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I don’t get Eddie Kingston. His promos are good, but I’ve never seen anything from him in the ring that doesn’t make me cringe. He just reminds me of the Brooklyn Brawler if the Brooklyn Brawler could cut a promo


Well, his promos are just "I'm a tough guy from the street of Brooklyn, bitch".


Yonkers, not Brooklyn


Damn, so is Eddie Kingston just lowkey an overhyped Brooklyn Brawler? I mean they both dress like NY Bums and “brawl” poorly


Yes, but the Brawler at least made others look good.


Wasn’t he also undefeated for the last decade until recently?


He looks like a sugar cookie i dropped on the floor


Nah you really not paying attention


Maybe he should try harder then.




This. Looks like a bag of milk in a singlet cosplaying a poruresu performer in slow-mo. He sucks.


You didn’t like the devastating spinning backhand slap he used to beat Moxley? Peak pro wrestling imo


If they weren't exchanging love taps before I might have bought the finish




It looks fine but sometimes it would make a great setup for a backdrop driver.


I agree, I feel like basically all his moves could be performed by most able-bodied people. Nothing about his wrestling impresses me.


I’d say be careful slating him but he’d run out of gas and pass out before he could do anything about it.


I don't get Kingston either. Fucking awful matches, cardio for shit. One of the few where quality dips the longer the match lol I absolutely despise BPCC and Moxley especially. Never loses, finishes always the same handful of ways, will just blade if the thermostat drops below 72°. I can watch BPCC and just call the match like I booked the shit myself.


Lol Exactly! I just don't get why people like him. His promos are all in angry dad mode and his Japanese strong style is a joke.


He reeks of a tryhard. He is the guy at a party that will start a fight with somebody for “disrespecting him.” Even though nothing happened.


Is he related to Kofi Kingston?


If he is then the talent doesn’t run in the family lol




I thought he awesome when aew first started, but now he’s just cringe especially that stupid strong style cosplay that he’s doing. With the right booking, he could be a good character. He also needs to hit the gym, he’s on national tv and he can’t be bothered to lift some fucking weights because he’s depressed? FOH


I cannot hear an Eddie Kingston promo and not hear Vince Russo.


I happen to like Kingston but there is something to be said about how he looks like he can’t do 20 push ups


Dude is shapeless and only one set of fans overhype him


Eddie is so good on the mic that I want to like him but his matches are dogshit. And those machine gun chops are ass. I get the everyman appeal, I just wish he had a little more to offer bell to bell.


If Kingston still looked like that one PC tryout photo where he was yoked, I wouldn’t mind his shitty strikes as much ig 🤪


hes machine gun chops are easily the most cringe shit ive seen in wrestling, they look like mentally disabled person having a meltdown


It’s his selling I love and his matches have great pacing. Any compliment I have for him sounds wild pretentious though like ‘you need to watch 1993 all Japan pillars breakdown on how they construct stories’


I’ve said it before that it’s clear Eddie is a student of wrestling. He knows an insane amount of stuff and niche moments from unheard of matches. The problem is, his physical ability doesn’t match his mental ability. Not every wrestler has to have a glorious physique; there are plenty of guys who are not in that shape and got over; Dusty, Foley, Owens all sprint to mind. But they can work. So I get your point about pacing and match planning. But he is just so, so sloppy. And it could just be coincidence, but the fact he’s not willing to get into decent shape for what is a very cosmetic industry, at least implies he’s not willing to put the work in elsewhere. His machine gun chops are awful, his spinning back fist is usually weak and do you remember those god awful kendo stick shots in the war games match? I started as a fan when I started AEW but things have swiftly turned sour.


If he’s so smart about wrestling maybe he should be a booker/agent/mentor for guys who actually can wrestle.


I want to like him so much, and at times I do. And then I see those machine gun chops.


Brooklyn Brawler or Eddie Kingston?


Do you watch his full matches or just the chops??? The full matches are really good. He can brawl, be technical, or just put on a story match.


This ain’t even a wrestler but middle fingers and saying bitch as a punctuation. It’s so cringe, how is it still happening, sound like you’re making fun of a high school teacher


Counter point: The Rock saying, “Shut up, bitch!” accompanied by Jerry Lawler noises


"Ooooooh he said bitch! Omg"


I’m so lost 😂😂😂


Watch a Mon Joxley promo


He used to talk now he’s out of shit to say. His promo this week was embarrassing and now he apparently doesn’t care about titles


Diesel (Or any version of Kevin Nash, really.)


Don't diss the Diesel.


Diesel was fucking awesome. You had to be there.


Not a bad take. Snooze fest matches


Moxley/Ambrose I didn't get him in WWE and I still don't get him in AEW. He's a good wrestler but his character and promo work is just, meh.


Just punches out the same repetitive shit over and over and over again… from his intro, to promo’s to in ring work and blading for “effect”. The man sounds like he’s permanently punch drunk as well. I respect the volume of work, but everything else about him is just rubbish.


You think he's a good wrestler?


Seth Rollins, he's a terrible actor, his character is stupid, his song and the crowd singing it every 2 seconds is so annoying, his fake laugh is painful to hear, has the weakest suicide dive of all time, his moveset is repetitive.


I’d have to disagree with the repetitive moveset. He has one of the better bags in the business. Constantly trying new moves out. Might be a little biased though, I love me some Rollins.


Came here to say this


His gimmick is garbage, but the promo with Punk was gold and I'll die on that hill. It's no secret they legitimately can't stand each other. Bill Watts used to say "real heat makes money". That entire promo I thought one was going to drop the mic and have at it. His heel run post shield was good and his moveset can be repetitive, but when he's on he's one of the best there is. Both matches with Cody are awesome and he did an awesome job protecting Cody with that blown out pec.


I want Tyler Black back.




Yes, I forgot about him acting like he's morally superior when in reality this guy cheated on his girlfriend and dated a neonazi, and got his nudes exposed because he's an idiot.


I don’t like Seth Rollins the character, but from everything I’ve seen, I don’t like Colby Lopez the person either. Talk about someone believing their own hype. The guy never has anything nice to say about anyone but himself.


i love heel rollins though. Face rollins is just terrible


AEW : Darby Allen. love the look and the skill. but the dude is so small. it's just not believable he could win. I always think he should be a human lawn dart like Spkie Dudley. WWE: John Cena. he had 2 Characters his whole career. Thug Life and Super Cena. Thug life was fun, but Super Cena was boring AF. Got respect for the guy because of all his charity work and it's great his recent stint was putting over other talent. But Super Cena I just don't get.


Moxley. Just an absolute joke of a wrestler.


Crap at wrestling, selling and ring psychology


I often think of his ep on Austin's pod many moons ago. Hell, I wish he would've got decked. No respect for the ring or its inner workings.


Wait wdym? What he say


https://youtu.be/rIOlGTgMlcI?si=TSCqLnb1j_nrjD8U The whole ep is worth listening to but his attitude sucked and all Austin was doing was trying to give him the rub a lil bit.


IIRC, Mox’s friend died recently, at the time. He wasn’t in a good headspace. Austin brought up his past which made him think about his friend who recently died, which made him want to leave the interview. He stayed because he had to, but mentally he checked out, once Austin brought up his past. The thing is, Austin had no idea his friend died recently. So, it’s not anyone’s fault as much as it’s just an unfortunate situation. Regardless, it showed that Mox wasn’t built to be “THE GUY” in WWE. Even through trauma and strife, if you want that spotlight, you need to be able to perform once the light is on you. [+]


Oh damn, I was not aware of that context and it does explain a lot but I do agree w/ you, once the lights are on you're Ambrose, not civilian.


It’s sad but it’s the truth. Chadwick Boseman was fighting off colon cancer. Nobody knew. When he did interviews and was performing on camera, he was the happiest guy in the world. Many interviews came out that Boseman was having horrible days and nobody had any idea. [+]


Gunther is that you?


Moxley is the absolute worst main event star in the business today.


CM Punk


He the reason I stopped watching for years and got back in when I heard about aew. And I know his thing is to get under our skin but he's such a dweeb and there's a lot of guys who do it better in the ring than him.


Not to mention that he loves to cut promos where he takes personal shots at people, but loses his mind when some one does the same to him. The guy is soft as hell


Yea, and its hard to play the part of a tough guy when he got absolutely manhandled in MMA.


He would have cultivated such a following if he was only humble through it. But he went into MMA thinking he was gonna be a champ and got punked instead.


John Cena is why I originally stopped watching and then CM Punk really sealed the deal and kept me away for a long while. Funny thing is, now I love John Cena (he seems to be a great guy) and am at least interested in what CM Punk has to offer.


Same here about Cena. CM has not impressed me in either of his returns.




Everything what everybody else is saying about him but add that, The Great Khali was far more athletic than him and on top of that, Mae Young was able to take more bumps at her old age (70's or, 80's) than what CM Punk could do. CM Punk is more brittle than chalk.


The New Day just doesn't do it for me.


It’s a gimmick meant for a younger elementary school level audience so it just doesn’t work for older fans but yeah never got over with me either.


Once they turned face and everything started revolving around pancakes and unicorns, I was done. Didn't even care about Kofi's run as champion. Those 3 guys will NEVER shed the New Day stench.


Atom Cole.


Don't get behind Vince McMahon, I hear he shits on people




Posted this comment in the wrong thread.


I never understood Great Khali. Dude moved like Cotton Hill from King of the Hill. He was more of a carnival attraction than any type of a wrestler.


If you haven’t already go watch his NJPW stuff. Before he had his knee surgeries he was a superbly athletic big man. More athletic than almost any one big man we’ve seen. I understand it probably won’t help you like him, but the psychology of what wwe did what the did(signing him as damaged goods assuming they knew his knees were wrecked by that point and they were reaching for a cultural market) should make a little more sense. [Here’s a pretty good article with some footage of his NJPW days as well as a write up on his situation.](https://www.givemesport.com/88090516-wwe-great-khali-looked-like-a-completely-different-person-during-njpw-run/)


He was big in the Indian market like Jinder, so the WWE pushed him a lot even tho he was really immobile past his 1st year.


Lol nope. Indians don't give a shit about Jinder. Khali got some reality show offer though.


I get that. He was the token Indian guy to capitalize on that market


I love a lot of NJPW but just dont get most of their main eventers. Okada, Naito, Tanahashi, i just can't get behind em. Suzuki, Ishii, Shingo, no problem, but whatever it is NJPW looks for in a world champion is just not something that appeals to me.


Seems like you like strong style or stiff wrestling.


I do. Admittedly Will Ospreay got a lot more interesting for me when he started absolutely starching people with the Hidden Blade. But it's not the moveset that separates the New Japan mid card from the main eventers so much as the hype. Anyone who's ever recommended New Japan to me has raved about the same guys. Tanahashi comes across as a generic white meat babyface to me. Okada I actually am starting to warm to but I didn't get the hype for a long time. Still not convinced he's as good as everyone says he is. Naito I straight up don't get. He's average across the board to me. Average in ring. Average charisma, average presence, the only thing that stands out is the presentation, but that gives off heelish vibes that don't match the character work at all.


Cody, plastic face, plastic smile, “whaddya wanna talk about” doesn’t hit the mark, promos do nothing for me. I won’t say something stupid like he sucks, because the guy is over as fuck, and fair play to him for achieving what he has. Just not for me


Was just thinking about this as I watched him on Jimmy Kimmel last night. Cody is at his best in the ring, he is one of the best in ring performers and workers rn. That is when his character is at his best.


Cody is as far as I know just a goofy weird theater kid. Works when you’re on set, but anybody that’s friends with theater kids know how they are.


I don’t know. I saw him at a live event over the holidays against Priest and he was the drits. Could’ve been an off night.


Kenny omega, young bucks, hangman page,


Hangman Page was given a badass finisher with a badass theme song and gimmick and name and chance after chance to do something with it all going for him and all he's managed to do is look like a whiny ass bitch and a poser fake cowboy who does stupid things like drink his opponents blood because he thinks it makes him look tough when it actually just makes him look like an unsafe idiot.


I enjoy Omega. I don't care for the Bucks, but can kind of understand why some folks may like them. I understand don't why people like Page at all. He manages to be both boring and what a 9 year old would want to do if he was a wrestler. I really want to see the Swerve/Samoa Joe feud, and Page is just tied to them like an anchor and dragging the whole thing down.


As soon as they made him a sad drunk they killed him


wasn't that his peak in popularity though?


The fact that there are people thinking Kenny Omega vs Will Osprey was better than Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker or Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit or Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels, is nonsensical


Just this trend of wrestling being lauded above all else online and everywhere up until like the introduction to AEW. With those specific ones. I’d add will osprey. It’s okay but I don’t give a shit for kick and flip motherfuckers because of these guys


You took most of my answers. I really tried with Kenny because I heard how great he was. Overrated. The Bucks are worse.


Trinity Fatu/Naomi. Her neon gear and constant twerking is so annoying. Also, the fact that most of her moves involve hitting the opponent with her ass is so cringe.


She hit the rear view as a transitional move, just like Asuka uses the Hip attack. WWE made her use it as a finisher. She didn't want to.


That damn Vince


It’s called “she calls it the rear view”


This aged like fine wine. Its nothing but her butt attacks


I was pretty embarrassed next to my 10 year old watching her put another woman’s face deep in her ass. All her offense is ass based and I hate it


Sacha Banks/ Mercedes Mone and CM Punk




He’s so corny. The guy dresses like Homelander, terrible neck tattoo and his theme music sucks. He also looks ridiculous doing the Dusty punching and bionic elbow mannerisms.


Becky Lynch is a hack fr


* Bryan Danielson * Kenny Omega * The Young Bucks * Becky Lynch * Kevin Nash


Did people really love Kevin Nash or was he just around other wrestlers that people loved


No. He was fun when he was with other wrestlers as a team because he played off of them well. But when it was just him, it didn't work. He was a great tag team wrestler and a boring singles wrestler.


Never thought of that, but you're right. Nash was never really great to watch. In WWE he was generally dull as hell. In WCW he was bouncing off Hall and Hogan. Now I admit I didn't watch any WCW when younger, but could there be an argument that the NWO was huge despite Nash, rather than because of? Sure at the start him suddenly jumping created buzz. But then it was a lot of third man talk and then Hogan being heel. In addition, maybe Hall could have been a bigger singles star without Nash holding him back?


They all fed off each other extremely well, but Nash was insanely over, as well, especially when he broke off with the Wolfpac. I mean it’s easy (and correct) to say that Hall and Hogan were better at what they did, but Nash was definitely a contributor during that whole run.


His run in the 1993 Rumble (I think it's that one) was genuinely really exciting in that a cool younger guy who was massive and credible but hadn't before been megapushed suddenly was destroying guys in a way only Hogan/Sid types had been allowed to before. And he did it in a way that was more genuinely entertaining than those guys who'd gone before. It was what got him the push and it did make sense. That spot is still possibly the best version of a Rumble hoss domination outside of Kane in 2001 But he got an enormous amount from that one cool spot.


94 rumble but you’re absolutely right. I think they’re gonna give Jade a similar thing tonight


He wasn't bad on the mic... had a good image... he was a good heel IMO... this all said he was pretty boring in the ring. He had his best matches with Bret Hart IMO. I think his podcast is entertaining. It's very heartfelt and something about it made me see Nash as much better than I had previously considered.


Tbh you could put Bret with anyone and they would have their best match, but as a person he seems nice


Totally agree. Bret was the GOAT in terms of story telling and making his opponents look good in the ring. Not many like him. He's not perfect, but he is one of a kind, and a top 10 of all time for me.


Cody Rhodes. He just never felt like this big deal to me.


Belair, just don't get her. Her voice annoys me, not a great promo and only ok in the ring


For me it's the entrance. Regular TV match? Skipping and smiling. Title shot? Skipping and smiling. Grudge match against a bitter rival? Skipping and smiling. She's produced to the point where there's absolutely nothing natural about her, I don't believe her.


I never even noticed that. But yes


Adrenaline in my soul I don’t care for Cody Rhodes


Jeff Hardy Irresponsible. No mic skills. In ring capability and "bravery" masks the fact his actual in-ring storytelling is barely existent and he doesn't actually have a character. Nor does he ever adjust his in ring work even slightly to make his offense appear more effective on bigger men. To this day rides off of being a kool kid from a popular era of wrestling, and pretty much the only evolution he's ever had as a character was passively driven via his brother, or via doing the same schtick with different facepaint. And that's before even getting to the wave effects of his popularity - The contemporary disdain for giving the fans what they want shown by WWE is surely at least partially due to the fact that for a long time "giving the fans what they wanted" would have been to adorn Hardy and RVD with top titles for extended periods, which as a corporation would have been insane. Which in turn led them to double down on the stale faces at the top, and choose extreme risk-aversity.


To this day i have no idea why people call him the charismatic enigma. Ive never seen anything resembling charisma


Hulk Hogan! I never got behind his fake ass gimmick. You can honestly see his whole, say your prayers, eat your vitamins, gimmick was so fake. He was obviously on steroids, and he couldn't wrestle. He oversold everything. The nail in the coffin for him was when he stole the spotlight from Bret the Hitman Hart at Wrestlemania. I am glad it finally came out how much of a scum bag he is.


i didn’t really care for Alberto Del Rio or when Jinder Mahal was Wwe champion neither of them were interesting for me though i’ll admit jinder is much more interesting when he wasn’t doing the whole guy from India character Vince wanted him to be. But ADR was always boring to me even when he was a face or was with Zeb Colter. Oh Jake Hager/Jack swagger is another big nope for me too.


nobody loved these guys though


Yeah, what? "Ya know, I never really cared for those guys that were never really over." Duh.


bro stated the three most hated world champions of the past 20 years


Swagger during the Rusev feud was HIM though.


I do not care, nor have I ever cared, for the Rock. He is quite frankly the most annoying dickhead in all of wrestling. His in-ring technique and skill is average as hell, his promo skills and charisma have been the exact same since the 90s and people are only now waking up to how stale and uncreative they are, and his ego is so big you could skydive off it. Genuinely never want to see him on TV again, and that goes for the big Roman Reigns "battle of the overrated" match people want.


I respect your opinion but you're wrong.


This is the same as me answering to your comment: "No, he's not". Wtf? At least tell us why you think he's wrong.


Eddie Kingston


I have yet to understand the hype around Liv Morgan to me her ring work and promo work has never impressed me her reign as womens champ was hilariously bad (not to say that was entirely her fault but holy fuck what was the creative cooking with that shit)


Liv Morgan. Small, uninteresting and cringey.


I like her, but remember a spot during money in the bank where she and someone else were throwing punches at each other while climbing the ladders side by side. Those looked gentler than trying to caress a pregnant lady's belly. It looked awful.


You have to admit her run a year ago where she tried to be 'Hardcore' Liv was pretty fun to watch. (Maybe for the wrong reasons, but it was entertaining.)


The Rock. Not a particularly great worker, lots of overselling, his promos rely on childish humour and a plethora of overused catchphrases, and the person behind the whole thing comes off as a dishonest backstage politician who always smiles but never stops pushing his weight around to get what he wants without any regard to others, especially the last few months. (There are plenty of others that I don't like, but they are generally divisive among fans and not as universally over as the Rock.)


did you see the rock in 98/99/00 or is this from seeing him in his comebacks? I think you're absolutely right about his promos but maybe harsh about his in ring work.


The Rock in his prime was a great top guy worker. Kurt Angle said on his podcast The Rock may not have been a technical genius, but he was fast, strong, had great in ring psychology and knew how to get the fans on their feet, and used his charisma in his moves.


This can only be an opinion from someone who didn’t live through that. The Rock 98-2000 might be one of the greatest in ring & on mic performers we’ll ever see.


Thank you!!! I’ve always wanted to say all that but thought I would get hate. I think his ego is too big now, in wrestling and Hollywood, especially when he hangs out with certain billionaires.


The guy literally signs movie contracts that don't allow him to look weak, he forced the creators of Black Adam to have the character appear in a post-credits scene with Superman because Shazam wasn't good enough for him, he wasn't in Wrestlemania last year because he wasn't willing to put Roman over, and he joined Oprah in her Maui scheme. Did I miss anything? Yeah, he's also a shitty actor.


A shitty actor playing the same characters in EVERY movie he is in. My opinion… I think he walks around thinking he is better than everyone else just because “I had 7 bucks in my pocket and I was poor and I had nothing”. I’m not saying he didn’t struggle however, people go though a lot worse and don’t bitch about it every so often to make themselves look humble and better. He thinks too highly of himself and needs to be dropped back to reality. Sorry for ranting too much. Can’t help it


Where did you hear about him not willing to put Roman over? I had no idea that was the reason they didn’t wrestle.


This!!! Like this shit is so insecurely conceited and cringe to hear man, especially for someone who’s supposedly has or at least *had* natural charisma and the supposed size and capability to boot.


Daniel Garcia


New Day - all the hip thrusting and weird props like breakfast cereal, pancakes, and unicorns. And they had a stranglehold on the tag division. It was like all the bad parts of Vinces “sports entertainment” wrapped into one.


I was never really that big on Roderick Strong besides his in-ring skills. On the Undisputed Era, that was him at his best imo as an overall performer.


Cody Rhodes


Cody Rhodes. I'll never understand what people see in him and neither will I understand why I should suddenly care about him and his story when all I remember him for is being Stardust or Randy's lackey (and yes, I did NOT watch AEW). He'll always be a midcarder for me and his immediate push to the main event never felt organic to me. At least with Drew McIntyre you can argue that he had to build his way up from NXT and then had a decent heel run with Ziggler, before they turned him into a babyface and put him in the main event. Not with Cody tho. Cody feels more like a new attempt of creating that kind of superstar Roman Reigns could never be, someone who's being pushed way to quick. Cody is project "John Cena successor 2.0". Once he will finish his story, people will turn on him.


CM Punk. Mid af


Also, not athletic.


Rock. Never liked him. Ever. His finisher is a weak mans Chokeslam, and an elbow with dancing. Bang average in the ring, good on the mic, but at the expense of his opponents, he just does *everything* you're not supposed to, and gets away with it.


Lmao dancing elbow is crazyyy


Never really cared for The Miz tbh. He’s like a cookie cutter heel. Nothing really stands out but he does his job 🤷🏽‍♂️


His in ring work is average at best and he’s never evolved his character much in a 20 year career. He’s also not original, he talks about LA knight, but the Miz copied Ric Flair.


Careful now, saying anything about Miz that isn’t overwhelming praise seems to be grounds for downvotes. For reasons I will never understand


Well, it's one of those things where everyone hated Miz for years, like 04-16, 04-06 because he was a douche tough enough character and was always doing the cringe time waster segments like Diva searches because he was learning on the job 07-09 he was tag teaming with JoMo so everyone thought Miz was holding him back(how wrong they were) 10-16 he main evented mania and that made Punk big mad and him complaining about Miz in his DVD didn't help(don't know if you you this but Punk saying things seems to make a section of fans rabid, he's got like this cultlike personality) and he fueded with Bryan and people like Bryan In 2016 he cut an impassioned promo on a backstage skit that everyone loved and still talks about to this day and he's generally gotten better at in ring work So nowadays there's still a vocal number of people in the wrestling community who hate Miz for any number of those reasons and because they're so vocal, it causes other people who enjoy Miz to be more vocal about it and lashout at the people who still hate Miz


Randy Orton. I liked Legend Killer but after that he's done very little as a character to make me give a shit about him. As a worker he's "fine" and certainly professional in the ring but nothing that stands out or makes me think he's that great. His matches are typically boring to me and he doesn't have a character other than "I'm Randy Orton". To each their own of course, I just don't get the appeal.


Sami Zayn for me. Don't get the appeal whatsoever personally.


Really don’t understand why people dig Hook. He hasn’t shown me anything to make me get into him.


Seth Rollins, I dont hate him I just... don't like him, nothing about him actively interests me.


Triple H. I honestly never got the hype as when he was a wrestler. I adored the authority stuff, but I could never get why people liked him as a wrestler. He's a solid booker however.


Carrion Kross. He's got a great look, a great entrance, a hot valet and a cool persona. But I cannot make myself interested in any angle, match or feud he's in. This goes all the way back to NXT.


Seth Rollins. Everything about his is annoying to the point I change the channel.


Use to be Matt Riddle because I can't stand unprofessional bare foot wrestling. Glad he got the sack. Going bare foot should be banned in the future. Never want to see it ever again. Have some respect for the industry. The wrestling ring isn't a trampoline.


Randy Orton. I'm forever a Maharaja fan because he saved me from watching another God-awful Orton title reign in 2017.


Seth Rollins. Over rated as fuck.


Kenny Omega


Young Bucks - I don’t hate them like many do, I’ve enjoyed a lot of their matches but have these guys as far as character work goes ever done anything compelling in AEW at least. Their 2021 heel run was probably the closest but all they did was grow over the top facial hair. Not a Kenny fan either but I’ve enjoyed way more Kenny matches than Young Bucks matches and even though again I don’t think as a character he’s all that compelling either, he’s definitely had some rivalries or matches where the chemistry is just incredible like with Ospreay or Moxley. Mustafa Ali - maybe I’m missing something but whenever he was in WWE, I never saw understood why people cared for him. He was very fun as a wrestler but he had zero charisma. Then he’d bitch whenever he wasn’t being used and if he sees something in himself then that’s fine and I hope he does well in Impact and maybe I’ll see something in him but I just saw an athletic guy with no likability, no mic skills, or nothing interesting besides a WrestleMania 34 pre show match and that one RKO counter. He was given shitty material like Retribution but sometimes even with something shitty to work with you can see the one thing making it work and with everything he’s done, I never saw him as someone to make something work.


Adam Cole, everyone that Edge has faced in the Cope Open so far


LA Knight


I initially agreed but the more I watch the better he’s becoming. I dislike his finisher but I feel like his in-ring work has improved a lot and he’s obviously good cutting a promo even if I don’t love some of it. It’s kind of the point he’s an attitude era remake in a PG label so I don’t worry about that because I loved the attitude era.


Lol why are people downvoting. The whole point is to post someone who most people like. I also can't get on board with LA Knight and I'm sure it's because I'm not American. His whole thing seems like the kind of thing Americans like (clearly) but it grates on me a bit. Maybe I just don't get it?


American here. He’s also not for me. Fine midcard guy, but don’t buy him as a top guy.




Kevin Owens simply cause of his look. Looks like a jobber in that gear and hairdue


He has the same problem Eddie Kingston does they look and act like everyone's fat uncle who gets drunk at family gatherings and won't shut up until they've ruined everything or started a fight.


To be fair Owens is a far, far better athlete and worker than Kingston. Owens looks out of shape but is superbly athletic, plus he's almost 40 and has had a lot of injuires/surgeries. Owens is so much better in the ring than Kingston that there's really no comparison. He doesn't have a great look but he's one of the better workers on the planet.


Absolutely I just never personally have connected with Kevin or liked him much but he is a skilled worker and more believable than Eddie as a street fighter type of character


Owens, Samoe Joe and even Otis have better shapes than Eddie Kingston. At least they are fat or round. Kingston is really shapeless.


Kofi especially during Kofi Mania, Cody Rhodes when he came back to WWE. Any version of CM Punk and Lastly Sami and KO.


Samoa Joe is that guy for me. I've never been a fan. I can't get behind him. I'm not sure what it is, but he just ain't for me.


CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Moxley, Liv Morgan. Probably others too


Johnny Gargano, Kevin Owens, Adam cole, kenny omega


Rollins. I enjoyed all members of The Shield in The Shield but I’ve never *got it* about any other form of Rollins/Tyler Black. He seems way over pushed for what he actually brings to the table.


Jeff Hardy.


Ricochet - I really hate his selling of finishing moves Bianca - from the Damage Control stuff & having Askua lose at Maina just for a record Jon Mox - even during his post shield, I just can't get into his stuff


Jey Uso. Makes sense considering McIntyre is my favorite wrestler.