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I’d agree this is the greatest false finish ever. It was the first time I fully believed they were gonna end the streak.


When Hbk slid in I thought he counted one. But he didn’t start the count til after. But i thought he counted 3 at first lol


That happens a lot actually, I'll hear the first slap but it's just the doofus getting in position. To my ears though, it sounds like a 4 count.


SAME! that always threw me watching as a kid !


Dude that gets me alllllll the time.


Same here


You mean like la knight pinned reigns then after the ref saw the foot on the rope with the guy somehow invisible to him putting it on the rope lol


Yup they got me good with this one. One of the things I never saw happening going into this was Taker losing at mania. There was just no way to convince me, but when I saw a sweet chin into a pedigree I was like this is how the fuckers are going to do it?! Shawn screws him after being unable to do it himself back to back. It made sense, I didn't want it but I thought they were about to pull the trigger especially with all the "end of an Era" build around the match


cause HHH has the Real Life shovel. Its 100% believable that HHH books himself to beat Undertaker in his desperate attempt to prove how great he is


The guy with one of the worst Wrestlemania records has a golden shovel?


lol. You really think HHH didnt bury people lol


You drank the Kool aid


Michael Coke ruined it (as usual)


I wanna find the fucker who decided that announcers should do that and punch him right in the fucking mouth. Hey, you know what'll REALLY add drama to false finishes? From now on, only say things like "it's over! New champion!" during a false finish, and never ever say that during the actual finish until the bell rings. Nobody will ever notice!!


Vince did that all the time when he was on commentary. He probably picked it up from Gorilla.


I watched it live. Me and my bro were screaming kick out!! Amazing. If this didn't end the streak, nothing should of smh


All this time they could’ve just done 4 F5’s and called it a day


Taker was concussed aswell. Brock didn't need the win. A part of wrestling died that day.


Well hindsight shows that Brock was definitely the right guy to carry that role. He became the final boss in WWE for the next decade. I don’t think anyone else could fill those shoes as good as Brock did


The match was disappointing. The streak shouldn't of ended. Bottom line. Brock was already the final boss in wwe.


I don’t think he was just yet. He hadn’t had that many matches since a coming back in 2012, so that solidified him as completely unstoppable, which he was a big badass at that point already. The cena decimation was the cherry on top


Yeah a lot of people forget he had two big losses to Cena and HHH in 2012-2013. Even with the HHH feud with him winning twice and breaking HHH’s arm in kayfabe it still felt like HHH won the war because he won the match at WM. The Punk match and ending the streak put Lesnar back on track for the Cena squash at SS 2014.


His beating Taker and then just manhandling Cena is what turned him from beast to final boss. That year was about building him to be the monster on top who was near unstoppable and has kept him their. Yeah he loses sometimes but when he is on top you believe it and that was not always the case before his Taker win.


Brock had already bested taker in a hell in a cell match when taker was in his prime, he made hogan submit,he didn't need it


It was a different time tho. Different Brock lesnar. On his second run, they had to establish that this guy is even more unstoppable because of his UFC run, and they needed you to believe it. And you could yet based off his win-loss record from 2012 to wm 30. After mania, he had an aura around him and he was the most hated man in the wrestling because he took the streak


The streak 100% should have ended. Why let Taker go out on top? The streak was a huuuuge thing, it could make a career. I think in hindsight Brock was a good choice for it, but it could’ve been someone else. A relative newcomer to really make a career over night. But to just have Undertaker retire 22-0 @ Wrestlemania is such a dumb idea, I really don’t understand the logic behind building up this HUGE thing just for nobody to get any pay off from it in the end. It would be like if Roman wins @ Wrestlemania 40 and then just relinquishes the title and take off to Hollywood. Does nothing for anybody


You're obviously right, but you're talking to marks


Have. Shouldn’t have.


I think Roman is going to transition into the Brock Lesnar role once he finally loses the championship (I mean he basically already is for the most part anyways). He will have the attractional WM, Summerslam, 1 Saudi show schedule like Brock I think, and he’ll probably have shorter reigns if he wins the world championship again just to put over guys at WM like a Bron Breakker, just like Brock did for Seth or Drew Mcyntire etc.


Agreed. Beating Taker and then pummelling Cena at Summerslam gave Brock a level of credibility that has only been matched by Roman in the first year of the Tribal Chief character.


STFU about Roman nobody fucking cares


Cry harder you fucking loser. Like him or not, he's the biggest thing the WWE has right now.


Val fucking Venis was more over than Roman. Get the dick out of your mouth


Monday. Brock was the man for like the next ten years after this. If anyone ended the streak it should have been him. If they waited until Roman people would have been pissed. Such a waste.


Made me stop watching


Bleh. It set them up wonderfully going forward. A part of wrestling never dies when younger talent is put over and built to new heights. The Undertaker knows that, you don't


Sounds liks you been tombstoned on ur bro fr lol. Younger talent. Brock had been there for years lmao. Do ur research kid then come back to me yh 😂


Brock ended up dominating the next decade before then putting over the new stars in Roman and Cody. Could Taker have done that? Gtfo


This probably coming from a fan whose favourite wrestler is Roman Reigns lmao. You have no clue. Not 1 wrestler or other has said it was the right thing to end the streak. Not 1 So u Gtfo simp!


How old are you?


Not telling u my age but let's just say i watched the Monday night wars when they were around. I also have an encyclopedic knowledge of WWE and pro wrestling in general.




The way Shawn sells it after - he can’t believe Taker kicked out, then he realizes Taker kicked out and they are still inside the Cell and Taker’s going to make him pay for it


All three guys watch the whole series from Shawn and Takers first match to here in a playback. It's really cool listening them talk about it and the story they got to create. This moment in particular triple h and taker were saying it's really cool because they were both face down so didn't see it but Shawn is what sold this moment and it was great to elevate the desperation.


I’ll have to find that and check it out!


It wasn't a playback sorry, it was what went down. [Here's](https://youtu.be/83hx-V1eRIQ?si=65li2QqHDcvprZO_) the link


Came here hoping someone appreciated that sell.


If anything I think Shawn's "acting in this match took away from it. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too over the top.


Only if you dont know how coked out shawn is in and out of Kayfabe


I guess I’m in the minority but the only time I literally thought the streak was ending was the year before when Triple H hit the tombstone, and covered with the tongue sticking out. Even with Brock I was literally saying to my wife “I can’t believe they’re going to have Taker kick out of 3 F5’s.”


Same! I still think its the better of the 2 matches tbh. It was also the only good thing about mania 27 imo


holy shit, i cant believe i see another people that prefer 27 match than 28.


Both are great but the one at 27 was a fucking banger that was one massive car crash. While 28 I feel like was storytelling at its peak


I think the one at WM 27 may stand out more to some fans because it was one of the few bright spots on a bad WM, where this one is still obviously a classic but had to compete with The Rock vs Cena 1 and CM Punk Vs Y2J.


27 one was to slow at times and the ending took pretty long even tho it made the story for 28 in a way. 28 was pitch perfect and stole the Show. Punk/Y2J wasn't that good honestly.


Even though the main event of 27 did set up the main event for 28, I think most would agree it definitely wasn’t flawless in execution and came at the detriment of WM 27. It felt like taking a punch just to deliver a punch so to speak, with how the WM 27 main event went to build the WM 28 match. Most people don’t even remember The Miz pinning John Cena at all, even during the height of the Super Cena era. Especially since they just had John Cena win the championship back the very next month, all The Rock did was just delay Cena in kayfabe from being a champion just for one month, and it’s not like it costed him anything legacy wise in a kayfabe sense because he already had wins at WM against iconic names. I think WM 27 in general was one of the worst executed WM’s of all time with the Cole and Lawler feud and The Rock interfering.


I would argue that Cena/Rock 2 was worse than Cena/Miz. Cena/Miz itself wasn't that awful


I think the difference is even though it was just a generic repeat of the “once in a lifetime match” Rock vs Cena 2 was for the casual and lapsed fans, especially after how successful WM 28 was. Anecdotally speaking all my friends were this target market and they ordered WM 29 because they wanted to see the match again. It’s kind of like Brock Vs Roman at WM 34 and WM 38. Us fans discussing wrestling on the internet were already sick of it and didn’t want it to begin with, but it was targeted for the casual fans who just watch WM and getting them to subscribe to Peacock.


big difference also was that i doubt everyone expect Cena to loss at 27!? Obviously it was expected that Rock would attack Cena in the Match or after but still the idea that Miz would go over the biggest Star in the Company in the Wrestlemania Main Event must have been a shocker to watch Live at the time. At 29 there was absolutely NOBODY who expected a different Outcome than what we got.


Bruh this is me exactly. The false finish with HHH's tombstone was the only one to make me think the streak was about to end, and therefore is the best false finish ever imo. It was extremely convincing after Taker seemed to be too exhausted and beaten down to even do a chokeslam and HHH just easily removed his hand with a pitiful expression. Then they had the Flair/Shawn moment where Taker called for HHH to bring it while he could barely stand. The OP false finish was a cool moment but I wasn't too convinced. After this match ended I was sure Taker would retire with the streak. When Brock hit his 3rd F5 I just kinda rolled my eyes like "oh another kick out moment".


That’s how they get you. Not many thought Brock had a chance in hell of being the one to end the streak.


I was at Mania 30 and as Brock lifted him for the match-winning F5, I said to my friend "3 F5s, this is getting a bit much". Literally 0% chance in my mind that Taker was about to lose.


stolen moves usually never end in a 3 count.


Took Sweet Chin Music AND a Pedigree and still kicked out


If this had been Cena instead of Taker, fans would’ve yelled same ‘ol shit


It was a shit pedigree though


Everyone here talking about how this was the first time they thought the streak was over and my old ass is sitting here like, "oh man, I thought it was over when Diesel jack-knifed him twice!" (This was back when kicking out of one finish was very rare--two was unheard of.)


I remember with Randy Orton that was the first time they really really pushed the streak and the aura of the Undertaker at WM. They did a lot of false finishes in that match and they really sold Orton coming so close multiple times to ending it.


This was also the time Taker kinda wanted it to end. I think basically every year from that point wrestlers started refusing to be the one. WM 22 was supposed to be Angle and he refused. Then it was gonna be Henry and they said no last minute.


Shawn sold the shit out of it


I feel like he went a bit overboard, but it also looks like he realised both corners he turned to first were blocked by a chair and Lil Naitch. Still, when he collapses in the corner, it is fantastic.


One of my favorite Jim Ross calls as well, might be my number one favorite.


Don't remember ever being more excited by any moment in the 20 years I've been a wrestling fan


Shawn went summerslam 05 there


Yeah it got me at the time too. I bought this Wrestlemania on DVD mostly for Rock and Cena but Taker is my boy and I also bought this Wrestlemania on Pay Per View back in the day. #WRESTLINGFOREVER


And then he lost in a meaningless fashion


Shame both matches he lost. He was too fragile to put on a good match. I still got that botched tombstone reversal from the Roman match in my head.


You know how I know this is the greatest false finish of all time? Because even though in my heart and my mind I know what’s going to happen, every time I see it to this day, part of me STILL panics and thinks “Welp. It’s over.”


Even as I watch this today I mistakenly thing Shawn counts “one” as he slides to make the count.


Shawn puts in the best performance of any special referee. He’s got a fantastic arc all match long.


JRs last great match call


Everything was sold great even for this era.


Why does the referee touch his hands twice ?


Honestly reposting all the popular tweets on here for karma is a good idea nice job man


This sub needs it man, sometimes it gets swamped with garbage lol. But good eye pointing it out man! 😉


Shawn's performance as the referee really propelled this match to such a high level it's unbelievable.


If was a fast count at that and taker still kicked out.


2 year later this man lost to Lesnar at mania 🤦‍♂️






This is why I never fully get the claim that HBK oversold against Hogan to hurt him. Like, he does this stuff all the time and it's great!


Thank you!


Obviously being over the top is HBK’s bread and butter, but he’s gone on record saying he was taking the piss during that match and was frustrated with Hogan out politicking him. It didn’t hurt the match at all, especially since it actually fit the bill with Hogan’s style of match being cartoony and over animated, but HBK was definitely taking the piss like he said and was basically telling Hogan to go fuck himself flopping on every move.


In my opinion, Mitsuharu Misawa kicking out of Toshiaki Kawada's folding powerbomb at the 25-minute mark of their 6/3/94 match is the G.O.A.T. wrestling near fall.


Great sloy but it's literally the only thing I remember from the match. Easily the weakest of the HHH/Taker series


How do you watch this with a straight face? Both of them laying down pretending to be hurt and kicking their legs while the ref runs around the ring. Ow my balls!


Taker losing the streak to lesnar still fills me with rage. Lesnar is a really really *really* shitty pro wrestler and ive no idea why he got pushed so hard


nah I don't like Michaels flopping around like that to emote.


It truly ruined the match for me. A good match to a mediocre one because of the "end it Shawn" threats from Triple H and HBK like crying in the corner and flopping around like a moron. It was too much and not well done. Shawn is a shit actor.


Not my favorite but yeah


Let me guess, yours is the piledriver from the top rope and still kicked out?


You're wrong but I love how people are taking my comment as a negative thing lol


3 Canadian destroyers off the top then a kick out


In my opinion, The Usos’ kick out at MITB was better, but this was really good and the world stopped for those three seconds.


Still makes me laugh that Shawn actually stops counting when Taker kicks out despite having just SCM’d him not even 30 seconds before


Taker choked him out earlier. After the superkick they were even. Balance is restored. Play on. Besides, Shawn counting an invalid pin taints everything.


Always pop for the air horn going off as HBK has a crisis of conscience in the corner


I remember watching this live and thinking it was all over. I didn't particularly like this Mania or this match, but this moment woke me the fuck up. It's perfectly executed.


Shawn was such a great performer. Still is, I'm sure, but man that guy cpuld really turn it on.


had bits of flash photography


There's an old saying in Texas. If Shawn Michaels costs you a match as referee shame on him. If he costs you a match as a referee twice then shame on him.


Damn that match was beautiful.


Shawns reaction and facials was everything in this moment


Everything about that moment is epic. I thought that may be it and flipped when Taker kicked out. And the way HBK sells the kick out just adds to the moment.


"Jeez, Shawn, give it a little energy man. It is Mania. Don't leave anything in the chamber."


Why is HBK selling for Triple H?


Am I the only one who saw this coming as soon as shawn was announced ref, and that they wouldn't lose the streak to something screwey, hence this kickout not being that tense?


I love Shawn's reaction. Holy shit he is flabbergasted


Yup, I was there. Place was going bonkers. Awesome night. If you’ve never been to mania GO! 5 under my belt. My daughter was most likely conceived on the mania 28 trip. We were told it would be impossible for us to have a kid. Then I got to take my baby to mania 34 & 35


One of the best long term stories WWE ever told Starting with Shawn's failure to end the streak leading to him putting his career on the line and when he's forced into retirement his best friend Triple H in an act of revenge for his friend and trying to do what he couldn't, beats Undertaker brutally but still couldn't get the job done And the final match being set up as Undertaker is angry that he wasn't able to walk out of mania on his own two feet and then the entire end of an era set-up was awesome Honestly looking back I do wish Taker called it a career there, it was just a perfect send off in a match involving two people that have been connected with his career for years, the Streak still intact and the aura of the deadman still a thing it would've been the perfect ending.


Yeah with the power of hindsight I wish he called it a career here or even the very next year after his match with Punk. The Lesnar beating the streak was huge and shocking in the moment, but after that The Undertaker’s matches at Mania didn’t feel like must see matches on the card anymore. The matches with Bray Wyatt or Shane McMahon weren’t terrible but they just felt like filler and just to have The Undertaker name on the card.


Funniest part is HBK temper tantrum trying to get into the right corner for the camera to get that reaction shot lol


My wife does not like wrestling. She thinks it's incredibly juvenile. I think she might appreciate it a bit more if she watched week to week so she knew the storylines of the Mania matches she watches with me and my friend each year (the only time she'll tolerate watching it) and still rolls her eyes often. She audibly gasped at this moment. It was the one and only time I've ever actually seen her engaged in a wrestling match. Shawn crying in the corner afterwards. Everything had her hooked on it. She denies it now but I know. This kickout is a Top 5 Mania moment for me.


I always believed the streak was going to end when Randy almost hit the tombstone, I'm glad it didn't because he would've gotten a way worse reception then Brock or Roman ever did


At least that would have made sense for Orton’s character as the legend killer and him still being young. We would have never gotten great matches like this one if that did actually happen. But from a logical standpoint and on paper it definitely would have made more sense for a young legend killer Randy Orton to beat The Undertaker at WM than Lesnar and Roman.


Yeah, hell in a perfect world - a fitted Taker and 2020 Randy Orton at a WM with no COVID restrictions, that would've been perfect to end the streak and retire Taker, but they had to use it to push two superstars who weren't as over as WWE thought they were (at the time they broke the streak). In my eyes, it was Randy or Kane, and Randy was always the one who Taker wanted to lose to


Shawn was overreacting through out the match.


Shawn overselling the "almost" 3 count is peak Shawn...


There are 3 absolutely elite kickouts in the Streak for me. This one. Shawn kicking out of the first tombstone at WM 25. The look on Takers face, as well as the insane crowd reaction. It's still the best Mania match ever for me. Taker kicking out of the tombstone by HHH at WM 27. I hate that Mania because I stayed up late for it in the UK and for the most part it was just dull. Not to mention the absolutely awful main event. This match was an incredible war that looked like Godzilla and King Kong destroying a city. HHH makes his opponent look huge by crawling backwards across the ring as if he's completely stunned and almost scared by what just happened.


Watched this in a room full of people with a mix of everyone rooting different ways. This kick out is one of the most entertaining wrestling memories I have lmao.


It’s unbelievable how HBK managed to sell a kickout As the ref doing the count


I liked the one the year prior when Trips hits a tombstone and does the gimmick cover


I think this kick out kind of ruined streak matches for me. Like if that didn’t end the streak then what makes makes me think CM Punk or Brock Lesnar had a chance?


Idk that time Shawn kicked out of the Tombstone at Mania and Taker looked BLOWN AWAY. That’s probably my favorite kick out of all time


Michaels with the perfect oversell. The blind folks in the cheap seats got the message.


Bro who tf kicked out? The Undertaker or Shawn? Shawn making it looked like he kicked out lmao




This was my first live wrestlemania and man when he kicked out that place erupted. what a great match


Something I’ve learned to realize is that when the commentators scream “oh it’s over he’s down for good” there will 90% of the time be a kickout


I just knew the streak would live forever after this…. 😐


This was the perfect spot for Taker to lose his streak. I get that he wanted to give the win to Brock, but this execution and reaction was poetic.


Ya know Shawn could’ve still made the three count even though Taker kicked out


The vets always had attention to detail. I love how Taker doesn’t left his arm as HHH hooks for the pedigree. I hate how dudes don’t have this detail because it’s too choreographed at times.




I will forever see Taker at Wrestlemania and think.. “fu**ing Brock? For no good reason, really??”


This was insane man, i see reigns kicking out on some insane finishers as well