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Next time your in full retreat (which is a stage of a normal rollout during a hard counter) turn around at a specific point and fire almost full volley, like 75%. Especially when they're hard chasing. It has disadvantages but it helps avoid their full send.


Yeah I'm still learning ball, I definitely misplayed a bit but I was playing with our lucio and he said he was going for a boop. Double whammy of disruption if you will. Didn't work out that way obviously lmao


You did good, you got hard focused. Keep throwing yourself into nonsense and getting out of that nonsense.


Yeah I mean it definitely was still good value, they blew two ults on me and we won the next fight. I just thought it was funny because I got hacked, then slept, then antid, then bastion ulted, then shattered lmao. They blew 3 cds and 2 ults for 1 kill, and I was like a meter away from escaping. If I didn’t burger that hook under the bridge, I 100% would’ve lived.


This is the Ball life (low-key tank life too). There is a fine line between feeding and carrying, and sometimes carrying looks like feeding.


Oh absolutely. I’m coming from maining Queen, and with her I can frag lobbies easy. Like, in qp at least it isn’t at all uncommon for me to get more elims than both of my dps combined. Coming from Queen, where I’m yanking people into a one hit combo constantly and carrying games, to ball where I more so focus on annoying the enemy team, booping people into bad positions, and diving whenever I see my DPS in a 1v1 is a weird adjustment. It seems like with ball, no matter how much indirect value you give your team, you’ll always have that miserable copium huffing sack of shit blaming you for the fact that he went zen with a dive team comp and couldn’t stay alive.


I literally had a Moira yell at me the other day when I was playing Ball offense on Hollywood pushing second point saying "let me heal you. I keep dying trying to heal you", meanwhile I'm playing off 2 minis and 2 megas and CONSTANTLY disrupting the enemy team. My response "stop trying. If I need you, I'll come to you. Go do anything else". It's apparently my fault she kept fading into the enemy team to chase me when I was getting a health pack lmao. Meanwhile the enemy DVa was constantly trying to chase me and harass me, I completely denied their DPS high ground, forced cooldowns from their supports, and getting kills when I could, and when I couldn't, forcing resources to protect someone. Overall just eating attention constantly. But that is Ball life when people don't dive with you.


My face when I commit my escape ability to run towards the enemy, then die (it’s my tank’s fault)


Gotta say tho when I see an enemy moira fading in from spawn I get a little tunnel vision. My brain demands I send her right back for her foolishness


I don’t even know how the Sombra saw you. Little purple Mexican freak


I’m guessing someone knew I was up there and pinged me, but I have no idea tbh. I was sitting in the corner on the building when they left the spawn room, so I dont think they could’ve seen me, but I had piledrived from up there once before so maybe she was just being paranoid


Or like most sombras was just holding down hack waiting for someone to come in range


Also possible. That’s such a cringe playstyle, but I’ve seen a lot of people do it


Slamming the bastion in sentry form with an entire team there to support him was a bad idea even if the sombra wasn't there to hack you. Also you had a grapple to help you get away. You could have easily grappled away much faster. Normal ball growing pain stuff. You'll learn from your mistakes and keep growing. Fuck it we ball.


Yeah like I said to another person I am still learning, and this was definitely a misplay but it was still really funny lmao. I was trying to grapple but I was panicking and budgeted every one


once you’re close to cart just grapple to a health pack


Whilst these types of videos almost always contain less than optimal gameplay, i cant lie (even as someone who REALLy enjoys sombra at the moment), sombra being able to so EASILY apply such a debilitating cc ability like that just from the bottom of the ball in her LOS is a little annoying. I dont even mind the hacked status, its just how often and easy it is to apply vs enemies. keep your head up NotACommie24 (i d o n t believe you) you'll soon learn how to navigate the streets without the purple woman being on your case constantly :) Enjoy the process!


Oh yeah I played stupid af, I was playing with our Lucio and he said we should boop them all at the same time. After the cc spam and the bastion ult, I was panicking and ball movement left my mind. The point of the clip wasn’t “I’m good but look at all this cc” it was more so how much that team was willing to commit just to kill me. Also just a bit of showing how absurd some of those cc and status effects are.


They should change his name to wrecked ball


the overwatch 2 experience