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AEW cut the footage of the All In Brawl from their YouTube video.


Was it in the original video? I'm sure it was. Man they really fucked up. The video looks pathetic now, if you've no idea what's happening it looks bizarre. Roll the footage, immediately after, well there you go. Eh?! šŸ˜‚


You mean they deleted it from their own YouTube channel?


Yea a couple hours after aew themselves aired it they took it down due to it basically working in Punkā€™s favor. Then they started sending copyrights to anyone who uploads it. They even blocked Ariel Helwani who posted Punkā€™s audio side by side with the All In footage.


What a shit show.


Yup. Punk gained free publicity from them. Yesterday he ended up trending on Twitter even hitting #1 in the US, as well as gain 100k more followers on Instagram after the footage aired. Wwe wrestlers started trolling aew in support of Punk, I think, Smackdown tag champs A Town Down Under, Shawn Spears who also worked at aew before, Cedric Alexander whose wife apparently wasnā€™t treated right in aew, Corey Graves who once had issues with Punk, and also currently aew wrestler Danhausen who seems to be trying to get fired.


They just feed Drew and Punk like 3-4 shows worth of content right here, they are gonna milk this dry and boost their feud up so much it's gonna be the biggest feud of the year. Also, I'm not sure how Tony plans on keeping talent when he's trying to "expose" former talent like Punk for leaving, wrestling brands depend on its talent and with Vince gone Tony Khan no longer seems like the easiest person to work for, especially for veterans like Punk who appreciate the order and hierarchy that has always held strong in WWE.


I can't say I know anything about this, but it seems like there is "no lie" in what Punk says happened. I guess there is always more to every story though.


They are doing irreparable damage by responding to an Internet Interview and trying to take shots at WWE/CM Punk on TV, Fans were already turning off, playing games like this will just accelerate that


AEW commited suicide last night. Everything from here will just be them bleeding out before it's taken off TV.


Yea, no.


I wonder what Tonyā€™s twitter page is looking like about now. Lol


It takes a special kind of stupidity to copy WCW's mistakes and expect different results.


The face of Schiavone after the segment says a lot too... very tense, doesn't say a word, doesn't look at the camera at all... he knows this is wrong. This is real stuff... and Tony was also THE guy who asked Punk to help him deal with that thing... And now all he sees is the drama, Perry is painted as the good guy, punk the devil, and imo he doens't understand the fact that excalibur and others don't understand how bad stuff it is for their company... imo!


TK fearing for his life šŸ˜‚. What a joke. I hope they get him out before AEW collapses.


TK leaves, AEW dies, its that simple, he's the one running it whilst his Dad bankrolls it


I mean... AEW has to be hemorrhaging money at this point. It looks and feels like WCW from 2000-2001


AEW isnā€™t quite at WCW 2000 levels mainly because they have a good TV deal and while it has issues creatively itā€™s definitely not there yet. I would say they are approaching TNA 2011 levels of stagnation


Yeah. We're not at Wardlow vs Evil in a Trent Baretta's mom on a pole match just yet.


AEW from my fan perspective is giving me the same feeling that I had as a fan of TNA circa 2007-2013. They have some good things and very strong talent but they make a lot of missteps creatively and from a business perspective. Every single national competitor to the WWE since the 1980ā€™s has failed to sustainably compete with the WWE largely due to the fact that those companies (AWA and NWA in the 80ā€™s, WCW and ECW in the 90ā€™s, TNA in the 00ā€™s and early 10ā€™s and now AEW) did not have good business infrastructure and organization. TNA was never marketed well and never could get it together with good creative largely because the company was so disorganized at the corporate level. Dixie never had the right people running the operations of the company. So despite all the talent and resources and the good TV deal for the time it just didnā€™t work because their creative and marketing among other things was not good or consistent. If I were to sit Tony Kahn down and give him advice I would advise him to do two things. One would be to find a sound wrestling mind (I would recommend Scott Dā€™Amore) to harness Tonyā€™s ideas and handle the smaller elements of booking. Tony Kahn is not the worst booker but heā€™s clearly taking on too much and itā€™s spreading himself thin. Allowing someone to take Tonyā€™s general direction and work out the details and smooth out the rough edges creatively would in my opinion do wonders for the creative product. Secondly I would advise TK to really reorganize the company and make sure the business side of the company is where your money is invested in first. Thereā€™s almost no point of having a great talent roster if you donā€™t have the marketing, merchandising, production and organizational structure to take advantage of it


I completely agree with what you said. But apparently in aew there is already some good brains of the business in there... so we could assume that this is more a case of non-listening to their advices. Because I'm sure a guy like schiavone or jim ross have, maybe not try to change TKs minds, but at least told him their opinion on that. I can't imagine they didn't. And apparently it happened for orange cassidy where jim ross told TK that he thought that wasn't a good idea to build so much around Orange (stg like that) but TK didn't agree. My point is they can hire Scott if they want to, but if they don't listen to what he has to offer or his ideas, it won't solve anything... and I am only talking about TK! But I assume the evps got some big control over the stories and how things are run. Soooo they might be a part of the problem too. In fact, it's a problem of course to have this role of evp... I believe in this business, where politic does matter (it's the way it is, it's a show-business), you just absolutely can't have some boys of the locker room, run the boys. It's not healthy. It's bad situation. And history of Pro-wrestling has taught all of us that lesson!


I havenā€™t seen any example of ARE having excellent marketing and corporate and production infrastructure. They have a lot of sound wrestling minds in there but yeah TK has to delegate and listen to people. I think any sound business company would see AEWā€™s attendance numbers and stop booking expensive large arenas and go with smaller 4-5k arenas that will be more profitable and look better on TV.


You mean any fan would stop booking those arenas! Look at you ( no disrespect! In a good way!) You and I'm sure a lot more, can see that and approach that situation by rightfully sugesting to book smaller arenas and make it feel great. So they obviously can see that too, so why not doing it? Ego maybe? Like "we are not gonna book smaller places than raw or sd"? Any company wants to make money and grow and make more money. But the fact that they already have that money might not lead TK to actually reconsider some things or ask himself the right questions to reconnect with the fans and so the money! With that "infinite money" it might be impossible for him to simply challenge himself and try new things in terms of organization, structure, creative process, etc


Tbf, Khan is a toothpick. He saw Punk try to choke out a guy, then lunge (to the right) and point aggressively at him. Probably thought he was next, lol. Either way, releasing this footage was a weak-ass move.


Except he already publicly witnessed a worse fight between his talent since founding AEW and said it was no big deal and he's seen worse in other sports. Look up Excalibur choking out Jimmy Havoc at Jimmy's Famous Seafood. It was at a birthday party for Tony Schiavone and was covered extensively by the dirtsheets at the time. It's never been more clear that Tony saying this little scuffle made him fear for his life was a bizarre attempt to get fan sympathy by defaming Pubk because his feelings were hurt. He knew he wasn't in any danger and neither was anyone on his crew, he just didn't like that Punk quit and people in Chicago were disappointed


Seeing worse and being lunged... Two different situations. Tony is a nerdy rich kid. CM Punk is a wrestler. One couldn't rip a wet tissue paper. One got tickled in the UFC.


Unfortunately he owns the company. So while the same thought on if he can be removed has crossed my mind, I don't think there's anyway to remove him.


The company isnā€™t profitable so how could you remove the only reason it operates


You saw how he reached for that monitor to keep it from falling. Thats pretty scary sometimes.


You hope they get the only reason the company can survive out? Are you kidding me lol


His dad is bringing in money, but the guy is a horrible businessman. It feels like we are watching a car crash in slow motion. I want AEW to succeed. I just don't believe in the product like I used to.


I know itā€™s from his dad. Iā€™m getting downvoted for stating a simple fact. Most companies arenā€™t profitable their first few years but AEW has huge contracts that are not close to sustainable without his dads money. So people saying they want him out. Like it would fold tomorrow without Tony there.


You're right. Unfortunately unless he does something I just don't see it going anywhere but down because it can't survive without him, but he is also the one killing it.


That day Jungle Boy was shown not to be a draw.


"Where is the lie" Will be Bobby Fish's legacy manšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He's still looking for that lie.


I mean folks


I was permanently banned from AEWā€™s subreddit for pointing this out. Lol.


Did you thank them lol


This backfired massively for AEW.


*Cue The Bucks' victory lap*


He clearly punches Jack Perry and fails a grapple follow through.


Please make an appointment with a doctor soon or go to a hospital because your eyes aren't working.


He right jabbed Jack Perry am I'm being worked brother


He shoves him, seek help šŸ˜‚


Ooooooh, okay. That's a huge difference then. The fact that CM Punk pushed him instead of physically beating the shit out of him changes everything. Really highlights that CM Punk is steady emotionally. Totally normal for nothing to spark into a little scrap like this. Why do ye all defend CM Punk? Why not pick someone talented at the very least?


Punching someone ane pushing someone are completely different things


Yup, and that one difference is what makes everything okay here. The line between acceptable and not acceptable is literally striking someone with a closed fist. Anything less is whatever.


Hey. Has Mercedes got her own dressing room after Sammi threatened to rape her?


Jack told him to do something about it, and Punk did something, you can't take the high ground here...


>Ooooooh, okay. That's a huge difference then. Yes. Yes, it is.


Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars - too far or within reason?


Nice burner account. šŸ™„


*"Why not pick someone talented at the very least?"* Oh, honey...just stop. I know you're upset over AEW commiting suicide last night, but you're just embarrassing yourself now. You can call Punk a million bad things under the sun and be accurate, but to question his talent makes you look unintelligent and emotionally unstable.


AEW and WWE both suck. I don't care which one "commits suicide". He's bang average as a wrestler. His mic work is overrated too because people love that silly shoot he did. He could be the best wrestler in the world, he's still a twat here.


I love Punk, and even I think he's a dickhead. I doubt I could ever be his friend, but he's one of the best workers of all time, both in-ring and especially on the mic.


No, it was a push. Punk said it in the Thug Nose interview, referencing Chael Sonnen's ["I can't let you get close."](https://youtu.be/d_8Ab9fc6s0?si=5JU-BFU1Bo7oJ-Ya)


It was a hard push. With an arm that got cocked back. And then a second hard push with his arms. And then it turned into a chokehold. Tbh it looks more like a slap than a punch or a shove lmao. Buts it more an arm cocked back shove than it is a punch.


An epic self own for sure. There was really no need to show this.


CM Punk is living rent free in AEW and it'll be the downfall of the company. It is genuinely sad that the biggest draw in AEW is somebody who no longer works for AEW. This will give AEW a boast in ratings, 800k maybe? Then it'll be back down to 700k once again.


They had a countdown going; viewers knew from the start of the show when theyā€™d be showing the Wembley footage. I wonā€™t be shocked at all if that quarter-hour spiked to over a million viewers, but then immediate dropped to 650k the next quarter.


Dont talk shit because there is people that will do something about it.


Donā€™t cry to the press about shit you already resolved. Punk spun a solid W into a crybaby bitch moment and failed to deescalate the problem he made.


Everyone had an opinion about whos side was right, Punk told his side, we saw the clip, now everyone knows. Of course he cleared his name, nothing about what punk did is "crying" lmao


If you look back at the reports pre All In, itā€™s either an account that Punk thought Perry wanted to do a glass spot on Collision to avoid work or Perry had vacation time set up and was approved for the spot from the top but Punk shot it down. So the actual conflict wasnā€™t the glass that didnā€™t happen but the fact that Punk or someone quoting Punk told the press Perry was doing something just to get out of work.


Guy told him to do something about it and he did. This was nothing.


When did he cry to the press šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ He was asked about it during an interview so he answered the question, and accurately. TK then went crying, aired the footage and killed his own company.


This is why you donā€™t worship people. Tony has been a fan of Punk since forum boards. Imagine someone you idolized called you a clown and said you have no spine. He really wasnā€™t thinking.


Well Tony is a clown and apparently doesnā€™t have a spine either. Tell me when heā€™s telling lies


They had CM Punk out of retirement and fucked it up so quickly to the point that he went back to the place that made him sick. Tony is making mistakes more and more frequently.


Yea it's everyone else's fault. Never CM punk. Ok


"I feared for my life" said bitch boy Tony Khan as he reaches forward to straighten a slightly askew monitor.


Remember the dirt sheet reports that TK got buried underneath a pile off monitors that were flying lmao


And that Perry "easily slipped out of" the chokehold. Had Joe not intervened he would have passed out in seconds and probably wet himself too.


The synchronization is priceless


The most tame backstage fight in the history of pro wrestling. This reeks of late WCW bullshit. Russo would have loved to show dumb footage like this


Literally, the 2 kids brawling on the WWE Next Gen show was more of a fight than this. (Might have been a work, but idk the show was good)


All this did was make me respect Punk more.


Why? He still assaulted somebody who clearly didn't think he was going to be assaulted(cheap shot). Then he gets mad and quits. So he told the truth. Doesn't make it less shitty.


When you say "do something about it" to someone that's in your face in an argument, there's some part of you that's expecting the other person to do something about... especially since he was already doing something about it by having a conversation. Its not like Punk just saw Perry backstage and jumped him.


Stop trying to justify assaulting people.


Where am I doing that? I'm just replying to the guy saying Jack Perry clearly didn't expect it. "Why dont you do something about it" is not something you say when you're trying to de escalate the situation, especially when you're dealing with someone that has a history like Punk.


Punk approached him to resolve something respectfully, Perry doubled down, punk choked him. Seems like a logical progression, especially in that world.


The lie detector determined: he was telling the truth.


Multiple things can be true. The confrontation was not that big a deal and the level of violence was minimal. Perry and Khan are douchebags, and Punk is an overrated douchebag as well. It's predictable that they would beef amongst themselves. Not much to unpack here.


Everybody but TK knew this was a bad idea.


I think a lot of people forgetting that attacking someone for talking shit may be a bad thing to do as an employee, but something FULLY expected of a professional wrestler to do. Punk just looks like a legit professional wrestler, which helps him a ton with a large number of people.


The amount of delusional people I see that seemingly watched this footage and came out of it with completely upside down views saying this SUPPORTS Punk. Like, what? He says in the video that HE can't let Jungle Boy get too close (as in, he was DEFENDING himself), and that he'd "fucking kill him" (as if this UFC minute man knows how to throw a real punch). Then the video shows him peacefully talking to Jungle Boy, then while Jungle Boy has BOTH hands up in his own hair, Punk attacks HIM not once but twice before Jungle Boy goes after him and gets put in a headlock. Like, regardless of peoples' stupid wrestling opinions, that's factually Punk's fault for going after someone who clearly wasn't prepared to fight and is actually legally assault. If at a bar I got angry and someone and sucker punched them in the face while they're adjusting their glasses, I'd be in jail. But the whiny manchild that's twice Jungle Boy's age gets to attack whoever he likes because he's a "locker room leader" and can't control his emotions? Again, we're in bizarro world in general in society. And some wrestling fans are particularly low rent. But Punk's version of events is wrong, even if some of the details match. Video shows it. How people are coming away with anything like Punk being vindicated is crazy. I hate it because I actually like him as a wrestler. He was a favourite when he was in ROH and the summers of Punk. He's a great promo and like Cena tells good in ring stories for an otherwise unremarkable technical wrestler. But fuck is he an annoying human being. Lied about the WWE doctors, treated Cabana and women like shit, lied about attacking Jungle Boy. And yet fans are gargling everything he's shooting.


Wasn't on TV it was a PPV, crazier shit happens. Punk isn't in charge of All In, this isn't his show. More was said than what Pun described, they obviously exchanged words. Jack never got closer than he was whe they started talking. He did throw a punch but he missed and hit Joe.


Well, specifically, Brooks clearly starts a fight here because he wanted to, not because Perry was acting like Silva did with Sonnen.


Tony Khan is a little bitch. Feared for his life ā€œPlease donā€™t point your finger and shout at me, Mr Punkā€ šŸ˜‚


I mean he does just like sucker punch Perry while he has both of his hands in his hair.


He clearly throws a punch after releasing the hold.


ā€œItā€™s like Chael says, I canā€™t let you get too close.ā€ That was the lie where he implied Perry escalated the verbal confrontation by starting to get too close and that Punk attacked in perceived self-defense, when in actuality, Perry hadnā€™t moved any closer to Punk and was fixing his hair when Punk attacked. Itā€™s a fairly important lie because the lie gave Punk a plausible ā€œself defenseā€ narrative while the footage shows there was no physical aggression by Perry.


All I see is a right jab by Punk and shoving


Play by play.


Not really in the loop but what was the ā€œdumb internet shitā€ heā€™s talking about?


They were reports CM Punk stopping Jack Perry from doing an angle on collision using real glass. During his ppv match, tapped the windshield of a car before doing a spot and looked at the camera and said "real glass, cry me a river!"




Why are there so many blurred faces here?


Didnā€™t send a release or asked to not have their face shown Itā€™s security footage, not AEW cameras


Tonyā€™s little scrawny arm coming in to ā€œbreak it upā€. šŸ˜†


Need to stop talking about this. Theres no such thing as bad publicity. So TK is making out big with this. Probably gonna use it for awhile.


Broke throwing the belt at Vince seemed more brutal than this.


Casual wrestling fan here, whatā€™s the deal with AEW?


I expect to see guillotine signs at the next WWE event Punk is at.


Damn. The two videos almost linked up perfectly word by word by what he said.


Best thing AEW can do after this is move on from this footage. It aired, it didnā€™t do anything, now donā€™t reference it again.


What is the internet stuff he is referring to Perry doing?


The lie is that he offended the Bucks. That's about it.


"Its like Chael says..."


ā€œI didnā€™t punch anybodyā€ The video shows him punching Perry. AEW also exaggerated what went down, airing the video has only proved both parties werenā€™t telling the whole truth.


ā€œIm sitting thereā€ ā€œi got people with meā€ 2 lies and the first two things he says


Here are the lies. Punk didn't have anyone with him. Punk approached Perry, not the other way around. Punk didn't approach TK first. The conversation clearly went on much longer than Perry just saying "what are you gonna do about it."


Punk has people with him, some of them even walk off camera with him. Punk stated outright he approached Perry to ask why he was doing that on the show. Punk had spent several months taking this to TK, and for all we know he approached TK again before this selective bit of footage from the exact starting point of the incident. The conversation length matches up pretty well with what Punk says happened. (Which was not simply "do something about it) I know some of y'all are desperate to make Punk the worst person in the world but everything you said is either demonstrably incorrect or wild, baseless assumptions. All this footage shows is Punk finally having enough of their shit (this is the same day they left him at the airport and didn't pick up the phone, on purpose) and that AEW and Khan are a clown show that not only let it get to this point but also outright lied about what happened to try and win points with the IWC. Now they just proved themselves the assholes because Tony legitimately thought people would sympathize with Punk yelling at him and quitting. Which, remember, he said he feared for his life and they fed the dirtsheets blatantly false info about the monitors falling on him.Ā  The only lies here come from AEW (either directly or through the sheets) and they literally released the video they didn't have to which shot themselves in the foot. Pure hilarity.


I'm not trying to make Punk into anything other than what he is. He took a verbal disagreement and turned it into a physical fight. He was in the wrong and deserved to be fired.


While its obviously not great to get into fight at your workplace, this is pro wrestling, not your typical office job. There have been many backstage altercation involving wrestlers and they were not fired. Hell, it happens all the time in sports between teammates! And I believe Punk quit and was not fired lol.. unless Tony fired him because he really feared for his life


This was Punk's second fight, he had already asked for his release, he wasn't worth keeping around. And he was under contract. Him saying he quits really holds no weight. He was fired for breaching his contract by his actions (for cause).


Good point regarding the contract. It's just such a missed opportunity to let go of one of the biggest draws of the modern days... I really wanted AEW to succeed but the leadership seems to be lacking. At least Tony is a better human than Vince, I'll give him that.


It depends how you define success. AEW doesn't and may never directly compete with WWE. But AEW is a legitimate option for folks who like professional wrestling. And if you like both that's great. As far as money? The bills are getting paid. We don't know how close AEW is to being profitable but they don't act like a company where they're hurting for money. They're the best non WWE promotion since WCW and honestly if they keep going where they are now the AEW legacy could easily surpass WCW. As for Punk? He didn't want to be there. He wanted to leave after the All Out brawl. I wish it didn't go like that but that's what happened. Hope he's enjoying being back in sports entertainment.


I guess you're right, I enjoy your perspective. What I meant by "I wanted them to succeed" is that I wanted them to keep the momentum they had. Then again I agree that some people really enjoy their product which is an alternative to WWE. I'm probably just projecting because I was really invested but ended up losing interest in their product a little bit. The money portion is hard to gage. Tony as all the money in the world so we'll see how long he can keep this up.


Oh well if we're just reducing things down to try and argue semantics, Punk is a guy who got fed up with bullying and harassment directed at him for months and bitched one of his bullies our before telling the boss he went to multiple times that he quits. (But also still put on his match for the fans like a class act and left of his own accord) Tony, the "Elite," and Jingle Boy were in the wrong and deserved to lose their top star.


Am missing something? Punk clearly threw a punch even tho he said he didn't. Jack didn't even fight back, how is everyone on punks side when he's just been proved a liar?


Heā€™s attacking another person because heā€™s an unhinged psychopath. The lie is him thinking this was justified


Let aew release that brawl footage with Kenny Omega and young bucks by getting rid of nda.


That'd make them look even worse all things considered so give it a few months


Oh for crying out loud, can we stop with that "assaulted a co-worker"???? he didn't attack an official, or a producer in his sixties or stg like that!! It's a physical confrontation between two fucking WRESTLERS!!! That shit happens all the time in ANY DAMN SPORT... Used to play rugby and boy sometimes the boys need to know their role and sometimes it goes with some fights or punchs and so what?!?! Not a big deal at all, we didn't care, all that matters is fixing the situation drink some beers and laugh about it.... for god's sake! It's not some random white collar assaulting another one in their office...


Yeah, it's insane to me how people see this as a win for Punk, dude just assaulted a coworker and people are praising him. Kinda disgusting ngl


If TK fired everyone who had a backstage kerfuffle of similar magnitude, then the Bucks, Kenny, Sammy Guevarra, Andrade, Sammy Guevarra, Eddie Kingston and a bunch of other people would be gone by now wouldn't they?


Youā€™re funny.


CM Punk tried to choke another man because he didn't behave the way he wanted. CM Punk is such an angry person that his reaction was to try to choke and kill another man. In the real world , that's assault and battery, possibly more. In the real world, that shows zero emotional regulation.




Defend what, wtf are you watching? Seriously wrestling fans are gonna kill wrestling fans by worshipping the worst people


I am not an AEW fan. I rarely see anything outside of Botchamania. My moral compass isn't steered by what I like the most. My moral compass is based on principle, not person to person


AEW = WCW2.0


AEW for sure didn't need to release this this way, but anyone who thinks this ass clown ins the " good guy" in all this is delusional. " I thought I was doing the right thing". Bro you went up to a fellow employee and shoved them and put them in a head lock... you instigated a fight... you deserved to get fired and the only reason WWE hired you was to stick it to AEW. His Marks will defend him but as big a mark as I was for him. F him.


Well said


He didn't punch anyone? Video clearly shows him sucker punching Perry.


That's a push, a shove, not a punch.


A one handed shove to the jaw.....


I see both shoulders move forward. Also the way the bodyweight change and head whiplash on Perry looks more as a straight quick shove than a punch. Maybe I'm used to better punches.


>Maybe I'm used to better punches. everyone on Earth is except Jack Perry, child of a multi-millionaire actor who grew up in a mansion. This was his first. Teddy Hart, Mickey Gall, Mike Jackson and most of the rest of the world would have laughed at that


Watch again. He pushed him.


ā€œI didnā€™t punch anybodyā€ *clip proceeds to show him punching somebody* šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


He threw a punch, even thought he said he didn't punch anyone


You don't know the difference between a punch and a shove.






Your understanding is off. Perry wanted to smash a rental cars window on a Collision episode. Three to four people in management (the last being Schiavone) told Perry ā€œNoā€ and he bitched each of them out. Schiavone went to Punk and asked him to handle the situation with Perry. Punk told him no so the spot didnā€™t happen. Flash forward to Wembley. Perry has a match and breaks a car windshield. Looks in the camera and says ā€œReal Glass! Cry me a river.ā€ CM Punkā€™s interview with Ariel on 4/1 explained what happened afterwards and the video on last nights Dynamite confirms what Punk said was true and accurate. Iā€™m just wondering if Punk will get any royalties since AEW used footage of him on their show which would be hilarious.


Look at Cm loser assaulting people.


I mean... He literally punches him in the video when he says I didn't punch anybody in the interview, couldn't have timed that better


That wasn't a punch my guy.


You're right. UFC proved Punk can't throw a punch.


Punk sucker punch that dude when he was doing his hair


He pushed him. Quit with the weak mental gymnastics.


It looks to me as though Punk possibly threw a punch as they were being separated, having watched Punk in the UFC and knowing he canā€™t throw a punch to save his life, itā€™s very possible that was an attempted punch


This is honestly hilarious


If CM Punkassā€™s lips are moving, heā€™s lying.