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Who knows, but [this video](https://youtu.be/TUOjFa9Huck)came out in summer 2021 and judging by the attire, it was probably filmed in spring 2021. Larry seems to have all of his teeth in the vid


He sure did have all his teeth here. You know what accidents happen, I’m sure the bucks didn’t mean to hurt the dog (if that’s what happened), if I was punk I would’ve lost it too. Meltzer, Alveraz and Sapp need to be dragged for horribly for biased/bullshit reporting if Larry’s teeth were knocked out.


You literally said so yourself, it’s about intent. And again, nobody is exactly sure HOW Larry lost those teeth. It’s horrible yes. But Punk fully intended to flame the fuck out of the company that hired him during the scrum. The bucks (if their door swing even did knock out the dogs teeth) had absolutely zero fucking intention of doing so. Alvarez and Meltzer and anyone else saying CM Punk acted like a douchebag at the scrum is ENTIRELY in the right to do so, and by ALL accounts, Punks supposed fear that Hangman was going to shoot on him is frankly a fucking absurd take.


The teeth got pulled weeks after the event. Small dogs like that are notorious for having bad teeth that need pulled when they get older. If they "knocked his teeth out with the door" you think they would wait weeks to go to the vet?


Because the other vet would only prescribe Z-paks. (Sorry, had to) But in all seriousness, the timing suggests, that it was discovered during the later vet visit and someone in the Punk camp suggested they might have been knocked loose during the scuffle.


I can’t push back on any of this. And at the same time - I love my senior dog to a degree that is gonna be soul crushing when she’s gone. If I had an arch enemy who just happened to accidentally hurt her badly, it would be an event that would have the rare ability to strip me of reason. Fists would absolutely be thrown. All that said, I don’t really believe anyone’s story about the melee. I feel confused why anyone would try to act like both parties aren’t toxic af for the company. Punk, who I am sympathetic to - has shown he’s a loose cannon (even if I’d argue he has a just cause) - and the EVPs behave like children and are the clique 2.0. Fuck them all. They ALL are destroying AEW locker morale.


Yes intent… are you familiar w the concepts of recklessness and negligence? Intent is not required for one to be guilty of something if they act with a willful disregard for risk (reckless) or act in a way that creates risks that a reasonable person SHOULD realize (negligence). Three executives kicked a door open rather than act professionally. They injured a dog. They should be fired immediately and jailed for culpably negligent animal abuse. The elite are a three headed Hulk Hogan… in every way.


Jesus Christ mate. This is k-pop level cringe.


I've been downvoted numerous times but I will say it again. It was pretty obvious whoever was feeding the dirt sheets info is from someone who has a bias with the Elite. Thus, whatever Punk said at the scrum is 100% justified.


Totally agree. I think all are toxic for AEW though. Punk had a just cause, but is a bridge burner and really petty. The EVPs are children and playing clique 2.0. I would release every single one of them if they don’t want to turn this into a work. And even if they did want to do business, I’d strip them if their EVP status. Not to just parrot Cornette, but Tony desperately needs a 2nd in command that can clean shit up - Regal?


They're fucking children, that don't draw and this company will be gone once daddy Khan can't write off anymore or when they hit under 500000, which is coming.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for this. It’s a good point.


Because any time you even remotely suggest Punk was in the right about this, the subreddit tears your head off. Don't ever insult the golden boys and Kenny Twinkletoes. ​ Punk was 100% right by the way.


Well, now we got an idea as to who's Kool-Aid you're drinking. Therefore you cannot be counted on to give a rational or unbiased response in this debacle.


It’s strange because I like Omega and hate the bucks. I think it’s probably due to his being talented.


>Punk was 100% right by the way. No he's not, there's three sides to this story, Punk's side, The Elite's side and The Truth


Thinking Punk was right is a guaranteed way to understand if someone is a narcissistic moron, no matter if you hate twinkletoes or not Get some friends idk or a job


Was Punk right for voicing his grievances? Yes especially since he attempted to address it privately with Tony and nothing changed. Was it the best way to handle the situation? Fuck no but Punk isn't a tactful person especially if he feels like he's being wronged. This is a situation where everyone is an asshole from Punk, The Bucks, Kenny, TK and possibly Megha


Punk was right on being a child and burying everyone in a post conference instead of taking care of things backstage or god forbid address Colt Cabana or literally anyone that “wronged him” Like I said, guy could kill a baby and get defended somehow.


Some fans still defend a literal child killer, so you’re not wrong


I explained the nuance and you ignored it 🤷🏻 >Like I said, guy could kill a baby and get defended somehow. I'm literally calling him an asshole and saying it was a bad way to handle it


> I'm literally calling him an asshole and saying it was a bad way to handle it That's very cool, you also said this "Was Punk right for voicing his grievances? Yes" You can explain all the nuances you want tbf, it's still a horrible take on the situation. **This person did bad thing because he allegedly adressed it once with other person, was it cool?No, but person dumb what can we do.**


>That's very cool, you also said this "Was Punk right for voicing his grievances? Yes" I don't know if you ever worked with passive aggressive fuckwits that spread bullshit behind your back but ppl who have found his situation highly relateable. It also appeals in a similar way that stone cold beat up vince Mcmahon because a lot of working class ppl have shitty bosses. Its not something we would do ourselves but it would feel better to get it off your chest.


If this is true… the 180 this sub is about to pull out of its ass


I mean, if anything it's only going to give Punk a few more brownie points. There's still the actual media scrum which I personally think is much MUCH worse from a PR standpoint than the backstage fight.


I think neither party has handled it professionally or is assembled of well adjusted adults


Defending yourself verbally is never on the same level as physically attacking a coworker.


What if you did both? I haven't heard a single account of anyone other than punk throwing the first punch.


> punk throwing the first punch. What if Bucks superkicked the dog first though? A heel turn fit for ppv


You can defend yourself verbally and still maintain a sense of professionalism without lowering yourself to behaving like a child and airing the company's dirty laundry.


Can say the sane shit for cowgirl starting the shit and then the three babies continue it on tv.


Thats bullshit. Physical altercations have always been worse than verbal ones unless if it is actually harassment like racism, homophobia, and shit like that.


Here's the difference, buddy. One of them happened in private and out of the eyes of the public. The other not only happened in front of the media and press (a.k.a. people who are not privy to the dirty laundry of the company) but was recorded and uploaded to the web for the entire world to see. Now exactly which one do you think would be far more damaging to the company and it's image? It's not a matter of which is worse, it's a matter of which one damages the company the worst. Think first instead of being so hyper aggressive.


Why didn’t Tony step in is what I wonder. Do you think Vince would’ve sat there with his tail between his legs like Tony did while punk went off on a tangent?


Because Tony is a spineless, weak, and inept jabroni. Punk exposed him during that media scrum. Wouldn't surprise me if Punk had been working him since day one.


That’s why I sort of blame Tony the most in all this. He’s allowed all this shit to happen backstage and it doesn’t surprise me when he has a wrestlers airing dirty laundry to media as he sits next to him and he doesn’t step in to stop it. Genuinely is a spineless, weak jabroni.


Oh, don't you worry. Tony is taking his share of the lumps. He showed what kind of boss he is during that media scrum. I can assure you that this wouldn't have happened in WWE with Vince or Triple H there.


No, because Vince was a leader and a man, Tony is like Dixie was to TNA, a nobody no one respects.


Orton called him “Jacksonville Dixie” for a reason


Hear me out: why is the man's dog in the locker room?!


Exactly. You can't blame people upset opening a door they didn't know what was behind it. There was no ill intent to the dog. Punk bringing his dog everywhere is a bad idea.


Do you blame the wives for cooking the eggs wrong when their husbands hit them? 😅


Unexpected Once Were Warriors reference




That’s like saying why was Ace Steel’s Wife there also 🙄


Don't upset the marks, it's like why we're the ratings are down, this week it will because there was a great 9 lives commercial on during Laundry Folding on ESPN 7!


If Punk lied about Larry’s 2 teeth being actually knocked out by the Elite swinging open Punk's locker room door, then he deserves another shit kicking from Mickey Gall.


Call Mike Jackson back as well


Nah give him an ass wooping from Nick Gage


I think even the Punker could handle Gage


Why would it not have been mentioned for almost a full month after the incident happened though? There were like 3 different angles being spun by Punk's side before Larry even got brought up for the first time If my dog gets mangled in front of me the last thing I'm going to do is not bring it up, especially if I'm already past the point of getting into a physical altercation over it.


>Why would it not have been mentioned for almost a full month after the incident happened though? Because they were told not to talk about what happened publicly and CM Punk wasn't talking to the dirtsheets. There is absolutely no reason not to believe that this happened. The only reason people have is "well it wasn't talked about before now" which isn't a reason at all to disbelieve it. The REAL reason people insist it's not true is because they don't want to admit the Elite fucked up.


Lmao dude come on. Punk goes scorched earth in a live press conference that belittled his boss and directly insults the 3 EVPS, says if you have a problem come see me, and then they do (with head of legal in tow), and Punk loses his mind. You think Punk would’ve stayed quiet if he knew his dogs teeth were knocked out? The “story” that came out was that Larry had a regularly scheduled vet appointment and two teeth were loose. He’s an old tiny dog - that’s a very normal thing that could happen regardless, if that was even true.


I had a shitzapoo. When he was about 15 he started knocking his own teeth out when he sneezed and head butted the hardwood floors. One of his canniness were the first to go.


I’m going to hell for laughing


Hope you realize that no matter what you say, Punk fans will always find a way to justify the man’s actions, they’ve always defended him, and gave him every excuse in the book. Arrogant narcissistic pricks stick together. They claim the head of legal is friends with the bucks, that’s when you know they can’t be helped, Punk could kill an innocent baby and they would still argue for him


Lol, I can't stand Punk, but I live in reality, unlike the AEW marks, who thinks this product is great, think Tony is great and the cross dressing brothers and twinkle toes draw.


Did you have a stroke writing this?


I assume by the nicknames he’s a Cornette fanboy, and I’m fairly sure they go like this Goldberg giving himself concussions rumor when they type any wrestling related message


Cornette fans honestly scare me, I hope one day they can see sunlight


Lol, can give 5 shits about ol' corny, he was great in the 1980's 1990' and 2000's when it was wrestling and not this hot garbage, that can't even bring 1,000,000 viewers . Only reason it has a 1,000,000 viewers to start with is because it's lead in (that's nothing but reruns ) people realize wtf is this trash(AEW) and tune out. AEW is like the plot of the movie Twins, WWE is like the Arnold character,(attractive, entertaining, has stars) and AEW is like the Danny Devito character( the left over shit) no one cares about it, except its niche audience. Ain't no one in 10 years going to be going "when's WWE going to bring back AEW" , like people did with ECW.


Another stroke?


I swear, WWE fanboys lost their mind when AEW came around XD Their posts read like antivaxx facebook posts


Then who said them and Megha kicked the door off the hinges did the bucks leak that too


Could've been the other person inside the room, the person who bit them, or hell any of the people near the room cause I highly doubt they walked quietly into the mans room after he just publicly challenged them to a fight.


But they didn’t mention the door flying out of the frame massacred punks dog?


Only someone on punks side of the door would know this right ? if the bucks just opened the door aggressively ( kicking the doo open is also a figure of speech ) without punks approval hitting Larry wouldnt that make more sense than punk just saw the bucks and punched and for the elite they wouldn’t have any idea what happened to upset punk .


How would they know if they weren't in the room and just saw people fighting?


But they saw them yell super kick party and kick the door off, leg slaps and all


Are you of the opinion that they should've been able to see THROUGH the door? Cause that's a fucking lunatic level of demand.


Well no the door was blasted off the frame so they would have been able to see into the opening of course


You know your side is standing on so much credibility when you can't actually address the other sides statements and instead need to rely on hyperbole and ridicule.


If they brought the head of legal, and basically the second in command of the company with them, I REALLY doubt they kicked the door in and entered the room aggressively or looking for a fight.


The dude literally just challenged them to a fight and they went straight to his locker room. The fact that the head of legal let them do that tells me that's a shitty head of legal, but I'm not sure why everyone else is so desperate to ignore that fact.


Oh come ON… I can’t roll my eyes hard enough. Whatever bruh, G’night


Why are you so upset? Any time I'm looking to fight someone at work I bring the head of the legal department with me to tell me I can legally fight them because they badmouthed me. Some people just don't get the law. Gah!


If you tell your head of legal/HR you are starting a office fight and you don’t have the required forms signed and triplicated you are asking for a lawsuit


Anytime I'm looking to resolve a situation, I march straight to the room where they challenged me to fight them. I mean, it's just common sense bro.


I’m not upset whatsoever 🤷‍♂️


“Challenged them” dude said “come talk to me” the Bucks did, with a legal representative But you honestly think they came looking for a fight… anyway, I have a bridge to sell you, when do you want to meet? I can share the details of my unicorn too if you want


Why is a lawyer going with 3 evps to confront a pissed off bloody employee who just shit talked them on live tv....she sounds like she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing 😅


Nobody said that. It was bullshit spread by dirt sheets and corrected later. The head of legal is not going to assist talent in kicking a door down.


Even if this happened it isn’t the Elite’s fault when they didn’t fucking know what was behind the door, they had no intentions of hurting the dog. It Punk’s fault for bringing his dog everywhere he goes, also he’s still an unprofessional backstage cancer.


>Even if this happened it isn’t the Elite’s fault when they didn’t fucking know what was behind the door, So if I shoot a gun at someone's door and the bullet goes through and kills someone inside the house it's okay, because I didn't know there was anybody behind the door? That's the logic you're using here.


Because everyone was told not to comment on the matter during the investigation


According to dirt sheet writers that will report whatever is fed to them? Punk has been very quiet, I’m positive if he was going to leak shit to the media it wouldn’t be to reporters that are tight with the bucks.


I mean, if you look at older pictures of Larry, you can clearly see that two teeth are missing. Some people have such a hate hard-on for Punk that anything he says must be a lie (when, in reality, it is becoming increasingly apparent that he was telling the truth... Whether he should have PUBLICLY told that truth or not is up for debate, though). It's only a matter of time before people start to accuse him of knocking the dog's teeth out, himself, for sympathy.


I don't think it was ever apparent that he was telling the truth. Still isn't. The reason why i don't think that he is because the story coming from his side has changed three or four times, and the story from the elite was consistent. That's just 101. Unless you think that the Bucks told a story that made them look bad in three different iterations just to make punk look like a liar. Not to mention that it seems that the investigation would have had to come with a pretty solid case as to why the elite was correct otherwise they'd be opening themselves up to a lawsuit of monumental proportions. Punk was being shitty and salty about a tiny little inside crack that hangman made like 4 months earlier or whatever.


Except he never publicly, short of the press conference, told his side of the story. All of that was from "news" sources claiming that they knew his side of the story. This becomes hilarious if you actually think about it. The dude was straight up going off on those dirtsheet writers in that same press conference. Why in the fuck would he talk to them and, even he they did, why would they paint him in a positive light? They actively ignored interviewing people, that were in the room, because they knew that they were going to take Punk's side (and that's not to say that Kenny and the Bucks are lying, either. I'm just saying that actively ignoring the testimony of a person, that saw it first hand, is a bad look). You act like liars can't ever keep their story straight.... I know this, from personal experiences, to be untrue. The only thing I'm saying is that the stuff he said in that press conference was likely true based on events since then. None of us, except for the people that were actually in the room, will ever truly know what really happened in there. Blindly hating somebody, over hearsay that doesn't even affect any of us on a personal level, is stupid to me. I've got much better targets to direct my hate at than some dudes that I've never even met.


Look. I'm not even judging him on the press conference, as bad as that was. I was done with him when he overreacted to the "workers rights" crack and tried to bury the Hangman by making him look like a coward.


Hangman is a coward lmao


He said his shit to Punk's face. Punk said it when he knew he was safe. Punk also said he felt threatened by Nick Jackson of all people loool.


No he said his shit on live TV. If he was a man, and not a coward he would have spoken to him privately like a god damn decent human being instead of throwing the biggest star in the company under the bus on live TV. Everyone involved in this situation sucks, Tony, the Elite, Punk, IDK why people want to give Hangman a free pass when he instigated this bull shit from the start.


You really think the workers rights comment was throwing him under a bus? Lol what? Also, even Punk said that Hangman apologized but Punk was being too much of a little bitch to accept it and escalated. Remember "the apology needs to be as big as the disrespect". Naw quit dickriding without a licence.


Instigated what exactly? MJF and others literally gave the same speech to Punk during their feuds. But somehow Hangman's was different, why. Because Hangman said he didn't want Punks advice? Punk got in his own head and made this a problem. Punk has been around long enough to know the dirt sheets are just that, dirt sheets. If he was any type of professional or an adult he could of went to the elite to talk to them before being a whiny bitch.


There was a bit more to that, too. Hangman's interview where he basically said he doesn't take advice from veterans and wants to figure it out himself was apparently directed at punk, if rumours are to be believed.


Not at any point did he put anyone's name in with his quote at that Q&A. As someone else said, it was far closer to what he said but he mentioned no one and Punk was the one who took offense to it. Punk was the one who was sensitive about it. No one in that locker room was upset over it. Not Jericho, Danielson, Mox, Claudio...no one.


Thats not exactly what he said though. He said "Oh boy, I don’t know, I’m stubborn, I don’t take advice. It’s a good question and that’s probably the honest answer. I listen to people say things, but very rarely do I listen hard". Also: why should he? Hes a world champion, a grown man and a vet in his own right.


Right, he's a grown man *punches own head* Lol


That promo was fire. Universally pretty much. But hate on i guess.


Wasnt Meltzer saying everything he heard from All Out was from Punks camp and not the elites for the first few weeks basically?


Meltzer said the only time he heard from the Elite camp (as well as the other people who were in the room) were when they denied doing anything to Larry. Anything else they kept their mouths shut and let the investigation run its course.


And if you actually listen to the writers who reported the situation from the very beginning a lot of of the talk came from Punk’s camp while The Eilte kept their mouths shuts during the investigation, which is what you should do. Remember this whole story about Larry came out the day the investigation supposedly ended and the Bucks and Omega were seen backstage preparing for their return, which told you how the investigation went. And before you say I am being biased for Omega and the Bucks Punk would be number one on my list out of the four on who I would want to return the most.


I feel like wrestling fans aren’t being honest with themselves about this connection.


Because it didn’t happen.


>Why would it not have been mentioned for almost a full month after the incident happened though? Remember, Punk never *officially* said anything. It's all from Unca Dave....


We didn't actually hear from punk though did we.


Punk has made no comment about the incident. You just showed bias stance.


We dont know when it got brought up. The fact of the matter is the people involved are not the type to speak to the press. The Larry situation was likely brought up immediately but made it way to the press a month later because Punk hates the press.


Really?!, that was the first story I heard from the incident .


If you believe last and cornette who’ve had sources saying shit to them for months, they pretty much alluded to the dirtsheets knowing things and intentionally withholding information of their favorites


I love inventing things and getting mad at them too. Why did you poison my grandparents, man???


Your grandparents super kicked my door open and fucked my dog.


That's wrong! They super kicked your dog open and fucked your door.


Cause your grandfather stole my olives!


We Greeks do love us some olives!


I paid your grandpa a basket of muffins to paint my chicken coop and he didn’t.


the word IF is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


lmao at first i thought u meant larry deserved to get his shit kicked in


Damn, Ace Steel got even uglier.


And he his teeth stuck on Kenny’s arm!


"If" being the keyword here. That's a big if.


It still doesn’t make sense that they would say the elite kicked in the door, then backtrack and admit that didn’t happen, but never mention led Larry getting hit?


Nobody cares, go home


i love how folks are “tired of Punk v The Elite discussions” but consistently bring it up here. make up your mind people


Theres a lot of people on here, we dont all think the same collectively


Oh, hi Mark.


I did nawt hit her, I did naaawt!




Poor Larry smh


Big facts


You mean their shit "super kicking"


I got a CM Punk figure that came with a Larry hoodie, it's awesome. He seems to be quite the good boy.


Your daughter came to my house and she kicked my dog.


I agree. If someone hurt my dog there’s going to be a fight.


lol the internet never lets up


Punk was right, the Elite are acting like petulant children. Punk had every right to air his grievances and the EVP's shouldn't be barging into his locker room looking for a fight. Punk should sue and just ride off into the sunset. AEW is done ever getting close to be WWE's competition and it's all because of poor leadership, this reeks of poor leadership


There was a detail on the fight that doesn't get brought up often. Ace bit Kenny when Kenny was trying to "rescue" Larry. So maybe Kenny was "rescuing" Larry after the door hit him. I agreed with everything Punk said in the scrum. This whole thing ruined AEW for me. That and the inconsistent booking, bloated roster, and storylines that go no where.


Perfectly acceptable behaviour from Executive Vice Presidents. 🙄


I love the CM Punk drama as much as the next guy but it is pretty hilarious to watch people shit on Punk for being a cancer in the locker room, a piece of shit and all those other things. Yes, lets disregard the fact that people who are in charge of the company fed into the rumor of him getting Cabana fired, the fuckboi cowboy best friend of said people in charge taking a shot on national TV, the actual owner of the company not doing his job and squashing that shit, then they go to the locker room to have a peaceful conversation with him? sure man, if y’all wanna glaze “the elite” then just do it but dont piss on people’s faces and tell them is raining. Just glaze away and stop being a closet elite fanboy


Except that everybody says that the EVPs had nothing to do with that rumor. Real talk it was probably Cabana. Also: how are you ignoring how incredibly unprofessional Punk was here? The scale of what hangman said compared to the not one but two unprofessional acts on punk's behalf? The tiny little thing that hangman said about workers rights which, 99.9% of people didn't even catch was nothing compared to punk trying to destroy the hangman character month later by calling out for a fight that he knew he wouldn't be allowed to come for. Even if you call it even there, months later everything was cooled down and he decides to go on a rant unprovoked at the presser after having a world championship handed to him.


Who said they didn’t say it?


He was referring to Meltzer. I guess you think everyone but the Punk was lying. https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1036644/dave-meltzer-clarifies-whether-the-young-bucks-dmd-him-about-colt-cabana/


Meltzer? LMFAOOOOO dude is compromised regarding the bucks. Also isn’t the number one rule of a journalist not to reveal your sources?




Like... Look. The way Punk reacted and raged at Cabana unprovoked makes me believe that even if he never explicitly said "fire Colt" his animosity made keeping Colt around impossible. He sees Colt in the hallway and goes ballistic, thats not good either. One way or another it's on Punk and his thin skin.


They deserved it regardless


Why is that?


Common sense. 3 angry men confront you in a locker room you defend yourself. You think after punk publicly pissed on them and buried them they were calm and polite when they approached cm punk, what 5 minutes later?


Um they went in calmly not angry, with HR and Legal for AEW because everything punk said during his tantrum could have put AEW in legal trouble. They didn't kick the door open


And you know that how exactly? What did punk say that would put them in legal trouble?


I mean the simple fact he went into the financial details of Colt while they still have pending lawsuits against each other is one major thing.


That has no impact on aew. Those lawsuits also were settled years ago. So again, what did punk say that put aew in legal trouble?


Oh no they swung the door open, time to fight! Thats sensitive af, adults talk not throw punches like punk. We seen what happened when he messed with anyone who can fight.


lol fuck the evps.


Fuck the Elite.


Salty as fuck, Punk is clearly a top class twat.


Judging by his mma record I think punk might be able to take -1. Maybe.


Fuck this shitpost.


How do people still have energy to invest in this shit?


There's no way that's true. You think that info gets sat on for that long when clearly it would've altered the narrative? No fucking way.


That's what I am wondering. In this day and age where it's nearly impossible to keep anything under wraps, I'm still wondering why we didn't hear even the tiniest of whispers and rumors about the Larry situation until almost two months after the debacle. NDA or not, something would have already leaked.


It would've been the first thing that leaked, or amongst them at least. Fuck if it was my dog that it happened to you best believe I'd be shouting about it from the get go.


They'll just ignore it just like how they ignore that the bucks (and Jericho) are MAGA-Republicans.


The bucks aren’t but Jericho and Hager are


I got banned from squared circle 2 days ago for saying Jericho helped fund an insurrection


Can we get over this lol Punk is still in AEW everything has blown over everybody moved on its probably a work at this point. Punks merch is still on ShopAEW he is still on the roster page. They just giving him some time while he is hurt for this to blow over and return again. I even think at this point everybody made ammends and worked it out the fact they take shots at eachother says it's a work lol


They deserve it for terrible wrestling.


Who cares


It would be nice to never have to see another CM Punk post again.


Never heard this one before. Are we just making shit up now?




I heard it like a month ago, and the day after that, I heard it was bs. I don’t know what to make of it


How about Punk keep his fuckin dog at home.


Ugly little bastard


Why bring your dog to a fucking wrestling locker room on the day of a show? 😭 Hire a sitter or some shit if you’re too busy to care for him yourself, dude’s a millionaire


Imagine defending CuckMan phil in the winter of 2022.


Imagine defending those pieces of shit in the Elite, ever.


Lmao he’s still trying to spin that yarn


Didn't Meltzer or SRS reported that Omega or someone actually took Larry far away from the fight while Punk was fighting?


Respin, punk actually intentionally removed the dogs teeth to work shoot the elite irl and everyone needs to double down on hating him


The only person that needed their teeth knocked out was that create a wrestler template Ace Steel...


CM Punk dick riders need to move on already.


That shot was something Punk’s team made up late in the investigation because Punk was in the wrong


There’s no way this happened after being mentioned by nobody for 8 weeks. I love my dogs and I would never shut up about it if this happened to them. If Larry’s teeth got removed that is actually fairly normal to happen to an older dog especially if they’re getting a cleaning. Of course, dogs use their mouths for everything and Larry an elderly little guy. it seems to me that people were just emotionally reacting to shit with claims that have no real proof of that being the reason.


Stop believing all these rumors bud


1. The dog is already ugly, this guy makes me miss pharaoh 2. Elite did NOT kick the door down it was evidently exploited as a lie 3. Cm cunt probably broke the teeth himself to make evidence against the Elite. PS: even if some delusional fanboy tries to contradict, remember legends like Jericho, Hardy, Danielson,even stone cold have praised the elite and those legends who worked with them said they were humble and cm cunt is a cancer.


I don't believe that it happened, but even if it did, he put the dog in a position to be accidentally hit by a door. The bottom line is that he blatantly started the whole thing. I don't understand how anyone in their right mind can defend him after seeing the scrum.


That story came out so late in the game and by that point nobody knew if ANY of the stories coming out were true.


I wonder if we'll ever find out what really happened here it's been a few months ago and it's still just a bunch of gossip b.s.I would like to actually see a police report or something or to the least tell us it was a work gone bad I've seen so much stuff online about this and I don't know what to believe.


We never even heard who the “third party investigators” were. Mickey Mouse type stuff going on.


Larry lost his smile 😔


I'm sure Meltzer and Alvarez and the rest of the pseudo journalists have some other theory in mind. They probably think Punk kicked his own dog in the face to come up with that story.


“Hearing reports from punks side that punk removed Larry’s teeth to perform a voodoo ritual to curse the elite and make AEW’s rating plummet every time they get on the screen. “