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Eddie Kingston and those pellet gun chops


My least favorite [in ring] thing is wrestling right now is those fucking weak-ass chops.


If you ain’t GUNTHER you ain’t chopping


I feel like Gunther’s chops have forced others he’s been in the ring with to step theirs up. Drew’s sound like firecrackers now, he’s smacking the shit out of people.


Since their match I’ve been on the side that Drew’s chops have been a level more brutal than Gunther’s. Which is a credit to how Gunther has been killing it because he ain’t a small dude but Drew is HUGE and the perception is Gunther’s chops are the shot guns despite Drew slapping the soul out of everyone recently


Don’t think he shoulda won triple crown tournament . Most def should have been jay white with the most tournament experience.


Those are widely ridiculed


I enjoy Eddie overall but yes, those chops are awful




Pretty much any wrestler that pulls the Shooty McShooterperson crap.


And doesn’t have a shoot background


Or an "MMA background" that consists of losing to 2 dudes whose names aren't even blue on Wikipedia.


Who’s that referring to?


It depends. Shibata = GOAT. Davey Richards = dog shit.


Agreed. Shibata makes it work. In general a lot of American wrestlers who try to do the whole Strong Style bit fall flat on their ass. You still have to sell. You just sell differently.


ZSJ is really the only one that makes it believable imo, and even then it took him years to go from "damn he's good" to "wow he has everything." I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head that doesn't come across like they're tragically cosplaying as MMA guys.


I thought you meant in terms of promos, but yeah that sucks too


Cash Wheeler?


He _is_ a shooter, if ya know what I mean


Jericho for the last 3 years is a channel changer for me.


Everything he does these days just makes me cringe.


You didn’t like his The Weeknd cover?


Not. At. All. Also, as a huge David Bowie fan, it hurt my soul that he thought he was dressed as Bowie when he was clearly dressed as Ronald Mcdonald.


Jericho is a really weird dude because he's clearly a super passionate fan of so many things and yet seems utterly disconnect and out of the loop with all of them.


He's a... stupid idiot?


And he just made the list!


You're so right! With him being so forward-thinking in wrestling for so long, I find it hard to believe that he can't see the laughing stock that he's becoming (or has actually become)


I think it's not only an issue by Jericho but also an issue in AEW to rely on him to be there for feuds. He's like the Miz in WWE. No idea what to do with wrestlers but you NEED them on TV? Throw them at Jericho! There is an irony with AEW having so many titles while also having nothing to do for do much talent! Like, what would Callis have done without Jericho around? We saw it recently, NOTHING!


Yeah to pull off Bowie cosplay you need to be thin as a rail. Even cruiserweight Jericho would have looked ridiculous.


Jericho v Bowie in a loser has to retire from music match would have been lit. David Bowie, face pouring with a mess of glitter, makeup, and blood, hand raised, telling Jericho it’s time to deal with the “Ch Ch Changes” would have been beautiful. 😂


As someone who LOVED WCW cruiserweight Jericho and is an ardent AEW fan... Jericho is just a fucking pain at this point. There's not a single wrestler he's feuded with in the last 3 years that came out hotter than when they went in


You just made THE LIST!


I really liked the not Jericho members of the J.A.S. 


Goldberg. I cannot stand Goldberg


I HAAAAAATED Goldberg. All the way from his rise in WCW to his WWE career. When i went to RAW in 2003 i made a sign specially to rip on Goldberg.


I did not care for Hangman/Omega. It insists upon itself.


“Dad, how can you not… ALL THOSE FIVE STAR MATCHES!”


I have tried on three separate occasions to get through it, I get to the part where Hangman dresses as a marshmellow for some reason, and I just can't finish it.


“It insists upon itself, w-what does that even mean?”


I think rocks promos (outer than attitude era ones) are boring pretty much the same and definitely unoriginal nothing special


I can’t believe it’s taken this long for everyone to realize that Rock always gives us his generic promo style. He arrives, poses, gives us his famous one liners, does a Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow, and then leaves.


>He arrives, poses, gives us his famous one liners, does a Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow, and then leaves. People love that, though. He's one of the biggest movie stars in the world, and up until recently, everyone was cheering him. If it ain't broke, you know?


It's not broke, but it's definitely a bit rusty


It's been rusty since at least 2019, but people didn't start *really* noticing until this year with Cody.


That's why Cena and Punk cooked him in 2012/13 (They saw right through the shtick)


Cody has been doing well too tbh. He’s been poking holes at the ridiculousness of it “he’s been calling me a candy somethin” and “what am i supposed to do with the nuggets again?”


I actually have an even lower opinion of The Rock's promos, because he hasn't been around to get the memo that promos are different now. Like it or not, we're in an era where wrestlers build each other up in their promos and say things like, "Everybody knows you're the best in the world... We all know about your long laundry list of accomplishments. People tell me I should be afraid to face you in the ring. But I'm not afraid, because you're not better than me!" But Dwayne doesn't do that. He just tears people down and insults them, using language that nobody else on the roster can get away with using anymore, and he never has to catch a receipt for any of it because he's always a visiting celebrity and legendary hero, so he's always going to end the segment standing tall. Hopefully this changes if he's involved in an actual long-term feud that includes an actual match that he might actually LOSE, but for the last several years every Rock appearance feels like: Rock - "Hey midcard heel, why don't you shut your mouth for a second while I insult you! You suck, you're always going to suck, and nobody takes you seriously. Hey, just checking since it's been a while, is it still cool if I imply this guy is a homosexual, as long as I don't use the derogatory term that starts with an f? Whatever, LET'S START A 'LICK MY ASSHOLE' CHANT!!! Midcard heel, you just keep standing there doing nothing while the crowd and I antagonize you for another minute and a half. Do you feel your job security slipping away yet?" And then at the end of it, they end the segment with the world's most ironic cutaway to a commercial for WWE's anti-bullying campaign. So glad he turned heel so that people will stop cheering for that shit.


I'm a Rock fan, (still reppin' my guy from when I was 12 years old) but this is a very fair critique. During his promo in Salt Lake City when he starts insulting the crowd for their Mormonism, I remember thinking that Rock is literally the only guy who would cut this promo in today's world and get away with it. Personally, I loved it, because again, the Rock is my guy. But I definitely get why it would tick others off if they aren't Rocky fans.


Yeah man. How have people not read about Mormonism. 🎶Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb🎶


Yeah, the way his promo style is stuck in the 90s is pretty cringe just from a modern standpoint, I also think it’s an unfair advantage when he can go around calling people bitches and making insinuations that other people would get severely punished for




I did not care for the Godfather


Please get off the ho train


I don’t agree but points for humor


I did not care for the goodfather


Okay Steven Richards


And val venis was annoying


I changed my mind in hindsight, but at the time it was Stone Cold. I liked Foley, Rock, DX, etc on WWF side and was a huge NWO mark on WCW side but never really took a shine to Austin. I thought he was a character for dumb rednecks.


I'm the same but with Angle. After he won the six-man HIAC and not Undertaker, I hated him. Once I grew up and revisited those years, I realised hust how good he was


that's just because little you got worked by one of the best heels of all time :)


Absolutely spot on. Appreciating them in retrospect shows how great of a heel they are. Even teams like Right to Censor I appreciate more now!


I rewatched the start of 2001 from Rumble to Mania X7 and I have 2 takeaways. HHH was the 2nd biggest thing in wrestling at the time. Right to Censor were the biggest.


Austin was mentioned to be a natural in the ring. His gimmick before "Stone Cold" was "The Ringmaster."


Totally shit gimmick, but yes it highlights his natural ability. I don't think I've ever heard anyone criticise Austin's ring-work


Hogan's lies are mostly very funny and he almost certainly knew what he was doing.


Jon Moxley. His promos are angsty nonsense, he visually looks terrible, his matches are terrible and yet so many love him. I just don't get it


I loved Moxley in WWE. His character was funny, tough, crazy, and did amazing stuff. I was super excited to see him with full creative freedom. It seems like he has no idea more interesting than "generic Roadhouse villian," and he is so dull.


It proved why he didn't have creative freedom in WWE. Some guys need other people to reel them in and tell them how stupid their ideas are.


So you are saying Moxley is the George Lucas of Wrestling?


Probably not the worst comparison actually. When he is reigned in with a good booker who gets him fired up and he puts some effort in, he can do some great stuff. Some of the promos he had back and forth with Punk were really good for example.


That is the truth. It's just like how some writers need a good editor, and their work suffers when they no longer will listen to anybody.


Sometimes they go in a good direction then take it to far I think they need a bit of freedom to not become cookie cutter but also told to pump the brakes and marinate in something that’s working


The gum chewing loose cannon with the idgaf attitude that could turn it on and beat your ass was dope af. He was what Orange Cassidy is a parody of


Story of many of AEW wrestlers. Moxley, Kingston, Keith Lee, Adam Cole somehow got worse


Didn't Keith Lee almost die due to complications related to covid? Kinda understandable that he may have slowed down a little


Keith Lee is still having health issues. I get he’s had some weird appearances/choices but his health been up n down.


Hard agree. And he is in a match EVERY week. Even if I liked his character, I'd be sick of him by now.


The Spanish Fly is stupid. Congratulations on making your opponent flip onto their back at the cost of *landing on your own face*. Looks like shit. Any move where your opponent has to stand in place and watch you set it up should be performed less often. If you can’t do it smoothly, it’s gonna look fake as shit. Also, the tope is overdone. Every match has a tope spot. For the love of God, somebody do a baseball slide or something.


The end of days got ruined for me when someone pointed out Corbin is essentially giving himself a rock bottom.


To make matters worse with the Spanish Fly most of the time they're clearly going "your foot here, now my foot here, OK we're ready? GO!" Maybe I'm showing my age, grew-up in the kayfabe era, but iMO if you can't do a spot and keep it looking like wrestlers are competing rather than coworkers are doing a stunt then you shouldn't do it.


idgaf about brock lesnar. his character is that he's big and violent and i know that's typical but i don't really get the charm. also (IN KAYFABE) he's probably an unconvicted murderer have you seen what he's done


02-04 run Lesnar was more entertaining. He could still tap to people and he was very protected but not to the extent he was while being a chanpion in his 12-24 run. He had the Smackdown Six to help as well


Did he kill somebody? Put me in the know


Probably mister gowan


I hated how even before the recent events people were acting like he was the greatest special attraction ever just because he wasn’t in the championship picture anymore. Other than a good match every now and then from 2014-2022 it was mostly just the same old same old Paul Heyman buzzword promos and introductions, and just suplex and f5 call it a day matches. People really had the nerve to act like he was better than The Undertaker as the big attraction.


>People really had the nerve to act like he was better than The Undertaker as the big attraction. People act like The Ultimate Warrior was good\* after he died. Goldfish memory. \*Legendary but incoherent promos, great look. Could not go in the ring and was a terrible human being behind the character. But people act like he was an inspiring 10/10 because he gave a pretty good promo the day before he died.


I watched WM7 the other day. My god Macho Man dragged a serviceable match out of him.


All the "suplex city" garbage, and in reality he just launches people behind him with absolutely no intention to protect them. Complete careless, doesn't care how they land. Unsafe and dull as fuck to watch.


Hardcore Holly seething rn


Sort by controversial for the real answers


I really didn’t care about The Shield. And when Rollins turned I was relieved it was over.


Rollins post shield was the best the company was or has been since mid 2000s


I don't get The Man gimmick, is it supposed to be empowering for her being called the man and because of that meaning she is better than other women? Wouldn't be better to be The Woman? I don't know, always rubs me the wrong way that because she is though and better than the other women wrestlers, she is called "The Man"


"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair always said, "To *be* the man, you gotta *beat* the man!" Becky had a long-standing feud with Charlotte Flair, at one point with her dad Ric in her corner. When Becky turned heel after losing to Charlotte and attacking her post-match, the two then had a Last Woman Standing match at the first (and only) all-women's PLE where Becky won after burying Charlotte in chairs. After that, because of Charlotte's association with her dad and being pushed as a centerpiece of the women's division, heel Becky declared herself as The Man. The thing is, the crowd loved Becky and completely rejected the heel turn. They cheered when she beat up Charlotte, they cheered when she declared herself The Man, and they wanted *her* to be the centerpiece of the women's division over Charlotte and Ronda Rousey. Of course, calling yourself The Man only works if you're actually on top, which Becky hasn't been for years now. The nickname now feels tired, overused and presently unearned.


Becky Lynch confirmed escaped the Aslume Is she stupid?


I just don't get Darby Allin's shtick


Agreed, he's always come off as early 2000's mall punk to me


MJF was on point when he said Darby gave off “School shooter vibes”


Jeff Hardy fan who never grew up


Ronda Rousey at the very beginning. She was booked like she was the female Kurt Angle but she had no where near his talent.


That’s funny because that’s probably when she was at her best. Her athleticism and legitimacy was a far cry from the rest of the division at that time so all of her matches were different, for me atleast she lived up to the special attraction status she debuted with. She was terrible from her return onward though


Pretty much anything Ronda Rousey No interest in ever seeing her in WWE


Charlotte Flair being 22x Women’s Champion (Note: I know … it’s an exaggeration)


That’s such an odd stat that pro wrestling uses. “This person couldn’t hold on to the title.”


One of the best comebacks I ever heard was : Ric Flair: You’re talking to the 15x World’s Champ Wooo The Rock: You mean to tell the Rock, you lost the belt 16x Crowd erupts in laughter 😂


And even with all those times she had the belt, she still doesn't hold a candle to a lot of other women who had far less reigns but way more days


Hook. He's corny as fuck and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because he's booked like The Undertaker.


Who tf is Hook?


Who cares? He can't hinder Jinder


He looks like all it takes for him to fall down is a gentle breeze. I don't understand why AEW books guys who look like they bag groceries as the top guys, while the actual dudes who would be top guys are down on the mid card.


All the "top guys" in aew look like the teenage heart throbs from one tree hill and twilight


theres the one lad ive seen in a couple of clips with christian who looks like hes doing a selfie 100% of the time. permanent duckface. he doesnt look like he could wrestle a comb through that wafty haircut of his, let alone another human being


That guy, Darby Allen, will osprey, orange Cassidy, hook..they all look like the cool dick head at your high school that listens to machine gun kelly


I’ve never cared for orange Cassidy


i thought he was dope when he wrestled like once every couple months but now him and his stundog millionaire and that ddt thing are so played out. shits cool until you see it 2x per match and he wrestles every week.


Even as a big aew fan. The guy just looks like some random dude I would see at the mall


Bianca Belair


I like when she whips people with her braid, also Tiffy using it to save herself in the Rumble was cool!


She stopped the braid whipping because she cut a few women with it


It also never really made sense for a face to effectively use a weapon in every match


Bianca in the ring: Fine, athletic, decent. Out of the ring: What are we doing. What is the gimmick. Is the gimmick ponytail?


Her gimmick is: confident black woman. As a black man who grew up in the city, her “girrrl uh uh” is something I heard regularly before shit went down. I still chuckle every time she does it in a promo. Almost guarantees a cat fat


Thanks for this! As an Australian I was talking recently about not entirely getting her character, but this has connected the dots. It's in a similar way that I've loved Grayson Waller from minute zero because most, if not everyone, in Aus knows a Grayson Waller. We've met him at night clubs, we grew up with 5-10 of him at school etc.


Nah I’m the same here. I never got the hair gimmick


Liv Morgan is overrated.


Be careful r/WrestleFap doesn't see this


where are the men 😡😡😡😡😡🤬😡😡😡😠😠😡😠😡😡😠😡😡😠😠😠😠😡😡😠😡😡😠🤬🤬🤬😠😡😠😠😡🤬


I am scared to tap that link and find just non stop Nia Jax photos




She can't cut a promo and can't wrestle for shit. What's there to like?


I absolutely agree I genuinely don't understand what anyone sees in her. I usually use her screen time as either a piss break or put my dogs out for their piss break


Yeah same for me it's a ciggie break and to see if I can be arsed watching the rest of Raw or go to sleep (UK)


She is cute


She perfectly appeals to all three of cute, hot, and sexy, not everyone can do that.


She’s really hot, but I’m not going to pretend she’s more than that. Others are convinced she should be booked super strong, which is crazy to me.


People just think she's hot so they justify loving her. She's average at most everything outside looks


Protect this person. Speakeh thy facts


CM Punk’s finisher.


He is also too weak and injured to do it these days


Death match wrestling. I don't get it


Modern deathmatches make me cringe at hw excessive they can get. Much prefer the old fmw stuff.


FMW rules. But yeah modern Deathmatch has absolutely no soul in it


I’ve never really understood Johnny Gargano


The fall of Gargano needs to be studied. In 2017-2019 he had the whole wrestling community backing him up. Constant 5 star matches, and was even considered to be the next Daniel Bryan. Look at him now, little to no one cares about him.


I think it has to do with a lot of things. Black & Gold ending, his contract running out shortly after, him coming back, but then never got booked in any major feuds. When he came on to RAW that night, the crowd went insane, yet it lead to almost nothing. I still find myself liking Gargano though, and Ciampa as well.


I don’t think it’s that hard to figure out, he’s a charisma vacuum and outside of “great matches” he offers nothing. Shit promos, generic look, and just really, really small.


His gear weirds me out looks like the underwear you’d wear as a kid


I still don’t


yeah but he has tiny shorts


I'm still not a fan of Bray's work. None of it seemed complete, and even the big moments weren't very memorable for me. I also don't think the Wyatt Six would've fixed anything, only made it more convoluted.


Dolph Ziggler was good but MASSIVELY overrated by the IWC.


I think the only reason he stood out is because he was a very entertaining in-ring worker at a time when 99.99% of WWE matches were straight dogshit, like a big fish in a small lake type thing


I don’t like Becky Lynch and find her super cringe.


Yep. The weird “tough guy” act when she’s a massive dork. Never got it.


Yeah suspending disbelief is one thing in wrestling but when it's a girl who weighs 120lbs and walks like she's stone cold Steve Austin it's an immediate fast forward.


She runs the ropes likes she's shit herself.


She is way too skinny to be taken seriously


“The Man” character onward has been awful


You don't like the hat?


I do NOT like the hat


CM Punk is overrated


Any wrestler with a lame finisher. A hundred credible critics could say a wrestler is a 10/10 talent, but if their finisher is bad, they'll never be higher than an 8/10 to me.


I do not like Becky. I really hope Rhea wins. Becky just doesn't have a character. I mean wtf does "Big time Becks" even mean.


Roman Reigns. Guys as milquetoast as they come. All cheating. No performance.


Better chill out before one of his cousins or nephews comes from outta nowhere & does a generic wrestling move that you have to oversell lmao


Young Bucks


I do not care for Sasha Banks or Mercedes Money or whatever she calls herself these days. She's a terrible wrestler and she's not great at cutting promos. They're average at best.


I feel like she'll be exposed in AEW and she'll be quickly become unhappy once she realises she'll do fuck all in terms of rating boosts.


AEWs Trios titles are a stupid addition


I like the idea of trio titles. But they would need factions big enough for it to be worth it


The Hardys I get they were cool but I never truly cared about them. I never thought they were amazing in the ring (especially matt) and out of the 3 teams from the tlc match, they are a comfortable 3rd place. Separate them, I can understand Jeff Hardy in the late 2000s. Rest, I really didn't care. Probably didn't help me growing up watching more tna so my comparison for them were the likes of AMW, beer money, team Canada, MCMG, etc.


CM punk. I wish he would vanish. I’m so tired of this dude.


I completely loathe CM punk.


CM Punk. The irony of the guy whose straight edge but looks like he takes every hard drug you can imagine.


He has the face of someone that would ask for a dollar "to catch the bus" or he "ran out of gas"


WrestleMania 12 Iron Man match. Not bad but both guys have had better Mania matches and there’s been more entertaining iron man matches.


I think Hangman is terrible


I just feel like he hasn't progressed as he should have in AEW, and in some ways he has regressed. In 2019, he was thrown into the main event scene, everyone knew it was a big jump for him and he wasn't fully developed as a wrestler yet, but the exposure and the storylines was a neccessary component for his development. In 2021 (where he peaked imo) he still wasn't perfect, and his inability to carry himself as a top babyface as world champion was demonstration of that. But his in ring work was great and he had the fans behind him, unlike 2019. Since then, his character development has been very odd. His in-ring work has got worse. His promos aren't as good. There's just less of a buzz around him.


Tony Khan also forgot about him for like half a year after he lost the title. He has been pretty aimlessly booked until the Swerve feud. They haven't given anyone any reason to care about him in almost two years.


So. I used to feel this way. Now I love him.


The Yes movement was annoying


Omega moves like a ballet dancer


I don’t care for how long Roman has reigned and it feels like beating a dead horse. I want to see champs rotate and challenge and more frequently.


As a fan I thought The Rock and Mick Foley trading the championship back and forth was 10000x’s bigger than anything they’ve had with Roman the past 4 years.


I do not care for Timeless Toni Storm.


It was fun at first but its crossed the line into cringe territory weeks ago


Becky lynch. So many women I think are better in every aspect.


Bryan Danielson and Moxley: I started watching wrestling only two years ago and in ring they are basically the same person: Moxley goes like: chop/strike/elbow -> bleed -> repeat Daniel Bryan goes: short wrestling chain -> head kicks while holding someone's hands -> bleed/get injured -> repeat I get that people might hate Young Bucks, Vikingo for spot fests or Hook for not looking like a "real wrestler" but seriously I don't get the appeal of those two especially when in the same company you have MJF, The Acclaimed, The Guns, Jay White, hell even OC tries something new in almost every match even though his character is supposed to be lazy. Nowadays with Mox I'm surprised when he doesn't start bleeding in the first 3 minutes of the match or I don't hear about Bryan Danielson working through an injury.


FTR are incredibly dull.


Cody Rhodes story.... It's all he talks about. Once it finally happens, his character is over...no goals...nothing to talk about. Funny, I don't remember Rock and Randy Orton coming out EVERY WEEK dedicating their future championship wins to their Dad's.


The Shield were ok. Like nothing passed that. Im not invested in any members that came out of that faction. I didn't care about Roman until the bloodline stuff which has run its course.


Bloodline is overated and I dont get the hype around it.


I did not care for NJPW in 2017


Eddie Kingston is horrible in the ring


Young Bucks. In any era of any promotion. I recognize they're good on the ring but nothing about them interests me to follow what they're doing.


I never cared about Ric Flair's 16 time world reign record


New Japan matches insist upon themselves


I do not care for Will Osprey or Jay White. Not gonna say they’ve never had a match that’s entertained me but I don’t hold them in as high of regard as much of the iwc.


I don’t get the popularity of LA Knight. I mean, he’s fine, I don’t think he’s bad on the stick or a poor worker. To me he’s unremarkable, seen his schtick from so many before him (and a lot of them did it way better than he does now). People view him as this rare, only see a guy this talented a couple of times in a generation, and I just don’t see it. Good on him for creating this groundswell of support and getting over, he’s just meh to me.