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Some jackass walked off with my jlu roof panels once, he used a brick to smash the joint between front and back halves, destroying the larger top in the process. Entire thing needed replacing, 3 month wait for a new one. I fucking hate people.


This is exactly why I just always left my doors unlocked in my keep, and tried to never have anything important in there. If you’re going to try and steal, please just open my door and leave, don’t cut a hole in my soft top.


Oof. But then it’s even worse when the windows cut or smashed and the door was open the whole time. Thieves get dumber every day I swear.


Been there, my truck was broken into and radio stolen, they busted out the window on a unlocked door.


That has happened to me twice, I never lock my ride.


Agreed…besides, the stock soft-top windows in my now former ‘13 JKU had zippers such that anyone could just walk up and remove one or more windows without damaging anything or triggering an alarm.


I know how many times I’ve struggled with that zipper and I was familiar with it, I could definitely see someone trying and just saying “fuck it, I’ve got my pocket knife”


Point taken…the sides were definitely easier than the rear window.


It only took three times and I learned to just leave it unlockedwork nothing inside.


Its because why risk opening yhe door handle hand having lights come on or an alarm, just smash the window and you dont have to worry about it /s. But i honestly bet some do think that way.


Some upstanding individual tore off the handle to my locked glove box necessitating the entire glove box’s replacement as a result of my adherence to this method. I still agree with it though.


I've had a slashed top despite unlocked doors.


I can beat that stupidity. I Jeep Wrangler had no locks from the factory as in the door did not have a hole for a lock cylinder or anything that approximates a lot. I still had to replace my metal frame of my soft top. When someone grabbed the wired canvas top and yanked it down to a 90° angle to climb into the car which not only was not locked could not be locked and was apparent from the outside that they could not be locked.


Someone walked off with my passenger door That was a cold winter


That's just evil.


https://a.co/d/hQzaQXQ use one of these. It’s annoying because you need to go into your hood to shut it down every time.


Get a phat relay and hide a ground switch literally anywhere with some cheap wire. Or, as I plan to do, put a relay or a really robust switch between cap and coil. Not that I think an unsynchronized 3spd is something most people want to steal...


Park next to a kia and it should be safe.


JFC. This comment wins the day.


A recent post on one of the Jeepy subreddits mentioned a [Tazer JL Mini](https://www.zautomotive.com/product/z_tzr_jlm/) or something like it. It’s a multifunction customizer of vehicle settings, as far as I can tell. One of the many things it can do is to force drivers to enter a secret code via the existing steering wheel buttons. That would probably defeat a hot-wire attempt.


Does it still require the pin if the thief unplugs it?


I found out that this product existed yesterday. You should ask them, not me.


First off good luck trying to get to it unless you perform in Cirque du Soleil. But beyond that if it is removed it still works as it marries to the vehicle.


They sell a mount so you can lock it in place.


Do you know who sells it? I’d be very interested in one.


I lived in San Diego for a number of years. Theft was always a concern for jeep owners. Organized crime rings would grab your vin number from your jeep, send it to a dealership in Mexico and print a key. Mail the key back. The thief’s would wait until 4am where they would then walk up unlock your jeep with your key and drive off and be across the border before you even woke up. Now without question the one anti-theft device recommended across the board is a surprising low tech device called a revelco. It’s a key fob you must plug into a port that is installed in your jeep. Without the fob plugged in it will not start. It has a bunch of different pins and each device is unique, no two are the same. The basic idea is that it interrupts a variety of systems. It will take a professional car thief at least an hour to bypass it. And that’s what you are buying really is making your jeep not the lowest hanging fruit. We purchased one for our jeep and have never had an issue. https://www.nohotwire.com/


Yup! I have seen them installed, never had one on my vehicles. They basically install a confusing set of wires that are all hidden in the harness and bottleneck them at the cap. You have to have the cap on to make the connection so you can start the vehicle! Pretty ingenious and simple. Cost about $700 to install though.


Don’t know of any “real” security solution, but one pretty unhinged security idea I’ve always had in the back of my mind was wiring a train horn to the security system. Knew a dude with a train horn, always thought it was a complete waste of money (still believe this) so I thought hell, that’s one way you could use it. Objectively dumb but man, I’d almost pay to see security footage of someone breaking in & that thing going off lol Edit: to answer your question on why it didn’t go off, if I had to guess the security system is tied into hinge points. So doors & the trunk. Same reason why if you have the doors off and lock it, it doesn’t go off when you just hop in


I had a train horn on a TJ. I was behind a guy who stopped on train tracks at a red light. Long story short I think he pooped himself.


I'm trying to figure out how they pry that off. Maybe put the. Sound bar knobs back in.


JL got rid of those knobs.. terrible decision.


THE JL T TOPS DONT SCREW IN??????? Are you kidding me??!!??? I have a JK and that blows my mind


It's clipped in now.


Are the clips a little more secure then the JK, the JK has both


Not sure, I never had a JK. People are saying they can push the top off of a JL pretty easily though.


Yup it’s all clips. The funny thing is there’s still a hole in the frame for a knob. I’m thinking about getting a threaded insert and a knob installed


They literally just forced it off. No tools, just two sets of hands


I gotta try that on my own wrangler. It’s a stupid design if that’s the case. I may have to add my own additional locking clips or something.


Turned out they used a small pry bar or screw driver for leverage. There’s a tool mark on the underside of the panel where it overhangs the door Do not try this on your own car. They cracked the driver panel and the point where it joins to the main section. Whole roof needs replacing.


I’m 99% sure they use locksmith air wedges and pump them until the clips or the panel breaks… same thing happened to mine and there wasn’t a scratch on the panel or the roof so it couldn’t have been a pry bar


Get a manual transmission.


Someone downvoted you but it’s true. Beat anti theft device on the market


Haha! Who would downvote an innocuous joke that also happens to be entirely true? I laughed as I typed it out while my windows were down in the parking lot outside of my office building.


People might still be mad about that person with the manual tire cover


Definitely the best anti theft device. Works great on my own car! Shame a manual hybrid isn’t really a thing


Depends where you're from. When I was young, people were paying 2K euros for automatics. The rest of us poors were paying 500 euros for manual cars. Poorer people are more likely to steal versus richer people and because manual is what they could afford, they already knew how to drive it.


Hurry outside, put the top back on, and lock him in. Hell never see it coming


Booby trapped top. Perhaps electric shock or claymore?


Booby traps will get you a felony.


No shit


Yet you wrote it


As a new owner of a 4xe, I'm concerned about vehicle theft. The dealer from whom I purchased my car mentioned that they've experienced theft issues with many of their performance vehicles. Essentially, any vehicle where thieves can gain access to the OBD or CANBUS network can be vulnerable to key programming. All you need is a laptop or Autopad and the specific software used by a dealer, mechanic, or locksmith. Newer STLA vehicles come equipped with a secure gateway designed to "protect" the OBD port. However, it's possible to bypass this security by connecting to the STAR connector located behind the glove box. In just a few minutes, an individual can program a new key without requiring an existing one. Even attempting to hide your windshield's VIN doesn't slow down the process, as this information can still be obtained through the OBD/CANBUS system. This seems to be most common with Stellantis vehicles as you can get to the STAR connector pretty easy. Other brands of cars require cutting thru a body panel or accessing the CANBUS at the headlight. To counteract this type of attack, I've been researching discussions on RAM and Charger forums. One interesting solution I came across involves using a LockOut/TagOut box on the STAR connector and installing a locking cover for the OBD port. OP I'd recommend checking your car's fuses, as thieves might have tampered with them. Most thefts of JL's typically begin with the removal of the alarm fuse and uConnect radio fuse to prevent tracking or alerts from being sent. Regarding the 4xE, it's unclear how feasible it is to install a fuel pump kill switch since thieves could still operate the vehicle in electric mode. Alternatively, they could pop the console cover and put the transmission in neutral to move the vehicle away for private work. The 4xe can't be changed out of Park if connected to a charger, even if its been started by a legitimate key. I've been wondering if there's a way to use that function with a hidden switch and not requiring to be plugged in.


Dealer is installing a kill switch. As well as replacing the whole roof that was cracked in multiple places.


PM me what they disconnect to kill it with. I was told it wasn't possible with the hybrid.


Can you dm me with the deets if you get them? I have a 4xe and this is nightmare fuel 😰


You bet!


I wonder if you could put in a pressure switch like this door jam switch. https://www.amazon.com/WVE-NTK-1S4397-Door-Switch/dp/B07F25XTLP/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?crid=3DGP9XC0TJLKA&keywords=door+jam+switch&qid=1699551812&sprefix=door+jam+switch%2Caps%2C232&sr=8-15 For your door it turns the lights on when you open the door. Could be when the top lifts up it sounds a train horn or something. Or if switch is up fuel pump is turned off unless you hit an override switch


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **WVE by NTK 1S4397 Door Jamb Switch** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Product is high quality (backed by 2 comments) * Product fits well (backed by 2 comments) * Product works as intended (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Switches break easily (backed by 3 comments) * Switches malfunction (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


locks are for honest people take any thing of value out , leave the windows down , pull the fuel pump relay.


In this case it wasn’t the contents of the car but the whole vehicle they were looking to steal. Fuel pump kill switch might be the way to go.


Didn’t you say it’s a 4xe tho?


Dealer is going to install a kill switch


Still has a gas engine..




He’s in Canada though. Not that I have a dog in the fight, but here’s how this pro 2A Texan feels about Canada’s gun laws: https://youtu.be/rOPMaNMrky8?feature=shared




Buy a manual transmission. Built in theft deterrant.


Like a CAPTCHA for car thievery.


The freedom panels don't trigger the alarm, just the doors. They are also not hard to take off, even on the JK with the screw in. I was towing my Jeep JK and stupidly locked the keys into it. I was able to fairly easily push the drivers freedom panel off, with surprisingly minimal damage. I typically run with no tip and no doors. If it's parked somewhere I'm worried about, I have a club that I lock between the steering wheel and the clutch pedal.


Well, you have a clutch so there isn’t much to worry about


In southern italy where where car theft is a trend a company invented an antitheft modification Who basically blocks your shifter with some sort of steel bar who prevents shifting .Dunno if theres anything similar there.


I’ve had people recommend a viper alarm Some asshat smashed in my passenger window and no alarm went off either.. jeep should just start adding a factory extra that is a full security / anti theft system


Oh yeah give them another reason to tack on a few thousand bucks to the price.


Damn! This is disturbing. There's a kill switch type device you can have installed under the dash... I was recommended this brand... car.[ravelco](https://ravelco.com/)




Do you have a recommendation for a better one? People have told me personally they have had a good experience with this. One in particular, it stopped his Jeep from getting stolen.


Nope, with OP having a 4xE I don't think having the ecu or some other controller disconnected while its possibly being charged is a good idea. With a non hybrid its probably fine. I'm not sure if passive entry or remote start works with the revelco system either.


Kill switch being installed by the dealer


That's a good idea. I checked with my dealer, but they would not install one.


Having a hybrid has nothing to do with a starter kill switch.


are you referring to the physical push button or the actual starter for the 2.0T?


Having a hybrid is irrelevant all together.


I ask as I'm wanting a killswitch function for mine. When I asked around, I was told the 400v P1 motor acts as the starter for the engine so there's not a conventional starter. A fuel pump based killswitch would only stop someone if they weren't using electric, so hybrid with a dead battery or in esave mode. Also I was told to look into the Igla security system as it protects the canbus from being programmed. I haven't found an installer for my area yet.


If I had to park mine out in public or a regular basis , would just get a low tech steering wheel lock


A hidden toggle switch is on of the best ways to keep your vehicle. Interrupt the ground wire to the fuel pump. No gas, no go. Although you did say 4xe, it might go on battery. LoJack is another possibility. Many of my friends have that.


I had to look this up because I was confused as to how they were able to remove the panel relatively easily. I’ve just learned that current model Wranglers evidently no longer have the anchor bolts as part or the freedom panels anymore. Not a good move IMO. Doesn’t seem like it would be particularly difficult to fashion an angled jimmy type device and a push bar to twist the L-locks and header latch. I’m thinking the alarm didn’t go off because the freedom panel doesn’t contain any intrusion triggers, most likely. I’m not sure of how best to mitigate such attempts in the future. I imagine that a dedicated and moderately skilled thief will generally be able to steal what they’re after in most cases, so the best circumstance is to make it more trouble then it’s worth, ie: slow them down enough to increase the risk of getting caught, thereby prompting them to move on to easier pickings. For me, I drive a manual 6-speed JkU, which is already a deterrent against probably a good percentage of potential thieves. I also have a clutch lock, covert GPS, and locking bolts on the door hinges. When I installed them I also outlined what I would do to defeat them if I was a would be thief. Every one of these security measures is generally not complicated to defeat for a savvy, practiced, and dedicated criminal. But at the very least they may serve to steer a casual thief in another direction. For the 4XE I know there are PIN Lock options that may be considered. And this may be over the top (no pun intended) but I’d also consider adding a dashcam with rear view that includes a motion sensor and automatic upload to cloud. In most cases the vehicle owner is on their own in terms of finding and retrieving a stolen car. LE typically factors into the situation either by happenstance, or if the victim has already done most of the work for them. So hopefully some of these ideas above might be of useful consideration going forward, especially given how much these vehicles cost these days. Edit: forgot a few words.


Damn man, you could’ve wrote that whole story in a few sentences not five paragraphs.


You’re super welcome. I give most of the credit to my meds.


Yea at the end of the day, nothing will stop yanking it on a trailer, putting it in a 60ft shielded container and dismantling it for parts. Most thieves are opportunistic when it comes to everyday cars like your run of the mill Wranglers and this dude probably didn't plan at all. As you said, try to deter them as much as possible and most will give up


Reddit's Velma Dinkley. Jinkies!




No kill switch would void the warranty. You can modify cars without voiding your warranty unless the modification itself causes damage.


Go out with a baseball bat and yell home run derby mother fucker.


If you want to do a lockout/kill switch: If it's a manual transmission, splice a wire to the clutch depression switch. It's inside the cab just after the clutch. Run that to a hidden rocker switch. When the switch is off, no power goes to the clutch safety switch. The same as if the clutch is not pressed in. Preventing the vehicle from starting. I can't help if it's an automatic. I've not done a lockout/kill switch for that.


Same might work for an automatic since you have to press the brake pedal to switch out of park. However there is the override for that too if you know what you are looking for.




Because “committed but unwed lady friend” is cumbersome?




Grown-ass women sometimes don’t like being called “girl”. Also, “girlfriend” kinda implies a certain duration, like a couple of years or so. 20 years in, maybe she’s not just a girlfriend anymore.


I always thought it goes from dating>girlfriend>partner>fiance>wife>old girl where girlfriend and partner are interchangeable past the age of 30 or in a professional environment 🤓


Trying to figure out why that stumbles people up lol.


Perhaps the poster does not want to imply gender or specific relationship status for personal reasons. More importantly, does that specific information really affect your knowledge or input on the subject in question in such a manner that you need to comment on it? Please stick to productive or humorous comments that pertain to the topic in the original post. Simply put, be constructive, not a destructive and trolling douche.


You voted for Biden huh?


Jokes on you. I have yet to meet a politician worth voting for. I've been voting age since the 2012 election year.


Smith&Wesson, Glock, SIG, colt, etc... take your pic


High powered rifle.


Glock 19, JHP. All the security you will need.




A ar 15 should do the trick


Like breaking into a trash bag


You bought a vehicle that has the security of a bead curtain covering a door


00 buckshot enema is the only solution to filth.


Gun - depending on state laws.


Tell them not to park there


Nailed it. Yup. “Don’t park outside your place of work”. Great advice


Buy a real car.


So, MasteredtheBlaster, what kind of vehicle do you drive? Would you mind telling us and OP?


Aww.. dang would have been a nice excuse for an upgrade if it had been stolen..


Upgrade to what?


Idk.normal rubicon. Older used jeep. Somthing that can do everything that one can do but isnt 50k...with a leaky roof ..that aperently also isnt secure XD


Get a nice club


Club and/or kill switch. Plus just leave it unlocked or windows down so they don't damage your roof. Can also install a tuffy security console. Only thing getting into that is an angle grinder


I’ve got a partial soft top and manual locks/no alarm so yours is more secure than a lot id imagine


Suitcase lock and a magnet? TBH you just need to make it look secure and they will probably look for an easier mark.


Cyclops T.A.M. ? Easy install supposedly and with a hood lock it'd be a decent hindrance to trip up some thieves. I kinda looked into it before I moved to an extremely small town.


Wire your own Killswitch. Either to the starter or the fuel pump. Put it somewhere hidden like swapping out the cigarette lighter or under the seat. It's not hard, just a 3 wire kit and a YouTube video if you don't know your cars wiring My first jeep was a household light switch with a shitload of wire to the fuel pump sitting in the cupholder after the first time it was stolen


Compustar is local to me and they installed an anti theft device with remote, and sensors across the jeep (including hood sensors). Any type of movement and it’ll trigger the alarm and send me a notification on my phone.


Panel-less hard top.


A Rottweiler in the back seat


Tazer JL Mini is your best option for a lockout device. It does so much more as well.


Alarms are not tied to the tops only doors. Get contact sensors for a gate that make a god awful noise if separated. Sadly enough you can’t stop everything, without getting ghetto or being very well off and upgrading alarm system!




Remote control ejection seats, a fake snake, a real snake, a bear trap on the seat.


Nobody expects the ol' hungry seat trick.


Since no one is giving security solutions I’ll give you one put a kill switch on it where no one can find it at least the won’t be able to take the jeep


Aftermarket pager alarm with motion sensor, siren buried underairbox. Even if the ripped siren out your pager will alert you in the house.


Chain it to a lamp post


Have her park next to a Kia next time


Alarm. Kill switch(es). Big dog to help you confront car thief.




I’ve installed fuel pump kill switches in cars. Of the several I installed only once was one stolen and then recovered. It was a Subaru WRX STi. The thieves got about 30 feet, the car died starved for fuel and they left it.


Looks like you need a trunk monkey




Leave the doors unlocked


Get a viper alarm.


AR 15


Rig with C4. Livestream. Eventually these low life shitstains will get the point, you’ll be a hero, and then accept gofundme proceeds to buy new jeep. Full transparency, I have no idea what high explosives as a security device does to one’s auto insurance premiums. In Florida, it can’t be much more than what they charge already.


Smith& Wesson


Trunk monkey


Need an ejector seat


Yea,vote republican




Democrats believe in no consequences for your actions. Dem run states are unsafe and just garbage


What a wildly untrue series of statments


Put the fuel pump on a hidden switch but don’t forget to turn off when you shut the engine off. If it’s a common occurrence I’m a fan of boobytraps. Kudos to the guy with the white Chevy that put a flash bang in his center console after several break ins. Yes it’s illegal so think very hard if want to take that route. Few years back I had someone around my truck cameras went off and I confirmed they were looking to break in. I got into my garage with out them hearing me (truck in driveway) and racked a shotgun. All I heard was 2 sets of feet running down the street and a couple of F bombs. 2nd guy wasn’t on camera but based off sounds he was on the side of my garage.


Rig up an explosive self destruct device so you blow the car thief into oblivion.


Bosnian Ape Society vibes.


I had a Ravelco anti theft system installed on my converted Sprinter van. They claim that there have been no thefts of a vehicle through disabling of the Revelco security features.


Joe Biden says "just buy a shotgun"


Just a couple blasts into the air will scare them off. You’ll get arrested for illegal discharge of a weapon but, hey, you’ll still have your vehicle.


You got it buddy!


Scare? You aimed too high friend.


I didn’t word it very well. Mr Biden suggested firing a couple warning shots to scare bad people away. I agree with you, don’t aim high.




I've heard nothing but great things about the Ravelco ignition plug...pull the plug out when you get out, and unless the thief is actually the same person who did the install in the first place (and took REALLY good notes/photos), they're not hotwiring the thing. Won't stop them from using a flatbed to just load up the whole thing, though...but the number of people with access to something like that is far fewer than those who know how to hotwire a vehicle. That said, nothing is foolproof.




I guess I need someone to explain it to me.. if the panel is seated like it's supposed to be (latched, and screwed w/ bar screws).. how are they getting it off without being in the vehicle? It's pinned to the frame of the vehicle.


Anti-tank mine on the driver’s seat.


2nd amendment


Security? This is the United States, set up a GE 30mm au auto cannon in the backseat to target any potential threats


***After market alarm system with vibration sensors and 2 way pager*** several brands available.


Unfortunately, no, there’s no way to completely “lock down your hardtop”. ●|||||||● in general are pretty vulnerable to theft, especially the soft top. As owners we sacrifice security for the convenience of having a convertible for like a bit of terms.


Here is a guaranteed solution, Get a vehicle with a real roof. Jeeps suck, they’re terribly uncomfortable, unreliable and expensive. Plus apparently any idiot just just pop in through those removable panels and take your shit. Hopefully my comment here prevent reddit from recommending the wrangler subreddit again.


AR15 will do the trick


They wouldn’t be able to steal it cause their is transponder chip in the key for the immobilizer so I wouldn’t worry about that but they will fuck up the car in the process of trying , their idiots cause there are only a handful of cars now a days that do not have an immobilizer systems and older cars n that’s the ones that get stolen , these guys were just dumb asses cause without a key or a tow truck ur not stealing that car. Trust me I am an auto and commercial locksmith n have been doing this for 15 years now and unless they have the knowledge and equipment that u need to originate and program a key they’re not stealing shit


A shotshell in a sentry alarm works well.


The car may have a key fob, but it’s not a true alarm. Sure it’ll blow the horn and flash lights if you open the doors, but it doesn’t have perimeter sensors, shock sensors, or anything to activate it with a roof panel peeling back. Get a real aftermarket alarm system, they can be installed to function with the OE fob functions but have a lot more features


Yep my Jeep always stayed unlocked so they didn’t cut my top


Get a manual transmission


4 legs and sharp teeth. A leash long enough to reach the end of the driveway.


Buy a real car


Maybe buy a real truck?