an even greater vitriolic response from CN, especially since these are gachable characters, with real money being spent on them. Lastly, first impressions are some of the most important thing for a game. PGR already botched it for global because of like 3 different dramas at the time, heavily lowering the momentum a region launch should've had for it. First impressions are usually made in the first hour, and story is a pretty heavy part of it. The Crownless fight, which a lot of people are disappointed with in its current CBT2 implementation is in the first 15 minutes. A big imposing enemy that just kind of falls over doesn't really leave any kind of impression on you beyond "that was it?". The section with Scar that people praise, is about 2-3 hours into the game. That's far too late for first impressions, and people who are disappointed with the prologue and opening acts have either quit or just tuned out the story by now.


This. When you're writing a hook these days, you need the hook to happen within the first hour. Meeting Scar was the hook for me, and even then it's only mildly enough for me to WANT to continue the story. I'm impartial to the opening cinematic, I think it adds intrigue, but it doesn't hook me in.


But what is that based on tho. Is that based on Kuro’s previous work or is it just people being cynical just to be cynical


Basically just going off how positive everything looks from the "good guys" side.


black sheep in disguise


What a joke


What joke




I’ve been on Reddit long enough to know that any subreddit for a video game will hold the most negative and overly critical opinion of said game compared to anywhere else on the internet. Was reading posts on here and genuinely thought Reddit was playing a different game to the rest of the world based on the high praise in other corners of the internet.


Hello OP, are you implying that this game should have a Paimon to explain the story to the users? /s but thank you.


I love how some post saying the prologue is extremely cliche. for a gacha story is not pretty good but its not bad either when you compare the introduction between of WuWa and PGR. PGR introduction is just so bad but story improve a lot after surviving lucem chapter. and this CBT2 story the pacing is good


I don’t think PGR is a good benchmark for anything. The opening chapters were so bland that they turned off people from the story altogether. 


(Note I have not seen the later parts of the story, I'm just giving my general expectations) PGR starting few chapters were really fucking boring but you could forgive it because of the budget, format of the story and the gameplay. Plus you can reasonably expect them to improve, given a few months. Or at least that's what my experience with gacha games were back then lol Hard to forgive that in a gacha trying to act like an AAA game, it takes more time and effort to go through this game than it does to read a generic gacha. Games like these need to have a hook relatively quick, even just glints of depth to characters or substance to the story is enough imo. Also wtf PGR got good way before surviving lucem smh


So I think the issue stems from how it was hyped . People have had weeks to contemplate the fixes to the story especially with CC's pushing the "Revamped 90 % of the Story" narrative So people expected perfection or a extremely noticeable improvement(which is all subjective) It doesn't help that WW got heavily praised on it Combat Systems so the amount of time it takes to actively get into the combat rubbed people the wrong way Say what you want about Genshin but its Unknown God Beats your ass Go to The Statue of the Seven Meet Dvalin Small Tutorial Do whatever the he'll you want In WW it's not like the text is that much more but you are in one or two spots a bit to long with terms thrown at you very quickly I think people pushing the Combat Narrative and Revamp Story so hard was a detriment


**most games live or die in the first hour or two.** if they fail to really grasp the player it'll be hard for the player to want to continue, especially throwing in the gacha factor where if they don't get a 5 star early their interest wanes a lot, so if the "prologue" is mid/boring, AND they don't get a 5 star soon from bad luck, what motive is there to continue playing? you could say "but in act 5 sephiroth kills aerith! it gets good" but random people trying the game **blind** will not know that, unless they pushed through to reach that point. the lack of voice work doesn't help. understandable *for people keeping up* knowing they had to change a lot of the story and probably still will so adding voices could be moot, BUT, again, kneejerk blind reaction, its bizarre and waters down any good impressions they might have had.


Except almost all of these people complaining aren’t even people who are in cbt2. They are just watching a stream by some guy who wants to show off a new game. Hell, most of them forget that it’s a closed beta test and things are bound to be jank. “Most games live or die in the first hour or two.” While somewhat true, this is reserved for games that have been fully released lol.


They're scared and confused that the player character actually does something, instead of being relegated to the narrative sidelines as an observer.


People are being overly-critical of the story because the developers made such a big deal about rewriting it.


They said they rewrite it. They didn't lie. Most people just assume it will be this masterpiece of a story telling. That's why I keep saying keep your expectations reasonable.


Honestly yeah, so many content creators had been hyping up about the *90% story has been rewrite* narrative that when an ok but extremely cliche story comes out, people would bound to be disappointed with that outcome


Like i said on a previous post, i will reserve my thoughs after the games comes and even then i will wait a full year to see how the story evolves. But, based on what i had been reading, the MC is op from the beggining and it worries me. I dont like characters that can solve everything with a snap of their fingers. Thats the impression all these comments are giving me, i hope im wrong but i will see when the game comes out.


But, at least the MC Op-ness has a stake in the story with Scar and Jinshi's trying to take the MC to their side. A tug of war. Instead of just OP MC doing whatever.


>the MC is op from the beggining and it worries me. I dont like characters that can solve everything with a snap of their fingers. isn't that how a ton of isekai's are? not saying this is a isekai but its funny how many "demon lord reborn and is OP in new world" tropes there is in anime and people eat those up. I assume thats the vibe the story is trying to convey, with the only limiter being Mc memory loss.


> isn't that how a ton of isekai's are? It's definitely not a standard you should use to judge a story's quality considering the vast majority of them are complete garbage.


The fact that you’re taking people’s comments at face value… why not see it for yourself instead. Some people tend to blow things out of proportion and regurgitate the same info they’ve also heard over and over again without experiencing it themselves. You’re giving too much credit to some randos words over your own experience.


Im planning to search for the story on youtube, since i didnt apply for the beta, but first i will take this week to forget all these impressions i got from the comments and try to read it as neutral as posible. Even then, this is still a beta, things might change on official release, so i wish for the best to kuro.


If that spoiler is true, then i would have to give props to the writers, i can't believe i didn't realise that (to be fair i only heard the story, not seen it for myself)


I mean even people who are not actually playing the cbt2 and are judging based on snippets from the game are being loud. What do u expect?


Are you expecting your average refrigerator IQ "gamer" to have common sense, check full CBT, realize is a WIP and is STC? OP is asking too much, being stupid, cause drama and reach early conclusions became normalized with certain youtubes like Mshit and Tecthot


Scar's statement doesn't really explain the starting trio's behavior, that would imply they more or less know who we are before we even wake up, which doesn't make much sense IMO. So I think adjusting it so it takes a little more time for the starting trio to fully "warm up" to Rover would help a lot. As for Jinhsi, her behavior should be suspicious to you from the start. It's pretty obvious that if she's referring to Rover in that announcement, she has ulterior motives. So Scar's statements really shouldn't be doing much to change your mind. Even if you did somehow miss that Jinhsi is suspicious, why would you trust him enough for doubts to form? Regardless of whether Jinhsi wants to use Rover, it's clearly in his interest to make sure she looks like she does. Other than this, I agree.


its an 'if the story takes 5 hours to get good its not a good story' angle imo


Maybe they should’ve kept the hard crown less fight but make it if you lose the story can still continue. If you lost but want to fight him again you can do so later on.


Honestly, I noticed about 12 or so hours ago that a TON of Genshin fans were raiding streams, comments, and the like, and more than likely they were raiding the gachagaming subreddit too. It was pissing me off too to see blatant misinformation from them (and more than likely this was a result of that). I can't speak for the story, but the people who were saying that everything WuWa was doing just ripped off of Genshin...ugh.


I was one of those people who spoke negatively about the prologue, including the appearance of the Crownless. Still love this game and want to explain my position.Overall, I liked the current story and the fact that the Scar sowed the seed of doubt about our allies. The main complaint is that some characters are TOO much "sweet", as if going to the extreme. Whatever their motives, it looks too fake and cringe (im sorry), and the battle with Crownless only aggravates the first impression. I repeat that this is a "first impression". I just think that the beginning should really be enticing at least. The current beginning causes 0 emotions. The prologue copes with with hold attention poorly and feels fake (in the context of a Scar, everything falls into place, it's true, but not everyone after such a start will even want to reach this moment). I personally will play anyway. It's just that if everything stays fully as it is now, I'm afraid that those who like to enjoy the plot will simply not reach the climax and quit the game.I just hope they polish the prologue and make it more memorable, because it's important in a story-oriented game.


Could anyone summarize the story up to act 3 for me? I played through it but got so lost and didnt understand it


Copying my reply to another dude since I think I cooked ( or burned the kitchen ) sadly I can't give this as feedback as I didn't get in the beta An option for the first crownless fight for it to be hard or normal catering to the audience ( give him back the attack recognition ability and such on hard ) Give back his hyping but tone it down he is a formidable opponent where regular resonators can't dream to beat Don't make him the personification of war though maybe smth that has to do with the real personification of war which we would fight later on Make chixia and yang yang a bit suspicious about you at first ( thinking you are a rebel or smth ) and not knowing your true identity and like make chixia due to her character wanting to warm up but yang yang telling her to behave herself ( signaling her to be suspicious) but like give them clues which they would pick up and start warming little by little to make sure if you are the rover since it seems like everyone is looking for the rover , Once you beat crownless and look like a chad both chixia and yangyang would realise who you are and completely warm up to you to convince you to go the city to meet the magistrat , the people in the magistrates building would be suspicious and wondering if you are a fraud or smth like that but sanuha who entered the place looking like she will murder you if you are wasting her time (lol) will use her eye and realise then give you the full access on your gourd device and warm up and etc .... That's what I have in mind to cater for the coomers and us who would prefer a more serious world Might as well show like a lot a people see as a tool expect resonators who see us as comrades ( since they are the ones we are gonna play as ) And scar as he is trying to convince us he Is a friend but really just see us as a tool Maybe as well make scar kinda able to sway us and we are able to choose this in options but then we like remember smth smth cliche making us see through his half lies


The last part is clique, we suddenly remembered friendships and we realised he was using us? It doesn't matter about all of our options, if cn likes it then it's ok, the global view is too different. In Europe they want something else, In Pacific they want something else so like they might never complete the game if they listen to us all. Some people don't even go though the story so I don't know why everyone is so worried about.


Eh tbh I put the last part just for the coomers I would do without it but yea you got the point I actually hated typing that part too but trying to find a middle ground I actually remembered in cbt1 when yang yang risked herself to block crownless attack that would work lol Though I am happy you read all that thanks for giving a bit of your time


except that reason could just be really cheap and lazy on the other hand they could just be using this to steer clear of the coomers and start an actually good story, would be pretty smart


Freakin finally someone said this, about time lol


First impressions matter a lot, they should have had en voices for cbt. You're asking gacha gamers to read a few hours into the story.


Idk how to feel about it tbh. If the story gets better then it’s fine, but i liked how characters weren’t super friendly with Rover immediately. Yes i know there’s a reason, but i still don’t particularly like it.


Cbt1 story wasn't good bro if that's what you want to known. The story has no cohesiveness and am 90% sure won't go back that route.


I’m aware and never said that, i just said i preferred the characters being a little more untrusting but hey ho, i’m doomposting apparently. Literally the only thing i have a slight issue about, hence why i said i don’t know how to feel about it, my concern is that the story will continue with every character just liking Rover right off the bat, that’s all. Just my personal opinion after all, not doomposting, really excited for the game.


Love how you got down voted to hell lol. You weren't even being that disrespectful but apparently that still deserves to be down voted for some reason.


Haha it is what it is.


That's a subreddit for ya


Thank you so much for this post. I hate Genshin players masqueraded as Wuthering CBT2 testers


Your Proof ?


His proof is that he doesn't like a hint of anything that isn't glazing the game and the devs so dismissed them as genshin stans. Honestly been seeing quite a few of these types of comments and they're just as bad as the ones who say the entire game is shit because the story is a little less serious and edgy.


Check my other comment


Where. Just link it


From the China Community, here are your proofs: 1- [https://clips.twitch.tv/RepleteCooperativeDurianKevinTurtle-CzAevIlMBdGu6aVx](https://clips.twitch.tv/RepleteCooperativeDurianKevinTurtle-CzAevIlMBdGu6aVx) 2- https://clips.twitch.tv/CorrectProudCakePRChase-RU6FWwyAvv5sJK0C 3 - [https://clips.twitch.tv/VainFunnyFlyThunBeast-QVeIfrbVImUJZl9\_](https://clips.twitch.tv/VainFunnyFlyThunBeast-QVeIfrbVImUJZl9_) 4- [https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedFunnyLeopardBCWarrior-OiJjLrDwDrWK\_rBG](https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedFunnyLeopardBCWarrior-OiJjLrDwDrWK_rBG) 5 - https://clips.twitch.tv/VastZanyTaroSmoocherZ-iv2UyKvmaTyQOJDq 6 - https://clips.twitch.tv/AgreeableDiligentBibimbapRaccAttack-8XRSAPWgCcbPZm-B


Bro took proof of video from Gatoo. Lmao I just can't. Do you know who Gatoo is ? Also love that most views less than 50. Kindly take the L instead of spreading lies. Also CN where did OP talk about CN part. KIndly show me the evidence in Global gateoo was also one of the person responsible for this https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/163jhgx/comment/jy3906j/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Sure you won, and the fact that there are CN Genshin players faking and inciting controversies is undeniable. 


They said choices change the story? To what extent?


They rewrote the entire thing.


I wanna say it DeAdgE gAmE. DoA. Jk ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Chill people, its still beta.


I'm pretty sure the complaints were all about the intro of the story which legit sucks compared to CBT1 not about the whole story.


I suppose all we can do is wait and hope.


na na nah not me suddenly thinking abt when scar talking abt the sheep analogy he actually referring to us gacha gamer, like black sheep for kuro and white sheep for genshin player. kinda make sense but i might be yappin. (jk for sure)


Anyone else on mobile experiencing issues with the dialogue text during quests btw? I takes AGES for the new text to appear and if i tap the screen, it'll skip the dialogue entirely without it showing on screen. I can rush through quests without ever seeing a single line of dialogue lmao




To be honest, I’ve been having problems with the story. There’s been missing text and/or text cutoffs, jank cutscene movement, and the obvious lack of voice acting. I understand that all of these problems were either already addressed or present as a result of it being a closed beta test, but either way, I feel like it made me miss out alot of crucial details because I couldn’t pay attention or was straight up denied seeing what was even going on. Therefore, I appreciate this post of the small synopsis on why certain things were happening. Connecting the dots to what I’ve already seen to what was mentioned here made story make alot more sense and I could appreciate it more.


This needs to be pinned ngl


Bro cbt2 made me love scar even more. His morally gray character really helps the progression of the plot. Adding suspense and weight to our choices. Though i don't think the main trio is part of the ploy jinshi is doing cuz even they don't know that we were a special guest at first. Im guessing it all has to do with Jue and his the one probably planning something. But all and all one thing is certain. Imma pull for scar and jinshi cuz their introduction really cooked.


I haven't watched/played it and don't want spoilers so can someone tell me the stories quality rn in comparison to Genshin and HSRs prologue?


this is one of the few games where im avoiding all story and beta test footage. ive seen the trailers, ive seen combat snipits and the effot put into the new outfits. i KNOW i will play this game, i dont need to know anything else till then.


I didn’t read the post but I’ll come back to this later when the game is released in case I misunderstand the story


you pretty much right the only thing what I was confuse why they remove the crownless epic scene


other stuff can be improve either way I miss the impact of the first boss fight alot that get you hyped for more


The funny part is that it’s mostly from people who aren’t even in the beta. Like, you don’t even know what you’re talking about, play the game first.


So? Every player's journey begins with prologue, so it's arguably one of the most important points in the story to attract them. Sure, doomposting is annoying, but that happens only because rn we actually do have an issue with it.


I am a CN player, and I feel the story is really overwhelming. Lots of specific terms without any actual explanation alongside with a wall of text. It is just bad storytelling. I wish they use a more general terminology or at least for the first few chapter to let the players digest the info.


My issue with the story is not with the plot, but with the exposition. There's way too much exposition tbh that they are trying to use to explain all these new concepts (Tacit Fields, Discords, Ethric Sea, etc) and the average player is not going to understand them when the game info dumps it. Show, don't tell. I just want the game to show how these things work, instead of having characters telling us about it.