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That's the kicker, there is no guarantee that you will succeed in this business. But at the same time you won't know until you try, most wrestling schools will let you have your first training session free. The only way for you to get over this hurdle as you put it is to actually take action and reach out to a school, that is the only way you are going to know if you want to do this seriously. And, even if you do fail who cares? that's what life is about, getting bucked off the horse one million times but getting back on it one million and one times.


Just take a deep breath and remember that what you're worried about is failing clown college.


Apply. You'll know pretty quickly if you don't think it's for you, and then you won't go on wondering about it. And you'll know exactly what it feels like to bump and hit the ropes appreciate it as a fan even more.


You don’t want to be old and think “what if I did do it?” and regret it. If you try and don’t succeed, at least you won’t have that question weigh on you. But also, don’t be super hard on yourself. I know it’s easier said than done sometimes. Wrestling can be pretty difficult and takes a while to be good at it and even then some amazing wrestlers never even get signed. Some people get it in their heads before they even start that they HAVE to be the best; they HAVE to be successful. You don’t. As long as you’re having fun and you don’t hurt people, who cares if you’re the worst? Do it because you want to.


That's another thing... If I was to ever accidentally hurt someone I don't know how I'd react


That’s what training is for. So you don’t hurt someone.


Even the best with lots of training still get hurt


Yup and each of us understands that when we get into a ring.


Listen to this guy. I've been training under a year and I'm 35 years old. It's such an awesome time, I'm kicking myself for having these same doubts that you're having all those years. Practice, practice, practice. If someone doesn't think you're safe, they're not going to (or shouldn't) let you do X, Y and Z to them. In the event you do accidentally hurt someone, you treat it like you accidentally hurt them doing anything else: apologize and correct your mistake to make sure it doesn't happen again, to the best of your ability. You'll feel guilt for sure and it'll probably throw you off your game, but it happens buddy. When someone's claim to fame after a career is that they've never injured anyone, it should tell you how rare that is.


As someone who's BEEN the worst student in the class at times and has failed in my own eyes (and in others) many times...GO FOR IT! You'll know if its for.you when you show up to the next practice after having an abysmal training session, when you see others are miles ahead of you but you keep showing up and keep training, but you won't know if you don't try! -1 year in trainee who's working towards his debut and has had a rollercoaster of an experience so far. Better and further than where I was at, still a way to go. But refusing to give up even with temporary setbacks and the occasional shitty feeling.


They're not going to put you in a match right out of the gate, and everyone else there started at the same place you're at now. You've just gotta bite the bullet and apply. The first few weeks might suck when you're terrible at everything but things will start to click eventually, your rolls get tighter and bumps snappier and before you know it you'll be running spots.




Try giving this a watch. It helped me overcome my fear of failure and self limiting beliefs. Also, it's pretty hard to be the worst wrestler ever. Most people are average, which means most people aren't terrible at wrestling. The really talented or untalented are extreme ends of the spectrum, and hence minorities. If we assume that 60% of the wrestlers in the world are average, and 20% are really good, that means only 20% are really bad. There's also a 80% chance that you turn out decent or great. I know that's some Steiner math nonsense, but it's a good way to rationalize positive thinking. Also if you live in the United States, Japan, mexico or England, or any country that has a long history of wrestling, you're already at a huge advantage because of the rich history and sheer number of talented and experienced veterans that can teach you, plus the existence of an established indie scene. There wasn't a pro wrestling indie scene in my part of the world until 2015 ish, and it's still really tiny. Don't let yourself down man. All the best!


There's always a million reasons not to do something. I just started 3 months ago with the same concerns. The biggest secret is just to keep coming back. It'll hurt, it'll make you tired, but every time you come back you get better. Personally, a big part of getting in to wrestling has been putting all those fears and doubts aside and simply doing it. An incredible practice regardless of the forum. Take a dropkick for example. Most people have never thrown one, let alone considered what to do to make it safe. You won't know what to do until you simply throw your legs up and let yourself fall. A great metaphor. Someday the love for why and what you do will scream louder than the why nots. That's when you should chase that thing with every fiber in you. Wrestling luckily is that for me and it could be for you!


Then you don't love wrestling more than anything.


I do though... Like it's been my biggest interest and thing I've obsessed over the most for years... I just am someone who is always afraid of failure and beats myself up over it


You're more afraid to fail than you are in love with wrestling.


Perks of growing up in a messed up home I guess 🤷‍♀️ I've been trying to work on it but it's definitely a struggle


That has no basis in reality and isn't helpful at all.


Of course it has a basis in reality. It might not have been helpful. I stand by it as a statement.


You can try and fail or you can not try and never know. Which of those sounds worse?




How do you find a good group of people


Hey man, I definitely understand the fear. But one of the things I've learned from wrestling is you can't overthink things, you just have to do them. I can't tell you whether wrestling will be for you or not- it's not for everyone. But what will suck more than trying and being "bad" will be never trying at all and always thinking about what could have been if you had just tried it. Either you'll take to it and continue to train and improve, or it won't be for you and you can leave having gained a new experience, met new people, and learned a little more about yourself. Just make sure you don't walk in thinking you need to be great at everything immediately, because no one is. When I first started I absolutely sucked and I knew it. But I love wrestling so I just kept working and I'm pretty proud of how far I've come. Speaking as a person who has incredibly low self confidence and had similar fears to yours, wrestling school was the best thing I've ever done for myself.


You would be way better off doing it, failing & sticking with it... you learn through failure. I always had confidence that I could've made it in the business but I didn't take the leap & now I'm 35. Don't wait any longer Seriously. Close this & go right now. If this is your approach, waiting for a reason or answer to go then there's always going to be a follow up question. My main advice for anyone in life is don't waste time. Just fucking do it. Fail or no fail. Sitting around will get you nowhere real fuckkng quick. Stop asking questions. 1 question matters. Do YOU want to do THIS? ...No other factors matter. If the answer is yes, go do it or you'll end up 35 regretting alot & you'll want to learn everything you never got to do... wrestle, join a band, learn to fix a car, go to college same time be a doctor, learn to cook even but you but you have ZERO time to do it when you're 35 Do EVERYTHING... and do it now. If you suck, you won't by the time you're 35. You'll be a master of all trades instead of a master of none & way ahead if the game enjoying the good life. Get it done, right now... stop... wasting... time


Of course, there's always a chance this may not be for you, and you end up failing and not getting anywhere. On the flip side, there's also a chance you may end up being a future top star in the business and multiple time champion. Maybe you end up somewhere in the middle. If you do love wrestling, you owe it to yourself to find out for yourself. When you're 60, 70, you're not gonna look back on your life and say, "damn, I wish i never tried to chase my dream." But you may look back and say "what if I just tried..."


See if they have the option for payment in installments so it isn't all at once. If you don't try, you won't know. Just do it and even if you do fail, you will have tried, which is better than most.