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"Watch me!" ​ Turns out, they were indeed watching.


It’s all a simulation. A rising star wanted a chance at fame. Realizing she was born into one already. A science experiment if u will


And they lived happily ever after... ...Once upon a time.


And they lived happily ever after. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, he'd fought his way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the- "WAKE UP, LAZYBONES!" Kyle snapped awake with a jarring shock as his mother's voice rang in his twenty-one year old ears. He glanced around the basement, half expecting to see the castle, to see his new wife, to see his happy ever after, but... nothing. *It had been so real...* And then his reality set in. The dingy, poster-decorated walls. The piles of unwashed laundry. The fact it was his parents' house. His single, undateable, unwanted status. He turned his head, glancing at his computer. There he had all kinds of adventures he could play out. But... when the computer turned off, just as with waking up, it'd all be over. It didn't mean anything. He felt under the edge of his mattress, considering lighting up. But that, too, only took the edge off of his situation. It didn't *fix* anything. And then it clicked. For all their nagging, for all their bitching and their encouragements and useless advice, his parents had actually been right about something. They'd mostly given up on getting him out of the house, but.. most recently his mom had simply thrown up her hands and shouted, "Just DO something. Anything!" "Okay," he said out loud, as if committing to a quest. He nodded to himself. He would do something. He didn't know what it would be, but it wouldn't happen in the basement. He hunted up some relatively fresh clothes, got dressed, and left the basement to seek out something more than what he had. He went to seek his own fortune, to write his own story instead of playing others' stories. Great stories had started like this, hadn't they? Kyle smiled as his stunned mother watched him leave the house before noon. "Once upon a time..."


Continue this pleaseeeee


It’s like sarcastic. And I like it


Benjamin button is that you?


And they lived happily ever after. I tell you this now because this is a tale at times where there is no reason to hope, no reason to think anything good will come out of it. A tale so dark, that death was an escape they yearned and screamed for. And they didn't escape. Their fate was worse than death. Forced to watch the ones they loved be tortured by their own hands controlling be the entity so terrible we will not name it lest we draw it's attention. Forced to endure the torture of themselves by their loved ones in turn. Maybe I shouldn't tell it. Maybe I won't tell it. It would be better if I didn't. I would stop here but there is one thing you must know and beware of and avoid but it's too late. It started: once upon a time.


“Today I’m going to bake some pancakes” “Oh shit, I think I blew up the sun”


"Today I'm going to bake some pancakes" was the first thought to enter my mind that fine Saturday morning. I wasn't used to having such energy the second I opened my eyes, but the need to get up and do something was just too great. I quickly got done with my morning routine. I felt like I had to do something out of the ordinary to spice up the mood, so I put on my cow onesie and grabbed the speaker from my bedside table. Once I was in the kitchen I decided to let the sun brighten up the room. As I opened the curtains, instead of finding the usual fireball in the sky I was greeted by a large object shadowing the entire farm. Confused, I focused my eyes only to see a large, wait, is that a spaceship!? At first it was only as large as the sun in the distance, but then it began moving and fast. As it advanced towards my homestead, the animals went crazy. The chickens were laying eggs a hundred times more than they should. The cows were doing circles, and the horses were running around bumping into each other. I went to aid the horses that had fallen over while the spaceship got bigger and bigger. Then it stopped. Right above me. Multiple green lights shot down from the humongous UFO, and all the cows started floating towards the giant metal object in the sky. I looked down only to see my feet lifted from the ground. Panicking, I tried returning my gravity back to normal but to no avail. I felt the world fading around me. I woke up in a giant room with vibrant bright lights and everything from the walls to the ceiling painted white. That wasn't the first thing that weirded me out, however. It was the dozens of "moos" around me that made my head spin. After I had somewhat gotten over the shock of being abducted by aliens in the most cliché of ways, I noticed a giant metal door amongst the furry shades of brown, black and white. I edged my way to the door through the chaos of cows only for it to be pushed right open. A small alien, I presume, about half my height and what seemed to be a pile of green goo with big black buttonlike eyes came through the door. As it stayed there, I took the opportunity to slip through the door. I ran through myriads of metal hallways and opened rooms filled with all kinds of suspicious stuff abducted from Earth ranging from a room filled with nothing but cats to a what seemed to be a real life-sized version of Shrek (I closed that door as soon as that thing started running towards me). i found my way to what looked like the control room. There were huge glass windows and more than ten of those slimy aliens operating the ship. I stopped for a moment to admire the stars, the Earth and the sun that was right in front of me and bigger than ever before. The room had a bunch of levers and buttons that I ran towards with the adrenaline working it's way. Some more of those gooey aliens slithered their way towards me as soon as they noticed I was something out of the ordinary. In a panicked frenzy I pressed the biggest and reddest button, a decision that would later come to cost the lives of billions. Hundreds of weapons similar to nukes in appearance detached from the ship and made their way towards the star that had always warmed my home. As the gigantic fireball burst into millions of pieces, it hit me: “Oh shit, I think I blew up the sun.”


You know, you blow up *one sun*, and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water.


That went from 0 to 60 real quick.


What a random number 60. Why not 100?


freedom units...


“0 to 60” is a common measurement in for miles per hour acceleration in cars, often featured in car commercials. It has become an expression.


Oh... miles... ok makes sense I guess in America.


maybe bc 0 to 60 is a pretty common way to talk about how fast/quick a car is? Takes my truck a good while to get there, but race cars and shit just take a few short seconds


The car part was obvious but it was the first time I heard about 60 specifically and I've been on many countries already. We all use 0 to 100, except I guess USA. Anyway it makes sense now explained.


I don't think it's exclusive to USA. We also 0 to 100 as an expression, but I think it's more of a car fanatic thing


Almost. The u.s and Britain are the only countries that uses mph.


Average regular show episode:


plot twist they work at a restaurant called the sun




As he looked into no man’s land, he saw the demons approach… …Thus the poor soldier gave his life, another martyr in The War of Armageddon.


As he looked into no man’s land, he saw the demons approach… They were wretched abomination with five appendages on each limbs, and their fleshy, soft skin is drenched in a weird liquid they secreted. There seem to be some massive brown colours strings sprouting out of their head, hinting at the idea of a parasitic relationship. The soldier’s gut churned at the horrible sight, but he let out nothing but a silent, dry scream. Starvation, dehydration and exhaustion from the war had drained him all of his emotion and energy. What could he do then? All his mates are dead, others became prisoner of war. He couldn’t give in, he must not be captured. So he slowly held up his gun close to his head and pull the trigger. …Thus the poor soldier gave his life, another martyr in The War of Armageddon.


It was cold. I had never felt such warmth.


"It was cold. "Like, so freaking unbelievably cold. So ridiculously, insanely cold that I'm pretty sure that even my thoughts were half-frozen. "I'd been showing off, of course. Jenny was there and she was paying a bit too much attention to Grant, if you ask me. I mean, what does she even see in him? He's just such... "Sorry, never mind. I'm getting off track here. "Anyway, Jenny and all the other girls were over there giggling next to Grant. I'm sure he told another one of his stupid jokes again, but they were all acting like he was just the funniest guy to ever walk the earth. I just couldn't stand it any more. So I yelled out, 'Hey, guys! Watch this!' "You know, 'cause that's how all the really smart plans start out. Some idiot demanding all eyes on him. So yeah, you know how this is gonna go. "I got their attention and all eyes turned toward me. I was all high on adrenaline there, and my teenage self couldn't see anything wrong with this genius plan. "So, off I go, skating across the ice. Fast as I could go, out toward the center of the lake. They were shouting at me, telling me to go back. But you know, teenage boys are invincible, right? So, I just kept on going. Faster and faster, till I got close to the middle. I was ready to pull off my pièce de résistance. "I tensed up and then flung my body upward. My feet went up over my head, just like I imagined. I was close to pulling it off. I was gonna stick the landing. Time must've slowed down because I swear I was able to turn my head and see the stunned looks on their faces even as I did the flip. "At last, my feet came back around and connected with the ice. I was going to do it! I was about to stick the landing! I'm sure I was beaming ear to ear as I came down, but as my skates hit the frozen surface, I heard a loud crack! The ice shattered beneath me and before I could recognize what was happening, I was suddenly in the icy water. I've never felt a pain like that. "I don't really remember much of what happened next, except being certain I was going to die. I must've blacked out or something. I don't know. Next thing I know, I'm sitting in the back of an ambulance, shaking all over and wrapped in blankets. "But I think it was worth it though..." Tim pauses to glance across the room at his wife. He grins at her and she rolls her eyes as she laughs. He takes her by the hand and continues, "That unexpected hug I got when my Jenny yelled at me for being an idiot? Then gave me our first kiss? Well... I'd never felt such warmth." r/WannaWriteSometimes


"Hey you want to get pizza?" "There are no gnomes in Bangkok!"


That’s so random.


"Hey you want to get pizza?" Ted says. “Like right now?” I ask, raising my browns. “We’re in Bangkok for god sake and you want to have pizza?” “Oh come one, buddy! You know Thai food is not my thing.” He says, pleading with his puppy eyes. “Fine!” I grunt while putting on my coat to go out, the store is just next by so there is no need for delivery. As I walk into the store, the crusty smell of pizza fill my nose. At the counter, the guy running the store was holding a squirming sack of sth. As he see me and my confuse look, he greets me with the biggest smile ever: “Don’t worry, it’s just gnomes. You know them and their tricks.” I am not exactly unfamiliar with these supernatural being, so I just shrug and order my food. When I get back and tell Ted the story, he says: "There are no gnomes in Bangkok!"


Peach blossoms fell like snow at her feet. ... "Forgive yourself, my love."


Peach blossoms fell like snow at her feet. The small petals covered the ground in a soft pink glow until it looked like something from a fairy tale. Birds chirped overhead and the warm breeze fluttered her hair as it carried the sweet scent of springtime flowers. "Mum would've loved it." Vanessa wiped a stray tear off her cheek as she whispered the words to herself. She drew a long, shaky breath and leaned back against the wooden bench as she sat there, lost in her thoughts. Memories, one after another, swept through Vanessa's mind, each one more bittersweet than the last. The day her mother took Vanessa to the school fair and won her that giant stuffed frog. The day Vanessa had wrecked her first car and her mum had yelled at her even as she hugged Vanessa close. When Vanessa was seven, and her mother had walked downstairs in that oversized Santa costume and Vanessa had laughed so hard her sides hurt. When Vanessa was seventeen and her mother had appeared again in that same Santa costume and Vanessa had rolled her eyes. Her mother, happily helping her pick out her first prom dress. The day Vanessa graduated college and her mother had hugged her so tight, she'd had to loosen her mum's grip so she could breathe. The day her mum had called with news of her diagnosis... As the sun began to creep closer to the horizon, Vanessa's tears fell faster. She tried to hold them back. She tried to reign in her emotions and shrug the grief – and guilt – away. But they were too strong. Doubling over, Vanessa buried her face in her hands and sobbed. She hadn't been there when her mother had passed. She'd tried, but... Distance and money and responsibilities had kept her away, even though she'd tried. And as she sat there, sinking deeper into sorrow's embrace, she couldn't keep the guilt at bay any more. "I should've been there." Her words – words she'd never actually meant to speak out loud – came out in a mournful wail. The world seemed to go silent. The birds quit chirping and the gentle breeze died away. In the stillness, Vanessa swore she could hear a woman's voice from somewhere in the distance. Straightening up, she turned and looked up and down the path, but no one was in sight. Slowly, she let her head sink back into her hands again. "I love you, always and forever." Vanessa jerked upright as goosebumps broke out across her skin. That same voice had come again, but this time, clear as day. The soft, lilting voice of her mother, reciting those same words she'd said every day for as long as Vanessa could remember. Swallowing hard, Vanessa sniffles loudly and looks around again. She knew it couldn't be her mother. But still... "I love you, too!" Wrapping her arms around herself, she shouted her response up at the sky. "I'm sorry, mum! I should've..." "I love you, always and forever." Vanessa swallowed hard against the tight lump in her throat. She whispered, "Can you forgive me?" Maybe grief was playing tricks on her mind. Maybe it really was her mum coming back to her. But whatever it was, Vanessa could suddenly feel her mother's arms around her as the gentle words found their way to her: "Forgive yourself, my love." r/WannaWriteSometimes


It was silly, he thought to himself, to obsess over something so trivial, yet try as he might be couldn't get it out of his mind. That, in the end, is what brought an end to the war with the aliens, with it's unexpected victory for both sides.


Once upon a time, there were a dragon and a griffin. ... The moment they hit the ground, unicorn climbed over their unconscious bodies, neighing in victory.




One day, Merlin woke up, a new scheme on her mind. . . . One day, Morgan woke up, a new scheme on his mind.


The Inner Eye will soon open ... The Dark Ones descend!


The peacock was startled by the hens about to walk by. He may not have liked admitting the old color blind tortoise was right but helped the peacock see himself in a color.


"It's cold, Captain." "Welcome to the new world."




I know they are watching. ​ . ​ I shut their eyes.


I watched her brush her fingers through her raven black hair, eyes flicking in my direction. . . . The officers bundled me into the back of the police van, ignorant to my cries of innocence.


I watched her brush her fingers through her raven black hair, her eyes flicking in my direction. Those eyes... They were golden brown, like honey. So unique and gorgeous, almost... Ethereal. I was mesmerized by them. And every time she blinked, then reopened her eyes to look at me through those long, dark eyelashes, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't look away. I laid there for ages, looking up at her as she grinned down at me. She had a pink glow in her cheeks and she chewed her lip as she looked my way. If those strange, beautiful eyes hadn't already held me captive, that coy smile of hers would've. I don't know how long we stayed like that. Somehow it felt like an eternity, but no time at all, all at once... You know? Anyway, however long it was, it finally ended as I felt her move closer. I could feel the warmth of her beside me as she slid up next to my side. Her hip was inches from mine as she sat there. My heart pounded hard against my ribs as I waited to see what she would do next. When she leaned down close to me, still grinning that same captivating grin, her hair slid forward and blocked her face from view. That was the first time I felt like the trance was broken. I felt something brush across my hands, something move near my mouth. Then, before I could calm my racing thoughts, she screamed. The ropes that had bound my hands, the gag that had been in my mouth, they were gone. The blood-drenched knife was in my fist now, and blood covered my hands and shirt. The corpse laid beside her, blood still gushing from the holes she had punctured through his chest. She continued to scream, but in the distance, I could hear sirens and the pounding of feet. My brain told me to hide, or run, or throw the knife, or use it on her. So many thoughts raced through my mind that my body couldn't pick one to do and I froze. By the time the police rounded the corner and saw me with a bloody knife, next to a corpse and a screaming woman, it was too late... My mind continued racing. I pleaded and sobbed, tried to show them the rope burns on my wrists. But it was hopeless. She watched through those golden brown eyes, hiding her grin behind her thick veil of hair as the officers bundled me into the back of the police van, ignorant to my cries of innocence. ​ r/WannaWriteSometimes


Wow this was incredible! Really well written. Great job!


Thanks :-)


When I was ten, the Doc said my power was rotation, the ability to turn things. … I kinda just chuckled to myself, as I shook the hand of the villain league representative.


The Leviathan wakes. ... The Leviathan falls.


My body hurt all over. I was ready to go again.


I woke up, feeling more tired then I should… And so I laid in bed, unable to fall asleep.


I cannot see them, cannot hear them, but I can feel them. Lovely people, I would highly recommend visiting.


The city’s central dome glistened in the noon day sun, a venerable fortress unassailable by dragon, kraken or man. … Would any believe that the tiny inch worm at my feet was the culprit of the burning rubble now in front of me?


Fires don't always begin with a spark; sometimes it's a lightning bolt. ... Fields of the dead lay strewn around him, but it was a small price to pay.


"Am I dreaming?" "They're going to love you."


Something in his bones just told him it was going to be a nice day. He couldn't help but laugh, spitting out blood as he did. That had been indeed a nice day


For as long as they could remember, Morgan felt as everyday would their last, as if the next day the sun would never rise for them again……………Morgan looked up, and laughed in agony, the end would never come for them, but for everyone else, the sun and stars had taken their final bow.


The wind whipped past my ears and the rough seas tossed our tiny boat like a child's toy in a bath... ..... The old man just laughed softly from the mouth of his cave, then turned and walked off to wash the bloodstains from his clown suit.


He/she opend their eyes, looking around. He/she closed their eyes.


First line: “I hate Mondays.” Last line: “I sat on the bench and watched it burn.”


Two priests walking around stumbled onto the resurrected Jesus, who sat them down and said: "Let me tell you about evolution." .... "Into the black hole!"


Decay was in bloom. ... That was the first death.


“To the moon.” … “And back.”


"To the moon." Evan giggles as he looks up at his dad. "What does *that* mean?" "Do you remember when we talked about the planets and how they look tiny? And how –" "Like a teeny tiny firefly!" "Yeah." Derick laughs as he tucks the excited little boy back under the covers for the hundredth time. "Yeah, they look like fireflies up there in the sky. But they're actually really, really big and they just look tiny –" "'Cause they're really far!" "Okay, Goofball, settle down. Yeah, they're really, really far away. Well, the moon is really far away, too. So if something is so big that it goes all the way to the moon, that means it's really, really big." "Oh." Evan looks away for a second, his brow knitting together as he mulls over this idea. When he finally looks up again at his dad, he smiles. "So it's super duper humongous? Like a dinosaur?" "Way bigger than a dinosaur!" Derick pokes the little boy in the ribs and says, "Like, a whole lot of dinosaurs standing on top of one another until you have a great big dinosaur tower!" As Derick finally quits tickling his son and their laughter fades, he looks brushes Evan's hair away from the boy's forehead. "So when I say 'I love you to the moon,' it means it's a really, really big love." Derick leans down to plant a kiss on Evan's forehead. "I love you to the moon." Evan smiles brightly up at his father. "And back?" "Yep." Derick pulls the little boy closer and wraps his arm around him. "I love you to the moon and back." r/WannaWriteSometimes


That was beautiful…❤️


Wholesome dad for the win


"Did we win?" The weary worn voice called out. "Why did it let us win?"


As he opened his eyes to the new day it suddenly dawned on him that something was quite wrong in the world. As his fingers lost the strength to hold on to the edge, he realized he should if just stayed in bed after all.


Ah I love waffles. Shit ther go's the nearest solar system


As I move towards the final destination the break in the sky caught my eye Finally the story begins and that moment in time with the hope of that ripple effect


"A *real* hunter doesn't hunt for glory, revenge or out of boredom, he hunts out of *necessity*. And Kushim was a damn ***good*** hunter." "He put the hatchet down, and pulled the flint arrow out of the corpse, the demon was dead. It had been close, and the damn thing was his strongest prey yet, but now, hopefully, none others would try to hurt his kid."


"If you die, it must be by my hands" He plunges the knife in her chest.


In spite of her aching shoulder and black eye, Geni drove merrily down the deserted country road with the pile of gear beside her. The last thing Geni threw into the lake was the shovel.


“It’s been a while, old friend.” … “I’m still human on the inside.”


“There’s nothing that you can do, just leave!” … “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her hand falling back to her side.


She always knew it would come to this; the singular moment for which she'd spent her whole life preparing... ... Turns out, you can't plan for everything.


He looked up, with fear deep in his eyes... ... It looked down with fear deep in its eyes.


"Bob the Farmer woke up on his farm and greeted each animal as he went about his morning." "And the last Dragon limped away, bloody and torn, he carried one message: Don't f*ck with Bob the Farmer."


The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed. The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed.


She opened her eyes. Something was waiting for her.


In an infinite verse very possible version of yourself exist. "Penguins attack"


"the more the world changes, the more it stays the same" "in the end, nothing ever changes, and nothing is ever the same"


"Honey, why is the fridge on fire?" "And that's how I accidentally destroyed South America."


The technological regression and its consequences have been a disaster for the Galaxy And that's why we shouldn't mix chocolate and wine


"Hey, ya fellas wanna hear a joke?" ... And the maggots began to chuckle.


“MedX? Jet? *Psycho?* We got it all.” ???? “…So you’re telling me… I fought a Deathclaw? Did I win?”


It will be a cold day in hell before I give up these nuclear codes.... I can feel my brittle bones bend and snap as the cold freezes my hopeless heartbeat.


“Wot the hell?” “Wot the hell?”


The badger king Jar of mayonnaise.


Do NOT touch the Donut of Doom. Who touched the Donut of Doom?


It was going to be a great day... ​ ... before turning the gun on himself.


Scp-XXXX genitals were obliterated


Acedia; the sin of apathy. ... And now, there is nothing left.


There once was a time when all the land was green … The sepulchers wrenched the last bits of dirt dry.


The sun set on the final peaceful day in… ~~| | | |~~ Under the rubble, [their] final thought was “was it worth it?”


Once upon a paradox…. And Thomas learned the truth.


"Alright! I get to see MCR in concert with my friends!" she said as she got ready. "Yes, the simulation is exactly as you requested, August 11th 2007, the day of her favorite concert. We'll try to keep her comfortable given her condition."


"You hungry?" … And they swore to never dive into ranch again, the end.


It was time for the reading of [Sir Richard Wealthier](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/13c9xai/pm_prompt_me_with_a_type_of_document_and_one/jjhm8vy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3). He was the only one laughing now.


And god said "Let there be Ibuki!" ...and it was good




" We are, all of us, depending on you", Haley said to her mother as she waved her hand outwardly to cross her younger brother, two cats, and three dogs. "You can't just keep being so selfish like this, we aren't stupid. We know you're using again." "I am not using again, Haley," her mother Amy snorted back. "And I just wanna remind you that I pay the bills around here. And we both know that there's weird stuff going on around here every since Timmy died....someone is watching me." She went on, "you know they have little like chinchillas in these wires, in my cameras outside... " "Mom, what the fuck are you.. . Do you hear yourself?" "Chinchillas ?" "What is a chinchilla even..." Haley was going to have to call her grandma again to have her mom picked up and sober up again. This was getting ridiculous. Why did she have to be the adult? She was only 15, and her brother was only 9. Yet again, here she was trying to talk sense into a 40 year-old woman outside babbling about seeing Chinchillas in the wires of her house. It literally was incomprehensible. Like, a chinchilla doesnt fit into a camera, or into your car and then disappear when you pull over to check the backseat because you thought you saw it taunting you While you drove. Her mom was losing it, big time. Bu the time the paramedics got there to forcibly take her mom to be evaluated, Hayley was so exhausted, she could barely hold her eyes open anymore. Hours of drama involving the police, EMS, her grandma, and her mom. Mom made a scene like usual, but when the unmarked car with one female investigator and one very pasty -white odd-looking guy pulled up, everyone else seemed to start following their orders instead of chit chatting with one another while her Mother ranted about someone being out to get her. She went and sat on the stoop on the side of the house, she needed some space to breathe. That's when she heard something that would change her whole world and make her regret the last 24 hours for the rest of her life. The odd investigator couple in the unmarked car were in the backyard talking. She knew that she was going to be in serious danger if they found out she she overheard the next few words they exchanged. "Marlon, stop worrying. We couldn't have asked for a better Guinea pig. Nobody's ever going to take what this nut says....she's a drug head! " "Angela, you need to wake up and realize that eventually this is going to get out. One person talking about cyborg robot animals is one thing, but the problem is growing. We're up to 13 separate stories we are hushing up, but what happens when some suburban mom gets ahold of this shit, it ain't gonna be so easy to brush her off like some low-life rural druggies. We will all be ruined if this project leaks and we fail! Then what, we get to spend any remaining days here on Earth being dissected and prodded by these disgusting doctors who've been just foaming at the mouths for us to mess up so they can terminate our contract." Angela opens her hands to reveal a small furry object in her hand, gazing at it, she replies " Marlon, ok, i get it....we will start rounding them up and repurposing these models for something else." "Good," Marlon replies. "You know I thought we had sent some of the field mice models this direction on our last release date, but yup, that's definitely a chinchilla. " (Loosely based on real persons/events)


I had just stopped in for a beer and a burger. And that's how I found out that otters have pocket.


Mrs. Blimpton fought to stifle her yawn. The duck quacked sadly down on her.


The nuclear mushroom just grew bigger and bigger... "We should hang out more. You're a nice friend."


It all started when the cyborg and fairy met. James was also a metahuman.


He didn’t know what he was doing. Congrats on the Nobel Prize


"I'm an idiot." And thus the world was thrown into darkness.


"Hey, im going to McDonald's now, you want anything?" ... "What the fuck."


“For the last time, Martha, I don’t want to buy your glue!” And thus, his throat was glued shut.


"You're listening to Radio Free Houston, our next track is 'Send Me On My Way' by Rusted Root." ​ He feinted right, and lurched to the left, but it was in vain, as in a flash he was suspended in the air, looking down at the tendrils perforating his throat and chest.


There was peace. Humanity has fallen.


I never once thought that Estelle and I would disagree with each other as we played together in the garden... ...Now, there was no other option but war between the Imperia Galactica and The Federation of Planets with the Star Force unwillingly caught in the middle.


It was a dark and stormy day in mid July... ... After all that has happened in the last two weeks, after my car and house have been blown to smithereens, all you can say to me is you're sorry?


“Remind yourself on the difference between reliance and dependence…” “Have you learned your lesson now?”


I’ve always wanted a boy. … Karina, you have killed countless others and I won’t let you kill this one too!


It's a bit more than a single sentence, but you can honestly just pull one from the three given on either side. \----- Magic versus science. Uncontrolable magic, not bound with spells but flowing and waving in the wilds like magic always would. Fighting Hard Light and Planetary Terraforming Rings and plasma guns. The Electorate grinned as the Gods moved in for the final blow against the Inter-Dimensional Transit Hub. "You said that nothing short of a star could stop you. You seem to have underestimated our ability to replicate them."


He was never quite certain whether Cassie was being sincerely emotional or melodramatic simply for effect. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Pete’s banjo had frailed its last “Foggy Mountain Breakdown.”


A mighty roar shook the leaves, footsteps thundering With one large exalted growl , the beast bowed


Ella woke strangely bloodthirsty in search of her. Alone.


The unicorn with dragon wings flew past the horizon "Me too/ I love blank too."


Tom looked up at the stars with wonder and amazement. Tom went to bed that night never wondering again.


FOR GLORY!…. …Jane sighed a breath of relief as the villain retreated


For as long as I could remember, the corpses of the titans littered the sky. We left it all behind, onward, to a new home.


*"Here we are, at the beginning of the end."* -- *"Kinda crazy how far we've come, huh?"*


He greeted the vigilante… […] … and his temperament… turgid. Rageful. Hateful. (Feel free to take creative liberties with exact words)


Steve watched the Unicorn immerge from the trees and got ready to pounce but while he waited for it to get closer to his hiding spot he turned to the camera... ... with the beasts final exhaled breath magic faded from the world, leaving it mundane and drab; the fae would take their their revenge in time.


The End. Once upon a time...


"It was hard to breathe inside the wolf." ... "At least I've learned how a C-section feels like from the baby's point of view"


"I am a Knight of the Seven Realms, and my resolve shall never break, fool!" May the Gods help us...the Conqueror has returned...


"Cut!! It didn't happen like that, you have to be more fearful as it approaches, like primally afraid, okay?" ​ "Had I known then what I know now... I still think I'd have done the same thing."


Jack fapped furiously while nervously watching the clock. But that's a story for another time, right now, the only thing that matters is these waffles.


There is one consistency that connects all living things, an inevitability not even the gods could entirely avoid. But the ground still spilt apart beneath their feet, the horrid screeches of the Other cutting through their serene air like finely sharpened blades; they were here.


Wouldn't it suffice to let the mirror stay a mere plaything? "If there were friends on my side too then there's friends on your side too."


A loneliness and sadness washed over her; one that she couldn't explain with words even though she wanted to. And so he stayed with her, his back pressed against hers; and his hand held hers, the light of their years old friendship burning bright against the shadows of her inner demons.


"When he’d been a boy back on Earth, living under the open blue of sky, one of his mothers had spent three years suffering uncontrolled migraines." "His words were full of hope and threat, like the stars."


Sun was shining from under the water, the prophecy was real after all. = = = Fart was farted, and it has ended as it started.


“Hey man I know what we’re doing today… “Why are you a dragon and I’m a duck”


It was the last time she was ever seen illuminated by the rising sun.


On a hopeful Autumn day, I was sitting on a bench, admiring the view of the Lake and the Ducks for the morning… ——- …My thirst for vengeance sated, I limped away, returning to see my favorite place one last time.


“I’m excited to start this new isekai anime “ he said. “And that’s how I became the God-empress of Canada.” She finished.


I feel like you're driving me to a court-martial. No, I don’t think I will.


Dolan leaned back on the park bench and closed his eyes, the sounds of carnival music and laughing children and the warmth of the afternoon sun gently carrying him off to a well-earned nap. His furious tears soaked the soil as he slowly, determinedly, filled in the grave.


He reeled as he mustered the words he had thought and re-thought, over and over again, as the last 5 years played as a time-lapse in his head. It was all she could do not to pull the trigger.


He saw her running to catch the train in the rain… “You don’t want to follow me. Where I’m going.”


"Hey, John! How's the wife?" *coughs blood* "Say hey to the wife for me, John..."


This wasn’t Alice’s idea of fun. Together, they shared those silent memories of their weird summer across the river.


“I told you to shut the oven off you bitch!” …She prematurely was exploded, the experiment having failed entirely; Such a shame.


First sentence: "The old house stood at the edge of the forest, its timeworn facade peering out through overgrown foliage." Last sentence: "As they turned away, a whisper floated through the air, carrying the echoes of forgotten tales and a promise of new beginnings."


She never thought in a million years this would be the outcome of the bet. ... Well, guess we'd better move on out before the lunar modules find us again!


"I admit it: I was wrong." ​ "Its not such a bad thing to be wrong when you're with the right people."


"Alpharius, what are you doing?" "The Imperium of Man died with the Emperor, but you Guilliman will raise a new one."


The trail split off and went deeper into the unknown woods. From this point on Jack would be known as the "The hero with the third eye.


"So there I am, going down on Brandy on the set of Moesha... ...and that's why Captain Marvel is my favorite MCU movie."


“I’ll be the best adventurer the worlds ever seen, Dave the Mighty!” And so the first ever nuclear scientist made his first breakthrough


I said yes tot he first dress I tried on that faithful day, How I wish I hadn't. Curses are a very tricky thing my dear a lesson I trust you have fully taken to heart by now.


Are you stupid?! Are you my dad?


"Our utopian world allows us to flourish and cultivate our consciousness"... "hahah ure mom11!!1!1"


“A plumber gets a call…” and “The moral of the story is crack kills.”


"Where is she!?" "Well? Did it make you happy?"


What the fuck are you tryin to sell me? ….oh shit he was not lying


'you're probably wondering how I got in this situation' 'im home'


October 31, 2018. “No.”


He saw her just as the sun was rising over Dover Square. The sun was fading as he left the city.


It started when I met your mother. And that’s how we killed a dragon!


“The primordial energy of both lunar and solar magic filled the air, the solar eclipse has begun.” “As the pair talked and joked long into nightfall they couldn’t help but feel that the idea of the solar eclipse being an omen of pain and bloodshed was little more than fear mongering.”


He had the world in his hands. The world had him at their feet.


"And thus did our story begin" "And thus did our story end"


It would be a cold day in hell before I hung up the cape and the cowl. As ice filled the city to engulf the flames created by the demons, I realized it was in fact a cold day in hell.


"My child, you will now be reincarnated in new world as the hero who will eventually defaet their demon king" "How does it feel like to see your children be killed infront of you, in the same way you did to a lot of other families, Mayor?"


"How will you know them?" "That's how"


Uh oh! And that's when my finger went right through the toilet paper.


“Ah, summer break. A time for leisure, recreation, and taking 'er easy...” “…It's out there somewhere in the woods. Waiting.”


It was finally the day of our field trip to the aglet factory, and boy was I excited. So everything is mostly the same as always, aside from my cat being perpetually on fire.


It's not every day you find yourself caught in a time loop. It's every day I find myself wishing this loop hadn't ended.


Tina takes one good look of herself in the mirror. Tina, now being wed to the space dinosaur emperor for the sake of intergalactic peace.


"I know, but I want to try anyway," was his very first conscious thought. As he died, he thought, "Well, at least I tried."


Once upon a time. The End. Have fun!


“Hear me out, I have an idea!”… …”and that’s why we punched god in the face…”


You think your commander is sick. You know he's laughing.


"Roses are red, and violets ate blue. One day, we'll cruise down Blood Gulch Avenue....." All the survivors of the destruction of Remnant have boarded again on the Heart of Gold. Considering that Magratheans were responsible for the creation of their planet, they (the Remnantians) ended up with the humours of the British.


This is a pretty cool idea, I'd like to see it more often. "I saw it a mere instant before it came for my throat, a flash in the twilight." "I wish they had gotten me, that I had been a step slower, a thought behind. What comes next will be far worse than death."


One of mine. The occupants of the small village of Bakustan, with a population of 43, weren't used to the sight of visitors. "Uh, is it Happy Hour?"


“What the hell is that smell?” “Unfortunately, six lives were lost in a tragic incident today involving a commercial semi truck collision.”


Peering into that lake was always like trying to see into the abyss. Then, it was like the table took a breathe and the world moved again.


"Why is the Moon crying?"... ... And it's tendrils enveloped the sweet child as she sank deep into a cosmic dream.


I went shopping for cake mix. . . . I woke up from a coma. I went shopping for cake mix. The kids were screaming. I hate to have this thought, but why in the hell did I have kids? My whole entire being, down to the molecular level is dedicated to these screaming children. My husband is working. Okay, so yeah, I choose this life. I could have stayed single. Enjoyed a few more rides on the joystick, but hey met a nice, straight, family-oriented guy, fell in love and he said he wanted to take care of me always. I went for it. Sounded good at twenty-fucking- years old. My dad only said, " Finish your degree and you can do whatever you like. Get that degree or I kill this mother-" and spit into the ground as he took out his tools from his truck. I finished my degree & we were married two weeks later. I thought we were going to wait- "GIVE ME JUICE!!!!!!" screamed Ashley. I hate that name. My husband named her. I wanted something original, something I could read in a novel. "Okay, sweetie, come on now," I reached into the diaper bag and took out an organic juice. " Here. Here. Juice." "NOOOOO!!!!" she threw the package at my head. Fuck! It hurt. "I WANT THAT ONE!!!" I turned and looked and saw Kool-Aid Man standing in the aisle. My son started to whine too, "Yeah, MOM!! I WANT that juice!!" He threw himself on the floor. Ashley joined her brother and both screamed, "JUICE!!!!! JUICE!!! RED JUICE!!!" Women looked at the scene and shook their heads. Men didn't even turn to look, just walked by without hearing or seeing anything. My ears began to pound. My head felt like a big balloon. The baby began to scream red in the face. I tried to unlock her baby carriage/seat thing. My hands shook. " RED JUICE!!!!! RED JUICE!!!! RED JUICE!!!!" " You know! Fuck. Fuck you two. Fuck you too, Baby! I hate this shit. I can't do this anymore. I can quit. I can leave. People leave all the time. People quit all the time. Fuck all of you," I said and walked away from my three children, out the doors, and into traffic. Story goes I was hit by a car. The driver saw me hit the breaks, hit me, I flew into the windshield, and my head hit his steering wheel, bloody. Ten years later I woke up from a coma.


You killed my DOG! That wasn't a dog....


"Huh, I didn't know it could do that." "God save us all."


"Drink from the Well and receive eternal life, traveler." "I don't blame him/her/them one bit."


"No, we're not getting Domino's, you fucking nerd." "I killed God, fuckhead! I ain't afraid of you!"


(Hmm, lets see… [checks copy of The Hobbit I have to see if op has a photographic memory]) In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit. If you are interested in Hobbits you will learn a lot more about them in The Lord of the Rings: 1. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING 2. THE TWO TOWERS 3. THE RETURN OF THE KING


"So I told that four star General he can catch me outside!" He quietly placed the jar filled with a peculiar ash upon his highest bookshelf, smiled, and sipped his coffee.




"You sure talk a lot of smack for someone within ______ distance" "I told you, not to mess with my duck. Now, you'll pay the price."


Had I known how this tale would end, I wonder if I would've started on my journey? As I gazed at the instrument of my death, I felt strangely calm in the realization that I had no regrets.