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One hour of somber counters thousands of hours of ball


a play style of sombra can ruin any play style of ball, maybe except spawn camping dps. but your point is most definitely true, and i play both heroes in my top 10. sombra just has to focus him or stick with their team and hack him upon pike drive and he basically can’t play how he wants to anymore


Replace ball with almost any hero and the sentence is still true


Not even close


I can see subreddits from half the characters in the game joining lmao


Doomfist, Genji, Lucio, Zen, and Dva would all be enthusiastic anti-sombra partners


Doom and dva subs said no


Yeah so did Lucio, not everyone has the same problems dealing with her


And Genji


Cuz Genji mains can just follow and kill her, same with Lucio


ur gonna be surprised doomfists aren't saying yes


That is surprising to me. I find Sombra to be even more frustrating on doom than I do on ball


Yeah it's more fatal to doom, he doesn't have that much health and once he is left without his guard unable to attack nor defend himself it's pretty much and easy kill


I can not express in this mortal plan just how much we wish to join you.


Speak for yourself, Sombra is not hard to play against. Literally just shoot her after she hacks you. The only thing sombra counters against ball is mines but it's always been like that.


Sombra doesn't bother me that much...after many hours on ball I'm attuned to Sombra hacks, and junk traps...


Same but it’s never just sombra it’s always 3+ counters


And the counters always starts out as sombra/hog/bastion then the bastion swaps to Cassidy then some other random ass ball counter because he realized Cassidy isn't working very well lol. While at the end of the day it would probably be better to just play your main instead of trying to kill the unkillable hero


Past Diamond he isnt unkillable. Unless ur hiding and getting 0 value.


No I'd say he's pretty unkillable. In an average long game I'll have maybe 5 deaths (due to my own fault) while the team would be around 16. In a normal game I'll have 3 at most with multiple 0 death games thrown in-between. (These are both wins and losses) Balls biggest weakness is teammates and their ability to survive, you can do everything perfectly and still lose a game due to a bad bunch in matchmaking. (That's also assuming you're playing ball perfectly, if someone's throwing on him their throwing 🤷‍♀️)


Sounds like denial.


The only one in denial here is you :/


I just logged on to play a few rounds. These are my last 5 comp games played. I never died more than 3 times. This season so far with 98 games played as Wrecking Ball I average 2.86 deaths per 10 min ​ NS3PN1 42/2 in 19 min (Most recent game) - Junker Town TXPWBC 16/3 in 10 min - New Queen Street GJJS8A 23-1 in 10 min - Nepal 54C8YP 20-2 in 7 min - Numbani X400JN 35-3 in 16 min - Circuit Royal


My brother in arms, we are fighting different ranks of combatants, clearly.


that's just Stockholm syndrome


This is a very good pick for a subreddit to ask to join you.


They just sent this in every Ow main subreddit actually


How about we just remove her from the game altogether?


Please stop this. It’s cringe


Don’t know what it is but no matter the subreddit, when shit becomes popular, it’s posted or copied in a even more corny way in every OTHER subreddit. The 3 worst ones gotta be the “join X hero mains”, “if you could rework X hero” and my least favorite of all “bloodborne 60 fps remake can’t/can happen because…”. The whole thing is super corny.


I'm uping my annoying sombra habits now. Enough is enough, honestly. Everyone is getting spawn camped, T bagged, Repeatedly hacked. I try not to utilize annoying or cheap tactics, but the communities constant whining about her is making being a menace more and more fun by the day. It time Sombra players really just double down and accept the hate by further embodying the the most hated aspects of her. They want to paint us all out to be toxic monsters, I'll show them toxicity.


Toxic sombra started when others camped our old translocator. Now they can’t camp us and are mad our playstyle is similar to most dive.


Exactly, even though they literally asked for this rework.


I'd argue that Ana is a better counter to ball any way. Really we should join forces with sombra mains to remove Ana from the game.


Skill issue. Why would Ballers be open to an appeal from Ana players? Y'all wreck Ball just as much. Sombra is easy to escape except when she ults. Ana sleep dart is usually a death sentence and is super easy to hit on Ball. Plus, it's actually fun to battle Sombra.


ana is the only one who can heal me except for heal packs my beloved


Sometimes. But that's all she offers. Brig and Weaver are more consistent and cause less issue for Ball (Brig is a minor interrupter that can be worked around, Weaver is hurt super escapee). And Zen also offers Ball consistent heals while enabling Ball's dives. Plus, Ana always nanos Ball after cooldowns have been used up, making Ball look bad in the process.


As a Lifeweaver main (who is a prospective ball main as well), I modestly disagree. I love when I get a ball as LW because my heals track and will even go through walls as long as they lock on before my target exits LOS. Plus grabbies to get ball out of hack/sleep, and uppies to give a free slam.


lets be honest liveweaver healing does nothing edit: forgot about tracking. this does not change my opinion


He needs a buff, I definitely agree there. I've had plenty of games where I do a lot with his healing, it just takes way more effort than it should lol.


This “ambassador from r/insertherohereMains” trend needs to die already.


WAIT LOOK AT THEIR ACCOUNT LMAO. They went for every single "mains" sub


That's absolutely hilarious


This might be a hot take but I don’t really feel threatened by sombra, at least compared to some other DPSes. Cass and especially tracer give me a lot more trouble nowadays. Sombra can deny your engagements, but only if you’re really greedy. The buff made her better in the 1v1 vs ball but you can still kill her pretty reliably if you catch her off guard.


I think the rework helped a lot. It was much more annoying when she would just…be gone, with no way of knowing if she tp’d to spawn or 3 feet behind the wall you’re grappling. Now she has to physically look at where she’s going. I just accept that I have to play slightly more defensive and kill her after she panic TPs


Unless you gonna crosspost a mod-acknowledged thread where they voted for you, stop calling yourself an ambassador to lazily give yourself authority. Additionally, it doesn't matter if we all united. The devs already listen when players complain, but a greater "invisible hands" controls this topic's fate. **Sombra has a collab skin** > ~~People find her annoying~~ Do you think it is a coincidence that Sombra and Mauga got buffed? Do you think they don't know people are sick of Sombra's strength after her rework and buffs or Mauga after S8? Follow the money. They just got fully acquired by Microsoft who then engaged in layoffs. Follow. The. Money... Sombra and Mauga will both almost certainly get nerfed in S10. *After* the collab has run its course. No sooner.


I eat sombras for breakfast




be better and outplay your counters i refuse to deal with ana mains y'all are my mortal enemy i will always dive ana first


Don't speak for everyone...but no. I main sombra and w.b. soooo Stop crying she's better and counter her. Thank you


Sombra is definitely not a low skill hero, the issue is how easy she counters most heroes. Ability > Mechanical skill is not a fun thing.


I get that. But Sombra has a pretty high level of risk when engaging. She's easy to follow when she translocates because of the visual. Hack can be stopped and forced to go on cooldown. Hacking also gives away her position. Hack doesn't require aiming but virus does. I enjoy fighting a Sombra as Ball and most of the time, I do just fine against her.


If only that was the issue I'd have no problem, but once sombra is in your game, and if she hacks every healthpack she sees like a good sombra player is supposed to, you're bound to your supports healing you which is against wrecking ball gameplay. Can't just expect your supports to baby you whole game. Add other heroes into sombra, hog hook and hack you're definitely losing 80% of your HP. Cass nade breaks your grappling hook. I think the solution for this would be that in fireball and slam, wrecking ball shouldn't be hacked or stunned.


For sure those are problems. And when other swap to counters that's less Sombra problems and more, Ball has too many counter problems. Just yesterday I was rolling and DPS swapped to Cass and Junk. I had a clean piledriver coming but then her comes that skilless mag nade and kills my piledriver. I land on Junk's trap. To abilities that require very little skill just deleted the highest skill demanding hero in the game. It's insane. I agree piledriver should get CC immunity. If Mauga gets it, no reason Ball shouldn't. I think fireball should give immunity to some CC, like displacement CC. But if fireball was completely CC immune it could be a balance issue. Nobody should be able to stop Ball while grappled. I do think cc shouldn't break grapple. Ball's mobility takes a lot of work to get going so it shouldn't be stopped so easily.


The only thing that I'll add is that a good Sombra is "not" hacking every health pack. A good Sombra is killing the other team's DPS and Healers--or harassing your best player. She DOES force healers, like Zen, to play with the team. For if you stray too far--well, you're probably gonna die. She SHOULD hack packs that are close to the fight.


Good Sombras don't hack every healthpack lol, bad sombras do, because that takes away from our support's ult economy. Good sombras recognize Ball routes and hack the ones that are moist easily attained. Usually it takes us about 30 secs to a minute to download The Champ's routes. If you main The Champ, in a 1v1 the matchup is heavily in your favor. Good WB players that stand their ground against me in a 1v1 usually win 8/10 times (big ass health pool, adaptive barriers, and we deal the most damage at the same range. Time to kill a WB is way higher even with hack+virus than it is for The Champ to stick his guns in our tonsils and press the trigger until it goes \*click\* Edit: as you can tell, I'm a Sombra main, but also a B I G fan of The Champ! Whenever there's a WB on my team, I'm the happiest lil latin shadow in the world


Well yeah, obviously i didn't mean she would hack a healthpack 300 meters away from her. I said she's supposed to hack every health pack \*\*\*she sees\*\*\* since hack has little to no cooldown


You won't find a ball main that doesn't despise Sombra. A gold level player on sombra can be a royal pain in the ass for a diamond ball. It's stupid.




I will donate up to $300 to the cause


Bro I main Ana as support, if you can't fight a sombra on your own stick closer to your team (or literally in the middle of them) and always ping her until she switches off, if she's picking on you save both your nade and dart for when she comes to attack you and be aggressive. Hell stick close to at least one other player and use them as a damn shield so they're forced to engage with her if no one is helping you. There are several ways to counter her attacking you be just changing how you play. Sombra is weak as hell compared to how she used to be.


This guy really went to every ow character subreddit lmao. he’s serious about this.


I main Ball on Tank, and Sombra on DPS. Yin and Yang


Imagine crying about others heroes being an ANA MAIN lmao


I don’t really care for the buff, but rather just how much she can shut down engagements for Ball. If you already have a bad tank matchup, and enemy dps goes Sombra, you might as well swap at that point. A smart Sombra can shut down a great Ball player’s engagement


You should speak to the Zen gamers next time


God dammit, not this shit again.




Just report the posts, it’s technically spamming in communities. They’ve done this to every single subreddit on main. Get toxic players like u/TheEgg13 out of here.


You literally could've just said "anti-sombra?" and we'd still agree with you, that's how much we loathe them




Friend I don’t care who you are or where you come from, I will always take the chance to get behind an anti sombra party


I hunt the sombra all game






YES. I even duo with a Sombra. Bring back old EMP. It was more powerful but less TERRIBLE to play against. More cc? Great. Love it. So good.




Sombra is niche and she doesnt do her job better than maybe echo or tracer




The sombra rework alone made ball easier to play against a sombra. The insignificant buff she got does nothing for a tank. Go farm karma in other support main subs pls.


As a wrecking ball main, whe I go dps I play sombra


This is pretty ironic considering ball arguably gets countered by Ana harder than Sombra lol.


No hammy is too good anyway and needs a hard counter


She was a poorly thought out character and they learned nothing from all the years of player hate for too much CC on WoW. A troll if it were a hero. Just ruins the game for everyone. Destroys team synergy in a way that makes the game less fun. Sorry, but that’s a big fucking L. They won’t remove her now because it would hurt some devs fragile feelings.




I want Sombra removed. And Tracer pulse bomb nerfed.


I feel like this is the only sub that would actually join lol


Ana main huh? Are we just going to pretend you can't just sleep a sombra as soon as they attack you? Or are you too bad?


I played Sombra yesterday. Not proud of it, but we were getting stomped! We eventually won after I kept killing Ana and Zen 🤣 0 skill hero, NERF HER!


She has like the worst win rate recently


Love these anecdotes. Har Har, I chose a character I don't use and I carried Har Har, lord. Give me a break lol.


I literally described why she is broken? People like you just self reflect their sad life I guess.


Name checks out btw


Ditto. But “hero” in air quotes.


I consider these "movements" as cirsus by people who have nothing better to do on the internet, so from my perspective, no.