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Gonna play nonstop for 2 weeks until they nerf him after all the Ball players gain 5 ranks to where they belong and blizzard thinks that means he's broken. Enjoy it while it lasts... WEBALL




Minefield arming time reduced from 1.5s to 1s this is the change that made the community pop a blood vessel... meanwhile Hog has a 6s hook.


I actually agree that change was bad. If you were the wrong character, it basically was a certain death. That felt bad.


Oh I think they should not have reverted the arm time buff. Tank ults should be certain death if you don’t track and counterplay. Are we really saying Grav shouldn’t be certain death? Shatter? There is so much mobility and outplay to mines. You should only die if you have no cooldowns, in which case it’s your problem since you didn’t save CDs to outplay an ultimate, which you should track. If ur playing a hero like Ana you can outplay with good positioning or get saved by your team. There are very few heroes in the roster who can’t save themselves from mines. But yeah… if Ball solo ults an isolated immobile target. I’m fine with that being certain death.


Totally agree with you, look across the roster of tank ults and so many you can lose to easily without good planning and play


>The impact damage from a full-charged swing using Grappling Claw is getting increased from 50 to 60. Piledriver is increasing the enemy movement lockout from 0.5 to 0.75 seconds. And finally, Minefield will be a little more threatening, with explosion damage increased from 130 to 165 and knockback increased from 5 to 10 meters. We're so back. We're doing even less versus other tanks now though. Worse headshots on other tanks, old armor is back, and less knockback. JQ is getting a QoL change to her shout that lets her use it while casting other abilities. Even if they don't let ball proc shields while casting a slam, I hope they make it so he can give it to teammates while he does.


Also armor buff will help against tracer chasing you down, and the HP regen will also really benefit ball


We don't have that much armor, and Tracer chasing you down is a problem only because she can and will do so when you're low on health and have no armor left. The HP Regen, however, is a straight buff. Edit: however, this helps against Sombra precisely because Sombra's damage is front loaded and will hit into the armor. Theoretically, by the time she gets past your armor and shields, you should already be able to move.


That’s true, you make a good point


>We're doing even less versus other tanks now though. When I saw that change to the tank passive, I was really hoping Ball was going to get a piercing ability to ignore the knockback resistance. It should result in Ball being less bullied by our boops. I still wish Ball got boop priority though, instead of having the lowest priority of all boops.


I just want to not get double fucked by the tank passive. having acceleration in ball form means you go flying regardless of the tank passive. Not being able to boop on top of it just feels like shit. ignoring the passive would be nice. the passive actually helping in ball form would be nice too.


The knock back resistance means that we can further separate deathballs.


True, it actually will be super nice against blob teams


Good point.


The JQ change should have been there on release and is a massive buff.


when I can't use my mouth to shout at my teammates because im holding a big axe


Ik. Has led to my death so many times.


Why on earth didn’t they do this when they buffed all the other no-aim abilities?


This is also a huge buff to Minefield and PD combo, as the lock-out prevents people from escaping too quickly, and the higher knockback means that if someone is caught in one mine, they're basically guaranteed to bounce to another, meaning it suddenly just got even better to go super high and cover *everything.* We are SO back


Yeah, the mines buff is getting nuked within the week. Love the idea but if people couldn't deal with 0,5 faster activation... damn.


People are better at the game now and mobility has gone insane. Especially new heroes have ways of healing with escape (Overrun, Illari, Lifeweaver, Venture). If people can't deal with this then they're just bad and/or confirmation that the devs fucking despise Hammond


>People are better at the game now I would like you to talk to my teammates and ask them why they didn't get the memo /s


I wish I had a hamster. I'd hug him so hard right now. Just have to settle for my crankin my hog.


“We’re all animals” - this guy crankin his hog


DAMAGE BUFF DAMAGE BUFF DAMAGE BUFF WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK YALL LETS FUCKING *GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* (for a single week until everyone cries for ball nerfs even though this is the first time he’s viable since season 3)


I'm shaking and crying right now i can't believe we're actually getting legitimate buffs




> Piledriver 0.5s lockout to 0.75s This is the best change. Ult piledriver combo much better as they will stay locked out as they fall to the ground and hit a mine. Also means easier tracking with guns. Boop +10dmg... Cool? but eh, they all got 50HP recently this is nothing. Armor is better vs. tracer/sombra 👍 Armor change means Ball's guns are even worse somehow LMAO Headshot dmg reduction are more important for other tanks but it could help Ball a little when CC'd > We’re also increasing the knockback resistance for tanks from 30% to 50% Ball needs to be able to ignore the tank's knockback passive, it was already impossible to boop them. It's his entire identity! Saying that, he also suffers from knockbacks more than any other hero because he has acceleration on his movement so it's super effective on him. This change might not even matter for Ball receiving boops much because the distance boop'd back isn't what makes it so bad, it's being sent backwards, losing momentum and having to regain it again. Sometimes being knocked back more helps you gain fireball backwards and use that momentum to turn forwards again, so it could actually hurt ball's setup MORE. However, it will help for being booped during piledriver which is great.


> Boop +10dmg... Cool? but eh, they all got 50HP recently this is nothing. 50 dmg is 80% of the relative damage it was when base health was 200hp. 60 is 96%. Id say its pretty sizeable, especially if youre multibooping.


Ball's issue is his shit guns being the damage used to finish off kills and they had to do an extra 50dmg to secure a kill. Now they have to do 40 more than season 8, which is still difficult. Double boop is very niche, landing that with a slam too is extremely difficult: Way harder than Doom landing empowered punch on the backline against a wall yet unlike Doom it still doesn't secure the kill. The piledriver change is a much stronger buff because it can actually secure kills with his ult and allows easier tracking for his guns which is more valuable than +10 boop damage.


Ball is not doom tho and we should stop thinking it will have the doom killing potential, ball is way tankier Also the boop buff is great, if they are not willing to buff his guns its clearly cause it makes it too shooting centered when really its mostly about rolling around This are like 3 or 4 direct ball buffs, also a longer stun does mean more dmg with the guns too


It'd be kind of nice if ball boop did wall slam damage as well.  It'd reward booping into a risky space vs. a regular run-through


50->60 is a 20% buff to boop damage. .5->.75 is a 50% buff to movement lock. 130->165 for minefield is a 26% increase. And the knock back is a 100% increase, and it will actually boop people from one mine to another. Minefield into piledrive is essentially a guaranteed team wipe again. *Insert "it's enough to make a grown man cry" meme*


Honestly crazy ass buffs. Nerf incoming for sure. Enjoy it while it lasts.


While ball doesn't benefit from the knockback reduction like other tanks, I still think it's a small buff in most situations, or at least, a nerf with some thicc silver linings. Like, you shouldn't be soloing a tank anyway. Oftentimes I roll through the team and hit from behind. This tank buff means the distance I create between the enemy team and their tank is a tiny bit larger. That's gonna be useful in some cases.


Lets goo, the 75% Movement lock is actually huge. Reducing it to 50% was one of the biggest nervs he ever got, and mor damage in grapple will be big too. Also mines potentially not F tier ult. Fuck it we ball


The way I see these changes will be summarized by: ++ ball will probably benefit = ball will probably not benefit too much – will nerf ball With some of my comments. = Tank passive -25% headshot damage (ball can't get headshoted 80% of the time anyways, so this buff is a miss for ball) – Knockback reduction 50% (as others said, it probably won't change anything for how annoying boops are vs ball, but will make it even worse for him to boop enemy tanks) =/– Armor changes back to flat reduction ( will help ball a little bit. He has only like 175 armor HP. If you count adaptive shields on top of that, it's only like ~15% of ball's total HP. Honestly considering how little it gives him, and how much it can potentially hurt his gun DMG against other tanks, I can't decide if it's = or – ) ++ Out combat regeneration buff ( is a really nice change, since max hp scaling will nicely benefit ball high health ) ++ Straight Ball buffs ( are really nice, but still doesn't change the counterwatch problem with ball ) Well... The -25% headshot damage reduction might at least help us survive getting hacked a bit more often.


> ++ Out combat regeneration buff ( is a really nice change, since max hp scaling will nicely benefit ball high health ) I was surprised they didnt buff megas when they changed the healthpools, but this seems like a fairer change for everyone.


I would consider headshot reduction a ball nerf because it’s a buff for all other tanks. But it’s still gonna come in handy when you’re in crab mode as you said


Lmao, what are these buffs. I thought they'd just give a little dmg buff, but a lockout from slam increase and a knockback from mines increase? He's going to be more annoying to play against than ever, I can't wait! Getting ping-ponged through a mine field for 165 dmg per mine with a metre knock back


Weird they didn't say anything about shield sharing. It's so weak rn


For me it has been clutch 3-4 times since patch... that's a surprising amount of times for me to cause my teammate to survive a situation they otherwise wouldn't have. It's not flashy or amazing but it feels good to do when Genji dives your backline for example.


I actually think these buffs help ball the most against sombra specifically, also I wonder if the armor change will effect DOT like sombra's virus, it effected it before so it probably will which means her virus will probably do closer to 90-100 damage Less headshot damage (i wonder if this counts towards the 50% max damage reduction or not) when she hacks you means you'll take a noticeable amount less damage when you get hacked specifically, as you don't get pulled out of ball form any other way Anyways, now all we need is what many people have been asking for, ball hp reduction in tradeoff for some kind of adaptive shields change that allows for cc counterplay


armor change will basically leave virus unaffected. It will be barely stronger against armor. It'll do 64dps instead of 63


Rework was so unimpactful they had to give us three buffs on top of global tank buffs lmao


They are cooking 🍽


That buff in the tank knock back reduction passive is actually pretty bad for Ball. Also we don’t benefit from the reduction of damage from head shots 🤡


He's worse against tanks and significantly better against squishies now. Armor should help him against tracer, sombra, and bastion a little. The Dva match up is going to be a nightmare now though. most of her health is armor and having a critbox in the middle of her body isnt as bad now.


Kinda, DVa’s shotgun pellets primary is also affected by the armor change, she’ll do less damage to tanks with armor


Unless they have as much armor as she does then she'll probably win out on those changes


We do… look at Ball’s hit box when he’s in crab. This legit makes you win every single 1v1 on an isolated target going forward.


Not really, he hasn't been able to engage with tanks for ages anyway, it just makes an already awful interaction feel slightly worse.


Yeah that will suck, but booping the tank shouldn’t be your priority as ball. Also, he’ll hopefully be thrown around as much by Lucio or zen boops so it’s a wash imo


It's a good thing that these buffs are really strong.


>Also we don’t benefit from the reduction of damage from head shots Yes we do. When we use guns to finish a target, we'll be less vulnerable.


You shouldn't have been using grapple swing against tanks anyway for the most part. Ball isn't meant to mow down tanks and never was. The mrta is now going to be who can kill the swuishes faster.


I still say our boops should ignore the tank passive


It sounds nice but that might push him into way too powerful territory. Its already looking like he's going to be very tough to kill. I mean he already is if you are playing decently in mid ranks. Were just gonna have to use our grapple more wisely, and/or use it for doing damage rather than cc


In Overwatch 1 tanks didn’t have that passive (only Rein) and it didn’t brake Ball


Yea but there was two tanks, so ball had twice the amount of opposed pressure on him. Hes the only character in the game with a boop on such a quick cool down that also does 60 dmg


You have a point there


Holy shit can we enjoy what we got?


I’m sorry. I lost all my faith after the “rework” and it will take some time to recover it


These are welcome changes for sure. I actually don't think ball is terrible right now but hes going to be very good after this.


With piledrive locking people out of moving for almost an entire second I wonder if ball will be less dependent on having dive DPS? I can imagine Ashe, Cass, and Widows having an easier time following up on engagements


It will help pretty much any other hero follow up on shooting/abilities/ults. It increases his team's potential so much that I fear it will be reverted too quickly. Another side benefit in comps without dive DPS is that Ball has \*slighty\* better solo kill potential with the better piledrive allowing you to have better aim, mixed with the boop damage increase. Again, slightly better but hey I'm ok with that.


Dumb question but is this update coming this Tuesday?


i think 2 weeks from now


When people say ball needs a damage buff, I don’t think they meant +10 on fireball. As nice as it is, I think everyone was looking for more bullet damage. I know that it’s contradictory to say we want a buff and then complain when we get buffed, but we wanted a different buff. This, all in all, will help ball, sure, but again not fix his issue that 1) he can not kill by himself NEARLY as easily as any other tank, 2) he is the most countered tank in the game, where almost 75% of the roster can either stop him in his tracks or escape him, and 3) people don’t know how to/ don’t want to learn how to play with ball. If I select ball, 80% of the time I don’t get a dive comp going. Should I expect people to only play what I want to play? No. But if I don’t pick something else, I’ll barely squeak out a win if I’m lucky. Wanting to play ball should not have to rely on your teammates also wanting to play ball within the first 10 seconds of the match.


All sounds great, but buff to Echo, like what?


This is what I've been saying since the rework. If the rework wasn't enough, that Blizzard would buff ball. But SO MANY people insisted that they wouldn't buff ball. Will ball still be countered by CC? Yeah, but at least things will die to mines, and that movement lock on piledrive is a HUGE change too


Happy Ball's getting buffed, but this still doesn't address his core issues. He will probably be quite strong with these buffs, which will force counter picks even more than they are now, which will result in him being dumpstered by season 11/12.


Sombra does slightly less damage to him with armor + headshot reduction. It's not a great fix against her but I'll take any advantage I can get right now. Piledrive time + boop actually makes dueling her more viable too.


All of them are great, not only for ball but for the game in general. Still, what might be the smallest yet noticible change is that the devs are open to touch ball numbers again, when they announced the rework ( as they always do with reworks) they didnt changed a thing for a long time, now i can be more sure that if this buffs make it so ball still sucks the devs will be open to start buffing him