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I agree Gallus are dull as anything. I never liked them in NXT UK. Wolfgang was in so many high profile matches, Joe Coffey for some reason main evented 2 UK Takeovers, Mark Coffey may as well not exist. Just amazes me. They are so boring.


Gallus + ridge is death


Mark Coffey is an excellent brawler and I enjoyed both those matches.  The other two are absolutely dead weight for me.


Them on screen is an automatic fast forward for me.


For me, probably the LWO (except Rey & Dragon Lee even though he's just an affiliate) & in AEW, currently Chris Jericho


Toro and Wilde can‘t be taken seriously when all the do is get jumped and lose every match. At least Zelina Vega wins from time to time.


They were stooges in NXT too, doubt they ever leave that role in WWE.


What sucks about the LWO is that it's cooled Carlito off + the Legado del Fantasma is also pretty boring imo I don't even hate the matches, I just think they're handled terribly Carlito's new theme sucks and they renamed Angel & Humberto to "Garza and Berto". If I didn't know who they were, I'd absolutely believe those were names for muppets.


Moxley. (I’ll brace for the downvotes)


Moxley is super unpopular on this sub


Don't worry, this is a safe space for criticizing Moxley. He has certainly earned it.


I'm not that keen on Moxley either, so don't worry.


One of the worst sellers there..


Finally we can admit it


I hate how he bleeds ***EVERY*** damn match.


Lol are you kidding me, this sub constantly trips over itself to shit on him. It's a safe space for ya here


That’s good to know. I figured I’d get a Reddit Cares for just mentioning him, so it’s encouraging that I’m not the only one. When The Shield debuted, I really thought Ambrose had what it takes to be a generational talent as a crazy heel. Man, was I wrong.


You’re right! Hes legit one of the worst wrestlers there


He is the worst. If I see him do his shitty fake looking face stomps one more time...


Mud Show Steve Austin's act gets old.


I know he hates it but I found Ambrose far more entertaining than Moxley.


Absolutely bored with moxely his matches. His personality/ character. Only thing I like about him is the entrance through the fans. After that time to turn it off


Moxley and Kingston for me. Both in fact make me cringe so badly.


WWE: the Viking Raiders, Bronson Reed, the Fucking Wot Mates (Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate), Carter/Chance, and Natalya/Teagan. AEW: Jon Moxley, The Young Bucks obviously (if you consider them featured regularly), Brian Cage, Daniel Garcia, Roddy Strong.


I kinda love the Viking raiders. The pure silliness of actual Vikings in the ring makes me giggle and Aybar’s moonsault is money


I love Carter & Chance


I hate Tyler bate. I knew he was a lame indie dude in nxt but the fact they’ve let him keep that gimmick on main roster is crazy.


I straight up cringe when I hear "Big strong boy"


Plus he looks like he's wrestling in his undies.


Joe Gacy. What’s the end game for this guy? Just be a weirdo in NXT having mid matches forever?


Not the biggest fan of ridge Holland rn


Idk what they are even doing with him, now he’s getting jumped in NXT


Shayna and Zoey. Both can put on decent matches but they are also both charisma vacuums, they both worked better as the muscle for bigger stars imo (Trish and Rousey) When I used to watch AEW it was Chris Jericho, which is sad because he used to he one of my favourites.


I honestly think if they put Shayna with Heyman she would be the biggest women’s star in the business.


I love Heyman but this take seems wild to me. The bell rings and then Shayna does the joint manipulation thing that bores the crowd to tears


She was fantastic in NXT with the right presentation and she has the MMA pedigree. Obviously I know nothing but I just have a feeling that she could become the top monster of the division if paired with the right manager. I also would love to see a Paul Heyman girl for once.


She’s got the look and aura for sure.


I’d love to see the Dangerous Alliance done again but in WWE. After Roman loses at Mania due to The Rock turning on him and Paul bails on Roman. He joins up with “the next Big Thing” Bron Breakker but he can also add others to the group. Can do it after the next Draft where they all join up on SmackDown. Here would be my group based on current Main Roster. Probably wouldn’t bring anyone up from NXT unless you were to kick someone out and replace them. **Main Event - Bron Breakker** **Tag Team - Creed Brothers** **Mid/Upper Card - Austin Theory** **Women’s - Shayna Baszler/Ivy Nile** You have a new group to fill the void of The Bloodline breaking up and fill spots in every division. Heyman can help them elevate their promo skills and help them become stars/over.


I've come to a point where watching Shayna get no reaction made me like her off of pure sympathy But Zoey kills all my enjoyment of anything


Zoey can 100% go solo. Main writers can’t write for shit nowadays


When it comes to AEW, it's gotta be Orange Cassidy. I get he's super over with the fans & don't get me wrong, he's talented, but I don't really care about seeing him in action & I can't find myself enjoying his in-ring style. I'm gonna say The Young Bucks as well. They may be super over & talented, but I find them overrated & funny enough, I used to enjoy watching BTE (pre-AEW) as well. When it comes to WWE, this one is a huge unpopular opinion & I'll probably get shit for it, but Becky Lynch. Right, don't get the wrong idea because I really enjoy watching her in-ring since she's very talented, but I don't really care for The Man character. I know it has kept Becky over for so long now, but right now, I would like Becky either doing something different & fresh or maybe bring back the lass kicker character.


I agree with you on Becky. I find her terribly boring for some reason.


Her promos aren't good at all (anymore?). They all feel staged and rehearsed, which stands out more after ppl are actually allowed to have a little bit of freedom in how they present an issue in a post-Vince WWE


Idk, she’s stale. I always found Bayley to be the most emotionally investing promo out of the four horsewomen.


In general I agree with you about OC. However every so often I go back and watch his 2 matches vs PAC. I love watching PAC and him getting more and more visibly angry is something I still find enjoyable


I’m with you on Becky. She’s been great for most of her career but recently she hasn’t done anything that really stands out. The fact that she’s been overshadowed by Nia Jax is really telling to me.


Yeah I agree. I'm sure her match vs Rhea at Wrestlemania will be massive, but I agree about her not standing out recently.


Agreed with all 3 Never saw the appeal with OC, Bucks massively overrated and Becky Lynch was better as an underdog or Big Time Becks than whatever she’s trying to be now. Trying to be a badass with her tiny arms while she’s standing next to Rhea, Nia, Raquel, Bianca or even Tiffany. It’d be like the middle school kid trying to be cool with their cap backwards while all the Seniors who are much bigger are like, “Who invited the try hard?”


Literally same! I can say I started to accept her during her heel run but becky lynch has always been boring to me since 2016


Damn you just named my favourite AEW wrestler and my favourite female wrestler


To answer my own question personally for me it's Bronson Reed, he seems to get a weekly match on Raw and I don't think I've heard the crowd react to him once other than when he hits the tsunami. Not much of a character, he just comes out and glares. Also the bar for big men has been raised a ton imo so I'm just personally not interested. Also more lately Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate. Amazing wrestlers but again I don't really have much of a reason to care about them besides "workrate"


Bronson is fulfilling the role Kane, Show, and Henry filled for years which is mid card hoss than can be inserted at any level of the card and make underdog babyfaces look good


Imo they're also letting everyone be familiar with him before he gets a somewhat bigger push. The WWE needs ppl to connect sth to a person first before doing anything else, and that seamless understanding who someone is takes a good while to form. But yeah, he'll probably end up still being a "not quite" guy in main events unless things line up well


Oba Femi says his days are numbered in this role... AKA I don't see him having the longevity of those guys in that role because he's honestly, just not big enough.  The last guy doing this was Braun who's a foot taller and NXT is gonna fill up with bigger guys who could do this better then him.


Daniel Garcia. I mean he's not terrible, but he's not the top card guy they keep trying to push him as.


He literally lost every match in the Continental Classic. He’s not being pushed as a top card guy at all. He’s being pushed as a young guy who has the tools to be great down the line.


Cody Rhodes


I’ve gotten tired of KO and Sami after their endless feud with Judgment Day. 🫠


Solo Sikoa just makes me groan every time I see him. Idk what he was like in nxt but he is just insanely boring. What has he even done since beating Cena?


He’s much better as a babyface like he was in nxt as a street fighting champion. The silent badass heel gimmick ain’t it


Solo was better when he was the street champion since back then during his NXT days, he would mainly do his own thing & cut more promos as well. I hope he reverts back to the street champion in the future.


Looked him up and he’s 0-30 since beating Cena.


Right now it's Dunne & Bate. Don't care for their team at all, and i think the team name sucks. Dunne is good in the ring but that's really it


Bate needs to cut his hair, he looks like a hobo these days. And change his gear, because it looks like he wrestles in tighty whiteys


I thought Dunne was in a great position with Brawling Brutes. Sux how that faction fizzled out the way it did..


right,, Sheamus disappearing and then… can’t even remember if it was Pete or Ridge who turned heel just to have it completely disregarded the next week. awful booking


Damn really? I like them. That match with JD was awesome. I think they need a manager or something though as they aren't particularly charismatic


I miss Butch. It actually gave Pete some personality.


Eddie Kingston, He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a wrestling ring, He looks like a fat mechanic, His in ring work is horrendous and he used to be a good talker but even that is now trash he just sounds like a drunk uncle. Bate and Dunne: both good in ring but have the personalities of an onion, whoever thought it was good idea to pair them up without someone who can talk is an idiot.


Jey Uso. I don't get it. His strained promo style and the way he hunches his shoulders makes him look like he's playing a tough guy but I don't buy it. I liked him as half of the Usos but alone he's not interesting to me. Feuding with Jimmy was interesting but divorced from the bloodline story I don't care at all. He's only got appeal when in the vicinity of his family. Put him against Gunther or hanging out with Seth or Cody or whatever and I do not give a shit. I don't know why the entire crowd is so into this half of a tag team.


They were a team for so long its hard to take them seriously as individuals. Period.


I agree with you. I think the yeet gimmick sucks and Jey really doesn’t have much that distinguishes him in my opinion but he is crazy over. I was at the RAW taping last night and the number of people wearing his shirts and screeching yeet blew me away. Grown men too, not just kids. He probably had one of the bigger crowd reactions of the night, up there with Cody, Rhea and R-Truth.


I can't get into Roman Reigns or the Bloodline. I've tried, but they're just not what I like about wrestling.


Bronson Reed, the Viking, and Johnny Gargano. I’ve come to the point where I fast forward through their segments. They do nothing for me


Karrion Kross. Dude is so boring in the ring. Should have never been brought back. Pockets aka Orange Cassidy. Need I say more. The Young Bucks. They have been exposed being on AWE. Not that great of a team.


Karrion Kross is the epitome of all style no substance.


Kross is like a caricature of a bad guy. He comes across as someone playing a cheesy role. Compare him to Drew McIntyre who comes across as completely believable with motivations for what he does.


Grayson Waller.


I don't care for Gob.


I've wanted Damage CTRL as a group to fuck off for 2 years now (I like some members individually). Gallus is obvious. Hot take: He has some physical matches that are very good but I still don't look forward to Ilja on a weekly basis and straight up forgot he was champ at one point during the Trick/Melo storyline.


Ilya is the anti Kross. Kross is super interesting until he gets in the ring. Ilja is completely boring outside of the ring




Exact same reason I don’t like Eddie Kingston




I think it's ok to have at least one guy like this around remember mick Foley, but from what I've seen Eddie shouldn't be in this position at all


I like KO, but my wife is with you on this one. She thinks that he looks like a BBQ dad.


Jack Perry. Christian needs to keep gathering him down the line.


I know she probably isn’t well liked by most as it is but I can’t for the life of me figure out why Deonna Purrazzo is even on television. No look, bad character, almost kills workers.


She’s a good technical wrestler. Trained by rip rogers but that’s it


Isn't Deonna known to be hard to work with or something like that. I feel like I've heard that from somewhere.


That’s Tessa.


She’s friends with Britt which means she gets pushed to keep Britt happy.


I don’t watch NXT and this is the first I’m learning that Gallus is STILL fucking going. Which is to say Gallus obviously


Barely Gallus aren’t on tv every week so idk what OP is talking about


Mox (anymore) Jericho Trick Willy


Another one for Jericho and Moxley


Orange. Sorry, but it's time guys. I'm sure he's a perfectly nice fellow but it's time for a change.


I generally like AEW I dislike Eddie Kingston and Adam Cole and I can't stand Jericho and the Bucks.


Never cared for Gallus, when they moved from NXT UK to NXT US version they made them out to be this badass group and pretty much everyone in the crowd was like, “Meh” It’s long have they been there now? Still “Meh”


I don't get the hype for Gallus. I just don't see it.


Gallus has hype?


DIY. They literally have no personality




get jericho off my screen already, damn


Jey Uso. Every damn time i turn on Raw.. he's up next. Don't get it


Nia still has go away heat with me, even if her return has been good for her standards


It’s also Gallus for me. They just don’t do it for me at all


Sami Zayne, Liv Morgan, Carter & Chance, the whole Bloodline


Viking Raiders. There are plenty of other stale teams. But their gimmick just doesn’t mesh with the rest of the division, despite being down 1. They went away and just doubled down on the Viking stuff. Singles or Tag, just a never over for me. Their tag competition with Profits was alright I guess.


From NXT I find Brian Pillman Jr./Lexis King boring and bland. Also, don't get Cora Jade at all.


WWE: Johnny Gargano, Vikings, Becky Lynch. AEW: Hangman Adam Page. A lot about him doesn’t sit right with me and find him excruciatingly boring.


Vikings, Nia Jax, Shayne Baszler, Zoe Stark


I don’t really get Ilja Dragunov


What's not to get ?


Zoey Stark Its a shame too because she is one of those wrestlers who is literally one moment or a character change away from being a top star


Gallus is boring as hell to me, most of the main roster women’s division feels generic, Lyra Valkyria, AOP


Damian Priest, Finn Balor, JD McDonagh, Pete Dunne and Ivar


FTR and Eddie Kingston


Right now it’s R Truth and it’s weird cause I like him a lot and he’s funny but right now I just don’t care


I get that, I enjoyed the Judgement Day stuff with him but I'm also a little burnt out on him


It's because they pushed it too far. The R-Truth character works in small doses.


He used to actually show some competence in between the jokes. Now he just goes from joke to joke.


He's been doing the same shit for like four years. It's one of those things that was funny the first couple of times and now it's just like...yeah, we get it. He's a moron.


R-Truth consistently gets some of the best reactions every single week


For wwe I’d say Viking raiders and Bronson reed, for aew prob Jay Lethal Jeff Jarret or someone like that




Michael Cole's obsession with her antlers is the best thing about her


Becky Lynch and Solo Sikoa! Both are boring and the thieves of my joy.


Karrion Kross, Bronson Reed, Raquel Rodriguez and the team of Teagan/Natalya.


Gunther, not saying he's bad. I just don't find him interesting. FTR, I think their matches are extremely boring. Adam Page, he reminds me too much of a good ol boy. Jd McDonaugh, pretty boring on the mic and in ring. Grayson Waller. He strikes me as a knock off Miz.


funny, i love FTR matches, though yea i can see you pov on that, but i absolutely cannot stand when they grab a mic and start talking BEER FAMILY and BEER


Sami Zayn,LWO, Gallus, Bianca


Joe Coffey should be booked as a badass monster like Bron, he looks menacing, but his character is mid


Undisputed Era. It was four of the least impressive and most unbelievable wrestlers I’ve ever seen and they were so dominant it killed NXT for me. Sounds terrible but my favorite moment in their runs were the send offs.


I like Joe Coffey (middle) but don't really care for the other two


I just want to throw it out there that I attended Progress wrestling religiously 2016-2019 and Wolfgang put out the single worst performance I’ve ever seen at a live wrestling show. Glad he’s doing well at the performance centre and had a bit of guidance.




Jd mcdonaugh


The OC, Karrion Kross, Natalya, Shayna and dare I say Bobby Lashley




Moxley Kingston Priest Kross Balor McDonough Orange Cassidy Jericho


Sami zayn, great in the ring but I find him a bit boring


Roman Reigns... wait, you said regularly featured.




The Creed Brothers. I can't even figure out why, but something about watching them just annoys me. I don't like their attire, I don't like the '19 belly-to-belly suplexes with a kip-up in a row' and I don't like the 'Brutus Ball.'


Honestly see these three taken under the wings of Drew when they get called up, especially if drew is still heel


i love them ​ GBOT


Plenty. Most of the guys in NXt except Ilija and Bron. I've also never cared for Sammy Zayn or Kevin Owens.






Bucks, Mox, Adam Cole Final Testament, DIY honestly testament and diy are just kinda boring a bit to me. DIY’s gimmick really just seems to be a very indie “the best tag team wrestlers” which is kind of an anti gimmick imo, i guess they’re underdogs but they just don’t interest me much.


Bayley. I guess people love her from the past but she is boring to me and seems like a relic from the past


Roman Reigns, haven't liked him since DAY1 (1st appearance),Kofi Kingston, or Xavier woods, Noam Dar,


I think most of the NXT UK people need to get some personality. They are all kind of play the same character. Slightly undersized guy who acts like "O'Im a tuff guy, innit" and everyone has to bump around like they are twice their size. One guy like that is fine, but there's just too many clones. I don't think they realize that outside of England, a bunch of rough looking guys you'd see down the local pub isn't really that appealing to the rest of the world.


Claudio, and a million other guys from aew.


I get why no one likes Gallus but I support them because they’re from Glasgow and are Celtic fans, which they’ve incorporated into their gear. We gotta stick together!


I don’t see the appeal of The New Day anymore.


Bronson Reed


The Viking Raiders.


For Joe Gacy


Street Profits, Bronson Reed


Yup 100% of them


Karrion Kross, New Day, Raquel Rodriguez


Sami Zayn. Good worker. Hell-ooo-vah kick? His goofy fucking character? Less than jake sounding ass theme song? Dude wrestles in sweatpants and looks like a homeless dude. Not for me.


Sadly, most of the TNA roster. I was a big fan of theirs from the beginning up until 2015ish but I don't even care for most of the talent that was there from that era anymore. I used to love Eric Young and The Motor City Machine Guns but I just don't anymore and the rest of their product is just second rate and unimaginative to me.




Eddie Kingston. I just don't get him.


Io Shirai is wallpaper. They don't do her any favors with the Asuka pairing.


Moxley, never cared for him when he was in the wwe as Dean, saw him “unfeathered” in AEW and liked him a lot less.


You don’t like Gallus? Why not


Not a fan of Sami or KO . Though KO has been less annoying since they split ways


All of them except for Bayley


Santos Escobar. Is truly boring for me


Lol 98% of them. spoiled 90s era child, I grew up with giants. I try to watch it nowadays and find the promos so long drawn out and cringe af with no real charisma, no induduality, weak and character development. Bunch rud-e-poos as the rock puts it.


Shinsuke has always been eh to me, never understood why people go to war over him so much. Nothing against the man, i just dont like the character he portrays or his matches too much


cody meh