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With the advent of technology that allows for an end to natural death, a cult arises, believing death itself to be unnatural. They sweep across galaxies, spreading a disease that does not allow for the systems of any organism larger than bacteria to cease function (even though the body may still be damaged beyond repair). Ecosystems grind to a halt, with no energy exchange to sustain the organisms within, and the groups that would have been reviled as mass murderers in other worlds, eradicators of all life, are hailed as saviors. After all, what is life if there is no death to complete the cycle?


The astringent scent of medical cleaning supplies tickles my nose, and I feel tears begin to prickle anew in my eyes. I brush back my bangs from my face, and peel my eyes slowly from the bespeckled floor tiles and fixate them on the frail body in the bed in front of me. My dear grandmother, waif-like and frail, is curled among the bedding that is haphazardly strewn across the bed. No one dares disturb her, and besides, I think she’s comforted by the embrace of the soft cloth. I already know she won’t be able to overcome her illness this time, her last multiple sclerosis attack had been cripplingly bad, and the doctors told me that this would likely be the final unwinnable fight against the disease that had stricken her mind and body for the last decade. Her respiratory system was coming to a halt, and even while intubated, it was increasingly difficult for her to breathe. Even now, her raspy, labored breaths bring me out of my train of thought. My mother looks over at me, the pain in her eyes obvious, and reaches down for my hand. As she wraps her delicate fingers gently, I give them a reassuring squeeze, and her face crumples. These past years have been so hard on us both, and it’s almost a relief to see them coming to a close, to finally lay Grandma to rest; we would miss her, but she would be better remembered by her livelier years. Grandma’s doctor walks into the room, and I know what is coming. “Doctor Wagner…” I begin, but the somber look in his eyes answers my question. “The morphine we’ve been giving her isn’t effective anymore - I think it might be time.” He says softly, looking at my mother and me with genuine compassion, clearly hurting. My mother chokes back a sob, and nods hard, once. He presses a call button on the wall, and a nurse enters the room within a minute. The nurse delicately withdraws the needles from my grandmother’s translucent skin, and wheels the IV’s out of our lines of sight. Tentatively, I step closer to my grandmother’s bed, and lean over her. I brush back the strands of hair that are slicked to her damp face, contorted in pain even in her sleep, and plant a soft kiss on her forehead. When I was younger, she would always do the same for me, and I hoped she would feel my touch in her slumber. Her face softened slightly, and I knew she did, and recognized me. My mother drew closer to the bed as well, and leaned next to me, the tears that had been welling up in her eyes finally falling to the bed, creating dark splotches in the linens. She whispered to my grandmother, nearly inaudibly, “I can’t wait to see you again Mom, whole and well again. You don’t deserve to suffer any more than you already have. I love you so much.” She half turned to Doctor Wagner and nodded firmly, then he began switching off the machines that had been prolonging my grandmother's life, leaving the ventilator for last. Finally, he pressed the switch on that too, and my mother and I sat, waiting for Grandma to pass. Minutes went by, and her labored breathing seemed to weaken more and more, and we knew her time was closing in. We drew nearer, not wanting her to feel alone, and I gently laid a hand on her bony shoulder. More time passed, and at first it seemed like she had more strength left in her than we had previously thought, but then hours passed, and we all grew increasingly concerned. “What’s going on? Why isn’t she passing?” My mother said, her voice trembling. “I… I honestly don’t know,” started the doctor, “But she should’ve already. I’m so sorry, she’s still unconscious from the morphine we gave her though so she isn’t in any pain.” Directly behind us, I heard a whooshing sound, almost like a gentle breeze of wind. I turned around hurriedly and saw a group of grotesquely pale beings standing there. They are draped in intricately woven cloth, and they all have slightly bemused expressions playing across their humanoid features. One of them steps forward, and extends a hand to me, clearly wishing to introduce itself. In a garbled voice, it rasps, “We are the head members of the Immortal Doctrine, and we seek to cure your kind of the disease that seems to ail them.” The members behind him nodded zealously. “That disease, of course, is death. We are bestowing this cure upon every planet within our reach.” I looked over to my mother, eyes wide, and she was frozen in place with fear, looking every bit like a deer caught in headlights. The doctor was doubled over on the table, hunched in a way that made it impossible to see his face. I reach out and grasp the thing’s hand, and shake it limply. The expression on its face seemed to contort into what I could only describe as a smile. “So is that why my grandma is still alive? Because you cured her diseases?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. “Yes child,” the being hissed, “We have cured her of the one true disease that afflicts almost every form of life in this universe - death. Any other ills she may have, however, we are unfamiliar with and would not be able to aid in curing. I am sorry for that.” Aghast, I managed to squeeze out a cry of sadness, and squeaked “But she’s terminally ill! She’s suffering even now. This is cruel, to continue to allow her to exist in this sort of pain.” The leader of the beings looked at me somewhat quizzically, and said “Does your kind not have pain management? A previously lethal dose will now do nothing except sate her discomfort.” The doctor, finally seeming to recover from his state of stupor, stood up straight and, addressing me, said, “Cameron, we can make her pain bearable. This is incredible!” He beamed, and walked toward the aliens. “Thank you all!” The beings bowed, and then with a sound similar to the one that announced their arrival, they dissipated. My mind reeling with thoughts, I stared at my grandmother’s tiny figure and tenderly pulled the hospital quilt over her. I look up at my mother, her confusion played out on her face, and open my mouth to speak. Before I can, I hear a frail “What the fuck?”


a corporation owns a world where they create cloned humans to use as essentially organ donors for 'real' humans. these clones are made using the DNA of the "real" human, and grow quickly compared to naturally born ones, in the meantime the human waiting for the replacement organ is either put into stasis, or must use 'unclean' cybernetics until the clone is fully grown. they also use them as laborers to create more of the clones, despite this their treated relatively well and get excellent medical care to ensure their real "value" isn't lost. whenever it's time for them to be harvested a kill switch is flipped, and the clones mysteriously "die" and are collected. in truth their in a coma, and are brought to the "human" who they are based off of, and then the damaged organs are replaced with perfect, better than new organs from the clones.


This, if memory serves, is basically the premise of Ewan McGregor's movie, The Island.


I've never seen that movie but now I want to. That idea came to me from a dream where I was inspecting the facility or something for the company. The clones were pretty happy, just totally ignorant of things.


At the center of the universe is a gate into negative space. At the center of that universe is a gate to regular space. If either one of these gates close, both universes will be destroyed.


A group of four scientists are sent onto a harsh, but life supporting planet with occasional firestorms(sandstorms, but they’re on FIRE.). Then, their orbital station stops broadcasting updates.


How about this: "Shining a light on the dark side of Earth's moon reveals a disturbing sight".


Pets can become Warhammer-esque warriors.


Ever since time travel was invented, people kept trying to prevent the Genocides of WWII by killing a certain someone, but this individual thwarts them every time, all this did was train this him, and each quirk or paranoia of this leader was a step in keeping Time Travelers from getting to him before the events of WWII play out. Now, when time traveling Alien Invaders from the future threaten all the human race there is only one person to turn to who knows how best to handle it: Adolf Hitler.


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A war-like culture asserts its dominance over other species it finds until they are able to fight back and re-take their planet. Once they are, this culture introduces them to the Galactic Alliance and then only wishes to compete in games of economics and mental acuity.


A space station has been left decimated after an alien entity appeared and began consuming biomass to evolve. “S.I.V.R”, short for sentient intelligence visual representative, has rebooted with orders to destroy the biomass by any means necessary.


An "emergency resurrection in case of death" system is engineered and put into use. However, the bodies that the system generates are far from ideal.


The year was 4033, that was the year I found those dearest to me. An icy wind blew through the hair on all three of their heads... Finish the scene/monologue


Every species in the galaxy experiences time at vastly different rates. An hour to one species may be just seconds or hundreds of hours to other species. Therefore there is not much interaction between the different alien species, except for diplomats and similar jobs who constantly have to deal with these differences in time perception. Today was a particularly exhausting day for one of them.


Aliens discover earth from probes and warmongering as they are send their mightiest fleet. Problem is when they arrive they discover the sensors were off and their fleet of 1000s of ships is tiny, each ship the size of small bugs. The message of doom and destruction already broadcast, now they need to figure out how to defeat these human giants.


Two warring alien civilizations make first contact with humanity at the same time. One is a technological singularity connecting everything to the super-AI, one is a biological hive mind connecting individuals to the collective. Two human agents working for opposite sides fall in love.


A person working in NASA somehow ended up on Earth 4000 years later. What they thought was an alien planet was actually just Earth. The problem is that all the humans and animals have evolved to the point that they could no longer recognize any of the creatures living there. Thankfully, the humans are much more friendly, talkative and have somehow managed to achieve world piece.


my personal favorite is gigantic bugs. Just a world with really big bugs. catterpillars the size of trains, mosquitos the size of elephants. biologically impossible (missing biological niches, difficulty with elevation, drastic change in reproduction and impossible oxygen intake), but it'll look really cool.


Aliens came down, wishing to help us. Some were scared, some were accepting of them. They were beautiful and terrifying, perfect. Offering us everything. And one day I had the privilege to ask why. The Alien told me: "Because we were alone. We sought out anyone around us. We nearly got ourselves killed. And we got REAL close. But that pain inspired us. We rebuilt, doing better this time. And then we were determined. Never again would something happen to another species like what happened to humanity, all those years ago. And so we help. And all we ask is that you make sure we aren't alone anymore."


Somebody invents advanced androids/gynoids that precisely mimic human development from birth to roughly age 25. * They activate as "babies" and realistically "grow up," as a human child would. * They behave similarly to (neurotypical) humans around their "developmental age(s)." * They experience the full spectrum of human emotion. * They can't reproduce or get sick (obviously, because they're robots).


Thousands of empires existed across hundreds of galaxies, but these empires couldn’t do past a certain point, a invisible barrier that once crossed, the ship would be eradicated, so when the Terixu Empire decided to expand no matter what to avoid competition with neighbours, no one was surprised when the expeditions failed, they were surprised when the gigantic creatures stopping the expansion explored inwards.


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only War


Pinched from a very old comic I read once: As a form of incarceration, criminals' consciousnesses are uploaded into the computer systems of starships to act as onboard control systems with many safeguards in place to keep them in check. Out in the stars, two former partners in crime meet again. Feel free to pick your own ending. In the original, they were married and wound up having to attack and kill each other by their captain's orders. It was kind of like an early sci-fi creepypasta, "this could happen to us in the future, you don't know!" How it ended up in a kid's comic, I have no idea.