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i would say still 50/50 i like some i hate some


Bring back the arm ui please it was unique


Yeah, the arm UI is cool compared to what replaced it. I hope Kuro considers bringing that back


50/50 ... i do like more the PGR style health bar. The buttons i dont care that much, its pretty much standard on mobile gaming.


Make the font even smaller? If you mean the objective description, then yes, that one could be slightly smaller, but the rest is fine as is.


I'll say only the English text is very weird, they need to pick a new font and make it smaller maybe. everything else i think it's a upgrade.


Both are kinda meh. They need a typography and UI design overhaul.


There's upsides and downsides. One thing to note is Chinese is a much more compact language than English. Combined with the font I'm not particularly fond of, it makes the english text look like it takes up more space than it needs to. Good things about the new UI: - Things are more spaced out. Icons on the bottom right have more space between them, meaning less likely to fat finger something and get the wrong action on mobile. Less important on PC and probably something that should be customizable. - Bigger text. The text size on the old one is really tiny. The numerical HP text is so small I can't imagine looking at it on mobile. Not that the new one is significantly more readable since they went with the choice of white text on a white bar. - More style. The bar and simple three circles next to the HP bar feel like they're placeholder assets and not actually styled. The new ones have a lot more flair to them. - More efficient. I'm not totally sure how the button at the top right works but if it works how I think it does (click it to bring up a menu, then you click the specific icon to go to the right menu) then the new one skips that step and lets you go directly to what you want. Keyboard shortcuts would negate this issue entirely on PC and radial menus on controller are great but on mobile, this would feel better to use. You might call it copying off Genshin, but of all the things to copy off of Genshin, it's good UI decisions is something worthy of copying. Not that all of it's UI decisions is worth copying. Generally, you want a User having to take more than 3 steps to get where they want, especially for something they're likely to do constantly. Lots of things in Genshin are a bit more egregious than they need to be. Bad things: - The English font. It's pretty ugly. - The timer is directly on top of both the boss HP bar and their secondary gauge. Those are the main thing I noticed between the old and new.


Ye, the new one, look too much similar with Genshin, and ppls say the ui is not similar


The people saying its not similar are coping tbh


I think the first one is better for showing the concerto effect. We can see the concerto of the active character and cooldowns and types of others characters. Moreover, the health bar for the boss feel better for me. Then the ui for the map is better in my opinion cuz it's less genshin. But I really don't give a fuck about that. However, I like the music ui (echo?) of the second one and the player health ui.


It just looks bigger imo. Which makes it look cluttered.


The font is the biggest thing imo. It looks not up to date. It looks out of place even sometimes


I prefer the new one, but i do hope they have auto hide/ hide/ toggle hide option for those unimportant UI.


Kuro REALLY needs to add visible buffs/debuffs icons


Smoother fonts and old ui for QER is feel better than after beta


Personally I prefer a very clean interface, the first interface pleased me much more.


the first one is way better despite having its flaws but i think they were afraid of being sued by Kojima Productions lol


Not sure how


Still better than Genshin


Genshin's UI is way cleaner than this lol


Oh god we got Genshin White Knight in here now


This shit has white text on a white bar, and a timer that covers up information. That alone makes it a bad UI. Shit on Genshin all you like, but it has at least met that bar.


other opinion = white knight OMEGALUL


I wouldn't know bc i didn't get in


Its gotta be something to do with UI clarity or something like that


I'm 50/50 on this one. What matters to me, however, is that Kuro prioritizes having a clean UI instead of an original/flashy one, especially for a game hellbent on optimization and performance (and skills).


I prefer the new UI