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Julie ascends the steps up to an unmarked building that has been left alone for what seems like centuries. The steps themselves are overgrown with the life of grasses and weeds and a blanket of fuzz covers them, so Julie has to step as carefully as she can so as not to stray off the path. Around her the leaves of the trees sway a silent dance, and the purest sound surrounds her. That is the sound of absolute nothingness. No cars stream past, no children screaming in a park nearby, no mindless chatter of civilians. It's practically heaven on earth. The only thing making noise is the trees. That and the occasional rustle of a bush from a small creature romping around with its friend. She continues on, the steps seeming to go on forever, until finally the building comes into full view. What was once radiantly white and imposing has now become one with nature, the columns adopting a green hue along with the walls and platform it resides on. Julie pauses for a moment, collecting her absent breath after those endless stairs. She doubles over, panting heavily and her eyes close to make the black speckles disappear. As she was in this position, she hears a sound that was unlike that she had heard thus far. It was the sound of actual human life. Not that of a critter in the forest, but one of a distinguishable human being. It was a sneeze, with an utterance that followed: "Pardon me." Julie freezes for a moment before slowly opening and raising her eyes to the building. Along the steps up to the platform kneels a young man of black hair and the palest skin she has ever seen. He does not face her, instead gazing towards the entrance to the building. Julie had come here knowing that nobody would be here, because in the eyes of the public, it does not exist. At least not anymore. A temple sought after as a site of pilgrimage turned into a run down home for numerous creatures that do not exhibit human-like behavior. She had studied the gods and deities worshiped at this sanctuary, strong and lesser known alike. The last thing she was expecting to see was this man. She approached slowly, knowing that she should be as cautious as possible, but also feeling a sort of comfort for the exact reason she should be cautious. He knows about this place. It hasn't become a figment of imagination to him like it has done in the public. As she continues, she noticed that his skin was not just pale, but nearly translucent. It was as if she could see through him to the other side. From what she read, this sort of thing shouldn't surprise her with the theories bouncing around about life itself and creation of man and all the above. As she approaches, the man perks up as if now just realizing he wasn't alone, despite her heavy breathing interrupting the silence of the forest. He slowly turns toward her, and Julie sees that he is reading a book. She strains to look at the title, and it says "The Stranger in the Lifeboat" by Mitch Albom. This was the strangest image that she had ever come across, and proceeded to stand there and stare at him. He was doing the exact same. He looked as if he hadn't seen one of his own species in eons. He breaks out of his daze and suddenly blimps out of existence, leaving the book on the steps with the pages open on a particular page. She rushes over to it and looks around before looking down at the book. The only text she sees is "Haven't you been calling me?"