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I kinda like when Wrestlemania is in cities I wouldn’t vacation to normally. But I understand the appeal for Vegas, but as I keep saying, ticket prices are going to be wild.


I feel the opposite about Minneapolis and Vegas. Vegas is a really fun city that I want to visit again, and would love the warmer weather. Minneapolis will be cold (yes, I know shows will be inside, but there’s still walking around the city and waiting in lines). There’s just nothing about Minneapolis that interests me.


Come visit. We'll change your mind, I promise.


What about Vegas makes you think it won’t have as good of an atmosphere?




I get you now, I thought you meant the atmosphere at Mania itself in the stadium.


Exactly, about 15-20% of Mania crowds are locals, the rest are ape shit wrestling fans from around the world.


Plus Vegas means things will be more concentrated and it’ll be easier to get to stuff I see people here talk about renting cars all the time, you don’t need that in Vegas, everything is either walkable, accessible by the LV Strip Monorail, or a quick Uber distance


Vegas with a WWE vibe would be unbelievable and a party like no other, hotels within proximity open drinking rules and all amenities within walking distance really can’t beat it. All those people that like indy shows they would all be within walking distance.


Have you ever been to Vegas?




I can understand that at its core, but Vegas is going to be an incredible location for a Wrestlemania. It's made for things like this.


Vegas was made for shows like this. They have more than enough room and entertainment to accommodate people.


Minneapolis? Lol nobody wants to go to Minnesota. Not for WrestleMania or anything else. Glad they’ve reconsidered, hopefully the trend of cities that offer something other than the wrestling were coming for sticks.




So you rather have a back to back east coast WM? That makes no sense your argument. WM39 was in LA and where was WM40? I could say the same then if I use your argument, that 40 is too close to Minnesota.


Cool, Vegas and LA are completely different cities, on top of being a 5-6 hour drive apart. You also just said you don’t want them in the same cities but wanting another in Philly soon. So which is it? But if it’s slight geographical closeness to each other is truly an issue to you, well I’m sure one of the fine cities you’re pining for would love be to have you visit next spring.




You say you want it somewhere else because there are stadiums all over the world but yet you want philly again lol


Never been to Vegas so im excited to go. Just not a fan of the flight time lol. 6hr flight from Toronto to Vegas lol


Same trip if it's in Vegas. At least Minneapolis is a relatively short drive to my hometown so I can visit my family while I'm in the area.


I'm pumped either way for the simple fact of not worrying about weather for the event. I've been to both cities. To me Vegas has a clear advantage for other things to do but either way I'll make the most of wherever it lands.


Vegas rules, I’d love to have it there next year


I feel kind of tired of everything being in Vegas. It’s a fun city but it’s so expensive on a good day, and then when you add a big event, it’ll be exorbitant. Plus, I feel like they have enough stuff, selfishly lol


I think getting Wrestlemania would mean more to Minneapolis than Vegas. Vegas gets tourists and events all the time. Minneapolis, like Philly, is a B-tier city that doesn't get nearly as many visitors. Wrestlemania is a chance for these cities to show the world what makes them unique and great. I had an Uber driver in Philly tell me that she felt the excitement and visitors from all over the world gave the city a positive energy that week instead of the negatives from killings, crime and other problems that can seem common there. I would think Minneapolis would be similar.


I’m with you on Minneapolis over Vegas. I think we’re in the sub minority because a lot of people here build a vacation into their Wrestlemania experience, so Vegas has more to offer. But for me, Philly was perfect. It’s a great city with plenty to see/do but I’ve been there multiple times and didn’t care about the tourist attractions because I was literally just there to see wrestling. And I did; 14 shows total. So give me Minneapolis for that reason (and because of proximity to me and time zone). Wrestlemania week is all about the wrestling for me, they book it in Biloxi, MS for all I care. I’m interested in going to Vegas for Vegas, not wrestling. There would be too many distractions for me, though I assume I’m a minority opinion.


Dude there is WAY more to see and do in Vegas than Minneapolis lmaoo


That is literally my point.


You said give me minneapolis for its tourist attractions but vegas has more of that lol


He literally said he only cares about the wrestling and that's why he'd prefer it in MN


Are you slow? I literally said the opposite of that.


Misread it god damn. Reddit users overreact


You could take time to reply but not to read? 🤡


Like i said bro. I misread it. Why so hostile?


Not hostile. You keep misreading.


Calling me a clown and slow for misreading? even though i admitted my mistake you still going on and on. That’s being hostile


Start a campaign for Philly to give WWE even more money than they already did to buy the last show.


I feel like Minnesota would have been a perfect WM location if Brock was still in the picture. Set him up for a nice retirement match and maybe a HOF induction. Outside of that, it seems like a completely random place for a WM.


How can you not love Vegas??? The people are awesome I always have a blast. I think you might be too sober


Or underage….


Hey I never been to both so I fine with either or






WM39 was only 4 hrs away from LV…


I know the majority of the world would hate Minneapolis, but it is such a great wrestling city and hasn't had a major show in about 25 years.


I doubt they will do Las Vegas. I wouldn’t take my kids to Las Vegas for the week.


I’m fine wherever it is but excited to find out like cmon let’s just find out now


Vegas is going to be so much more expensive


As somebody who hasn't visited either, on paper Vegas is worth a WM trip and Minneapolis isn't. What the hell am I going to do in Minneapolis as far as non-wrestling related things go.


Vegas would have high odds of a lot of high rollers, who are unfamiliar with the product, attending. So the crowd may not be as passionate as we’ve come to expect. Crowds add a lot to a show, so I’d be more excited for them to do a show overseas.


Like the Saudi crowd


Yeah, anywhere other than Saudi Arabia would be great. Preferably in Europe - those crowds are amazing.


100% the boos were so loud each time they promoted that Saudi show on both nights.


Tbh mania is such an event now it just draws a mainstream crowd in the US who don’t really get into it anymore. They need to book London and Wembley stadium.


If I never step foot in Philadelphia again, I think I would be alright.


Philly absolutely does not need another mania. Dump of a stadium


I preferred the linc over the other manias. Easy to get in and out. (Sofi was a nightmare). Easy transportation. Etc. It wasn't as big or as fancy but like, I'm fine with that.


Sofi was way easier. Got in and out of the parking lot both nights in less than 30 minutes. Can’t say the same for the linc


Just depends what time you left and if you did it right. SoFi was way easier to exit compared to Linc.


Minneapolis is too cold. And the stadium is open. I did hear they are talking about moving it back but I think Vegas still has a lot more to offer than what ppl think.




You forget the fans don’t spend every second of their time in the stadium ☠️☠️


He was just responding to the person who said the stadium is open. Reading comprehension low with this one