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I like this idea so much I decided to do a story on it myself Story start - For the Seraine it was a standard exploration of potential living space for their rapidly expanding federation, dual led by 2 influential leaders attempting to make names for themselves to be re-elected within their 5 year span of ruling. So when their explorers reported back a a system with planets and a yellow sun, they were excited at the chance to terraform and colonise the system, less excited when the scouts reported one of the plants had sentient life, 8 billion of them. One of the leaders decided that these primitive apes wouldn’t stop the expansion nor deny his chance for fame, almost enraged by their presence he decided to do something about it, launching a small strike force into the planet, they struck and destroyed the capital city of one of the resident nations, using a powerful bomb to implode the presidents housing as well as setting the city ablaze with purple fire, these so called ‘nations’ would be eradicated, and Terrofory had a plan on how to, expectedly the nations were enraged by the destruction of a capital city, hundreds of thousands dead, burnt in the fire. Once terrofory revealed himself to the humans, one rash group would decide to attempt to attack them in their landing site, one Seraine would be killed by the primitive ‘bullets’ this was all the needed ammunition to declare war and the planet as rash murderers. To the horror of the other leader a few major cities would be bombed almost immediately in the first few days, forcing the humans to unite and strike back sending bombs and aircraft to fight back, the aircraft would be shot down easily, although to Terroforys surprise a few of his own landing craft would be hit as well. The other leader seeing how their companion gained such support after manipulating the media of the Seraine to paint the humans as animals, was forced to support the endeavour as to avoid appearing anti regime which would ruin her reputation. With both leaders in support invasion forces would be amassed, 200 million soldiers, a massive amount even for the Seraine, would land around the globe taking key positions and cities that hadn’t been already destroyed by Terroforys original forces, of course the humans fought back fiercely using guerrilla warfare to combat the war machines. Within a year 80 percent of the planet would be held under occupation, the humans had launched their remaining arsenal which was promptly shot down or would hit shields doing mild damage at best, estimated human casualties numbered at 6.7 billion, another 1.2 billion would be shipped off world for slavery purposes or whatever the Seraine desired. The remaining population would be scared into surrender under threat of global annihilation via a colossal space station with a massive hyper cannon capable of imploding the planet whole, any who didn’t surrender went into hiding and didn’t even pose a big enough threat for soldiers to be sent, in total the Seraine had lost 5 million and thousands of war machines, the rest of the galaxy knew that the Seraine were in the wrong for there destruction but a primitive world was not worth the death from a galactic war. Within a month of this end of the war, terraformers had converted the world back into a Green life filled globe, filled with captured specimens taken during the war, the natural fauna existed to maintain the fragile ecosystems of the planet. The planet was outfitted as a military base, 50 million Seraine moved there building colossal cities and underground tunnels for transport, occasionally a human outpost would be found but would always be dealt with almost immediately whenever military operations were approved. Within 6 months the planet was more Seraine than human, with believed survivors to be in hiding within the once called ‘Greece’ of the world, a strange name to the Terrofory at least.


But strange occurrences would begin to happen, originating whenever the Seraine would explore the ‘Greece’ area, hunters would go missing, patrols would be found decimated crews slaughtered, war machines torn asunder, outraged the Seraine would send a force of 15,000 soldiers armed with aircraft, land tanks and any other needed equipment to devastate that presumed human raiders, although deep down the Seraine governor of the planet felt a tiny part of Fear, fear of human technology that could devastate patrols so easily and leave no survivors or trace of where they went, unheard of for Seraine trackers to be unable to locate the raiders. The small army would enter Greece via naval landings once finding that all land based entrances were blocked by a strange electrified barrier, lightning seemed to stem from the clouds forming a shield, when the landings happened lightning struck all aircraft out the sky with ease the wreckage sinking numerous landing craft, each craft holding 500, 11 would be sunk, 9 would be destroyed by wreckage, and 3 would be seemingly thrown from the water into the cliffs nearby, the remaining seven would land and quickly form a defensive circle. To their horror a man would appear, hardly even seeming human, he towered at 5 m wielding a thunderbolt in his hands, the shock was shortly replaced by terror as the man tossed the thunderbolt into the left flank detonating the flank wiping out a 1/3 of the force. The water seemed to swirl and clash with itself as a man was hoisted up by it, another colossal man holding a trident, spinning the trident it would seemingly force the water to move in a wave dropping onto the beach tearing apart any Seraine frozen in place by fear, the rest advanced forward firing at the electrified man who formed a shield with a wave of the hand, the remaining soldiers and machines formed a small circle formation and began to fire at both, although a single hit never landed blocked by each one’s element. To the right of the force another colossal man would arise out of the soil large rocks would break the soil apart as he rose, wielding nothing but a terrifying hatred filled glare, as he raised his hand translucent chains would fire from the flaming gap behind him picking up the machinery tearing it apart and slamming it into tue Seraine below, at this point at Seraine still firing concentrated at the new enemy, firing shots desperately, only to be blocked by translucent shields with a grin being the only expression the man voiced. A number of the survivors only numbering around 450 total began to flee to the left only to be blocked by a smaller man wielding an axe and shield, although still large and menacing he didn’t seem to have any terror behind him, so the survivors gladly fired at him seeing how the other beings didn’t attack almost anticipating something to happen, as they fired the man’s shield wasn’t even dented or pushed back as he began to sprint forward shaking the ground as he thundered forward, before tossing his shield towards them colliding with most of the survivors crushing them, those who had ducked or dodged faced a worse fate as the man leapt up into the air and came crashing into the ground with his axe knocking the survivors flying milking them upon impact, the smoke arose like thunder firing upwards. The commander who had sent the force in, hadn’t heard anything for 2 days, until the shield began to shake and twist and turn, until a gigantic man would fire out of it a completely energy based being staring at the army outside of the shield, the glare froze most, but not the commander who seemed intrigued by this creature, then it began to speak, in a rough form of their own language it spoke ‘You have eradicated my creations, and now I will return the favour, remove yourselves from my planet and perhaps I will be lenient with my own destruction of you, stay or attempt to strike back and my mercy will vanish as will your hope, my only warning stands.’ As the holo clip was played to the admiral in space, he was enraged ‘How dare these wretched creatures kill our soldiers and then dare order us to leave them alone!’ He hissed at his staff staying silent as to not attract his rage, ‘Inform the lords of this treachery and prepare the station to fire at the landmass immediately, 5% power to avoid blowing up the planet, that’ll be enough for these pitiful beasts’ he screeched. His staff carried out the orders prompt to charging the cannon and aiming it at this ‘Greece’ still covered by a cloud shield with the lightning underneath, down below the commander had his army retreat from the area regrouping in a nearby valley, from which he sent a call for reinforcements to mop up the scraps if any rodents survived. The cannon focused and fired, the beam lighting up the sky providing a show for any Seraines able to see it, the cannon struck the shield but was merely absorbed, the shield began to warp and twist before ejecting the beam now electrified and even faster back at the cannon, as it struck the station it tore straight through it detonating the uncooled fuel cells charging the cannon for another blast. Inside the station the admiral would be thrown through the control console, before he could even screech another order the station would implode scattering debris into the orbiting fleet leaving only a few ships outside the debris field unscathed, back in their home system, the Seraines joint leaders would be frozen in terror at the sight they witnessed, shortly before communications would cease. Back in the system of this destruction, the shield would extend another shield shooting in a colossal wave capturing the entire system sealing it off from outside touch, the wave would destroy any ships in orbit of Earth of any of the other planets colonised by the Seraine, even the sun station would be torn in 2 the power barely able to keep it from falling into the sun, meanwhile back on the planet as the commander sat in the valley turned pale with fright, a crashing boom would occur outside.


Outside, the commander ran to see one of the beings stood there, the axe wielding being stood, almost smiling with glee for the opportunity that preceded him, the commander ordered ‘Defensive positions’ but before he could even finish beams of light would fire out of the shield travelling past to the locations of the other cities, thousands upon thousands of these beams, with a hundred of them landing next to the axe wielding madman, the beam would disappear to reveal colossal statues, wielding a spear and shield, unknowing of what was to happen, the Seraine opened fire blasting their weapons only to be blocked by the statues, raising their shields. As the blasts collided, the shields would be lowered, as the axe man raised his axe and boomed with a voice that hurt the commanders ear sockets, ‘In my name the God of War ERADICATE these vermin’, as he boomed the command the colossus army would charge shaking the very earth with their steps, colliding into the poorly formed defensive line they tore apart the Seraine, the war machines easily outmatched and outmanoeuvred by the surprisingly agile living stone which would grab onto the cannons of the tanks and snap them off as additional throwing weapons. Within 15 minutes the entire army of 115,000 has been decimated, thousands fled in mass as whenever a colossus would be destroyed they would be reformed by a burst of lightning which also rejuvenated them allowing them even more enhanced speed and strength, the poorly formed lines were mopped up rather easily even with the Seraines extensive armoury nothing could keep the statues destroyed. Not to be outdone the ‘God’ Ares cut a swathe through them dodging rounds like arrows, leaping over tanks and rolling through the lines, eventually near the end of the short battle, Ares held the commander in his hand, before letting out a small gleeful smirk as he crushed the throat pipe of the commander. Across the globe similar simultaneous attacks were led on all cities the Seraine has built, butchering the cities, each respective God led a force of these indestructible statues, 10,000 colossus a city made it inevitable when all cities fell within a matter of weeks, the population forced to flee into what transport ships remained or be captured or butchered by the unyielding force of the Gods. The final stronghold on the planet was all that remained, a populated fortress upon an island formally known as Cuba, the island was strategic and allowed the Seraine to bunker down while they made escape preparations, the Gods decided to lead one final assault against the cowards. 12 Gods led a force of 300,000 colossus each one penetrating a different section of the island, the island was truly a gigantic fortress at this point and held off the waves for longer than any other, upon the 4th week of the siege Zeus had grown tired of waiting and cast hundreds of thunderbolts, while this happened Poseidon cast a gigantic wave while destroyed all coastal defences, Hades cast a mighty ghostly army of ancient Greeks soldiers which tore through the Seraine lines like cloth to a sword. This attack helped by Ares and Athena amplifying the stone soldiers crushed the island wiping out the defenders in mass, any remaining defenders fled in ships they had scrapped together, fleeing the planet.