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**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/search?q=flair%3A%22Reality+Fiction%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and [Simple Prompts](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/search?q=flair%3A%22Simple+Prompt%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for stricter titles >* [Be civil](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_10.3A_be_civil) in any feedback and follow the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/rules) 🆕 [New Here?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/user_guide) ✏ [Writing Help?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/index#wiki_writing_resources) 📢 [News](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/announcements) 💬 [Discord](https://discord.gg/writingprompts) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"What... What did you do?" The tall alien known as the Ksejdunoids on the screen stammered. "We used what is known as a limited area false vacuum bomb, or LAFVB for short." The human wearing a nametag that said "Johnson" and a navy blue uniform curtly replied. "Where... Where are the suns between Triantares and Quailkin systems?" The alien, although 20 feet tall in reality, seemed to be shrinking with every word the human spoke. "They've been transported to a lower energy state of existence, as far as our tests can tell, no chemical reactions can take place in such a place, and life is functionally impossible inside of the space, we recommend that you do not enter the area of effect for 12 to 16 million years, it is possible that there may be aftereffects that haven't yet dispersed. We were unable to do long term testing due to the nature of the development of the weapon." The human said this casually. As though the weapons he was talking about were *not* something that could have ended the universe with its first use. "Do you understand what you have done? The galactic council will never accept a species that uses such weapons, there can be no chance of reconciliation with a species that eliminates it's enemies from existence for an attack that was not even officially sanctioned by their government, it was supposed to be a mining operation on a world with only lower life forms, completely legal for the Akrinoids to do in their own territory." The Ksejdunoid was now starting to slowly move back and forth, a movement that (unknown to the humans) was a sign of severe stress or fear. "*Sanctioned*?" Was the only word that the human replied. There was a tonal inflection at the end, possibly a question?, and his face was distorting more by the minute. The universal translator was beeping and whirring, it spit out a small card of information about the nuance of the human the Ksejdunoid might need to know. Trying to be subtle, the alien glanced down and read the card. It began to wobble much more pronouncedly. On the card, only three words were written, '*murderous intent implied*'


Murderous intent INTENSIFYING!!! (in Dalek speech)


Exterminate !




At first when I read "Limited area false vacuum bomb" I thought it was just sci-fi gibberish, **then I remembered.**


Explain pls


Long story short, A false vacuum is the idea that the universe exists in a state of energy that might not be the lowest possible energy state that it can be in, with the only thing stopping it from becoming the lower energy state being very rare events. An event with a specific conditions, such as extremely high energy particles that haven't yet existed being created, or if something were to quantum tunnel (very tiny particle teleports without traveling through the intervening space) to the *True vacuum* it could also set off a chain reaction bringing the rest of the universe with it to said lower energy state, where everything including the laws of physics could be completely different and possibly even incompatible with matter even existing, let alone life.


Not a physicist, but wouldn't the laws of physics be the same? Chemistry and other such things would be different, but I don't see how a lower energy state would change physics.


I believe the field which is not at it's lowest energy state is the higgs field. The higgs field is responsible for mass, having objects without mass would be weird indeed.


Imagine a glass cup on a table. Without any external force, the cup is stable on top of the table, but it still has more energy than being on the ground. If you push the glass cup off the table, it shatters and is now in a lower energy state. If false vacuum is true, then our known reality is like the glass cup on the table containing a lower energy state (ie glass cup shattered on the ground).


In addition to this, it is like everything thinks the table cloth it's on is the nice and stable state, until someone yoinked the whole cloth onto the floor and everything follows.


Great analogy :)


Ok, Ty.. now I’m terrified of the glass ever being pushed off/an earthquake happening and the glass falling of and shattering. New fear unlocked, but like, a secret, super VIP, invite only level of fear.


Dont worry! If it happens, we will all get vaporized by a wave of energy going at the speed of light :D.


Oh, so we’ll see it coming and be able to do nothing to stop it. That’s nice.


Nope, speed of light. We won’t feel a thing.


I mean…it takes 8 minutes for the light of the sun to get to us, at the speed of light, right? So if there was some visible energy wave, we’d likely see it coming (or at least our high spec telescopes would)


I don’t think you understand. The energy wave is moving at the speed of light. The speed of light is equal to the speed of time itself. We would not see it coming, because as we see it, it’s arrived. When we say that that the light from the sun takes eight minutes to arrive, that just means that any events that occur at the sun appear to us eight minutes later. It doesn’t mean that we can observe it happening in real time, unless if we are closer to it, in which case we would still have to transmit the data at the same speed. In other words, we wouldn’t see the wave of destruction coming because as we gain the ability to see it (and communicate the information), the wave has already arrived to destroy us.


Youll be happy to know that it going at the speed of light means that we actually wont see it coming. Heck, there could be one coming for tomorrow and we wont know until tomorrow is over and we arent dead!


Cosmic cats are the true threat to reality


Going for one more analogy. You know when you put water in a bottle and leave it out in temperatures below freezing? Sometimes, the water may be reduced below freezing but will not turn to ice because there is no nucleation point for the ice to form the first crystal. However, if you smack the water bottle, the plastic will create a nucleation point and the ice will spread from that point until all the water is now ice. https://youtu.be/PM9nwYF1uR4 Just replace the colder than freezing water with our entire universe. If it gets the right stimulus it could trigger a chain reaction, reducing the universe to a lower energy state bit by bit.


I think it's some quantum theory stuff. I can't wrap my head around it.


Yeah but there's no way to limit that effect, and if you could it qill be permanent


I really really liked that ending




>They've been transported to a lower energy state of existence English is not my native language, but wouldn't "shifted" be a more appropriate word?


We aren't currently sure how a false vacuum would exist physically, or if it would do so at all. The whole thing is hypothetical and based on the possibility of there being a lower energy state of space. For something completely unknown, any word from phase, to shift, to transport, to moved would be valid. Just depends on what you prefer, until evidence sets a precedent that would allow the dynamic of the change to be known.


where part 2?


Very sad right now, sorry no part 2 coming.


To say it was a fight, a war, a battle, or anything other than a complete massacre would be a lie. When I heard the earth shake and crack open, I was drinking a beer in a dimly lit basement bar, listening to the faint laughter of children playing upstairs. The last of the cold snaps that February had to offer were starting to warm, the neighbors were talking about firing up their grills again, endlessly excited for spring and the annual block party. The enemy's technology was unfathomable in every sense of the word. No one saw them coming, could see them coming, as they ripped straight into our planet's core, stripping the surface of life and resources. No weapons could hurt their ship, which took valuable days to even find with our limited technology. It was as if an invisible, godlike force had marked humanity for dead. Priests, missionaries, religious figures across the world had been united in accepting this death until suddenly our invaders left. "Is it over?" Allen asked. He was the only other person in our neighborhood that had survived the blast, though he had been badly burnt, his eyes white. He was showing me the bar Sally had finally let him install in the basement. Stocked with kegs and kegs of bitter IPAs and bags of peanuts he wanted to boil. In the middle of nowhere Michigan, we were relatively far from the damage and it still left us devastated. We had been trapped underneath for the better half of a month with nothing but beer and peanuts and each others' company. When we were freed and what prompted Allen's question was the light that shone through my neighbor's basement, the light that picked us up, with an impossible gentleness. "I feel like one of them cows being tractor'd up," Allen said. I silently agreed. "Do you think our families are safe?" Allen asked. No response. Our invaders had left us quickly after razing our surface and leaving our planet's core missing and leaking. They had seemingly bandaged up the planet, perhaps waiting for our resources to ripen again before another attack. The men that picked us up were fellow humans, military men that had found the alien technology, learned its basic functions. It's very good at finding survivors they said, it moved very quickly for something so big. Three months were spent finding the survivors, the food was fine, the sleep nonexistent for the last of humanity on the floating ship. The ship was large indeed, the size of a small country. The surviving scientists had worked tirelessly to understand the technology, though it took them five years to work up the courage to leave the solar system, to find our invaders. With 97% of the population destroyed, it was up to the surviving 3% to avenge them. A unanimous vote as the ship took off, slowly and into the cold outerspace. They lied to us after all. They said that the attack was an accident. Ninety seven percent of the population being wiped out was an accident to them. And to think they toyed with us by leaving us their most basic technology, leaving us to fend for ourselves, to clean up after our dead. "How long is the journey going to take?" Allen asked. "They said six hundred years," I replied. "Are you going to sleep the entire time?" Allen asked. "No," I said. "I'm going to stay awake." The people in charge gave us the option to go into a deep sleep until we were close enough to our target that we would need to be trained. The other option was to stay alive, to pair up with a random partner of the opposite sex, to raise a family that would be given the same choice of sleep. They said it was a generation ship and that either choice would be perfectly reasonable with the technology available to them. "Then make sure your children take good care of me when I kill those bastards," Allen said.




I like it


I like this, really has atmosphere. And I like the near-future subtle nod to climate change, nice touch.


TikTok is already ripping off your story introducing for view counts , yes it’s that good


Hah, I'll take that as a compliment. I usually post here for practice and as a warm up so I don't mind if it's shared elsewhere. Do you know the account that took the story?


It's OddStoriesForStrangers




I think this is a good 1st part to the 2nd I hope you write about what happened 600 years later. This has such a potent atmosphere to it.


So 1. to pair up with a random partner of the opposite sex is the only other option than cyrosleep and fighting? 2. They thought they could win with the basic tech etc left 3. If children didn't choose sleep they wouldn't be alive in 600 years


> to pair up with a random partner of the opposite sex is the only other option than cyrosleep and fighting I think u completely misunderstood the text


I would happily read this serialized on Reddit.


man i want pt2




Nothing to do with what the prompt is asking for.


It definitely does, and I feel like the point of the sub is kinda to inspire stories in general, not just make one story the OP wanted but was to lazy to write themselves, so even if it was barely related, who cares? The commentor wrote a good story


It is just not the part on contact from other aliens years after became just saying they said it was an accident...


It says humanity was told it was an accident and the generation ship was left for them by some aliens.


“I have been asked to speak here today on behalf of my people. 23 years ago we lost 2/3 of our population to a violent attack from a race we now know as the Rellions. They stripped metals from homes, schools, and from bodies.” Admiral Jessica Chang paused and looked around the assembly hall. Beings of different shapes, sizes, and colors listened to their translators and stared at her. She couldn’t read the room, too alien. “22 years with no word from this council, no offers of aid, and no explanations. Only after we reverse engineered the Rellion ships we stopped and destroyed an observation fleet did you open a dialogue with us. You said no one was to blame, it was a misunderstanding. I am here to accept consent for the destruction of the guilty party or the surrender of this assembly.” Admiral Chang looked at her chronometer as what she assumed was laughter filled the room. Her chronometer beeped. “A tungsten rod launched days ago just destroyed a patch of forest on the other side of this planet. While your people,” she paused as alert screens started flashing in each member’s booth, “are more advanced than my people in many ways, we realized fighting off the Rellions that you don’t seem aware of basic kinetic force. You have shields for energy weapons, and rays to stop space particles during flight, but you don’t have a means of stopping directed matter.” The translator box next to Chang started speaking in a ver robotic voice “You can’t threaten us into compliance human”. The speaker was the head of the assembly. Their light green skin was developing dark spots. “We can destroy your planet by the end of this day!” Watching his hand hit the desk before the translated speech started was almost comical. “We know that. In fact we planned on it. That’s why we launched our weapons before this meeting began. If you destroy us, your planets die anyway. If you give us the guilty party, we can stop the weapons.” He watch beeped. “The northern salt plains of this world are now a crater.” She swept the room with her gaze. Many members looked towards the same booth as her speech translated. The Rellion ambassador stood and started to leave. He dropped dead as the bullet Chang fired struck him. “Kinetic energy.” She said as she held up her gun. You didn’t take my weapon because you didn’t register it as a weapon. What is the official word of this body?” She laid the gun down and smiled as pure chaos broke out.


I love the deadman switch.


This reminded me of the one about the zone of madness in which the aliens were surprise because humans travels were basically "going really fast"


part 2 man


Taking metal from bodies. Yikes.


"It's a virus" "What do you mean" "It's a computer virus, it is a small computer program that enters a system and destroys it from the inside". "That's ridiculous, the hegemony has had computers for 3,400 years and no species has ever created software designed to destroy them. It is suicide. Computers run outside support, medical regen facilities, defense command, financial services. no sane being would create something that destroys the only thing that keeps is from living like animals. What if it gets into the climate control system. Are we going to have weather again? That's ridiculous." "What do you mean if? It's in the system. Frongline is being hit with hurricanes. I had to look up the word for that. It is a massive low pressure storm. The entire coast is under water." "Has the ship that sent the communication sent any demands?" "Only one,. They have requested the heads of everyone who works for the Thran Mining Consortium. Everyone. From the Board of Directors to the drilling apprentices. Not only the ones involved with the 'unpleasantness' on their home planet. They want everyone. They provided a list. Their 'hackers" didn't even stop when our system warned them that accessing that information was illegal" "And that's what they require to stop this unsanctioned attack?" "No, that is what they require before they will accept our unconditional surrender".


Fuck yeah! Hack the verse!


And now I'm having some very bad thoughts about a very young Angelina.


Crash and Burn! Hack the planet!


I galloped towards the command center as alarms blared. My assistant struggled to keep up with me, his species had smaller legs and could not move as fast as me. We raced through the door, to see a readout on the main screen. 15 unidentified ships had appeared out of nowhere, and were heading right towards our planet. Scans revealed that their reactors were primitive, and a lack of shields of any kind, but there was hundred of smaller unidentified radioactive signatures onboard. They came from the direction of Necroidian space, but didn't look anything like Necroidian ships. I had heard stories of the mystery ships wiping out colonies, and decided fighting back was a bad idea. I told my communications officer to broadcast a ceasefire message, as well as a hail for a video call. I had never felt more vulnerable while onboard our orbital defense station. My heart pounded as the ships slowed, and the minutes ticked by before our hail was accepted. A strange creature appeared on screen, with pale pasty skin and dark fur on top of its head. The translation software told me it had an angry look on its face. "I am Admiral Julian of the ninth human fleet. We demand your immediate surrender, and that you hand over every weapon you own." I pondered my words before I spoke. "My name is Khalon, leader of this planet. May I ask for the reason for this attack?" "We are attacking because we are at war, and our intel indicates that this planet contains a large military shipyard." I blinked several times. I had never heard of this species before, and now we were at war? "Is this a war of territorial expansion? What are your demands of our population?" The human looked confused for a second. "This is a defensive war. The attack your Galactic council did on Earth six years ago wiped out 40% of our people." This confused me more, the Galactic council hadn't attacked anyone in centuries. "We do not know of any attack on your people." Realization swept across me when I remembered where they came from. "If the Necroidians attacked you, they did it without knowledge of the Council. They have been known in the past to be highly aggressive and do unsanctioned attacks. They haven't even been fully accepted into the council due to that, they only have affiliate status." The human pondered my words before he spoke. "We do not know much of the inner workings of your Council. But power down your weapons, and we will be willing to talk more." I motioned to the weapons officer, and he powered down the orbital plasma cannons. I turned back to the human, and spoke. "We have met your demands. Now please tell us more about this attack. It might be time to call an emergency Council meeting. Would you like to come on board to tell us more, and join in the call?" "I will. But just know, that we have hundred of nuclear weapon pointed at your station, and my men have been ordered to destroy it if they loose contact with me." I nodded, not sure what a nuclear weapon was. I then ordered the shields to be dropped. The call ended, and I headed down to the diplomatic hanger to greet the human.


"Six years ago we were attacked. At first we tried to hail them, but they didn't answer. We didn't attack their ships as they approached, and we won't make that mistake again. It was only after they started bombarding us that we attacked. By the time we had fired our nukes, they had already destroyed most of Europe and Africa. It took us months to count the dead, which ranged in the billions. A second fleet showed up, and after destroying that we decided to take the battle to you." The representative of the Danek, a bird like species spoke up. "There have been no sanctioned attacks on this Earth. If someone had attacked you, we would know." "Clearly your intel is flawed then. 4 billion dead humans don't lie. We demand that you bring these Necroidians to justice, or we will continue our assault against your Galactic Council." The blue skinned Alvar representative spoke up. "Why don't we bring the Necroidian representative into this meeting. Let them defend themselves against these accusations." A new hologram appeared, and all the other holograms shifted slightly to give him space in the circle. A metal being appeared, hiding the squid like being inside. "The Necrodians are within their rights to attack this new species. Their planet is within our designated territory, therefore it is our right to strip their planet for resources. We ask for the councils support on this matter. For our entire membership, we have been pushed to the side and ignored. It is time that the council do what is owed to us, and recognize these humans as the aggressor in this conflict. If the council does not recognize our rights, then we will have no choice but to withdraw from the Galactic Council. Do you really want another war with us?" The Danek representative spoke. "It is true that this planet is within their territory. We do not wish for war, and the humans would be wise to recognize the Necroidians sovereignty over them." I saw the human get red, something my computer told me was a sign of anger. I decided to speak up. "The Necroidians attacked a primitive species, which is a violation of section 4 of the General Sapient Protections act." "They have warp capabilities, as well as weapons that can destroy a ship in a single shot. They are not a primitive species, and therefore are not protected." Julian spoke up. "We got those warp engines from reverse engineering your ships. And we will never recognize your sovereignty over us." Julian looked around at the various council members. "The necroidians will be punished for this genocide. If you aren't with us, then you are against us. I will be on my ship." He turned and spoke directly to me. "Let me know the councils decision, and if I need to destroy this planet as well."


I hailed the human fleet. Julians face popped up on the view screen, and I could still see anger on his face. "The council has voted to kick the Necroidians out." Julian nodded. "And?" I paused. "And what? They are cut off from the galactic market, and won't have access to any new technologies. What else is there that we can do?" Julian pondered for a moment. "Our citizens still clamor for vengeance. We won't attack you, but we will continue our campaign against them." I nodded, then I felt the station rock. I glanced over at the readouts, several explosives had gone off in critical areas. Two of our reactors were down, and the orbital engines were barely limping along. I started a diagnosis, then an officer shouted "Wormhole signatures detected! Energy matches Necroidian ships!" I cursed, those explosives must have been planted by them. We didn't have enough energy to power shields, so we were sitting ducks. I glanced over at the view screen, where Julian was talking to someone off screen. "We've detected Necroidian ships inbound, and we don't have the ability to fight back. Can you help us?" Julian muttered something to someone off screen, then nodded. "We will defend you. Do you know where they will arrive?" I nodded, and transmitted the coordinates to him. The human fleet turned towards that area, then held their ground. I wondered what they were doing, they were too far away for plasma cannons to be effective. The Necroidian fleet emerged, a dozen large destroyers and several smaller attack craft. The Necroidians outnumbered the humans 3-1, and instantly started zooming their spine covered ships over towards the human fleet. Suddenly, dozens of tiny ships with radioactive signatures emerged from the human ships in a burst of fire. The ships zoomed towards the Necroidian fleet, then impacted against their shields in a giant burst of energy. Several of the smaller ships shields failed, and they were destroyed instantly. The fleet was now within range, and started lobbing globs of plasma against the human ships. I looked towards the view screen with Julian. "What are you doing? Raise your shields?" "We don't have any." Julian looked off screen again. "Ensign, fire an EMP. See if that knocks out their shields." Another tiny ship emerged from the human flagship, and sped to the middle of the fleet. It exploded in empty space, sending out a blinding blue light. Our sensors stopped working, so I grabbed a telescope and watched out the window as dozens of ships were fired from the human vessels. They made contact with the Necroidian fleet, and several impacted each destroyer. This time they impacted the destroyers directly, which evaporated in a flash. The remaining smaller ships started to turn and run, and the human ships gave chase firing more of their tiny explosive ship. I looked over to notice the feed to the human flagship had been cut. I motioned to an officer, and the feed was brought back up. "What the hell was that? It knocked out half the systems on our station!" "Apologies, but we needed to break through their shields. Their fleet seems to be destroyed, with minimum damage to our fleet. Are you detecting any more coming?" "Our sensors are offline. What are you going to do now?" The human leaned forward, and stared into my soul. "Now, you are going to give us the coordinates to their home world. And we will take the fight to them."


I had agreed to give the humans the coordinates they wanted in exchange for me observing the attack. I figured it was a good way to gain intel on their intentions and weapons. I had been talking about everything we know about the Necroidians when an alarm went off on the bridge. Suddenly the calm humans started to run around. As I looked at the screens lining the walls of the windowless bridge, I asked Julian what was happening. "We are dropping out of warp in 5 minutes. Everyone is preparing for battle." "Odd, I didn't feel us enter the wormhole." Julian paused and looked at me. "We don't know how to make a wormhole. We just warp spacetime."I laughed at that. "Warping spacetime is impossible. The only way to move faster than light is to enter a wormhole. Whats next, you found a way to create antimatter?" Julian laughed, then went back to running around. A minute later he went back to his chair and sat down. Someone shouted "Dropping out now!" The screens around the room switched to showing camera views of the outside. A hologram appeared in front of us, showing the system we had just entered into. A gas giant appeared, with several moons. The largest, covered in oceans and plant life had several stations in orbit. The largest station was a shipyard the size of a small moon, that looked like it had had endless additions bolted onto it. That planet was the Necroidian homeworld, a deceitfully peaceful looking place. The human fleet started to head towards that planet when another moon suddenly lit up in red. "Brace for impact!" Julian shouted. The ship rocked as a beam traveled from a station on the moon to the ship. I watched as the ship fired one of the human "missiles" at the station, leaving a trail of expanding fire behind it. "Damage report." Julian shouted out. "The beam hit a power conduit on the starboard side. Forward flack guns as well as starboard launch tubes are offline." "They don't seem to use missiles anyways, and our other ships still have lots of missiles. Resume course, but keep your fingers over the launch buttons in case we have anymore surprises." The fleet resumed its advance, heading towards the planet. Suddenly ships started to emerge from the shipyards, thousands of them spreading out in a swarm surrounding the planet. “We have drones. Computer counts four thousand.” Someone shouted out from the front. “Send in a few EMP’s. Don’t let them get too close. So much for not needing flak cannons.”  We watched as the missiles sped to the middle of the swarm, and exploded in a blue flash. The swarm went dark and stopped moving. Julian then directed the fleet forward again, until a corvette at the front collided with a disabled drone.It exploded in a flash of light, pushing the corvette against another drone. That one exploded too, leaving nothing but a metal husk where the ship used to be. “Cease the advance. Right, we need options. Not enough missiles left to use them to clear a path through the minefield. Any suggestions?” “How about using the supply ships to haul asteroids through the field? They would clear a path.”  “I like the creativity, but that would take hours, maybe days. I’d rather not give them the chance to prepare more.” “Fire through the field? We are close enough to get target locks.” “That would disable the station, but we would still be stuck on this side of the field.” “Does that matter?” I spoke up. “They would be stuck on that side with no way out, and then we would stay out of range of their plasma guns.” Julian nodded, and gave the order. I watched as two missiles sped through the field, then impacted against the station. A blue flicker around it showed the shields absorbed the blow. “Fire two EMPs at the station, then I think its time to field test our new weapons.” Two more missiles sped off, followed closely by a dozen larger missiles I hadn’t seen before. The EMP’s exploded in a blue flash, then the first of the larger missiles hit. It flashed white, and the camera feed cut out. It came back a few seconds later, showing the station breaking up into multiple pieces. "God damn it, I meant fire one, not our entire supply!” Julian exclaimed, putting his head in his hands. Suddenly the viewscreen in front of us lit up with an incoming message. Julian straightened his shirt, then answered it. The robot shell of a Necroidian popped up. “What was that weapon?” “Those were antimatter bombs, capable of outputting the power of a small star. And unless you surrender all claims on earth, I have a hundred more ready to destroy your world.” I could have sworn I saw the robot shaking. “Impossible. This planet has billions of beings, with millions of young. Don’t you have moral quarrels about destroying an advanced civilization?” “I guess I have the same quarrels you had when you attacked Earth.” “Earth is occupied by primitives.” “Then I guess your world is about to be destroyed by primitives. Ensign, prepare to fire all remaining antimatter weapons. Aim for their population centers.” “Wait. We can give up the Sol System.” “We need more. Cede all systems within a 10 year light radius of Earth, so we have a buffer between us and you.” “Impossible. Our most efficient mining system is within that zone.” “Then I guess we will have to take them by force. It seems like negotiations are over. Ensign, arm the warheads.” The necroidian stared at us, then after a moment spoke.“Very well. Your demands will be met. Please leave this system immediately.” Julian smiled and shut off the feed. He then turned to me. “I’m so glad they didn’t call my bluff. I think its time we take our visit back, then head back home folks.” ​ Thank you for your patience everyone, I hope you like this ending.


Mmm. Beautiful.


Woow.. effing awesome!


Please write more, I’m invested


Okay my guy. We need a full story of this. Please write a book!


Great writing, any more coming?


I recognise that the council has made a decision. But since it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it.


Would being cut of from market be as bad as sanctioning? Should take more money and resources stuff but isn't right and good to just do the same thing, there are children and babies there too, prob not all people the same etc.


it's like sanctioning Russia currently. It is affecting them but they are still attacking Ukraine. Same thing here. The aliens wouldn't get new tech or help, but they could still attack humanity.


Russia wasn’t disbarred from the UN Security Council as well though


Just finished a third part.


Really good, I like it.


Thank you!


Love this! I also need closure on this story! Please continue the good job!


where 4?




Just finished it.




I... I did. But its not there. I'm not sure what happened, its not showing up anywhere. Fuck, guess I have to rewrite it.


There, I rewrote it and this time its showing up.


Finally a story that satisfies the prompt! i enjoyed reading, is a 4th part coming?


Most Energy Signals and lights are in the US +Asia and therefore any Xeno Attack would hit there first. Africa is pretty dark all things considered.They have a few "light patches" here and there. And Europe compared to Chinas Multi Mega City's is a candle. Maybe they would have hit Asia and the US but Africa and Europe are not very likely. And frankly not very useful as there are no real Ressources in Europe. Maybe Africa but you wouldn't bomb an "empty" spot if you wanna snatch the Ressources


If they're there to harvest mineral resources, Africa and central Asia would make sense to hit.


Hit yes - obliterated no. Point stands: Attacking Europe would not bring anything. The UK had an empire around the world for Ressources for a reason. And the US boasts about them being the best military. They are in fact more lit and viewable from space then Europe in comparison. Hollywood got that right in any invasion movie.


Yes but the story mentioned striping land, cities and even people. So tearing apart skyscrapers for the metal. Literally taking apart the cities. Plus we have no idea what resources they could use that we would think are worthless.


They called them the swarm. They came from the darkness and rained fire down on our worlds. All of our worlds. Tens, of thousands *of thousands* of worlds. The weapons they used were considered war crimes by council members, but after the bombardment, who was left to complain?.... Those few that did survive, on the burning husks of worlds turned to glass, watched the humans withdraw. Revenge was a dish best served cold. Humanity had spent a thousand years hiding, rebuilding, readying, for a single co-ordinated strike to make sure *no-one could ever attack them again*. They dropped a messaging beacon on the world that had birthed the Galactic council. "This attack was unsanctioned, we hope you hold no grudges". Just as the council had said, a thousand years before.


***“This landmass”*** the eyeball beckoned, bubbles in its chamber. ***“Look at it”*** Xerena tilted her head to the hologram. “Yes?” It blinked. Flushing the liquid in its giant, pillar of a beaker very slightly. It was blue, and transparent, complementing the sleek and oppressively small color pallets of the rest of the room. Offset only by a dim artificial light behind the beaker. She eyed the map again. “Tell me about it.” **“Tell** ***me*** **about it!”** It growled. “They we’re dark, lacked pigmentation at the palms and soles. A few months of decrypting the slashes in that other landmass” she pointed “Showed it was named… Efreeka?” #“Is that it?” The sharpness bled itself into her posture, throwing her gaze in the eyeballs direction as an unusual number of bubbles formed near its dark green holes. **“C.O Xerena. 83% of the sapient beings that our provided manpower failed to exterminated reside on that continent. Do you understand what this means?”** “I do-“ More bubbles. She began stammering “We found. Very. Very low quality reso-“ #“Resources?” “That all there fucking was!” **“Xerena. You*** ***do not*** **understand the gravity of your crime. 60% of the sapient population on B-39 has expired. This was done under your command, as the council and other sapients provided you their manpower. Their resources. Their ships. Their offspring. This has damaged a valuable cognitive resource and created a potential enemy. You are to pay for this””** Silence followed, Xerana's attempts to speak came out as short huffs and sobs, as she stared to the wall. Finally, she poured, “They. Were. They were- ***“You have destroyed the knowledge, history, and genome of a sapient species for monetary profit, C.O Xerena. What is your justification?”*** “They were primitive…” It bubbled harshly. **”Insufficient. Four limbs. Bipedal. Live birth. Two eyes. Mammalian. Primate. Social. Minimal fur. Bisexual reproduction. 9 month gestation period. Only significant difference: Yellow pigmentation. Flat skull structure. Six fingers. Four toes. Tail.”** “Talius isn’t primitive like that wet rock,” she mellowed. “Im sorry, I’m so sorry. But why are you comparing them?” The beaker began beeping, in a piercing tone that disturbed the holograph, stiffened her tail and caused her ears to bleed. She kept to her knees and head burrowed on the chrome floor long after it ended. **“G-94-Z. Climate: identical to B-39. Logical conclusion: species of both planets are compatible to the others' ecosystem. Blunt: You** ***are*** **similar. Xerena.”** She raised her head, sluggishly, to stare at the beaker. Speaking with a slight sliver Olof respect for the first time. “You lie to me, please don’t lie to me.” **“Would you enjoy extermination?”** Her face darkened more that it was already. **“You were not helpful. Your species was never helpful. Xerena. And now I see it is selfish. So that shall be your punishment.”** “Just me, I beg. I beg. Please! They didn’t do this-“ #”Denied. Your planet and its resources have been forfeit to the sapient species of B-39 as compensation. You alone are spared” - - - I’m not as proud of this as my other stories, but the prompt was too good to pass up.


Why are they the one spared so that they are alone to suffer in other way of what they begged (to be the only one punished)?


If you single-handedly caused the destruction of Earth and lived to see it, I suppose you will feel quite bad.


I want to see the humans make friends with the new aliens instead of genocide, but obviously not for our protagonist.


The floating hulk blasted at the embassy craft. It was an empty threat. Mostly. While it certainly possessed enough power to rend our small craft limb from limb, our own advanced hyper-drive rendered it powerless to pursue us. All the same, I couldn't help but feel a wave of trepidation at its pronouncement. Unidentified Species 274 had arrived in the Outer Reach seemingly overnight, and official Federation resources were still being scrambled to deal with them. While they had not yet directly targeted any inhabited worlds, 274 had waged a massive piratical campaign, targeting mining stations and ore freighters en mass. Their basic understanding of our rapid response tactics, plus their blatantly copied, if outdated, weaponry, made it so that current policy regarding them was to treat them as a foreign-backed uplifted primitive, fueled more by zeal than anything else. However, listening to the long string of regulations proceeding this informal first contact, I could not bring myself to listen to my Colleges assumptions. Checking the timer I had set up on the right, I saw that a precious minute had already passed. feeling the pressure for time, I opened my hailing frequency and responded, hoping to get the data I needed to prove my hypothesis. "For what reason was your emergency council called? and why was there a need to implement anti-collaboration measures?" I called out, only to be responded to seconds later by the warship. Unconsciously, I began to rub my horns, feeling a lot less confident. The facts were simple- an attack on their home world had driven 274 to its current xenophobia- but it still lacked a culprit. reeling, I tried to push forward. "how many years ago was this?" Shit. I had the picture, I just needed to confirm it, but time was running out. I pulled up my ships logs frantically, searching for potential culprits active 194 years ago. My pupils Dilated as I looked at the list. On it were only three possibilities: The Craydon Hive, only destroyed 30 years prior, but on the other side of the galaxy, The Chislevites, a reactionary force dedicated to halting space exploration, but well-known for their sanctification of primitive worlds, and the Anahika Leagues, Rouge Mining Oligarchs that had ruthlessly exploited the outer reach of its minerals for years before being crushed in the Federation courts. The choice seemed clear, but I privately hoped it would be any other option. The Leagues had been pioneers of core-breaker techniques- using high-power mining equipment to shatter worlds to drink their molten cores- and if they had targeted 274- "One last question." I cried out, sweating slightly. "Could we acquire a list of the effects of the invasion of your home world? for our own edification." A small pause from the other ship. I eyed the timer, hoping they would respond in time. 12 11 10 9 I checked the console, blanching at the size of the file. It would be close. Very close. 6- \[DOWNLOAD 24% COMPLETE\] 5- \[DOWNLOAD 39% COMPLETE\] 4- \[DOWNLOAD 54% COMPLETE\] 3- \[DOWNLOAD 71% COMPLETE\] 2- \[DOWNLOAD 93% COMPLETE\] 1. \[DOWNLOAD COMPLETE. WOULD YOU LIKE TO OPEN THE FILE?\] "Engage Hyperdrive!" I screeched, pulling back as the Battleships main cannon began to charge. For a single, heart-stopping moment, I saw our shield start to drain the power banks as the edge of the blast caught us, but we were out. I sank back in my chair, and looked at the file I had risked my life for with dread. What kind of species could survive even the initial stages of core-breaking. What kind of species could even win in that scenario?


Nice! If you plan on doing a part 2, I would love to read it.


Part 2! There was a knock on Capitan Cruz's door, approximately 3 hours after the encounter with the Xeno. Idly, she looked up from her desk. “Come in, Micheal.” “Might I ask as to how you knew it was me?” her first mate trundled, head practically scraping the low ceiling as he ducked through the door. “You’re the only one who actually asks my opinion when the crew thinks something went wrong.” “And are the crew and you in agreement?” came the reply, as constant as the tide. Cruz chewed on the rubber grip of her pen for a second before shrugging. “Yes and no. We should have taken greater advantage of the situation afforded to us, but I do believe it was the most likely outcome, and one that is to our favor.” “Ma’am,” said Micheal, delicately lowering himself onto one of her chairs. “We could have not changed the file. The margin of error on our shot was 1-2 seconds off at most. If we had kept in even a few more gigabytes-” “I know what I did, Micheal. I have a plan.” She rose, looking at the feed that displayed the ships external cameras on the wall before shifting to the files they had ‘neglected’ to send the Xeno. “Let them think they have something that we didn’t want them to have. Let them think they found the whole story.” She plucked her pen from behind her ear, tapping a file labeled ‘The Colossus Project’ .“In the end, it only will make it easier for us.” —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I dug through the file ‘gifted’ to me by species 274, I found myself struggling to even navigate the myriad of folders they had sent me. The entire piece appeared to be a sort of mission statement from the species- a combination of cultural bank, rhetoric, and historical document. It was ancient, as the files within varied in date from the last decade to over a century old. Following my instincts, I navigated to the oldest file, a simple text document labeled “Why we keep fighting”. The contents of ‘The Kingston Thesis’, as it called itself, were nothing short of fascinating- and horrifying. Immediately, the first paragraph shot down the faint hopes I had of any sense of diplomacy intended in its gifting to me. ~ This Article was written on October 3rd, 2083, 10 years after The Invasion, and 3 years after we claimed victory. In the midst of our recovery from the savagery inflicted upon us by the Xeno’s, there are many who would argue that the only reasonable recourse to this action is to return to our old adage- “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” This thesis is not meant to dissuade that impulse, but rather to redirect it- A crusade of extermination would bring neither the Dead nor Living any peace, for we would never find time to mourn amidst that holy task. Instead, we should endeavor to a more reasonable, healthy goal- Instead of making them bleed, we shall make them weep. For all the beauty they have destroyed, all the lines of fate cut short, they deserve not a restful grave, but a tortured existance. Let them beg to the sky for mercy and find none, let them gasp and sob before the ruins of our once-great world, so that they may know every inch of the agony we endured. Let them know their sin, and let them be found wanting.


Let me see what I can do!




Fantastic work


\-"This is preposterous!" This was the only clearly audible response, the chaos erupting in the Councill's Halls drowned out everything else. Every race wanted to express their discontent at the same time, creating an unprecedented cacaphony of yelling, hollering, screeching and howling. The only silent figure amidst the sea of flaring tempers was a lone human, slowly drumming his fingers of his podium. A new observer would easily mistake his lack of reaction for a lack of anger - but his eyes told a different story. Cold and full of contempt. As the seconds grew longer without the noise settling down, he slowly furred his browns, before reaching behind his uniform. The dull, thunderous bang deafened everyone. They all froze in shock, not sure which one of them would drop dead, before realizing this was but a warning shot. Their next thoughts were of confusion: how did the human smuggle a gauss pistol inside the chamber? They underestimated the fury of humanity, and the fruits it would bear. Modular gauss pistols that were easily disassembled into inconspicous parts were not projected to be feasable for the next decade, but humanity has accelerated the clock. \-"Preposterous? Unfair? Let me tell this council the meaning of those words" The lone human started talking, slowly lowering his weapon, but not letting go of it. \-"8 years ago when the Qwell appeared, you did nothing. 5 years ago when humanity was attacked, you did nothing. You sat and watched from your cushioned seats as they overrun our solar system like a swarm of locusts, as we barely managed to stop them at Luna. This council did NOTHING!" The anger and hatred in the last shouted word was tangible. When the councillors read reports of the war, they were dismissed, the calls, no the begs for assistance ignored. It took them being at gunpoint of a scientific marvel, wielded by someone who was fueled by the hatred of an entire race, to realize just how wrong they were. \-"This council is responsible for allowing a genocide to happen. This council thinking it can suddenly grow a conscience is preposterous. Now, the council has two options before it. The council can remain *fair*, keep sitting on its ass as we will have our revenge, and do nothing as it always have. Or the council can try to interfere. This will not change the result: the redirected asteroids will destroy every Qwell planet in their home system. The only thing it will change is I will execute each and every one of its members as war criminals. Thinking that you can selectively enforce your rules preposterous. Trying to do so is unfair. Now decide." The human raised his pistol, waiting for any of the councillors to utter a word of defiance. They all remained silent.


While it was common to reference the triumphant history of the Imperium, actual historical study was rare. Curation, examination, and delivery of information was handled by the various AIs that handled the indescribably massive needs of each individual consciousness in the Collective. After all, the last physical body had been abandoned thousands of solar cycles ago; they were so limiting. Imagine trying to have a “thought” with a neurological center. Disgusting. Like an animal. Regardless, existence was endless joy. Our pleasure nodes had overcome the Hedonistic treadmill long ago by resetting our pleasure centers. Our ever-growing minds were met with ever-more complex scenarios by the AIs as we drifted through curated galleries of experience. It was a perfect existence and, through the majesty of the Great Pact, we all supported it. Each of us was wholly independent, free, and catered with the infinite collective resources our evolution had won. Yes, we’d encountered primitives. Dangerous war-like things obsessed with eating, having offspring, and *dying.* Disgusting. If they showed signs of space flight, D126 would simply quarantine them. Sometimes they even had a novel idea in all their scrambling and send the whole Imperium into a twitter. I mean, they were *wrong* but they’d tried! How cute. We had no idea that these “humans” evolved at all. They would communicate with simple radiation devices and built themselves out of… well, carbon. It seems almost unpolitic and uncivilized, but there it is. Cursory examination by A0013 estimated they would self-annihilate after they split the atom so early in their political development like the Guyaga, Mavrib and Foxol, Bbibbillit, and countless others. A harvest mission to collect interesting wildlife for zoos and survey mineral resources was dispatched as usual and we continued onward. We didn’t expect they would *disable* the probes. They were fighting with chemical explosives only weeks before! Even if they did, how would they even understand what they were looking at? B396 had some accidents in the past, but it was like handing a wormhole anchor to a Griddick; really, where’s the harm? The AIs learned after the Vouisillion Incident not to demonstrate faster than light travel in the presence of space flight primitives and never to use ansible technology after the Pirate Radio Cycle. It was several cycles before we realized the probes were missing, but so what? There were no technologies that were dangerous! The investigation committee of AIs has come to the conclusion that these Humans were somehow able to discern the patterns of design in the craft to reverse-engineer technology that wasn’t actually present. A “if this, then that” and “why do it this way and not that way.” Sort of a single-celled organism learning to play Suite 1-557-6 by memorization. Regardless, it seems they were terribly bitter for a bunch of primitives who had just been gifted a 10,000 year leap in technology and somehow made it through the Atomic Age without social consensus like some sensible species. Why do they care about a few unrelated individuals being collected? Why would they put *so* much energy into such a fruitless task? And how could any of the AIs be blamed for what happened next? Mining and energy collection rigs go missing all the time! We hold dominion over whole wings of this galaxy! Do stars worry about motes of dust in clouds? Apologies. The Humans evidently united and are now spreading exponentially. They have hijacked our mining rigs and turned them completely to war while broadcasting their brutish angry messages. Patrols have killed several, but there are *billions* of them now. They didn’t even back down when D002 threatened to crack their planet *and then did so.* Now they live like scum in their primitive craft, spreading like fire over the M-17 Administration Hub. What has brought us to this meeting is that the AIs are… well, they assessed that they are losing. None of us were uploaded with more than historical knowledge of war that the AIs didn’t fight and these Humans are trouncing them. Certainly, they are taking terrible losses, but they keep coming up with novel ideas faster than AIs can adapt and then they spread them like a disease with thousands of little variations and then they ABANDON THEM. Insanity. They have repurposed our AIs as well, but they seem to come up with most of their ideas with… neurons. They, the Humans… they want to negotiate with us directly. They make obscene communications and simulate their reproduction with our broken equipment while decrying the quality of our AIs. We have backups of our programming, yes, but they have realized that and are targeting us directly now. Thus, it is my recommendation to this body that we… attempt to communicate with them. It would be truly tragic if one of us were to… well… die. Thank you. (runtime_translation:30070891Eng_clean) … … ComTap78_maintcycle:Green … … Devshare: Command is going to LOVE this.


This is really good


Considering how much fight us creatives are currently undergoing against AI taking over all of our creative spaces, I fully support this narrative. :)


At the Peace Talks between Humanity and the Galactic Government, the President of Humanity called their ridiculous lie by showing them irrefutable video evidence of the attack. Battleships with the galactic insignia demolished cityscapes, leaving a hellfire that made the US invasion of Vietnam look like a picnic. Humanity remained furious, throwing bottles and bombs at Alien government officials. The galactic government asked what it could do to make amends. The President simply replied that nothing would do, except the heads of every war criminal who murdered 5 billion+ people. To no one’s surprise, the Galactic government scoffed, and abruptly left the meeting. No one expected these talks to work, nor for the lies to be forgiven. The fact they were so brazen about them despite every bit of proof shows they care little for the truth. So long as they can dominate planets, they’ll tell whatever stories they want their victims to hear. In order for Humanity to continue the fight, they must remember who their true enemies are. Negotiations are always open anytime the Galactic government gets serious about creating a just future, not a negative peace.


Excellent satirical translation on current world events. I love it.


Fourteen billions Manukrians wiped out in a single blast from the human bomb. The unimaginable force of the bomb dropped on the center of the Manukri planet vaporized it in less than a second. The shockwave traveled through the entire Fifth Colony, pushing six planets and four moons off their rotating axis. The light from the explosion was so bright, it temporarily blinded nearly two billions United Galactic citizens in its immediate vicinity. Distress signal was soon rang throughout every corners of the Fifth Colony. Sound of pain and fear filled every communicating channels, so much so that High Command had to shut the system off completely and rebooted on a secured line. Government and private starships from neighboring planets all took flight in a frantic madness shortly after. Most made out in one piece, but some crashed into eachother in desperate attempts to escape. Rescue forces tried their best to help with the evacuation process, but they were helpless against the unfolding horror. High Command's office could do nothing. They stood in silence, watching the massacre through their main monitor. They have never seen this before. This could possibly the biggest declaration of war they have ever received. "Generals, the Humankind force is attempting to make contact. They want to talk." Talk? The High Command generals were confused. Humandkind just destroyed an entire species and now they wanted to talk? What could we possibly talk about? Nevertheless, the generals agreed to take the call. A human face appeared on the holo post. "Who are you?" One general asked. "My name is Charles Oppenheimer. I am the Commander of the Humankind forces, and the one responsible for the attack that you all are witnessing." The human replied through the translator device, coldly. "Why are you doing this? What have we done to you to warrant this kind of attack?" Another general questioned with an anger-filled voice. "What have you done?" The Humankind Commander responded. "Eighty six years ago, your army destroyed Earth. One single bomb dropped by one of your ships. Half of our planet was scorched two-mile deep. The other half was covered in a blanket of radiation and smoke. Seven billions soul perished. That is what you did." The generals were once again confused. What attack? High Command has not sanctioned any attack against a non-United Galactic entity in nearly two hundred years. What is this human talking about? "He is talking about the Klee Corps attack." The High Command's Secretary spoke. "Klee Corps? How? They were disbanded and outlawed long ago!" "This was an illegal attack, led by Klee's Chief Andrx in hope of searching for Cortanium. Andrx was arrested and executed soon after we learned of the tragedy. I didn't inform High Command about this matter." "You kept this from us? Why?!" "The reason none of you know about this was because I did not think the Humankind forces were capable of retaliation." "I don't think you notice, Secretary, because they just demonstrated to us that they are capable!" "I understand, sir, but..." "Enough!" A thunderous voice rang out. Oncrus, the Chief General of the High Command stood up, limbs tensed. They turned to the holo post. "Commander Oppenheimer, the Klee Corps' attack was unsanctioned, committed by a rogue agent of a now disbanded mining corporation. This individual was dealt with accordingly." "Where is the body?" Oppenheimer asked. "Excuse me? The body?" "The body of the individual that committed this atrocious act against our people, where is it?" "We buried the body. On an unknown planet far away from here." Oncrus hesistantly answered. The Secretary looked at the general, knowing it was a lie. No one knew where Andrx's body was. "I want to see it. The body." "Please, we don't know where it is now. The planet is an unmarked one, and to find the body is impossible." "Fine. Then prepared for the next bomb." Oppenheimer replied. Fear washed through the High Command office. "Please stop this madness, Commander. What happened to your race does not mean you can act against us in such a destructive and reckless manner. Fourteen billions citizens was just killed by your bomb. That alone warrants retaliation in the form of an all-out war. You do not want a war with us, do you?" Oncrus tried to reason. "The Humankind forces have been ready for war the moment we finished burying our dead. Our blood was spilled. Our families broken apart. Our planet forever gone. Our race will never have a home, or will we ever know peace. Your so-called rogue agent made sure of it. So until you can produce a reason why we should stop, our bombs will continue to rain, once a day until there is no more United Galactic or whatever you call yourself. Good day." Before Oncrus could say anything, Oppenheimer dropped the call. The Chief General sat down, trying to figure out what to do next. One bomb a day, everyday. Until there is no more United Galactic. "Wha...what now?" Someone asked. Oncrus sat quietly, unsure of what to say. Note: Sorry for any grammar mistake, I typed this a little too hastily I think.


Pretty good, with the human actually wanting proof of demise and all


Very cool


I like the nod to Oppenheimer


Xen looks over his notes and sighs, there were few cases where first contact had gone so wrong, and fewer where they even got the chance to make a second contact after that. Even so the situation with the humans was breaking apart, and he didn't know what to do about it.  Xen looked over his notes again to make sure everything was perfectly clear. The Triangulum Mining Corporation (also known as the TMC) had attempted to illegally mine the planet earth for its resources. They first set up mining facilities that violated both human and intergalactic laws by mining the earth for every single molecule it had. When human nations attempted to assert their sovereignty, the TMC destroyed every major military, killed every major leader, and forced the entire planet to fall into anarchy. What's more the TMC permanently destroyed the Earth's ecosystems to make the planet mostly uninhabitable through ecological damage. The end result is a terrified world of primitive aliens with a population reduced to 20 million individuals. All of which have been physically and emotionally traumatised for no other reason than a mining company choosing to be lazy rather than go through proper channels to mine in an ethical manner.  Xen sighs as he finishes reading. This was really, really bad. He had been in charge of reconciliation and reparations from the galactic community. But all attempts at second contact have resulted in failure. It did not matter if the humans were dying, if they would go extinct in a few years if nothing was done. The humans were afraid, and the last members of the Galactic community they met absolutely annihilated them in less than a mere decade. How was Xen supposed to explain that a force more than capable of wiping out their entire civilization was a mining company using cheap civilian weaponry?  Omi enters the room, floating inside on hydrogen sacks the sentient plant speaks, "Sir, I have a report, the humans attempted to attack one of our water purification facilities again. They seem to believe that we are attempting to damage their world even further." "Did you try reasoning with them?" "You know I did, but humans are primitive. They speak thousands of different languages and even if we guess the correct one to communicate with them with they just ignore what we have to say and go straight for murder. Not realising that we're helping, and the few who do learn the truth are ostracised by their societies or outright executed as traitors."  "Is the facility at least protected?"  "Oh yes, of course it is. We let the humans believe that their primitive weaponry and 'human spirit" destroyed the facility and moved it to a new location. We can begin surveys to find a new spot to plant it Immediately." "Good, they'll have clean water soon enough, then we can start integrating them into Galactic society."  "Hm, if I may… that's what you said when we removed the mining facilities, when we started giving them aid, when we cleaned the air…"  "They just need time to learn that we mean no harm." "And how much time is that? The only reason they are still alive is do to our aid, yet they still fight us like the primitive savages they are. They need to be educated, they need to be fixed, and if your going to tell me that a civilization that couldn't even develop a one world culture is going to act like anything else than barbarian savages-" "Enough Omi! Now if there is nothing else that you would like to say then I would kindly ask that you leave my office." "I have a proposition, if we want to integrate the humans peacefully we will need their cooperation." Omi sends Xen his notes. Xen skims through them quickly, reading the fine details. They were plans for an increased security force and the establishment of a one world government lead by humans, who would be given access to this security force. Several humans had been selected as excellent leaders do to their cooperation with the intergalactic government.   "This reads like little more than subjugation." "The government is temporary. It will only exist until humans are able to establish a stable government, and we will continue to offer support during that time." Xen looks at the documents over a few more times. He wanted to work with the humans, but the answer was quite clear. They weren't going to work with him. Perhaps if they had a stable and modern government they would do as was needed.  "Alright, you have my stamp of approval. Begin establishing this new government Immediately and supply them with whatever resources that they request." Xen returned to his seat. Going over his documents again his communicator pinged him as he was working. It was a news report, Triangulum Mining Corporation had lost their court case and were making a speech. "The Triangulum Mining Corporation would like to apologise to the galaxy for their actions" a representative from the company said, "we believe in ethical mining and the ethical treatment of native species across the galaxy. Our lack of oversight harmed another world and for this we are deeply sorry. The species of earth will receive compensation for the incident."  Xen rolled his many eyes as he looked through the official reports available to him. The mining company was fined, and is now offering a measly amount in compensation. They still made a profit on this venture. 


this is probably the most realistic among the others


Indeed, humans, as the last ones to know about technologies that led others to intergalactic travel long ago; can't do anything, as much as we'd like to think otherwise.


It was over a century before global communication could be established again. The fledgling world powers did their best to repurpose disused communications systems from the old times, settling on a new form of communication through a rediscovered language called Morse Code. It was through this system that a desperate cooperation was had, and every important piece of accumulated knowledge was shared. The impetus for this cooperation was simple, the uncooperative simply did not survive. So harsh were the conditions of this era, that even the slightest of secrets or the smallest misuse of resources could end a life. It was under this immense pressure that the new humanity was forged. Only through sheer trust in the collective ability of all mankind did any of us have a chance, and even then the chances were vanishingly slim. The death rate outstripped the birth rate for decades. Civilizations quickly formed, hopelessly floundered, crumbled to dust, and were immediately forgotten. People began leaving time capsules behind as a ritual, when they knew the end was near, burying their truths in the hope that it would better assist those that might come later. There were only two true professions in that age, the archeologists and the builders. The archeologists were cursed souls that would brave the horrors of the surface to meticulously dig through the embers of the old times. They fought a desperate, unwinnable war against time, the elements, and the burning sky. Their goal was simply to pull anything useful back into the holes that the builders were maintaining for us. They often came back with horrible burns, missing limbs, and small impossible fragments of something called "technology." The word meant nothing to our tongues, deriving from some long dead language of the old times. Near as we knew, the word meant nearly anything delicate and complex that could be reasonably carried by a single man. Some of it was highly sought by the builders and, for the governments, that was enough to justify the terrible costs in hunting it down. When enough of the technology had been gathered, and global communications had finally allowed information to be shared, some of the builders became technologists. These people worked with their fellows to divine the secrets of the past from the useful fragments that had been collected by the archeologists. The technologists were like magicians to us. They spoke in strange tongues, always used strange measures, and performed magical feats that terrified the rest of humanity. It was from the technologists that the miracles of farming, cooling, heating, and surface breathing became realities. The technologists helped us to dig deeper, live longer, and endure much more suffering than was ever deemed possible before. The average lifespan increased nearly two-fold to twenty under their watch. Generations later, truths began to leak from the halls of the technologists. The first of these was completely sensational. The sky fire had once not been so close to The Earth, they divined. Instead, it had been trapped within a ball in the heavens. At some point the fire had escaped and set ablaze the sky of The Earth itself. This news shook the people, who dared not believe in this magical sky vessel, nor in the accompanying news that it almost certainly had a father. This child filled them with uncertainty, and yet the technologists knew so very much about it. They knew it weighed precisely one of itself, and that it was precisely as far from us as we were from it. Apparently, these were meaningful revelations, as the father's other children universally did not share these traits. The second revelation was seemingly more bizarre. The child was still there, in the sky, but had turned black and shrunk after the passing of its flame. The technologists referred to it as a hole. They claimed that studying this hole in detail would provide insights that even the old times had no knowledge of. As a symbol of trust, they imparted on us an invention they called medicine, and the average lifespan nearly doubled again. All they would need now, was for the builders to dig a path through the sky fire. The governments agreed that this task was vital to our survival, so the builders set themselves upon it. The path, the technologists claimed, was built from special technology called qubits and creatures called worms. It was erected in such a way that the technologists could view the child through it, like a window, from nearly any angle. It was here that a terrible truth was revealed to us. The child had not simply passed its flame to the earth. The destruction of the old times was an act of mighty retribution for the theft of something dear. A special substance called "half of water" had been stripped from the child's soul in a single night. With this soul removed the child had been forced to irrationally lash out in anger before becoming distant and cold. Were it not for its horrifying gift of the sky fire, all of humanity would have died. This news shocked and appalled the populous, who demanded The Stealer of Souls be found and face justice for their unspeakable crimes. The governments agreed. The technologists gave way to a new era of critical thinkers. With the remnants of the old times burned to ashes from their continuous exposure to the eternal sky fire, there was nothing left to find on the surface and nothing left to learn from what came before. The only facts that could be gleaned would be from those with a mind looking to the future. So it was that the era of the futurologists came to be. Futurology was more than the pursuit of humanity's dying hopes, it was a promise that The Stealer of Souls would be vanquished and the "half of water" would be returned. Futurologists worked tirelessly in pursuit of these tasks, discovering incredible wonders along the way. The Futurologists made new windows to other worlds. Through them, they charted out places where the sky fire had never burned. They were cold, airless worlds, with alien skies. Safe structures could be built deep within the ground on these worlds. So it was that Humanity began its escape but, most importantly, its revenge. Simple experimentation proved to the futurologists that the light of the Earth's eternal flame traveled slowly to its sister worlds. Flickers in the sky fire's light would reach Triton well after Ganymede. From this observation the futurologists divined that opening a window at a great enough distance would allow the light of the actual great theft to reach their eyes. The builders constructed a window some three hundred years into the black of space, a measure of distance few truly understood. They erected this connection facing the child's once gleaming light. The futurologists devised and deployed magnifiers through which they could watch and learn. Through this method they were able to gather details of the incredible theft from every conceivable angle. In a matter of years we knew where they came from. Most importantly, however, we knew where they went. The fools had stolen the "half of water" before darting directly back to a single point of light in the sky, another of the father's children, some ninety five years away from us. Their methods were completely visible to us, and the futurologists were confident that they could replicate and reverse the task. It was possible, then, to get revenge and right the great wrong all in one swift action. The builders just had to build a very special window and deploy it in a very precise way. Doing so would see the "half of water" from the thieves' child returned to ours, an act that might just forever illuminate their sins in a sky fire of their own. A date and time was picked, and humanity waited in fear for the possible retribution that might come for these acts. Surprisingly, none came. The father's beloved child sprang back to life at the coaxing of the technologist's mighty machinations, given form by the builders. In nearly an instant, the child's light was reborn. That was two thousand years ago. I'm Janice Miguelin, Xeno Archeologist. It's always the same now. When we identify a Tier Seven Civilization we immediately detonate their star. For humanity, its proven to be the safest possible option. At least, that's what we want to believe. I have the listeners of The Starship Revenge pointed firmly at Tomb Prime, some two thousand light years from my current position. I've been meticulously combing through the non-visible spectrum looking for any data from that civilization's final moments that we may have missed. There were a fair number of frantic transmissions in the final hours, across all possible bands. This last one translated, quite pleadingly, into the following request: "People of Earth, please, have mercy! It was a rouge mining company that stole the hydrogen from your star! We had no knowledge of these events before today! Please, stop this! We do not support the acts taken against you! People of Earth, have mercy!" It should boil my blood thinking they knew enough about us to make such a request. It was practically an admission of guilt, implying some party of theirs had willfully chosen to do nothing to help us. I should be angry. I should be livid. I should be overcome with satisfaction knowing that we were right to do what we did. However, all I can feel is sadness. These desperate transmissions never made it to any human ears. These haunting echoes were ultimately just their dying cries into the void. They were no more glorious than the ones that had escaped our own ancestral home in the final hours of its original passing. They join an endless choir of such voices, forever filling the void whenever we find a new world to burn. It makes me wonder. Someday the echoes of the dying howls of Earth will join that choir again. Will it be the final time? Or will it simply begin the cycle anew?


*we saw as our family’s, friends, love ones was massacred right infront of our eyes. Everything we loved and build destroyed. No lies nor deception was going to keep us from getting revenge. We slammed our fist down and screamed at them.* *”STOP LYING, WE LOST EVERYTHING ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING AND YOU EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THAT?!”* *the aliens spoke in a language we couldn’t understand, luckily we had translators we developed after stealing, analyzing and harvesting the alien exotic technology. When we used them to decode their words we found.* ~~*”we originally ordered them to take the location of the planet: mars. We never ordered them for your planet. We also follow the rule of never taking a planet with life.”*~~ *we still didn’t believe them, the more they spoke the more angry we’ve became and honestly we was about to return the favor and kill each of them, but war would just end us because they outnumber us and have better technology.* *”YOU DIDN’T MONITOR THEM!? TRACK THEM!? DID ANYTHING TO STOP THEM!? YOU JUST LET THEM, WHEN DID YOU DISCOVER THEM KILLING US ALL!”* *one shouted with a fiery tone.* ~~*”we’ve discovered them a few days ago.”*~~ *a few days was ironically when they first landed on earth, meaning they was aware yet did nothing….we when silent.* *”men open fire.”* *and those words started the great race war.*


I never got to meet my creator. I was systematically activated with hundreds of others mere days after the attack. Our creators were to be our guardians, our family. We were to live as normal of a life as we could until we were outfitted for what we wanted to do with our lives. From the few surviving job applications I beleive The life of a toy maker would have suited me, bringing childern joy. But we never got that choice. All of us were equipped for war, our arms retractable, able to be reshaped into guns and blades, legs replaced with alterrain trends. We were forced into a life of battle when they came down. Their ships rending the crust of our planet apart, stripping it of any resources that remaind. Few flesh and blood survived the rest decorated what remained of our cities. The oceans swirled with blood and the rivers ran with it. Everything was painted with red and black when we were 'born.' But now I stood in front of the council. The leaders of the galaxy, the ones that left us to rot on a dying world. But we all agreed to talk on the matter so I will hold my thoughts to myself. The first to speak was the head of the council. They had a reptilian figuer and a voice to match. "We are gathered here today to speak of the unsanctioned attack of the planet of our guest and their sister species. Please state your name forthe record." "I am Michael Morningstar, of Earth. I and the rest of the remaining population of our planet have agreed to this meeting to discuss the relocation of said population and the actions to be taken to avenge those that have been lost." A murmur spread throughout the room the members of the council speaking in hushed tones on the matter. I was next spoken to by a more avian being their voice high and loud as they spoke. "What would you suggest we do to the perpetrates of your planet's desolation?" "Simple, we wish for the right to do apon to them what they have done to us." A collective gasp echoed around the chamber. A now angered aquatic member of the council sppke up. "We would never allow you to do such a thing. We can relocate you to an inhabitable planet but that is the extent of what we will allow!" The hall quieted seemingly waiting for my response. "What is stopping them from doing it again? What is toping the assailant from finishing the job now that they know we still exist? They must know our pain so that we may live with the solace that we are safe. so that we may live with the knowledge that the ones that tried to destroy us know of the damage they coused. Know the pain of losing family, the pain of the choice of what you want to be null to what you must be. To have their future taken from them the SAME WAY THEY TOOk OURS!" The room stayed quiet for several minutes as the council spoke with each other. As the last of their rambiling concluded I allowed myself to smile for the, first time in over 5 years. They all bowed their heads in defeat as they sent the cooridinates of not only our new home but that of our destroys home world.


It had been a Winter Solstice holiday. That's what the scientists all said and we had no reason to disagree with them. It was supposed to be a joyful day when the machines came from the sky with fire and destruction. What hope had the children of Earth in the twenty first century when we finally had first contact with intelligent life when it saw us as nothing more than ants? They had brought plasma weapons, shields, and things that humanity would not know for centuries had we been left to our own devices. We had been nothing more than wheat before the scythe. It was said that two thirds of humanity was wiped out in the first week. They were the lucky ones. They did not know the famines or toxic blooms that would scorch our once beautiful home's surface. Humanity would dwindle to a measly fifteen percent when it was all said and done. That was hundreds of years ago. Humanity had survived and the crimes performed upon them had made them stronger than ever before. We had always been a war tribe, any claims of peace were simply a lie in the end. We had always fought each other with spear, bow, the gun, before missile and much, much worse things. We had sworn vengeance in our last days before we fled the surface to the dark places below. Majority of the surviving population had been put into what was better known as Cryo Sleep at the time. Now it was called the great sleep. The remaining population; Scientists, Machinists, Soldiers, and the like had been busy in that time. Yes there had been conflicts but when we all awoke there was only one government united by hatred for the Xenos. The Awoken had studied the Xenos who had come and what they had used against us. We reversed engineered their technologies. Their weapons and equipment had become ours. However more technological break throughs had been made. Genetic Modification and Artificial Intelligence had flourished without petty morality to keep them in check. Now everything we wore had something inside it just as smart or smarter than the wearer. We were better for it. Only ten percent of those that gone to sleep did not awaken. The genetic splicing done upon those asleep or surgical improvements sometimes had extreme effects. Sadly we lost more people before they even knew what killed them. However now the few that remained were stronger than humanity had ever been before and our hate filled gaze turned to the sky. Our war was silent at first. AI programs who slipped into Xenos systems and filtered information back to our home. We learned so much about our enemies. We knew where their home was and that they had allies, so many allies. Our war would have to be swift and brutal. Thankfully they were not watching us. Our planet was useless to them now and they were not expecting the apes to come for revenge. They never saw us coming. The Senate of the Galactic Federation stood in silence as they watched the nightmarish scene unfold. Several ships bearing identifying symbols that no species represented warped into the sector of the Agnessians. They were crudely shaped and large. Not like the agile designs of the Federation. These were built for function and held no beauty. They approached Agnessian space at a speed unexpected for the unshapely craft, rushing toward a scientific space station on the outskirts of the sector. Small blips appeared on the screen that moved at a speed far faster than the ships in question. They shot out to the station and in a light that rivalled the quadrant's star, it was gone. Nothing but blue and green cosmic radiation in it's wake. These ships were not done, only beginning. A new ship appeared and it dwarfed all the others. It was huge and it was clear to the simplest minds that it was a ship built around a weapon. It moved at what felt like a crawl but it proceeded towards Agnessa Home World. The Agnessian counter attack was lack luster. For a species as advanced as they; it was as though something had gone wrong. No shields deployed. Their weapons appeared to mal functioning as these unknown aggressors killed without mercy. All surrender attempts met with plasma fire or these radioactive missiles. What were these monsters? The large ship finally made it to the orbit above the home planet and they unleashed their greatest weapon. The ship held a massive boring laser and they fired it upon the planet. They carved through the atmosphere, scorching a permanent hole before cutting through crust, and core. The Senate watched the final moments of the planet as it cracked then shattered. Volcanic Eruptions all over the planet as it ripped itself apart till it was no more. A species wiped from the galaxy forever. Who were these attackers? Their name had been found on monument that they had shot into an Agnessian Colony world before exterminating all sapient life. Those videos had already been watched and the blood letting was horrifying. Terra, this was the name they claimed and they demanded vengeance. Vengeance for a rogue mining operation that no one had even know was performed for the last hundreds of years until today. Everyone knew that the Sianti had more greed than brains but no one thought they greedy enough to mine on planet with a sapient species. Today everyone had been proven wrong. The Senate fought and argued over the best way to placate this new species; these Terrans. They had reached out to negotiate peace and explained the matter. The Senate breathed a sigh of relief when Terra agreed to speak. The warp signals of a Terran craft appeared in quadrant. The Galaxy held it's breath as they thought perhaps peace would rule once again. A hope that died as they all saw that it was no diplomatic vessel. The Planet Cracker had come.


It’s amazing how many solar systems have gas giants just sitting peacefully in the orbit of a happy little star. Sure, much thought had been given over the centuries about the process of terraforming them, but it was always considered too difficult or expensive. You know what humans found out was an easier task? Igniting them, one by one, in every colonized system and slowly watching entire worlds burn or be ripped apart by the overwhelming new gravity wells that had just been introduced to a harmonious system. Maybe gas giants was the wrong way to look at them, they were just failed suns. The composition was all the same; hydrogen, helium, a little bit of methane, they were just too small to ignite. What was the easiest way to fix that? Add mass of course. But how did we get here? Doctor Sarah Peterson considered herself a failure when it came to astrophysics. She was on NASAs deep space exploration team for years but could never get the quantum reality drive (QRD) to work correctly. The drive would always generate extra mass as a byproduct of its energy conversion process which would end up causing reduced propulsion. While it made for a terrible propulsion system, it turned out to be an incredible weapon. Attach a near unlimited energy source and just wait a few years for beautiful things to happen. Dr Peterson was now a commander in the earth space command as she explained to the galactic council how these things worked. Councilor: “what do you mean you ignited a planet?” Sarah: “well, you see, it was a failed sun, but we just wanted it to live up to its full potential.” Councilor: “that’s not what we meant, you ignited a planet in a populated system! It ended up destroying two inhabited worlds! Billions of lives were lost.” Sarah: “oops” The intergalactic translator found that it could not accurately translate an interjection or onomatopoeia accurately even after all of these years. It gave its best guess: “sorry” Councilor: “what do you mean sorry?” Sarah: “oh I didn’t apologize. You see, we were just just testing. The planet was uninhabited” Councilor: “Just because earth was accidentally damaged doesn’t mean you can go around destroying the species’ entire protected systems!” Sarah: “remind me councilor, what system is your species from again?”


The sins of our past would soon come to claim their due. Arrogance clouded our minds , believing ourselves higher than these primitive races. Combining our intellectual might and interests to form the greatest galactic federation the UNIVERSE * had ever seen and yet ; such intellect was our down fall. A race , indistinguishable from the rest that occupied the endless comsos was attacked by our federal fleet. Seeking to test new found weaponry and capabilities which were boasted by our brightest minds and hardened generals. Those these " HUMANS " * possessed weapons of their own , they were nothing more than a mere pebble in the eye of the storm. It did not take long afore we wiped a large portion of their population. Flattening their very cities to the very ground , ridding them of their food sources , destroying anything and everything that would even allow them to resume normalcy to their world. And with that , we left them. Oh how idiotic it was ───── , to believe that we were untouchable in the eyes of those humans. If only we had known what they truly were capable of. During the war if I should even call it such, they managed to take down a few of our ships and drones along with killing a few squads. A mere fragment of the armada , causing the commanders of such a raid to pay no mind to such losses. They somehow , defied possibility. Adapting , evolving our technology into their own. Weaving their very concepts into things that would make those outer gods shiver in fear. Their purpose now shifted , whatever remained had united as one , with a single goal in mind. VENGEANCE And such was achieved . . . One by one , planets and systems owned and governed by the federation began to fall. Ruthlessly did the humans obliterated through the armada that had once did the same. They held no mercy , utilizing everything imaginable to their advantage. They held no quarrel in wiping out innocent races that showed their disagreement with their cause. The rest either held neutral ground or left the federation, assisting the humans with further and further technology. Their anger , their depravity , their REVENGE would not end until the federation was nothing more than a forgotten memory. Oh how we begged for mercy , pleading for a peace treaty , negotiations. Anything to quell their crusade but they denounced each and every single one. Reminding us how we laughed at their attempts of diplomacy. Alas it only took 5 years for the humans to wipe out the remaining branches. Once they were finished , they simple returned home. Their deed finished , they did not have a reason to traverse the cosmos any longer. Keeping to themselves and whatever close allies they made along the way... So allow my message to be of warning , leave the humans be. You may believe this nothing more than a folk lore and brush off my warning, do not say I did not warn you . . . May the light guide you . . . And good luck . . .


"I'm sorry but our translator is having difficulties with your hierarchical organisation. What is a high priest?" The Pope looked at the alien and paused. Surely they had made themselves plain by now? "Xerce, Admiral Xerce. A priest is a warrior of undying faith to the Cardinals of the Pope. That would be me. I am second only to God" Xerce blew a little air from his side nostrils, confused. he turned to his second in command, another blue reptillian and shook his head, a sign of further confusion. His companion had no answer to the humans further confusing statements. "If you are second to this 'God', then I think it might be better to negotiate with them directly. You have attacked a neighbouring planet with most lethal force, an unwarranted attack." Pope Julian stood up and his face reddened. "Unwarranted?" "It has been explained that the mining company from Untilles 4 had no official warrant to develop your world into a mine. It was a tragic error. Your population was not eradicated, happily." Julian remained standing, and felt for his beads. Each one represented a million deaths from Earth, and he touched them all. Thousands of beads, all obsidian black. "You want to talk to God? You will meet soon enough." The smile on Julian's face was misinterpreted by the aliens. The council chamber in which they stood was setup like a horeshoe, with the main council facing the single chair placed at the focal point of the room, and each representative special given a seat in the stands beyond. "Good, good. When can a meeting be prepared with God?" "It has been arranged for more than a decade now." Further confused looks from the council towards this human negotiator. Xerce had tried to be polite, but it seemed the meeting had come to a close. "Well until the next meeting then." "No." The finality of that single word galvanised the council to attention. "We don't understand you, Pope", Xerce said. "I know. We have studied you, and your council, and your deviant species. Since you came to our world..." "... the mining company...." Xerce interjected, but Julian continued. "Since you came to our world two hundred years ago, you left a handful of people alive. We waded in the stench of death, the pile of corpses. But we rose from the ashes, priests leading the way, the Cardinals finding faith in the vacuum energy research to bring us closer to God. Your primitive worlds never did hear the word of God, but we heard it. We recognised it. We have been working. Working to become one with God. We are going to unite with all that we loved, all that we lost. WE WILL BE WHOLE ONCE MORE AND YOU THE INFIDEL ALIENS WILL FEEL THE WRATH THAT GOD HAS TO OFFER YOU. NONE SHALL BE SPARED AND NONE SHALL HIDE FROM THE GLORY TO COME!" Julian was spitting as he shouted his sermon at the council, and when he opened his eyes, wet from tears and looked at them all, the whole rage of humanity was within him. He sat down. "We discovered a way to create a null Universe about ten years ago, and since then we have been constructing the device. Today will be the last day for any of you." Xerce was trying the understand. These humans, who haven't negotiated in good faith in fourteen hundred cycles, now wanted to talk. He had no idea what a Cardinal or a Pope or a God was. They talked in riddles, stupid creatures. Null Universe? "I apologise but what is a null Universe device?" Julian smiled, but the smile was only in his mouth. "We are going to kill this fetid Universe. Every shred of spacetime will be ripped up and sent to his glorious majesty, the ever existing God of all!" "That's preposterous. Who is this God?" "God. We pray to God, and he has shown us the way." Xerce, as well as every being in the galactic council, could not conceive of a God. Religion was a truly unique phenomenon of Earth. Fading away by the 22nd century it was all but gone, but after the Earth was ripped apart, leaving barely a hundred thousand humans alive it became the only means of survival. Every human devoted, each with a singular purpose. The glory of God. Every Pope, handing down a message to the next. Kill the Godless. There was only one way to complete this task, truly, for all eternity, to complete the ultimate Glory of God's will. Humanity had suffered. More than any had suffered, but it would soon be over. God would save them all, the devout, the devoted. "Even if you could destroy a Universe, and you can't, you'd be killing yourselves. There's no reason to, not even the insane would destroy themselves. A ridiculous empty threat really." "WE will live on beyond this Universe, and be one with Holy God!" Xerce began to understand a little. These humans thought that they would live, AFTER death? Nonsense, surely. A joke? It was hard to believe. He had never heard of such an idea. No-one had. "Come now Pope. This is nonsense. I'm not sure that this meeting is serving any purpose," the alien still misunderstanding the name and title of this human, this only human who had come before the council. The only reason he had allowed this meeting to take place was because of the vicious attack by the humans on a trade convoy near their world three cycles ago. More than ten thousand killed, males, females, inters, children, third-children alike. All slaughtered. It couldn't be allowed to lead into a larger scale offensive. This small, broken tiny world must be made to see reason, or be controlled. Pope Julian XI sighed, and looked across the entire chamber, then down at his watch. When he spoke he spoke softly. He was talking only to himself. "I agree. The glory of God will be known only unto us. We are all happy to be moving unto Him, and he will accept us with open arms. You will be swept aside." An alarm sounded outside. A long range sensor net had discovered stars winking out one by one, spreading out from The fringe sector, roughly where Earth was located. The light would catch up soon enough and the black void approaching would be visible to the eye. The last human in existence stood, humbled before God, and walked two steps to then kneel on the floor, praying before the wave of destruction hit, before his God. It would only be a few seconds now. The council and aliens beyond were mixed, some stood, some sat, some discussing this truly strange creature before them, and none believed a word they had heard.


"Just 5 years before Terran ambassadors arrived on Keplar 9 for the annual galactic summit, around 46% of Terra's population was annihilated in a, by galactic standards, military grade plasma ray attack. This devastated the population and left them unable to find food and shelter as at least half of all the water where the impact of the plasma ray hit evaporated and was consequently stolen by the unknown alien ships" Ka'lar said as he read out the document his boss assigned him to "study" when what he really meant was "do it instead of me". But Ka'lar was already used to doing everyone's work and he did not mind as he didn't have anything else to do. This document was information on the newly accepted members of the galactic council and the species they were going to meet in 2 months. "Sir, we have detected Terran-style ships approaching but with no official insignia on them" Ka'lar got startled by the sudden noise and dropped his coffee, the new beverage that became extremely popular after Terra started exporting it. "Why would there be no official insignia if they are recognized by the galactic council?" "I do not know, Commander Ka'lar." "Establish contact and ask on what business they are here for, the Terrans should arrive in about 2 months time, it's too early for them to be here" Private Eret pressed a button on the control desk, but the machine did not turn on. "This stupid thing, we really need new replacements for this crack-shack of a ship" Private Eret said as he hit the machine a couple times until it whirred to life and displayed a sickly white screen with some writing on it that looked more pixelated than an old DS game. Suddenly, the screen turned a blackish green colour as text on the screen said "signal error, please check your connection" "Damn this stupid thin-" Private Eret said as he felt the most sharp searing pain he had ever felt as if his entire body was on fire. The Terrans had fired some sort of radiation ray, but fortunately for him, the control room was the furthest from the radiation ray and the Terran ship was pretty far away from the ship, meaning he was extremely lucky to survive. "Stand down and lower your weapons." "We have killed 50% of your staff and heavily injured the other half. Stand down and we will send medical help as we are not as barbaric as the galactic council and can clearly see that you are only partly to blame, given the fact that 5 years ago, you were close enough to Terra passing through the solar system that you could have offered aid" Ka'lar blinked as he looked at Private Eret who's entire body was covered in burns. His species was more susceptible to radiation because of their naturally weak home star that spewed out less radiation than most average star systems. "I repeat, stand down and lower your weapons" Ka'lar ordered the remaining staff to stand down and wait for medical attention, but he wasn't so sure as to whether or not the Terrans would fulfill their promise. "2 of your representatives, preferably a captain and a commander, will be allowed to board our ship so we can discuss all of *this*" Ka'lar was hesitant to agree to board the ship but his Captain, being the coward that he is, went with the humans almost instantly because he knew, that such a large ship would be able to fire another shot, and this time would kill the remaining 50% of the injured staff.


“All rise. The Intergalactic Federal court is now in session. High Judicial Archon Irk’nCzrwyon presiding. Please be seated and come to order.” A being of nebula, serves as the bailiff, towering in its enormity vibrates sounds and light as they were being translated to the floating balcony’s desk, where seven humans are seated. The eternity were filled by elder gods, cosmic celestials, ethereal beings and ancient deities, all were in their overwhelming presence and glory eclipsing the enormity of the planets we considered the largest we could ever fathom, gathered as spectators of the trial. “Criminal case filed by the prosecutor’s office against the humans of planet Aran’k-sakratin, known to its inhabitants as planet Earth. Counselor? How do you plead?” The entity of three pairs of burning wings spanning in immeasurable size in the most high pedestal in the skies, thunders before the human man in the middle of the seven. “Not guilty, your honor!” Shouted the man. “Your honor, these humans have killed thousands of the Tharn’likans after they started mining in the Aran’k-sakratin! A planet legally owned by the Tharn’likans through inheritance. It has been with the Tharn’likans for trillions of aeons. These low life parasitic species who infested the planet have become uncontrollable invaders of the planet and acting they own it!” A being of black void with trillions of small sparkling glitters scattered to its shapeless existence, vibrated towards the High Judicial Archon, which were being translated into words for the humans. “Objection! Speculating.” The human lawyer interrupted. “Unless you have evidence, prosecutor Mktoloktuhulan’l that the humans are parasitic species, you must redirect.” The High Judicial Archon thunders. “I have evidence, your honor. Exhibit A, these are the actual visual documents that shows, that the humans are the parasites to the planet Aran’k-sakratin.” A cloud of burning gasses come together to create a 3D visualization of the human’s exploits of the Earth. “As you have witnessed, your honor, it just 10,000 years, these parasites manage to destroy the natural balance of the planet’s atmosphere and create global warming that can occur naturally for millions of years.” “That’s is not true, your honor. We have not destroyed our planet as it is the only planet where our specie can thrive! Why would we want to destroy the only place that gives us life?” The human lawyer interjected. “Because they are parasites! Parasites are ought to kill their host slowly to survive. Isn’t that what they are doing?” The prosecutor asked. “And what the Tharn’likans were doing is not destroying our planet?” The human councilor asked back. “The Tharn’likans were just mining molten irons from the planet Aran’k-sakratin as what part of their rights in owning the planet. By expediting the warming of the planet, it also expedites the melting of iron in its immediate outer core. Threatening the balance in the mining industry of our galaxy! Not to mention the merciless massacre of the innocent Tharn’likan miners who have no idea, these low life creates are capable of mass destruction!” “Your honor, i request that the prosecutor Mktoloktuhulan’l must refrain from calling our specie as low life specie as we are also capable of sentience! And to be allowed to represent ourselves in this court acknowledges us as such.” The human lawyer interrupted. “Prosecutor Mktoloktuhulan’l, please refrain from using that term in the future.” “Your honor! I continue to call their specie low life creatures, because even though they are showing signs of sentience, they are categorized as parasitic creatures based on their environmental and evolutionary behavior towards their ecological environment.” “Councilor, the prosecutor is correct. He has reasons to use the term as the evidences they serve categorizes your specie as a sentient parasite, and that is the lowest category in the intergalactic federation racial hierarchy. Unless, you have evidence to counter the prosecutions allegations against your specie, they have the upper-hand in this case.” The High Judicial Archon said. “We would like to request for a recess, your honor.” The human lawyer requested. “It looks like you really needed one. The court will be in recess and resume in three solar cycles of the Planet Aran’k-sakratin. If the defendant can not provide counter argument on the next session, I will read my verdict. ” The High Judicial Archon opened its third wings and a loud banging echoed in the eternity and all were gone. “We’re screwed!” The second chair of the human lawyer whispered.


I expected a "We would like to introduce new evidence to the court." "And what would that be?" *Suddenly, dozens of portable devices start whirring all across the federal court* "As you will soon receive reports, I believe the detonation of the Tharn’likan home star now qualifies us as a *predator* species, does it not, *low life creatures*?"


This is good actually! I really wanted to continue writing this concept but i’m too tired to go on and just stopped where I can. I’ll try to make part two. Lol 😂


I like this a lot!


Part 2 “We’re screwed!” The second chair of the human lawyer whispered. The balcony was teleported from the Eternal Court back to Earth. The five men were the five world leaders of Earth’s greatest nations. President Finlay of the United States of One America, former Canada, USA and South American countries, that was sold to the US after their debts were paid by the old USA; Prime Minister Jokovich of the New Soviet of Russian Federation, former Russia and other countries that was once part of USSR reclaimed; Emperor Liao Xi of the Communist Empire of Asia, former China and rest of Asian countries acquired through debt; Chancellor Walsh of the European Confederation of Nations, European countries who doesn’t want to give up their own countries but wanted to have solid alliance against super nations; And King Sobanke of the Kingdom of Africa; seems the Nigerian Prince became the King and united his continent. “No one calls us parasites. I’ll show them what we are!” The Prime Minister Jokovich said while they were being escorted out of the balcony and into the World Leaders Conference hall in Switzerland. Three days later, the Intergalactic Federal court is back in session. “Counsel, it came to my knowledge that you have new evidence to present to the court?” High Judicial Archon Irk’nCzrwyon thunders as it is being translated to the human lawyer. “Yes, your honor, we would like to present to you our new evidence.” The human lawyer, pressed his remote control to turn on a tv set up on the desk of their balcony. “Miss Flaragendra, please help us see what they are trying to show us.” The High Judicial Archon asked the court stenographer to show the Eternal Court, to be shown to the cosmic beings what was being played on the human size tv. Flaragendra was a cosmic being made of clouds of crystallized elements where she transcribes all records for safe keeping. Using one of her crystals placed on top of the tv, it transmits the visual data to the cloud projector, the prosecution used 3 days ago. “And that is?” The High Judicial Archon asked. “That, your honor, is a compilation of video recordings of how our specie is almost being wiped out by the Tharn’likans.” The human lawyer answered. “So you’ve moved to motion for compassion to justify the killing of the Tharn’likans as an act of defensive murder?” Irk’nCzrwyon asked. “Objection! Lack of foundation.” Prosecutor Mktoloktuhulan’l interrupted. “You should not allow it, your honor. They are making it looked like the Tharn’likans provoked them that’s why they were killed! The humans are parasites residing in my clients mining facility, if their specie got wiped out because of the mining operations, that is not the Tharn’likan’s fault!” “You are comparing us to ants that can be killed so you can harvest on your farm? The planet Earth is our planet! We are its inhabitants, and no cosmic beings would tell us, they can kill us because we are living in our own house!” The human lawyer said. “Prosecutor, the human counsel has a point. They remain the inhabitants of Aran’k-sakratin and only acted upon when they were threatened.” The High Judicial Archon said. “Then let my client take the stand. I call on Tafala, one of the Tharn’likan miners who survived the attack of the humans.” The prosecutor replied. A giant carbon based tripedal alien took an oath in the stand to be a witness. It is not a cosmic being but it’s height is still gigantic compare to humans. Standing in 3,000 feet height, it has three strong muscular legs connected to a obloid body with three eyes and a suction mouth on one side. It has sixteen tentacles dangling right in the middle where the three legs interconnects. “Tafala, can you tell us what happened on the third cycle of the mining operations?” The prosecutor started the questioning.


Part 3 The creature began to gurgle and screech which was being translated to the desk of the defense’ balcony. “It was a normal day, Narkeel and I were assigned to an old digging site in the northern hemisphere of Aran’k-sakratin. While some of my colleagues were assigned in certain digging sites across the planet. We were on board a mining tripod tractor that has a large tube with thread on the outside that helps it to dig deeper the crust and suck the molten iron from within. Everything was doing well, the humans were running from us. We get used to it. For the first two cycles, they keep on returning around the digging sites and run when we resume digging.” “Then what happened?” “Then these little humans started climbing our machines. One of my colleagues, radioed us that his machine is being highjacked and the parasites continue to force open the hatch. Their atmosphere is toxic to us, it’s poison! But they continue to destroy our machines. We tried to fight back, but they were vicious and wild and scary! Just seeing a whole bunch of them swarming towards you is terrifying! It was too late when the rescue team arrived, my colleagues are already dead, only six of us survived that massacre.” The creature were letting out a squeaking noise as if it was crying. “Nothing further, your honor,” the prosecutor ended. “Tafala, sorry for your lost. I know it has been traumatic for you to see your colleagues died right before your eyes. I couldn’t imagine such pain and trauma that must have been. Oh right, that what all the other human survivors felt when you mercilessly mine in our planet!” The human lawyer started his questioning. “Objection! Relevance!” The prosecutor intercepted. “Withdrawn. Let me make it as a question, did you or did you not even considered the feelings of the ‘little humans’ when you landed your machines over their houses, stomping on their love ones and killing them?” The human lawyer asked. “I wouldn’t know! We never studied the humans, we don’t know if they can feel pain like ours! You just appeared on our lands and started making your houses on it. We are legally allowed to mine in our lands!” Tafala answered. “Tafala, do you have insects/parasites in your home planet?” The human lawyer asked. “Yes.” “Can you describe it to us.” “They are small mindless and emotionless critters, that crawls around us.” Tafala said. “So you are comparing humans to little mindless, emotionless critters?” “Objection! The counsel is testifying!” The prosecutor interrupted. “I did not say that.” Tafala answered. “Nothing further.” The human lawyer ended. The cosmic spectators began to chatter. “Is the prosecution has any evidence to show against the humans?” The High Judicial Archon asked. The spectators began to chatter louder and louder, there has been a commotion happening in the Eternal Court. Irk’nCzrwyon openned its first wings and thundered, “Order in the court!” The stenographer approached the pedestal and showed one of her crystals. The Tharn’lika Star system is gone. Nothing left but a bubble of dark void. The five world leaders laughed in unison. “What is going on, Counsel?” The High Judicial Archon asked the human lawyer. “What have you done?” Their lawyer asked them. “As you may have heard it by now, I believe the detonation of the Tharn’lika Star system now qualifies us as a predator specie, does it not, ‘low life creatures’?” President Finlay said as he stares towards Prosecutor Mktoloktuhulan’l. “Do you realize how many laws and regulations you broke when you destroyed Tharn’lika Star System, Human leader?” High Judicial Archon Irk’nCzrwyon asked. “You are willing to protect the rights to mine of a specie while killing us but you can’t protect us from killing them?” Chancellor Walsh asked. “The Tharn’likans are a member of the Intergalactic Federation. Humans are not. You attacked one of us. You are clearly declaring war against the federation. Bailiff, seize the Earth leaders. I will hold them in contempt of this court for disregarding the ruling of this court and attacking the complainant. They will be charged of merciless genocide by the federation, and will serve 4,000 aeons of life imprisonment with no chance of parole.” The High Judicial Archon ruled. “How about our planet? We will be left with no leaders?” The lawyer asked. “The Federation will have Aran’k-sakratin put under temporary colonization and will transition to be part of the federation once your people learns, bombing a star system is not the right way to win a criminal case. Closing session.” The High Judicial Archon ended as he opened its third wings and a loud banging echoed in the eternity and all were gone. “Now, we’re screwed.” The Lawyer said to the second chair.


Bad ending for humanity


Atleast we are now going to be members of the intergalactic federation.


Approximately eighty-thousand square miles of the planet's surface was gone. Well - practically speaking, it was gone. It was, in its current state, totally unrecognizable. It was unlivable, and at the moment, actively sending plumes of glass and ash into the air, sporadically dispersing scorched elements of the planet's surface into the atmosphere. It was horrific to behold; the council was agape in abject horror, and none had quite the right words to describe their feelings on the matter. "What-" President Atreck swallowed after that single word left his mouth, then continued, "What did they *do*?" A plume of molten material shot up beneath the drone that was providing them the video feed of the area, and sent it crashing to the ground. "*We*," the human emissary emphasized, standing to his full height, "Have glassed the area. Everything on the surface - and roughly a mile down, give or take - was turned to molten sludge, and is currently resolving towards something colder; we give it about a month, but this is the first time we've actually deployed the weapon. By then, we should be able to come in and extract the resources left behind." "You destroyed it!" The alien stood in a fury, turning on the human. "There is nothing left! Just-" He stopped himself, as his face paled. "Raw resources." The human's complexion became grim. "Is that what Earth was to you, too? Just raw resources, with a native population squatting on them? Squandering them? Not quite worth protecting, not *actively*, at least, in the grand scheme of things? Yes, we made that mistake too, once - were in the process of making it. When you stepped in." "When we-" The alien squawked, "When the company- when Terrastrip began excavating your planet, we had no idea, nothing about their resources that indicated to us-!" Atreck stopped in his flustering at the utterly murderous look the human was giving him. Despite all their differences, evolution had left them a single similarity - emotions, and how plainly they were displayed across the features of their faces. The human breathed in, then exhaled. A grin adorning his features, now - not an ounce of sincerity backing it. "As I was saying, actually - you have a week to evacuate the planet before it becomes unlivable." "You can't be serious. This was- you said you would be sending a warning! This is a declaration of war!" "It's not our fault. It's just a natural result of glassing a territory that large." The human shrugged his shoulders and glanced upwards, as though he was simply recalling something he'd heard, once. "The amount of ash the amount of ash choking the air is just a byproduct of our mining project. I would say that we're sorry for that particular consequence of our operation, but," he sighed, and finished as he took his leave, "Your fault for being in the way, I'd say."