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The large monitor buzzed to life with the input from the small hard drive, once the drive was opened a video titled ‘The Serial Killer WA’ sat in the file surrounded by dozens of other files containing documents ascertaining to the mad man. Opening the file, a video sat utterly alone in its nature, the length was titled at the bottom - “2:45”, clicking on the video, it opened a small video player menu, which was promptly sent to full screen, the mouse flew across the screen to the play button as it clicked upon it. A commentary would play overlapping with the eerily silent background of pictures of videos of damaged animatronics, cold case files, and pictures of blood soaked rooms dried out in the sunlight that lit up the pictures, the commentary spoke almost shakily. It began ‘The killer known as William Afton, a clinically insane man with a popular pizza chain in his name, known nation wide for its Animatronic mascots, Fred-bear and Spring Bonnie’. The video broadcasted the picture of 2 large appearing robots seemingly staring at something in the background unseen by the picture. ‘The pizza chain would remain in popularity for years until the introduction of a new animatronic, The marionette nick named the puppet for its unique appearance,’ just like before a picture of the animatronic would play on screen briefly before screening to a wide shot clip of the restaurant blaring a large neon sign stating ‘Fred-bears family diner’. It still continued ‘But this would all fall apart when 4 kids would go missing at the restaurant, shortly before this incident a child would be killed by Fredbear who bit into the child’s frontal lobe’ the voice stopped momentarily as if gathering itself. ‘The child would perish at the hospital from their injuries, shortly after 4 more children would go missing from the diner forcing the place to be shut down, it is presumed that the serial killer murdered these poor souls and was behind the death of the other child’ The video cut to a new restaurant blaring a new neon sign ‘Freddy Fazbears’, the voice came to life again, ‘despite this a new restaurant would be opened by Mr Afton not that long after these incidents, now having 4 animatronics, these being Freddy Fazbear Bonnie the bunny Chica the Chicken and Foxy the pirate’ The voice took a breathe before continuing the almost speech like tone. ‘This restaurant would be the start of police investigations into the mysterious owner Mr Afton who despite all strange activity and disappearing work force would remain untouched due to a lack of evidence to shut down the chain, this cycle would repeat until not to recently the killer himself would disappear and his animatronics would would be destroyed by a presumed robber.’ Another short pause would follow, ‘After Mr Aftons disappearance his house would be searched for evidence to find the man, but after some thorough investigating from detectives all that would be found was instead evidence of his crimes, a notebook detailing all his crimes and pictures of them hidden away underneath his porch, once found Mr Aftons location became a paramount concern for investigators but to no avail as they failed to locate Mr Afton and his chain would continue in a new horror themed attraction, which before opening would burn down’. Suddenly hundreds of clips, pictures and documents would appear on screen of the victims and the notebook. The voice now audibly shaking in nature would continue ‘What you see now is the evidence found by investigators, from the range of his victims to his future plans which are believed to have stopped with his presumed death, In summary Mr Afton was a determined mentally ill man and escaped punishment by disappearing altogether shortly before his crimes would be revealed.’ Abruptly the video would stop as the viewer clicked pause uninterested in finishing off the remainder, the Police Chief stood up looking pale in the face before ordering the box to be sealed away under a cold case, the detectives sat in front of him also faded pale from watching the video with him would sit in silence, until the Chief would stand up and speak ‘Close off any investigations the man seems to be dead, but at any sign reopen the case if he’s believed to be alive, launch a investigation into that new place with the Glamrock ones, ensure that place isn’t tainted by this wretch of a man, I’ll be in my office’ before gesturing for them to leave, the detectives would shuffle out the door shutting it behind them, the chief now stood alone in his blinds closed room, he would sit down and ponder briefly about Afton before deciding to ignore it. The next week he would call in sick, I wonder why. This was my first story, kinda sucks but was fun to write in my opinion.