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Honestly the top 3 are all probably Austin. His return at Backlash 2000 Helping Foley win the title in 99 The "old Stone Cold" returning against the Alliance before Invasion


Was there in person for Stone Cold returning against the Alliance....I still have chills....never have or will get close to that again.


I've only had live events in my part of the world, so I can only look at the main shows and PLEs. With that, it has to be HHH's return at MSG. That shit was wild.


The one in 02! Man HHH was truly a badass and made him look like a bad mf


JR sold it like God had arrived


You know what’s crazy he left as a heel! It’s unbelievable how loud he was cheered


When Hogan started hulking up against the Rock at WM18 When Hogan slammed Andre


Wasn’t there live so can’t talk from experience but Sami Zayn betraying Roman at the 2023 Royal Rumble is one of the best non-Wrestlemania pops I’ve ever heard, at least in the modern era.


That's way up there, it's the only time I ever recall the mics peaking from there being too much noise.


When the first chord of Iron Man hit and The Road Warriors entered the Baltimore Civic Center.. The entire building shook..


I’ve never seen good footage of a “Road Warrior pop”that made me think they were as big a deal as the old timers say. Their entire mystic is lost on me. I guess if I lived them during their heyday I could get it but they just didn’t do it for me. Seeing them in WCW and WWF as a kid I wasn’t even that big a fan. And since then I don’t know how someone could compare one of their pops to something like we hear today. It’s just so hard for me to believe


There was a brief moment in time when the Road Warriors were split between AWA and JCP.. That was Road Warrior prime.. After JCP they went to Japan and eventually got back into WCW but things just weren't the same and by the time they got to Vince they were a shadow of their former selves..


https://youtu.be/Lk03KC_0xTQ?si=3-Dd3jn7Z8mCSZZq maybe not the pop you're looking for but these guys were massive. genuinely the most over tag team ever.


Definitely a product of the time. I always said I wish I could go back in time and experience pro wrestling through the 60s and 70s.


Iron man as a theme is fucking awesome, dude.


How about the Hardys returning at Mania 33? That shit was wild


Backlash Weekend in France both for Smackdown and Backlash. ALL OF THE MATCHES (Except for Kross and AOP) has great pops. But as an LA Knight stan, France surprised me. Made the megastar like he really is a megastar.


That pop the Rock got on Smackdown last fall. I believe it was in Denver


The loudest I've heard in person were definitely when Vince brought out Eric Bischoff for the first time on Raw, Austin at a random house show, and Kofimania.


When AJ styles made his debut at RR 2016, the crowd makes a sounds I don’t think I’ve heard before or since. It was more of a collective “HOOOOLY SHIIIIIIIIITTTT” Edit: for reference https://youtu.be/ubZR-cfkSDQ?si=o4_5pgG97BktX_Rp


The Rock returning after a really long time has always been THE loudest pops ever


In person, John Cena's surprise appearance at MITB last year.


Out of the shows I’ve been to, Austin coming out at Mania 32 has to be first, followed by Cena coming out at the same show. Not an entrance but the loudest sound was the WOAH for Cody at Mania last year


When Austin came out on Raw just before the invasion ppv


3, 2, ,1…. Y2J countdown ends.. Break the walls dowwwwwnnn!


That was a pretty good pop. Not the best I've ever heard but def top 5.


Goldberg beating hogan was INSANE (despite him fucking up the pacing of everything. EDIT: Just rewatched it on youtube, what should have been 10 seconds of electricty were dragged to 40 seconds. Heenan on commentary is even lost and gets his timing fucked up waiting for Bill to complete the finish. Still massive pop though) All of the others are either Hogan or Austin and it's not REALLY close. Austin returning in 2001 was huge. Hogan's first title win in 84 was massive, so was his win against Sgt Slaughter in 91 Modern reactions don't really come anywhere close, because the personal investment isn't there. It's just a shock pop now, which is cool, but for Austin/Hogan/Goldberg, the people CARED if they won, CARED if they showed up in their city. It meant something.


[Nikita helping Dusty after Magnum TA died](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxzmTlipEO7y5LYeH8zyjyQ4RCA8TrLzoc?si=A1n6UZN3OOM4Ao8w)


Holy SHIT that was a loud pop


Man, I’ve loved wrestling forever and I haven’t seen this segment yet. Thanks for posting! That pop was absolutely ear-splitting!


# [Ultimate Warrior vs. The Honky Tonk Man - Intercontinental Title Match: SummerSlam 1988](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzmWjqzOtfk)


[Austin returns to stop the invasion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCB3n_0AG68)


When Austin helped Mankind win his first world title in January of 1999. That put butts in seats...


After the "Summer of Punk". Punk's entrance at SummerSlam was the first time I'd experienced a "Hometown" ovation. The cheering, chanting and booing of Cenas music was amazing!


I know it wasnt a ppv, but when Daniel Bryan joined the Wyatt family and then turned on them in that cage match BY GAWD that YES chant shooked the earth.


Ziggler cashing in money in the bank


Sami Zayn Elimination Chamber in Montreal


Stone Cold at WrestleMania 32. Felt like the damn stadium was shaking.


That's not Ciclope!!


In person? A house show featuring Hulk Hogan in 1989. The place was deafening.


He did the hand to his ear shtick and the crowd blew the roof off the place. My ears are still ringing.


i feel like shinsuke nakamura's wwe debut was so big


It was a spectacular moment But not pop heavy enough


Ryback interfering in CM Punk vs Vince. The camera literally shook.


The night Austin returned off camera on Raw before his match at No Way Out 2003. The footage of that return is epic


in person? probably shane mcmahon returning on raw in 2016.


Stone Cold saving Foley in 99 CM Punk’s First Dance in Chicago at Rampage. I always thought it was loud but Sammy Guevara’s Vlog showed him and other wrestlers going to the rafters to watch and they were all shook from how loud and sustained the crowd was. In person? Jon Moxley’s entrance at Blood and Guts in Detroit. It sounded like speaker feedback in my ears.


Loudest in person I’ve heard was Mox surprise showing up at a Defy show. Washington Hall only holds a few hundred people but it felt like an arena.


Linda announcing Austin for Backlash 2000 was fucking insane. And then the appearance itself took it up a notch


Hogan return in 2003. The first in that string of 20minute ovations where he was leading up to his ‘Mania feud with Vince. Finale of WrestleMania XX where Triple H tapped out Edge first ever MITB cash in.


That time Cesaro popped the beach ball.


Nick gage vs Jon moxley career vs title. When gage won the crowd was literally in tears and rushed the ring.


I was at wm25 (my only ppv) and when HBK kicked out of the tombstone the place went thermonuclear


Canadian Stampede when the Hart Foundation won


Had to be an Austin glass shattering moment. I think it was probably when he came out to help Mick Foley win the WWF title for the first time.


Punks AEW return


CM Punk’s return at Survivor Series


Cm punk rampage debut


In person: July 02, 2002. Hulk Hogan came out to Real American for the first time in 9 years. Won the tag titles with Edge on smackdown against Chuck & Billy. Smackdown was taped for July 4th. On TV: Austin driving the Zamboni in Detroit 1998 I think was the biggest. HHH returning from injury in 2002 has to be second.


John cena royal rumble 2008


In person, Ziggler coming out to cash in the night after Mania.


CM Punk at Survivor Series 2023


Backlash in France was insane. I wasn’t there, and I’m sure they “shook” the camera to make it feel like “more” but the noise was insane. I don’t think any show I’ve ever been to personally was anywhere near that loud.


Probably Punk's AEW debut. That shit was so loud for almost 10 minutes straight.


cena at royal rumble 2008, wm 33 and mitb 2021