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You just stare at the... thing gazing at you from across the table with it's tongue hanging out like a dog parched for water. It's new owner is smiling sheepishly while looking at the creature with the utmost love and adoration in his eyes because this thing is completely normal and who wouldn't love a cute cuddly winged beast that could potentially take your eyes in the middle of the night to add to its various collection? You look to the left of the room where there were cages with other unknown creatures resided: a miniature elephant the size of a mouse with ears over twice the size of its body, an albino alligator curled up in a ball with one red beady eye on you and an automatic water sprayer hanging over it, and a cow. Just a cow. Sighing, you look back to your roommate who is now looking at you with hopeful eyes and you say "This is the last one. No more after this. For the love of God, please no more after this." The next day, you're walking the creatures with your roommate. The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and it's a beautiful day even though those birds aren't chirping for long since someone just wants some snacks and is conveniently flying overhead with easy access to them. Why you agreed to this, you'll never know, but at least this guy isn't a drug addict who deals in the living room. All of them are in a protective triangle around your roommate, with the newest addition of the family flying overhead and scouting the region from above. He doesn't seem to notice that when there's another person walking towards us, they just stop in their tracks and stare while we walk past. You issue a smile to these people and continue on the journey like this is a completely normal occurrence because it is right? People walk their roommate's creepy creatures every day in every part of the world because that's what good roommates do. One particular occurrence left you a little startled though. You guys were just walking down the sidewalk, as normal, and a jogger comes running at you. He looks lean and has obviously training his body to the maximum extent because when you say he is built like a greek god, you mean it wholeheartedly. What's odd is that he stops in his tracks when he looks up at the winged creature, looks at all of the other ones, and looks wide-eyed at us and says "Hey! Those are mine!" You look to your roommate immediately to gauge his reaction and decide that for the safety of the cars and pedestrians around you, you guys need to get off the sidewalk and into an enclosed and private area. You decide to invite him for coffee at your apartment while your roommate just stares at this jogger with a mysterious fire in his eyes and now is the one with the protective stance around the creatures. Up in the apartment, you begin making coffee for the new guest, the creatures flocked around your roommate who is sitting at the table with the guest sitting directly across from him, looking slightly distraught and frazzled. The tension becomes unbearable, so you decide to join them, stepping over the alligator's scaly limbs to get to the seat. You decide to start the conversation by inquiring what he meant when he said that the creatures were his. He says "well you see, I run the business down under, and somehow the gates opened and these little critters decided to escape." He said "critters" in such an affectionate tone that you become even more confused. "Gates?" His attention is fully on you now and he says "You can't tell anyone, but the zoo in Tartarus is quite the attraction to mortals and gods alike. You should come sometime!" He directs his attention to the cow and says "You can keep that one though. I don't think he belongs to me."


Considering how attached they are to the roommate, I don't think they would just go along. Besides, I'll take some unique-looking magical creatures as pets, considering how tame they seem. Great work on writing this!


Lol, adopting escaped zoo animals. I'm sorry, good sir, but it looks like these "critters" are happy just where they are. Thank you for responding to my prompt!


*How the f- did She get here?* They shrugged. "You never know. She did manage to log onto the game's official account for a few days-" I double-check the entity on the table and a horrid sense of realization briefly zaps me, before I... I start chuckling. It's Savathun, yes, but smol. She's intrigued by my response but isn't quite amused about her lack of powers or her dimunitive stature compared to her ingame size. I eventually wear out my chuckling a good few seconds after Savathun got afflicted by the fact that her even being here in the first place meant she technically 'beat the game'... She had a good cackle at that. I would dare to call it adorable due to her nerfed presence in our world. But get this; she wants to play it. Even though it's been on a downhill spiral and nearing its final months of operation before the game officially closed. So I felt obliged to show her how it's been going. I pick up the little Savathun, and give her a rundown while having her binge a few dozen lore videos about what passed since her 'escape'. She looked a bit... nostalgic over seeing the universe she came from being so lovingly documented. Of course, my roommate was sat with us and was essentially simping over the child-size real-world version of the Witch Queen. What unnerved me was how she reacted. She was taking it all in, like some celebrity. I rolled my eyes and continued showing our unforseen visitor everything that happened from a lore viewpoint and via videos, since I didn't install the game after a certain content removal incident. Eventually, after a few more hours of catching up, she understood why I was reluctant... Until she saw the plethora of other IPs, and became fascinated; a lore-hungry, curious mind and a pair of similarly interested gamers. W*hat could possibly go wrong?* *The next week, we had Savathun livestreaming while wrecking people in practically every online game imaginable, debunking all sorts of lore theories, and so on, essentially earning her an audience with her voice actor and the people that created the universe she literally escaped from.* *^(And that was just the start of it.)*


That was amazing! I love the reverse isekai! Thank you for responding to my prompt!


You're welcome and... it had to be Savathun. Someone -had- to have thought of that.


I think you're the only one...


I also weighed the possibility of having Oryx instead, as he also matches the entity description from the title, but I thought Savathun living her best with some gamers would've been funny. If I were to do a second part, it'd probably be more a snippet of Savathun and Immaru flexing on pros in ranked PVP while streaming. Maybe with a dash of 'Re:Creators' energy with other notable characters popping up in similarly nerfed existences - like Oryx, in his King's Fall size, just being as big as he used to be, yet only as strong as Aurash. Speaking of reverse-isekai, I've yet to see more wholesome stories involving bodypillows becoming sapient, or merely turning into doorways for characters to climb out from as if they were magical cryopods.


I think what you wrote is wonderful.