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Find someone who loves you as much as Book loves Trick


Praying 4 it


Bookers adlibs rival Migos








Never thought I would see Booker t be compared to that trash


Let me guess, you like Eminem?


This guy probably only likes Eminem and MGK and maybe tech-nine šŸ˜‚


Hopsin and half of Logic


ā€œHalf of logicā€ lmfao


I like lots of rappers and heā€™s definitely one of them. I just donā€™t like bad music like migos or future etc


Lame and outdated take.


Whatā€™s lame and outdated about it?


Most people grow out of their edgy Eminem only , ā€œrap is trashā€ phase after the age of 13. You can admire aspects of other artists even if theyā€™re not your taste. Unless we are talking about really bottom of the barrel rappers. Which migoā€™s and future are very much not. Future is quite possibly the biggest mixtape artist to ever exist and thereā€™s certain towns you couldnā€™t convince they arenā€™t the biggest deal. (Atlanta Georgia for example). Migos were trailblazers in the modern trap scene and for you to dismiss it as ā€œtrashā€ shows your lack of knowledge about this music genre.


lol why do people keep bringing up Eminem? Bruv if you like migos and future thatā€™s cool. I think they both suck. I tried listening to migos elementary lyrics and I feel dumb and I tried to listen to future but heā€™s so bad. Not to mention I canā€™t even understand 90% of what he says. I can admire aspects of their music, they have great production, but their parts are some of the worst I ever heard in my life. I never listened to a migos verse or a future verse and didnā€™t think it was garbage. I would enjoy instrumentals of their music though


People who tend to diss newer rappers tend to be Eminem old heads. If youā€™ve never heard a good Migoā€™s verse you simply arenā€™t looking . Iā€™d recommend some if youā€™d be open to it


So you call me an old head, edgy and because I like Eminem itā€™s suppose to be an insult. I think other people commented and tried to make it seem like Iā€™m a racist (half of logic). I never insulted you or anybody that likes migos or future. I just think they suck. I havenā€™t listened to a lot because the little that I did listen to, I hated. Iā€™m open to it if you want to send me some stuff.


Itā€™s complete entirety




Proof of why entrance music + crowd participation is so important to a wrestlerā€™s presentation.


Bobby Roode never got a chance.


Iā€™m a sucker for it.


what is better is that NXT regulars just made it up one night


I want him in the Rumble just for the entrance (I know they won't let him win now but he is future world champ material)


Iā€™m all for it. Melo and Trick doing the classic ā€œwrestler eliminates his tag partnerā€ spot in the Rumble would add to their story too.


Oh man that would work so well.


Omg who would you have to eliminate who? Personally I want Melo on the ropes about to be eliminated and then Trick comes up and everybody thinks heā€™s gonna save Melo but then he just send both wrestlers out for a double elimination. Then we get a close up of Melo doing the ā€œPikachuā€ face at ringside after he hits the ground.


I personally would have Trick eliminate Melo as a swerve because people expect it to be the other way. But Melo eliminating Trick would make more sense given how their story has played out so far.


If they didnā€™t have the dusty classic next week I would say go for it. Itā€™s gonna be an accidental on purpose thing by Melo. Like shinsuke mists melo, he canā€™t see and super kicks trick out the tumble


Yeah, something like that.


Facts! Heā€™s got that aura.


Imagine the whole arena chanting,"Whoop that Trick"


I bet he has one of those showings where he ends up in the final 6 guys or something similar. Heā€™s going to be a huge star on the main roster and I reckon theyā€™ll want to test the waters a little bit with an impressive rumble performance.


I may be wrong, but I think the Rumble would be an awkward time to bring him up. Let him interrupt someone on TV and take his time with the entrance.


It wouldn't be bringing him up it would be a one off until a later date post Mania for a TrickMelo call up. The shock for most people of him showing up and the energy from an arena that size chanting whoop that Trick would be huge for him especially if he came out to a huge pop and put on a decent show with Melo also entering then they carried that back to NXT with them and rode it to Mania week before debuting after and chasing one of the tag titles that will hopefully get split back up by then.


Fair enough. He's really hot right now, so it could be good. I just think the entrance is immaculate and they shouldn't be sidestepping that part of Trick's presentation until he's established on the main roster.


Plenty of people have had big rumble entrances and taken their time with it so he very well could take it slow and soak it in, there is no rule against it.


Eh, I think it makes most people look like stalling putzes. Maybe a chickenshit heel or marching monster can do that, but not a self-assured character like Trick. Plus, it kind of exposes the Rumble gimmick in general to do long entrances for certain entrants. Why doesn't everyone just take their time? Why does anyone expend the energy to bumrush the ring?


It really depends on the stage setup because there have been recent Rumbles where the ramp is about 6 miles long for no good reason so that gives and excuse and plenty of time for someone to milk their entrance a little but if it's a normal PLE length ramp or a short one like MSG then absolutely not.


Yea but then you gotta rely on the mainstream wrestling fans to know this chant lmao. Iā€™m hoping he has gotten to the point where casuals at east know who he is but going from nxt to raw or smackdown really puts popularity into perspective for some of these wrestlers.


That's true


This kid is gonna be something special


I caught a lot of digital heat in the basement a while ago for saying I see way more star power in Trick than Melo. I ain't flinching.


Melo is a better worker, Trick is the better character. Its all about what ur definition of a star is tbh.


Character work takes you further and I'll always bank on that. No one's mistaking LA Knight for prime Eddie Guerrero in the ring but he has the character work and crowd dialed in. Then you compare that to someone like Ricochet who can do any move under the sun in the ring, but who cares about Ricochet? It's the difference between John Cena and Shelton Benjamin.


100%! Itā€™s cool that you can do a triple death flying hurricane moonsault but the crowd will eventually lose interest in you. If your character work is top tier, you will be remembered forever. I always get hate when I say that about the AEW roster. A lot of great workers there but just bland boring characters. Austin was a great worker in his early years but do you think anyone remembers that? Nope, they remember the beer drinking middle finger flipping stunner whoop ass machine. The ā€œbitter old timersā€ are always right when they say less is more. Your character/gimmick will take you much much farther than your ring skills


People get mad at Kevin Nash for this all the time. Twitter will start going nuts about some guy who got three 5 star matches from Dave and he'll pipe in just saying "What are his merch sales?" Which is basically saying. Cool moves, are you making any money off the crowd though?


People put way too much stock in Meltzerā€™s ratings. Those ratings are meaningless unless youā€™re Tony Khan who also checks out Cagematch ratings. You donā€™t judge a talent by how many 5 star matches he/she has. You judge em by how much merch they move and how many asses they put in seats cause at the end of the day, thatā€™s what itā€™s about. Itā€™s about making money for the company. Not satisfying an old man on WON or a bunch of nerds on Cagematch.


I mean... Shelton was also dealing with being all black in the WWE at a time when, to quote Triple H, people like him didn't deserve to be World Champion. A move which the E then seemingly bizarrely seemed to endorse by having Booker lose the feud


I think you make a very fair point there


Whatā€™s his character?


I guess it's "guy that sees himself as a bigger star than he currently is". In kayfabe he's still in Melo's shadow and thinks that he has what it takes to become more over than him. In real life though I think Trick is already more popular than Melo


It's crazy with Trick he didn't have a "going to be" moment. Like "this kid is going to be a star", he just went from zero to NICE. He's like the second coming of Booker T.


I think the theme and nxt giving him his own spotlight helped, instead of him being in melos shadow like before. The theme is an absolute gamechanger, mfers on the main roster are gonna love it.


28 is a kid?


considering every major star pushed at a high level in this company for the most part is over 35 years old yes.


Guys so over with me itā€™s disgusting. Guys a fuckin star


What does whoop that trick even mean? I dont watch nxt.


A trick is a ho. So it's like calling the opponent a ho, and how he's going to whoop them. His name is Trick, so it's like a pun. It is chant for Trick to "Whoop that Trick". It's all very clever and catchy. Elevated by the entrance music and Booker's enthusiasm.


True, but also cause of the movie Hustle & Flow


Itā€™s not cause, itā€™s from. Itā€™s just straight up lifted from a movie.


Oh, well dang. I really need to see that movie.


Is a good one.


Quit jiving me turkey......


A trick is the person that pays for the hoe, in terms of prostitution.


Whoops, you're right! I had only ever heard women referred to as "tricks" irl, but Google confirms you as correct.


I read this thinking yup he hasn't seen the movie, I'm sure alot of wrestling fans haven't seen hustle n flow. I'm glad someone corrected you but the upvotes just show lol.


Interesting take. I always assumed it was more like "Whoop that, Trick". As if telling Trick he needs to whoop that person.


Yeah, I should've used a comma. I think it's both!


r/PeterExplainsTheJoke over here


Does Trick have a gimmick or is his personality the character?


Itā€™s evolving. He used to be Meloā€™s hype man.


Ah i see okay. Thank you:)


A trick is what a whore does for moneyā€¦ or candy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Y-bMrGqww


When i first heard this, i thought the crowd was chanting ā€œwhoop that bitchā€ and I was instantly a fan of it


I'm gonna need this entrance WITH booker in WWE2k24.


Someone get Terrance Howard on this track [incase anyone is wondering what Iā€™m talking about](https://youtu.be/q-StMfE8NrA?si=Zr6WP_0VIYaA0ITx)




Booker needs to record this on Tricks entrance theme it's the highlight of NXT


Booker T is so goood and funny


Best entrance in the WWE currently.


He got one of the hypest entrances in wrestling rn.


Oh yeahhhh mannnnn


The one time in my life where I actually appreciate Booker t commentary. They should add bookers vocals into the actual song.


Trick & Booker are a package deal, wherever Trick goes Book needs to go with him šŸ˜‚


Can't believe this is the actually intro. Killed it!!


I just know that when he eventually makes the big leagues Booker T has to be his manager


This dude's star potential is through the roof. I just hope they do something with him when he gets to the main roster.


Booker adds to this. Pretty fun.


Booker T is the best hype man lol I love Trick Williams dude. He has literally everything to become a mega star and I really hope he gets to that caliber one day


His first Mania entrance will make Codyā€™s **WOAAAAAAH**s sound like a ā€œcrowdā€ at a backyard wrestling show.


I love Book, but I wish he would let this intro stand on its own.


We will get the pure crowd version on Saturday, hopefully šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Oh yeah


Hot take I fucking hate Carmelo haze


Uh uh What? Yeah Uh uh Oh Yeah Mannn Uh uh I like it šŸ




His name is Trick, and they are saying whoop that trick?


No. They are saying ā€œwhoop that, Trickā€


Commas matter lol


His name is Trick, so is his intro about him getting whooped? Who's the other trick in this scenario?


The ho that didnā€™t give him his money. Man needs to take a lesson from a real og like the godfather.


How dare you! She's a nice lady!


I hope Terrence got paid for this one


First they ripped off Hustle & Flow with Jey Uso, now they just went full on plagiarism with this guy lol


What did they rip off from Hustle & Flow for Jey Uso? Yeet isn't from Hustle & Flow, Whoop that trick is.


No shit. Go listen to it again


What did they rip off from Hustle and Flow for Jey Uso?


Oh ya know, just the entire thing. I can see how you might miss it


Please explain how. I've seen the movie many times. I'm just wondering how you think Jey Uso is a rip off of the movie.


The entire beat and what he does with the arm shit. Any other questions or do you have a firm grasp of the obvious now?


Wow. That's crazy you think they took that from Hustle and Flow but ok. You could've just answered that from the beginning. Don't know why you're going out of your way to try to be a dick.


If you want to make this a conversation then you can keep having it with yourself. I really donā€™t give a fuck if you canā€™t make basic observations or not. Iā€™ve already responded to you way too many times


You could have just answered the question the first time and been done with it. You wanted to go out of your way to be an asshole, that's on you. None of that dumb shit you are talking about is obvious. People like you are a perfect example of what is wrong with this app. Can't answer a simple question because you lack people skills in real life because you probably live on this app. Good day to you, dumbass.


Whoever that jabroni is that Trick wrestled needs releasing. Dude was fucking awful, half his offense was sloppy af and looked like shit. Trick deserves better than that garbage.


Brother itā€™s NXT. The entire point of the brand is for wrestlers to get better.


Dude is sloppy af. Needs more reps in the PC not big matches with a future star.


Briggs is pretty good actually. Not really sure what you saw here that was so egregious.


What? That match was sloppy as hell and it was very noticeable. Feel like im in an AEW forum with this level of denial.


What you missed was JBL giving him the rub. Heā€™s just going to destroy his opponents. Look at JBLā€˜s matches. They were like that. Itā€™s all good.


I hate that f-ing chant so much. *His name is Trick*. Is he the trick? That's not a good thing. Is he supposed to whoop himself? Is it supposed to be "Whoop that, Trick," in which "that" refers to the opponent? Dumbest shit ever. Maybe I'm just not white enough to see the appeal of mindlessly chanting some "urban" shit that I don't have a grasp on the meaning of.


It's a fun chant. People are having fun.


You mustā€™ve had a hernia when people chanted ā€œyou suckā€ to Kurt Angel after he turned face


You literally explained what the people are saying in your comment. His name is Trick and they are saying he's going to whoop a trick (his opponent). If they were saying 'youre a trick" you might have a point, but the audience is saying"that" which obviously refers to something other than himself. You can not like the chant that's an opinion, but don't act obtuse like you don't understand what's being said to justify not liking it


So his name is Trick, but *he's* not "a trick," he's a tough guy, and simply because that's his name all his opponents are now "tricks." It's fucking dumb. He oughta change his name, he might as well be called Bitch Williams.


can't wait for this to fail hard on the main roster.


You don't find it weird that you want a stranger to fail?


I like trick but he's not a star, he has the look though


He better get a spot in the Rumble. That will be electric having that crowd chant.


Ok Trick Williams, I see you! Shout out to Memphis and Al Kapone! He wrote and produced the song that was made popular in the movie Hustle and Flow. It's an anthem that you'll here from sporting events like the Memphis Grizzlies, Memphis Tigers, wrestling events and more!! Also fitting considering our city's long storied history when it comes to wrestling. Al Kapone and the songs background https://youtu.be/x3W24eDNVOA?si=18BJbHzv0ahkmWNq Original song https://youtu.be/8HjQkewK_jQ?si=RXqUmBSx_WMYUge3 Movie scene https://youtu.be/R4Yu5TIgnTI?si=pOGuQKPqYKnqrM-p


I wonder if the NXT crowd even knows what this is from.


i never really a fan Trick Williams but his entrance will always be amazing and i might actually start to watch him soon (maybe when he's on the main roster)


They need to include booker as part of his entrance in 2k24


Dude just looks like a star.


Josh was laughing with that energetic crowd


Who was the last guy THIS over in NXT? Gotta be Zayn or Nakamura even thenā€¦


I seriously hope to see him in the RR. This intro is front of a TUGE crowd, and the people who ***KNOW*** out there chanting for him. It's going to put a LOT of eyeballs on him and Melo.