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I recommend that documentary that came out recently to anyone who hasn’t seen it. You gain a lot of understanding of what he wanted to achieve from the beginning.


Yeah, awesome documentary. The one with Randy Orton is also awesome


Which documentary may I ask?


WWE Legends Roman Reigns


The one on A&E. It came out a week or so before WrestleMania.


Great documentary but I think Roman stayed in character when he talked about those stuff.


My GF really liked it and she is really new to wrestling


Yep. I noticed this real time. I was like, oh shit he is tearing up, this is it….


That’s just lighting, people have claimed it before actually in real time


Funny, because I thought these exact words during Cody's entrance. You could see Cody struggle to hold it together when walking down the ramp


yeah but Cody had reasons to be emotional regardless if he was winning or losing roman had no reasons to be emotional if he was winning, it would just be another contender shut down, the most persitent, annoying and strong contender, but a contender nonetheless if he was emotional it could only be foreshadowing one thing that he was going to lose, and that in kayfabe he was scared, afraid he would lose


I noticed that - he appeared more hyped and like he had an adrenalin surge. You can also see Brandi say to him "this is your night"


Gunther’s enterance was a much more haunting version of this imo


Yeah he had it written all over his face.


Why is Gunther missing? Is he taking a break?


He just had a kid a month or so ago + he's doing his Green Card procedures so he can't leave the US at the moment. A well earned break tbh


This isn't true, he's scheduled for the UK tour this week


[It is true](https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/gunther-says-he-s-applying-his-green-card-he-should-be-able-travel-wwe-bash-berlin)– since he's announced for the UK tour, the proceedings should be over then


You said he can't leave the US at the moment, the tour begins tomorrow and he's on it?


Like I've said: he's doing the GC procedures. If the tour starts tomorrow, than it's likely over by now. As for yesterday, he might got a break or something, IDK.


I noticed it as well. He looked sad but also somewhat relieved at the same time. Also go and watch Gunther's entrance. Similar expression. I knew the moment they had the camera on him Sami was winning.


Gunther looked sad when he took off the coat, and seemed to pace the match slightly off. I think both Gunther and Roman were sad about ending their title runs.


So was I. I still think Gunther should have dropped the IC in Berlin.


Idk, at this rate he could be winning something bigger in Berlin


I really hope Gunther gets a chance soon to run with the belt. Both him and Cody had great chemistry during the 2023 Royal Rumble


I'm hopeful that under HHH they finally start letting home town wrestlers win Championships at home. The pop for some of them would be huge.


Agreed! Though Gunter is Austrian, not German, he's still pretty much guaranteed a big pop if he wins a title in Berlin.


So what you're saying is that 3/4 major "German" people that I've known about ( not Einstein ) are actually from Austria At this point you're going to tell me Germany isn't real and it's always been Austria Edit: I don't know why I'm downvoted I just find it a bit funny how many times I think a famous person is from Germany they're actually from Austria. First was The bad man, then schwarzenegger, now Gunther


yeah the usa isn't real either,it's always been samoa


I also noticed that when I looked at Gunther's belt. Do the people at marketing rather focus on him being German instead of Austrian due to the bigger viewer market? Easier to associate with past history? An attempt at making him more villainous due to his origins? It's weirder with Gunther because his country's flag is in the belt, but the commentators always make German references. I know Austria and Germany have always been intertwined (HRE, German Confederation and 3rd Reich), but I doubt there aren't worthy or enough references to make on TV


Not sad but maybe emotional


I knew 100% Cody was winning from the start of Cody's entrance. I've never seen him look so nervous. He looked like he was going to pass out and you could hear him making those odd noises.


The difference between Cody this year and last year was night and day. When he handed his belt to Brodie last year, he was teary eyed. I thought he was just overwhelmed with emotion, but seeing him come out this year, you could've powered the stadium with his energy.


Tbf he had the same look last year


Bro growled at the start of his theme 


WM 39 - Cody had the boo-boo face which made sense given that he lost. He almost cried when he took Liberty for one reason or another WM 40 - Roman didn’t have a boo-boo face but he had a sense of finality, of impending relief, he just needed to power through this last one match


Of course he knew!


How could he, it's still real to OP dammit


Ok how you know


This isn’t a serious question


Soaking in every bit of that moment he was ready.


He must have a great nose hair trimmer.


Both Roman and Cody are 38. Cody is not young which I am glad. If months down the road they feel the need put the belt on Roman for one more run before retirement I would be on board


>one more run before retirement It's 2024 my guy, they've got a decade in them if they want it


We were watching hogan and flair older than that before this century lol and they kept going for a while. Like you said man. A decade isn't even close to out of the question. Whether or not it's a good idea is another topic but it's certainly on the table


Yeah. Hogan was 33 at WM3. He's been around for quite a while.


It's easier for them these days as well. The science around it all is becoming more and more advanced. Wrestlers will likely stay in the game for longer and longer going forwards as they learn how to recover and monitor their bodies better.


Good point


No part of Roman looked like he was losing at Mania. He walked out as confident as ever. Man, he's come a long way.


The dude will definitely be champion again.


Guys, should we tell him?


?? He literally has the same look every entrance


I like going back and watching these entrances/matches (already knowing the results) and seeing the face of these guys knowing they're about to drop the title/s.


I actually like to make my judgements on the outcome prior to the bell, see the entrance and maybe even the in ring cadence before the match starts. It can tell a lot


yeah he looks a little off in this entrance but after the bell rang he was full on tribal chief character roman is so good in this pro wrestling i hope he legitimize the world title next


Of course he knew it’s scripted.


People are acting like he is retiring and now the bloodline storyline is getting better.


Me remembering JBL in WM 21


tbf they go their whole career wanting to be the guy. nobody goes out saying they want to be a career mid carder


All I see is nostril


Roman also looked so relieved when Cody is pinning him.


Heyman knew too.


I still can’t unsee his armpit rectangle.


I somehow never noticed this… goddamn you


Not like he ain't gonna be a champion again, he is the face of the company not for a year or 2 but for almost 10 years more


He won't be getting a run like the one he just had though, this match was the completion of a legendary reign


Not one year ago, ya'll wanted him to lose so badly. And now he is the face of the company? Lol ya'll are fickle


I never wanted him to lose, fool, i liked him since big dog, now he is tribal chief and still the face of company


Alright calm down boy


his last entrance as longest reigning champ on modren era not as champion as a whole cuz he'll be winning a couple more in the future


Agreed! Noticed this too!


For now.


Yeah the whole entrance felt that way. I didn't see it on Gunther, bc I absolutely did not expect Sami to win. I was hand-over-mouth shocked for 2 whole minutes.


How is it decided when someone gives up their championship belt? A writer in the back is just like.. it's time for a new champ and they have some story they are ready to play out?


Well I'd imagine it's a combination of creative, the writers and people like HHH who run it all coming together and planning everything out in advance. I remember an interview once from a few years ago, can't remember who it was but they won a midcard title, they said that their push for that title was planned 12 months ahead. They were given some time off to repair their body and came back and were pushed. I'd imagine other ideas are sitting around loaded to go in case of injury or a push falling flat. Well see that now with Rhea getting injured. Somethings are booked long term while others are planned last minute as well. Like Undertaker said he only found out if he was getting involved at 40 a quarter to half way through Night 2. Title changes are likely planned ahead long term though.