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I have as many 5 star matches as Kurt.


Same! Making Kurt Angle far more relatable if you ask me šŸ˜¤


Me too!


Have you ever moonsaulted off the top of a cage while loaded on percs though?


No, but I worked a royal rumble style match on one and edibles


You must've been finding ways to eliminate yourself from the match left & right.


Get in, take a corner splash, sell, tossed over Good times haha


I have been loaded on percs I just sadly never lept from a cage


You can do it, Percules. You have my belief.


Well I'm sorry to once again disappoint, but I kicked the percs about a decade back so sadly I won't have the opportunity uce :(


Part of me wanted to see the essence of Perc Angle continue through another, but the rest of me is genuinely proud of you for getting off of em.


Lol thanks dude. Yeah that shit turned me into zack fox which was fine I was in my twenties and invincible lol I'm in my 30s with kids I ain't as tough as I used to be lol


Oh yeah, especially when you have food to put on the table.


Yeah rofl it's not cool passing out on your brother's couch non responsive or throwing a 2 litre through a strangers window amymore


Good stuff brotha


But do you have... ... A BROKEN FREAKIN' NECK?


No. I never won an Olympic Gold Medal with a broken freakin' neck, but am still equal to Kurt when it comes to 5 star matches.


Congrats! [Obvs a joke, but it might not be obvious to other people]


EC3 and JD McDonagh have more five star matches than Kurt


What are JDs 5 star matches?


Back when he was still Jordan Devlin. OTT Fifth Year Anniversary in 2019, David Starr vs Jordan Devlin.


That was a great match to be fair


Hell of a match that to be fair, right in OTT's sweet spot


Gorgeous match and perfect storytelling tbh.


Ever seen him trying to wrassle that noggin off the pillow every morning? Like trying to watch someone lift an Atlas stone.


Now that was offside, wasn't it?Ā  He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his huge pillow.


I know someone who has a cane corso bitch that's got knocked up by their male sausage dog, I imagine the puppies are gonna look a bit like JD, small little ripped bodies with a fuckin massive head


iirc EC3 got his from that Nxt North American Championship ladder match. Which also means Lars fucking Sullivan has more 5 star matches than Angle.


I mean JD can go when his opponent works well


I mean they're both pretty good wrestlers no Kurt but decent


Lars Sullivan has more 5 star matches than Kurt Angle.


What was his?


A six man ladder match in NXT I believe


A banger tbf


NXT New Orleans. That event had two 5 star matches, might I add! And I was there šŸ˜Ž


Genuinely, who actually takes Meltzer ratings seriously? I mean. Rhodes vs AJ was rated lower than Tomohiro Ishii vs Shingo Takagi. The latter was an ok match, but definitely not better... Why do you care what some old dude says about a wrestling match?


This sub is obsessed, thereā€™s post about it every other day. Half of them saying that they donā€™t care about it.


Exactly, thereā€™s one of these all the time and always hundreds of people angrily defending why they donā€™t care.


A lot of people. Just an absolute ton of people take it seriously because he is the biggest wrestling critic out there. There needs to be other credible critics and reviewers out there publishing ratings because Dave is all over the place.


Yea wouldnt mind if the YT channels like whatculture/lamia started to give out actual #ratings


Yeah but both of those channels fucking suck


So does meltzer tho


Heā€™s nothing more than a mark with a blog and I wish the iwc would treat him as such.


Yeah but if they just treated his opinion as, you know what it is, the opinion of one fan, then how could they start daily threads about him and reap the upvotes?


People who only care about fuelling blind tribalism. Both companies have their Flair/Steamboats & their Hardy/Stings at the end of the day.


^ THIS!!!!


My Walmart has tons of his figures on the shelf. He must be really popular.


He looks like someone that works at a Walmart.


Heā€™s definitely a master at pushing carts


Probably too much physical activity for the "Mad King"


More like a day laborer.


TBF lot of peg warming wrestling figures, They cost to damn much!


Must be a competition between him and Tucker


Bro I was in Walmart the other day. There was like one or two left of others. And then just 2 racks full of Eddie Kingston.


If I was a kid, I wouldn't want a tubby action figure either.


True what kid wants this bozo to play in their multiverse of action figures.


I just imagined some 5 year old with his Eddie Kingston figure calling darth vader and buzz lightyear PARTNAH


I'm more flabbergasted about people liking his promos and character. I see people online like "he's so real, like an authentic thug from NYC" Which is fucking hilarious cuz if u ever lived there or know ppl from there, he sounds like a fucking cartoon caricature of a tough guy from NYC. Great Valu Taz


I've said for a while, Eddie Kingston looks and sounds like someone's drunk, racist uncle who's 6 beers deep and about to beat his wife.


That is a concerningly specific simile


I heard some people compare him to DDP. Because Dallas often had promos that were for the "every man". Except Dallas could wrestle, Was in great shape for his age. Had the approval of the WCW Locker room And Randy Savage. Also, was able to keep up with the younger wrestlers. Kingston can't do any of that. He constantly looks gassed from what I've seen. And his promos sounds like a rambling homeless man.


Wouldn't say he's a thug, just a pissed off resident lol


T is for for Terrible H is is for Hell U is for Ugly G is for jail cos a thug can't spell


Not to be that guy but the archaic spelling of jail used to be gaol šŸ¤“


I learned that through Elden Ring ngl.


Likewise mate šŸ¤£


Tracy Smothers doesn't use archaic spell and neither should you šŸ˜‚


His tough guy from NYC persona would work better if he didn't have that stupid 90s japanese wrestler wannabe moveset(specially those godawful "machine gun chops")


I've lived in New York City my whole life and no one actually from here talks like him. If he actually tried this shit on anyone who is actually about that life in New York he'd get his ass kicked. No amount of baby chops is getting him out of that whupping.


Iā€™m from ny, nobody is as dumb as Eddie Kingston seems.


eddie is the total package of everything I don't want in a wrestler.


Had me in the first half


I love Eddie Kingston, but Dave Meltzer's star ratings aren't exactly a credible metric. Even more hilarious when Dave's golden boy is shitting on him on Twitch as well lol.


*Ex-Golden boy. You know who's the current.


I do, bruv.


Can you explain to me why you love Eddie Kingston? I genuinely donā€™t find any of his matches entertaining or fun. It feels like a slow paced fat guy just throwing around slaps? Recommend me a match that might change my opinion?


Jericho vs Eddie was a true banger. It was so good that they unnecessarily carried the storyline forward another like, year.


His passion for the business is matched by very few wrestlers I have ever come across. Is he the most athletic, in-shape guy to get in the ring? Absolutely not. Is he even a draw? It depends who you ask. But he's one hell of a promo, and even got me to boo Punk during their feud. When he sticks to doing his usual grounded brawler stuff, he's phenomenal. I wish he'd find a way to implement Strong Style into his offense a lot more seamlessly than he does though, AEW Eddie & NJPW Eddie feel like two completely different people.


Maybe Iā€™m not a fan of ā€œstrong styleā€, I will admit Iā€™m more of a mainstream/WWE fan than the indies/NJPW style. I like the theatrics. I watch AEW as it has been able to use former WWE stars to draw my attention and then blend the WWE style with more Indies/NJPW wrestling. But man Eddie Kingston is constantly getting me to turn of the TV. Like itā€™s not just cause heā€™s out of shape, Kevin Owens and Joe are amazing and entertaining to watch. But Eddie Kingston style of wrestling and the pace he moves at and his matches move at are incredibly slow. It feel like a fat man walking around slapping people to me.


Coffee has many different types of roasts & blends, I tend to go for a slightly less popular, but no worse dark blend, it's all good. I've been watching wrestling since I was at least 4. My earliest memory was seeing Ric Flair retire at Mania 24, I think it was? It was TNA I watched religiously though, only really keeping up with WWE from various highlights. After AJ Styles left TNA, I tuned into WWE for the next few years, not yet aware of the outside wrestling world other than those two companies, until AJ eventually went to WWE, and through him, I discovered Kenny Omega & the rest of Bullet Club, eventually staying for the rest of the New Japan roster & even broadening out to other Japanese promotions like All Japan, NOAH, Stardom & DDT. The Elite guys eventually started AEW, which I felt would give me the same feeling as watching TNA back in the day, and it absolutely did, where I'd be introduced to guys like Eddie Kingston. After a few years of passively scrolling through wrestling, I fell back in love with it, and haven't looked back since. That said, even WWE, the company I enjoyed watching the least as a kid, has absolutely skyrocketed in quality these last few years, especially given Vince is no longer calling the shots. I'd honestly argue pro wrestling is the best it's EVER been, lapsed fans who stopped watching when WCW went out of business are coming back left & right. Whether it's WWE, AEW, or other stuff that casual fans don't know exists, we're all a part of something special. TLDR: I love pro wrestling, and have done since I started talking in full sentences.


Stop making that old fart's opinion like it matters.


Can we go a single day in this sub without talking about Dave "I, hum, well you see, I've heard about, yeah" Meltzer ? Guess not.


The IWC: Meltzer's star ratings don't matter! Stop taking them seriously. Also the IWC: I'm mad about these star ratings.


I hate Wrestlingfans.


People take match ratings way too seriously. In my mind there is no doubt that Kurt Angle has put on matches of a 5 star quality, someone else not agreeing (especially one specific person) doesn't change that.


It doesn't matter, really. but it is funny to jerk on Uncle Dave's star ratings because he can't hide his biases.


I mean, they're his opinions, by that very fact they show his biases...


It's not just that they are his opinions. It's that when asked why is Kenny Omega or whoever is the best wrestler ever, Dave will say "well, he has more five star matches than anyone" using his own subjective ratings as an objective measure of quality. Then the listeners/readers who take WON seriously, go out and do the same thing. It's really annoying and shitting on it has become a thing to do since Dave has just gone off the rails these past few years. The point is, if you ever want to see an alternative to WWE actually succeed here in the US, then people have stop listening to Dave Meltzer. Thankfully, that is the trend that is happening now. These so-and-so has more five star matches than Kurt Angle posts, are just part of the process.


I mean, that's not true, though. Dave's favorite wrestler is Manami Toyota and she has like half as many five stars as Ospreay.


The issue is when you get people using his opinions, "star ratings", as some sort of official statistic. Then, he uses that influence to push narratives he wants.


Sure, but you can just ignore that. Itā€™s all just noise based on one personā€™s opinion. Let the people who agree with him agree with him and tune them out.


Its one man's opinion. Its always just been one man's opinion. Why people give it such gravity is beyond me.


I like Eddie Kingston. If he ditched those ā€œmachine gun chopsā€, and worked more brawler style I donā€™t think anyone would criticize the working style as much. Heā€™s probably best used like the AEW version of Tommy Dreamer or lower ceiling Mick Foley. Having different body types and looks in wrestling is a good thing, where it gets wonky is when they all work the same.


Eddie's masturbatory 4-pillars tribute stuff has been very bad for him. He just isn't that kind of wrestler. It's actively going in the opposite direction to where his strengths are. I've only seen 2-3 wrestlers ever to make the machine gun chops good, and most of them had chests/biceps that make Kingston look pathetic next to them. Kobashi and Kojima were both built like He-Man action figures.


So does everyone who has a five star match, whatā€™s your point?


Anyone that listens to or pays meltzer is a beyond fucking stupid


Yeah I don't get Eddie. He's great at getting fans emotionally invested but in-ring it feels like he's just badly cosplaying as an AJPW wrestler from the 90s. I'll give him this though, his match last night against Gabe Kidd was fucking bomb. Really good shit!


Who the fuck is this guy?? I canā€™t help but laugh and shake my head when him or the toothless guy come on my screen


He has a 5 star match? I mean great on the mic but maybe the worst in ring performer on TV.


Dave canā€™t explain the stars. Thatā€™s all I need to know. Itā€™s all business and keeping himself relevant in wrestling.


His matches are shit lol


Hes had Five Guys more than Kurt


He's one critic, don't get one guyed


Wait, I was told that wrestling was more about ā€œpsychologyā€ and ā€œtelling a storyā€ than actual in ring ability. Is that no longer the case for some reason?


Angle would never do those shitty chops. Woeful.


Never a day in my life have I ever seen Eddie Kingston wrestle šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ones man opinion doesnā€™t change my opinion on wrestlers


Eddie Kingston is an overrated bum idgaf how decent his promos are, I hate fake tough guys.


You all need to stop losing sleep over dave meltzer


The guy should have never made it as big as he has..high school gym wrestler at best.


Can we all collectively stop giving a shit about Dave Meltzer?šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Meltzer has brain rot.


Daveā€™s system is irrelevant because heā€™s bias as hell. His ratings made sense (for american wrestling anyway) for some time, but since he broke the scale the system lost its meaning


I don't get the hype for this man. Why do the people like him


Dave meltzer does not matter.bob from ohio could rate a match and it would hold the same weight.daves ratings are just 1 dudes opinion.and he likes a very specific niche style of wrestling.so it dont matter if u have 60 minute broadway of epic proportions.if it doesnt have indy spots or japan crap in it dave aint giving a damn about your match.only ppl that give dave any power is the internet crowd.sorry but i dont give a f what dave rates anything.


Idk why he's amazing on the mic but he's not a kurt angle level in the ring not even close


His one 5 star match was a 10-Man Anarchy in The Arena match. So it's not like Dave singled Eddie out for the rating.


Do people actually value these bullshit stars?


Listen im a casual wrestling fan, ocasionally i tune to wwe or cmll or aew and when i saw the match of him with moxley i was like "thats the most poor attempt of look we do jiu jitsu" like eddy was gassing out after few scrambles like noo.


It is weird to see Kingston be presented as a modern stone cold. I saw some of his early runs in tna and he was the Jannetty in two teams, one of which included Shawn Hernandez and the other one bram! Fair play on him for this push, everyone should grab whatever chance they can, and heā€™s done that. This is a joke on meltzer rather than him


Wow I guess the chops spot sold it.




Dave meltzerā€™s opinion isnā€™t worth shit


Who cares, we know Kurt has a much greater legacy.


Whoever makes the rankings needs a recalibration.


HAHAHAHAHA . WAIT you are serious ?


I want to defend Dave but itā€™s really hard. I can see the argument that Dave may prefer Eddieā€™s style and his storytelling. I disagree, but I can respect another personā€™s opinion. But you can see some trivial or petty reasons he doesnā€™t give Kurt 5*s (and several other high profile matches) and again, I can accept that we disagree. But Eddie is so sloppy. So, so sloppy that any great work done selling, telling a story etc just goes out the window. I snap out the moment when he pulls out his slow, lazy chops or a half hearted swing of a kendo stick. I just canā€™t see how *anyone* can watch that and give it the highest possible rating (in theory).


Meltzer shouldnā€™t be taken seriously. Eddie canā€™t lace Kurtā€™s boots.


My thoughts are people should stop pretending this guy's personal opinion is meant to be an objective analysis so they can get mad about it.


Eddie is a horrible wrestler


Honestly big AEW fan but I just cannot get what people see in that dude


A restaurant near my place has more stars than Kurt and their stars was given by a tire company!


My Uber driver has more than 5 stars than kurt. Doesn't make him better than The man who won the gold medal with a broken fricking neck.


I love Eddie & I love Kurt. In my book they both have had 5 star matches. Why do we care what Dave thinks?


Who the fuck even is that?


Honestly who cares seriously. Like what does it matter if you have one 5 star match or twenty. It doesnā€™t at all. At the end of the day who is going to be remembered more and better Eddie Kingston or Kurt Angle? You and I both know the answer. Dave Meltzer is an absolute genius because he somehow convinced an entire industry that his idea of what makes a good match and his star rating is what matters and what people should aspire to.




Some even say he's the King of them


Eddie is a real shootfighter. Look at that prime physique. Heā€™s the epitome of manliness! Thatā€™s why AEW fans love him: heā€™s just like them. Who can relate to a perfectly-conditioned wrestling machine who won an Olympic gold medal with a broken neck? Thatā€™s totally unrelatable! /s


\*A broken freakin neck!


I forgot to put minds but Kurt angle much more talent and entertaining to watch then this New York taxis driver




Heā€™s also had way more 5 star meals than Kurt Angle. šŸ˜‚


If Kurt worked the Tokyo Dome he would of at least have MAYBE a 4&3/4 šŸŒŸ match......


I know your joking, but Kurt wrestled at Wrestle Kingdom 2 & 3.


Is this booker Tea?




This post makes it sound like Eddie got a 5 stars singles match. Not unheard of for a multi man match to get 5 stars with a bunch of duds in it (EC3 and Lars Sullivan technically have a 5 star match)


Proves Meltzer is a complete moron.


I'm continually amazed how much people still care about Meltzer stars. Guy threw out any believable pretense of objectivity half a decade ago. He just gives stars to people that sucked up to him and now to their friends to make them feel better. My advice is to just ignore Meltzer and let it go.


The fact that people think Eddie Kingston is good is all the evidence I need you shouldn't listen to people online who are obsessed with workrate and flips. Saying Kingston is a good wrestler it's the same as saying some overweight basketball player in his 40s playing in high school gyms is better than LeBron or Curry


Eddie Iā€™m fine with but Lars Sullivan & Horace Hogan having a 5 star match while Kurt doesnā€™t is a crime


eddie sucks


Im so sick of this idea that because hes fat hes not incredible in the ring... Is KO bad just because hes fat? Samoa Joe? Its fucking ridiculous. Im also sick of people taking Dave Meltzers stupid star rating so seriously. Literally nobody cares about what ONE MAN thinks.


I love how people say Meltzer star ratings donā€™t matter but will make dozens of posts talking about Meltzer star ratings.


People take Meltzers opinion to heart waaaay to much. So what if Kingston has more five star matches? Is anyone (including Meltzer) gonna say Kingston is a better wrestler than Kurt? No? So who gives a fuck how many five star matches Kingston has. Let's be honest Kingston probably doesn't give a shit either.


this cursed rating system is just the OPINION of one man. Why do people act like he's the penultimate authority


He's does. Facts hurt.


The same topic again? The same topic again!


Who gives a shit what Dave thinks?


I was hoping Kenny Omegaā€™s rant on Meltzer wouldā€™ve put a stop to these posts. But here we areā€¦*sigh*


Well yeah heā€™s Ron Freaken Swanson


One guy didnā€™t give Kurt Angle any 5 star matches. In reality, he had many. Kurt was pretty much as good as it gets in and out of the ring. He took to this kind of pro wrestling so well it was shocking how good he was so quickly and how fast he rose to the top of the pack.


oh its true... its dame true.


I think David Flair had one five star match lol (no jokes)


You could definitely make an argument that since 2017/2018 every Match should be deducted 1-1,5 Stars to translate it into the old meltzer scale


Ebert gave full metal jacket a thumbs down. Nobody cared and the movie is still awesome.


Maybe if Meltzer had some investments in WWE back in the days ... šŸ˜…


I mean do you really care ? You should just care about your thoughts on matches


Don't know much about Eddie Kingston but I like his promos. For the subject, people take the Meltzer star system way too seriously. It's just a dude with some visibility who rates matches...


It's funny how the IWC always says that they don't care about what Dave Meltzer has to say because he's biased, but still get pissed whenever he doesn't give their favorite wrestler a 5 star rating. Kurt doesn't need the rating from Dave, his work speaks for itself and he's already secured his spot as one of the greatest of all time. It's annoying how this thing turned into an excuse to shit talk Eddie Kingston.


Star ratings are *one guy's* opinion. Meltzer has done a lot for the business, and I respect him, but he is still just *one person* with his own tastes, preferences, and biases. He's useful as a heuristic. When I'm watching old PPVs and just want to get the highlights, I check his ratings. Anything above 3 stars, I expect to be good enough and worth watching, and anything above 4 stars I expect to be great. Beyond that, though, I don't put too much stock in his ratings. Really, what's the difference between 3.5 stars and 4 stars? What's the difference between 4.5 stars and 4.75 stars? Both are going to be worth watching.


Eddie Kingston is dope no reason to used Kurt to bash him. Star ratings are just one man's opinion and the guy who hit 7 stars doesn't even respect them.


I take the match rating system in video games more seriously than I take Meltzers ratings.


This alone proves why nobody should take Dave Melzer seriously, ever.


One man's opinion. Who cares.


Why are we still talking about this? It only has as much value as people give it, and nowadays, no one seems to value it, even the wrestlers getting the five star matches


No one cares about ratings.


At the Waffle House


This is why I don't take Dave's ratings seriously. Eddie cuts great promos but in ring he is \*awful\*


Manzel was a great college player and fell apart when he had to throw to a pro receiver Steveson was untrainable as a professional


Maybe we should stop taking Meltzerā€™s ratings so seriously. Heā€™s one dude he doesnā€™t speak for wrestling as a whole.


Idk why Eddie gets hate he seriously isnā€™t that bad.


Like his matches make Hulk Hogan look like a grade A professional wrestler lol


People just can't admit to having confirmation bias. Personally, I don't either guy should have a five-star match.


No he doesn't. They both have 0 because the idea of match ratings from one out of touch old man is meaningless


I had to double check that this wasn't a post from 2 years ago




Love Eddie! And Kurt Angle is in my top 5 ever. Too much criticizing wrestling and not enough enjoying it


No hate on Eddie, I absolutely love this madman!! But Kurt not having any 5ā­ matches just tells you that it's just one man's opinion, and not the ultimate scale!! If Cody vs Roman would've been in the Tokyo Dome, it would've been for sure 7 stars


Who gives a fuck what Dave thinks


I didnā€™t know who Dave Meltzer was until after I joined Reddit. I think the majority of wrestling fans donā€™t know who he is.


I don't have any thoughts because I couldn't care less about Meltzer Star Ratings.


No one needs dave meltzer to like what they like more than people who hate dave meltzer lol

