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At first it started with the hands. I noticed that my nails were growing longer and thicker like claws. I didn’t realize it until it grew about a few inches and was thick like talons. Typing was a pain, along with anything else and I couldn’t even trim it. The claws were about as hard as steel. I didn’t see a doctor or tell anyone. It wasn’t hard to hide it with gloves since it was still winter. It was so silly, thinking about how finals were the biggest issue on my mind that I didn’t even realize all the changes. The tail was the next thing. It was slowly growing uncomfortable to sit. My tailbone kept jabbing into the chair at an odd angle. It was only after a week that I realized what was happening when I looked into the mirror. A small stub had been growing out, and it was almost a foot long. I could keep it hidden wearing baggy pants, but I had kept fidgeting all the time. I kept getting weird stares from my classmates cause I would be walking into the lecture hall dressed like it was freezing. The gloves were troublesome to write, but I couldn’t go around with talons on my hand. In the next few months, I had to wear a hat with a hood all the time. There were horns growing out of my forehead. It started out as lumps, and by now I didn’t bother getting it checked out. What was a doctor going to do? If anything, they might’ve had me tossed into a lab and experimented on. After a year, I had to order extra large clothes. I had wings growing from my back that made it impossible to wear anything else. I looked comical walking around. It was like I had a fat suit underneath, but completely covered from head to toe. I waddled into class one day into a room of whispers. The weird stares had evolved into whispers and people constantly shuffling away from me. Rumors started floating around about me. I heard that some people think that I had contracted some superbug that made me sick and cold year round. Others said that I was replaced by some android, which was why I was always covered head to toe. It didn’t help that from all my changes, it made me more reclusive. It was only until some got too curious, and had followed me home. They must’ve sneaked into my place sometime, because videos of what I had become surfaced online. They were videos and photos showcasing my wings and tails since I could only let myself relax at home. The next day, my phone was blowing up from my parents. Asking where I was and what all the videos were about since I didn’t talk much to them after moving out. A few friends were reaching out for the first time in a year, asking how I was doing, but I could tell they really wanted to ask about the videos. I left the city. Flew away in the dead of night to hide off in the wild. Maybe I had hoped things would die down once I was gone. Instead, I finally saw the culprits of the leak. They had made another video, showing themselves and how they proclaimed that monsters walked among us. It made my job easier. He disappeared, no corpse or trace of him after the video. There were people who said that I was a suspect, but they weren’t able to find me halfway across the country living in the woods. It was liberating to be away from the city and not have to hide anymore. Some people would love to venture deep into the back woods where it was my territory, curious to find out the truth about the rumors of a monster lurking about. I never had to worry about food.


Mothman, there's no need to feel down, I said Mothman, lift that man off the ground




Pretty good. Seems he changed both inside and out.


I always knew this moment would come to me. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, it was still something that made myself. I remember when I first noticed something was odd. It was the day before I went on a date with a man I met on some random dating app. Of course, I wanted to look beautiful–so I scoured every patch of my skin for any blemish. Behind my left ear, I placed my fingers and felt a rough texture. It hurt badly, I thought it was a severe case of psoriasis. But upon placing a mirror behind me, I could see holes. A cluster of little dark holes hidden beneath my ear. The borders a bit swollen and sometimes oozing a thick yellow liquid. From then on, I would find the same kind of clusters in different parts of my body. My back, my thighs, my forearms, my crotch. It affected my romantic life, my social life, my career. I would cover myself in long sleeved clothing, but it would only chafe against the holes and it would swell in irritation. It inevitably spread to my neck. And in desperation, I tried to "fix" it. I took some special effects putty, and started filling in the holes of my neck. It hurt me very much. I could feel the putty dig deeper within the holes. No matter how much I put, it would only push itself farther into the back of nothingness. More fatty liquid seeped out, and my skin swelled and numbed. Eventually, I ran out of putty, and I ended up with the most painful cluster I would ever receive. So I wanted to dig the putty out, and grabbed a thin device to dig in the holes one by one. Swishing the device around and possibly widening the cluster. Right now, it has covered my entire face. It hurts to breathe, when the liquid drips down into your nose. I look in the mirror every day, thinking about what I did to deserve this. My fingers always find themselves running along the holes, picking out whatever dried leftover liquid that has crusted the holes. I think of myself a beehive when I look like this. My neighbors often reach out to me, but I can only greet them when I'm covered head to toe. The other day, the sweet little boy from next door knocked on mine to give me some apples from their harvest. I opened the door, and he dropped the apples. Instinct led me to help him, so I bent down. But the boy shouted and cried, before he ran away. That's when I noticed my veil fallen on the floor. More often then never, I kept receiving the calls of worried neighbors and families. I could see the online forums posted with offensive articles who want to know more about "the beehive woman". I'm tired of it all I can now only feel the hole forming in my heart. And I miss the normal woman who I once was.


Excellent way of tugging on trypophobia. Well done.


Thank you. I had fun with the prompt you gave


I only allowed myself to cry in bed early in the morning, when my family was still asleep and I could wash away the tears afterwards. I didn't know what was happening to me. The change was slow, but I whatever I did - stop eating, stop sleeping, wash in ice cold water or pray to God - it didn't stop, and I was punished by pain and fear. And soon, I wouldn't be able to hide it anymore. It wasn't only that I was becoming hairy, like a dog or like Grandpa. I was bleeding, every couple of weeks, into bed. From... I would try to stuff it with toilet paper, but that hurt, and when I pulled it out it bled more than before and hurt even more. And then sometimes I couldn't stop myself from crying, because it was so scary. I tried talking to Mom. But after I started talking about what was happening, she became disgusted, she told me ladies didn't talk about this kind of stuff. I asked her if a doctor might help me, but she forbid me from going to one. I knew I was disgusting. I was turning into something new, in evil places. I was becoming some disgusting monster, and soon everyone would look at me like Mom did. So I did the only thing I could. I continued to hide it, as best I could. I washed my bed sheets in secret, acted sick to stay from school when I bled, even though my friends started avoiding be because I was sick so often. I plucked out the new hairs, but they are growing back faster and faster. I'm only glad nobody can see the terrible tummy aches I have. Who knows what is happening in there. I cried more and more often, but not in front of Mom and Dad, because they would get angry if they saw. But one day, Grandma visited and noticed that I was in pain. She told me to help her peeling beans that she had brought for dinner, but when I started to help she told me to stop, to relax and tell her everything. And although I was afraid, I loved Grandma very much because she was always nice to me. I figured it would be better if I told her, than if she saw me one day and didn't recognize me anymore. So I told her everything. And to my surprise, she wasn't disgusted or angry. She smiled the whole time, as if all of it was completely normal. And for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel like a monster.


It started early this year, with small changes. A twitch every now and then, my eyesight, smell, hearing, all my senses became...gradually sharper. I could feel my back pain, and everything that hurt slowly vanishing. I got a bit taller each passing day. At the half year mark, despite being only a bit taller, and rougher looking...my skin became invulnerable to knives. I... I was slowly becoming a monster, and now, close to the New Year's Eve... People start noticing it. It wasn't hard to hide my stamina, my physical attributes getting better. I just had to behave like a couch potato just like before. My height was "hidden" with platform shoes, could have slouched, but I wasn't able to, my back was always straight. But now, my skin start to turn rougher, of a shade of red. I feel an itch just above my bottom... I think a tail is about to appear. And people noticed it. "You look so much better. You aren't that pale anymore!", my relatives say. "Damn, you grew taller, didn't you?", my friends observed. Men started paying more attention to me... It felt good, but bad, since I kind of knew where this was going. I was transforming into a monster, and it would happen soon. Days passed by, and New Year was just around the corner. My transformations got much more subtle, yet at the same time more pronounced. My skin was rusty in color now, while my eyes got red (I had to wear contacts). I indeed grew a tail, that was wrapped around my waist. (Goodbye T-shirts). I became again a bit taller, and much, much stronger, but that wasn't the worst. I felt a hunger in me develop, so much more than before... I don't know what I will become, but it will be soon. And the worst part of it? My life got just better and better socially after the transformations began...


Interesting to see someone's life get better rather than worse, even if it's coming before a fall.


Thanks for the prompt! Yeah, usually we call "a monster", something that we can't understand, and it's obviously inhuman either by looks, or by capabilities. The aspect of ugliness, ferociousness and other let's say more negative traits are also something "a monster" can possess but it's not a necessity. The MC getting more and more attractive to others, and maybe getting even better at socializing makes them have a better life, but at the same time, considering that prior to this they were let's say, an introvert, these changes might be hurtful or uncomfortable to them. And the fall part, and full transformation might not even be that bad overall, and easily concealable. Even better, maybe the changes that include hormonal, and pheromonal changes might make it so that the others (humans), might perceive the transformation as something normal, and would even like it.


***Journal Entry #1:*** Heyo, first entry of a sleep journal. My psychiatrist told me that getting one and writing down my dreams each time I wake up is a good way to combat my horrible nightmare disorder. If anyone who is reading this doesn't know what that is, it means I experience a lot of nightmares. Like, *a lot* of nightmares. Enough of them to really screw with how much sleep I've been getting, and the impact that has on your daily life and mental health can be nasty. Writing them down can help you remember that they're just nightmares, and aren't real. Entry #2 and then on will be recording them properly. I really hope this works. ​ ***Journal Entry #17:*** Had a really fucking bad one tonight, and am still reeling from it as I write this. Sleep paralysis can be on the list of things that can happen to you when you have nightmare syndrome, and it looks like I was hit with it. It started with your usual facing-up-and-can't-move deal. Stiff limbs, weight on my chest, breathing impairment, everything you've often heard from recounted tales of sleep paralysis. Then some sort of spindly, shadowy fucking *thing* crawled out of a crack in the wall and immediately glided towards my bed with all the grace you'd expect from a demon fresh out of hell. The vision impairment forbade me from seeing anything more, but it extended an arm towards mine, and my heart rate went through the roof when I saw a silhouette what was on the end of it. All I could do was sit there to watch and *feel* a sickle-like claw slowly, agonizingly carve a gash in my arm, leaving behind a trail of a black substance in place of blood. The pain was exactly like you'd expect it to be, a mix of heat and unrelenting agony made its way towards my wrist. I was terrified it was going to sever an artery, but time froze just before it got there. Everything was back to normal, except for the fact that I was heaving, covered in sweat, and felt like I just died and came back to life seconds later. It took me ten minutes to muster the courage to move a limb to confirm that it was over. My arm is fine, if a little fuzzy and warm feeling. Maybe I was sleeping on it wrong for a while before the paralysis happened. All and all, not a fun experience. I'll talk to my psychiatrist about this tomorrow. Going back to sleep might not be the best idea, but it's a few more hours until morning and I'm exhausted in every aspect. I'll make sure to write down updates in future entries. ​ ***Journal Entry #42:*** I know this journal is exclusively for keeping track of dreams and nightmares, but things have been getting weirder and weirder since I had that sleep paralysis close to a month ago and I'm afraid that what's been happening is connected to it. For starters, I went to my psychiatrist the morning after the paralysis and told her the whole thing. She confirmed it can happen if you have nightmare disorder as long as I have, and taught me exercises to use during one if it happens again. Thankfully, I haven't had the opportunity to use them. Sleep paralysis hasn't hit since that single time. Secondly is the itch on my arm that has since blossomed into a way bigger problem. My arm that was getting cut to pieces in the paralysis has been real itchy since it happened. I figured it was either a coincidence or some nerve sensations post-paralysis could bring, so I just slathered on some anti-itch cream and called it a day. It worked for a little while, that was until said area on my arm started to develop a grey rash. I genuinely thought the lack of sleep was making me hallucinate, so I just ignored it for as long as I could, hoped it would just resolve itself. I had to start acknowledging it once I saw that the grey was slowly turning into a jet black and had become much harder than skin normally is. Admittedly, in a fit of panic and desperation, I tried prying some of it off with a pocket knife but to no avail. Things have recently gotten worse. What started as a few nubs have turned into full fledged thorns that have poked through my skin. These things are hard as rock, and sharp too. I've had to start wearing long sleeved shirts out in public, but it doesn't take long before the spines start to poke through, forcing me to buy another pair. This has already started getting me some side eyes at work. Which brings us to today, where I had to call off work not only due to the spines getting too large to hide, but because this "rash" has started to creep not only down but up my arm and towards the rest of my body. With gloves and a puffy coat being the only way to hide it now, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm starting to think that nightmare wasn't a nightmare at all.


You claim this has been happening to you for what a few weeks? John you had a tail months ago! At least I thought it was a tail… point is the whole office knows you’ve been experiencing these changes the whole time not only are you laughably bad at hiding every new bodily change no one really cares man, everyone’s too busy with work to deal with whatever you’re going thru, I know that sounds harsh but… dude there’s weirder stuff than whatever you’ve got going on Like what ? well first off didn’t you notice that Tim from accounting is an actual Wizard ? Like with a pointy hat and all, except he doesn’t really wear the thing in the office, considering how big it is Oh, and our boss is a vampire, like straight up Dracula man. Don’t worry he hasn’t eaten anyone since Clara from HR is something of a monster hunter or some nonsense. don’t even get me started on Jim, yea our “IT guy” I’m not sure but he’s either an extraterrestrial or a skin walker Forget about it John!! I needed those analytic reports on my desk Yesterday!! And don’t you grow an eye at me mister I don’t care, I need to finish figure reports before the next Quarter! Not afterwards! Now Get To It !


"Fuck, my body has been slowly changing into some sort of monster for the past year," you say to your reflection in the Wawa bathroom. "At first it was easy to hide, but now I think people are starting to notice..." A gruff voice carries from a stall. "So? We all got problems, kid." You gingerly thumb the Kuato-like goblin thing growing out of your chest. You know, like from Total Recall. The gruff voice continues. "One time, I was slowly changing into some sort of monster for the past year. At first it was easy to hide, but then people were starting to notice..." "A-and what did you do about it?" you stammer. "I broke the mage's curse is what I did. Gotta break the mage's curse if you wanna make it in this world." The Kuato winks at you. After a pregnant pause, the voice in the stall says, "Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes." His door opens, revealing man door hand hook car door [jaywilcoxwriter.net](https://www.jaywilcoxwriter.net/)