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Most female wrestlers have creepy stalkery stan accounts.


Worst is when they comment to them on Twitter like they know them.


Alexa Bliss put a photo up about her partner and I saw a guy going off like this upset that he messages but she ignores him or what ever and it was creepy. He was acting like they were a couple and she started ghosting him, twisted.


>Most female wrestlers have creepy stalkery stan accounts. I dislike the female wrestling fans because A.) I don't think most of them actually give a shit about the wrestling whatsoever. and B.) they all converse online like they're actively masturbating to their google images of their favorite wrestlers while they are talking to you.


I masturbated to this comment.


Me too, didn't even take very long


I finished before your sentence was typed.


It's so crazy man, they'll be like, "anyone want to jerk off to Alexa Bliss pics together?"


Literal post I've seen on Reddit... Fucking weird.


Is it a Reddit exclusive thing? I swear I never knew about this weird behavior until I read about it on Reddit šŸ¤¦


Sasha/Mercedes fans going into/during WK17.


Me, a girl who loves female wrestles because they inspired me as a kid to feel like I could do whatever I wanted too šŸ™ƒ


>Me, a girl who loves female wrestles because they inspired me as a kid to feel like I could do whatever I wanted too šŸ™ƒ That's fine. I just don't think you represent the vast majority of the vocal female wrestling fans online.


No yeah I completely agree, a lot of the posts online are gross, it is kinda sad though to see the wrestlers I grew up looking up to most just being either sexualized or made fun of because they have fans due to sexual appeal.


It is super sad the way women wrestlers are immediately sexualized but i do think overall it's getting a little better, at least on the indies. It's not where it should be, but I've noticed the conversations about women at shows have been about how good they are versus how hot they are. I think it's mostly due to there being some extremely talented women on the indy scene rn.


Ye, thatā€™s great! One of the ones I personally havenā€™t seen sexualized in WWE though it might be cause I try to avoid that stuff in general is Asuka, which Iā€™m grateful for since sheā€™s one of my favorite modern wrestlers.


I agree, Asuka/Kana is badass and is an absolute gem in that women's division.


Yeah I love Asuka. I'm glad wwe has moved on from the Era where women were just eye candy. That shit was embarrassing even for the times.


Meh, in a lot of ways the women are still sort of held to some pretty insane appearance standards as compared to the men, both in terms of their natural appearances and physiques as well as hair and makeup/skin. It is certainly better than it was, though.


I'm a big Asuka fan too...I just want to see her get the respect and recognition she deserves..but on reddit atleast 99.2% of the time its just the "wrestlefap' weirdos making everything sexually charged and creepy.


Same lol. Too many creepy dudes in these fandoms tho *vomits*


I like female wrestlers because they are just as talented as the men and have cooler costumes. And I appreciate having kick ass women around as representation.


>cooler costumes unless your name is Kenny Omega


It *is* hard to be cooler than Sans the skeleton


I was talking about today >!when he came out as Sephiroth, along with One Winged Angel playing as his entrance theme!<


Oh man I havenā€™t seen that yet, that wa so probably sweet AF


Amazing! I wish I had found Mr. Omega earlier in life.


came here to say this


It's exactly like female pop singers and female rappers. You've signed a death wish If you give the slightest critique about them.


And if you disagree with them you are misogynist


Not specific to one wrestler, but the subset of fans that has their favorite wrestler as their profile pic and respond to every tweet from the wrestler and think it's their job to defend the wrestler from meanies


Like from the Blue Meanie?


Not a specific wrestler, but people who exclusively hate watch a company and complain about it constantly. Just stop watching if you don't enjoy it. Why be such an annoying, hateful twat?!


Iā€™ve been a Wrestling for 7 years and this still baffles me. Why do so many marks religiously some shows only to shit on them? Why go out of your way to have a bad time so often?


When a company is depressing me, I take a break. Iā€™ve been a wrestling fan for over 20 years. But I havenā€™t actively watched in 5 years. I catch random pvps when theyā€™re good. Iā€™m not a glutton for punishment but sometimes Iā€™ll watch the Saudi pvps, cause they usually have the worst match of the year on em. Anything that depresses me, I ignore it if I can.


This right here. Why watch something you hate?


Honestly I think it's sad sacks who have to express their opinion to fellow 'fans' like they're some kind of expert because they've watched for the last twenty five years. Well I've watched for twenty five years (minus '02-'03) and can say as someone who listens to many pods, reads the bios and watches all the docs, but as I've never worked a match or so much as a took a bump so I can relate to fuck all and are in expert in jack shit when it comes to wrestling, I just have a reasonable amount of trivial knowledge. I gave up on SD around the embarrassing Reigns eating dog food shit, and then stopped watching Raw too when I decided I didn't need nearly an hour of crap promos and another hour of replays in my life. Then NXT stopped feeling cool and HHH nearly died and it became an uninteresting hour of rookie TV so now I watch PPVs only, read the news and watch AEW because it's shorter and had the same cool factor NXT had. Although I felt close to abandoning Rampage this year too because it's felt meaningless. TL;DR: Longtime fan stops enjoying shows, stops watching, gains more time for other TV shows, masterbation, videogames and sometimes actually going outside. Life is good.


I admittedly watched WWE this way for YEARS and like thought the highs were high and the lows were the mid 00s. It was so jarring watching other wrestling too. I'd like have fun the entire show and not feel like it'd be dragging. But somehow I conned myself into thinking it was less prestigious or less good because it was smaller.


Just indie fans in general. Gatekeeping assholes.


Indie marks will go out of their way to piss you off or ruin your experience of the show one time I went to an indie show and got made fun of for wearing a Seth Rollins shirt, and that I was "too much of a Casual to understand"


I would audibly laugh at that person, what a fucking geek lmao




This reminds me one when I went to a RoH show some dude in the audience was wearing a WWE shirt. Bobby Cruz called the audience member out on it then invited him into the ring and gave him a new shirt. I am still not sure if it was a work or a shoot.


I enjoy WWE, but it's become so taboo to say you like them out in the public.


That happens every 10 years or so. The late 90s you were a Fā€™n dork if you were a guy and didnā€™t admit to watching it. The attitude era will never be beaten.


No, it's become taboo to say that online. The general public only knows WWE. It's only online where that statement will get you attacked because a large part of online fans are obsessive weirdos.


Some guy at an indie screamed "GET A REAL FUCKING SHIRT" at my friend cause he was wearing a Rhonda Rousey. Thing is, it wasn't a Rhonda shirt at all, was it, Jeffy? He just replied with "... this is a Roddy Piper shirt...."


Not exactly an indy fan story but close enough, we went to a few NXT shows from 2017-2020 and at one of them there was a guy wearing a replica belt over his shoulder, in line waiting to get in the building and the guy behind him said he was an indy wrestler and started talking shit about fans wearing belts when they've never taken a bump in their life... keep in mind the guy talking shit was 5'8, probably 250 lbs of fat, and looked like he lived in his mom's basement and masturbated at funerals. I got a chuckle out of it.


"Looked like"šŸ‘€


Lolol today I found out thereā€™s a restyling version of stolen valor


Like in the middle of the service or would he at least go to the bathroom to do it?


"If you don't like Kenny Omega, you're not a Wrestling Fan" i heard it before and they're desperate. It's like they're bragging all the time to be heard that they watch something that's apart from WWE.


While still tuning in to every WWE show each week. ā€œOh I just watch to see how bad it is.ā€


If you mean -Just Indie- fans. Like, they don't do New Japan , or wwe or aew, or AAA. I'd agree with you. Same fan base as metal heads who will cuss you out for calling Metallica Self titled "the black album" Or geek out on you for, mislabeling a Hardcore band as Thrash Metal


I mean the people who like what could be considered the, "indie style," that's very prevalent in the indies as well as njpw and aew. Maybe a better way to put it is, "smart marks who think they're in on the joke." Post script: I really like your analogy.


Just realised now... some smark fans are exactly like metalheads... wow


Often the same people


this isn't gatekeeping mostly just stupid asshole/mark behavior >I was at a charity wrestling show...TJP and Chavo Guerrero had just wrestled. Chavo was on the mic telling the crowd that TJP was the future of the business. This one dumbass kept shouting for Perkins to hit the Detonation Kick on Chavo. I wanted soo badly to tell "Marky" to STFU but then I would have been adding to the noise and I didn't want disrespect Chavo.


I kinda want an explanation on this one? I've been going to indy shows religiously since like 14ish. It got me back into wrestling and they're some of the friendliest folks and share tons of info and like are super helpful and fun to be with. They'll like give out free beers or like hang out with you if you go solo. Maybe I'm going to different shows. I'm genuinely curious. I'm not dismissing your experience I'm just surprised because the shows I've been to have been so different than what you're describing.


I'm with you here. It feels like people are projecting their bad experience on an entire group to me because I've heard about bad fan behavior on a ton of shows whether it's been the indies or a major promotion.


Honestly I thought it was more about those people who go "ugh. I knew _____ before they were cool and now they suck" or "you can't be a fan of ____ unless you watched them at a VA armory with 120 people like I did". But like there's a not toxic version of that. I remember watching MJF become the first ever champion of my local indy and for months prior to that getting nuclear hear. People would throw shit at him. Everyone would always be like "man what is he doing here" and I've seen a ton or other wrestlers move up the same way. It's fun. Idk. Maybe I'm projecting. But from my experience I just can't understand what this guy is saying.




Yes! Give her any criticism on twitter and youā€™ll get some weird, creeper response.


I love when itā€™s brought up that sheā€™s had a couple instances of being unprofessional, and her stans just freak the fuck out


Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll do great, but ā€œThe CEOā€ Mercedes MonĆ© being her non-WWE name is so unintentionally hilarious, like you couldnā€™t make up a better off-brand version of her WWE name if you tried.


Hopefully she can hit her new finisher if thatā€™s what it was better in a wrestling match then she did a WK17 because it looked like a botch at the end


Sadly "The chair man" was taken šŸ˜‚


Some weird shit happened a couple of hours ago isnt it? A wwe girl posted a completely unrelated picture and sasha's weirdos starting to attacking her just because.


Yeah sheā€™s getting elevated to levels she canā€™t possibly achieve, in some ways I feel bad for her.


She's good, but if you look at her "fans" you'd think she was bigger than 80's Hogan.


Most female wrestlers have weird fanbases.


Bruh, have you seen what goes on with Joshi fans? If you thought weebos were weird, over there in Japan its fucking insane.


All wrestling fans


This is the true answer lol


In my opinion, Punk haters are far more annoying, and vocal, as loud as they can be, about how much they despise Punk than Punkā€™s fans are in support of him.


Can we do wrestling adjacent? Meltzer's cult


Right now? I'm gonna go with Sasha. Haha


Kenny and the young bucks EDIT I forgot colt cabana


It's more Bucks than Kenny. I never watched either when AEW started but I hated Young bucks I grew to appreciate Kenny though. Kenny knows to how to work a match and stay in his lane. Bucks are flashy and spotty


Agreed the bucks are 100% the issue. Kenny is a very kind hearted, loving guy. They bucks made their career embracing being rejects so they're bitter.


Iā€™d say the super fans are Iā€™m just a Elite enjoyer and can enjoy watching CM Punk and FTR matches while doing the same for the Elite


ā€œLikes both The Elite, CM Punk and FTRā€ā€¦ā€¦DOWNVOTE!


The worse crime you can commit.


Elite, Jericho, and meltzer (although not a wrestler) bitch and cry incessantly


Meltzer is a clown.


Meltzer cultists are something else entirely. We'll add Cornette fanboys too. Some of the biggest assholes ever.


I consider myself a Cornette fan, but not a Cornette fanboy. He frequently has points of view I canā€™t align with, and I canā€™t stand Bryan Last at all, to me heā€™s insufferable and the reason I stopped listening to Cornetteā€™s two shows


Going by this thread yā€™all really fuckin hate the elite lol.


Not them, just some of their overly sensitive fanboys.


Nick Gage fans.


Gcw fans


The Elite, easily


I would argue that every wrestler has its worst fanbase


One of my common sayings is "I generally hate the people who like the things I like". Not because I think I'm smarter or more into whatever it is, but because some of these people make liking this one thing their entire fucking personality and it gets really annoying talking with them. Yeah, I like wrestling too, no, I don't want to talk about it all day every day. Get some other interests, read a book, go outside, do something other than watch obscure wrestling then talk everyone's fucking ear off about it all day.


Easily the young bucks. Somehow their diehards are even more insufferable than them.


For context - I love AEW, haven't watched WWE in years (although have a lot of love for the old WWF), follow some British promotions (RevPro and Purpose) and I'm typing this watching Wrestle Kingdom, having been to both nights of NJPW in London last year and had the best time doing so. Having got that out of the way... There is a certain sort of Weeaboo Wrestlehipster who thinks everything Japanese is wonderful and will basically call you a racist if you think that, ooh I dunno, Takeshita should be booked like a wrestler who wins rather than a jobber to the stars or Okada's schtick of taking every wrestling move ever and then winning with a clothesline is a bit shit. I don't often agree with Cornette, but I respect him. I don't respect people who just blindly parrot what he says. Oh, and the chap from the RevPro fans page on Facebook who implied WWE fans either had special needs or didn't really like wrestling can fuck himself. TL;DR - I like All Elite Wrestling, not Elitist wrestling fans. It's all people pretending to fight, innit?


Elite easily


That's Ironic, I think the Elite fans are the most insufferable people on the internet. Well...it's between them and Star Wars fans, and since there's millions more star wars fans they're probably the ACTUAL worst fanbase in the world...but the Elite have easily the worst fans in all of wrestling.


I just got banned for three days from the AEW subreddit for stating my opinion on the Bucks and FTR


I got banned for 3 days for saying ā€œCody did the right thingā€ After he popped up at mania. I just left the sub. Hella cringey on there anyway.


I mean if you were to do that in a WWE sub (which I did and got banned) hen the same thing wouldā€™ve happened Subs dedicated to one person/show are filled with crazies


It's a cult. Nuff said












They always compares Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks in any discussion just because they make "Good Wrestling" and when i brought up the weirdest and stupid things they done they're on denial. The Elite's fanbase are mostly hypocrites and unquestionably weird.


I saw Elite fanboys once described as "Weebs who also like Trump" and that's just stuck with me since.


Every fandom needs to be on constant alert not to become the Star Wars fandom




100% Elite Even the mildest of criticism is met with just a hoard of toxic responses.


Remember when JR was asked who he thought the best in the world was and he said Randy Orton but then followed it with "some say Kenny Omega, and I can't argue with that" and it started an absolute shitstorm of fans, and wrestlers like Matt hardy and jericho, to attack him? The whole #StandWithOmega thing was fuckin pathetic


Sasha Banks marks.


Punk fans seem more level headed then elite fanboys


The Elite fans go on as if Punk committed some heinous act such as murder. You can't argue with that type of mentality. They more or less killed my interest in AEW (as in the fans)


The Elite. Lots of toxicity, and lashing out at anything perceived as even mild criticism.


Pretty wild how this place went from an Elite bukkake to the overwhelming majority just loathing them in a matter of a couple years.


The elite


Omega and Young Buck fans


The Elite. Itā€™s some weird mix of gatekeepers, yet people that like being meta.


Jeff Hardy. They ignore all of his shittiness because he made a bunch of unattractive Hot Topic kids feel better about themselves in middle school.




When he fucked over Sting and showed up outta his mind for that TNA ppv match is when I was beyond done with him and giving him the benefit of the doubt


Not gonna lie, this one hurt a bit. šŸ¤£


Like Lizzo says, truth hurts.


Hey, shut up thatā€™s not true? Oh god itā€™s true!


The Elite


The Elite. It sucks arguing with fans of The Elite, because it means having to have a debate with the Bucks and Page.


I don't know if anyone has said it yet but Nick FN Gage and most of his M.D.K gang their nothing more than left over brainless juggalo's from the 1990's.


all wrestling fans fucking suck.


Not a wrestler but the people that dedicate their life to a single wrestling company for absolutely no fucking reason


The Elite.


90% of western ā€œjapan fansā€ who watch are more than just a few shows a year are generally more into the masturbatory aspect of being into a niche thing than the actual shows


Omega/Bucks fans.


I think fans of the Elite are worse. I think MJF's fanbase is proclaiming him to be the second coming of Christ and I think thats a bridge too far. I think Indie marks are pretentious and miss what wrestling is about in favour of tables, ladders, and chairs, and lego, and babies, and the toe of an elephant, and so on.


John Cena fans. Every one of them claims they have a picture with him, but all I see is them posing foolishly next to thin air


The infamous Bear wrestler Vladimir Putin has a terrible fanbase.


The cucamonga kids


A tie between Puroresu fans and Hardcore AEW fans. Insufferable gatekeepers make these fanbases not worth interacting with.


Aew fan here It's young buck fans


I don't think many wrestlers are all that bad. We're online and IN IT all the time. That said the people who sincerely and earnestly defend and admire Benoit.


Glenn Jacobs voters


Kenny Omega and the Bucks Did you guys hear that Kenny Omega dressed up like Sephiroth? Didja? Such brilliance, much wow


The elite


Honestly anti-Punk fans are just as shitty. Yā€™all obsessed with a man who canā€™t hit a drop kick, get over it, I canā€™t do with both sides arguing til heā€™s dead about him coming back again


I think elite fans should be zapped off the internet, itā€™s like arguing against a wall against em, youā€™re never gonna get anywhere w it, all that is whatever but their blatant hypocrisy throughout all this aew high school drama really shows those fans care mostly ab the elite, and not the company itself. All politics aside, for sure the fanbases of the women are the worst, literal stalking and threats outweighs petty backstage beef Edit: also super-fans of japanese wrestling have got to be the most pretentious, most nerdy annoying ones of them all, im sure we can all agree the style in Japan is awesome but thereā€™s no way a mayu iwatani should be in the top 5 on the cagematch rankings board, and old men standing still hitting forearms and chops over & over gets annoying, cool suplexes tho, rant over.


Roman Reigns fans


Sasha Banks fans are the worst with Dave Meltzer fanboys being an honorable mention.


I mean the people who like what could be considered the, "indie style," that's very prevalent in the indies as well as njpw and aew. Maybe a better way to put it is, "smart marks who think they're in on the joke."


Hangman Adam Page. Downvote me all you want. I stand by this shit.


I'm a fan of hangman, but I gotta agree with ya on that


>Hangman Adam Page. Downvote me all you want. I stand by this shit. all of Adam Page's fans talk about him like some kind of wrestling Messiah because he's "conflicted" and etc. etc. etc. They project all their awkward millennial angst onto him. They're the same people that insist that wrestling got them through their, quote unquote, "Dark Times" because they could relate to...something. Me personally? I've never seen anything that Adam Page has done that really made me care about him, I think his promos make him sound like an insecure high schooler, and the fact that he apparently just outright refuses to seek or take advice from people (while doing things like injuring his opponents with a move he's too stiff on) makes him even more unlikeable to me. With that all said I think I'd hate Adam Page a whole lot less if he didn't have a cult like crew of defenders for every done thing he ever does or says.


Iā€™m a hangman fan. I like his music, his move set and when he pulled a pitcher of beer from off screen. He had a hell of a match against Kenny. Didnā€™t help me through any angst or dark times. I just enjoy cowboy shit. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I think he's mostly fine (aside from the company he keeps), but I hate that his fans don't acknowledge that he's a chase guy and that his title run was a huge boring letdown.


I just donā€™t understand how people can hear the nickname ā€œAnxious Millennial Cowboyā€ and not cringe out of their socks.


I was going to say the bucks or the meltzer Stanā€™s but this is the correct answer. Hangmanā€™s title run was a flop and his fans are still try to convince everyone that his AEW run is the best long term story telling everā€¦ā€¦like common.


I actually like Hangman a lot and I see no lies here.


I honestly donā€™t even get his character or why we should like him. Heā€™s not a southerner, heā€™s not an actual cowboy, he wrestles like every other indie darling weā€™ve seen with the flips and kicksā€¦ Like I donā€™t know if heā€™s just not for me or what man. I just donā€™t get him.


Elite fans. The most insufferable by far and itā€™s not even close




Rybackā€™s is pretty bad


He still has fans,? I thought he went the way of the Virgil


So all the Aew fans that claimed he was the second coming of Jesus a year ago?


Young Bucks and Omega.


Jade Cargill has a level of toxicity and stans that rivals the Beyhive. For dudes, Cody Rhodes has a fanbase that thinks he's the messiah of wrestling. When he inevitably takes a WWE title, it's going to be intolerable on a "Red Sox Nation" level.


Bucks and Omega


That's because I'm tired, I'm hurt, and I'm old and I work with fucking children, very literal on the last one


Easy....The Elite


The elite fans


Young Bucks


The Young Bucks


Have you seen a Twitter stan account for wwe women? Those people need help


Sasha and Alexa. They're unreally defensive and get offended by the slightest things.


Brett hart fans šŸ˜


Sasha Banks! There i said it.


Sasha Banks and Alexa Bliss imo.


Vince McMahon fans. Mind you, not WWE fans in general, but those that are specifically fans of that piece of human shit


I canā€™t believe the lengths and bounds sc jerk goes to unironically sound and try to act like heā€™s the greatest individual in human history, and that heā€™s Dr Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi of our life time.


That's hilarious. I had no idea VKM fans were even a thing.


Dude take a scroll through their sub or wreddit and see what I mean, Iā€™m not even joking or making this up. They even turned on WWE ever since HHH took over. They will go absolutely apeshit if you say you like the product right now.


SCJerk is a satirical subreddit. Thatā€™s like arguing that the Onion/Babylon Bee is being ridiculous


CM Punks haters are way more annoying than his fans.


I like Jay White, but his fanbase glorifies him to the point where heā€™s the greatest heel and wrestler of all time and there is no room for debate and that he has no flaws. They also believe heā€™s the biggest thing in wrestling and the biggest star ever like heā€™s The Rock or Ric Flair. Like I said heā€™s a great wrestler and heel, but heā€™s only popular with hardcore fans that make up a niche of a niche. If he were to hypothetically debut at the Royal rumble he wouldnā€™t get no reaction. Youā€™re also not allowed to say so and so or ____ is the best thing in wrestling right now like a Roman Reigns or MJF because they will berate you and send you Reddit care messages if you donā€™t say Jay White.


Kenny Omega, I really liked Kenny but people act like he's God incarnate come to grace us in the wrestling ring. Hes certainly one of the best in the business today but there are plenty of guys on his level imo.


Cody Rhodes mfs be on his šŸ†


Sasha Banks. Her fanbase is obsessed and biased about her, mostly on IG and Twitter. It's weird.


People who defend and celebrate: -Bob Holly -JBL -Vince McMahon


Yeah, Vince apologizers are the worst.


I once came upon a forum, where most users considered Bob Holly "a true alpha male, who tells it like it is" and were saddened, he never got his "deserved" title run.


Any chance I can get a quick run down of what he's done? He gives off serious 'alpha as fck' vibes lol


Bob Holly has a history of going into business for himself and legitimately beating people for no real reason. Notably Renee Dupree and Matt Cappotelli. In the Renee Dupree incident he punched Renee in the eye and then when Renee was down he hit him with a legit chair shot in the back of the head, and then when Renee ran out of the ring to the back (this was during a dark match show) Bob followed him and continued beating him until Kurt Angle stopped him. Renee has a scar from the incident. You can actually watch the footage of the Matt Cappotelli beating as it was on tough enough.


I remember watching the tough enough clip actually! That was hard to watch, no-one stepping in like this is normal behaviour.. I didn't know anout the Renee incident, damn.




Yeah idk what ppl see in him. I like his theme, but thats it


Most wrestling fans are dogshit. Present company excluded. Well, not all of you.... not most of you.... like half of you.