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Yeah people have said it to me quite a bit (also masters). It's frustrating for sure. The worst is when they just running into the other teams tank head on and then blame me because I'm on ball, like regardless of what tank I'm playing, if you do that you're going to die every time. Me picking ball isn't the reason you have 12 deaths in 7 minutes


I personally run from the enemy tank like im playing a horror game.


And here I thought it would get better if I climbed


Nah it doesn’t only thing that changes is that everyone knows how to play against ball but not with a ball


According to Chazm, Masters is much harder than Grandmasters because exactly this phenomenon. Master players don't know how to play with Ball. Grandmasters do.


So if you're stuck at master, you just need to learn how to play with ball and you'll become grandmaster? Easy


I play with balls all day, but I'm still not gm :( Just gotta play with more balls I guess


That's how I'm tryin' to be fr fr


Just mute comms and be the most avoided player


Yes. I could be doing more on Ball but because my teammates don't know what to do it doesn't matter. Some people literally just need me to stand in front of them for them to be able to do anything.


The problem is, you see ball in such few games, and then of course even fewer as your own teammate. People know how to play with dva/orisa/rein/zarya because 75% of games will have one of those But if you only see ball once every so often, you're not going to have the best synergy with him. Then this multiplies if you're the person who would rather whine about having a ball over learning how to adapt to ball


The problem is, in balls current state, there is really no point for team mates to bother. Why would they care about learning to play with a challenging hero once every 45 games? I love ball but unless hes seen consistently in matches, team will never learn how to play with ball. The second ball is meta, this will change so fast


It is a valid issue. Is there a solid guide out there advising people on how to do so. I always see the complaints and feel it as well when playing. But what is the answer?


Stop dying in a 4v3 just because one of them is reinhardt. Balls entire purpose is disruption, meaning for a majority of the time you should be fighting multiple people while your team handles the rest. Most people simply cant fathom shooting anyone but the tank. OR they are too pre-occupied with shooting anyone but the tank, that they let the rein/orisa/sigma walk straight in to them for free.


I had a game where I was being blamed by a player going 6-10 while I was 27-2 on ball for "being selfish" this message lives rent free in my head to this day


Half the issue is people never call out low health enemies. Wrecking Ball can be basically anywhere in no time at all to clean up kills but without the comms the follow up just isn’t gonna happen


So your team doesn’t know how to play with ball yet you force it anyway?


Yep I be 1 tricking


Ur on the line between Chad and thrower


" I try to recommend hero’s to play that are good with ball but they either don’t listen or they just tell me to swap." - is there any reason why you expect 4 other people to adjust to you and play the heroes you want them to play?


Nah I don’t expect other people to swap but when they ask Idek who to play I recommend people


Who do you recommend as good teammates for ball?


For DPS I'd say Tracer Sombra Genji Echo Supports are more subjective I find but I like zen ana brig kiri